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But live is former president able morale assist told aljazeera he should be allowed to return and completes his final term in office he spoke in mexico where he fled after resigning last week following weeks of unrest well the United Nations is warning that the ongoing violence in bolivia could spin out of control and prevents new elections on friday 8 supporters of morality were shot dead cheering fighting with Security Forces there were further clashes between Security Forces and supporters of ever morale is on saturday people had been marching from the region of the party to the central city of cochabamba they carried bolivian flags and floods representing the countrys intelligence peoples while jazeera john horman has been speaking to evil morales in mexico city. Ex president of bolivia ever more when he sat down and talked to. Basically his main message was that he was king to go back to his country as soon as possible he says that here in asylum here most feels like hes in prison because he cant do all of the things that hes been doing for many years now. Administrating and he says as long as soon as theres a legal possibility hed look to go back seems to be very difficult for him the interim president has said that if he does go back he might press charges and he also seems not willing to give way and many of the things that hed already said he said that there wasnt any fraud in the bolivian elections that were now a month ago and really seem to spark the protests that led to him in the end being asked to resign by the military have a look at our report and what more he had. Up until sunday if more rallies was latin americas longest standing current leader now pressured to resign by the military after accusations of electoral fraud he suddenly believe he is former president and the next are in mexico but after less than a week he told out 0 hes already planning to go home. I cant be outside of the country im used to being with the people as a union leader president doing work i miss it a lot that im looking for a legal way to go back and be with the people as they resist the dictatorship the coup he says if allowed back he wouldnt seek to run in fresh elections thats a bone of contention between him and the opposition but he still wants to complete the last 2 months of his term. I dont know why theyre so scared of evoking they dont want me to participate thats ok everything for life for democracy i retire my candidacy but they should let me finish my term is that understood not understood by now interim president jimmy and years. She said he could face charges if he goes but its the culmination of discontent that started back in 2016 when moralists to change the constitution to rome for a full time there was a referendum the majority voted against you having a 4th term and afterwards you did it you did run again and that seemed to go against the spirit of democracy in the country but then you could interpret it like that but so you know on the 21st of february 2016 the lie won enough lies to beat us with 70000 votes moral lesson the right united and beat us based on the lie you and c. N. N. Were in on it the u. S. Embassy prepared that lie hes on repentant the letter and he also insists that there wasnt fraud in the elections a month ago this by investigators from the organization of american states saying that they too was diverted to a secret service that they were cleared manipulations he says that organizations politically motivated. Yells that i had a lot of trust or some trust but now i dont have any in the oas i should be called the organization of the states of north america not america he did call fresh elections after the oas preliminary report but by then it was too late many c. F. L. Morale is is a good leader who simply stayed too long he managed almost half of poverty the economy grew under you and you brought stability now. Given whats happened if you could go back in time would you have run again for this 4th term would you have gone against that referendum or if you could have your time again would you if bowed out gracefully a look out of what was and you dont look for the post of presidency at 6 you out thats my experience in the unions in my experience in the presidency and i want to tell you that after the 1st mandate i was happy content to go back to cochabamba is that when you when people stressed you go again and. That in the end may have been his undoing and then his way libya is in crisis with Police Killing protesters and violence from both sides. You can only look on from a file. 8 people died it seems at the hands of Security Forces in bolivia on friday and president x. President morales did sort of denounce that and he said that it was the logical sort of step in what he calls a military coup in the escalating escalation of force in bolivia but he did also call for a National Dialogue he said that the United Nations should be a mediator and all the big actors in Civil Society and also the churches in bolivia should get involved in that what part he himself can play he would like to play a part in that in that sort of dialogue he said as she saw in our piece that he wouldnt run for election again if it wasnt wanted but he would like to see out the rest of his term thats only a couple of months now if you have the chance to be involved again in any point eva from here in mexico or back in bolivia in politics is very debatable at this point. Well fresh violence has erupted around the home Kong University campus with protesters hurling petrol bombs at Police Police far volleys of tear gas for the 2nd day interval large fires have been burning around hong kong political acumen virus strain some of the most dramatic scenes of 5 months of demonstrations will let school live night to rob mcbrides hes in hong kong morkie tell us this are. Well. Technically diverse as you say this is the scene of these clashes this sunday morning where are the what is effectively the front line of the student protesters here they have sealed off the sack campos that has been sealed off for a number that is now and that being flown to find barricades what seems to happen is. Something. Where and how come groups of concerned citizens a separate part of my journey groups have. To stop clearing some of the bricks and some of the debris that has been blocking the roads around this campus area the students then respond. With attacks. Back at it at that point it seems but the problems. We have that police are 2 fronts here this is. Rather they are on their side have been found a lot of tear gas released and weve been here theres also been other things being fired were seeing rubber bullets in the socalled backs and theres another round of police down here or there are seems to be i stand at the moment i understand. Groups around some of them who are in the tiniest rockets to try and smart. Ass kind of stares back at the police and others with next to me was 2000 others went back to. Try to. Cast as the lambs and asked. To cast. Back to see. Next thing to take place here and you mentioned there that. Earlier some concerned citizens i met were helping to clear the roads there was also the participation of off g t p l a officer is just explain to us why that is so controversial why that has provoked so much on the rest. Thats had to be this is the presence of mind soldiers on the streets of hong kong you just as you seem to say those words and its that some bells ringing for a lot of people here in hong kong especially the pearl democratic camp. Soldiers who came out saturday to clean the roads are bad around. The car living area. It has to be said its not unprecedented we have had just from the Peoples Liberation army coming out and helping out a cleanup operation after typhoon last year so i have been on the streets but nonetheless just soldiers on the streets if you. Suppose you are being encouraged by that you see them as a force and a state as again fluence alone no doubt if you in the pentagon across that camp obviously be very concerned that this is just you have you know its a small simple it is just a further erosion of. Disappearing parts of china which i meant to be kind of you dont get home columns very special iraqi constitution ok rob writes his life for us in hong kong thank you very much. Some iran iran syria in the to say they wont back down from their decision to increase fuel prices despite protests across the country one person has been killed and several others injured as they tried to enter an oil refinery in the Southern City of suzanne theres a jabari reports from the capital. Anger frustration and growing concern in tehran as people protested against a 200 percent increase in fuel prices oh many simply turned off their engines on major highways across the city to show their disappointment at the sudden decision to raise petrol prices overnight. As heavy snow blanketed the capital people still lined up at the gas stations to fill up the quota for america this is not a wise decision considering our horrible economy and sanctions we are under its a cruel decision because it wont affect the wealthy people only the poor people will pay the price. This will 100 percent impact Everything Else its not just about the press of gas all commodities will be impacted for their shoes this will only her low income families they were supposed to increase subsidies 1st then raise the price of fuel they will find another excuse to cut their subsidies later. The protests have not been limited to the capital this was the scene in the Southern City of abidjan enclose a sun province overnight here state t. V. Announced a number of individuals it described as unknown elements fired into crowds of people injuring some. The shock of this news has yet to sink in here with the new prices motorists now pay about 0. 13 a liter thats a 3 fold increase the government expects to earn nearly 2500000000. 00 from the price increase and says that it will help millions of families in need have that sort of the 1st payments will be handled within the next week or 10. 00 days and transferred to the families in model year a strong president believes that if there is going to be petrol price reform all of the new revenues will be paid back to the people. That many people here fear that this decision could have far reaching consequences it stems from a number of issues while iran has huge Energy Reserves its refining capability is limited and that makes it difficult to get fuel to the pumps. The government is also fighting fuel smuggling to neighboring countries thats because iran has some of the cheapest prices in the world due to its heavy subsidies and a weak currency the economy here has been struggling for years but since the United States withdrew from the 2015 nuclear deal last year and reimpose a series of new sanctions on iran things have been getting much worse inflation is just over 40 percent with unemployment rates at over 14 percent officials here say that this fuel price increase will help people but its proving very difficult to convince ordinary iranians or so to pary aljazeera town. Yemens transport minister has criticized the parish sharing deal signed last week with separatists in the south so they are job one he said the saudi brokered deal threatens the legitimacy of his own governments job one he was targeted in a car bomb attack hours after initial deal was announced the react agreements aims to end months of violence between Government Forces and u. A. E. Backed fighters. Still to come on down to 0 am vote counting is underway in sri lankas president ial election will be live from colombo. And violence mars otherwise peaceful protests marking the years since the birth of frances yellow vest placements also. Hello theres been some useful and heavy rain in lebanon has been snow in iraq not much shed sing from the satellite picture but what is there is traveling south and changing the seas and therefore crosswise it looks like will be fine 11th more still hold events however stop truth iraq where rain is about to fall in kuwait too its been snowing on the high ground in iran and tear on my get some more is probably 7 degrees it wont last long if anything this area of iraq is getting slowly colder this is all high ground of course come down to the sea level and youve got a lot of right and probably sundry ill be hanging around kuwait drifting south possibilities uninstalls in society of course they might reach bahrain even catarrh on sunday or monday now north of it is not particularly cobbers will be the winter change i think south of all this still quite warm 30 in the middle of oman but we are talking about squeezing 30 now not easily getting to you can see how we are heading towards wintry weather the present time of year is also quite undone in Southern Africa particularly south africa where so storming Kwazulu Natal the rains and head across to madagascar though it does look like sunday is dry and joburg nicely warmer 28. The weather sponsored by i cant tolerate this. Kind of deal with poverty unless you deal with the gap you disagree i just agree with that a lot this sounds like blaming the public because a treat for the holiday mean anybody these people are well trained. Off of the state machinery and the very end version of Popular Culture is you to join me many are such as i put it up from questions to my special guest and challenge them to some straight talking political debate aljazeera. This is aljazeera quick reminder of our top stories this hour the United Nations is warning violence in bolivia could spin out of control and prevents new elections on friday at least 8 supporters of former president or former alice was shot dead string fighting with Security Forces. Fresh violence has erupted around a hong Kong University campus the protesters are than petrol bombs at police. Voice of tear gas at demonstrators in return for the 2nd day in a row. Irans government is standing by its decision to increase fuel prices despite protests across the country one person was killed and several others injured as they tried to enter an oil refinery interior minister is warning Security Forces will lax to restore calm if needed. But votes are being counted in sri lankas president ial election former defense secretary go to by rajapaksa and minister such as from a predator are the 2 main Candidates National security has been. In the campaign after the Easter Sunday bombings that killed hundreds of people found smith has this report from colombo. Got a pie rajapaksa knows as he pounds to the buddhist priest that he can rely on support from voters within sri lankas majority. But he also needs support from minority muslims and tamils too if he is to win this president ial election many of them are nervous of the prospect of a return to power of the rajapaksa. Got a pie was defense chief and his brother mahinda was president at the end of the civil war which the un estimates killed 40000. 00 people that party also courts nationalists. Get in with. The. Staffordshire lanka center for monitoring election violence say the poll has been free but not necessarily fair with reports of people being pressured on how to vote we have never seen that much influential factors like leaders leaders are coming forward from or one particular political party. Such as prima das is the only other realistic contender in this election he gets support from rural buddhists and minority groups who could swing the result in his favor. The Ruling Coalition is choice but this is a government that ignored warnings about the Easter Sunday suicide attacks that killed 263 people prompting rajapaksa to announce his candidacy. Hoping for a new future 3 lanka and. The right candidate and the same there are many candidates so its going to be a very competitive place so i just hope that. You know whoever gets elected can deliver on their promises and ensure a safe nation and a prosperous nation and everyone can sort of believe in peace 60000000 people were eligible to vote they had 35 candidates to choose from. The run up to sri lankas last president ial election was marred by violence and widespread intimidation this time its been more peaceful it is though a tight race where passions are running high Bernard Smith aljazeera columbus. And bernard joins us now live from the shore line can capital a burner that paul can think still underway are there any initial indications of which way it will go. Morning yes im just watching some of the votes come in and out of about 4000000. 00 almost 4000000. 00 votes counted so far got supply rajapakse is 48 percent of the vote and such a prima donna 45 percent of the vote so 4000000 counted there were about 13000000 people who voted so another 9000000 still to be done and whats important is that to win in the 1st round of counting one candidate has to get 50 percent plus warm percent plus one of the vote if they dont then it goes to the 2nd and 3rd preference votes that people cast in saturdays election so its a tight and what we can say is that early indications are that was a strong vote in favor of. In mainly similar similar but its majority areas and they make about 75 percent of sri lankas population and there was very strong showing to such as premadasa in tamil areas to the north of the country so thats how the vote splits but to win by roger pacs we also need some minority votes hes the former defense minister who was in charge in the dying months. Of the crack of the end of the serang to civil war when the u. N. Estimates some 40000 people were killed very many people in the tamil areas nervous of the idea of a rajapakse return to power however the polls the voting yesterday was peaceful generally peaceful and not many reports of irregularities so in comparison to previous shoreline can the elections that is good because previous ones that seen a lot of violence and intimidation but at the moment rajapaksa just ahead but its still early days fellow early days but well check back in with you bernard when there is more information from ben smith live in colombo thank you. Now u. S. Impeachment investigators have questions of white house official about president Donald Trumps decision to block military aid to ukraine mark zandi is the 1st person from the office of management and budget to speak at the inquiry comes pressure on ukraine is that the hearts of the democrat led prove the president is accused of using the aid as a bargaining chip to encourage ukraines government to investigate his political rival joe biden she had returns he has the latest from washington d. C. Wednesdays public testimony by the current u. S. Ambassador to the good in someone is now turning out to be that one of the key moments in this investigation hed already raised eyebrows because in his initial deposition to congress he said he knew nothing about any kind of quid pro quo and then subsequently a few weeks later he submitted written test of it said oh you know i said i didnt know anything about a quick break or in fact it was me who told you question officials that if they did some digging on the bidens and maybe the military aid that we promised you might be released quite a change he didnt Tell Congress that at the time now on friday we had information from a stall for the Ukrainian Embassy that he was present at a lunch and i saw them hold on trump on his cell phone and trump said so are they going to do the investigation words to that effect and some of them said not ever going to do it i love you though that having anything you want again something he didnt Tell Congress during his initial deposition or the subsequent written written deposition and then on saturday we have information from the National Security councils expert on russia and europe and by and large there was a very good day for Donald Donald trump this deposition does support many of the old trumps assertions that i was nothing wrong with the july 21st call that it was only classified into a secret because of a mistake and and so on but and in fact as far as he was concerned no one really knew about any quid pro quo of the ukrainians themselves werent necessarily aware of when an arms freeze until late august until september the 1st one golden some of them told them that maybe a quid pro quo might work again all of this information hasnt been hasnt been shared with congress by some grand himself and the key question now will be when golden sun and im told the ukrainians give us the burden and other and that the arms the arms will be released was he acting on his own initiative or was he acting under the orders of gold trump thats going to be key its interesting that morrison the person who from the n. S. C. Seems to think that someone might might be acting on his own initiative perhaps but thats not going to be a key question. Theres been violence in paris on the 1st anniversary of the yellow vests protest movement police fired tear gas and water cannon and hundreds of demonstrators after they built barricades and set fires to cars and rubbish bins the fark are reports from the french capital. It was meant to have been a moment for the Yellow Vests Movement to shine again after a dramatic drop in support at weekly rallies where the movements 1st anniversary brought a violent fringe on the streets of paris with protesters building barricades against police. After firing tear gas at as they started to target the crowd directly and to hit me in the head we are strong and determined even though this isnt really representative of the whole Movement Across the country this is the side of b. L. O. B. s protesters alienated much of from this movement its trying to achieve these people a hard core group of individuals who are themselves members of yellow Dress Movement who are clearly bent on vandalism. But it didnt start like this it began as a leaderless revolt against the rising cost of living and the planned tax on diesel an attempt by president emanuel mccrum to reduce Carbon Emissions it morphed into a movement against mccrone himself drawing many tens of thousands of people from the far right far left and everything in between my chromos forced to scrap the green tax and do more to help the poor but the yellow vests confused identity has led to its slow decline it has failed to transform into a Political Movement it has. Been unorganized it has destroyed every spokesperson that has emerged and it has failed to go into election so on one side its it has a huge impact on d the Political Landscape and on the other side has failed to put its mark on that landscape. Micron has dampened tensions by Holding Town Hall debate up and down the country half a 1000000 people have taken pass allowing micron to win back some support in opinion polls but activists have accused the government of Excessive Force against demonstrators 24 people have been blinded. 5 of last harms the victims blaming a liberal use of stun grenades and rubber bullets. The French Economy is among the Fastest Growing in europe but poverty is growing to its powerful trade unions are calling for strikes and protests in december over Pension Reforms yellow vests say they would join them like rob may face a turbulent winter ahead. Paris. Many patients with severe but stable Heart Disease could benefit from medication and Lifestyle Changes rather than surgery thats the finding of a major study backed by the u. S. Government which observe more than 5000 people over 7 years its the biggest yet to compare invasive options like stents with more conservative treatments including cholesterol lowering drugs and aspirin the study says if adopted into practice the findings could save hundreds of millions of dollars in Health Care Costs ali khan is dean of the university of Nebraska Medical Center college of Public Health he says the study backs up the findings of earlier research i absolutely would recommend the more conservative there be and so this is now the 2nd time in over a dozen years that i think we really are. For once and all answered the fundamental question that if you have stable Heart Disease should you use medical therapy and lifestyle modifications or should you go on and include base of treatment said just dance or or are a cardiac bypass and the data is pretty clear 5000. 00 people 37. 00 countries 100000000. 00 to do this study stick with the drugs in the conservative therapy the findings apply to people with stable cardiac disease if you have if youre having a heart attack then yes you should go on and get some other invasive therapy but if you have stable disease then you will do just fine with conservative therapy however people who have severe stable Heart Disease so you know if theyre walking and they have severe chest pain then the studies suggest that theyll have a better improvement in their quality of life however theyre not more likely to live longer or not have a heart attack or not require hospitalization. This is all to see here and these are the headlines the United Nations is warning violence in the libya could spin out of control and prevents new elections on friday at least 8 supporters of former president and former alice was shot dead children fighting with Security Forces speaking to all to see her in mexico city ever morale a sense hes not looking at how he can return home. I cant be outside of the country im used to being with the people as a union leader president doing work i miss it a lot im looking for a legal way to go back and be with the people as they resist the dictatorship the coup. Fresh violence has erupted around hong Kong University campus with protesters hurling petrol bombs and Police Places far volleys of tear gas for the 2nd day in a row. Large far as have been burning around Hong Kong Polytechnic University in some of the most dramatic scenes of the past 5 months of demonstrations. Turkey is blaming kurdish y p g fighters for a car bombing in Northern Syria but no one has claimed responsibility for the attack at least 19 people were killed and Dozens Injured in the explosion that happens near a busy bus station in the city of albab in aleppo is countryside. Irans government is standing by its decision to increase fuel prices despite protests across the country one person was killed and several others injured as they tried to enter an oil refinery interior minister is warning Security Forces will act to restore calm if needed and yemens transport minister has criticized the paris sharing deal signed last week with separatists in the south salah alger one of these brokered deal threatens the legitimacy of his own governments job or me was targeted in a car bomb attack hours after the initial deal was renounced the riyadh agreements aims to end months of violence between Government Forces and you he backed fighters and finally forced accounting is on the way elections in sri lanka that were dominated by why is invalid just tension and a slowing economy former defense secretary go to buy a rajapaksa and surges premadasa of the 2 main candidates who make up 10 percent of the population say they faced facility since the attacks on churches and hotels back in april or that show up to date as they were this year and aljazeera the u. S. Continues after upfront. They dont believe in the 2 state solution do you still believe in the 2 state solution we listen what i said was that i would never start a war im anti war we meet with global news makers and talk about the stories that matter the soldiers 0 has the world forgotten the people of kashmir ill ask a spokesman for indias b j p government why millions there are still under lockdown. I made the house phone bolivias president evo morales was forced to resign from office and fled to mexico after a disputed election and pressure from the military. Thats our debate but 1st the government of india stranger to controversy this week it welcomed the Supreme Court decision authorizing the construction of a hindu temple on the site of a demolished mosque what Prime Minister nouri

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