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People have been attending the call not just for the release of prisoners also saw another chance to have to learn and to get a say on its status however there is also this issue the fact that it is election season spains pool general elections for november the tent the issue of catalonia is likely to be a priority playing into both the right wing parties and also the catalog nationalists issues that however this is unlikely to get resolved before then even though there have been calls for dialogue to take place to resolve this crisis before that our action looks on likely. 26 people have been detained following antigovernment protests protests in kazakstan demonstrations organized by a band Opposition Group criticizing the government and chinese expansion in the oil rich country were held in our marty as well as 1000 kilometers away in the new capital nor the city is named after 79 year old former president nor sold by ev who stepped down in march for protests to say that now is that by every the noise of by of regime still controls key ministries and the point its they also accuse the government of corruptly selling state assets to china as part of beijings belt and world initiative. A russian woman jailed in the us for being a Foreign Agent has arrived home after deportation maria patino was released early for Good Behavior after serving most of her 18 month sentence she was convicted of conspiring to influence u. S. Conservative activists and infiltrating the National Rifle association. I am very thankful to everyone who supported me all d the russian citizens who helped he wrote me letters huge needed money for my defense im very glad to see my family. British police have charged a 25 year old truck driver with manslaughter after 39. 00 people were found dead in the back of his container near london earlier this week it comes after a local priest from vietnam said that he believes most of the dead were from the country now the barber reports. As the search for answers continues police say they are working day and night on the case several people are now being held one man for more than oil and has been charged with 39. 00 counts of manslaughter conspiracy to traffic people conspiracy to assist a lawful immigration and money laundering. The process of formally identifying the bodies wont start until theyve been examined to determine what caused the death of the 31. 00 men and 8 women the whole process is forensic the Recovery Process was forensic and the fact actually we have to gain so much information as we go through to make sure that we dont miss anything all of that takes time and it will continue unfortunately to take time initially local police said the victims were all chinese nationals now its thought at least some were from vietnam the u. K. Based Community Group viet home says its received photos of nearly 20 people reported missing from vietnam since the lorry was discovered east of london early on wednesday. This priest in vietnam says hes liaising with family members of suspected victims he get them. Now. When i learned the news of the people who died on their way to the u. K. In search of a new life not only the district again 10 but perhaps the whole country is in sorrow this is a tragedy that the whole country has to bear British Police are urging people who are in the u. K. Illegally and might have useful information about the tragedy to get in touch their promising not to prosecute them over in Belgium Police are trying to find out who delivered the refrigerated container to the port of say burger from where it set off for england g. P. S. Data shows it had previously crossed back and forth between the u. K. And mainland europe in say berger authorities have admitted such containers rarely get x. Rayed and never checked by heat sensors which would indicate stowaways 19 years ago 58 chinese migrants died from asphyxiation in a refrigerated truck in southern england that had come from xavier go. Experts say people in poverty will carry on taking huge risks fueling the lucrative people trafficking trade as long as they can travel legally not certainly not something thats unique to the to you all over the world there are immigration restrictions that limit for people to take a legal option and then they fall prey to. Traffic his. Campaign is say hundreds of vietnamese people are trafficked to the u. K. Each year often theyre forced to work in slavery in nail salons or cannabis farms barber aljazeera. Germanys Oldest Political Party the social democrats has been voting to choose a new leader the finance minister all of shots narrowly won the most votes for fell short of the majority needed to avoid a 2nd ballot in november the s. T. P. Is currently in coalition with the chancellor Angela Merkels Christian Democrat Party but many members are unhappy with the arrangement saying the party has had to compromise too much on policy. Staying in germany voters in the eastern state of soaring joe will go to the polls on sunday to elect a new parliament the vote comes just weeks after a shooting at a synagogue and its being seen as an indicator of the future of german politics the socialist left party faced a tight race with Angela Merkels conservative christian democrats and the far right a f d turn it in for Germany Party but as the mccain reports now from air force the a. F. P. Face accusations of fuelling violence against political opponents and the minorities. 1st son learn herc is the face of the air as the far rights lead candidate here he believes his hard line on immigration chimes with the people of this state and that by railing against the rights of the few he can win the votes of many. They allow millions of Illegal Immigrants to invade our Social Security system they hand over the work of generations to be looted they send millions of their own people straight into old age poverty this is a scandalous way to conduct politics and it has to be stopped 2 years ago perc are called the Holocaust Memorial in berlin a memorial of shame and while he and his party do not condone violence against minority groups just across the state border is the city of heller where 2 people were shot dead outside a synagogue earlier this month Police Arrested a 27 year old suspect to admitted wanting to kill jews and other minority groups the f. T. Condemned the attack but other mainstream politicians believe the partys rhetoric fuels extremism the christian democrats lead candidate here says hes received Death Threats. Right wing extremists demanded i stop my Election Campaign if i didnt comply they would stab me im saying lets leave no room for hate violent aggression and Death Threats the man polls suggest has the best chance of beating the far right here believes his own far left views other way ahead border or hama law has governed the ring year for the past 5 years he wants another 5 dealing ours remains the party that understands east germanys needs best the issue is constantly being challenged by those who say the f. T. Is now the easts representative but all i can see is that all the f. T. Has on offer is outrage yet theres no doubt many people in the former communist east germany feel mainstream parties have broken their promises to them so there is a general feeling that the german Political Class is not on the proper way. And this is why so many people either hope that a left position or i position might improve the policy making this the policies of the 2 political extremes due process in sundays election it will be the latest sign of quite how disaffected many east germans off with the situation in their country now almost 30 years since the fall of the. Dominant came out 0 for us. And we will of course be following that election here on aljazeera on the sunday for the moment thats it for me and the team in london a for this hour lets go back to the show and go all right barbara thank you attempt consecutive day of antigovernment protests is underway in Lebanon Security forces have been called to dismantle several roadblocks in beirut or testers are urging a Civil Disobedience Campaign until the government resigns leaders are accused of failing to stop corruption and solve the economic crisis Stephanie Decker has the latest from beirut. These robots are one of the way the protesters are using to keep the pressure on the government now for the most part the interactions by the Security Forces and the protesters have been one of negotiation and been peaceful there has been an incident in the north near tripoli in an area called the dow but that had to do with one protest inside the army the army trying to arrest and from what we understand from sources on the ground protesters opening fire but it does highlight just how tense the situation can be and how things can escalate this is a country where pretty much everyone has weapons at home these are parties the parties that are being challenge right now do have men who they can send to the streets these are concerns of the protesters but for the most part certainly things have been peaceful theres been negotiations at the moment the people refused to leave they do however move for any kind of Emergency Vehicle but not for civilian vehicles and of course there are demands are the same. Basically it comes down to a very basic principle of the burning Living Conditions accusing the government of creating that the terrible conditions in this country now we spoke to a young protester 27 years old and what she had to say is pretty much echoed by so many that are on the streets today. 7 7 barely has barely slept this week. Running on adrenaline. She and her friends are blocking roads in downtown beirut to keep the pressure on the government. I love. This song on. The protests that have erupted all across lebanon have not come from nowhere. This has been building for years but we have seen over the past. Protests people getting really angry about what all these manifestations of state failure all garbages electricity what have you was very clear. That this is managed very poorly. On people and people pay tax thing which. Explains what that feels like and then we started having the problem of the guys so we were running fighting for survival every day oh its my day to go for much like what i was a suburban morning when they started the week. The problem with the wheat the bread was going to be cut off we were like is this even serious or really run into the database and one of the tabloids. The 2015 garbage crisis was another turning point politicians bickered over who had collected off the streets fueled by their business interests resulting in the country drownding under piles of garbage it triggered demonstrations then to the same messages coming from everyone. Protesting now whether Sunni Shia Druze or christian their leaders have become rich adair and lebanons expects that unity in a society that is defined by its tearing allegiances is a 1st. Not alone when she accuses lebanons leaders of exploiting sectarianism to keep the people divided dont want to say. No our religion leaders are all over the. Wrist more. These protests may have been triggered by a proposed tax on using social media apps to make phone calls to before that a large part of the population was already at a boiling point most recently forest fires spread across lebanon the government couldnt control them its fire aircraft in disrepair it has to seek help from abroad. Perilous is just one voice among many governments of come and gone and theyre failures of piled up to become unbearable but the leaders who govern this country have remained the same for decades and the people want accountability Stephanie Decker aljazeera beirut. Medical workers and hong kong are protesting what they say is Police Brutality months of antigovernment protests have often ended in bloodshed fire tear gas and rubber bullets are protesters with medics sometimes caught in the middle pollen has the latest on the protest among these crowds are doctors nurses paramedics and other medical professionals they say they have several concerns one of them is that theyre not being asked to disclose to the police which of their patients were involved in the protest movement their main concern is what theyre calling the excessive use of force. Police against protesters radiographer in the hall Porter Hospital so. We have created a. Citizen to house being arrested by the police after the. Protests. And we saw or that a lot of patients being assaulted by the police hongkong protesters have 5 key demands one of them was met earlier this week when the Hong Kong Government formally withdrew a proposed extradition law that law could see hong kong criminal suspects being sent to Mainland China to face in the judicial system there that other main demand is an independent inquiry into whats seen as Excessive Force used by the police but hong kongs chief executive has rejected this saying that one of her concerns is the reaction of hong kongs 30000 Strong Police force they say they themselves are victims of violence they queues protesters among other things of throwing rocks and petrol bombs at police stations and not the police come off the side thank you thank god thank god i suppose other people of course could of course. Police have used what you can in tear gas rubber bullets and even live rounds against protesters not long ago hong kong species were finally regarded them highly respected they were seen as one of the most professional institutions in the city but over the past 5 months or protests their reputation has teary rated dramatically. Its krauts and taiwan has celebrated in the annual pride parade the 1st so same sex marriage was legalized on the island 5 months ago around 2000 same sex couples have married sense than a protester say more than 200000 people marched in the capital taipei the island as a 1st place in asia to allow gay marriage. Still ahead on al jazeera argentinas recurring economic crisis could impact sundays election. Going nowhere these trucks have been stuck in nigerias border for months now and its costing billions of dollars to businesses. And find out what happened when the reigning in be a champion visited the Boston Celtics probably will have that in sports. Where we have got some dry weather around the east the sort of the minutes right in over the next day or 2 will improve because you can see we still have this little clutch of storms around the Sinai Peninsula heading towards lebanon jordan israel could see some more showers long spells of rain in here for a time but even by sunday things starting to brighten up the wet weather will be stretched across the northern and central parts of iraq heading towards iran what is your possibility into kuwait as well least on sundays ago when into monday that whats the weather will just not a little further north with so northern parts of iraq pushing to Northern Areas of syria could see some rather wet weather to the south of that it is generally fine and dry that is the case across much of the Arabian Peninsula here are the major leagues are all into this circulation out in the arabian sea that is making its way towards mom might not get there if it does it will be the end of next week so certainly want to keep an eye on very strong winds so choppy waters out here so that could cause some problems from that point of view if nothing else further north 34 celsius here in doha thing largely fine and life on a dry course a good part of Southern Africa but got plenty of cloud and right making its way to the southern cape. Rewind returns with a new series. And updates on vast amount is a documentary. Rewind continues with. Millions of dollars peoples money jewish being taken in for their whole lives for. A just down the drain and one day out his era. A story 1400 years in the make. A story of succession. Tells the story of foundation and the emergence of an empire. Episode one. Watching our top stories right now to more people have been killed during antigovernment protests in iraq taking the death toll in the last 2 days to 44. 00 demonstrators say the government is corrupt and failed to provide jobs and full until the shia cleric who has joined them in calling for the Prime Minister to resign. President Sebastian Pinera has called for a Cabinet Reshuffle a day after a 1000000 people protested in the capital demanding economic reform a nationwide curfew has been lifted after more than a week of unrest. And you have moved into a 2nd week. Prime minister has condemned the violence in some of the recent Pro Independence rallies hundreds of mayors from across the region have joined the call for selfdetermination. Argentina is heading to the polls on sunday in an election that could unseat conservative president reads your mockery left wing rival Alberto Fernandez is widely tipped to secure victory also on the brink of returning to office his Vice President is former president Cristina Kirchner rockers popularity has fallen sharply over the last year while argentina grapples with the recession the poverty rate has risen to more than 35 percent while the peso was plunged 70 percent since january of last year are supposed to slide from minnesota so its clear to me so with numbers like that that is obviously whats going to be on the mind of voters. Well most definitely and everything is ready here in argentina for sundays elections we know that already some of the ballots are reaching the schools on the Voting Center where over 30000000 arjun tons will be heading to the polls to decide this countrys future and this has been a highly polarized election mostly because of the tension that exists between both Political Parties those. Marketing precedent and the Peronist Party whose leader ill bet at the bottom on this whos running mate is former president Cristina Kirchner a woman that is loved and hate. In the argentina market has been touring the country this past month has been to 2 over 30 towns rallying people to vote for him promising that the future is going to improve because of the economic crisis that Sergeant Tina is seeing lately with inflation we station a rise in poverty among other things that on the other hand is about a 5 man days who alongside former president kirchner has managed to unite the powerful Peronist Party in past elections that peyronies party was divided well that party is now united and thats why according to not only latest polls but also because of the primary election that happened in october he has a very big chance of being elected this sunday of course we will have to see what any surprises will be a major change for argentina. 17 years ago the workers of the Printing Press to cover this building when the owners filed for bankruptcy and to peel them any type of compensation. And they still in silence was one of those workers he says it hurts him to see argentina is in a crisis once again before people so youll see the situation was already difficult many years ago but these past months everything has deteriorated even more the government increase the prices of electricity and we have to create festivals to pay the bills we are resisting because we have a history. Resistance but its not easy. Inflation recession and the risk of default are affecting all sectors of the economy these days and this place is no exception officer sources say that around 40 Small Companies down every day mostly because they cannot cope with a rise in the price of Utility Services and because of a drop in sales the problem that this place is facing for example you find increasing the price of some of the products they use like paper this is what is causing the library of putting down. History seems to repeat itself in argentina over and over again. Since the 1940 s. I ching tina has had at least 16 crisis 15 of them happen because the country run out of dollars you know we have a currency problem people dont save pensions and dying patients and we have an export problem well have enough dollars so every now and then governments doing flayed the economy by borrowing their way to growth and at some point in that since it is the all of the nominated that starts. Taking around and greater start asking for money and. Who a crisis. Of it one of the reason is that the says this is one of the reasons why its been so difficult for marketing to get the economy going and why he ended requesting a loan from the i. M. F. But patients were exaggerated and i think people some people in the government believe that the whole problem i think there was populism. And illiquid. So they believe that changing the cash will solve the problems facing the browser more structure. But until now no government has found the solution to the problem lack of consensus and predictability have led argentina. To the crisis of struggling with today. In the middle are the millions who are filled with uncertainty about what will happen next. And as you see the economy plays a crucial role in the in this election and mostly because there are so many that are telling us on the streets that they voted for marketing back in 2015 but that they wont do it again mostly because of the Economic Situation because they cannot afford food because of him play should because they cannot make ends meet or they cannot make it until the end of the month so its a very polarized election the opposition has been using the Economic Situation in the country the government has been accusing the Peronist Party of corruption allegedly committed in past governments for which there are several triers taking place right now and its the economy right now also thats a lot of tension in argentina last friday devaluation of the currency once again people lining up outside Exchange Houses in order to change their passwords for u. S. Dollars because they do not trust and the system and the big question here and the big fear is what will happen in argentina on monday on monday 28 thats when markets open and thats kind of the day that many year in argentina are fearing right now ok to disappear with the latest and what insiders thank you. More than a 1000 u. S. Firefighters are battling major wildfires in both the northern and Southern California and swaths of land have been consumed by wildfires burning across the state so in the south tens of thousands of people were forced to abandon their homes and businesses further up north strong winds have whipped up flames in the regions wine country the states Largest Energy company admitted a power cable failure could have sparked one of the wildfires and in response state officials decided to cut electricity supplies to some areas to prevent further outbreaks its a move that could leave millions of homes without power californias housing prices that increase the danger from the fires many have moved to the countryside because of the high price of living in the city 15 percent of californians now live in areas that are considered high risk for fires victoria game he has more. Fire is ripping through kind of food at opposite ends of the state. In the Sonoma Valley wine region 130 kilometers north of San Francisco a series of wildfires still out of control some started a wednesday night the flash point is still not confirmed but the states largest power supply a pacific gas and electric say a High Voltage Cable malfunctioned minutes before the fire started intense wind gusts rapidly spread the flames 3 paint dry brush to homes and this new let up most strong winds a forecast this weekend that were potentially going to see a historical wind event and it has its highly concerns that the vulnerable areas of california could see some explosive fires so thats why we are reiterating this kind of vigilance that were preaching to everybody at least 2000 people have moved to safety. But not everyone is willing to leave. Well there pretty sure of walked around the corner here yesterday and told me it was mandatory right back you were. He was wrong i dont have to do anything but sit right here i want to in Southern California a major fire in Santa Clarita north of los angeles has forced 50000 people from their homes within like 10 minutes we started to see the fire in the smoke getting darker firehouse and we started packing everything because our neighbors doing it as well and then thats when our brother search shouting out to me to get in the car and we got the dogs in the car and the fire was literally in our backyard and it promises to be a tough weekend for hundreds of firefighters the rough terrain high winds and low humidity all hampering their efforts to stop the flames spreading victoria gates and be aljazeera. U. S. Court says confidential portions of Robert Miller support must be released to Congress Although conducted a 2 year investigation into alleged russian interference in the 2016 president ial election but large sections of his findings were withheld democrats are seeking the full report as part of the impeachment investigation of u. S. President donald trump and that impeachment investigation is resuming after a judge dismissed claims that the process is illegitimate Senior State Department official philip breaker is next to testify behind closed doors at the u. S. Capitol the career diplomats current portfolio includes ukraine a country central to the investigation of trump. A 40 day strike by General Motors workers in the United States has come to an end after a deal was reached with the company only 50000. 00 workers have walked off the job crippling the companys u. S. Production the 4 year deal includes wage increases bonuses and better conditions for temporary workers rebels in india to minister kashmir have attacked an insurance several Indian Security officials tensions are still high in the region since new delhi revoked at semi autonomous status back in august has more from china are. Very close to the spot where the rebels have attacked Security Officials of the Security Officials in fact have. Since this entire area has been cordoned off by Indian Security officials you can see the massive presence of Security Officers here beef seen many of them run inside because there are both saw that the rebels are holed up in a hospital which is one of the leading hospitals in this city so a lot of Security Officials are running up and down during this operation now because this is happening just about 85. 00 days a saw 3 months one since the indian government. Indian Administration Autonomy and then i did as months of floods in south sudan have affected almost a 1000000 people entire communities have been submerged since july forcing hundreds of thousands from their homes and were 60 percent of people are already going hungry crops have been washed away Weather Forecast is more rain in the weeks to come Business Owners in nigeria are complaining they have lost hundreds of millions of dollars since the government closed a Border Crossing with neighboring benon as that major supports from one of the hardest hit towns Border Guards say theyre trying to stop illegal goods from being smuggled in. These trucks have been stuck here at the nigeria been in border for 2 months. Court by a sudden change in government policy theyre not allowed to go forward and cant go back. Has been importing and exporting goods for 23 years he says hes never seen anything like this air come wipe out government should they hand over to us goods that weve already paid import duty for we have more than 500. 00 trucks on the bin the republic side of the border many of the goods are damaged will lose more if this doesnt and soon some businessmen say they have lost hundreds of millions of dollars since the middle of august when the government ordered the borders to be closed imports. This is one of the reasons the government says its shut because its illegally imported rice. Officials say the flow of contraband into nigeria is killing its economy and production and opening the door to criminals and weapons. We feel lost in this that. There are. Plenty of big broad. Have been exploited by some members and therefore we have a duty and responsibility to engage in legitimate actions that would be. Better secure our people and more importantly stimulate and only people. The port of cotton or in ben in is 120 kilometers from Lagos Nigeria Officials Say many goods from coated or smuggled past customs inspectors summer is the busiest of nigerias border towns connecting the port city

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