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Around concern over his efforts to get ukraine to investigate his political rival in sport jos a marine who has been named the new manager of the English Premier League side tottenham the former majesty an arcade boss appointed 12 hours after the club sacked moret to report to tina. China has summoned a u. S. Diplomat after the Senate Passed a bill to support human rights in hong kong it comes after months of protests if the legislation becomes law top officials from the territory could be sanctioned by the u. S. In future in hong kong a standoff between police and protesters on the campus shows no sign of ending of his era sara clock reports. In a city rocked by violence and months of protests everyday life is carrying on. Primary and secondary schools have resumed classes after being closed for more than a week. Some major roads have also reopened but traffic is still congested and some raw lines remain blocked at Polytechnic University in Central California up to 100 protesters are refusing to leave riot police have surrounded the campus ready to mike arrests if any demonstrators try to skype. Fossil flaw. In the process. For all of us. All along. On tuesday around 800. 00 surrounded 300. 00 around the idea of 18 and cant be charged with writing others managed to escape the campus and avoid a wrist some protesters have attempted to flee over the last few hours through the universitys drainage system but they were arrested other attempts were made to a skype of a not but those students were met by police and retreated back inside the campus of the United States senate has backed the prodemocracy protests movement in hong kong and a unanimous vote senate has passed the hong kong human rights and democracy act which threatens to invoke tried sections on the city if the u. S. Considers human rights have been violated we in the United States stand in solidarity with the democratic protesters who have every right to assemble and petition their government for the rights of citizens of hong kong the bill will now go to the house of representatives the Hong Kong Government has rejected the bill demanding the u. S. Stop interfering in the citys internal affairs these rights are being protected by the basic law of hong kong article 4 basic law protect human rights and we have seen that with all these rights including rights given to anybody working in hong kong reporting in hong kong so these are all self interest to do so i dont see that and the. Reason for changing that and does that explain. Why you know stayman we strongly sort of object to any attempt by any country try to sort of introns hong kongs own interest district elections will be held in hong kong this weekend the government has not ruled out postponing that if theres more violence sarah clock aljazeera hong kong. Lets go live now to hong kong out zeros way to hades there when whats happening. During its pretty calm scene here outside the Polytechnic University certainly in stark contrast to what we saw unfold over the weekend with hundreds of protesters barricading themselves inside the grounds of the University Behind me and engaging in those long running battles with the police who completely surrounded this sprawling campus the police certainly still here in large numbers it is still cordoned off many roads in the area are still closed and inside there are still some protest as yes as we just heard most of them have gone running away from the scene managing to escape many being arrested some coming out and surrendering peacefully to the police a short time ago within the last couple of hours we had the president of this university go back inside to visit with the remaining protest is trying to negotiate with them to urge them to come out and surrender to the police he was unsuccessful he said there are around a 100 still in there one of the concerns they have he said is that they simply dont trust the police they are worried about what might happen to them when theyre in Police Custody in terms of being beaten or being tortured so he said that he offered to provide some guidance to escort those protest is all the way to the Police Station to try to ensure that that doesnt happen and he was successful and around 100 remain inside the campus behind me a week tomorrow way in the Hong Kong Open Golf Tournament was due to get under way thats now not going to happen. Yes its was due to start on the 28th of november a very prestigious event on the hong kong sporting Events Calendar an event that is organized in part by the european to one of the law just sporting organizations 2 is in the world that has now been postponed that statement coming out a short time ago from the organizers of the hong kong gulf open as a direct result they said all of the on the race that is being taking place for months in hong kong and it is just adrian the latest in a long line of sporting events cultural events that have been canceled or postponed since this on wrist stops it back in june and it will be having a big impact on the economy which is already taking a battering in terms of visitor numbers being down by around 50 percent Hong Kongs International Airport says that at this time of year flight arrivals and down by around 14 percent so it is having a huge impact on the economy of the city the Tourism Sector directly employs almost 300000 people indirectly a lot more so this latest postponement all the major events for hong kong will certainly contribute to those concerns about the economy i was there as when a reporting live from hong kong many thanks were breaking some of chinas ambassador of the allegations that an employee at its consulate in hong kong was tortured simon chang says the Chinese Secret Police beat him deprive him of sleep and chained him up he says they were trying to get information about activists leading the protests in hong kong he was detained for 15 days during a trip to the mainland in August Andrew thomas reports now from beijing. In the Daily Briefing at the Foreign Ministry here in beijing a Spokes Person denied asylum in chains accusations of torture it said that while he was detained in august all his legal rights were guaranteed and it referred to a statement put out by the shans in place back in august when he was detained which essentially said that he was detained for soliciting a prostitute nothing to do with any activity he was or wasnt involved with in hong kong and the Spokes Person at the Foreign Ministry also said that the Chinese Ambassador in london will not be going and seeing britains foreign minister theyll be refusing that invitation if thats the right word at the same time earlier in the day the Foreign Ministry putting out a very strong statement condemning the u. S. Senate for passing this act condemning whats going on in hong kong in beijing saying that this act by the u. S. Senates neglects facts and truth applies double standards and blatantly interferes in Hong Kong Affairs and chinas other internal affairs it goes on to say that the issue hong kong faces is not about human rights or democracy but about stopping violence and chaos and it says that the us senate has what it calls a hidden political agenda and passing this act paints criminal removes as the pursuit of human rights and democracy when the truth is a violent criminal rampantly smashing facilities again this statement aims with a not so veiled threats that china will have to take strong countermeasures to defend our National Sovereignty security and Development Issues if the us insists on making the wrong decision no indication of what those countermeasures might be but the clearest signal possible really both in this statement by the Foreign Ministry and in what theyve said in response to simon chains accusations that these are all internal affairs within hong kong and china more broadly but nothing to do with foreigners. More on those accusations by china of u. S. Interference davids week is managing director of Transnational China Consulting he joins us now live via skype from Hong Kong David good to have you with us is the u. S. Interfering. Whoa our good question to a certain extent sure they are this is internal to China Hong Kong is part of china. You know that china in made comments about the United States domestic politics. Americans would not be pleased on the other hand you know this isnt an International Event it has Global Impact the United States feels that it has the responsibility to speak out on issues of. Human rights and this is about you know this cuts 2 ways in some ways you know china looks at this and i know i emphasize that china looks at this and they really want to try and quell this rebelling its you know that living here its been very difficult the lives of for especially for the last say we could have and china really sees this that they want to try and calm this down and sees this as a kind of throwing oil on fire and just making a bigger flame ok what about the threat of of of counting those ships by chinas difficulty with the ongoing trade war what countermeasures china could could could bring to bear against the u. S. Well i came up with something if i were the chinese i would tell my Tourist Agency to stop Chinese Tourists from going to disneyland. Because thats marco rubios state so just keep them out of florida now i mean that would be one strategy to something which sure is im you know a lot of that would be the but the only thing i can think of theres really not much i think to see gypping does not want to get this involved. You know with the trade he wants to resolve the trade deal on the other hand i dont see President Trump you know President Trump is really much more concerned about the trade deal so i really even even though theres all kinds of screaming and yelling its not just that theres not much that the. Can do instead thing its even more that theres not much then either sides leadership really wants to do about this right now so you think itll have very little effect if any on the us china relations when it stops Hong Kong Police or chinese troops cracking down even harder not a chance you know we just got a new police chief. Not a new police chief if you know this is something as i said this is something that hong kong really feels the Hong Kong Government feels i mean i dont im not very supportive of the Hong Kong Government in terms of the way theyve handled this particularly for mrs lamb but but they really feel that this is something that they need to do they need to to to bring order to society theyve got some sense here that that wouldnt be a bad thing from the population of the protesters still have a significant level of support but i think theyre going to be damned if they law allow the United States to dictate to them how to resolve this so theres this crisis here in the city and if they decide you know if they can get in for example your audience knows that theyve now surrounded the poly universe of the of a little while ago it looked like that could have been a really big pitched battle and if the winds up being a pitch but you know if the if the police cant get in and then have to eventually call in the Peoples Armed police i just think theyre not going to care what the United States government says and and sanctions against individuals out you know i just miss it hes in in a crisis and its going to resolve this crisis and i think the math sense from the beginning when you ask me is this interference by by the United States it certainly doesnt add i dont think it helps the situation in any significant way to really get to talk to many thanks indeed. Thank you for asking my aunt mamie thanks. This is the news hour from up 0 still to come on the program. Guinea how the killing of children has been trading against the president s plans for reelection. Face to face in that 1st t. V. Debate school here the latest arguments as parkins Election Campaign holds up and in sport marrow donor waves could buy to get another managers job russell will be here a little later to explain. Israel says that its fighter jets launched attacks in Syria Warplanes hit Syrian Army Targets at irans quds force in the early hours of wednesday morning according to the Israeli Military syria says that many of the rockets were shot down russia has described israels actions as a wrong move on tuesday israel intercepted 4 rockets launched towards the occupied Golan Heights from syria where the moment will get more in russias reaction from our correspondent in moscow but 1st lets speak to observers and a whole is monitoring developments in beirut to tell us more about what happened overnight. Well adrian it was a wide scale and extensive attack multiple targets multiple locations in and around damascus you mentioned the syrian state media what theyre saying is that they thwarted the attack and that their air defenses shot down a number of missiles but according to the Israeli Military they targeted warehouses arms depots positions belonging to both the iranian could this force which is an arm of the revolutionary guard as well as the Syrian Military now israel has targeted iranian and iranian allied groups in syria for years now but it is quite aware when they target the Syrian Military positions so clearly this is a message to the Syrian Government we hold you responsible because israel is calling this an act of retaliation they are saying. That theyre retaliating to an attack on choose day where they blame the iranians for this force for firing 4 rockets towards the Golan Heights the occupied Golan Heights so israel saying this isnt retaliation but at the same time israeli officials reiterating that they will continue to target iran and syria because they believe their presence is a National Security threat all right said many thanks indeed lets go to moscow then alexander. Is there for us xander whats been the russian response to this israeli operation. Now russia called this israeli missile strikes are wrong a Deputy Foreign minister mr grant of says that it is contrary to International Law and that the elites to escalation of tensions in the region russia said theyre going to conduct all of the sides involved to clarify the circumstances what is not known at this moment is whether israel informed russia before the strikes about what is said to happen we know that since 2015 russia has its troops in syria and russia is involved theyre both in the political and military militarily in syria at the same time iran is good and there are good relations with iran and russia also wants to be keep good relations with israel so for russia this is not an easy situation to be in for example many thanks indeed. A u. S. Military helicopter has crashed in afghanistan killing 2 crew members on board u. S. Commanders in law god province and the Afghan Government are denying taliban claims that the aircraft was shot down. The pentagon is warning that i saw is getting stronger since the u. S. Withdrawal from syria and turkeys offensive in a report it says that those developments have allowed eisel to rebuild its capabilities and resources it also warns that the death of the isolator. Daddy wont slow the resurgence and it says the group is likely to focus on freeing fighters being held by kurdish led forces in syria not a hashimi is director of the center for middle east studies at the university of denver and he says that a stabilizing force is needed to fill the power vacuum in the region. The short term challenge is to try and stabilize this area it was previously stabilized by american troop presence in alliance with Kurdish Forces so now that that arrangement has been. Changed i think thats the immediate i think the pressing challenge is to find some alternative security arrangement that prevents this area from further destabilizing allowing isis to you know insert itself and to reorganize but of course the longer term challenges still remain in these have to do with you know that the social economic and political conditions that produced isis to begin with to have to do with you know authoritarian regimes unemployed young people the lack of hope and also the ideological challenge that isis still poses as a as a movement that can still attract disgruntled young muslim men from around the world so i think those are the you know those are the 2. Immediate imperatives that i think need to be dealt with the deadline for the main rival to israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to form a government expires in less than 12 hours benny gantz is negotiating with other policies his meeting with netanyahu a last ditch attempt to form a unity government has made no progress last month netanyahu also failed to form a government if guns columns do it israel could face a 3rd election and less than a year hoffman is chief Political Correspondent for the Jerusalem Post he joins us now live from the knesset in west jerusalem good i was reading your piece in the Jerusalem Post this morning you wrote that there are 4 possible outcomes here can you take us through them. Well one outcome is we could still have a unity government there still 3 weeks more ordinance you know and many against to settle their differences thats what the majority of people want there is a possibility that today by that that line of midnight if the big early remain the former foreign minister and defense minister and real king makers. I decided Minority Coalition involving the support of arab descent numbers is whats best i would oust and its in you know that can happen today its also possible well the movement will decide to go with his ideology and not allow a right wing government under it to now without gets to before and if all of that fails after another 22. 00 days of internal bickering we could go to the election in march our 3rd election under a year which is what no one wants or id kill the runes for us which do you think is more likely. Like ive been saying all along that were not going to go to an election i dont think the people of israel will tolerate that its sick and tired of politics we dont want to be like england we dont want to be like the United States with their hybrid polarization. We need to be getting back to business theres enough security challenges and also an attempt to make the jump administrations is going to be leading into the focus really needs to be on that from now on if we end up with a Minority Coalition would not be a recipe for chaos. Look theres a minority government to a lot of countries around the world right now including canada and in the sea too much chaos in canada and what there would be you would be no more and its in you know it would be an attempt to get on with him after 10 years in showers the longest serving Prime Minister that weve got it israel theres enough and of an alliance around that. They would be able to govern quite happily and if theres a right Wing Coalition would netanyahu be able to want to remain Prime Minister with all thats hanging over his head right now. Look theres going to be a decision by the attorney general on his 3 cases next week and though that will go a long way toward deciding how long its you know will be able to continue to govern and the one thing thats pretty ironic about a right to publish this is the Peace Process can move forward but you know its very close with donald trump. That plan will be revealed very soon and that is where the focus would end up being with netanyahu still in power ironically he could still allow there to be a Peace Process. That could change things in the middle east completely really gets to go off on that chief Political Correspondent for the Jerusalem Post. A senior u. S. Diplomat whos emerged as an important witness in the impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump is to testify in public for the 1st time Gordon Sunland is the u. S. Ambassador to the European Union he revised his initial closed door testimony to say that he believed trump pabst linked restarting military aid to ukraine to the country investigating the buy things on tuesday the white house attacked its own ukraine experts as he testified to serious alan fischer reports. This could be a pivotal week in the donald trump impeachment hearings many of those show jewel to give evidence but on the controversial july call with the ukrainian president that kills a key claim the hearings are based on 2nd hand reports giving evidence of tenet colonel alexander vigilant a career army officer and the ukraine expert on the National Security council he was concerned by the call by President Trump pushing for an investigation into Democrat Joe Biden and his son immediately took those concerns to a white house lawyer is improper for the president of the United States to demand a Foreign Government investigate a u. S. Citizen and a political opponent. A decorated veteran of the war in iraq vidlin has seen his actions in testifying under attack from president from supporters who question his loyalty this is america is the country ive served and defended that all of my brothers have served and here right matters. Thank you sir gilbert. Illy one of Vice President might pences aides Jennifer Williams also appeared before the committee saying she had the call and considered it political in nature republicans are insisting the president did nothing wrong and was fully entitled to demand an investigation into biden and his sons business dealings in ukraine as millions of americans are watching throughout the hysteria and frenzied Media Coverage 2 key facts have not changed that are critical to these impeachment proceedings one ukraine in fact received the aid and 2 there was no investigation into the guidance then we had an appearance from kut volcker the former special representative to ukraine hes a witness called by republicans but he dismantled a key republican talking point that joe biden did something wrong as i previously testified i have known Vice President biden for 24 years is an honorable man and i hold him in the highest regard former National Security official Timothy Morrison admitted the ukrainians were told the u. S. Wanted something from ukraine to unfreeze the that had been allocated an actual quid pro quo that the ukrainians would have to have the prosecutor general. Make a statement or with respect to the investigations as a condition of having the ablest as democrats try to build a compelling case the republican leader of the senate where the definitive vote on action will be held says he doesnt see donald trump being removed from office its inconceivable to me to be 67 votes to remove the president from office President Trump whose describes some of those giving evidence as never trampers in the past actually acknowledged he doesnt know most of them but i dont know i never heard of him i dont know any of these people other than i have seen. A couple of their ambassadors the white house is continuing to mounted stiff. Issuing a statement from the National Security adviser to Vice President mike pence he says he was on the call to the ukrainian president and despite evidence from others on tuesday he insists president did nothing wrong alan fischer. Ukraine says its ready to accept a reasonable compromise on settling the conflict in the east of the country more than 13000 people have been killed in the 5 year conflict between russian backed separatists and Ukrainian Government forces leaders from Ukraine Russia germany and france are expected to discuss the issue at a summit next month it trains foreign minister says that hell go to the meeting with open ideas and an open mind next up here on the news ill get a Weather Forecast with Kevin Corriveau still to come on the program. In baghdad paying the price of the political protests plus. Im florence italy on young eastern china where harry crabs. And expensive imitations in the market that story coming up. And in sport well hear from a wild. Heavyweight title defense in las vegas. We have plenty of weather to talk about here across much of the middle east if you take a look at the satellite image a lot of clouds over parts of iran now we have been dealing with snow this past weekend in iran and it is now lingering with the cold air pushing through as well we have an air of low pressure thats pushing through right here and with a front down across the gulf well talk about that just one moment but out ahead of the system we are seeing a lot of rain as well as snow pushing through parts of afghanistan and into the Higher Elevations we could expect to see probably 50 centimeters of snow at the max across much of this area youll see about 20. 00 to 24. 00 centimeters of snow especially during those overnight hours when the temperatures drop down across much of the area as we go towards friday well things begin to clear out we still have a lot of clouds and snow pushing to the Higher Elevations but here in the gulf of course we saw a lot of active weather push through doha this frontal system as you can see those clouds making its way towards the southern end of the gulf behind it a lot of cooler air as well so what were going to be seeing today as we go through the rest of day is the front pushing through parts of abu dhabi bringing some heavy rain there and as we go towards the next couple of days well heavy rain across parts of saudi arabia as well for riyadh though it is going to be quite chilly overnight lows few down to about 5 degrees. Weather sponsored by qatar and. From the aljazeera london pool cost center t. V. Special guests in conversation when societies divide one when another title the only thing that benefits from this contract itself and from states uninterrupted is of perseverance good girls are those who dont work for him or in a shop vac meets whether hes playing catch it would like to think that theres nationalism is not as ugly as someone elses nationalists in the studio it be unscripted on aljazeera if you have to choose between your site and feeding your family what do you do and it happens because we dont keep ourselves healthy when us son could face death from a dog bites what you do every year to cut the costly injections can you afford them. Films about Inspiring Solutions to global challenges a. J. Selects on aljazeera. Its good to have you with us hello adrian for going to here in doha with the news hour for most sirup the headlines china has some of the u. S. Diplomats after the Senate Passed a bill to support human rights in hong kong following months of unrest in hong kong protesters inside a University Campus are refusing to surrender that police. Britain has summoned chinas ambassador over allegations that a concert was employee in hong kong was tortured simon chang says the Chinese Secret Police chained him up a beat him while demanding information about activists. Reading the protests in hong kong. That is ready commanders say that war planes have attacked on the targets in syria but the syrians say that many of the incoming israeli missiles were shot down russia has described the Israeli Military action as a quote wrong move. The u. K. s Ruling Conservative Party is being criticised after renaming its twitter account fact checked u. K. During last nights televised Leaders Debate ahead of the december 12th election the count began tweeting real time report a list of statements made by Opposition Leader Jeremy Corbyn and then later reverted to its original name paul brennan reports from the debate. When Prime Minister Boris Johnson came into this t. V. Debate with a double digit lead in the latest opinion polls with the possible disadvantage of being the incumbent in this race the Labor Party Leader Jeremy Corbyn came to solve it with the pressure of knowing that with less than 3 and a half weeks until polling day he needs a breakthrough soon with the 6 lots were drawn at corbin spoke 1st on Public Services to many families without a proper home struggling to make ends meet while tax cuts are handed to the super rich johnson led on bracks it whether you voted for leave or remain people want to get bricks it done and to unleash the potential of this entire country the questions ranged widely from bracks it to government austerity to personal integrity how can we trust you. Thank the times the moderator struggle to keep the debate on topic and on time this is really interested in supporting the idea that this is quite interesting and i know you want to really get into practice it is the other thing but in the moment we are talking about the n. H. S. On bricks it a labor government would really go see it a new deal with the e. U. And then put it to a 2nd u. K. Referendum johnson repeatedly demanded to know whether colvin will campaign for or against his own bracks a deal in that referendum but we dont know and ive asked this before we dont know which side mr corbin would campaign is he going to campaign for leave can remake come in from the other direction called impress the Prime Minister on the future of the National Health service and emphasise the point with a personal anecdote about a friend whod recently died of cancer the nurses that were trying to help or were unable to get anyone to see her because they were under such strain and stress and so she recorded a video say please in my memory make sure nobody else goes through this pain other Opposition Party leaders were excluded from the main debate and allocated to separate t. V. Interview pro. Graham the liberal democrats the Scottish National party the greens and the party i would revoke article 50 something the Prime Minister has the power to do and we do that on day one westminster governments can decide to import the direction of travel when a pointers and policies that we dont want upon us and therefore that really illustrates the importance of scotland disabling for our sales what kind of country we want to be here we really do need to transform our whole country in the next 10 years we know how to do it we just need to make sure weve got the well and the investment to make it happen the plan is to get some breakthrough boyces into the house of commons to hold Boris Johnson to his promises political commentators will wrangle over which leader came out on top from this debate but there are several more televised encounters still to come in this Election Campaign plenty of time for voters to make up their mind before december 12th paul brennan aljazeera london. In guinea but on the march to the monde the police stop killing children taking part in protests many youngsters have joined the revolt against plans to change the constitution which would allow the aging president to seek reelection the tour again can be reports. That banners and plaque on show the faces of boys and young men who they say were killed by police during protests against president alpha conde the mothers have one message for the president who they accuse of wanting to hold on to power for a 3rd term. And we are here to tell alpha conde to stop killing our children enough is enough he has to go we dont want to be in power forth to to continue killing our children. And they say they used force after protesters threw stones at them during violent confrontations relatives of 12 year old mammy do who shot dead last week say that use of force was disproportionate. They want to kill us they kill our children when theyre in bed when they go to school when they play we will be on the shrieked until after condi leaves office. For more than a month that thousands of people have been marching through the capital conakry week after week angry about a possible constitutional change that they say will push me into a dictatorship. In 5 we are here once again to protest against the killing of our children in the prime of their lives a little over 10 days ago we recorded nearly 8 deaths before about 11 this is an acceptable. 81 year old conde 1st came to power in 2010 it with gagnes 1st democratic election after more than 50 years of mostly military rule since its independence from france in 1958. These protest is 10 years of can days government is enough victory a gay to be aljazeera. In bolivia at least 3 people have been killed in a security operation aimed at ending a blockade on a major fuel plant by supporters of the former president every one of us the demanding the return of the leftist leader after he resigned earlier this month amid massive protests but on his was accused of rigging octobers president ial election but he and supporters say that hes the victim of a coup. In chile police say that theyll stop using birdshot pellets against protesters at least for the moment the suspension follows an admission by president sebastian and yet of that Security Forces have committed abuses hes promised to punish those who are guilty of his interest not all right below reports from santiago. On monday thousands took to the streets in sheilas capital santiago protesters commemorated one month since the unrest began nationwide but demonstrations like these are taking place almost every day across cheap. So are incidents involving police using violent tactics to disperse crowds and their lives and it would not be good at seo simplicity and the level of violence of this government without president theres almost a pandemic of people who have lost their eyes or have been left want not only that there are people who have been tortured or have disappeared its almost like a dictatorship under democracy. This ongoing crackdown by Security Forces against demonstrators has become one of the biggest sources of anger among protesters were in place i tell you i would see lower police just employ tear gas once again against peaceful demonstrators and its these tactics that people are. And reforming the countrys Security Forces is just one of the many constitutional changes that protesters are demanding. She lay in president. Has admitted to the use of Excessive Force by police. Unfortunately and despite the Firm Commitment and all the precautions we take not only the government but also our forces and police to protect the human rights of all in some cases the protocols were not respected there was excessive use of force abuses or crimes were committed. In an effort to calm the unrest Public Officials have announced that a referendum to establish a Constitutional Convention will be forthcoming. This is a historic opportunity for chileans who for the 1st time will have a chance to write their own constitution this is what the people want and they dont want Political Parties deciding what is written in essence this is nothing more and nothing less and the creation of a new chilean republic. Measures by the government to change the president s cabinet and hold a constitutional referendum have done little to calm dissent. Near the front lines of mondays protests the scene was chaotic protesters armed with slingshots and rocks were met with tear gas and rubber bullets several people were injured amidst the chaos i was the most part the protests marking 4 weeks of unrest were mostly a celebration although the consensus among chileans is that theres still a long way to go. The organization of american states says the political instability and human rights abuses a damaging democracy in nicaragua hundreds of people have been killed jailed or forced into exile since protests against president Daniel Ortega began in april last year opponents wanted to step down and allow elections weeks of antigovernment protests in iraq. The damaging trade some shop owners are struggling to stay in business due to row blocks port closures and internet interruptions while many say theyre sympathetic to protesters to months they also want a return to stability some of the fault and as a story from baghdad. As protesters digging their heels in downtown baghdad nearby businesses face a struggle of their own traders near Tahrir Square have found themselves on the front lines between Security Forces and demonstrators this Hardware Store and another were burned down in recent unrest staff are still sorting through charred merchandise because the antiriot forces were on top of the buildings they targeted them the 2 shops that belong to us this one and that one would burned we were able to extinguish the fire as you can see it all turns to ash. Surveillance video from adjacent buildings shows protesters throwing petrol bombs the shop is insured but it will take time to rebuild in the meantime shop employees worry about how theyll support their families and then of course. We had daily labor is this is a livelihood if i work 2 or 3 days at a fixed man. Its not just the businesses around Tahrir Square that are feeling the pinch port and road closures in southern iraq have stifled trade analysts fear the uncertainty stemming from the protests could have long term adverse effects on the economy. Political stability is an essential part of the Investment Climate i believe that these problems will lead businesses to think practically and to transfer their investment to other countries the partial internet shutdown has head but it does budding Online Business community. Is iraqs main Online Food Delivery company but revenues have dropped more than half since the recent protests began. To tell about an obligation depends greatly on the internet if the situation continues like this we dont think we can continue for the next 2 or 3 months i dont believe will be able to cover the salaries. The lack of jobs is what started the protests in the 1st place but now the economy appears even worse off demonstrators say that whatever the cost of the unrest its nothing compared to what has been lost at the corruption and a small price to pay in the interest of bringing about larger change the monopole teen aljazeera. Bahraini dissidents has made a formal complaint to police in britain he says that staff of bahrains embassy tried to murder him by pushing him off the roof of the building lawrence lee reports from. If the bahraini authorities harbored any hope that mussa mohammeds campaign against them was over then they were wrong because here he was at a Police Station in Central London entering the formal complaint that staff working at their embassy in london had tried to murder him it was in late july the mohammed climbed up to the top of the embassy roof to protest against the imminent executions of 2 Anti Government activists in the gulf states. Footage from the ground shows him apparently being beaten with sticks on the edge of the roof he claims the diplomatic staff tried to push him off the roof and then out of view began the process of trying to kill him inside the embassy mohammed says at the point when the Police Forced entry to the embassy to calm the situation they saw him on the ground being assaulted. To help. And then i so i saw the police the cam on that awful blame and mysie and the 111. Of the. Officers came to me and said to me more say you are not you are you are safe now we are with you here all this footage is now in the hands of the police so to presumably the testimonies of the officers who my hermit says saved his life his legal team say the meeting with the police went well and that they are determined to investigate it but they also know full well that Embassy Staff have diplomatic immunity which means they can be prosecuted and anyway if they disappeared off to bahrain that we almost no chance of getting them back the other thing they dont know is whether any one of the Foreign Office in london has asked the bahrain is what they were doing some had on the night in question i believe the British Government at this is stage should be summoning they were there and the question him about this this incident. Which is supposed to be the response of. Person on what happened on that night i dont recall any serious questions of from the Foreign Office we expect them to take them very serious for the police the whole thing is something of a diplomatic minefield having offended the bahrain is by knocking down the door of the embassy theyre now being asked to call for the prosecution of diplomatic staff on charges of attempted murder the whole thing is as much political as it is criminal largely al jazeera lunde. The largest association of doctor in the u. S. Has called for a ban on Electronic Cigarette devices the American Medical Association is worried about the rise in lung illness linked to more than 40 deaths its also concerned about the shop increase in the number of people vaporing of wants only devices approved by the u. S. Food and Drug Administration to be sold just ahead. For reaction to. Making it a return to in the. Again for a few months each year a lake in china bustles with activity during the season to catch hairy crabs but the chinese delicacies are so popular theyve spawned counterfeits out of there as far as louis travelled in eastern china to find out more. Keenly anchoring has been working the waters of young town lake for more than 20 years hes one of thousands of crowd thomas here autumn is harvest season for chinese mitten crabs also known as hairy crabs a delicacy prized puts picture growth so the humor i sleep on my houseboat every day and i have to keep our eye on the crops or so they dont escape also how to look out for thieves. Hairy crabs are also reared in surrounding lakes but it is farms from youngstown lake that are believed to produce the best ones to preserve the quality of the water the local government has limited the number of farms allowed on the lake. It has created a whole business channel restaurants logistics and tourism every year always more tourists coming. To enjoy the crops which are of the highest quality the crabs are sold all over china and exported overseas last year the output from this area was a 1600 tons but what was marketed and sold as harry crabs from young chang amounted to 20000. 00 tons thats a lot of fake young crabs out there the Crab Association here has taken measures to protect its famed progeny theres a cure are code on each tag and once you scan it a screen comes up giving you information as a statement confirming that the scribe is from young chang lake as a serial number theres even a phone number you can call to make sure the crab youve got is the real deal connoisseurs insist they can tell the difference between crabs raised in younger lake from the rest. The quality of cabs from young child lake is much better than crops from anywhere else their shelves are also thinner. There will be in the not all of it so that i dont eat craps from anywhere else other than a young lake to meet has a sweet flavor and the role its reach or. Being eating craps for a long time i can tell the difference theyre more expensive but its worth it. As long as there are people willing to travel all the way here for genuine young gent harry crabs farmers like to wont have to worry about competition from county feeds florence lee aljazeera young gent lake eastern china time to support his royal agent sankey jones a marina has been appointed as the new had courage of English Premier League side tottenham the former Manchester United boss comes in just 12 hours after the london club sacked your part to tino wearing your has signed a 4 year deal with spurs enjoyed the team county lowering 14th in the premier league table 11 points off the Champions League spots the portuguese had been out of work since being dismissed by Manchester United in december 28th saying well in a statement to chairman daniel levy described as one of the most successful marriages in World Football and his record at his Previous Club certainly bears that out the 56 year old has won 25 senior trying phase in a career that began at benfica 19 years ago its won a turtle of 8 League Titles in a record 4 Different Countries portugal england italy and spain and marino is one of only 3 managers to have won the Champions League twice with 2 club sports are in 2004 and into 2010 well earlier i spoke to football right again and i began by asking him if he thought that this was a good appointment for thought maam. Daniel levy will tell you yes absolutely yes because i think the target of the club right now was to make sure that the value of the company that value was a quote in the eyes of the world d did not diminish so what was going straight away as it got and see the shareholders d to the owner d after the funds as well and to the media that they won still to complete another thing is what they were going to ask him to do because its this is the beginning of another perfect i know that that believe it will probably wont be able to offer him or ever let people get quite frequently with this somebody has always said that its that time and that whatever hes. Distant where hes been asked to do but in sense of right or wrong the point that i saw that in that was just the perfect man to replace somebody like that you know just a merino i dont think theres been a lot of thought about style all the players that they have that seat them all to a compression open to him but a lot of days but ive got the impression that rest is needed time to recharge batteries the rethink to realize what has been learned with this process and with for a year they could bring new faces and what has the length of the process of sport that was the paying and of course the message of course repeated in no way in this room forms but same faces the same votes what has been learned from it and then applied to helps we saw our game by a guy i touch on it and what next for top ones are positing a form of talking about pot to tina well while he was at spouse he was linked to several high profile jobs including round madrid Manchester United and eventis however of course not there is a currently available one big team that is looking for a permanent head carriage is by munich you coincidentally be taught them 72. 00 in the Champions League just last month. Well to defend a band davis who was playing for wales on choose gave his reaction to sacking. I didnt really know about it until after the game but it was it was a big shock. Hes been amazing to work with for the last 5 years and change him go. There get married donna has quit his courage of Argentina Team given the after just 3 months last fall out of 8 games since he joined back in september on the verge of relegation argentinas while cup winning legend played down concerns about his health earlier this month saying hed felt more alive than ever of the 6 clubs he managed only one job has lasted more than a year. Has broken yet another basketball record in the n. B. A. The l. A. Lakers star became the 1st play in history to record a triple double against every team in the league thats all 30 franchises le bron completed a set against the city thunder with 25 points 11 rebounds and 10 assists is like has winning this by 5 points. So the Golden State Warriors ended their 7 game losing streak beating the Memphis Grizzlies ramon green had an eventful game these were just 2 of his assists he had 11 altogether plus 10 rebounds and points just short of a triple double but then he fell all quickly uninjured is out by wasnt too serious though which is good news for the warriors who already have several players out injured including steph curry i won this one easily knowing. Hi spain have made a winning start to their davis cup campaign in madrid they were trailing in their tirade against russia bots well number one rafael nadal level things up by beating karen catching up in straight sets and then in the deciding doubles growers and flip the honor lopez wrapped up the tide if it is close to to any local time spain are back in action later on wednesday against the defending champions are way. More live negative thing in my personal opinion is we are just as i think the last match and the squad to the one and that makes. A big trouble for us for the players. And the same time for the for the people who are coming to the stadium too because tomorrow hes working day australia have a new rugby Union Courage and hes from new Zealand Dave Rennie replaces michael checa lead them to the 2023 world cup in france ronny coached new zealands under 20 side to 3 straight worlds hard soles and one back to back super Rugby Championship so the white cats are chiefs will officially start in july once hes finished with the glasgow warriors in scotland Rugby Australia boss rarely in councils happy with the appointment but says they did approach current england coach and 4 wallaby boss a teacher. We had some discussions with lady behind you know the saints but also at night he was contagious and clinton he had a very tight contact with england and brought him out from our discussions and we looked really hard at the strain in options and he wasnt the one thats leaving that way i believed was available to come into this role its something that weve identified as near a that we need to spend more on time focused on to grow and develop our young coaches coming through to las vegas now where the anti while there are limits ortiz have a ride for the heavyweight rematch this there is the big w. B. C. Champion he beat cuban fighter oddities in their 1st meeting back in march 28th and that was in brooklyn now theyre fighting at the m. G. M. Grand while there has never lost in 42 fights and won 40 barnacles im a fighter that fight gostin 2030 even 4050 pounds heavier than now and you see the magic that happens every time we have lewis or tease you know hes one of the most dangerous fighters in the in the sport of boxing period you cant just go in and do anything with him and with that being said. Thats why were here to see whats going to happen youre in the. Many people get 2 opportunities at Something Like this im not going to disappoint squander this chance im going to take full advantage and win this title. Well reaction to marina has a point about saddam hotspur but for now thats always thought probably thanks to peter dubey here with the latest for you in just a few moments on our syrup thats it for the news hour see you. The british iraqi journalist whos visualizing complex statistics and a simple. I think is a summary sites of opportunities to break apart from the systems of power and to collect in a way that they so represents Different Community challenging mainstream misconceptions and hope that by creating 100 inspirations it doesnt alienate people it doesnt make people feel like im not small you must understand this truth isnt any way on aljazeera. I thought. About you. Some other day like. China accuses the us of interference after the Senate Approved a bill aimed at protecting human rights in hong kong. A welcoming piece of youre watching aljazeera live from headquarters here also coming up a possible election in israel the 3rd in a year of talks to form a Coalition Government still and. I knew that i had to report this to the White House Council and. The u. S. President to tax the testimony of a top official who said it was wrong

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