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Carrying minnesota in the election which is interesting but let me ask you about the situation with the impeachment clearly a lot of support that what about. Support nationwide for president trying to be impeached and removed from office one of the polls showing. First of all you hear that cheer this is the crowd turning from him on the president listen for just a moment. Theyre changing lock him up and he was asked about the polls those are increasingly showing 53. 00 seats that when the latest poll ive read the majority of americans 51 percent are in favor of Police Beating him which is the rajahs and removing him from office so this is happening recently over the u. S. My producer just reminded me this is the largest. She knew any trees around the city far the estimated time which could be 10000 we dont know that region even like this but it certainly reached the thousands in those days repeated seemed to be increasing the number of people should be living in the tree removal of the president every priest dramatically in just in the last couple of months and this is representative of. All right thank you very much sean hannity well all the latest from minneapolis and minnesota where President Trump is rallying made his fight against impeachment. On now to ecuador where Human Rights Organization to ventura del pueblo has confirmed 5 people have died in the protests against president Lenin Morenos austerity measures at least one indigenous protester was among those killed in the unrest in ecuadors capital quito volunteers from the Catholic University say 2 children and 2 elderly people also died from asphyxiation after tear gas was used by police cracking down on the demonstrators Indigenous Leaders in ecuador saying that they have captured and publicly paraded 8 Police Officers they were made to take off their helmets bullet proof vest and boots and were forced on stage in front of hundreds of demonstrators at a Cultural Center is being used as a base for the opposition following all of this our latin america editor only see a new man in kita. It is a very emotional and tense time right now here in the capital people especially where i am right now which is outside of the Cultural Center of the capital this is become the headquarters of the indigenous confederation of ecuador and at this hour theyre holding a religious service for one of the protesters who died in during thursdays demonstrations here in the capital people are calling for the presidency resign havent had to go they are very very angry inside there are 8 Police Officers including a colonel we asked him if he was being detained there against his will he said no but when we asked him whether or not they could leave if they wanted to he said no they couldnt and he explained that what had happened is that one of their patrolmen had been detained and that they had gone there with another delegation 8 people in all 11 woman officer and the rest 7 men to try to negotiate with the Indigenous Leaders he says theyre trying to do that so far it is peaceful these has if they have not been mistreated in fact they were asked 4 of them to carry the casket of the person who was killed one of the protesters and they actually did that we dont know if that was against their will or not as well some ecuadorian journalists have been mistreated theres a lot of anger against the local press because they are being accused of not covering the situation only on the on the side of the government the government meanwhile says that it will not step down the president rather says he will not step down and he also is not getting any indication that hes willing to back off on the a standard the measures that caused these demonstrations to begin in the 1st place exactly 8 days ago. Still ahead apple is accused of caving into political pressure after removing a mapping app used by hong kong protest us from its online store. And well tell you why the winner of the 2900 about literature prize hasnt gone down so well in Eastern Europe. Hello ray may be in the wrong place on its way again to australia though the frontal system ziggler go across the southeast nothing much there brought these bubbles that might suggest showers in victoria New South Wales used to breeze curving back into the coast all the way up this east coast half way up through queens and where the rain is likely to fall it will come inland to a certain degree but probably not as far as you want and if youre on the beach you wouldnt want it all 15 in sydney looks a bit disappointed 20 were now late rather nicer in the sunshine but 18 in purses a cloud comes in and a weak front comes out from the sas to we have not changed yet we are changing it 30 in hobart a disappointment on the right is still there on the coast of New South Wales and southern queensland now look at this persistent cloud underneath which is rain falling over wellington theres a few more hours of that still to go and then things will clear up so friday looks a little bit cloudy and quite a lot went where such a day is rather need proof meant rain in the form of an incoming typhoon is the problem for japan as im sure youre away on friday the rain 1st arrives on saturday and late on sunday the heart of the typhoon probably goes over the top of tokyo. Philippines president roderigo to turkey says hes cracking down on a communist ringback insurgency but some food its a Deadly Campaign to silence his critics as the death toll rises 101 east investigates deter to use new aljazeera. Every. Other headlines now turkey has pounded kodesh positions in northeastern syria with as strikes for a 2nd day sending tens of thousands fleeing kurdish shelling is also killed at least 6 civilians including a child in Turkish Border towns. U. S. Congressional democrats of issued subpoenas for 2 businessmen charged with Campaign Finance violations equality and left us about a Russian Eagle froome and were involved in trumps lawyers efforts to get ukraine to investigate joe biden. And indigenous protesters of paraded 8 Police Officers have taken captive in the protests against president lenin madre knows austerity measures at least 5 people have died in the un rest in ecuador. German chancellor Angela Merkel has vowed 0 tolerance for hate after wednesdays shooting in eastern city of halle security has been stepped up across the country but the Jewish Community has criticized the slow reaction of the Police Forces andrew salmon sent us this report from how. This is the only suspect in the house shooting flown in to face germanys federal Supremes Court stefan belly it is charged with 2 counts of murder and 9 of attempted murder had it not been for this not all prosecutors say there could have been a math killing in how a synagogue more than 60 jewish worshipers on their holiest day of the year. The leader of the Jewish Community alerted the police on his phone and he says he and others watched on security cameras as the lone attackers shot at the outer door trying to get in all of us were very afraid. Children. We hear for. Both to. Nearby the door before the Police Arrived the attacker was filmed shooting apparently randomly havent given up trying to enter the synagogue a woman passer by was shot dead and a man in a turkish restaurant also died. The german president arrived at the scene to bring flowers and a message that dark this is a day off shame and disgrace that there should be an attack on a fully occupied Jewish Synagogue on the highest jewish holiday in a country with our history. The german president s arrival here is an indicator of the. Birth in the aftermath of such attack the questions still linger how can the people be protected by the police and Intelligence Services and perhaps more relevantly what drives someone to kill like this that he at 27 years old is a loner this is his home Police Inside and all over the neighborhood its in the small town of bend off 3 quarters of an hours drive from howler he lives with his mother and is reported to play video games persistently neighbors are in shock one says you never think these things can come so close you see it on t. V. All across germany now its here its scary. Another was Holding Back Tears im really scared said this woman i cant do this. Hell a member of the German Parliament believes politicians need to be more careful and we havent had to go and get we have a local parliament and the federal one speeches that are on the borderline of being illegal i think we need to examine what are these hate speeches lead to people who have access to guns taking them out to kill one of the messages posted in heller reads i wont let an ideology of hate destroy the city we love. Well maybe the latest attack of the sort that many people in germany fear its not the worlds. Grew simmons 020 germany some news from indonesia where security security ministers and hospital with stab wounds after what police say was an attack inspired by eisel the ledge to sail and his wife arrested after the attack which the war on terror who is wearing a green shirt emerged from his vehicle before falling to the ground doctors say minnesota around to suffer too deep wounds to his stomach but is now in a stable condition. Iraqs Prime Minister has carried out a Cabinet Reshuffle in an attempt to quell civil unrest and antigovernment demonstrations but out of the 5 names for opposed by. The parliament only approved 2 of the candidates has been put in charge of the Education Ministry and. Was given the Health Portfolio the reshuffle came as iraq began 3 days of National Mourning for the more than 100 People Killed during recent cry tests. Now the tech giant apple has been accused of caving into political pressure by removing an app from its online store which protesters in hong kong have been using to track Police Movements now this move comes after strong condemnation of the app by chinas government apple is also remove the taiwan flag emoji for use in hong kong and macau also at beijings request so earlier i spoke about this to Brown Development expert jonathan good by he says authenticity is important in the world of brands and its something which could catch apple out. They have said that its because theyre worried about interfering with local Police Issues and also safety residents things like that that fly the world but the thing is that a lot of people saying this isnt this doesnt ring correct willie and i think that theyre making a bit of a of a mistake here so i think that what this means is that people are going to become even more cynical about what i mean people are cynical about brands anyway as you know the thing is is that ive been involved with brands over the years in talking to media organizations like yourselves over the years about brands and some of the biggest brand people say well it would never affect that brand because they are just too big and they collapsed so you have got to be careful were living in a global world people are watching brands and people are thinking is this brand doing what it says it should it is doing you know is it being authentic and thats what people value you know they value authenticity and if its not authentic and then i think weve got a problem polish writer ill get a card and austrian novelist then awarded the nobel prize for literature to an as her named one for 282019 because last years prize was perspiring and over Sexual Harassment scandal to carjack was recognized and narrative imagination in 2018 r. T. To hankey won this year for his influential work exploring the human experience. You know no i do trust my work but im not the money tree is not the nature of. But or as they say he won the nobel prize so i did dont like this this question was do we need you here you know its a kind of a strange kind of freedom i dont know. Who fredo mads is. This is a rule book which is not the truth its the for you know so. But had his nobel winners called some controversy in Eastern Europe the 76 year old author as long faced criticism for his defense of the serbs during the war if the 1990 s. Is also spoke at the 2006 funeral of former serbian need a solid on the loss of h. O. At the time was facing war crimes charges. Has gone to a genocide denial. For the 1st time in decades thousands of iranian female football fans have cheered on their team from inside a ron stadium where minute affectively been banned from stadiums where men were playing since the 1970 s. But pressure been growing on feet for to take action over there since last month when an iranian woman set herself on fire after being detained for sneaking into a football stadium its a must read the reports from tehran. Everyone here knows this moment is historic i want to come here because its a. Story that i will turn for my children and my grand children. For them countermeasure i was stressed i dont think it could happen but when it happened i was very happy i hope it continues it shouldnt just on one match. Charge that after years of women not being allowed in stadiums were all very glad from the bottom of our hearts before we cried watching games on t. V. But today we have tears of happiness its not a very tough match but in my opinion its one of the most important days because for the 1st time officially they lit women even as the crowd outside trying to get into bigger. Grew louder. Theres a great deal of excitement here in the stadium this morning at the gates women have already started gathering some have tickets some dont police have said whoever has a ticket will be allowed in but if you dont have a ticket you should move along you should leave the area if people dont leave the area the police have announced they will start arresting people but diehard fans dont scare so easily oh man either way i mean i mean i dont care i dont have a ticket but i have come to hope that officials like me in what entertainment is better than best i think its great look at all these enthusiasm whats wrong with that if we go inside we could allocate all seats for women but the number of tickets are very long if you look around here you see many women who havent been able to get tickets i. Hope everyone can go inside i bet connie actually got it officially 3500 seats were made available for female fans who for the 1st time were able to buy their old tickets and watch a live game i in the end iran be pambo to your 14 mil i thousands of cheering women enough to make any player feel invincible the real action here is happening in the stands game day energy generated almost entirely by one side of the stadium they started cheering an hour before the game cheered all the way through have time and kept cheering at the end not every woman who wanted to was lucky enough to get it because of a cap on tickets despite the 80000 seat stadium being mostly empty many were still waiting outside when the final whistle blew one woman we spoke to said she doesnt even like football but insists on attending games same as men because its an equal rights issue. For the ones that made their cheers were not just for the team on the field for these women this is a battle cry for a victory hoping its the 1st of many in their long battle for more freedom i same bus ravi old 0 to what i. Had lines the sound turkey has pounded kurdish positions in north east and syria with as strikes for a 2nd day sending residents fleeing turkish troops and their allies have encircled the Kurdish Border towns of russell i mean and. The Syrian Democratic forces say 9 civilians were killed by attack a shelling alqaeda shelling has killed at least 6 civilians in turkey attack his Defense Ministry says more than 200 kurdish fighters have been killed since the operation began on wednesday. Well u. S. President donald trump has ruled out when attraction in relation to the Turkish Operation in syria but says that sanctions are still a possibility we have no soldiers in syria weve won we beat isis and we beat them badly or decisively we have no soldiers the last thing i want to do is bring thousands and thousands of soldiers in and defeat everybody again weve already done that so what we have is really 2 choices you have the choice of bryggen in the military and defeating everybody again or you have the choice of financially doing some very strong things to turkey so that they take it a little bit easy on really competition that is i dont think its big fairly treated in many ways ok we have a very Good Relationship with dirt or we didnt mediate i hope we can mediate john i hope we get media. Well u. S. Congressional democrats have issued subpoenas for 2 businessmen charged with Campaign Financing violations ukrainian left and better Russian Eagle free men who were arrested in florida are associates of president on trumps personal lawyer who teach in yani they were involved in giulianis efforts to get ukraine to investigate one of the leading democratic president ial hopefuls joe biden trump is currently facing an impeachment inquiry into whether he deliberately withheld military aid to ukraine for his own political gain and one of a story to bring you from ecuador human rights activists are saying at least 5 people have died in the protests against president lenin moraine as austerity measures at least one indigenous protester was among those killed and the on rest in quito indigenous news of can also captured in paraded 8 Police Offices on i want is coming up next. News is happening faster than ever before from different places from different people and you need to be part of that you need to be able to reach people wherever they are and that means being across all social media platforms this is where our audience lives as well as in front of a t. V. Theyre on the smartphone theyre on thats how that theyre on the confusion. And thats the way aljazeera is of all the true media networks. Thank you philippines president roderigo deterred a selfproclaimed war on drugs has been blamed for thousands of alleged extrajudicial killing fields. Now on the island of negroes hes launched another bloody war against a communist insurgency. But many say in reality its a Brutal Campaign too and not like hes creating. A lot of the death toll mounts 101 east investigates ditto todays new. Its. True you were standing right here and this store owner was sitting right there were at the scene of a targeted killing and just suddenly. This this mothers act stop over there and face them and called out his name they knew his name was being the only laws they said banned and then banned look at that. So we usually ramoss husband was gunned down outside the shop late one night in november last year this is the 1st time shes returned. I could not really find the strength to come back and see where he laid down for us life. Is so mad i dont know i feel so sad i feel so. Just really and with. Ben ramos was a human rights lawyer his wife blames president ditto days government for his death plus the state for since. Taking the life of a person was very innocent. Who has been very supportive of farmers this since its not an answer. The island of negras is known as the sugar bowl of the philippines. The hundreds of thousands of hectares of kind fields concentrated in the hands of just a few politically powerful plantation owners. Decades of exploitation of farm workers have fueled support for a communist insurgency. Its karela group the new peoples army or n. P. A. Is based in the remote mountain areas and is recognized globally as a terrorist organization. In november last year president a target declared a state of emergency on a grass ordering military and Police Reinforcements to the island to launch operations against the new peoples army but Human Rights Organizations accuse state forces of not only targeting insurgents but carrying out extradition killings of those pesetas to pose a political threat to the government what do you when you when the. President to turtoni has openly called for the killing of human rights activists as well as roy is who represent those accused of being n. P. I. One of the young human rights. Little. Well spirit. If they are of the up being just them. Since he came to power in 2016 they have been at least 87 alleged extrajudicial killings of peasants human rights advocates and lawyers only grow silent. Its really this and that their discover in the systematic attack and political persecution of activists Clarissa Singh soon as are over rez and bell ramos as we know you are all human rights workers take on cases of extrajudicial killings for b. P. To charges arrests. In april this year photographs of the 3 women appeared on a poster of more than 60 people branded as fronts for the new peoples army. The phone number to report sightings of them is for the local police in news they are saying that people are and be should be killed and should be killed and its its really serious just 2 people on the poster are already. At only bad he she is husband was the 1st to be killed and. Then in april this human rights advocate in the city council was shot in the head while driving his motorbike. After each killing clarice or in zahra received Death Threats saying they to be next. We know that its part of the state to harass and to saul fear so that we will be silent and stop their work. This movie shows the 1st village that we organized way back in 1904 people say year ban passed the bar exam and so this was a community that see firsthand lives in the late eightys government reforms was supposed to redistribute land to peasants the congresswoman who owned the plantation here refused to comply. Been a new shoes in geo late a full year legal battle for these families connected. At the event bang was that for a number to get is someone someone can make a bundle settlement in a macadam land without him with an add on this and that and since his death the foma say the governments trying to force them to disband the collective thats become a setback in demand will be one man woman in the case im enough of an only guess im one of the most inept as ive been then tell me where i can find men specifically in the middle of that and it is that since yes i see people based on. Their new been how most but i say yeah the whole being on the dole that someone had lost the ability to do that money would say yes. In the months leading up to bens death he shifts it is a local military Radio Program intensified its campaign against him claiming he was recruiting for the n. P. R. A. Band of. Then you know toiba 20. 9 farmers were shot day with high powered weapons as they slept in a field were been gave legal advice to the families and also members of the Sugar Workers federation who were charged with the mood is. This a get a 9 massacre happened in the north of the us and of course a lot of people there knew the killings for state sponsored so we were discussing what kind of case because fire and so and i are them anything. Less than 3 weeks after the massacre. Was dead. So i have here the autopsy report that lists done by the commission on human rights one bullet hit his heart and came out and. They said and of the gunmen this really a very very professional. Its really a hit and. C. C. T. V. Cameras captured they get mad and after the shooting wearing a hooded sway talking on the back of a motorbike one man she saw assertion. It was an extrajudicial killing you know because they dont speak for he was killed he was already being survey of money by the Intelligence Officers of the music that so he told you that he told me that and less faith here and i saw how he was being surveilled. He she says the intimidation hasnt stopped with the husbands mood of playing ploy of military title to his funeral convoy and allegedly threatened the mourners with a pistol who will later charged with posing a growing threat. Seen thing and they have been more Death Threats some of our staffs have received. Coffee and she says the military continues to stall them as they try to do their work you can see in this speech that while we were conducting the mission tree man who are all covered this came in took pictures. And they were just standing right next to the military. These people our Intelligence Officers coming from there come in a scared me a lot because the way they they dressed up with this child and i would 1st seem to loathing that the gunman nearest when he killed last. Major general polonia is a spokesman for the president S New National tosk force to end communist conflict despite widespread Media Coverage of bin ramoss moodle he says hes not familiar with the 11 month old case we have to investigate we have to have Philippine National Police Investigate these days and we have to make sure that the the guilty amongst the armed forces among members of the armed forces would be cross with the knowledge and so youre not disputing that perhaps attorney Benjamin Ramos was targeted by spiteful since. I dont know but i like i said were going to help in this investigation to make sure that these theres a law theres a fair amount of judgment thats using this investment was. About calling c. G. On the west coast of the island protesters take to the streets to demonstrate against the mounting deaths of civilians in counterinsurgency operation 5000000000000000000000000000 over as from the recently formed in geo defame a gross defies the deference against her to document eyewitness accounts of the killings even in some major us he still has an interest the gate the case says Human Rights Violations because we believe that the person is an authority the one who it and the rest and killings if its very clear that its the police who killed those victims was it over. 7 17 year old sheila may assume and her family fled their village soon after her older brother who was shot dead by state forces its. She says she no longer goes to school because shes being watched. We meet her in the evening i just say its. Just. A horribly again when Police Arrived at a home early one morning in december last year as. Well as they are. Adopting

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