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Hello again welcome back to International Weather forecast here across Eastern Europe we have seen a big drop in temperature over the last few days and that is all due to this frontal boundary that is pushing down towards the south and behind the front and to the north were talking about temperatures that are in the Single Digits and actually minus 3 here in moscow so thats going to stay over the next few days but things are going to stay quite clear and cold across much of this area now out to the west its a different story were talking about a weather system that is coming in off the atlantic and things are going to get a little rough particular over here towards the southern part of the u. K. And if you do have travel plans on friday for london for paris for birmingham expect to see delays across that area were going to see a lot of rain across the region and very gusty winds coming into play across the region there so it is going to be a problem of delays and probably even cancellations there down towards the south that were going to see a little bit of rain for rome with a temperature of 22. 00 degrees for the northern part of africa it is going to be more rain in store that we did have a break here for tunisia but as we go from thursday into friday expect to see more clouds and more rain coming into place some of those showers could be quite heavy so for tunis expect to see a rainy day at 22 algiers at 24 but cairo a nice day for you with clouds in the forecast at 28 degrees. It. Hello again the top stories on aljazeera a gas stove has exploded in a train in pakistan sparking a huge fire and chilling at least 60 people it was on its way from karate to rubble pindi just outside islamabad its. Iraqs military says one person has been killed after 2 rockets were fired into baghdads havent fortified green zone it happened shortly after a separate incident at the scene bridge witnesses say Security Forces shot at least one professor dead and injured dozens more. Syrian state media is reporting heavy fighting between Government Troops and Turkish Forces near the border town of us in line Syrian Government forces have taken up positions there following a recent kurdish withdrawal. There are fears off atrocities taking place in burundi as the country gears up for an election next year the United Nations special envoy to burundi has announced hell step down saying the government is refusing to cooperate or acknowledge human rights abuses mike hanna has more from the u. N. In new york. The council was addressed by the special envoy to burundi michel cofounder who said he remained concerned about the number of Human Rights Violations within that country he said that the majority of victims appeared to be those aligned with opposition parties and said thered be little cooperation with the burundi government in terms of dealing with these violations on the humanitarian front he said that being a massive improvement only hard as many people within that country are in need of humanitarian assistance as were the Previous Year the councils reaction summed up by the Us Ambassador we welcome the recent remarks from president in currencies or affirming his commitment to Peaceful Elections and encourage the government to take tangible steps towards this goal one of those steps is to allow international and domestic election observers unfettered access to the election process and open and permissive political environment is also critical to Credible Elections political candidates from all parties should be free to campaign without threat of reprisal or interference the council is also addressed by the head of the Peace Building Commission allowed or said that preparations for the elections next year will well underway importantly he said he had been told by government leaders that the current president would not stand for reelection this would remove a major source of friction from Political Affairs in that country its a crucial day for the impeachment inquiry into u. S. President donald trump the house of representatives is expected to vote on authorizing the hearing and on how to make it public meanwhile the former u. S. National security adviser john bolton has refused an invitation to testify i do so kastor reports. Impeachment investigators are eager to question john bolton the former National Security adviser to President Trump was a central figure in the administrations policy toward ukraine and one who said to have used colorful language to describe efforts to compel ukraine to investigate trumps political opponents a drug deal is what boltons assistant said her boss called a july 10th meeting between ukrainian and u. S. Officials at the white house the assistant testified bolton walked out of the meeting after sensing other u. S. Officials had an agenda apart from solidifying the relationship between the 2 nations to get ukraine to investigate trumps domestic rivals i think that weve heard over the last several weeks a lot of lower level people and now the house is going to start moving up the food chain but boltons attorney said Late Wednesday his client will not accept the invitation to testify democrats will likely issue a subpoena but whether or not bolton complies is an open question hes been quiet since being forced out of the white house in september due to policy disputes with the president but 2 weeks before he left his position bolton visited kiev on official business and delivered this message to the ukrainian people people of the United States fought for their independence their sovereignty we understand what that kind of struggle means and the people of the United States are with the people of ukraine at the time ukraine was expecting the delivery of u. S. Military aid to help fight russia but trump was temporarily withholding the aid as his surrogates continue to pressure ukraine to investigate democrats on capitol hill wednesday Trump Nominee to become u. S. Ambassador to russia was asked to comment do you think its ever appropriate for the president to use his office or solicit investigations into a domestic political opponent. Soliciting investigations into a domestic political opponent i dont think that would be in accord with our values and no other assistant to john bolton is expected to testify on thursday to morrison is the director of european and Russian Affairs on the National Security council and named by previous witnesses as having Key Information into the president s decision to withhold aid from ukraine and drumming up expectations further is morrisons announcement on the eve of his expected testimony that he is resigning from the white house hi joe castro aljazeera Washington Post the new politician has been arrested by Israeli Forces during a raid on her home in the occupied west bank city of ramallah does it out as a former member of the Palestinian Legislative Council as well as a leading figure in the popular front for the liberation of palestine thats a party that has been banned by israel jutted out his daughter posted on social media saying more than 70 soldiers and about 12 military vehicles were involved in the raid. Just as her previous detentions by the Israeli Forces the 1st one being on april 25th teen where she was held for 15 months and the 2nd one odd july 2 in july 2nd 2017 where she was held for 18 months and this time as well my mom was detained under. The socalled administrate of detention which allows israel to hold palestinians without any evidence based on something that they Call Security reasons and based on secret evidence so my mother has never been charged with any crimes we have never been informed for the reason of her of harassed and shes never been given the right to a proper trial medical access for my mother who suffers from Severe Health conditions have been very limited during her detention this time during the arrest my sister informed me that. Out of the 70 soldiers that raided our home 20 of them entered our home for harassed led by the commander of the military commander of the area who allowed her to take her medication with her and asked her to pack a bag to take with her so she has been given access to her medication but the medical attention that she received in the past inside Israeli Detention Centers has been extremely negligent it has been. Extremely. Worrying for for all of us. And also this time. We havent been able to get any legal representation for her yet because we have no idea where they took her to israel can hold detainees for. Up to 48 hours before they inform any Human Rights Organization or lawyer of the location of the detainee lets get an update from the joining us from ramallah on the occupied west bank so as her daughter was saying this is not the 1st time that the desert route has been arrested are we getting any more clarity on her whereabouts or what happens next and the circumstances surrounding this arrest was that those are mentioned there is a period of time where palestinians do not know where the people who are related that that to them are their loved ones have been taken by the israeli army until they are processed or they are subjected to trial and sometimes as she mentioned that these palestinians will be subjected to what is known here as administrative detention and detention without charges so in many cases but a thing is do not even have a reason or no why oh on what charges theyre being taken for so this is as we heard the 1st time that shes been arrested than shes been in charge charged with shes been sentenced without charges in the past so this is really what we can say at this point but the issue of administrative detention has been really in the forefront and in the limelight in the palestinian territory where now we have 4 palestinians hunger striking for that exact reason including a palestinian jordanian levity now what we know more from that either is that the israeli army has also when to the house of salmon and a palestinian did sidney whom israel accuses of being the mastermind behind a killing a 17 year old israeli in august they took measurements which might be seen as a prelude for a house to militia and in the future writes in the about him thank you for that update from what im a. Boeings chief executive has admitted the company made mistakes in the development of a key Safety System in this 707 max aircraft Dennis Mullen burke faced a 2nd day of tough questions from u. S. Politicians 2 jets crashed in indonesia and ethiopia killing more than 300 people john hendren has more from chicago it was 2 days of intense grilling for the chief executive officer of boeing company and it happened 1st in the senate then in the house on what was the one Year Anniversary of the 1st of 2737. 00 max flights that crashed killing a total of 346. 00 people in the criticism was harsh one senator said he would rather walk than take the plane another like in the plane to flying coffins and Dennis Miller the c. E. O. Of boeing had to answer for a Text Exchange in which a test pilot said that the planes problems were a green juice and then said that he essentially lied to regulators apologized and said the company had made mistakes but that did not stop heated exchanges like this one so youre saying youre not giving up any compensation and all your continued work and make 30000000. 00 a year after this. 2 accidents that cost all these peoples relatives to go home to disappear to die youre not taking your car pay at all congressman. You know our board will make those terminate your not accountable if you stay on the boards accountable boeing says it has already made Software Fixes to its flight Automation System that would prevent crashes like those that happen but the question now is will the company face intense regulation from now on some senators and members of congress say it should this was after all a plane in which many parts were sealed certified by boeing officials themselves and on capitol hill many people are now asking why twitter is banning political ads saying they may be misleading so the new policy goes into effect next Month Company c. E. O. Jack dorsey says political messages should be earned and not wallets he also says internet advertising is powerful and effective. Excuse me but it brings risks to politics where it can be used to influence votes that affect the lives of millions of people well Donald Trumps 2020 alexion Campaign Manager says twitter has made quote a very dumb decision broad scale also says twitter has walked away from hundreds of millions of dollars of potential revenue he asked of the platform will also stop buying ads from biased liberal Media Outlets which will now run unchecked. As a us political analyst and author of the g. O. P. Civil war he says Campaign Teams on both sides will be scrambling to adapt their online strategies. This is huge not only for the business and social Media Community but more importantly for the Political Landscape not just in the United States but across the globe were talking about a major vehicle major lane for giving out ones message is now being closed off completely and so what this does is this in campaigns its messaging. People from various campaigns scrambling trying to find a way to reach their audience and as we know twitter has a large audience and able to reach many millions of people and so now that lane is completely cut off leaving people trying to figure out how in fact they reach their audience but of course many are looking and wondering you know what in fact will Mark Zuckerberg of facebook do now that twitter has made this momentous decision this move is i think it will be much welcomed by at least in the United States by the democratic liberal community we do know that in 2016 the election President Donald Trump his primary vehicle for reaching his audience was through twitter and now the president has to find another way to reach that audience on a daily basis without the benefit of using political ads Facebook Says it suspended russian accounts that tried since affair in the domestic politics of a number of african countries the social media giant says the accounts are part of 3 networks tied to a russian businessman accused of meddling in u. S. Elections the targets included sued on the democratic republic of congo and libya. Donald trumps federal judge nominee has broken down in tears during a grilling by the Us Senate Judiciary committee laurens van dyke has been nominated by trump to fill a seat on the 9th Circuit Court of appeals and he was asked about a letter from the Bar Association with said hes not qualified the letter questioned whether van dyke would be fair to people prompting this response. Tara. Sorry no i did not say that i do not believe. It is a fundamental belief that all people are created god they should all be treated with dignity and respect. Hello again the headlines on aljazeera at this hour a gas cooking stove has exploded in a train in pakistan sparking a huge fire and killing at least 60 people survivors recorded flames tearing through several carriages the train was on its way from karachi to rubble pindi which is just outside islamabad iraqs military says one person has been killed after 2 rockets were fired into baghdads heavily fortified green zone it happened shortly after a separate incident at the scene bridge witnesses say Security Forces shot at least one protester dead and injured dozens more syrian state media is reporting heavy fighting between Government Troops and Turkish Forces near the border town of us ally in Syrian Government forces have taken up positions there following a recent kurdish withdrawal. At least 10 people have been killed after a powerful earthquake hit the island of mindanao in the southern philippines the magnitude 6. 5 tremor sent panicked residents scrambling from homes Shopping Centers and a hospital several buildings also collapsed this is the 3rd earthquake to strike the same area in the past 2 weeks former white house National Security adviser john bolton has been asked to testify at the impeachment inquiry into president Donald Trumps controversial phone call to his ukraine counterparts a palestinian politician has been arrested by Israeli Forces during a raid on her home in the occupied west bank city of. God is a former member of the Palestinian Legislative Council and a leading figure in the popular front for the liberation of palestine thats a party that has been banned by israel as daughter posted on social media saying more than 70 soldiers and 12 military vehicles were involved in the raids boeings chief executive is rejecting calls for his resignation after a 2nd day of questioning from u. S. Politicians Dennis Mullen burge admitted responsibility for mistakes which caused 2 major crashes but insists he wants to see the crisis through 2 of the companies 737 max 8 jets crossed within a 6 month period killing 346 people and politicians accused boeing of putting profits before safety those are the headlines inside stories coming up next. Looking thing the going to stick the ambushing intrigue get a grip take a look pretty close to the target and making this country the greatest place all the critics do is delay the bombing followed good drama of bricks it on al jazeera. More uncertainty in levanon after nearly 2 weeks of popular protests Prime Minister assad has really has resigned but some protesters say theyll remain on the streets until all their demands are met so what happens next and what would another power vacuum mean this is his inside story. I am. And welcome to the program im fully back it was one of the main demands of lebanons protest movement the resignation of the Prime Minister and his cabinet well after nearly 2 weeks of mass protests over corruption and Economic Hardship saad hariri has been forced to step down he handed his resignation to president michel aoun who has accepted it and has now tasks hariri to lead a caretaker government but many protesters say this is not enough and are demanding the president also resigns and parliamentary elections be held there is concern that this could lead to a power vacuum in lebanon lost to talk about with our guests in just a moment but 1st this report from aljazeera stephanie deca. It is day 142 weeks and a significant win for the protesters in the form of the resignation of Prime Minister saad had in effect the government but many questions remain and challenges remain we are now at a political crisis yes there has been some easing of the situation. On the ground when it comes to the opening of the main roads something youve been putting a lot of pressure on the government a lot of pressure also on the people wanting to move around the capital and this country those roads that protesters have closed have been reopened grosso hearing that schools and banks are due to open but there are big question marks when it comes to political situation of this country what is the Transitional Government going to look like the protesters want a government its cabinet made up of technocrats of people not affiliated to any of the Political Parties but the people now in consultations with the president are going to be people affiliated heads of these parties at the protesters are against are they going to be able to agree on anything we know there are discrepancies there are disagreements among the Political Parties and are the protesters going to agree on what they come up with there are major challenges ahead protesters also will tell you that theyre going to remain in the streets until the entire government resigns at the names change so i think at the moment difficult times ahead for lead on challenging times ahead for lebanon and unpredictable times ahead for lebanon Stephanie Decker in beirut for inside story. Now lebanon has a very complex system of governance that goes back to the countrys independence from france in 1903 its a sectarian political system representing all religious groups and it was reinforced in the tifa court that ended lebanons 15 year civil war in 1990 the top positions are held by the 3 largest sex the president is always a maronite christian the Prime Minister a sunni muslim and the speaker of parliament a shia muslim the number of seats in parliament is equally split between christians and muslims and proportionally divided among the countrys 18 secs the iranian backed shia Group Hezbollah and its on lies hold the majority of seats in the Current Parliament and the group also has considerable military power the Coalition Government that resigned on monday took 9 months to form following a deadlock over ministerial positions. In the early or less introduce our panel now for todays inside story in beirut omar xabi a political analyst and former advisor on human rights at the ministry of interior in lebannon in london. A researcher at the institute of Global Affairs at the London School of economics and also in the lebanese capital beirut 9 salim professor of International Affairs and diplomacy at Notre Dame University gentlemen welcome to inside story thank you for being with us 9 salame in beirut let me start with you saad hariri now tasked with leading a caretaker government with limited powers does this ease the crisis a little bit or does it complicate things further. Well on the face of it it has that attention it has led to the majority absolute majority of demonstrates or to get to get off the streets or over lebanon. Most of the roads have been opened over the past few hours since early Early Morning and this has allowed movement the transport nation and businesses to reopen their daughters as of today and tomorrow all institution in the country and all businesses will be open once again after 2 weeks of total shut off the road down so now the president. Is now to conduct consultation with spiderman members which are constitutionally required to see whom do they want or whom they prefer to be the next Prime Minister and based on those consultations which are likely to be scheduled to morrow by the president ial palace the decision to. Put. Someone to. Form the new cabinet will be decided or declared by the president the next few days will clarify this whole issue on who will be the next the Prime Minister 0. 18 of a day to present a Prime Minister busy. May be the next Prime Minister but he has already now before i got into the studio he has been he said that he is putting. Conditions such as they dont want in the new cabinet ministers who are. Seen as. Confrontational or whatever and this may complicate may complicate the situation. Some have suggested that sad harry reids move was in a goes. Tactic. Because the pressure on right now and what are the possible scenarios here well the pressure in my opinion is on the government and on the Political Parties they have tried different ways to scale down the protests to no avail at the moment it seems that the resignation of sun had it has been well accepted in the street it was seen as a sort of win for the movement the scenarios Going Forward or i think having a clear mandate for the government stating what the reforms are going to be and being very clear on how theyre going to do them on top of that i think whats lacking at the moment apart from the shape of the government with the technocrats or not which i did it should be technocrat. The substance and which is going to the manner in which is going to tackle the reforms is offered to that essence right amar nash in beirut as nines salim has said the Political Party is now headed for consultations with the president but these consultations will be with the same political establishment that the protesters on the streets have been criticizing so you wonder whats the point of it all. Exactly exactly i think i think what will happen is that we will have a government that is not very much different than the government that we had i mean there would be some changes but these changes would only be you know small details the problem the people were took to the streets and there were screaming and shouting against the government in a movement that was called the revolution because they reject the whole political system the this system is based on as you as the introduction of your show you know showed the pointed out very clearly this is a sectarian system and you know theres so much corruption in the country and theres a failure of the government to deliver basic services to the city to the people and people and the reason for that is that people in the government are being appointed in the government because of their sectarian allegiance not because of their capacity to deliver or the competence you know and that and that is the major challenge and the people are angry now right im not saying the people did not present i mean the people who are striking did not present any alternative they were just saying that they were angry that the government fails to deliver and that corruption is widespread all over the country so what were witnessing right now is that were witnessing yes im sorry i was going to just jump in you talked about the sectarian system yes you talked about the 60 sectarian system but do you think that lebanon on can do away with this sectarian system thats been in place for what 4050 years now what are the other alternatives if not the sectarian system in a country thats so diverse when it comes to religion since all. Yes yes i agree fully but you know there are you know the majority of the people who took to the streets in the past the 13 days are young people this is a young generation coming out and saying that we cannot continue with this tradition system that has failed all along since the independence of this country to actually deliver the services hot a bit i mean this is one of the most expensive countries in the world we have inflation that is you know shocking i mean people are not really happy with the Economic Situation theyre not happy with the Political Representation we just had the you know bali mentally elections a year ago and you know you had more than lets say the minimum numbers more than 30400000 people on the streets and there was nobody to represent them so that shows the failure of the electoral law that is also based on sectarian divisions and sectarian divisions distributional powers i mean this is a distribution of power based on religious groups and the new generation has had enough of that the new generation levanon as i can see them as i met them in the in the protests and i see them there against the whole system they want a system that delivers basic services to the people and we frankly dont have Social Security system that is in place we dont have an Education System we have some serious challenges in this country and that new generation is saying no to everything to the whole Political Class and is not presenting any of turn right serious challenges. Theres no doubt about that serious challenges but how dangerous a moment is this for lebanon you think. Well the danger is for the Current Situation to be misused by certain Political Parties in the oven on the the point i wish to make before i jump into this issue is that the Movement Towards nonsectarian lebanon needs to be an incremental one it needs to be a phase of a phased process to get us from the current status quo to the desired lebannon shocks are usually not very well accepted by by the masses both those on the street and those who are not but at the same time shocks can be also ridden along the waves by certain Political Parties or certain infiltrators. Ok what im saying is that we are all for the Movement Towards nonsectarian lebanon and i think this is what we are all calling for let me just bring in 9 salim in there what i wanted to bring you in on that point of the political system in lebanon which is so complicated but which has been in place now for decades do you think it can be changed in a country like lebanon and in 2008 we remember hezbollah took full control after a similar crisis do you see such a scenario happening again can they be a purely. Hezbollah backed government. Well if the situation goes into total deadlock that may become a credible scenario or probable scenario i dont think given the current circumstances. That hezbollah leadership is sinking in anyway to take over the country it is not in the interest and they cannot manage the country if they decide to take it militarily over militarily they can do that but they pull it politically they cannot rule the country so this is not. An issue that is probable to happen that regarding the system the system has been sectarian for a long time and it is difficult to change it overnight the 1st step to change the system is to change the election just go to an election based on which parliamentary election where it took took place last year. Basically do nothing for a non sectarian system to be applied so as of now there is no possibility that the law will be changed so is the next. Period after a new government is established and depending on who would be would be in charge of the new government 78 percent is going to as i said to mr assad how do you. But the fundamental point if we are to go into a nonsectarian system you need to change that election to put an election and that remains to be seen there are big question marks on this issue and the general oun general allen may go in that direction and he may have majority bringing together his only Group Hezbollah. And if you are allies and they would have more than 70 members of Parliament Giving vote of confidence for the new cabinet. Cabinet but i dont think he is going in that direction if he is to form a new government from. March 4th ian marsh 8 coalition 11 on that will incur on lebanon are forming sanctions particularly american sanctioned it because has our law is under u. S. Sanctions not essentially ok 9 salim both omar and the last say yes just let me just bring 9 back into the conversation 9 both omar and bill out say you cant change the system overnight the political system in lebanon overnight so how do you achieve the radical changes that the protesters are demanding. The fundamental change is the 1st Building Block in the changes and reform is to deal with score abruption. d and corruption now has been for sort of 2 years in government we need 1st of all as a 1st step to get a cabinet that will address corruption at all levels of. Administration of the us or it is from the Minute Council of ministers all the way to the badness in full use of government ok as off now there is no will on the on and no consensus on dealing was corruption because also have been ruling the country for the past 30 years as they are part of the part of some of the score option lets lets hear from now in london how do we how do we change things how do we achieve the radical changes that the protesters have been demanding. Well i would like to actually read flip that and say that we are on the verge of economic collapse and the central question now is less on the on the on the structure of things but more on what the reforms that the new government with is going to deliver and what kind of mandate with this government have the the form of the government is of course important for consensus given that we this is the decisions core lebanon we function by consensus consensus politics. But at the same time we must not ignore the fiscal deficit of around 10 percent according to the i. M. F. And that there is a movement on the street that has put pressure on the on the government so any failed steps Going Forward will not be met with with roses the other thing to say is that once this has kicked off and the momentum a took. For the past 14 days. This will not stop this will not stop very easily which is which is i think. The symptom so the process will not will not stop at the moment the momentum is there its going to all get going i but its avoiding to note that there are 3 things that are that have been radically changed in people in the streets one is political beliefs one is individual preferences towards the political system and 3 social connections that have been formed in the process the 3 of these can catalyze the movement to keep Going Forward and this is evidence that has been shown in hong kong and in other places that the whens once the momentum is there once people actually attend one protest the likelihood of them attending again is significantly higher of our actual keep going amar in beirut lets bring you back into the conversation it took we know 9 months for her to form the government that resigned that handed its resignation on monday how long do you see this crisis lasting in lebanon and again the same question i posed to the other guests how do we achieve the radical changes that the protesters have been demanding if not changing the political system. Well. Its possible that it would take a long period of time to have a new government it could take a long period of time to name a new Prime Ministers i think the crisis remains its a system that is going through many difficulties theres no consensus there are various groups that are looking for their interests there is no feeling of National Unity or that any really any political political position that is for the interests of the country as a whole they are very sick theyre in groups and political groups calling for their own interests and the interests of the own sect or their own region or that all parties and this is this will lead to more challenges the discussions will be over power sharing and how theyre going to do power sharing based on sectarian principles and thats whats going to take place and this may take a long time to resolve this is a system that is a total failure and what were doing now is some patchwork and trying to actually bring in a government that will also be a total failure theres no not much hope for the same system to actually have some substantial change we can actually analyze this for hours and now indeed i was going to ask you and you mentioned the fact that this is obviously a very complicated situation thats not likely to be resolved anytime soon and we know that the political dynamics are complicated and theyre not only internal but also have regional implications and theres a complex web of allegiances that involves countries like saudi arabia and iran what would be the regional implications of a power vacuum any prolonged political crisis in the middle. Well we had the power vacuum before we had the you know in the past we had the problem with a power vacuum there was no president for a long period of time and that didnt change the situation and he the continue the government continues to fail to deliver if there is a power vacuum or if there is no power vacuum the problem is in lebanon is the there is no National Unity and nationally and will power to build the nation every nation thats supposed to serve its citizens and that is what the why the young generation to to the streets and screamed loudly one slogan in arabic its good know yanick and everybody they were they were fed up with everybody i mean and that created problems because some sectarian groups could not actually take that their sectarian leader was also included in that can and he can win that everybody slogan and you know the this is this actually shows that i think on one hand theres a lot of optimism for the future because you can see the future event of a generation to fuse the sectarian system or a large part of it on the other hand its problematic because these young people dont have a representative there just and they dont want that at present if they dont want to actually form a new Political Party theyre just taking to the streets to actually the majority of these people took to the street to actually scream out against the failure of the government the corruption that is so widespread now has there been any Intelligence Forces and any external forces or manipulated the masses im sure that i mean that would be that is the role of any security or intelligence force that is that wants to have a new or old order of all in that but that doesnt eliminate the actual cause for the new generation for a better country thats based on democracy and away from the sectarian Power Division and away from the corruption because so much money has been ripped off theres no place in the sea ports around beirut for to park a yacht there are so many and theres the than percent of the population the. Is living a glamorous life with a thanks to corruption and thanks to government corruption and the whole power sharing system and the apartments for sale for 10000000. 00 where theres the rest of the people dont have money to actually you know before schooling and basic medical health care and thats a very serious problem and i think that is where i would like to focus on that issue i mean for all the actual political analysis yeah i think the time now is to talk about the basic principles basic issues that are the basic services of the government that are not being delivered 9 sally let me give you the last word because were almost at the end of our show. You know as omar said its always been the same people that have ruled lebanon at least the same name so harry reid. And the other guys do you see things changing any time soon and also theres been what about the prospect of new elections that has been one of the main demands of the protesters would that resolve the crisis. A new election will it brings the same groups will have been controlling the power will bring them back unless the election laws are changing then that will change a correlation of forces in the country and if so those same of groups who have been in the successive government in recent years and recent decades if they are to remain in power as it will be noted for them is implemented as a country because those 2 groups are the ones who have robbed the country of its new source of horror option has become very much in demick in the country pandemic all over the various that out of government if we are to see the same groups there is no optimistic outlook for the country as far as reforms are concerned a less we go into government or for new groups that neutralizes the old establishment and bring the new faces to the forefront of politics then we will be having a real substantial reforms which will take us on that old to salvation from this whole mess which have been for many years now gentlemen thank you very much for a very interesting discussion i wish we had more time but im sure well have the opportunity and well have the opportunity to do so in the coming days here on aljazeera thank you very much for being with us 9 salim. And thank you for watching you can always watch his program again any time by the setting our website at aljazeera dot com for further discussion go to our Facebook Page at facebook dot com for sash a. J. Inside story you can also also join the conversation of course on twitter a handle is at a. J. Inside story for me for me back to glenn holton thank you for watching i found. My. In the land of the free the cost of medication is killing people this particular pill is going to be anywhere from 800. 00 to 1100. 00 and citizens are desperate entire bus load of americans coming to walmart in canada to buy insulin because just where they can afford it faultlines investigates a spiraling cost of prescription drugs in the usa i will have to make a decision as to when to stop treatment and choose to die so that i can leave my husband with enough the cost of living on i just one of the really special things about working for aljazeera is that even as a camera woman i get to have so much empathy and contribution to a story i feel we cover this region better than anyone else would be for us as you know that each others lives but it but together because you have a lot of people that are deployed their own political issues we are we the people we live to tell the real stories are just mended used to do the work in depth in the museum we dont feel in fear of a good audience across the globe. A policy imposed decades ago pregnant woman part that she would select to be goods and when the boy is changing demographics across asia with far reaching consequences for creating a pool of socially disadvantaged young men so you have the system where people at every level will be get being given money money to agree to start as a ship or money to get other people to agree to sterilization houses their examines the politics of population control. Aljazeera. Where ever you are. And the differences. And the similarities of. Aljazeera. A gas cooker explodes on a train in pakistan setting carriages alight and killing 60 people. To watch an aljazeera lie from a headquarters and. Also a heads up. 6 another night of violence between demonstrators and Security Forces in iraq and rockets have been fired into baghdads green zone. The is really army arrests a well known palestinian politician after raiding her home in the occupied west bank. And a crucial day in the democrats push to impeach donald trump the u. S. House of representatives is braced for its 1st showdown over the inquiry. Follow a gas stove has exploded on a train in pakistan sparking a huge fire that killed at least 60 people survivors recorded what happened as the flames tore through several carriages the train was on its way from karachi to roll pindi which is just outside islamabad was about there are more casualties due to the speed of the train. Fire thats why dozens of people are. Coming haidar is joining us from islamabad what more are you learning about this incident on the latest death toll come all. When the dead to. 60 but theyre all dead the dead dont measure eyes because many of the people have burns to their body as you heard that saying that the wind actually created and then for no because their train was moving and there took a while for the driver of the train to realize that double gates wide on fire now interesting the at this time of the theres a big congregation that religious gathering on the outskirts of the hard and dry rain where during that hundreds of missionaries were travelling towards iran that would have been dead destination and many of them would be getting off in the city of the hall for their own word journey to arrive and their parents say were told that these people were making breakfast on the train when their stroll blew up there were gas cylinders dead red. Cross added to the end no also the military we are told has sent in helicopters Doctors Medical rescue teams to try to help goad people on their guard the Railways Ministry is also there but this indeed appears to be dont of complacency as far as the security at the railway stations is concerned why were these people allowed to carry such an elaborate material on board so there would be serious question marks about the state of the Pakistani Railway yeah and sadly come out pakistan has a history of a Railway Accident so this is not new. Absolutely it has been. Motivated all. Most of the railway station. By its a british when david ruling over india the pakistanis have now in agreement with the chinese for brand new Railway Lines and brand new trains but thats going to take several years according to the railways minister the travelling that people are travelling by progress on the trains in a 7 game 1000000 be put on an annual basis. Of transport so many poor people who get an order for do you buy. Something that the government will have to Pay Attention to in order to reduce the number of accidents as you mention that track record of the. Rights come a high just thank you for that update from islamabad. The Iraqi Military says one person has been killed after 2 rockets were fired into baghdads heavily fortified green zone it happened shortly after another incident at a nearby bridge during a weeks long protests witnesses say Security Forces shot at least one protest or dads and injured many more wore a burden melly has more clothes on of defying clouds of tear gas and reports of live ammunition these protests as a tearing down concrete barriers their aim to reach the highly secured green zone whomped government offices and embassies. Iraqi Human Rights Commission says many protesters were injured after being hit with tear gas canisters as they face Government Forces in the synoptic bridge in central baghdad. Its the 3rd night since a curfew was imposed by the Iraqi Military but the lockdown is largely ignored by protest as. Hours before the curfew these are the scenes in Tahrir Square an area that has become the symbol of an uprising that began in early october. To when we were a style like this were a nation that loves live our countries reach you still from us we will remain steadfast men and women together. These protesters are angry about high unemployment foreign meddling in Domestic Affairs from the u. S. And iran and what they call top level corruption in. Your interests quest supporting our sons brothers and friends who are protesting to show a civilized image to the world. You know we come to talk were square every morning to treat injured protesters we mix water and east and distribute it to people here. Thousands of people are demonstrating in major cities in iraq including cabala and basra the government should make a real serious reform in the political system in the electoral system also earned you know iraqi wire real democracy idea of democracy as protesters call for Prime Minister up to mahdi to step down his position is becoming increasingly more fragile share cleric. Who least parliament largest block is also working to with removing him from the over the past months schools of people have been killed and thousands injured and despite the violence some protest has created a festival atmosphere with some people playing dominoes other stunts and some offered free haircuts to the crowd the on the protests that become increasingly more diverse with women and students joining the crowds about a manly aljazeera. Syrian state media an s. D. S. Fighters are reporting heavy fighting between Government Troops and Turkish Forces near the border that happens around the. Syrian Government Forces have taken up positions in the north east auster the recent kurdish withdrawal as part of a deal between russia and turkey to start joint security patrols. Plans to reopen schools and universities in lebanon have been canceled as government demonstrations continue across the capital Prime Minister saad heidi resigned on tuesday but has been asked by the president s to stay on as a temporary caretaker until a new government is formed lets bring in zain is joining us from beirut saying oh its just talk us through whats happening behind you. Well it seems the authorities have taken this decision they will not allow antigovernment protesters to block streets and roads across the country any longer theyre out in force the antiriot Police Forcibly removing the protesters from the street yesterday they did leave the streets after the decision by the Prime Minister sahadi to resign but they have since returned it seems that they want to pile more pressure on the government to form care to a government made up of technocrats ministers who are not politically affiliated with any Political Party to talk more about their demands were joined by a protester whos been out on the streets since day 12 weeks ago how much i missed why did you return to the streets so when the government resigned we thought it would be a move of good faith to withdraw from closing the roads because we saw that there was cooperation unfortunately as soon as we withdrew from the streets it seemed as if business was back as usual everyone must back at their jobs schools and universities were open in the finance almost for the months at the same time we saw other protests in tripoli and in mostly sunni areas where they felt like theyve been left out so if their Prime Minister is gone and we left the street does that mean that we talk to him only yes when you say this in the street the Prime Minister is a post reserved for us an 11 asa tarion political system which you guys are trying to over overthrow baby and topple how realistic are your demands the Ruling Coalition is still in power. Or demands are very improbable to achieve but because we have the will and we are tired we want to reach them now as. As far as sectarian divides go its very hard to remove them overnight the problem with us is that many of the people who are protesting have just shut their sectarian groups so to expect them overnight to turn over to turn against their sectarian leaders is a bit ambitious so as a 1st step they came down to the streets with us they felt betrayed that we didnt stay on the streets so we came back to it to show that we are 100 even if you are sectarian person we are inviting you in to us because we are all suffering from this together even the people who came and beat us up here repented of the are also suffering from this poverty are also suffering from the corruption what we need to do is to erase the fear of leaving our sectarian leaders and the more people we accept into our circles the better but the sectarian leaders have used the street and theyre likely to use the street they can what do you fear. Well every day comes with a lot of fear and anxiety over whats going to happen but for many of us down here. Its a do or die situation im not going to stay in this country any longer if the air i breathe if the water i drink are polluted if the alterations are robbing my government if 40 percent of our annual budget goes to paying off Loan Interest 40 percent of the entire money of the country makes in the year goes to paying off the interests i cannot live in a country like this so for us its were ready to face the fear were ready to face the responsibility that comes with facing a sectarian ruling class that has been in trance for 30 years because we want a better country mohamed thank you very much as you can see there in antigovernment protesters sticking to their minds the Ruling Coalition the Political Parties who have been in power really for 3 decades also playing on to power there is a dangerous stalemate in this country and a street which is divided and we have seen violence over the past 2 weeks and people are afraid that that could that scene could could recur so a lot of uncertainty in the days ahead and center just give us a sense of what the army behind you is doing because there was some talk that the army could forcibly try and remove these roadblocks that have once again been been put up so what is the situation with. Well you can see behind me antiriot police out in force half an hour ago they forcibly removed the protesters who were sitting on this. Highway if you like we are in the center in the heart of the lebanese capital they were blocking roads so the riot police came told them of took them from the streets and now they are camped out on the side of the road this has been happening the scene has been happening in other areas across the country yesterday the levante

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