Just archaeological object but its part of the Cultural Heritage of the region or of these countries and at that point you realize youre talking about a political dimension or a cultural political dimension as a director i cannot say i dont know when somebody asks me how did your collection actually come into being so my responsibility as director of this museum is to know everything about the objects. Well the key documents in this file are the ones that tell us basically that it was ok to take up the object and this we have to do for everything and im considering that we have roughly 500000 objects you know that this is. A huge task ahead for us something that has to be done over decades really 500000 objects all and so thats an ongoing process that will take until im retiring but the important thing is somebody is doing it every day because you have to have i was i was this is said to have made a new going to close the critics on the present as ive explained bush said you know i said that theres ideologue a big spike zone in just music lamisil never going off in a divorce exacta mode will be a. Professor. And. All the friends you see here have been pretty good. And we would be acquiring stuff and the pergamon stopped acquiring in the 1930 s. 40 years before the signing of the Unesco Convention which isnt retroactive this is. So the museums collection is seemingly protected from demands for restitution but thats not the opinion in turkey especially in the city of god tep young these are guys and they should be and can. Live for so often a minister. That we dont at all my. Name is that down on that was. The man i should when there was a debate the internet. And then say and then i said him as many people in his business is made and ive had. This black list includes objects on show in the British Museum in london but also in the pentagon in berlin although they were all acquired before 970 turkey still wants them back. Its not a question of museums anymore because its a request of the state of turkey. They also are in the process of overcoming. Colonial attitudes towards Cultural Heritage and in this process they have started to realize that. Countries in the west have not always been upfront about their practices of acquiring collections begin to do yeah savation. There is. A palooka. Heres john dowd and they can i know. Given busy im. Busy you know gunson shante can play in kent and then. Begin to d. L. Solution to the visual a set. Of 10 in our money and then i made. An agenda to shoot it in this new they are abusing him in there is then quite a shill no. The pillagers happened over a century ago but turkey isnt ready to forget. Like china and italy turkey has made the restitution of its treasures a political priority. Within its Culture Ministry the turkish government has set up a special restitution unit. 40 or so lawsuits have already been won resulting in the return of over 4000 objects. One of the special units successes is the restitution of this music of orpheus stolen in the 950. 00 s. Then purchased by the Dallas Museum of art after several years of legal wrangling the museum was obliged to return it. While village nations like turkey have a Legal Framework to demand reparations this isnt the case in the private sector where only the market rules. In this antique shop window how many artifacts have a perfectly established origin in many cases its practically impossible to verify. Does the private antiquities market have its own rules immune to International Legislation you know asco had attempted to extend its 970 convention to better control private transactions a new convention adopted in 1905 the unit acquired convention on stolen or illegally exported cultural objects obliges sellers to prove the legal origin of an artifact it also obliges buyers to demand proof but although the original Unesco Convention is recognized by 113 nations only 37 party states have committed to the united wired convention. So the market is winning thriving with its own often shady rules chadian as embodied by the freeport system one of the main thoroughfares of art market trafficking. The best known are here in geneva but the exist throughout the world free ports were originally special Economic Zones which stocked in transit merchandise to reduce or avoid customs duties are dealers were soon renting space in these huge warehouses to discreetly store artifacts by allowing people to store all kinds of objects without the slightest control free ports have long been considered as a hub of antiquities trafficking its estimated there are over a 1000000 works deposited here more than twice the number contained in the movie. This swiss establishment guarantees its clients 100 percent confidentiality its high security site is protected from theft but also from prying eyes artifacts can be stored safely here for years since before. Pulling on the. Left you. Know i mean he can join would you like to find a not understood it should one misread one on sauce fish out on. T. V. Are would order to keep the tax. No taxation an appealing advantage for our dealers while the works remain inside a free port they can be sold and bought without being subjected to any kind of tax customs duties are only paid once when a work definitively leaves the freeport a perfectly legal tax haven right in the heart of europe. These facilities explain why the gallery phoenix keeps most of its merchandise in free ports and the showcases only a small part of the collection is displayed the gallery belongs to tom one of the biggest antiquities dealers in the world. In 2010 customs discovered in alley times warehouse in the freeport of geneva this is 2nd century roman sarcophagus since then it has been the center of a complex legal battle. The stock of. Tools will be awful no online logic to prevent sank are up high on love on do i live on this on the on and off and off on doctor to find us of hope you bleak put on your own music these 2 are so decidedly and dont. Look jane alcopop level. 1st i said proposition to deny assume she was you dont you have a clue jake do you see the idea dont know dip or perform a shop or add me read of get this used extraordinaire in p. S. The med cant get dont get those the large amid count down do. In their next room cities used to get 3 m. Examplar good news all morning dont say im a modest shock silliman they more. Likely still phone them out there learn the killed colleagues pretty near 0 lead looking at their cell phone ipanema shows it in 6 issue and of course that the president dont know havent. Really had many on the pond on a year. Mariette kids who are out there here yes just the most ridiculous who belong on get heated this is sacrifice elapses to the kid what they simply. See live it equivalence in more in lake clare early in this species due to jail he faced with doubts over the objects origin the sale was finally cancelled as the so called because it was probably looted in turkey swiss authorities decided to allow it ankara let your idea for me do cool let your key sit there. But of course if you. Impose it you i didnt go see or jerky man who thought they did agree. To set this exposed as short as it for you call the steam percent last year to put it in for it so it doesnt keep as to the tumble blues doc. Online via our own lot that follow the story of it with a document live only the longer 2 they clearly allowed one or both own them. Except that after being restored in london theres a conflict as didnt return to geneva until 2009 so the turkish lawyer heading the case believes it comes under the new swiss law which demands every approachable origins for all works of art imported after 2005 in september 2015 swiss justice finally ordered the repatriation of the 2nd office to turkey but tom continues to claim ownership based on a certificate delivered by the company art loss register or for years that if you get positive early. Book of us by that suit the glare is that if it lasts nethers does all cope with is a really really classic may see both this late hour of. Getting. A sucky sucky sucky due to a for me. What is an art loss register certificate the precious open sesame of the art market a document which states that an object wasnt stolen. Founded in london 25 years ago as a private Information Service with over 400000 listed objects are lost register who owns the largest database of stolen artifacts in the world for a fee any buyer or seller can ask art loss register to verify that a piece is not listed on its database. These registrations these. Could also be registrations from a museum just in case items ever started on the register them on the database just in case they show off for sale somewhere else and myself is examples of the theft from the National Museum of iraq in 20032004. And what was amazing is they were very careful and you can tell it was well because they went into the basement once theyd stolen everything and they destroyed all the documentation for the objects so that people would know what had been stolen unfortunately the major objects have been recorded elsewhere. They can say actually a different words that weve entered just to help bring that up so here they were drawn they were put. Braided have a heart Something Like that and. In the case of the Baghdad Museum an inventor really existed so stolen objects could be captured on to the database but in war zones very few museums keep precise inventor his and theres no way that objects discovered during illegal digs will ever be listed obviously thats incredibly difficult when youre looking at least you dont logical material that has been looted out of the ground if its taken out of the ground then potentially the only people that even know of its existence of the people who dug it out. And yet this certificate is widely used on the antiquities market as is the case toms sarcophagus. I wish i had a clue powers. I would say. Its weve always been very clear about what our certificates are for and they state very clearly that an item is not in our database and its not being registered with us but that not every theft or loss or looting event is registered with us so its not complete. The art loss register certificate nonetheless remains the main document supplied by a seller to prove his or her good faith a precious certificate which can multiply the price of an object by 10 but why is this as provided by a private company and not by a public body at least on a european level changes in National Laws you go across an interesting nation state in the make it very difficult to resolve issues relating to stolen art in particular because suddenly limitation periods change principles of acquiring good title change is something that people take advantage of to get around the system. And then i would point out more is very much our culture has been very harmful to the economy and the lives of many people challenging traditional attitudes how narrowing the gender gap is helping women in rural nicaragua escape poverty. Theyre trying to break these barriers of machismo by giving women access to myself this need the women leading the way. Women make change on aljazeera. My fast simmons were all. Taken by the Chinese Government all i want to stay with my son stay with my wife and so on this is really human rights abuses of our time we decided to talk about it. Just. Tell the world. The truth about china systematic repression. Of the week is. Tell the world coming soon on aljazeera. The bolivian sold. A place like no one. For generations by the silly. But the discovery of precious little below the song threatens to change their way of life for any. Witness sellitto are now just the raw. Hello im Barbara Sarah lunde these are the top stories on aljazeera the u. S. President says he will soon issue an executive order also rising sanctions against current and former turkish officials in response to turkeys military offensive into Northern Syria donald trump says he will also stop negotiations with ankara on a 100000000000. 00 trade deal and boost tariffs on turkish steel to 50 percent meanwhile on the ground the Syrian Government forces of moved into the strategic city of might be said to hold or has more the situation on the ground is quite dangerous but what we understand is that contacts are taking place the Turkish Defense minister saying that he held a phone conversation with his russian counterpart because there is like you mentioned the potential of direct confrontation a new front in members that is a town in Northern Aleppo its its at a crossroads at a major supply line so its strategic for all parties to want to capture. At least 5 people have been killed in the latest antigovernment demonstrations in guinea one policeman and 4 protesters i have the Police Presence limited the number of people on the streets but there are still many violent clashes in the capital caracas and other major cities protesters are angry at a proposed change in the constitution that would allow veteran president. To run for a 3rd term as more. This is. Normally a bustling road filled with people and activity its a ghost town most people have stayed indoors because look around you these are the Paramilitary Security forces and the opposition accuse them of shooting them down with live ammunition over there you can still see protesters gathering this is whats happening throughout the capital and throughout the country sporadic attacks or confrontation between the Security Forces and protesters protesters that are out on the streets to protest against attempts by present day to change the constitution and run for a 3rd term in office there have been large demonstrations in barcelona after Spain Supreme Court handed lengthy jail sentences to 9 catalan separatist leaders for their roles in the failed bid for independence 2 years ago more on all those stories on the aljazeera news hour thats coming up in less than half an hour coming up next our trafficking contains thanks for watching. With the absence of common legislation and with skyrocketing prices trafficking has taken on industrial proportions. That it will be in the majority but the evolution is very good but there is a mental note that this bill is evil i didnt meet them look it up but it will motivate the other joke among journalists and repeat this story to us a lot that the semester the 2nd just that out of the 2nd at the argument and indeed it is that the bus if you know general tell it you dont know is that the teacher there that us earth that these predators are callous to complain that as of today looters have direct access to the market all they need to do is post their object online where it can be sold anonymously in recent years the number of websites selling archaeological artifacts has increased our 100 fold on one of them we found this clay nail probably from iraq officially this type of object has been banned from sale since 2004 but on these platforms no one cares about origin export licenses or legal documents its the final stage of what has become global trafficking. Believed to be the 3rd highest illegal trade in the world antiquities trafficking was rarely in the public eye and. Yes it has gone unnoticed for years but footage of destruction by the Islamic State of iraq and the levant isis has caused a Major International commotion. On any i being here oh me me me me scenery let me. Ask you who. Music did tweet music. Live music. On your hike you. See. Me and. The. Tweet. Song battle of the. I dont going to come i said petition that cmon theyre demented he said youre. The stage destruction by eisel hides another reality much harder to measure mass looting. Since its founding has been suspected of part financing its activities through antiquities trafficking. See poor could it be least 6 now and again my gas would not stay said that they did and that to secure it that no 3 said maddon executed it is like you think that. This was a key subject at a press conference to present the new red list published by i called the International Council of museums for 15 years i come has been publishing lists of rare objects from various countries which threaten to turn up on the International Art market this time it concerned antiquities from iraq and syria suspected of financing eisel operations as proof that the subject is being taken seriously several International Figures attended the meeting including Richard Stengel representing the Us Government who would launch the offensive or you might we just go and essentially has this the department. Also why. Are you going to. Good evening im delighted to be here. What weve seen over the last year is i saw as weaponization of information and the cultural destruction that theyre practicing is the weapon ization culture so this is a destruction of history and destruction of culture and the destruction of human beings thousands of human beings at the risk of being too graphic i would say that burying or selling an artifact is where finances the beheadings of muslims in the middle east. Sal thats one quick solution. You know by now sal and its a very good slogan its obviously impossible to completely police it and to be certain about it. One of the things that weve seen is that isolates using existing criminal markets that have existed over 102030 years in the region are using those people as middlemen to finance their operations. But how do we know what exactly is going on in the field absa the association for the protection of syrian archaeology has been recording cases of plundering in syria the association based in strasbourg and founded in 2011 at the outbreak of the countrys civil war is headed by syrian archaeologist. According to information gathered by hobson i saw isnt the only armed group of plundering sites in syria all the actors in the conflict are to blame. Really military. Act here in Moscow Military talks here youngster. Or you dno. More active. An example. Feel me. Again he. Said. This is the most complex here like you see on the dodge. City many of the many people. Associate. Sick. Asiri. Whats the extent of this trafficking and how do the local networks that supply it operate to find the answers you need to go into the field most makes regular visits to turkey. To meet other members of his association. Early in the war as correspondents could easily cross the turkish Syrian Border but turkey recently closed entry into its territory. To simulate the stock on. The c. E. O. But they are. Not the sessions on the piece they did that you. Push it up to the other. We see you. Got to get it kitty dont use it on the whole case for to increase never be you know his lawsuit is the best able to come up it will be to find. Not nearly 0 but little more to make an on the job to sit in a semi know citigroup to face and be cured of. The. And i limited my sight need to one moment most new vanishing point book at home here is repeated beyond your people being only. Did not know me. See it cant have yes in this world i dont why did you speak. Nobody. Should have been meant for levy you didnt get stoned on those you prove also why the person william it not to respond its there you are going to continue to contact. Via sky its will go to others or more young. People. Not so long ago it was still possible to cross the border and large quantities of merchandise alive here in gaza untapped 60 kilometers from the Syrian Border. According to several sources this turkish city is a hub for the trafficking of objects plundered by isis. And. Doesnt have is full of antiquities stores in one window check most spots what he thinks ossified smuggled in from syria. Before. The start. That you can then stop the pollution on nationally initials look like a scripture when he says here are some. You know a little bit. But since i didnt. Know it was below sound with music on the unit im actually happy. There is doing so if you went through 3. Of the normal most if you still miss it but the supervision. Syria then the. You. Should the. Yellow new york. There was another the one on the Muslim American ramadan i mean there are not and they are. Not all of them gone that is ron. They get that someone almost. Made it well it gives them with a paltry. Amount of song. Called one of these objectives as you sample it for the who you know is all if it. Can rationally. Put me want to go people please for sure because it would not be speaking Police Action me really appealed to me to go live. In oregon. City react to treat you dont want your blood to the. Minute they always. Did i think in norman i said the need some part of me a very dizzy. Or blanket child they tell me a good deal and make. The. Community. Obs to see kim keep on a lot then buy it if you can actually him but not us if you cannot be. Any male input their ak is no sooner was nice send their thought that the sun dont all agree and please dont. Take out on a lead the german just sang a bad. Day. Yeah the cossack of their heritage i cannot sit at the back it was do says she passe. Its no longer possible to publicly sell all purchase an archaeological object without legal documented proof of origin. The pressure on private collectors has increased. Any of their acquisitions can be examined at a time. When the server. Is the one that reporters who. Were going on when you said is that one also dont know what i think your walk on water is perceivably muscle these are pretty careful if you are going to gather up the sources say 40 killed and everybody who says he did this legal or. Illegal question the clues each year and my 2 kids like you are now me a close group of school going to see if i move knowing into the piazza and a piece of shit you did and what i think that it will see them nor. There. Some dont say on excepting of course i loved. To ski or. Awful as who they were for ages you could get you fired of course. And somebody creating their own is such a policy matter. Because of the economy weighing on them. Their funding the talk all but it was our. Laws to do employ almost all of them since civil code or is offered. The rules to receive a similar device one is across one when you have. To divorce it in a museum or a repressed morton when yalit in the shura. Or the full fuel or the a gal or the little girl or a school where. After an 8 hour search the customs officers seized 123. 00 pieces archaeologists have estimated the value of the collection at 95000. 00 euros the collector will be questioned further the customs offices is facing 3 years in jail. She got it took it as the shuttle is ok. If you were there if you. Know what. Day it would be calling or if and most if it. Is a hippo she said. And. They got in the shop. As european dealers and collectors are subjected to a growing number of controls they now represent only a small part of the international antiquities market far behind the chinese a new category of collector has appeared every year in europe they flock to special. To options ready to spend fortunes to buy back their National Heritage. A spending spree that has seen prices skyrocket and guarantee. That you dont get a. Very good. Or not i see steve as i suppose a lot. Of these are moderates who preach if all events dont and the taliban for the. Meat puppet who were tons of so you may appreciate one of these example. Bodies home again but then the needy. People on the my deck is me no hope they can go on the bus like usual the police hold on the media on wheels and so many diminuendo. Guess is doing you better mention your ass right very ad they better you coming up afternoon on a jet sheen thats it i know is it you dont got boy serious though about a young she. Says so much that way in 80 dont pee on me to southwest softer august 2nd felt it it did. Such a good to do or not but i could put that question right on about i am a citizen of the present lot dont tell and this only present worked on i dont. Want to push to be there it did but that seemed silly appropriate there except they didnt know shit defense of any of so so i began. The reason Bernard Gomez is sure hell find a natos prepared to buy this chinese seal is because wealthy chinese buyers are willing to invest fortunes in highly symbolic assets. These assets include a good number of plundered National Treasures objects with a high financial and ideological value. Purchases are driven by a strong patrie arctic feeling and encouraged by the state. Of. Your hundreds question if a town tour and the. Then shut down obama revealed when the hot. Hot to go. Home being shared 30 years. Harleigh. This is believes that those who wish to become cultured should invest in safeguarding National Heritage she has even founded an association which aims to repatriate historical masterpieces through any means. Food records he got so much he that soil pressure you tenderfeet how shitty that means you and that this is your father said that all he lead could see him truly that japhet how you shout that evil. Gomez regularly visits mrs barnes home and headquarters to collect the funds necessary for buying back plundered chinese works that are sold in europe i am a foreigner working in china since long time i understood that when there isnt a question of really when. There is no beyond of chinas but only one voice its a National Really it belongs to our national and everybody sings the same things you know is very different than our countrys. Take on the german soldiers. But what year that they had to hit the bush. Bears are coming out there tony the only just a total washout and a bad. Sound and about are told are slim. So small kwaito jail though jennifer are sure she should go. For their fate ha ha. Saw that soldier she is out that you know but. The message got across in the west too plundered artifacts must be returned to china otherwise sooner or later you will be held accountable former president of the french union of antique dealers christian did he personally paid the price in the late 1990 s. He bought a collection of chinese gold plates the for selling part of it to french businessman is wrong swapping no for 1000000 euros later the 2 men donated the plates to the queen may lose him in paris when one of the most welcome again yearly players can leave a few years after their donation to the chinese announced that the plates had been looted and beijing demanded the repatriation in 2007 the 1st lawsuit was filed but not pursued 80 years on did he receive a phone call from the french Culture Ministry is old you. See news or youll shoot liz a g. T. P. New no. Dont sit if they dont also send you prove i knew did i dont as you me for this and the children it. Was a pun but only real name law accomplices seizure the most you can dont assume. She is she ok. So christian did cancelled his donation to the green a museum and flew to china to return the plates to the authorities the other generous patron of the arts for swapping know would return his plates in person to the Chinese Ambassador in paris a month before the official visit to beijing by French Foreign minister. A model for cultural diplomacy. Cant. Dawn. Dani babb. Were. A. The date is on t. V. In film it is yours she averred. It was a little less all fed will do need a buzz the i pray you had to deal guess your loss. Bargaining that has taken on a new dimension. And. Parity is now being used for political leverage as a bargaining chip between states. The status of antiquities has changed once thought of as part of the heritage of all mankind Cultural Assets are now being held hostage by armed groups and used by states to narrow nationalist political and economic agenda thats. Action is needed by imposing tougher rules recognized by all through International Organizations Cultural Heritage may regain its true place in our societies. How the weather slot he set fire across australia as usual she also wanted to showers into the southeast over the next couple of days area a cloud of rain just rolling through the by just clipping the southern fringe of the country just running down towards the southeast and colder but choose it doesnt look too bad for the north as a lot of pace right into central parts of the springs gets up to 39. 00 celsius and fire warnings are a concern up towards the north of 60 celsius and sunshine for perth picking up to around 18 degrees as we go on into wednesday and by wednesday where we can expect to see some wet weather pushing through were victorious southern areas of New South Wales much needed rain out suggest even sydney seeing some of that wet weather along with tasmania some wet weather today making its way towards new zealand over the next day or so its been pretty wet recently a cloud of rice swirling away here they parry of low pressure brings nasty weather and as we go on through choose day south on the other hand not fairing too badly and should be somewhat dryer in brightness you go on into wednesday if still a little breezy still a little brace across parts of japan at the moment it is dry and sunny temperatures have fought in a way in here we have a top temperature of 20 degrees. To strengthen these groups you have to shoulder good all the more with it comes to fight against corruption. This for new cierra which heroes like new who are about to be refused a 15000000. 00 brian the achievement of heroes like him to showcase by the International Ace award it shines a light on these heroes because the best way to fight a dark used to shine a light lets make the rule to bed to please nominate your Anti Corruption near own now. Im knocked out of youthful defiant its. Your turn next doctor also out in the school will they arrest me at home at 4 in the morning while the electric shock treatment was the worse that triggered a revolution. The arrest of those children sparked it all of which became a battle without and that was the beginning of the Armed Struggle in syria. The boy who started the syrian war on al jazeera. We understand the differences. And the similarities of cultures across the world so no matter how you take it aljazeera will bring you the news and Current Affairs that matter to you aljazeera. Aljazeera. Hello im Barbara Sarah this is the aljazeera news hour live from london thanks for joining us coming up in the next 60 minutes. As longstanding alliances in syria start to shift or crumble following the u. S. Retreat President Trump says about the hit turkey with sanctions. Syrian kurds fleeing the fighting start to arrive in Northern Iraq but there are fears that i saw members could be hiding among them also at least 5 people are killed in the latest demonstrations against guineas president and catalans protest into the night after Spain Supreme Court gives 9 separatist leaders long jail terms. In sport and racism forces an international. Why spoil garion friends told good players with abuse during a European Championship qualifier. The us president says he will soon issue an executive order authorizing sanctions against current and former turkish officials in response to turkeys military offensive into Northern Syria donald trump says he will also stop negotiations with anchor on a 100000000000. 00 trade the o. And boost tariffs on turkish steel the 50 percent and we also said the 1000 american troops leaving in syria will stay in the region to prevent i saw making a comeback id get more and all of this from castro she joins us live in washington lets start with this executive order what more can you tell us heidi. Well barbara we know that the white house intends to sign this executive order in its words soon and that what President Trump would be ordering is the imposition of sanctions on former and current high level turkish officials it would raise steel tariffs back to 50 percent and ended negotiations on a trade deal with turkey worth about 100000000000. 00 now it does not the statement itself announcing this executive order does not name the kurdish by name however it does say that its accusing the turkish of targeting of ethnic and religious minorities is unacceptable now immediately after the white house released this statement trumps twitter feed the defense secretary mark asper also released his own statement saying that turkey has taken irresponsible actions putting the risk to u. S. Forces in southeast syrias northeast syria rather at unacceptable levels he goes on to say therefore at the president s direction the defense the department of defense is executing a deliberate withdrawal of u. S. Military personnel now its interesting how he adds that therefore because of course as we all know it was the president s decision to withdraw u. S. Troops before turkey had started its ground operation in Northern Syria and in fact trump himself said that he had given the president of turkey a green light before turkish troops arrived at the border now trump in his announcement about this executive order goes on to say that turkey will now or in the future may be responsible for the ongoing detention of eisel prisoners in syria and he announced that the u. S. Would maintain a small footprint with some troops stationed in southern syria and that u. S. Troops who have been ordered to withdraw from north Northern Syria will now read. Deployed and remain in the region to monitor the situation barbara ok be interesting to see you know how. This will develop over the next days or so but just remind us how much pressure the president has been over these since he announced the u. S. Troops withdrawal from Northern Syria because even people that are normally his supporters in the senate all the way have been critical of his action here absolutely arguably trumps biggest supporter is senator Mitch Mcconnell a notable senator and the Republican Party and he prior to the announcement of these sanctions issued a pretty grave statement saying he was concerned by the recent events in syria and the u. S. Response of us far he warned of a broader power vacuum that will be exploited by iran and russia hit in his words a catastrophic outcome for the u. S. Strategic interests and it is interesting that he has been pushing back pretty consistently ever since trying to entertain the idea of removing u. S. Troops in syria back in december leading up to this point meanwhile trump has been firing off these. Mixed messages because just hours prior to declaring that he would sign this executive order he also took to twitter saying anyone who wants to assist syria in protecting the kurds is good with me whether it is russia china or Napoleon Bonaparte barbara. With the latest on that from washington heidi as always thank you. The Syrian Government forces have been quick to take advantage of the abrupt u. S. Retreat from syria theyve moved into the strategic city of money as well as other towns in Northern Syria a day after being invited in by Kurdish Forces that sets up a potential clash with turkey whose president has indicated he will intensify his offensive against the kurds turkey says its establishing a safe zone along its southern border it to and its allies now control the area in yellow including the border towns of. Turkish led forces have also cut off the m 4 highway a vital supply line that runs through kurdish territory from to iraq now both turkish led forces and the Syrian Government troops are in money and as part of its deal with the kurds the syrian army is also taking control of that from kurdish fighters and moved into iron except. For drew points now from giant pina. Smoke rises over the Northern Syrian town of russell the Turkish Defense ministry declared victory over the Kurdish Forces for a 2nd time here. Kurdish fighters have put up fierce resistance and these are syrian soldiers in the town of tama just a few kilometers away after a deal was made between the sdn from the Syrian Government state media said the army would confront turkish aggression the turkish president remain defiant enemies bushels of the were not going to enter man beach the real owners of that area our big brothers and they are going to enter that area our approach to this is that they are going to enter there and we are going to make it secure for them the syrian kurds have made deals with damascus before especially in the battle against eisel with an s d f commander said they were faced with a difficult choice this time there is little trust between the 2 science but the s. D. F. Quickly suffered significant losses during battles with Turkish Forces and the syrian rebel allies its an important deal because the kurds and the other side regime in damascus both have the same enemies they have turkey as their enemy number one and the islamist rebel groups as their enemy number 2 this is a long standing. You know in a sense i would say partnership but its not a im easy partnership that theyve had damascus cannot rule northeast syria without the kurds. Turkey says this military campaign is targeting the s. T. s main Kurdish Fighting force which it says is aligned with the outlawed Kurdistan Workers Party or p k k which has been fighting the turkish government for decades. Turkey says it wants to set up a safe haven for refugees to return to Northern Syria but the u. N. Says around half a 1000000 people could be forced from their homes if the violence doesnt stop. U. S. Defense secretary marcus spur says a deal with the s. D. F. In damascus meant having u. S. Forces start between the syrian turkish armys was tenable the syrian army has moved north to potentially confront Turkish Forces at various points close to the border the s. T. s hope that by teaming up with the Syrian Military they can force Turkish Forces to retreat where this stage that seems highly unlikely despite the threat of potential sanctions from some European Countries and the us president order one says he has a plan for Northern Syria and no amount of threats are going to stop him from achieving his goal for aljazeera close to the turkish Syrian Border said a holder is in act on the border of turkey and syria then i will be asking you of course about the latest on the ground i just want to start by just putting that this breaking news line that weve had the late is the u. S. President saying he will soon issue an executive order authorizing sanctions against current and former turkish officials just think thats going to have any impact on the ground to the Turkish Operation itself. Unlikely turkish officials are adamant they are defiant that they believe that what they are doing in Northern Syria is sanctioned by International Law they repeatedly stress that this is an antiterrorism operation they consider the wipe e. G. The Syrian Kurdish armed group which is the backbone of the Syrian Democratic forces an offshoot of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers Party a terrorist organization and fact when you talk to turkish officials what they tell you is that why arent our allies standing with us why are not they why arent they fighting this fight with us so it is a very defiant attitude this is not the 1st time trump has threatened to impose economic sanctions the Turkish Foreign minister a few days ago dismissed it altogether saying if we were afraid of sanctions then we wouldnt have launched this operation in the 1st place so for turkey they consider this operation vital for its National Security interests and its not just that this operation is not just about eliminating the y. P. Gee it is about creating a safe zone in order for millions of Syrian Refugees to return the refugee issue really has become a political liability for the president in fact that is one of the reasons why his party did not do well in elections recently and also. Going to focusing on syria itself we now have the significance i guess of the fact that the government has returned to the northeast of the country how significant do you think that is. Well it is significant its the 1st time theyve returned to the north east of syria since 2013 yes theyve had a few 100 troops in come in but that was a symbolic presence theyve returned invited by the kurdish led Syrian Democratic forces who turned to damascus after their allies the United States abandoned them as we mentioned earlier the Turkish Military operation aimed at eliminating the s. D. F. So damascus is back in the north east of syria but at the same time in one way or the other it will have to find a way to work with the kurds on the ground because as we know this is the syrian army lacks manpower theyre not going to be able to control this whole area of by themselves but this this whole corner this corner of northeastern syria is really strategic for many players it has the Oil Resources it was the bread basket of syria so damascus being cash strapped and under economic sanctions

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