U. S. Brokered cease fire between turkey and kurdish led forces in northeastern syria is due to end in a matter of hours the Syrian Democratic forces have pulled out of some areas near the border but not everywhere agreed under the terms of the truce turkeys president russia type one says hell decide the next steps up to speaking with russian leader Vladimir Putin but its threatening to restart the offensive is expected to meet putin in sochi in the coming hours. Vladimir putin and i will discuss all the steps to be taken in order to maintain the territorial integrity of syria and to cleanse the northern parts of syria from terrorists and terrorist organizations we will also be revisiting the efforts made for drafting a new constitution and we will also discuss it live and the significance attached to this area including a ceasefire we want a lasting peace in syria i hope our meeting will make progress when some costello joins us live now from istanbul sometimes our president has been speaking ahead of his meeting with the russian president in sochi later today what movie have to say. While he was clear about one thing so far he said around 700. 00 s. C. F. Mainly kurdish y p g fighter groups are withdrawn from syria and there are 1200. 00 more Syrian Kurdish fighters in within the designated safe zone and we are expecting them to withdrawal until the ceasefire expires he said but of course looking at the given time so far only 700. 00 have with thrown and there are 1200. 00 more its going to be a tough day for president are gone also. For the americans as well so today in sochi are don plans to discuss the future of syria with putin the russian president and his main concern is going to be how the areas under the Syrian Government control shall be cleared of the s. T. S. Mainly the kurdish Fighters Group y. P. Because still there is a question about a conversely and called bani and turkey wants all y. P. To withdraw turkey has said that they dont they dont have any problem with the Syrian Government ruling those areas or taking back those areas but they dont want any wipe e. G. Factions within that area this is going to be a question mark for everyone because the s. T. s side has been saying some call some contradicting. Details they said that they made a cease fire they agreed on the ceasefire for the civilians but they will continue resisting so this is going to be an important day for president are gone and for them it puts in because also they will be discussing the details about it live but one thing is clear turkey is asking for 12 military observation posts within the designated safe zone and turkey needs to have an International Donors forum in order to finance the safe zone for the subtle and of the at this 1000000 Syrian Refugees who are living in turkey right now or dismembered in istanbul. An empty thank you for that when iraqs military says that u. S. Troops crossing syria and heading into the country do not have permission to stay in the house mine comes out of the crossed into iraq on monday as part of the withdrawal from Northern Syria a convoy had gone to the seller Border Crossing in the Northern Province of the hook its heading into territory controlled by the peshmerga in Northern Iraq semi autonomous kurdish region imran khan joins us live now from baghdad so the Iraqi Military now saying they were only facilitated the movement of u. S. Troops who have left Northern Syria and that they now cant stay in iraq so what does this all mean. It was a very good question daryn a lot of a lot of questions in fact all being answered asked here as well what does it all mean now what weve heard in the last couple of days is that the americans would have permission to stay they were supposed to go to an al us of military base in the west of iraq and from there they were going to monitor the situation in North Eastern syria continue their operations and then if need be to deploy from there to northeastern syria if that was the case that seemingly has changed almost overnight now we do know that probably will not be met with the u. S. Ambassador and it was agreed that the u. S. Troops could come through the kurdish region of Northern Iraq but now were hearing that this is only a transit agreement and it just goes to show you that a lot of the decisions that are being made seem to be being made at the very last minute on the fly it seems that the u. S. Really dont understand or sorry really it feels like they dont really understand what theyre going to do with these troops and we are actually hearing that if they do transit from here theyll go down to kuwait which has a huge u. S. Military base in the rebase from there but there is a lot of confusion because it was only a day ago it seemed to be agreed that a lawsuit was going to be the basis for these u. S. Troops so we are now hearing that its only a transit situation for those troops in iraq iran thank you now protesters in lebanon last donning their ground despite the government approving sweeping Economic Reforms but authorities appear to be tightening security as police and the military Disperse Protesters trying to wreck barricades so no one has the latest now from beirut. The Lebanese Army and Security Forces are out in force preventing protesters from blocking roads but protesters are still defiant they want to keep piling pressure on the government to resign and now they are accusing the Security Forces of trying to crush their protest movement which is now on and they 6 but an agreement was reached between the governing alliance and the army late yesterday the Prime Minister speaking to lebanons army chief they they agree that theyre going to allow people to remain in the streets but they should remain in certain areas in protest sites the army will take action when public life is this rapid and in many ways the streets are quite different today theyre busy people have returned to work some people are also complaining because at the end of the day if they dont go to work they wont be able to earn a earn a living so the situation the feeling here is that the government is doing its best to try to fizzle out this protest movement the people here have not achieved their goal which is for the government to resign and early elections to take place and for the political elites who have been in power for decades to leave office but theyre up against people who are cleaning all the power traditional Political Parties who still have support among the lebanese because those lebanese have been benefiting from these traditional parties who have given them. So. This Civil Society movements are under no illusion that this is going to be an easy struggle but for them they have achieved a lot people have come together they have crossed the sectarian divide rich poor Christian Muslim theyve stood together in the square and squares really across the country this is a new beginning there is no doubt a revolution in many ways has already happened but like i mentioned theyre up against Political Forces who are really in control and good will not give. Power they are offering an economic package of reforms some protests could give them a chance but the majority are saying no we do not trust them so its really not clear how things are going to develop in the next few days but what is clear is that the army the government wants to take control back to the street. At least 5 civilians have been killed in yemen during an airstrike by the Saudi Coalition it struck a moving vehicle into tough district in the Northwestern Province of sata 2 children and 2 women were among the dead the u. N. Says ending the war as soon as possible is crucial the saudi u. A. E. Coalition has been fighting who the rebels alongside yemens government since 2015 taliban fighters have killed at least 16 Afghan Police officers the attack happened in the district in conducive province 3 taliban fighters also died tension has escalated between india and pakistan at the shelling the of the kashmir border on sunday the Pakistani Military is due to take a group of foreign journalists to the line of control both countries have been blaming each other for the incident the Pakistani Military says 5 civilians and one soldier were killed by Indian Forces and also said it killed 9 indian soldiers but india denies it and insists its forces killed at least 8 Pakistani Soldiers and destroyed a military bunker new delhi revote indian administered kashmir autonomy in early august. Canadas Justin Trudeau has secured a 2nd term as Prime Minister but his liberal party hasnt gained enough seats for parliamentary majority it means that trudeau will rely on the support of the new Democratic Party to push through keane that just nation the main opposition conservatives picked up when liberal support fell down the lack reports from toronto. For Justin Trudeau it definitely could have been worse. Before the Campaign Polls showed growing public mistrust with a man who won a resoundingly jordi just 4 years earlier. Then photographs emerged that showed him wearing racist black face makeup as a young man adding to earlier scandals about ethics and accusations of broken promises in the end the canadians gave him another chance tonight canadians rejected division and negativity. They rejected cuts i know a stereotype 10 days voted in favor of a Progressive Agenda and strong archon punk climate change. The result is disappointing for the conservative Opposition Leader Andrew Scheer who had been steadily improving his standing with the voters before the campaign he faced his own challenges on the hustings accusations of encouraging fake news and online trolling and revelations that he had dual us Canadian Citizenship and hadnt told the voters he promised to fight on and hold mr trudeau accountable after the 2015 election when Justin Trudeau looked on stoppable when all the pundits and experts said it was the beginning of another trudeau dynasty that he would have 8 or even 12 years in power but tonight conservatives have put Justin Trudeau on notice and mr trudeau when your government falls conservatives will be ready and we will win the. Climate change policy was a strong issue in this election with the conservatives promising to scrap a carbon tax brought in by trudeaus liberals and do more for the countrys oil industry but most voters disagreed and backed candidates including liberals who promised more aggressive steps to fight Global Warming and the changing climate. Call this if you will a strong minority government mr trudeaus opponents may have the numbers to beat him in parliament but there are unlikely to do so canadians wont have to face a fresh general election for some time to come daniel like aljazeera toronto. Time for a break here now is iraq when we come back israels Prime Minister fails to form a government again well tell you what that means for the country. And why tens of thousands of people back out on the streets are in that state of thats. How i welcome to look at the international focus. Across Southeast Asia as well notice that the majority of those shasta for the philippines to malaysia into they should still be dry at the moment the further south we will see want to see shells started to creep their way and the heaviest downpours certainly have its awards tonight peninsula pushing up across northern parts of borneo and into southern areas of thailand as full originations you can see the cloud starting to slip a little further south was just catch just around java but essentially it looks lotty hot and dry hot and dry too across much of australia basin places of cloud showing there have been the story over the coming days will be the hates High Pressure very much in charge the on going to dry weather 1000 of khowst may the increased fire risk and temperatures on the rise for many something of a brick failed is just fading into South Australia adelaide at 29 celsius to the southeast melbourne gets up to around 24 have around 24 wednesday in perth the 7 same path on thursday by thursday that a picking up once again into adelaide at around 33 degrees want to shower us into the interior and want to see spots approaching 40 degrees. You do using Family Planning instead of each miracle culture is a challenging task on the ferry system which it comes from and when a woman can decide for him one day and how many children she wants it should be in power but one mans perseverance is transforming her Community Women make change on aljazeera. Welcome back to come out of our top stories here this hour took his president says he will discuss the rest of the drawing of kurdish fighters from syria with his russian counterpart and the 2 leaders meet shortly comes a cease fire in northeast and syria is expected to end in a matter of hours. Authorities in lebanon appear to be tightening security as police and the military dispersed protesters trying to erect barricades have been sporadic demonstrations despite a sweeping Economic Reforms. Of the Justin Trudeau i secured a 2nd term as Prime Minister but as liberal party hasnt won enough seats. Main street a lot to rely on other parties. That been violent protests in bolivia the president is being accused of trying to manipulate sundays Election Results so he can avoid a runoff in december at a moron as appears to have a 10 percent lead over his main rival but carlos message refusing to accept the result joe allman has more now from the right that. The streets of polygamist kept to disappear into a haze of time. It was aimed at the thousands of mostly young people who came out of the night against the lake should they sue the school to. Stand up and we are protesting because we are tied up. Government which many police us which doesnt respect our god they will bins into the road to block the police and lit fires to counteract the effects of the tear gas was elsewhere those fires were more harmful burning down Voting Centers and sue clearly and pull to see. It was strange to think that on sunday night theyve been celebrating the preliminary vote count show challenge a color heading into a 2nd round behind the incumbent president ever more ollies won the last 2 elections by a landslide and then the vote count froze when it came back 24 i was later everywhere alice was far ahead and suddenly on the brink of a 1st round victory. It wasnt just these protesters who questioned so did the organization of american states officially observing these elections. The Electoral Court presented dasa with an inexplicable change in trend which dress to clean modify the end result of the election and generates a loss of trust in the electoral process yes the. President has not yet declared himself the winner but his opponent colors messer has already denounced the process. The governments trying to stop us going to a 2nd round that was clearly established yesterday through a vote counting system that was stopped arbitrarily. Everwhere as remains the countrys most popular politician hes growing the economy and dramatically cut public but in recent years hes lost some of his overwhelming support partly through what many have seen as a gradual erosion of democracy was true for many this may be the last rule is mostly young people that been protesting here into the night basically they say that whats happened in this election is a fraud and that they dont accept it that they wont change their god there are already calls for a National Strike a mass protests. These people is just the beginning of the struggle just holding. The past Chinese Government isnt forced a curfew for a 3rd night after another day of violence in santiago these use tear gas and Water Cannons to disperse thousands of protesters in the capital at least 11 people have been killed in the demonstrations which started 2 weeks ago over an increase in train ticket prices about since been scrapped earlier people in santiago spend hours queuing for food and fuel most schools and businesses remain shut the grocery giant walmart says more than 100 of its stores were looted at the weekend and in some cases set alight israels Prime Minister has failed to form a government for the 2nd time this year the president ruben rivlin is now expected to ask netanyahu centrist rival benny gantz to put together a Coalition Force that has more now from west jerusalem. Well after the end of the last of a series of jewish holy days and on his 70th birthday Benjamin Netanyahu admitted defeat in his efforts to try to form a Coalition Government he laid the blame for that squarely at the feet of the head of the opposition blue and White Party Benny Gantz saying that he and his colleagues had rejected all of his efforts to try to form a unity government indeed they have rejected those efforts they say because they are unwilling to sit even in a rotational arrangement as Prime Minister with a man who as netanyahu is is facing indictments in 3 separate Corruption Cases than young is accusing benny gantz of wanting to form a minority government with support from the outside from the 10 members of the joint list the mainly palestinian israeli parties who have committed their support to benny gantz is a proper tensional Prime Minister the head of that joint list grouping has accused netanyahu of inciting against arabs again and he says that he hopes that will be the last time he does so as Prime Minister now the israeli president riven rivlin has indicated that he will give the mandate to benny gantz potentially on tuesday he would then have a 28 day period in which to try to form a government but his prospects either of forming a minority government or indeed of a unity government with could with the could potentially jessa the status inning nessun you know as prime as Prime Minister in their leader theyve both look extremely unlikely prospect so he may well fail as well if that happens then the mandate would go to the knesset as a whole potentially with anyone from the knesset any member of the knesset who was able to muster enough support potentially trying to form a government him or herself but that too is exceptionally unlikely and that period could well coincide with the attorney generals final decision on whether to indict nessun yahoo or not in these 3 Corruption Cases if there is no government formed after all of this the netanyahu could stay in office until a 3rd election in less than a year that would be potentially in march next year but there may well be a legal challenges to whether a Prime Minister could continue to sit in office while being indicted and so it does seem that there is a very turbulent bumpy few weeks and months ahead in israeli politics. Thousands of people rallied in several cities across the city. Of its post in the pendants revolution many of the demonstrators took. The stand they had. A. Chance similar to the one chanted on the streets of sudan during protests which started last december. The anniversary of the countrys 1st revolution in 1984 and even though the revolution overthrew the countrys longtime president to. Protest his regime isnt. Completely gone theyre still in power still hold position. They can work like any other sudanese but they cant be in the Government Holding positions of power after. To bring change the country. Were called by neighborhood resistance. Protesters over the past 10 months they targeted their allies in the forces of freedom and change that the coalition that represented protesters in talks with the military that ousted a Transitional Government was formed in august but it has not done enough to dismantle the old regime. Or meet their demands. To tell the world that evolution is not. We demand justice for. Killed in the protests was killed by the. We want justice for the girls who were right for those whose lives were destroyed 10 months after. People here are still demanding justice. A Fact Finding Committee to look into the. As Prime Minister in august he says the government is still new and that reforms need to be a joint effort between it and the government. For the. Show. Since a civilian government formed a month and a half ago some steps have been taken to cement civilian rule and achieve the goals of your revolution what we need to do together is change that into complete accomplishment and that can be done by working together to report on with. And blood your government the revolutions government reasserts that change is an ongoing process and needs a huge effort to be completed by. Protesters who came out and gave the support they can to the Transitional Government which will continue to remind them what they came out for when they started the latest revolution and want to stop until that is achieved morgan aljazeera. Facebook says it suspended that counseling to russia and iran which targeted us users with political messages social media platforms as the russians tried to influence voters in swing states like florida and the account holders pretended to be locals and posted comments targeting both sides of the political spectrum or discussing the 2020 president ial candidates has more now from washington d. C. This is all about facebook trying to get its house in order before the 2020 president ial election or at least being seen to try to get its house in order before the 2020 president ial election you remember the platform to a lot of criticism in 2016 for except ing advertising from russia directly and through proxies and many people see that that advertising was misleading and it led to people being misinformed and in some cases was actually dangerous well theyre changing the rules for some political advertising on facebook 1st of all theyre going to flag up anything that is put on there by state funded media the say that that is going to follow the example that has been set by you to which introduced that practice recently they are also going to flag up any videos or pictures they see are false and misleading or partly misleading and this comes in response to a number of democratic president ial candidates who have been criticizing facebook quite vociferously over the last few days a lizabeth war and a front runner among them and interestingly on monday facebook also announced it had suspended a number of accounts with direct links to russia and also to iran you know there are some cynics who would suggest that the timing of this is all very convenient because Mark Zuckerberg is due to appear on capitol hill on wednesday hes not planned to talk about elections and political advertising instead hes going to talk about the new Digital Currency that facebook is intending to introduce something that could make the company a significant amount of money a huge bush fires threatening homes in a coastal town in Southern California the blaze in Pacific Palisades just west of los angeles raced up a steep hillside close to several houses hundreds of people were forced to leave. Theres been a large fire one of new zealands biggest Construction Projects it broke out on the roof of a Convention Center being built in the heart of all cleaned hundreds of people work at the site which has now been evacuated along with a nearby sky city tower at least one person has been seriously injured south koreas government has announced a record rise in its budget for the coming partly to tackle the growing problem of air pollution the countrys preparing for the seasonal buildup of fine dust particles which pose a Health Hazard robot bright as the capital so. South koreas expansionary budget comes as the country deals with mounting challenges its facing severe economic fallout from its trade dispute with neighboring japan and from the trade war between the u. S. And china but also an environmental problem its termed as a social disaster. Chettle cannot read or respond properly now we will have to pay a muscular price in the near future this is why an expansionary budget is not a choice but a must as south korea prepares for winter its also getting ready for what normally comes with it toxic air high levels of micro dust that turns the skies from this into this. Spending on the environment will increase by nearly 20 percent much of that earmarked to tackle air pollution. A new Warning System allows the government to close schools control vehicle use and shut down construction sites. But environmental groups say its not enough. Money to pay and yes honey the budget to tackle micro dust is higher than ever which shows the government is taking the issue seriously however the government policy mainly focuses on short term measures it lacks measures to reduce sources of mark and asked the government points to longer Term Solutions such as increasing the number of electric and Hydrogen Cars to a 3rd of all vehicles in the next 10 years also reducing the amount of power generated from fossil fuels a task overseen by a president ial committee headed by a former u. N. Secretary general. Allen our coal consumption is on the rise some are criticizing south korea even labeling us a climate villain. The goal is to reduce micro dust emissions by a 3rd over the next 2 years but theres little south korea can do about pollution from the. Bring china which increases as winter sets in and power plants burn more cold beijing has been cutting down on pollution in recent years but people here are still at the mercy of what the prevailing winds bring Robert Bright aljazeera sold. A sermon he has taken place in japan as emperor nero officially ascends the throne so part of a series of ancient rituals that marked the arrival of a new emperor now ready to assume his duties on may the 1st the day after his father abdicated representatives and more than 190. 00 countries attended the sermon. Topic check of the headlines here on aljazeera turkeys president says he will discuss the rest of the withdrawal of kurdish fighters from syria with a rationally development putin when the 2 leaders meet shortly a ceasefire northeastern syrians are expected to end in a few hours iraqs military says u. S. Troops who cross from syria do not have permission to stay soldiers are part of forces who withdrew from Northern Syria as the Turkish Operation against kurdish fighters got underway. Imran khan has more from baghdad what we heard in the last couple of days is that the americans would have permission to stay they were supposed to go to an al Assad Military base in the west of iraq and from there they were going to monitor the situation in North Eastern syria continue their operations and then if need be to deploy from there to northeastern syria if that was the case that seemingly has changed almost overnight now we do know that probably will mahdi met with the u. S. Ambassador and it was agreed that the u. S. Troops could come through the kurdish region of Northern Iraq but now were hearing that this is only a transit agreement. Authorities in lebanon the appear to be tightening security as police and the military to Disperse Protesters trying to erect barricades have been sporadic demonstrations despite plans for sweeping economic reform. That has just introduced secured a 2nd term as Prime Minister but his liberal party hasnt won enough seats for a parliamentary majority means true will have to rely on other parties. Violent protests are taking place in bolivia where the president is being accused of trying to manipulate sadam sundays Election Results so that he can avoid a runoff in december ever morale is appears to that 10 percent lead over his main rival but Carlos Messer is refusing to accept the result. Chinese government is in forced a curfew for a 3rd night after another day of violence and Santiago Police used tear gas and Water Cannons to disperse thousands of protesters in the capital at least 11 people have been killed in the demonstrations which started 2 weeks ago over an increase in train ticket prices low those have since been scrapped. Those are the headlines at the news continues here on aljazeera after a woman make change statement thats watching. Strangers from across new york with a claim in common abuse at the hands of a prominent priest and a shot of those back in gangs and grab mostly handles like to stop and just so theres an inch fault lines gains exclusive access to the accusers and questions the accused how long do you think an arnold on will contain protect you as more men come out in the latest chapter in a scandal that shaken the Catholic Church to its foundations in bad faith on a just. Through when we talk about sex and sexual productive now its a time when im very sensitive aiming at what were trying to do is add some comedy cause the subtle jokes in the society and people respond to thank. You. Oh let me show you something this is a 1. 25 a where i live its a very small cup of coffee millions of people around the world exist on less than this amount a day of the numbers have gone down with a still a lot of work to be done at a time when the world is looking at how to reduce extreme poverty the spotlight has been towed on the women wherever they have the opportunity to be actively involved in the local communities and economies the huge benefits to the people around them to. Know that investing in women. Its not just the right thing to do its small its economics because theres a Ripple Effect that spreads into the Wider Community so lets take a look at how this works. In this film we had to Papua New Guinea where women have come out with

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