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Fire and certainly theres been nothing else for the last couple of hours in terms of the cease fire itself as you heard Islamic Jihad is saying that it is security concessions from israel both in terms of a pledge not to assassinate top leadership as what as with what happened in the early hours of Tuesday Morning with the targeted killing of a Senior Commander of Islamic Jihad and his wife in an Apartment Building and to stop firing on protesters at the friday border protest now the Israeli Foreign minister has been interviewed this morning saying that neither of those 2 things are true israel will continue to target anyone it deems a threat and that the rules of engagement in terms of the border protests have not changed. At least 2 people have been killed in the iraqi capital during antigovernment protests 35 others were injured many of those a choked on they were hit by rebel bullets and 300 people have been killed since the beginning of october protesters want a complete overhaul of the political system. Has more from baghdad there are demonstrators that gathered around the square because thats where its close to these bridges that lead to areas of the city where there are Government Installations where they would like to march the Security Forces have placed concrete barriers in that square so these demonstrators cannot access those parts of the city that angers the demonstrators they try to get around the barriers and then the Security Forces try essentially to force them to return to the area where close to Tahrir Square there was violence today this happens intermittently throughout the days the last few days its interesting that this goes on because when you go to hear square which isnt that far away where there are these antigovernment demonstrations the mood there can be oftentimes jubilant can be vibrant there is music sometimes there is dancing people are happy to be out there. Protesters in hong kong have blocked many parts of the city center for a 4th straight day theyre angry after 2 protesters were injured in confrontations with the police and left in a Critical Condition schools are being kept shut until sunday. To u. S. Diplomats to become the 1st to publicly testify at the impeachment inquiry into president on trump both William Taylor and george can say they felt concerned that the pressure President Trump put on the ukrainian leader and. The u. S. Is formally recognize bolivias interim president jeanine and theres 2 people have been killed in violent protests against her appointment the former president says the new interim leader has no legitimacy. The president of the European Council donald tusk says britain will be a 2nd rate player once it leaves the e. U. He also questioned the u. K. s role on the global stage after brics it during his speech in what is now his last month in his job i have heard repeatedly from brevity of that they wanted to leave the European Union to make the United Kingdom global again believing that only a long it can be truly be great you could you could hear in the voice of a longing for the empire but the reality if exactly the opposite. If part of the united europe can they are ok play a global role after 8 parcher they are the u. K. Will become an outsider effect in the great player. Much of the italian city of venice is still underwater after the highest tide in 60 years officials there are blaming Climate Change local people are angry that more hasnt been done to protect the unesco city from high tides the government is expected to declare a state of emergency on thursday those are your headlines up next its witness ill have more news in about 25 minutes hopefully see that. If you survey people before and after they used the pilot. 99 percent of them would be much happier then before they go to the point. Oh. Wow that would on fire. I. Think that you. Have a humble layer is not something that many of us spend time thinking about what one man has dedicated himself to bringing good sanitation to those who need it sanitation is perhaps the biggest cause of death and illness in the poor world into a dirty job but someones got to do it take c. M. Is founder of the World Toilet Organization the group at the forefront as clean about things in the history of mankind they have been a lot of to do. This somebody came up and see this is not right you have to do whatever. Tates to make people talk to. Me. People often ask me how many toilets did you build my job is not to peel toilets my job is to motive it everybody to build their own toilets. When singapore was actually very very untrue. And have a house with back. Going to the bucket to see everybodys. Maggots and green flies its a very traumatic experience for a child eventually singapore invest in say anything. We move from the slums to public housing. This used to be the house that i live in my people in 600 square feet. This is my 1st flush toilet when we 1st saw the flash by then we were so excited that we feel i will reach. This is. This is a sculpture d of myself when i was 1 3 yes all i see then thats a piece of land here that is not used so i put a stop to it here this is all done illegally i dont have permission for this land but i want to make people more aware of the importance of the toilet. I think so because this point in time isnt even with the will launch the governments biggest ever claim is and sanitation drive which is aimed at them cleaning up the country and improving the sanitation facilities over the next 5 years. I read in the newspaper that Prime Minister modi one landslide victory promising every single indian family. Dont tell me. Martha mug on the edge of a task. Such about no larger than the government. Thats not going up here bob. But i received a phone call from the Indian High Commission in singapore and the ses the chief minister sandra bubble and i knew from under protest would like to meet you the world toilet guy yeah ill come for the whole day and i think wow this must be a very important meeting and the chief minister says he has this mission for me. Under pradesh has 50000000 people and 50 percent of the population has no toilets. The chief minister asked me to be called convener of this campaign i have 2 years to make 6000000 pilots and if we succeed Andhra Pradesh will be the model of sanitation for all india. This is the biggest project that duty or has ever done and if the problem can be solved in india we saw 60 percent of all problem in the world. I am looking for game of thrones cost under protest project is really gonna be really fun theres so much problem and it requires thinking out of the state. We have to wall the subjects. From funny track a lot of media and a lot of politician and a lot of celebrate this and it becomes. Burning culture the pop culture is the fastest way to solve anything problem was to just. How do you actually improve the situation in a practical way the 1st thing is to make them want to have a pilot because theyre practicing open deaf occasion for a very long time since generation from their ancestors so when you build thailand and give it to them they use the toilet as forums and why is it so because open definitions really nice fresh air and you can squat there with your friends and you can. Tell you. And so how do you change that open deathly case in which is really so fun. To go into a lonely pilot by yourself. So i thought i will reply in the toilet and make it the happiest room in india. Check was appointed us that you know for underprivileged when you think of the amount of the work the project needs it is huge and the biggest obstacle is that people perceive us as an International Organization that has lots of funds which is actually not true we are always struggling to receive money from different organizations but if there is a Single Person who can actually achieve the bigger vision which he wants to achieve that is jack. When i was 20 fall i became a sales man in the Construction Business and by age 40 i have already created 16 different businesses. Business was the easy thing to do because i was a big. But i realize that making money makes you miserable makes you southie makes you fat. And so i laugh. Use my skills to how this. I live on the blog and i envision at 1st when i switched to social while my peers who are business men said to me nobody would waste their time we dont make money youre making a joke of them. But i realize that if youre able to laugh at yourself and youre able to make people laugh theyre paying attention to you by playing the part of the trade organization the media live and if they saw me it will even better. You can grow the member of parliament queuing up to go to the toilet in birdied they go and do press conference in the Public Square and in uganda my friends thought that it would cut. All this momentum is now getting very very fast i have to do more no more i would need legit you must see so i felt having oh you and wont be with being like putting a crown on of the pilot trial. When mr sim came into my ministry and proposed the Un Resolution to name november 19th as well toilet day there was a certain amount of argument back and forth is this something we should support. People will laugh at us. Most troublesome for the Civil Servants so. Just to put out your 1st was pushing and pushing your time for. The last foreign minister for 7 years to the singapore government and i thought what he was trying to do was important so when he caught me can i help i said yes. How. Many years we have to defend the definitely. So i said what about 4 more thing i can tell its. Completely transformed the image of us. Had been decided that we would present this resolution but you cannot just have Something Like this into the u. N. Out of nowhere. So we were trying to find as many cosponsors as possible. Its like playing a computer game and each level you have to recruit more people where we met the Russian Ambassador he thinks i wanted to because. They then i told him if you dont agree ill just tell the media that he dont think that and. Then. Try telling the russian yeah everything. So after 30 seconds of silence he said. Ok well support you. When we have signed the african states the past if the island and europe as a whole block then the rest doesnt want to object anymore because of 193 countries already 122 sponsors. Our resolution was on the paper and its like any object and there was silence and then theres just not the. Part and so we were like. So happy. Of the General Assembly welcome to all of you to commemorate world toilet day. I feel like. I went to the bright name is call center haitian. She looks so pretty today. This was certainly the biggest individual thing that we have done at nation and certainly im very proud of 20 day world toilet day so even a real thing yeah course thats a real thing november 19th world toilet day i think the thing. That makes sense for those of you who associate with toilets. For the 1st time i felt like. Singapore and so by my country. Welcome. Im going to take this. Bill gates spends hundreds of millions of dollars researching the best Pilot Technology from all over the world and im here to find the best pilot for underprivileged. All of the. Sanitation india one as the more. The. That the pilot is the there is simple and Affordable Technology this is equivalent to the Nobel Peace Prize water and sanitation and he got it and i think. He wants to get round to. His room. It would make a big joke and he would this so when he speaks he speaks for changes the need to see men in this way and then make find that very sexy. But i dont condone to be a 6 it seems to be trying to use age 62 and it. Was on the. Floor somebody. Called it. Almost its almost 100 percent force and i think. Thats a sign you started talking to you or what. Sort of caught off guard. On the court. Because it was a. 6 count. In india the poor they have 100. 00 income probably if you asked them to have a private of cheese 1000. 00 and so difficult to what it saw me that its. Possible and. What we need to do is to get away from the mindset of the problem with technology and to think of a solution that goes directly to benefit the poor. You go to the toilet in the morning before sunrise and sunset but in between how do you go to the pilot let us say 5 as its. Going to be a lot of cars got a. Good deal i did together. Last year not just on the major i learned about their collection of. If government is seeking all well youll be a. Very very very mathematical man mamma said spin and conversely. I made it good everyone how polite if we are mean like the girl on mt. We could call it maybe just going on the levels i was. And when im eating pizza if somebody lend you money to build the. Then the government will give you back the money through return this person of these could call on a student of mine in just a moment. To. The government has said theyre going to give these people money but its still an been appealed. Worms biggest fear where can you believe it millions and millions and millions of people are coming. And going to look heres they come from every corner of the front to treat. This camilla complete history because this is. 1st miller with a message clean revolution. 6100 a 1000000 people in india need to buy next so this is a great opportunity to bring a change. Of Energy Stocks of our pilot you can see the happiness the joy the smile on his face and i think i have never met a person like jack. In india people are not very much open to this idea right now their feet going out means being free. So he said why not i can make dollars sexy everything sexy sexy but he has to take other approaches on so not only one approach. The. Money the moon. Landing. On the moon but. You know is that the hardest thing so most of those. How good the go for this is really awkward whatever for you. Some. Really really really are there are probably many. Of whom have no destiny to do. Tax. How many banks we could i think how many back that. We. Think its ok but im i think. Im going to say our marketing are pretty. Good at pick one. And i think family good us far right. Yeah yes. We were. In the thank you letter but. Just to say he saw. That i made only jokes then what would happen let me. Return number of his film by those bodies of love and live with him but i knew what the question should and in one individual of our new home by anybody i like you because. Youre behind me in india this is safety which he. Summed up in by me will be a good plan. But thats one chain this is safety depletion a lot of old you know they have been doing today for 5 tell you have yes. They dont just have a. Movie here they lament the melody have to kill its almost over thought but that is what is done with metal that it just put out but i think this one bought us at the. Sentencing to hand him. The really good feeling of there it was since day when he should die and he said i want clean india 1st and independence literally. So i painted myself just to feel the pain the country to its. Own and. The frankly post which disc a. Whole but the us full of the nation. They asked me what we were doing we have 300 clean toilets. A father in law was very reading into me. He said to me i dont want to see you if yes. I said you see it isnt this number one in my life. My friends and sit in and out. The problem is that you wont believe it do either just returned yet but go to church takes time to change from 5 years it went to lee and years not too difficult nearly when we dish it and now you say you must have got it. I did you were built to add it to a show or it will take 100 years more. Take you. Take. A cue. My job is to change people or my set about pilots. But how can i change their minds if they dont listen to my ideas. I dont deal with poverty unless you deal with the gap you decide i disagree with that toy this sounds like blaming the public because a tree for the art of knowledge really mean anybody these people are well trained as much a part of a part of the Islamic State machine as more of a very evidence from origin of populism those are teachers join me in the hot sun as i put it up for questions to my special guests and challenge them to some straight talking political debate here on aljazeera. There is growing in of a short time to be a trusted news source wherever you are in the world he really want to know whats going on there and to find out very quickly were not looking at the news some nations prison. We are probably International Everybody will learn something watching our coverage. Be showing that we can be the best International News and most trusted source of stories that people actually cant find elsewhere and thats going to continue. The stories generate thousands of headlines these protests are saying down with the system and down with all of the parts with different angles from different perspectives just because we came to prison doesnt mean the right stuff that the gate separate the spin from the facts the western media jumps on stories without taking down the misinformation from the journalism its about telling the stories of those human beings on the ground with the listening post on aljazeera. Well again peter will be here in doha the top stories from aljazeera rockets have been fired from gaza into israel hours after a cease fire was agreed to this would appear to have violated a truce struck earlier between israel and the Islamic Jihad group 34 palestinians have been killed in israeli airstrikes since tuesday sorry force it has more from the israel gaza border through the Israeli Military says that it observed these 5 rockets come out and that 2 of them were intercepted by the anti missile iron dome system now its not unprecedented for a cease fire to come in and then for a few flare ups to take place afterwards without it entirely destroying the cease fire and certainly theres been nothing else for the last couple of hours in terms of the cease fire itself as you heard Islamic Jihad is saying that it is security concessions from israel both in terms of a pledge not to assassinate top leadership as well as with what happened in the early hours of Tuesday Morning with the targeted killing of a Senior Commander of Islamic Jihad and his wife in an Apartment Building and to stop firing on protesters at the friday border protest now the Israeli Foreign minister has been interviewed this morning saying that neither of those 2 things are true israel will continue to target anyone it deems a threat and that the rules of engagement in terms of the border protests have not changed at least 2 people have been killed in the iraqi capital during antigovernment protests 35 others were injured many of those hurt choked on tear gas or they were hit by rubber bullets more than 300 people have been killed since the beginning of october. Protesters in hong kong blocked many parts of the city center for a 4th straight day theyre angry after to protest as were injured in confrontations with the police and subsequently left in a Critical Condition schools are being kept shut until sunday. To u. S. Diplomats to become the 1st to publicly testify at the impeachment inquiry into the us president double trump both William Taylor and george can say they felt concerned over pressure mr trump was putting on the ukrainian leader much of the italian city of venice is still underwater after the highest tide there in 50 years officials there are blaming it on Climate Change locals are angry that more hasnt been done to protect the American City from high tide its a fact now to witness after that im back here with the news i hopefully can see them but. Ive been talking to a lot of people about pilots. Like religious sanitation many affected wrists. Local police. The f. B. I. Going to let me know what i think. The little bit of the last. Bit is my only thing. Is that i have yet to meet. And im still trying to. Clothing line and fans stake out his time to. Leave. I need to charity i want to do that money for 28 organization i need to toilet he likes theres just that theres what i need you know i did a minute i thought i did wait taking this shot. Sexy body. How many photos. Like you. Would you need a mentor and. Yes. I would like to go for that i thought. And you repeat if you like perhaps this movie can change. Generating so big that sometimes with a laugh at it if you dont stop he says hes got to go all in one day. And then hes and someone was how do you then say ive done the more ideas i just did you to do the project. Jack gets very invested into his ideas and he ends up being very protective of it as well most of the time we say the boardroom hes telling us all these different initiatives and at one point you know someone chime in and say ok we talk about p. T. O. Now he says no no no its not but its related. It. Doesnt go away that is supposed to be sound proof and all the proof so you cant. Lie and wouldnt offend other people i dont know if it was at the try and. The board had a lot of debate so what you can and cannot do and whether he has the expertise for it india the most important project has done. The media has cost the newspaper the television so we need results not just. Today im going to meet some government officials in a point the call convened since so many months and were in a waiting for what is to contact us and that i should get it working with you keeps changing and all the time we have waiting and they have all the bureaucratic process who is now in charge of what it will put in those phone. And meantime put down. Ok. See above i. Hate you. We need to know everybody who talk to you. I wrote the book just to the south of. The border through the books. If you do they kind of have a need for their. Single here in just about the book you are just up to me because im going to are you going to be in before we. Go yeah i need information you need to share what is already placebo and what is still very difficult so i can go and call after all of the different people who helped in all this but because with to finish this job no matter what we want to do or. Yeah what. Are you. Supposed to understand the strategic what would you do in place we would be the. Different guess would be the one and moving from this. Disease would be included. Because. You can say this is a industrial then nothing foolproof they dont even know what we want everything is just to slow down the whole process the tavern exasperate. I dont care whos on my side i really dont just i just want to get the job. Of the Prime Minister says india is on its way to becoming an open definition free society the big question reporting is this what stopped Mission Walking despite the maddest photo ops in the many scheme the sound impressive on people those who actually clean the streets on a daily basis see a lot more needs to be done with tweeple and believe that the veil of 50 of toilets has not changed in the country and opened efficacious if didnt need to issue brick. I preclude you would use villages to market protest after government officials refused to be the promised 12000. 00 bees but toilets the district magistrate or the villages that have they do not have money to build a toilet at all they should sell their bikes. To see his look at him. At that time he was still running his business. He was relieved and a lot of stress the economy is not so cool that i think he was a little bit on the depression on monday he woke up and they say i have it off. Is it ok if i quit maybe. We dont have money i told him i said jack its ok with me if you quit the business oh we just need a family to be to get up and you happy. Im always travelling alone. And those ones i brought. School by me in america. And one night we were walking to and he said to me. If im not here youll be walking along and youve been walking alone all over the world d dont you feel lonely. On the road so long of course on the y. Hand i feel much more useful outside my country. And on the other hand i miss my family but i mostly miss her because the children have their own life. To live very much in the 1st so much. A man always have to look so strong. Will you or anyone is to go to the wife. Tasha and. Get her to. Kind o. You and. Be like a child. And i think these things. Men dont say. Its been a year since i was appointed convener. But theres still so much to do. I think that this 3rd licking. They are not that many then probably you know can fix this. Theres no funding or is just simply think like that because some bureaucratic process that the not allow it to be address. I dont have enough to me and its quite stressful to feel redundant. To be used and this. Is a very parents trying to. Fix in these the beginning of the. Book sublists it to be successful person. But a Great Company had it to do good to us look at the steeds. Architect yes of 40 years its going to come pick it. Will going to be it. No doubt theyll get their own agenda and then make our wedding out of how. Im. Going to if successful but im trying to approach many millionaires have been asked to to do one district in india i make a district freefall we opened. I assure you it is. Me. On the u. K. Show off world toilet day doctor been. Expressed that he would get a village in india named after the best known soldier of sanitation in the world a tireless crusader icon for Progress Development antiquity. Us president donald trump. The 165. 00 families of the putative triumphant jumps to the idea exhilaration and joy written in their faces. You can see the entire world. On this and so i thought there and there are people who are the world. And these have gone and. We want. To difficult to understand. What this is truly about for india. But i feel happy because if you want to think about others. Then you kind of go it. Who think like yourself. Would. He told me that he was trying to get attention but the image of donald trump with planets. Under protest just felt like the waste of time. By live hes like that you dont always get to win and yet the just loss and more elsewhere. India the problem is not clearly. He want to. Toss the. Sources. Which applies i think we have plenty of ideas. The board of the deal they say is all your fault jack so we want to be in touch off the bill theo and i say you can do that and then they quit we had a Conference Call where. Everybody had decided that you know i think they had enough. Some of the older members those huge mouth and focus energy going everywhere and we dont feel like were doing anything. Are we really being as impactful as we came to be. The board at that time was some of his best friends and i dont know if he was angry but i think the word that came to mind was sad. And there was a different side to jack great i mean this sense of helplessness thats a lot of things in his mind he couldnt sleep no he says you know siam me you know say i mean his left you know can you fly him. Ok say i need to how do you keep me energy and energy from. A check in only its a big dream yeah. Its killing you. But all the. Social work. Is missing up on the is it worth it or i dont know. Because anyway i dont have dont think so father when he comes it comes lets just see what. Life has done for us. Stay positive. To solve the problem. I learned this then this really bizarre yeah im out there and then they put a ban no i cannot dangerous for those people it just believe me to have a view both of you. Here are you filing this you where you are on the why am i boring. People say ask me that questions like. Operate i will. Yeah i think so i mean if you have found the best and the ones that the right now. I dont know if i continue to find maybe there will be a better like this and better my stronger stronger straw into the river being dumped on my plane by. Very rarely won by smiled and shown the mood in the last im no longer. Running around like the morons want to. Live no. Money use house just blow some of them i do something for my neighbor they dont so dont abide no move to give the money. To ive probably. Been defeated in the. House just to know its been working so hard. To spends 5 exhausting. She. Says come to. Us no. I was sitting on a frock coat that was today were going to make up topsy for. Generally i like making like costume that small when i want you to learn how to be something that well ok well do you want you know you know how we always tell mom oh your cookie you so good why dont you become a chef its the same reason youre not doing it because you love me anymore all youre doing for another human being thats all. Im sure someone like tina toilets but it might be a little bit you know you understand that you lose someone whose legs kids need to live and one you know used to find quite a beauty just like oh no no blue water. He seems to share and i kind of his idea is. More just a little with his family i wouldnt say you know i like also me sunshine everybody dolphins fly across the sky like but its just become more patient as a human for other things because he himself is trying to find his own answer. There dan but on yeah. Thank you very mad so. Its ok to be our staff its ok to love. That they love you so its ok not the bother theyll fire out if this is true or. You read that something i wrote it is a horse got. Done so ive heard to be afraid of one of her to assume Everybody Loves her and on fire out on fire out if they love you or not just a few better like that. When i think about how i feel about my job in miss the pilot for the last 25 years. I was a cannot be complacent and i cannot say this is just pretty good. Im only at the tip off the ice but. For me and dick the purpose of this here. To make india a few focal point if you can subtly we have to face some problem but we can do it. You can get help from the people. You may be defeated. You may be assaulted you would achieve some things. But if you accept all this. Then nothing can defeat you. Dont think small small is not sexy or small is not meaningful. How to make india open definition free for the top agenda for delegates at the world toilet summit in delhi. Good toilet of musicians 1st trial a college thats right started college this college hope to spark off a sanitation revolution being of things that dad. Hell ill view and believe they can be done not by us sounds alone but by everybody. Laugh. 50 years ago britain forcibly removed the inhabitants of this tropical haven and leased it to the u. S. Military. For 5 decades geragos islanders have preserved their culture in exile and theyre now escalating the struggle to return home. But their fate still lies in the hands of their colonisers. Another paradise i witnessed a documentary on a just if you dont. Have the right in you for calls in to read for the next couple days it has been very consistent this way one system after another and this is where the mass is it will work its way through the northeast of the year ago and pushing into southern areas of brazil over the next couple of days knows cold though even at the rate in the fall calls and once the kids away from 34. 00 celsius but still very unsettled enjoying more of those scattered rain showers and then across the caribbean plenty of scattered rain showers and thunderstorms in the mix as well not particularly heavy rain through Central America over the next couple of days but it is fairly widespread across the yucatan peninsula southern mexico 900 best on friday for you in mexico city and then United States us right in the 4 calls here is generally further to the south elsewhere it is again about the cold continuing to plunge down from the north a small snow in the mix as well and its a very cloudy picture on thursday the rain across texas across really the gulf coastal areas and then you can see this way the club. At the eastern seaboard that will actually produce more rain as we go through friday and then this add cooling off again from the north and in fact the temperature in to rome so says ogles and snow flurries 3 on friday very cold and saw today but on the case skies. Whether sponsored by katherine. What are you protesting about how does this in question whether on line well i face many people saying im directly translated slavery or if you join us on sams this is an attack on Academic Freedom and on our ability to do research and teach freely they say is a dialogue myanmar is not making it very welcoming for people to come back everyone has a voice Climate Change is real d the discussion is real and im here to talk about the solutions on aljazeera the u. S. Is a Tipping Point scientists are telling us right now that we have just 12 years as the worlds leaders to agree upon a solution people are taking matters into their own. Capito he. Will try his actions to get people to understand that he kills people and that it kills people now its critically both sides return to the peoples doors on aljazeera. This is aljazeera. Come on peter youre watching the news live from our headquarters here in doha coming up in the next 60 minutes a shaky cease fire rockets launched from gaza into israel was off took some went into effect. Withholding Security Assistance in exchange for help with a domestic Political Campaign in the United States would be crazy i believe that then and i believe it now. A senior you

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