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President has made abundantly clear the u. S. Has not in any way indorse the decision that the government of turkey to mount a military incursion into northeast syria. President trump has emphasized to the government of turkey that they bear full responsibility for protecting the kurdish population and religious minorities including christians and ensuring that no humanitarian crisis takes place the ambassadors of e. U. Countries who sit on the Security Council we also came up with a joint statement we are deeply concerned by the Turkish Military operation in syria we call upon turkey to see is the unilateral military action as we do not believe it will address truckies underlying security concerns im told behind the scenes there be no discussions about those words with germany and france wanting to take a tougher line with turkey than the u. K. Statements from the German Government and from the french government has said that they condemn what is going on the Turkish Operation in the strongest possible terms the u. K. Government has not used the word condemn why i wouldnt read too much into that weve made it very clear that we didnt support the tech its military incursion we dont support the operation and we want to see it ended its clear there were some disagreements among the e. U. Countries who called this meeting and a wider divide among the widest Security Council things are moving extremely fast but again there is little unity on the issue of syria james 0 at the united nations. Well lets discuss a similar with david logan whos a former British Ambassador to turkey joins us via skype from to spray and gloucestershire and i stop by asking you then about president warning to the you that he will open the gates for Syrian Refugees if they refer to this offensive as an occupation or an invasion how is that likely to be received in european capitals and to what extent could it impact the response to these developments in the north east and syria well theres been a longstanding agree with 3 europeans and observes on the routes the turks keep the Syrian Refugees in turkey in exchange for a lot from them from the europeans. I personally feel that probably most of the Syrian Refugees who want to go to europe all the young entrepreneurial. For as he runs the probably go to war it is not at all sure where and if and when i do and says ok where neugebauer is how many would actually. Its. Secondly i im not sure that all your goons go she led to believe this theres a link between them which we should which is quite important. Turkey is only had National Security and strategic concerns about washington working so closely with the the wipe each of the kurdish dominated s. T. s in the fight against isolating theyve long made that known now would a genuine effort on the part of well it has to be washington i suppose to really address these concerns National Community to look at various. Mechanisms you can have interNational Security force mechanisms you can have in the area perhaps bring this offensive to some conclusion or is it too late for that. Well washington its database which has as leaders new york and tired im sure the want to conclude is offensive as quickly as he possibly can the whole lot of people cause difficulties as he has as you know the 2nd law of his own forces and they say that there are fish and well equipped and i suspect that theres a lot here that he will go ahead and succeed in that. The American Alliance why p. G. Because we could all see whats happening not coming years ago the waikiki all kurds who are closely related to the p. K. K. Kurdish terrorists. And as far as the turks are concerned. They the United States on using terrorists for their objectives against potentially going stucky. This was in that sense inevitable and the way to settle the problem i see is was not to use the reich e. G. Against them but to settle the problem where it started in syria and iraq. I might add now of course how much how to the turks with thoughts of course the wipe e. G. Themselves the turkish Kurdish Militia will retreat back beyond this once 20 mile exclusion zone into the area where the american troops might say can i just ask you very quickly. How critical is russias role in all of this well i mean russia i think are probably rubbing their hands together they all the patrons of. Irans or the patients. They will they are so. Heavily influenced by the way the russians behave. I said himself will begin in wonderful about this because because im sure that in any future settlement they the kurds would have to gain some mistletoe in the boards not as i would have bothered about so yeah. The turkish russian relationship is a. Transactional one on the politics there are lots of areas where attacks interests dont coincide in russia and so this in the end witnesses are as it turned out well for them david logan for a British Ambassador to turkey thank you for sharing your perspective on this. At the news hour live from london more still ahead disbelief in germany after a gunman targets a synagogue in the eastern city of holly. And then later in sport will let you know if chinese fans carried out that threats of boycotts an n. B. A. Game in shanghai is coming up later. U. S. Congressional democrats have issued subpoenas for 2 business men arrested and charged with Campaign Finance violations ukrainian left pontus about a russian illegal for a minute or so seats of President Trump the lawyer Rudy Giuliani they were involved in giulianis efforts to get ukraine to investigate one of the leading democratic president ial hopefuls joe biden according to the indictment of both men funneled foreign money to u. S. Political candidates trump is currently facing an impeachment inquiry into whether he withheld military aid to ukraine for personal political gain a short while ago trump accuse the democrats of using criminal methods in the investigation. I think its very unfair to heads of countries when they think that every time they make a conversation or have a conversation with the president of the United States its going to be on you know all over the world i think thats very unfair but in the case in the case of what were talking about we released a perfect conversation the president of ukraine just confirmed had that should be case over i will say this adam shift took that conversation before he saw it and fabricated a gun or say shit to me thats criminal what he did is criminal. When john hendren is live for us in many apple s. So just listening to trumps remark that sort of typical and the way its defensive and sort of trying to frame the entire and choir in political terms what is the white house a strategy for dealing with this. Well the white house knows that it cant avoid talk of impeachment impeachment is everywhere so the president is taking it head on but to be frank its not clear the president wouldnt do that anyway he really seems to take his own counsel and his own counsel alone but if i can show you right behind me here impeachment is come up here is well aware its 2 hours and 40 minutes ahead of a speech that President Trump is giving you can see a crowd here a largely 80 trump crowd with people with rose red maga hats that you see all the time make America Great again hats with trump fans trump seems to know that he has to address this and his his policy has been to demonize the investigators to accuse them of committing crimes themselves in order to diminish any trust in that whole proceeding and of course hes got the senate which is currently a proton senate most of them republicans and there arent very many signs that 2 thirds of the senate would be willing to impeach him at this point or would be willing to remove him from office of the house votes to impeach him so he is addressing this subject at every venue we expect him to address it right here in minnesota in just a couple of hours but right now what youve got is hundreds of crowds hundreds of people in the crowd and theyre expected to be thousands of them will see that materializes marian why around me in minneapolis. In minneapolis the reason that this is happening here is that trump narrowly lost this state its a solidly blue Democratic State lost it by about 45000 votes its about 1. 5 percent of the vote and he really wants to win it this time around because he knows he might not win all of those other swing states pennsylvania wisconsin that he won the 1st time around so last time around he had one staffer here a paid staffer in the state of minnesota he has now about 20 plans to have 100. And instead of spending 30000. 00 you know like he did last unclench to spend 10000000. 00 at least thats 3 according to a reporter you were trying. To get to a bigger news ration wants to win this state but here in the city of minneapolis this is a very into trump territory this is the district of fuel for no more liberal democratic senator and thats one of the 1st muslims in the house of representatives so hes come here into hostile territory but in a state that is relatively friendly to the area thank you very much john hendren with all the latest there from minneapolis. And other developments present trump is saying that he will meet chinas vice premier at you hey on friday as talks resume to try to end the 15 month trade war between worlds 2 largest economies both sides are hoping to narrow the differences to avoid a schedule tower for a increase next week on 250000000000. 00 worth of chinese goods if the talks break down nearly all the 500000000000. 00 worth of chinese imports to the United States will be subject to punitive tariffs to ecuador now Human Rights Organization given soria del pueblo has confirmed that 5 people have died in the protests against president Lenin Morenos austerity measures at least one indigenous protester was among those killed in the unrest in ecuadors capital quito volunteers from the Catholic University say 2 children and 2 elderly people also died from asphyxiation off the tear gas was used by police cracking down on the demonstrators all Indigenous Leaders in ecuador have captured and publicly paraded 8 Police Offices they were made to take off their helmets and bullet proof vests and boots and were forced on stage in front of hundreds of demonstrators at a Cultural Center that is being used as an opposition base. The german chancellor Angela Merkel has vowed 0 tolerance for hate after wednesdays shooting in the eastern city of halle security is being stepped up across the country but the Jewish Community has criticized the slow reaction of the Police Forces there is anger simmons has visited a town where the gunman lived and sent this report from having this is the only suspect in the house shooting flown into phase germanys federal Supremes Court stefan barely it is charged with 2 counts of murder and 9 of attempted murder had it not been for this law prosecutors say there could have been a match killing in how a synagogue more than 60 jewish worshipers on their holiest day of the year. The leader of the Jewish Community alerted the police on his phone and he says he and others watched on security cameras as the lone attacker shot at the outer door trying to get in all of us were very afraid. Children. We hear for. Both to. The door before the Police Arrived the attacker was filmed shooting apparently randomly havent given up trying to enter the synagogue a woman passer by was shot dead and a man in a turkish restaurant also died. The german president arrived at the scene to bring flowers and a message that dark this is a day off shame and disgrace that there should be an attack on a fully occupied Jewish Synagogue on the highest jewish holiday in a country with our history. The german president s arrival here is an indicator of the alarm but in the aftermath of such an attack the questions still linger how can the people be protected by the police and Intelligence Services and perhaps more relevantly what drives someone to kill like this that he at 27 years old is a loner this is his home Police Inside and all over the neighborhood its in the small town of bend off 3 quarters of an hours drive from hell or he lives with his mother and is reported to play video games persistently neighbors are in shock one says you never think these things can come so close you see it on t. V. All across germany now its here its scary. Another was Holding Back Tears im really scared said this woman i cant do this. Hell a member of the German Parliament believes politicians need to be more careful and they havent tried to get any good we have in local parliaments and the federal one speeches that are on the borderline of being illegal i think we need to examine what are these hate speech is leaked to people who have access to guns taking them out to kill them one of the messages posted in heller reads i wont let an ideology of hate destroy the city we love. Hell maybe the latest attack of this sort but many people in germany fear its not the last. 100 symons aljazeera in germany. Still had fun on the news out apple is accused of caving into political pressure after moving a not used by hong kong protest as from its online store. And find out why nanny a soccer has given up a u. S. Citizenship. Hello londons about to get wet its not the only place but the wind direction sun into the west now you get an idea the cast are coming a bit for the science but the trend is to split northern and southern europeans different weather types that greenland their frontal system that goes up through london that means rain has started to go through northern france not germany denmark and towards sweden and overnight here notice the line doesnt really move very much that is rather a wet 24 hours windy wet weather is not that labor 15 in persistent rain but disappointing 11 in stockholm. Up there in worse but Central Southern Europe is quiet the suns out by days dont particularly call by not yet 26. 00 in athens like normally breeze 28. 00 in madrid with more cloud around that would be i think ideal and that cloud extends out to morocco as well temperature here held at 24 possibly as a result further east along the north coast of africa noticed no surtees to get to egypt however given theres not much of a northerly breeze even though the cloud just crossed algeria back up to 30 now dear is months 35 incur in fact egypt remains hot were down to 6 or up to 42 degrees do you know. Our planet is feeling the heat of the climate an ecological emergency the worlds leading scientists are warning of an existential crisis in the face of it reversible changes to the earths climate ill be with you throughout as well on violent correspondent nick carter well have reports from the front lines of the crisis that Showcase New Solutions to help combat through aljazeera brings you a new weekly climate s. O. S. What sets up the facts on the Science Behind the issues affecting our planets. When the news breaks it looks like if your job in order to get someone you can get this country out of the crisis when people need to be. Brought to a little course of the school where we are without a trace does iraq has teams on the ground for the last few months these are because. This will be a battle to bring. The trees and. Only and online. Combat headlines turkey has pounded kodesh positions in northeastern syria with as strikes for a 2nd day now sending tens of thousands fleeing kurdish shelling has also killed at least 6 civilians including a child in Turkish Border towns. U. S. Congressional democrats have issued subpoenas for 2 businessmen charged with Campaign Finance violations ukrainian left on ass about a Russian Eagle for him and were involved in trumps lawyers efforts to get ukraine to investigate joe biden. And indigenous protesters have paraded 8 Police Officers theyve taken captive in the protests against president let in the rain as austerity measures at least 5 people have died in that on the rest. Of america to us live now from quito whats been the reaction there and to the Police Officers being taken hostage and then paraded in this way. Merrimans have been a very very confusing situation weve been here all day next to the Cultural Center which has now become the headquarters of the general headquarters of the Indigenous Movement and it and its leaders and just a few moments ago the funeral procession of one of the protestors one of the indigenous professors went into that building where there were very very emotional scenes and people were screaming for some of the Police Officers that you just made a reference to they helped carry that casket in adventuring for them did come out and help bring them in we were able to speak to a colonel who was amongst the 8 he told us that what had happened is that one of their members patrolmen had been detained was his words here by the Indigenous Leaders and that he came here with another group of 18 or one woman and 7 other officers to come in here to try to negotiate and that theyve been here all day trying to find a peaceful solution to that the Indigenous Leaders here say that they are not being held here by force but when we asked them if they could leave if they wanted to he led us to believe that he they could not agree its not voluntarily so it doesnt exist its a very very sensitive. Kind of a deadlock right now doing with dealing with them but very high emotions here especially as that casket chain in people screaming and yelling that they want the president to go that they wanted his cabinet to go and that they consider the president personally responsible for the deaths that have taken place here in the last 8 days of protest. And yet in terms of the response from the president he has defined calls to step down and not only that. He is determined not to back down on those austerity measures. Yes youre absolutely right theres been no sign whatsoever that the government is willing to make any concessions with so ever with those austerity measures which the government says it cannot back out on because it needs to cut down Government Spending the country is bankrupt but people out here wont listen to those arguments and thats why this is that it can situation because neither side is giving in right now theyre barricaded in year there are thousands and thousands of Indigenous People from all over venezuela ecuador im sorry almost 100 border of israel and colombia will come all the way here to the capital p. Doc and they say theyre not going to be leaving. Thank you very much latin america editor lucien human on those developments in ecuador indonesia security minister is in hospital with stab wounds after what police say was an attack an attack inspired by i still elected to sail into his wife were arrested after the attack which saw run tow it was wearing a green shirt emerge from his vehicle before falling to the ground doctors say minister antos suffered 2 deep wounds to his stomach but he is in a stable condition a local police chief and another person were also injured. The World Health Organization says the bodo epidemic in northeast democratic republic of congo has been confined to a smaller area but one that is remote and rife with militias the number of new a bowl of cases has dropped steadily from nearly 130 back in april to 51 in mid september or 14 new infections last week but dr mike ryan the executive director of the World Health Organizations emergency programs says there is still a way to go to completely eradicate the disease. Of france has pledged almost 14000000000. 00 to the global fund to fight aids tuberculosis and malaria 3000000. 00 people died of Infectious Diseases last year mostly in Subsaharan Africa nicholas not has more now from senegal capital dakar. Living with hiv aids contracted the virus from her parents who both died from it she was on the brink of death with her help to travel thousands of kilometers across west africa from togo to set a goal here people have more chances of survival than anywhere else in the region. Explains while she may be sick she feels healthy thanks to the care given to her senegals government and the global fund pay for this treatment retroviral drugs that used to cost thousands of dollars a month are handed out for free the global flood was created by microsoft billionaire bill gates more than 20 years ago with the ambitious plan to eradicate the worlds 3 leading Infectious Diseases malaria tuberculosis and aids the global fund says it saved 20 7000000. 00 lives by introducing simple measures such as this to catch carrying mosquitoes or early screening against tuberculosis at their meeting in the french city of president and other World Leaders secured pledges of almost 14000000000. 00 for the global fund so. What we want to do here today from this moment is to make aids tuberculosis and malaria disappear from the face of the justice. But he alone will not stop the spread of these viruses which are growing increasingly resistant to the drugs developed to tackle them the medical Organization Doctors Without Borders and warns funding to combat aids in africa is declining despite the spread in some parts its set up an emergency clinic in neighboring getting where a patient dies of aids every other hour. Theres not a lot of people coming here to get screened doctors say because theres such a shame in the stigma associated to age i view. This to be did a 1700000. 00 people worldwide were defective with each i. V. Last year. People are scared to get treated or even to get tested there is such a negative stigma from society around hiv and aids its see bigley evelyns fight it gives directions diseases which need more body. Of willpower to combat at stake is giving betty victims as possible the childs to have the healthiest life they can. Talk aljazeera deckard irish Prime Minister says a brick set deal is possible by the end of october after a key meeting with his counterpart Boris Johnson following the meeting they said they both believe a brics agreement is in everybodys interests and can see a pathway to a possible deal however the irish and the e. U. Governments object to proposals to bring island out of the Customs Union which threatens the open border with Northern Ireland. I am no absolute convinced that both are the britain want there to be an agreement thats in the interests of our own to the United Kingdom and to the European Union as a whole and i do see a pathway towards an agreement in the coming weeks. There are of course issues yet to be fully resolved the 1st is the issue of consent of democracy ensuring that any long term arrangement that applies to Northern Ireland has the consent of the people of Northern Ireland the 2nd is the whole issue of customs and shoring that there is no cost in the border between north and south so next steps of course are for the United Kingdom government to engage with the European Commission we expect it will happen tomorrow or the meeting involving steve markey in the show barn yeah and also well need to consult and engage with the commission as well but what i would hope is that whats happened today would be sufficient to. Negotiations to resume in brussels. Climate change demonstrators here in the u. K. Of trying to disrupt operations at London City Airport the group flooded the terminal in what theyve called a Hong Kong Style occupation former Paralympian James brown even climbed on top of british yet ways plain protesters have been occupying public spaces all week trying to pressure the British Government into stepping up its Climate Action plan tech giant apple has been accused of caving into political pressure by removing it from its online still which protesters in hong kong use to track police newsmans the move comes after a strong condemnation of the app by chinas government apple is also remove the taiwan flag emoji for use in hong kong and macau at beijings request. Well joining me now is Brian Development expert jonathan go by you will obviously be following this very closely and apple hasnt actually commented on why it decided to remove this app from its Chinese Service but nonetheless its really prompted a furious reaction hasnt it from many people who see it as capitulation you know i mean actually they have said that its because theyre worried about interfering with local Police Issues and also say to residents things like that that fly world but the thing is is that a lot of people saying this isnt this doesnt ring correct willie and i think that theyre making a bit of a of a mistake here only because from a branding point of view apple you know one of the things that they they pride themselves on and they had a shoot Global Campaign as you know years ago which launched them which was about think differently or think different as they said it was all about celebrating people who would think different and go against the system but here they are doing the opposite of what their brand says that they are contradicting their own brand value is exactly what does this mean reputational damage or so i think that what this means is that people are going to become even more cynical about what i mean people are cynical about brands anyway as you know and so i think that they can become even more cynical now because they were going to think well you know this idea of mixing business with politics is not a good idea. I think the reality is is that they are in a market it is actually their 3rd biggest market by cells in terms of the value of the market and so what are they going to do i was in a trance politics well you know its a difficult one but also in terms of their reputation as reputation aspect of it i mean does Something Like this really have an impact on Consumer Habits sometimes a brand i mean as a brand like apple just so large an all encompassing that it sort of immune. Ok i dont want this im going to answer the political answer to about business and politics and im going to say yes or no. Because the thing is is that ive been involved with brands over the years in talking to media organizations like yourselves over the years about brands and some of the biggest brand people say well it would never affect that brand because they are just too big and they collapsed so you have got to be careful were living in a global world people are watching brands and people are thinking is this brand doing what it says it should it is doing you know is it being authentic and thats what people value you know they value authenticity and if its not authentic and then i think weve got a problem fascinating backlash against the n. B. A. The National Basketball association playing out in this is after a tweet that was sent out essentially in support of the protests in hong kong is thats right so one of the executives one of the local teams actually you know took on his own shoulders to actually put out this tweet says daryl morey of the hes 10 rockets thats right and so but what happened is that one thought oh gosh what are we going to do now an n. B. A. Was running around all over the place with thing you want to do but actually at the very last minute looks like they have scored you know in favorably on their terms because what theyve done is that theyve taken 2 of their most prestigious teams over to china and they have been welcome so at the very last minute it seems to be that they pulled it back but it was a difficult one to do but there was a out outrage among total are laid out its promises yeah and i mean david anticipated that no i dont think they would have anticipated that and the indeed it got american political politicians involved as well would people like that who say you know this is just not on but the thing is is that i go back to the fact that. Is this business as usual that theyve got to actually look at their local markets and see what they can do do i like it no is it reality yes thats the way it is cynicism maybe just realistic here i thank you jonathan goodbye my pleasure arts. On now a convoy of hundreds of vehicles has made its way through israel and the latest protest by palestinian Israeli Citizens against a rise in Violent Crime protesters accuse Israeli Police of neglecting arab majority towns and villages are a force that has more on this now from west jerusalem. In just a few weeks a growing social concern has turned into a Major Political issue on thursday hundreds of vehicles made their way along major roads from northern israel to deliver a message to leaders in jerusalem palestinian israelis fed up of the violence plaguing their communities a calling for change israels most senior arab politician using regular facebook updates from the root to make clear that demands. Know what the organized crime gangs the extortion gangs the black market gangs the weapons these 4 things if the police want they can eliminate them entirely within one or 2 months. Back i think once in west jerusalem or day and other members of the parliament or knesset went to meet israels Public Security minister other protesters gathered nearby to highlight a surge in crime that has seen more than 70 people

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