A majority in spains general election. And support for the far right. President xi jinping arrived in that Chinese Investment by greeces biggest. Sports including trouble. For the 2nd time in a week and meets the stadium. From. A man thats been set on fire in hong kong and a protest shot by police during one of the most violent days since demonstrations for greater autonomy began over 5 months ago police say antigovernment protesters set the man alight. Probably the most incidence some writers port frame of all a click onto a person and set him on fire in lands on demand is now at me to your hospital in Critical Condition and the case is under investigation by regional crime unit of New Territory solve. A protester is in Critical Condition after being shot by police during demonstrators attempts to stop traffic going into the city center the footage was broadcast live on facebook it shows an officer drawing is sidearm while attempting to detain a masked man demonstrators have been stopping vehicles rail traffic and blocking roads they say Excessive Force is being used against them yes collation and violence follows the death of a student on friday he died of his injuries after falling from a building during an earlier protests several opposition legislators were arrested over the weekend lets go live to sarah clarke shoes at the scene in hong kong hows the traffic chaos shaping up now sara. Was still major disruptions with regard to the Traffic Networks both the bus road and the round networks we have more than 20 of the train stations are still closed and weve got m. T. R. Station behind us inside one which is this is where that protester was shot by the rounds of live ammunition early on monday morning the protesters are now back here smashing out of that m. T. R. Station up we know we have major thoroughfares still blocked and as you can see behind me this major intersection in this eastern part of Hong Kong Island is still closed and this has been a flashpoint here throughout the day simply because this is where that the protests were shot the right place have moved in and theyve moved out and when they do move out the protesters come back in and set up those barricades and thats what theyre doing again now and we can confirm around 49 people have been hospitalized we can also confirm that more than 10 districts have been tear gas when i say that the police have moved in and fired tear gas on protesters and on the players and as a result this is where some of the public anger has erupted between guards to the public and onlookers being caught by surprise now the right place have been deployed across hong kong thats mentioned its not just this district thats been a cause had had major disruptions cause it regards the transport network its across in. Hong kong we know that the rock police have again fired tear gas in the last hour and one child and caused by by which is a further to my west from where we are now and the destruction continues now this was a general strike which was cooled by those protesters on monday the im with the target the focus of this particular strike was to cause that disruption to try and get that message across and they certainly have of course that escalation of violence has been ongoing throughout the day after that particular protest was shot and as you mentioned a fellow being described as a pro beijing supporter he was also satellite by the court into place by those protesters he too is in a Critical Condition as well as the protester who was shot by the 3 rounds of live ammunition early on monday morning. You talked about some of the violence and the video coming out so right now it just looks plain ugly is it getting ugly out there. It certainly has been an ugly day across hong kong and i can say it normally this violence is kept to the weekends this is when the the rallies and the big blockades of the assemblies happen and this is when the riot police move in i could easily say today being monday its the 1st time weve seen such violent clashes happening on a week day where the tear gas was fired in some of those areas one was in central central on Hong Kong Island it was in the Central Business district it was during working hours and during the lunch hour and this is when onlookers in the public were also caught amongst the tear gas and were forced to flee and as i mentioned around 50 people 49 people have been hospitalized as a result but were seeing an escalation of anger from both sides weve got thousands of right place to be deployed today to try and crack down on this Antigovernment Movement and weve seen again tonight as we move into the evening this started early this morning on monday and were now in the evening at 6 pm local time and the protesters are not showing any signs of moving away as i mentioned weve got the moving back in now the barricades are set up again and we do expect thats right place to move in once again to try and clear these protesters from the streets all right sarah clarke reporting there from the think of it thanks so much there. Levees president has resigned after weeks of protest against his reelection in a disputed south but even morales says its a coup latin americas longest serving leader also accused police of issuing a warrant for his arrest which was denied by bolivias police chief protesters packed the streets of la paz to celebrate morales announcement he was stepping down after almost 14 years in Office Russia is condemning opposition protests and says the events resemble a stage could attach. The im resigning from our position as president in order that people from culture bomber and the poor people are not trodden on anymore im resigning for them we dont want there to be confrontation early this morning we met ministers and we decided to resign in order for there to be new elections awful bolivia or for life or for the country. Where sanchez has the latest from la paz. Well former president evo morales has said that an arrest warrant has been issued he said this on twitter saying that any legal arrest a warrant has been issued and that a policeman was out there to arrest him he is apparently taking cover with the members of a hes a longtime allies a Cocoa Farmers in the area of cochabamba he said that he will stay in bolivia but its unclear what he will exactly do however the government of mexico the foreign minister marcelo that has said that they have a long tradition of granting asylum they have given asylum to already 20 members of the legislative and executive branches of the libyans a few hours ago and if former president evo morales requests the asylum that they will give it to him now tensions are growing here in the capital of bolivia and the fast theres roadblocks theres people protesting there are some explosions being heard sporadically and ambulances or sirens rather on and off as well as attentions growing as. The allies of el morales are calling for all the supporters to join in the indefinite march that would start on early on monday Eric Farnsworth is Vice President of the council of the americas he says accusations of a coup threaten to polarize the libyan society. This complex situation you know throwing around the word true in the latin american context and is incredibly divisive and complicated and on that we have to see how things work out as of yet i dont think thats the case i think that the search circumstances here developed because of the allegations of fraud in the elections but i fully agree in the context of the military look you know its never a good sign in latin america for the military to be the ones who the country has to appeal to for call or for Political Leadership thats an arrow that we all thought we left behind many years ago across latin america we dont want to see it return having said that if there is no other Political Leadership it is a vacuum somebody has to take to maintain security in control of the country so were in a very delicate situation it doesnt look like there are a lot of good immediate term answers. Spains ruling socialist Workers Party has won the largest share of the vote in the 2nd general election this year but its again fallen short of a majority and now faces difficulty in forming a stable government the far right vox parties for its support to almost double that of aprils poll journal reports from madrid. Muted celebrations for the socialists in spain who win once again the largest share of the vote but not a majority forming a government will be fraught with difficulty. The socialist party has won the elections for the 3rd time this year i would like to thank the millions of spaniards who were summoned and took part in these elections because this is good for our democracy. Caretaker Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez called this election after earlier Coalition Talks failed and believing the socialists would improve their standing in aprils vote the gamble hasnt paid off he will now be under immense pressure to negotiate a Coalition Likely to include the extreme left Universe Party and even relying on catalonia separatist parties for support. Catalan separatists have been hugely influential in this election and the last one in april and it will be unthinkable to many in spain that they might provide the key even if just through some voting arrangement to one locking a socialist government. In barcelona delighted at what some will see as a victory for the independence cause and to make matters worse for the socialists the ongoing cattle and drama that threatens the breakup of the Spanish State has provoked a shift in Public Opinion to the right the conservative Peoples Party has been rehabilitated and the far right vox party has doubled its share of parliamentary seats to become spains 3rd Political Force was good was it because its i think we can be very proud despite the uncertainty we all face in the future because a patriotic social. As take you to hong kong where the chief executive is speaking at disturbances has caused major. Consequences for almost everyone in hong kong people cannot get to wear to school they dare not even to come out on the streets because even in the Central Business district there was such incidents of soso disturbances. The certain point i want to make is todays soso disturbances have resulted in a large number of casualties there are over 60 as that as far as i could term gedda and particularly there were 2 causing major bodily harm to 2 individuals they are still in Critical Condition in hospitals. One is outcome of open fire incident by a police in the cause of enforcement operation the other is a very malicious case of setting an individual on fire in front of many witnesses this is a blatant breach of peace and the rule of law and is a totally inhumane act that nobody should khandaan the 3rd point i want to make is there had been from time to time a lot of malicious rumors being circulated on the social media i suspect they are they are motivated by some intentions the government will spend no time in clarifying those speculations and rumors in order to avoid this orderly incidents from happening. Finally i want to appeal to everyone in hong kong to stay calm and refrain from taking part in any unlawful activities. Given this weisbrot unlawful activities members of the community should stay away whenever such at of the t. s are taken place otherwise they will be putting their own safety at risk finally if there is do any Wishful Thinking that by escalating violence the hong kong as our government will yield to pressure to satisfy the socalled political demands i am making this statement clear and loud here that will not happen violence is not going to give us any solution to the problems that hong kong is facing our joint priority now as a city is to end the violence and so return hong kong so normal as soon as possible that they are memon. You havent encountered him on that and i think those are the nato to me. And the violence returned hong kong to normal as soon as possible the message there from the chief executive of hong kong larry cam she had a stern warning for some of the more violent protesters saying if anyone has any Wishful Thinking that the Hong Kong Government will yield to violence let me make it clear that will not happen she speaking of course after a series of events where protests turned violent we saw scenes of a protester being shot as well as scenes in which a man is set on fire theres been weeks of demonstrations sparked initially by a move to bring an extradition bill into force which will allow people to be transferred to beijing and that sparked protests asking for greater force for less influence from beijing in hong kong lets bring in sara clark a very defiant message sara from the chief executive. And certainly a rare appearance on a monday evening i am with a response to carry lamb responding i should say to mondays bile and confrontations and chaos which we have seen across hong kong i at least 10 districts that we have been informed of and we know of and where we have also been shes also said that todays violence exceeds the protesters demands for democracy and the demonstrators and now the peoples enemy shes also said reminded journalists to avoid misrepresentation of the facts which is the 1st time weve heard her refer to journalists specifically and shes told the protesters they will not succeed in securing their demands and as you mentioned this whole Movement Began against the extradition bill that extradition bill was withdrawn in september but then these protesters had 5 demands and she said today in this press conference on monday in the evening that she will not succumb about todays demands and certainly monday this is the 1st time weve. Seen such violent clashes on a weekday and normally these protests are on weekends but on monday weve seen traffic chaos weve seen major disruptions across the transport networks and weve seen violent confrontations and tear gas fired in at least 10 districts and one of those in particular was in central during the lunch hour in the Central Business district and this is certainly unheard of we havent had this before and this is where at least 49 people we know of have been hospitalized as a result and these protests are continuing where we are is inside one home and thats where that protester was shot this morning with a live round of ammunition and the protesters behind me theyve returned and weve got riot police who fired tear gas into areas in the last hour thats the to my western and that was around of course why by and in one charge another is right place well no doubt be deployed again on monday evening to try and clear the streets because there is still major disruption across the Road Networks and we have at least 20 empty gas stations still closed and these protests are protesters are showing no signs of backing down here around me theyve been digging up bricks once again and smashing the m. T. R. Station the railway line of the rail station on my right and it looks like this is happening in not just this district but a lot of districts across hong kong in the 5th month of demonstrations all right sarah clarke there from hong kong take you back to spains election there and another fragmented result join joins us live from madrid a very fragmented the results socialist not exactly able to pull it off where is the horse trading where does it stand at this point john. Well this is an election that was called in the hope of breaking the political deadlock here in spain after 4 votes in just 4 years if anything it has potentially even deepened the deadlock pedre sanchez the socialist leader says hell get cracking immediately trying to form a Progressive Coalition of the left it looks rather like it will be a very Fragile Coalition of the left and contrast that with the rise of support on the right particularly the far right vox party propelled into 3rd position 3rd Political Force here in spain thats an Extraordinary Development in the country in which many people have a living memory of general franco and fascism let me bring in my guest again im sure morato is a writer and political commentator. Again im sure there was talk of hadra such as having to turn to the probably dependence parties in catalonia to complete whatever Fragile Coalition hes able to build on the left how is that going to work. Well the understanding is that of course he will not be bringing them into the government but he needs their support even if it is their station in order to to pass the motion of confidence to become Prime Minister well it is just really controversial of course ninetys that explains partly the rise of the fire right lots of people in spain and many people in catalonia as well is very wary of the of the cuts of the trying to bend this challenge and the reason that there is science is lost the government and had to call it a general election in april was precisely because he was relying on the national is the nationalists let him down when it came to passing the budget so theres no guarantee they wont do the same thing now well exactly and theres no way that he can offer them anything like what they want its hard to imagine what sort of deal they would strike best this is a very Fragile Alliance is it fair to say theres every possibility spain could be looking at another election not too far in the future its possible it would be. It was very strongly tied into people in spain are very tired of voting dated in one day that these time they want want a new election but it could be the only solution depends of how Prime Minister sanchez plays his cards but its its really difficult its more difficult than before because at least in april he had the chance to turn to the to the centrist party and form a coalition with them the centrist party has been all but destroyed in this election and then theres the worse the option never very likely but at least the option of the conservatives abstaining and allowing him to form a government this option also has disappeared because fox becoming the 3rd force means that for the conservatives they have to look very carefully into what they do and if they are seen as supporting me even if you choose passively supporting the socialists. Well you know next election day could be destroyed by the fire right ok thank you michelle and sure thanks for joining us we look forward i guess to weeks if not months of that horse trading you spoke about sammy as federal sanchez the socialist leader here tries to form a government in spain thanks marts jonah hole there now process with this protesters from catalonia have blocked a major highway that connects the spanish region with france without the home he joins us live from the france spain border so how is it looking at this point whether. Well actually were on the french side of the border spain is just behind us this is the beginning of a 3 day civil do disobedience that was called upon by this group called democratic tsunami its a group that communicates online digitally with its supporters who sort of dont give you a clear view about whats going on fuld over the past 3 weeks 3 days but this is the beginning the people here that are here now say that they will stay here for the next 3 days might lead a lot of disruption really for those who want to travel between this region of spain and france now this is the aim of this group really is that they stated aim is that they will continue with this street pressure like they did in the past at the airport like they doing now on the highway and who knows where they are going to pop up over the next 3 days now they say theyre going to continue that until what they say their slogan is until spain sits and talks d they say theyre asking for selfdetermination their law asking for what their freedom and theyre asking for more rights and certainly st pressure going on here by the Pro Independence groups. But its quite clear behind you we can see people blocking the highway any sign authorities are about to intervene and try and clear the mall. Im sorry i couldnt hear you question yet any sign the authorities are about to intervene and try and clear off those people behind you blocking the highway. Well what we know is that the head of the election their madrid authorities have beefed up Police Presence in catalonia several 1000 policemen west said to the region we know that police has been also deployed to this area at this civic moment everything is peaceful and we dont see any kind of confrontation this is the very early stages this action began just a couple of hours ago and this still building so well have to see what will happen next but if we compare maybe to what happened in the past what happened when the protesters headed to the airport in barcelona and blocked that road that cause a disruption and the cancellation of over 100 flights well they were certainly after that quite quite violent confrontations between the protesters and the police will have to that will unfold. But this is still developing early stages this wave of civil disobedience. Much now hong kongs chief executive kerry land has just said the ongoing violence has exceeded protesters demands for democracy and demonstrators are now the peoples enemy and next challenge presents the prodemocracy group the most ito and joins us now from hong kong 1st of all let me get your reaction to what kerry lamb has. Carried horizon the protesters as a threat to society. Well i think the protest is just very much is its just showing that people have to its having such a any longer and this country hands towards the government because from june this year are we have raised to 5 demands a protest as in how can i have raised 75. 00 demands and still now want to see that government is inside the government have no i have no respect towards the fire demands extensionally on sue. To deal with their fire letters and abuse of power of the Home Companies but let me let me bring you the the official response to that which is weve seen scenes of protesters also practicing violence. Vandalism property it appears from even video which is emerged today that some protesters maybe setting fire to others. Armor i would stand out if i were the president says there i wont do or i want bill i wanted things like that we have to but its happening rather than that there is the am a point when they say that level of violence now is an irony is that i mean theres some behavior of the current s. S. I. Or not proportional but i hope that people will be only you know focusing on what the police have done not what the promises have done but the problem behind that the reasons behind that are why are they such a large error and this contest to whats the governments is because of you know the police keep easing power and its use firelands to was purchased as a nation again and again today and that makes and that makes people you know why police are being so im called from the book and even peoples safety and i have not been protected by the police but you know in the end the other way our lives are being threatened. Let me bring to you what carrie im also says you basically have us yours were not going to yield do you think that reflects her political desire or pressure from beijing. Well i would say that its definitely not only the decision from the home whole government that beijing government is also for having a very Important Role in how to deal with the how to response to this to our movement and of course when we see that when our one country to a system which should be under promise by a beijing government its not what its being destroyed by the Chinese Government right now and it seems that the hong kong other half has less and less thats hard to me all the how to carve out of there were political issues in terms of political aegis and. So even today we could see that some people wearing. The whole companies uniform. 6 end side a military cam of hong kong so we could see that the Chinese Government and also the whole government is planning for more and more firelands suppression of all their stock car movements or i will leave it at that agnes chao that. The u. S. Is calling for early elections in iraq and an end to violence against protesters. Security forces opened fire on demonstrators again on sunday killing at least 9 people these 325 people have been killed across the country since protests began at the start of october with demands for political reform Iraqs Parliament is meeting later on monday to go live now to mohammed june me joins us from baghdad so mohammed is it like both sides are gearing up for war confrontations at this point. Well i mean not only does it look that way it seems the confrontations have already begun just in the past 10 minutes weve had at least 3 ambulances drive past us here were here in Tahrir Square theyre coming from the direction of square thats about 300 meters to the north of us and thats been an area where there have been repeated clashes the last several days just in the last 15 minutes also weve had about 7 protesters that have been injured in what weve heard are clashes currently going on in thats where theyve been taken to a volunteer medic tent just to the right of us here theyre being treated right now we dont yet know what the nature of their injuries are we will try to get those details for you as soon as we can this is a pattern that seems to be repeating itself when you come to your square earlier in the day it is usually peaceful and the crowds are sparse as the day goes on more and more people come out and the protesters that want to get on those bridges that connect from the areas surrounding to every square that go to other parts of the city where there are Government Installations thats when the trouble usually starts because Security Forces do not want those protesters on those bridges they try to push them back into Tahrir Square all that being said back to the matter is you have the u. S. Today now calling on new elections calling for rather new elections and off you also have the United Nations Assistance Mission for. That has put forth several proposals to try to calm the situation in iraq theyre calling for protesters that have been detained to be released there all see also calling for Electoral Reform the fact of the matter is though even though theyre out the government keeps saying theyre going to introduce some type of Electoral Reform nobody knows exactly what those reforms are going to entailed and the protesters we keep speaking with theyre waiting to hear more from the government but they believe that everything theyve heard from the government so far has not been detailed has not been concrete and thats why their frustration is building. From a gentle. State of emergency has been declared in the australian state of New South Wales as firefighters battle wildfires authorities have warned of a catastrophic threat People Living on the outskirts of sydney are being urged to leave their homes emergency crews say high temperatures and strong winds are fueling the flames at least 3 people have died and thousands been left homeless on the catastrophic conditions the safest thing you can do is not be in an at risk area catastrophic conditions that the focus is principally and foremost on lost life the life is at risk when it comes to catastrophic conditions and as weve said for decades now we cannot guarantee i thought truck at every house we cannot guarantee an aircraft will be overhead every time of ours impacting on your property we cannot guarantee that someone will knock on the door and give you a warning that this was a new boy and we certainly cannot guarantee that despite our best efforts the technological tools available will deliver your message in time in a few moments well have more on the fires in australia and the weather with kevin but still ahead and ill just sara how Health Workers in the democratic republic of congo are fighting mistrust and fear to treat about the patients. Our own charge on a couch called chaos thats coming up with joe. As you saw in that press conference a looking at catastrophic conditions for tomorrow i want to show you what is happening to cars that we are talking right now High Pressure is dominating most of the eastern southeastern part of australia what that means is a lot of sun a lot of dry air across much of the area and temperatures are on the rise now we do have this front about it that is coming in off the bite that is making its way towards eastern australia one step pushes through temperatures are going to come down but the big problem is with that front we are looking at some very very gusty conditions pushing through the area so temperatures tomorrow across much of this area where we are looking at catastrophic as well as extreme fire danger well he attempts was up to about 39. 00 celsius very dry air winds are going to be anywhere between 30 and possibly 80 Kilometers Per Hour anywhere along this front about an hour notice city at 37. 00 degrees once this pushes through then were going to be seeing a big change for sydney but then the threat is going to move a little bit more towards north New South Wales in terms of fire damage danger gets a little bit better but queensland that is where the risk is going to go so for sydney we are looking at 37 degrees a very gusty winds tomorrow dropping to about 23 so thats the good news but as we go towards thursday we are looking at about 26 for their. Good weather sponsored by countdown. Russia has jeopardized the United States security interest we know what you are doing and you will not succeed perceptions from the outside if you. Want to picture from the inside. I think russias Foreign Policy is too soft. Russian goals here to not peace and if you will russia on aljazeera. Investigative journalist below her. Global experts in discussion 3 times she put a deal and you disagreed with the deal because of the terrible twos that were still it was bricks of us were you watching the stories from other things. Open your eyes to an alternative view of the world today you have to rethink pretty much everything thank you for talking to aljazeera. Programs to inspire you on aljazeera. For watching ill just 0 time to recap our headlines now hong kongs chief executive has said violence succeeded protesters demands for change and now the enemy of the people carry land statement came hours after police shot a protest and demand was sent home during one of the most violent days since the under arrest began over 5 months ago latin americas longest serving dida has resigned following protests against israel action in bolivia but even more dollars theres also called it a coup against his government accuse police of issuing and illegal warrants for his arrest libyas police chief denies that. The u. S. Is calling for only elections in iraq and an end to violence against protesters there Security Forces opened fire on demonstrators again on sunday killing at least 9 people rox parliament is expected to discuss the protesters demands this week. Chinas president has arrived in greece for a 3 day visit focused on investment and trade she doing things with greek Prime Minister course in its attack is after touching down in athens on sunday president xi will also visit for a as the Mediterranean Sea port controlled by chinas state owned shipping Company Cosco its his 1st visit since the approval of chinas 680000000. 00 plan to expand the port take a closer look at chinas involvement then the states own china Ocean Company or costco owns a controlling stake in the port cosco increased the contain a business of the port sevenfold during the decade its been managing it in that time china invested 2 1000000000. 00 and it plans to invest another 2000000000. 00 over the next 5 years. And heres why its important the institute for international and economic studies estimates 10 percent of chinas exports to europe go through paris to answer up less joins us live from athens bad very positive messages are being put out by the government how is this visit and the ties with china being seen by wider society. I think the greeks are largely optimistic and positive about chinas involvement this is a country that as you know has been through a 25 percent contraction of its economy over the last decade more than a 1000000 jobs were lost it is slowly beginning to crawl back into growth but that growth is still weak this government was elected on a platform of doubling it least 4 percent of g. D. P. China is being seen as key to those plans china is also interested in various sectors in the Greek Economy the port is extremely important as you said but also energy there are 16 Bilateral Agreements being signed today one of them involves a major new Renewable Energy installation on the island of crete another one involves an investment by another state owned Chinese Company state grid which will bid to make very important grid connections between the mainland and the islands which will enable energy to flow both ways and there are other agreement that involves a 2 Year Development plan between the 2 countries the Civil Aviation authority is a planning new slots and routes between china and greece thats key to bringing half a 1000000 Chinese Tourists to greece that is the stated goal of the greek government and the Chinese Government those tourists are seen as good. They have money in their pockets they buy souvenirs they go to restaurants as well as visiting the sites greece wants that half a 1000000. 00 for. Its even though its already got 30000000. 00 visitors a year here for those reasons because they spend money and there are other agreements that will lead to further development of the economy such as exports of greek Agricultural Products to china so it isnt just the port to the port was a pilot investment very important strategically to the chinese economy very important strategically to the Greek Economy but its also a gate opener for a slew of other investments both state and private from china but also now increasingly flowing the other way china for example has lent greek ship owners 3000000000. 00 in order to finance ship building in china that has been repaid amply greeks have built an estimated 1000. 00 ships in china over the last 15 years and those deals are worth an estimated 50000000000. 00 so there is a field of collaboration in ship of her ship building and trade but that is leading to also acts of other things as well. Thanks so much john lets continue this discussion now with dan wang is an analyst at the columnist Intelligence Units accessed chinas service she joins us now from beijing thanks so much for being with us so china lets start with this trip 1st by xi jinping and what new investments do you expect china to make particularly in the energy sector. I guess it will be along the lines of the trip by natural gas which china does very neat and in order to for china to diversify its energy and its new Energy Car Industry Climate Change Initiative China would need more helpers any support in yet and greek seem to be a good entry point to europe and if china can set a good example in greek then it can potentially set up a good example to other european politicians and in public that china can do more to offer to europeans and china invested in greece of a time when many countries felt its economy wasnt ripe for investment why did china make that decision to go ahead on their number of reasons especially in this backward drop the china u. S. Tension the europe has become more important but within europe france and germany has been the strongest that war is on the kind of support china but without not without criticisms and for greece its had a special place china can actually offer a lot of help to solve some of its immediate problems and also to help it to achieve its long term goals. In terms of the data issues are chinas willing to provide Financial Aid we dont talk about the graphics it start much anymore but fundamentally the risk is still there and for sure for the 2 countries theyre both theyre all civilizations and that is some crying commentary by this kind of old civilization in todays world and thats very actually unique religion if i could jump in though because countries that easily invest in other countries just because they want to help another country or because they have old civilizations what do you make of suggestion that for china its really are in the political and geopolitical games of influence of investing in a major e. U. And nato country. We apologize there seem to have lost our connection there with our guest turkey state media says the deportation of captured i saw fighters has begun one american has been repatriated and more german fighters are expected to be sent home on thursday president or edge of tiber the one says more than 1200 eisel prisoners are being held in turkey and 280 in syria ankara has warned fighters will be repatriated even if their citizenships have been revoked in their home nations Health Workers in the democratic republic of congo say violence and mistrust are contributing to the spread of ebola they say despite the challenges more people are being treated and fewer are getting sick Catherine Sawyer has this exclusive report from benny. Doctors at this a polar Treatment Center in beni struggle to keep an 8 Year Old Girl alive. And shes in the late stages of the disease and her pain is unbearable. We call her cavour to protect her privacy this doctor whos heading of with care his patients are often brought too late to share a bit of i had a viral load. Now today shes a little bit worse than yesterday. Not so conscious anymore feeling playing. Giving some fluids controlling. Diarrhea in another section of the center theres a case doctors are calling a medical miracle baby and was born prematurely 3 weeks ago her mother died immediately after giving birth but shes not sick her doctors tell us this could be one of the 1st such documented cases since a baller was discovered decades ago she was really positive upload. The placenta was posted to you dont believe court was supposed to be legal it was posted to this alive inside of the baby mom it was posed to you but the blood of the baby is always negative those who come to see it man centers on time are getting more people also getting vaccinated many now understand that this is a dangerous disease and getting help on time is a matter of life and death this latest outbreak of ebola started last year and has killed at least 2000 people in parts of eastern democratic republic of congo burials are harder now than at any other time grieving families here frederick new kids relatives watch him being carried away by Health Workers to a mass grave far from home a ball is most infectious when someone dies. His wife whose 2 children have also died still trying to come to terms with their dads weeks after they were buried least it is very sad to see people i love dying i cannot even send them off with a proper christian burial or even a proper prayer its very painful. Health workers higher say fewer people are getting sick. But theres still a lot of mistrust and hostility from some ingenue looking were coming from a burial when our team was attacked by a group of people they were very hostile and had barricaded the road they stoned our car and beat us up we are lucky we are scaped back at the benny Treatment Center baby and is getting stronger she will have to be taken to and often age while she gets the all clear her father is in hiding her grandfather says he cant take care of. On the other hand is still fighting for her life catherine saif al jazeera many democratic republic of congo the colts rule the sufficient evidence to go ahead with the Corruption Case against a former malaysian Prime Minister najib razak faces allegations he and his family looted the state Investment Fund in a multibillion dollar scandal spanning 6 countries formally them in times he did nothing wrong with the leader of cambodia is dissolved Opposition Party has met the french ambassador a day after being released from house arrest came so had restrictions eased on sunday but is still unable to take part in politics or leave the country the rest came during a crackdown by the Prime Minister and sent his route for 3 decades. Now the worlds busiest Online Shopping day may have broken new records chinese ecommerce giants reported booming sales for the annual event this year many retailers are turning to video Live Streaming to attract customers. As. Singles day or double 11 used to be a strictly chinese retail event but in the last 10 years or so its grown to be much more than that sellers on digital platforms across the region are taking part and here in china its not just home grown brands that want a piece of the action but also International Brands including makers of luxury goods consumers can get almost anything they want from groceries to even real estate a 1st for this years single state now politics may affect this years sales somewhat last year hong kong was the largest destination outside Mainland China alongside russia and the u. S. This year protesters have urged shoppers to boycott the event and he government protests that have lasted more than 5 months thats not expected to dent sales much however because the numbers coming out a staggering more than 200000 brands and more than half a 1000000000 shoppers expected china is forecast to overtake the u. S. As the Worlds Largest Retail Market by the end of this year according to a Market Research firm and whats driving this is of course growing wealth but also a rise in Online Shopping ecommerce makes up about 35 percent of retail sales thats a far higher percentage than any market in the world the rollout of 5 g. Technology is expected to be a game changer faster mobile internet speeds will open up new retail opportunities but dont rule out physical stores like these ones just yet they still dominate with 65 percent of market share and what it does mean however is that its going to be a tougher fight for them to take a lot just slice of the expanding chinese Retail Market. Being the victim of racism. All right looking a bit messy on the green and here to tell us about whats going on is joe family links right here were going to start in italy where theres trouble in charin eventis star player christiane elder has been left fuming after he was subbed off for the 2nd time in a week it happened in the 2nd half of the city our lead his game with ac milan came off and had was with coach moderates assadi before disappearing to the changing rooms according to local reports renowned i left the stadium before the end of the game. To celebrate his teams way in to add to his woes it was his replacement paladin he scored the goal that put you back on top. And i had doubts christiane i could play the full 90 minutes hes been having this problem recently which is having an impact on him because i train like you usually does so i decided both he and paolo should not try the full match we should thank cristiana for offering him self because so many other players would have stepped back and not played but you could tell he was struggling so thats why i replaced him and im happy with his work ethic he clearly still wants to help the team. Lots here up to 3rd after 40 whenever lecce mobile a scored his 14th leave go of the season. Carrier just behind last year on goal difference thanks in part to this 2 purba Long Range Strike from roger 9 goal and that helped secure a 52. 00 win over a few arent enough. Now footballers been sent off during a match in ukraine despite him being the victim of racist abuse brazilian taste on his play is playing for shocked at netscape to board towards dynamo kiev fans who were using racist insults the referee gave him the red card for that efficient had already followed the 1st 2 steps of the wafers protocol asking for a stadium announcement to be made before taking players into the dressing room for 5 minutes the 3rd step would have been to abandon the match as you can see taste on left the match in todays. Show. If you much today my players showed their strong character once again i would like to support all those suffering from racism those guys who faced it today because racism is unacceptable it was and it will be a shameful and we all have to fight against it every day every minute every 2nd. The Seattle Sounders have won the m. L. S. Cup for a 2nd time beating toronto 31 in the final after goalless 1st half it was all to play for in seattle took control going to now up with 14 minutes to play richard reid is with the strike he was later named the m. L. S. Cups most valuable player a late goal from rawi diaz wrapped up the win despite a consolation go from toronto to sound as also beat the Canadian Club in 2016 when they won their 1st m. L. S. Cup title. Its hard to put in words amazing its just. A surreal moment for her for me personally for this Team Obviously its a. Big big moment in the sports history just so proud of everyone its been a team effort all year and. You know just so its so happy with the results so much city boss Pep Guardiola could find himself in trouble with the f. A. After all king is one of the officials during his teams loss to liverpool the English Premier League champions had 2 penalty decisions turned down liverpool opened the scoring in the 6 minute threw for being you and further goals from sol and man i saw them take a 31 win it was the 9 points ahead of city who sit 4th and pep was pretty upset i mean talk about the game im not here to talk about transition the rest of us today trent. All the time have to come here about every game a disease of the referees will be a 100 white is one days training now is no 10 dont ask to meet us today so look to the your phone call and maybe they can answer this. In germany but his image and bad back have opened up a 4 point lead at the top of the bun does the trick herman scored 2 as they ease part of the brain in 31 blood by her head of the light sick and champions by new nick in the table. It was a wild enterprise birds one no whenever im trying frankfurt when frankfurts captain David Abrahams shoulder charge the opposition coach christian strikes sending him flying that spot tomorrow must roll with the referee handing out red cards to abraham and freiburg player who retaliated on his coaches the home. While the one rafael nadal is fit and ready to face defending a. T. P. Finals champion alexanders vera later on monday youll be looking to avoid the kind of upset faced by 20 time grandson champion Roger Federer who was beaten in his opening match by dominant team federers won the a. T. P. Final 6 times cant afford another slip up after this 7575 defeat. And be a champions the Toronto Raptors have brought an end to the Los Angeles Lakers recent good form the lakers were beaten 7 games coming into this one the bron james had 13 points 15 assists and 13 rebounds for what was his 85th career triple double wasnt enough though the lakers losing for the 1st time since the Opening Night against clippers toronto taking 81132104. Now gulf is not usually a sport you associate with playing under floodlights but thats exactly what happened at the turkish open on sunday after 4 rounds of daytime goals there were 6 men tied at the top of the leaderboard 20 under par it required for additional holes to determine a winner and even though englands Terrell Hatton couldnt birdie the 4th play a whole 8 didnt matter the sunnah disappeared and so had all of his rivals hatton takes home 1000000. 00 as the 1st prize. All right that is a useful for now it is backed by me thanks so much joe. Well thats it for me for this news back in a moment during the week here with another 4 bolts of the days news so do stay with us here on out is iraq. Was taken to mean that you are. Not in full as they were say the intention was to make sure that were no longer entitled to basic rights or Citizenship Rights once their villages were burned were funneled into what is now become complex where the marines are basically your friends exiles coming soon on aljazeera. To. I really felt liberated as a journalist was. Getting to the truth as it. Was with this. From the al jazeera london. 2 special guests in conversation the resistance and i see in the midst of pain. Uninterrupted all of us. And theyre just. That is why they shouldnt. Exactly fatima bhutto. Movie studio script on aljazeera. Hong kongs chief executive warns violence is exceeding demands for change calling. The watching a lie from a headquarters and. Also ahead of us president resigns after weeks of postelection protests russia. This is allegation that his removal is a coup. A socialist fall short for me

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