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Online soon now our commitment continues we will not stand idle while the corrupt officials make the iraqi people suffer today i am affirming that states will use our legal authorities to sanction corrupt individuals. That are stealing iraqis wealth and those killing and wounding Peaceful Protesters like the iraqi people taking to the streets that our sanctions will not discriminate between religious sect or ethnicity they will simply target those who do wrong to the iraqi people no matter who they are turning now to israel. The Trump Administration is reversing the Obama Administrations approach towards israeli settlements u. S. Public statements unsettling that timothys in the west bank have been inconsistent over decades in 1998 the Carter Administration categorically concluded that israels establishment of civilian settlements was inconsistent with International Law. However in 1901 president reagan disagree with that conclusion and stated that he didnt believe that the settlements were inherently illegal subsequent administrations recognized that unrestrained settlement activity could be an obstacle to peace but they wisely imprudently recognize that while in a legal position it didnt advance peace however in december 2016 at the very end of the Previous Administration secretary kerry changed decades of this careful bipartisan approach by publicly reaffirming the supposed illegal illegality of settlements. After carefully studying all sides of the legal debate this administration agrees with president reagan the establishment of israeli civilian settlements in the west bank is not per se inconsistent with International Law i want to emphasize several important considerations 1st that we recognize that as israeli courts have the legal conclusions related individual status and settlements must depend on an assessment of specific facts and circumstances on the ground there for the government is expressing no view on the legal status of any individual settlement the israeli legal system affords an opportunity to challenge settlement activity and assess humanitarian considerations connected to it israeli courts of confirm the legality of certain settlement activities and its concluded that others cannot be legally sustained. Second were not addressing or prejudging the ultimate status of the west bank this is for the israelis and the palestinians to negotiate International Law does not compel a particular outcome nor create any legal obstacle to a negotiated resolution 30. The conclusion that we will no longer recognize israeli settlements as per se inconsistent with International Law is based on the unique facts history and circumstances presented by the establishment of civilian settlements in the west Bank Decision today does not preach prejudice or decide legal conclusions regarding situations in any other parts of the world and finally finally calling the establishing of civilian settlements inconsistent with International Law hasnt worked it hasnt invents the cause of peace the hard truth is there will never be a judicial resolution to the conflict in arguments about who is right and wrong as a matter of International Law will not bring peace. This is a complex political problem that can only be solved by negotiations between the israelis and the palestinians the United States remains deeply committed to helping facilitate peace and i will do everything i can to help this cause the United States encourages israelis and the palestinians to resolve the status of israeli settlements in the west bank and any final status negotiations and further we encourage both sides to find a solution that promotes protects the security and welfare of palestinians and israelis alike. Turning now to. The United States is gravely concerned by the deepening political unrest and violence in hong kong including the standoff between protesters and police at Hong Kong Polytechnic University and other campuses who repeatedly call for restraint from all parties in hong kong. Violence by any side is unacceptable the Hong Kong Government bears primary responsibility for bringing calm to hong kong on arrested violence cannot be resolved by Law Enforcement efforts alone. The government must take clear steps to address public concerns in particular we call on chief executive kerry lamb to promote accountability by supplementing the independent Police Complaints Council Review with an independent investigation into the protest related incidents as the United States government said repeatedly the Chinese Communist party must honor its promises to the hong kong people who only want the freedoms and liberties that they have been promised in the sign of british joint declaration a un filed treaty and finally. Bolivia and the bolivian government announced friday the expulsion of hundreds of cuban officials for their country it was the right thing to do cuba wasnt sending doctors and officials to bolivia to help the bolivian people but rather to prop up a pro cuban regime headed by alice who stopped him to maintain his grip on power there electoral fraud believe it now joins brazil in ecuador in recognizing the cuban threat to freedom. In each case these governments free of outside interference have acted to protect their own National Sovereignty and to and to defend their own citizens interests bravo bolivia happy to take a couple of questions. Thank you mr secretary on the settlements announcement im im wondering if you are at all concerned that this position thats reversal of the Previous Administration. Is going to increase your the isolation of the u. S. Particularly in. The world because everyone else has held the position that if the if not illegal they are if these thing consistent with with International Law and then secondly if i could there is a lot of questions there are a lot of questions about why you have not chosen to speak up publicly in defense of your employees including those who testified before the break can you explain why you have been chosen to make comments and and their support. So 1st question. Well i must say sadly there hasnt been much port for israel. In the years leading up to this its hard to imagine more isolation unfortunately at the u. N. As a result of this decision weve weve been challenge to convince nations all across the world to stand up for the people of israel and their nations right to exist so i no i dont think this increases. Im happy to talk about ukraine policy today im not going to get into the issues surrounding the Democrat Impeachment inquiry just not going to do it today. It is worth noting that ambassador out of it is departure. Proceeded the arrival of bill taylor. So theres some ideas out there that somehow this change was designed to enable some the various purposes it should all just look at the simple fact that it was that was bill taylor that would place the messager of on a bitch who in each case has been driving towards the appropriate ukraine policy which im happy to talk about im proud of what this administration has done with respect to ukraine. We were reversed the massive failures of the Obama Administrations policy towards ukraine which truly did risk the lives of ukrainian people a lot of lattimer putin to take crimea and to fight in the dawn by us against a group of ukrainians who wanted nothing more than defend their nation but were given just just blankets and nonlethal equipment im proud of what weve done present tribes policy has been consistent throughout the state department is fully supportive not only of what weve done but our ukraine policy moving forward but no defense of your of your employees. I always defend state more employees the crate Us Diplomatic corps in the history of the world. Very proud of the team. You know how do you balance your support for the any of the people that there was to talk of that happening on a sort of their quest to hold their government accountable and yourself looks like them that has been seen and its a song by the i mean invasion of the treatment. And i have another question on the pulse as. We. All remember how the Previous Administration treated the iranian people i remember the signs that said are you are you with us or are you with the regime. I dont think anybody in the world has any doubt about where this Administration Stands we we want to run to be a normal nation we want the people there to have the freedoms to which theyre entitled and we want the we want the regimes monies to be spent on things that benefit the iranian people not proxy forces in iraq not underwriting has not conducting assassination campaigns throughout europe we want the Iranian Regime to behave like a normal nation to take care of their people i think that is what you are hearing and seeing in these protests that are taking place this lawmaker public of iran over these past few days i dont the palestinian issue. With your decision today about the system i think my vision for the clincher was that it was the capital of israel on the one hike on that is why do you want to try all youre going to have that were getting closer to one state solution as the 2 state solution is no longer viable and how do you bring the posting its a negotiation to be able to bring a decision today you know weve had a lot a long time where the policy legal interpretation announced today being the other way and it didnt work that thats a fact in evidence we believe that what weve done today is weve recognized the reality on the ground weve now declared that settlements are not per se illegal under International Law and we have provided the very space that your question suggests the very space for israel and the palestinians to come together to find a political solution to this very very vexing problem with we think in fact weve increased the likelihood that the theres room for peace that this administration has we think weve created space for that to be successful im hopeful that well be able to move forward on that before too terribly long. So. Just on that there are some good locations of decisions is it i understand youre referring to the decision not to declare the settlements per se illegal and is that also played it used to resume or south america or just the west thing. Applies where making as the president said when he made. Decision about rescind the final status those boundaries will be. Will not be determined until the parties reach a resolution and then and so theres no doubt in that sense are you also concerned about the time name given that the deadline for the new dance to form a government is wednesday isnt concerned about the timing of this announcement perhaps affecting domestic politics and you know we told the team that was doing this review now for quite some time weve told them do you work with early do a completely when we have the analysis correct when we reach a final decision and we will we will provide that analysis and what will share that with the world so the timing of this was not tied to anything that had to do with domestic politics anywhere and israel or otherwise this was about we were done we finished we conducted our review and this was the appropriate time to move forward continue. Now taking into account. Thanks mr secretary could a follow up on on the israeli settlements what is the message thats you are sending to israel you say that for example the Reagan Administration reagan had a particular view on the us but in terms of the it is effectively a green light i mean reagan has also said that there are no schools peace is there is a sufficiently green light for israel to build more settlements if they want will israel still face criticism for as an obstacle for peace if it builds settlements and if you will because the pope and thats a question as well on the new city dont want to talk about the impeachment no i said i wasnt going to put it to you i said i wasnt going to you sir ok there are things i would definitely love to say about it just as if going to donate just doesnt mean one thing one of us or one of its was on the hill on friday the president made a tweet what was yours appear in saying that Everything Everywhere that you answer and that is an assessment that you agree with youve known her. Your 1st question about is this agreement back to 1st principles what we did here was conduct a legal analysis we took International Law we had our lawyers review it so this was not some meant to send a message in a way youre describing a message about to the be more subtle much of the be furious out of the house it is really look look at the courts this wasnt intended that at all this was this was intended to be a legal review we do believe that the result of this legal review creates the political space for a more likely resolution. Of the situation there with we think we think ultimately this this must be resolved politically and we think taking away this impediment this this idea that somehow. There was going to be a legal resolution to this we think its falling think it has failed and so we do think weve gotten to a place which creates more likelihood and i dont have anything to say ill defer to the white house about particular statements and the like i dont have anything else to say about the democrats impeachment proceedings we just somebody else has a substantive question about something that the world cares deeply about im happy to take it hes president very well i dont agree and secretary do you have any any guidance or announcements on the peace plan the Peace Process how thats going and. You said you talk about ukraine policies im curious if you think ambassador taylor has been effective envoy that policy and if hes going to remain in his job or if the president has lost confidence in him yes they did form is doing a fantastic job i think weve delivered in a way that the Obama Administration has not delivered on ukraine i think the ukrainian people and if you listen to their leadership i think theyd think the same question is that 1st question was about the peace plan when the time is right our vision will come forward israeli governments got to find its way theyve got to get through their government formation process where we are hopeful that they will and when they do in the and the conditions are right for us to release of the asian will do that i hope that can be before too long selfconfidence investor thanks everybody i have offended because you are. Going to be watching you. And me watching my pompei of the state to announcing the reversal of Obama Administrations policy on israeli settlements in the west bank saying that the u. S. No longer considers israeli settlements inconsistent with International Law he also went on to say that they would be a matter for israeli courts and he said he believed that this would provide the space for the israelis and palestinians to find a political solution jordan joins us live from washington quite a reversal of the Previous Administrations policy here why is this being announced now. Well there is some speculation as we heard from one reporters question that this perhaps is being timed in order to perhaps make it harder for benny gantz who has been trying to form a new government in israel from actually completing that task Benjamin Netanyahu who is the sitting up Prime Minister failed in his efforts to form a new government but the secretary of state like pompei o battered away those suggestions saying that what he calls a legal review of the matter of settlements in the occupied west bank was simply the work of a long running legal review not timed for any Political Developments in israel one way or the other its also worth pointing out loren that he was also asked by another a reporter there in the state Department Briefing room about whether this means that a one state solution is really at hand that the vision of having 2 states one israeli one palestinian coexisting in peace and security is now dead the secretary of state unless i misheard did not answer that question and simply said that this is creating the space he believes for some sort of political resolution of course what was not directly addressed was whether or not the u. S. Had had any consultations either with israeli officials or with palestinian officials before making this announcement on monday and so in terms of the kind of u. S. Policy how big a deal is this is the context for this. This is one more big change in the way that previous u. S. Governments had dealt with the political crisis between the israelis and the palestinians there had been even though each ministration might have had its own tweak or its own spin on its policy there had been this consistent view certainly since the early 1980 s. More than 30 almost 40 years that the establishment of israeli settlements in the occupied west bank contravened not just International Law the 4th Geneva Convention i believe but also ran against numerous u. N. Security Council Resolutions and so this is something that really is ending the political would dynamic surrounding a resolution to the crisis and does call into question once again i suppose if youre a palestinian whether or not the u. S. Can truly act as an honest broker in any negotiations on these final issues between the israelis and the palestinians and one of them is clearly the status of settlements the question of whether land swaps in order to establish a separate palestinian state can actually be achieved as well as other matters including the right of return for Palestinian Refugees and their descendants who are also considered refugees under International Law and thank you for the moment just a bit while we dont you have had a reaction from the israels foreign minister saying they welcome the u. S. Decision on west Bank Settlements thanks the trumpet mistaken for their support of rose if youre still that the other issue that was brought up at that News Conference with my pump there was iran some quite strong words from my pump suggesting that there was Nuclear Explosion going on and quite a quite a strong message for iran from their 6 just 8. Well i think what you can probably expect loren is that youre probably going to see another round of sanctions i dont know whether its too soon to predict whether there will be any efforts to try to bring the matter of iran before the u. N. Security council i will defer to my colleagues at the u. N. On that question but certainly the matter of trying to deal with the aftermath of the u. S. Decision to pull out of the Iran Nuclear Deal and to try to persuade iran to enter into new negotiations about its Nuclear Ambitions is probably going to be much more difficult at this point but certainly the maximum pressure strategy which the trumpet ministration has been putting forward since it came into power in 2017 is certainly continuing does this mean that were going to see something beyond diplomatic activity ill leave that for another suspect you like but as you noted this was incredibly tough language and i would think at the very least youll see new sanctions perhaps being aimed at other parts of the iranian government this was done earlier this year against the i. R. G. C. The Islamic Revolutionary guard corps and integrity part of the iranian government perhaps well see other parts of the iranian government targeted as well because of what the trumpet ministration has repeatedly called irans malign behavior excuse me across the middle east thank you very much indeed. On some other news now a brutal crackdown on sudanese protesters in june may have amounted to a crime against humanity thats according to Human Rights Watch which is calling for an independent and transparent investigation into the violence there is sure to say at least 128. 00 people were killed when Security Forces began beating and firing at protesters and also accused of Sexual Assault witnesses said bodies were thrown into the river nile during the operation which Human Rights Watch says military leaders planned in advance a paramilitary units commanded by a man who now sits on sudans powerful Sovereign Council is accused of leading the attacks to the morgan has more from khartoum. Walking down the street brings painful memories for he he says he was here on june 3rd one of found participating in a city that had been going on for 2 months when soldiers raided it he gets in the car to show us the scar left by the bullets. The soldiers came from all directions and started firing at the protesters they burnt the tents where some of the protestors we ran and hid inside a nearby building but they raided there and started beating us when i saw them beating the girls who were also hiding i told them to let the girls go and beat the men instead thats when one of the soldiers took an aim and told them to shoot. The sit in started in april after a month of antigovernment protests against former president ahmed bashir the demonstrators demanded bashir step down accusing him of corruption and mismanaging the country which he ruled for 30 years these after this if in fact that the military council forced him from power and took over but it continued even after he was gone i saw this between protest leaders and the military council dragged on the argued over who should run the country during its transitional period protesters demanded a civilian rule. After nearly 2 months the system came to a deadly end. Medical groups aligned to the protest movement say 120 people were killed and over 400 were injured during the raid by soldiers dozens were reported missing. The june 3rd attack did not just involve shooting at an opera testers women and men reports of being raped and survive was reported witnessing protesters some still alive being tied to a block and thrown into the river nile a few feet away oh i thought the rights group Human Rights Watch says whats happened bad day could amount to crimes against humanity the evidence points to a clear pattern that is widespread and systematic and points to a policy that the government had adopted of using live ammunition against peaceful and unarmed protesters when crimes like this of the serious nature are committed as part of a systematic pattern of attack they can qualify as crimes against humanity a committee to investigate better back was to to by the Transitional Government sworn in in september it includes members from the military and the police sides protesters accuse of being involved in the attack of. Offenses. And that took place on that the. Offenses or of all is not all. Committed by individuals not even even if it is executed by a 4th. Protesters say they want justice for the lives lost that day and they wont rest until its delivered he will morgan aljazeera hundreds of. The president of the catalonia as a Regional Government has appeared in court on charges of disobedience quim torah was asked by spains Electoral Committee to remove Pro Independence symbols from Catalan Government buildings during campaigning for aprils National Election the board argued that this involves breached Campaign Laws he refused and prosecutors are now seeking to declare him ineligible for Public Office for 20 months. No logical billy. Graham and i dont see why the way i did not comply in other words yes i disobey do it but it was impossible to comply with an illegal order everyone in this room knows that we saw the was illegal dictated by an institution that did not have the competence to do so anymore for you any time on our web site the address of that is. Dot com. Thats it for me for this hour of a back in a moment with another full round up all day stories including more analysis of the reversal of policy on the israeli settlements by the state you want pale. And investigation into the real powers that control the World Health Organization their obligation to their shareholders completely overwhelms any consideration of Public Health can they be trusted with building a healthier future if their loyalty becomes questionable reason of people that are fault of the h one n one porsche is it getting much difficult for you now that w h o has just chaz who says done here in terms of trust that you trust on aljazeera. When the news breaks. When people need to be hurt. And the story needs to be told 145000 prisoners under its care with exclusive interviews. And indepth reports that month and i dont think they protect themselves aljazeera has teams on the ground and thats the story the seeing right here to bring you more Award Winning documentaries and life needs. On account of the cost with briggs it make America Great again to make it india are we seeing a backlash against globalization or is it just another economic war plus francis richest man is worth mobil 100000000000 dollars we found out of france is an Unequal Society counting the cost on aljazeera. We understand the differences. And the similarities of cultures across the world so no matter how you take it aljazeera will bring you the news and Current Affairs that matter to aljazeera. Hello entertainer nandan the top stories are now jazeera the u. S. Says israeli settlements in the occupied west bank a not illegal in the last half hour sector state might pump a announce that washington is softening its position on the issue israels Prime Minister has welcomed the move saying it right historical wrong or peo says he will leave the status of the west bank to the israelis and palestinians to negotiate calling the establishing of civilian settlements inconsistent with International Law hasnt worked it hasnt invents the cause of peace the hard truth is there will never be a judicial resolution to the conflict in our go

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