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That says about the wider relationship between beijing and western businesses im sure i guess just go with the sport south africa qualifies for the quarterfinals ill tell you who the springboks are likely to face next at the Rugby World Cup. Welcome to the news are turkey says its forces are ready for military action in Northern Syria its Defense Ministry says preparations are complete but there is continuing criticism of the operation irans foreign Ministry Says the mission will not end turkeys security concerns the u. S. President is facing widespread kriss criticism domestically for pulling troops out of Northern Syria kurdish fighters in the region say Donald Trumps stab them in the back well kimberly healthy it is following developments for us from washington d. C. But 1st lets cross over to Charles Stratford on turkeys border with syria and charles lets just begin with the situation of military build up turkey really prepared for some sort of incursion into that region. Thats right so yes certainly weve seen military build up in this area so the artillery positions close to where im standing here in the town behind me crossed the border a town called total it has been under control since 2015 when the s. D. F. Along with Coalition Forces took control from eisel and yes you have as you say considering this announcement by donald trump to withdraw u. S. Forces who they work with a number of years now as being a stab in the back theyre very concerned about any potential kind of security threats to the efforts that theyve succeeded in in terms of the battle against eisel in this area we understand there are thousands of eisel prisoners in s. D. F. Controlled jails there are concerns that any military operation we could even see eisel fighters escaping those jails all the s. D. F. Losing control of areas that theyve clearly cleared of eisel there are a whole host of security questions and then of course a lot of the people that were hearing giving comment across the border as well just every day syrians very concerted very afraid of any kind of military escalation given the fact that theyve already suffered years old war very nervous about a humanitarian disaster getting even worse certainly as i say yet the military very much a presence in this area but no indication yet as to when any kind of military operation may begin and of course another angle to the story charles is the fire that sort of kurdish led authorities in syria say that they may open a dialogue with russia sort of to fill any potential vacuum left by the u. S. I mean what more do we know about. Thats right well according to a tweet by the s. T. S. Commander in chief earlier today muslim abdi said that we are considering a partnership with the syrian president with the aim of fighting the Turkish Forces are there is to fight his sorry. Members of the the stiff upper echelons if you like of of the Organization Also saying is that theyre even looking at working with the russians that shows you just how desperate and serious the s. D. F. Are taking the tension which will of these u. S. Forces and this. Turkish military escalation if it does indeed it does happen its important to recognize that this wouldnt be the 1st time that weve seen s. D. F. Cooperating with the Syrian Regime this has happened before in the fight against the Free Syrian Army and and eisel but as i say it does highlight just what kind of a difficult situation they are in and they have valid very much to retaliate against any Turkish Military action to defend what they describe as their people and their land but will continue to monitor events with you that in Southern Turkey for the moment charles thank you of course i would talk colleague kimberly how kitty is live for us in washington d. C. And the fallout kimberly the president s statement continues and it continues across party lines. Yeah weve had some late breaking news in just the last few moments with respect to the story donald trump tweeting again as he often does early in the morning washington time but this pretty note worthy as the president has been trying to recalibrate his message with regard to that announcement that came out on sunday that the u. S. Would be withdrawing its troops from syria the president now defending that over twitter in a series of 3 tweets with the headline being he has invited. The leader of Turkey Russia tire of air to one to the white house november 13th also defending the relationship between the United States and turkey underscoring that turkey is an important trading partner to the United States the collaboration that exists for the United States with respect to the f. 35 fighter jets and also the president really underscoring and fighting back against those accusations that he is seen across the political spectrum as you noted that the United States is abandoning the curbs the kurds that have been allied with the United States in trying and defeating eisel the u. S. President saying in these tweets that he is not abandoning the kurds and points out that the u. S. Will continue to support kurdish fighters with weapons as well as financially but in the midst of all of this the president has sent out mixed messages in that these series of tweets that have just come out from donald trump really underscore the confusion with respect to u. S. Syria policy for example the u. United kingdom sending out a message saying its deeply concerned about turkish plans for some sort of military action inside syria after the u. S. President had sort of brushed off those concerns saying that the u. K. Was in fact thrilled with this policy shift it just shows the general confusion not only in the United States but with u. S. Allies of course completely we talk about how this information has been received by the International Community but it also plays into the domestic narrative that its very you know its a serious time as we head towards you know more in just over a years time of the president ial election there is a very strong message being sent to the American People about American Forces abroad. Very strong message that the u. S. Congress we expect is going to send and weve already seen this once before you have to remember back in january we saw. A bipartisan effort to rebuke President Trump legislatively in the senate to to sort of when he suggested prior that he was interested in pulling out u. S. Troops from syria there was a strong condemnation of that legislatively we now know there is an effort underway to do that again once again bipartisan in a divided country thats what makes it noteworthy we should point out though what this is is nonbinding that means it cant change the president s policy but it certainly would register displeasure but it doesnt appear that the u. S. President is speaking to those inside the beltway as we like to say in the sort of washington general area in fact what hes hes really seems to be calibrating this message and we heard him speak from the white house on monday afternoon saying this very point that he promised in 2016 on the campaign trail to get the United States out of what he calls endless wars and this is his effort to deliver on that promise in advance of the 2020 u. S. Election but it could lead into the story that were also following from the u. S. Involving the president in the last few minutes weve been hearing about developments and sort of the why the impeachment inquiry what will you tell us about. Yeah in some ways these stories are connected because donald trump is very gifted at reversing negative headlines and in some ways thats exactly what he has done with this impeachment inquiry by announcing the troop withdrawal on sunday evening the u. S. Networks have been fixated on this impeachment inquiry story suddenly much of that on monday went away and there was this focus on the shift in u. S. Syria policy so now what weve seen is another effort by the white house to obfuscate and general confusion to try and distract from these negative headlines is the white house has blocked one of its Trump Administration officials from testifying before democrats on capitol hill ordering the top american diplomat involved in this alleged Pressure Campaign on ukraine not to speak he is Gordon Sandland he is the u. S. Ambassador to the European Union and why this is important is what this is going to do is set the white house up with Congressional Democrats in an immediate conflict with potentially profound consequences because what this does is it sets in place what the democrats have warned and cautioned the white house against and that is obstruction of justice and we should point out well if the u. S. President does try to obstruct congressional efforts on oversight this could be an Impeachable Offense indeed certainly part of the day though and shes staying because we follow events throughout the day with you can believe thank you. Now the u. K. May withhold Security Cooperation from the European Union if it leaves the e. U. Without an exit deal thats according to the spectator magazine citing British Government sources the report comes on a morning when Prime Minister Boris Johnson spoke by phone with the german chancellor Angela Merkel that british media are reporting that merkel told johnson a break that deal is not quote overwhelmingly unlikely of more on this story lawrence the our correspondent whos live for us there in london and it does seem that were getting very close to a no deal in in many ways lawrence. Well he said he looks like Boris Johnson wants to try to pull the talks forget the noise Extinction Rebellion and taken over the streets with his pretty loud that that the problem i think for the European Union is that they never really believe that Boris Johnson was serious about trying to find a deal in the 1st place you know if you ask a 1000 people in this country to explain in detail what Boris Johnsons plan for Northern Ireland is and i suppose compromise i guarantee you almost nobody could give you an answer because it is something possibly complicated and the e. U. Thinks that was basically designed to fail and it now looks very much like downing street is setting it up to try to find a way of collapsing the talks with a view to pushing an election and potentially getting to know taylor as well lets lets take a view from jonathan less from the Campaign Group british influence all the language overnight into today jonathan from from downing street it looks like they have that they just want to blame the European Union for all of this tony absolutely theyve got off the reservation basically of course johnsons chief of staff Dominic Cummings released an explosive briefing last night where he was saying that he on trees he refused he refused that the extension out he would allow the extension would be punished so what are the facts piers the u. K. Government is saying other countries to impose food and medicine shoot on the british people this is completely extraordinary they know are there no i think constructively they tell you want to feel they want to be in the e. U. When the talks fail little trust the presence of European Councils we to this morning that johnson was involved in what he called a stupid blame game but does appear to be the europeans view isnt it the the the lungs and wants to blame brussels for ever for the failure of the songs. And i think we need to take a step back and appreciate just how unthinkable it is for a Senior Leader such total tarrasque to address the british Prime Minister in this way what it shows is that the reputation of britain is that of been lower the government has never been more described. Says Boris Johnson is more interested in playing political games safeguarding the peace prosperity and security of his own people assuming the talks collapsed this week which it seems almost inevitable now that they will what do you think johnson does to see call an election next week once he said ok well do the extension so labor party agrees and then and then once the general elections which every depends what happens the choreography of the 94. 00 taper has remember the poorest johnson has staked his entire credibility his entire premiership on that not being an extension of that special type that if he. Seeks that extension as hes required to and the e. U. Has to be expects will grant requests that means that Boris Johnsons dutoit pledge would have been shattered it would then really matter whether johnson thinks he can get that election he just said its not my fault but it forced me to miss a course hell say that but if youre going to downing street with one pledge one pledge only that you will leave the e. U. Or 3rd best for toyota and then use they actually were going through the e. U. Into january or beyond that shot your credibility i dont know its a ferocious sense though youre trying to claim some of that leave voting territory and that could mean rope problems for johnson just finally that the e. U. Will grant the extension you think on the basis that its a kind of a last chance saloon attempt to get a different government in you might be a bit more amenable than johnson i dont think cases but its curious that they will see the no deal if he has to agree to the British Parliament which represents a bitch people take to get one start extension theyre not going to star island on the bus ali moore said extension as well and hungary will not be prolife by the u. K. There is nothing that you take an offer any e. U. States that the e. U. Cant match jonathan thank you very much indeed its very very noisy here this is the last time a parliament has well before it suspend it before next next monday screen space out but certainly speaking to opposition politicians here there is a growing view that next week will be the week when johnson. Potentially says to the European Union ok well have our extension but were calling the election and the opposition would agree to that because it would guarantee the extension perhaps the next week or 2 we could be international action. Here in the u. K. But thanks very much lawrence leader our correspondent in london the middle east iraqs president has condemned attacks on protesters during violent antigovernment demonstrations in a t. V. Address bar. Parliament to address protesters demands and called on Security Forces to ensure the rights of iraqis are protected. And i would support the formation of a committee made a professional and credible experts and opening the door for a constructive dialogue with the main powers especially our son the protesters we will also work to make sure that the community will have National Consensus and independence so we can identify the problem put Forward Solutions and so we can start in a fact of process of reform and yes imran khan has more from baghdad. Theres been a lot in the violent clashes between protesters and iraqi Security Forces here in baghdad there were 2 very small protests one taking place in Southern City another in another neighborhood but this other city one is very interesting for the last few days people from so the city have been telling us that they feel like theyve been under siege by the army and they say that the army has been firing indiscriminately at the protesters however and the government says that thats not the case and what its done is removed the army and replaced those forces with a rocky Police Forces federal Police Forces that seem to appease the protesters somewhat and they were in the kind of numbers weve seen over the last few days but its not just here in baghdad weve also heard in the south the center of the country is very much a quite annoyed the protesters now what were hearing in the south of the country is that young men have been stopped at the police of take a look at the mobile phones if they have pictures of the protests on their mobile phones theyve been made to delete them if they have a great number of pictures and videos on the phone theyve actually been taken into custody were not hearing that from any kind of official source iraqi. Police and army and the government havent commented on that but from multiple sources in the south we are hearing that thats actually the case also what were hearing is that the protesters may well be taking a look at what politics are going on right now and thats why there seems to be this kind of lull in the protest movement. Well plenty more ahead here on the aljazeera news hour including nearly 100. 00 people are killed and thousands displaced as Ethnic Violence in eastern democratic republic of congo intensifies. Also brazil says 100 tonnes of oil spilled along its northeastern coast has affected dozens of cities. Because around the pastoral are female fans and football stadiums will still count down exclusively with one of the women helping drive change in her country. The United States is blacklisting 28 chinese tech firms that develop facial recognition and other Artificial Intelligence technology the u. S. Says the technology is being used to repress Chinas Muslim minority who have bars us for selling technology to those companies without government approval Rights Groups say china has detained around 1000000. 00 we goes and other muslims in what it calls reeducation camps in the west and shane xing region pauline long is the managing director of asia analytics a leading provider of Predictive Analytics in the Greater China region she says theres strong competition in the Tech Industry between the 2 countries and the u. S. Is trying to push china closer to a trade deal. Trying. To put pressure on china so that. Trade talks to be wrapped up. He is under the you know as president i believe isnt the lot of political pressure to come up with something after say the trip was easy to train trip was a quick its more than 100 years now hes got nothing to show for it so i do think hes really anxious that china country the table and he can announce a deal this is part and parcel of that approach a competition between the 2 countries for dominance in the technological field so its not surprising that the list will be Technology Companies Surveillance Companies because econ separate so castigation in technology in one aspect and say ok im good at the other aspect everything contributes to Everything Else so surveillance facial recognition thats a real part and parcel of this surfaced depletion in technology that both country would like to dominate. The protesters in hong kong are expected to defy an order banning face masks police say 77 people have already been arrested for violating the law curry law has defended the territories ban on face masks and says other measures to restore order remain a possibility at this point in time i still strongly feel that we should find the solutions ourselves that that is also the position of the Central Government that hong kong should tackle the problem on her own. But if the situation becomes so bad. Then no options could people who doubt if we want hong kong to at least to have another chance. U. S. Politicians are telling the n. B. A. Not to back down against china after the general manager of the Houston Rockets Basketball Team tweeted support the protests and whole goal chinese businesses have been severing links with the u. S. Based governing body and lucrative t. V. Rights still is now under threat rob matheson has more from beijing. But hey just 7 words have plunged the u. S. National basketball into a geopolitical crisis with billions of dollars in chinese sponsorship and t. V. Rights at stake on friday daryl morey general manager of the Houston Rockets n. B. A. Team tweeted fight for freedom stand with hong kong in support of antigovernment demonstrations there. China is furious it regularly complains about what it sees as foreign interference in internal matters we are not apologizing for daryl exercising his freedom of expression i regret again having communicated directly with many friends in china that so many people are upset including. Millions and millions of our fans frantic attempts by madi in the n. B. A. To pacify china have resulted in fierce criticism particularly from u. S. Politicians hong kong has been part of china under the one country 2 systems plan since it was handed over by the u. K. In 1907 just months after paying billions of dollars to extend its streaming deal with the n. B. A. A Chinese Company 10 cent says it wont show any more rockets effectively cutting the houston t. V. Off from chinese basketball fans so as iraq is fan im very disappointed as a chinese i feel very disappointed by his conference basketball is popular in china chinese style ya ming played his entire hall of fame career with the Houston Rockets hes now chairman of the China Basketball Association which says its canceling a Cooperation Agreement with the rockets the n. B. A. Is not the only organization to have to apologize in the face of chinese anger in the past gap the Marriott Hotel group and daimler car company have all had to backtrack the Hong Kong Airline Cathay Pacific even sacked some of its staff who publicly supported the protests in hong kong because it was worried it was going to lose access to valuable chinese airspace analysts say anyone who accepts Chinese Investment should be aware of chinas sensitivities he crossed the line. And then which. Many. Swans. From overseas we know we know it shouldnt you know no one. China is not the only country to use investment as leverage but critics say that when the n. B. A. Has been faced with a choice between freedom of speech and the risk of losing billions of dollars chinas money talks rob matheson aljazeera beijing. Was rob noted this isnt the only time trying has attempted to regulate what Foreign Companies say it all goes to chinese celebrities cut ties with Luxury Fashion brands coach and of all she labels identified whole cole and taiwan as countries last year Marriott Hotels got hot water for including tibet whole koehler cow and taiwan on a questionnaire it sent out to customers or already is in shanghai shut down the companys chinese website for months later china demanded Global Airlines adjust their bookings systems and websites to refer to taiwan explicitly as part of china those that refused face losing chinese customers undress fulda is a lecturer in the school of contemporary chinese studies at the university of nottingham in england he joins me now from there good to have you with us live on aljazeera i mean chinas reaction to the national Basketball Association is not the 1st time as weve just mentioned in the way that they behave towards those large corporations how do we look at this do we do it blatantly say china is just bullying these companies into making sure they tow you might say the Chinese Party line well it certainly looks like it and in a way the c. E. O. s of these big Global Companies in my view are both ill informed and ill advised to kowtow to these demands and let me explain of course the Chinese Market and access to the Chinese Market is important but you just mentioned the Global Brands and we could add for example a very sad show to this growing list of companies that have run afoul of the chinese currency party. But. These c. E. O. s actually have to bear in mind that theyre serving many markets including their home markets and so by being these apology is they may think that china is a remote place no ones going to Pay Attention but were living in an interconnected world with social media so for example the statement put out by the n. B. A. One in english and one in chinese was absolutely 7 criticized by. Customers and citizens in the name and in the United States because they thought it was. Unamerican to. Have to make such a kowtow and i do think it will actually then heard the brand of the n n b overall and therefore i do think it is actually a valid or shortsighted to engage in such acts so let me just go back to that you just said just a moment ago about the way that these large brands have to also perceive themselves within their home markets and kowtow ing so to speak to the chinese way of thinking how what is the fine balancing act that these companies have to try and work out because obviously they they know the Chinese Market is a lucrative market theres a lot of disposable disposable cash and the Chinese Tourists for example one of the largest groups globally the do travel have the money to spend so how does that then balance out with you know companies who are trying to sell their goods in neighboring countries or neighboring regions without being seen to be you might say qatari or towing the chinese line. Yes sure i fully understand what you say. One of the problems really is that. The chinese economy is a state controlled economy and of course it is the party which is calling the shots. Now its a Leninist Party state controlled by a stalinist sitting ping who is using maoist tactics to kind of curse Global Companies to toe the line so this is one problem what i would say to like western c. E. O. s who are thinking about you know cutting a deal with the chinese cars body is that it takes a very very long time to build a global brand and to build up a good reputation but that brand and that good reputation can be destroyed in no time at all and so if you actually go on social media and you have a look at some of the lets say. Artistic variations of the n. B. A. N. B. A. Local you know this is something that should really concern you know the marketing people of the n. B. A. Because it really doesnt reflect well on their brand how much of a blow is it you might say that publicity and the. Revenue channel cut as it seems that the i mean what could be the rub of the cations not just for the Houston Rockets but also for the Chinese Market itself being able to the public at large not being able to access the sport of the team that they adore. Sure well in your reporting you mentioned u. S. China trade war and very often commentators say that there might be a quick fix there might be maybe. A solution to this impasse i dont think so actually this is far more structural and so we are actually indeed in historical moment where we see something of a deep decoupling between the United States economy and the chinese economy and to a lesser extent between the european economy and the chinese economy and that process will continue and i think companies now have to seriously consider divesting from Mainland China interesting thoughts from the address field thanks so much for joining us from la to get. Well its time for the weather now lets go over to jenny i believe the weather is looking well not looking so good in asia pacific a you could say that yes this is why this is now a super typhoon who gave it is continuing to work its way through the Northern Pacific it is a huge storm as you can see here that is the center of the storm now the winds with this we have got winds sustained at 250 kilometers an hour its a naming convention of course this is in the pacific so its called a typhoon so its now a super typhoon with winds a strong if this is out in the atlantic it would be a category 5 hurricane so again that is just how strong it is that obviously gusts the reason high than this 300 kilometers an hour and at the moment is moving pretty rapidly north northwest at 25 kilometers an hour so this shows you the forecast track and you can see its pushing out right the way towards home she and at the moment if it continues on this track its actually expected to work its way directly through tokyo however as i say this is a big storm system is a very powerful storm system the strength will fluctuate over the next few days it will work its way a failure of our players to say north northwest and remember this is a huge expanse of ocean that has to actually cross but this is always about the center the storms that all this rain you can see these are the outer feeder bands that will continue to actually push into eastern japan ahead of the storms arrival so as a safe and as a few days away well keep a very close eye on this storm so and keep everybody very well update his thanks very much jenny well still ahead here on aljazeera on trial colombia confronts its dark past as a former president faces a Supreme Court. Ruling because cricket has spread the surprise of a pakistan those details coming up with cho in sports. Planet is feeling the heat of the climate an ecological emergency. The worlds leading scientists are warning of an existential crisis in the face of it reversible changes to the lymans all be with you throughout as well on vironment correspondent nic well have reports from the front lines of the crisis and Showcase New Solutions to help. Aljazeera brings you a new weekly primates s. O. S. What sets up the facts on the Science Behind the issues affecting our planets. Welcome back youre watching out there is news a reminder of our top stories turkey says its all set for a possible military offensive in northeastern syria the Defense Ministry says artillery has been positioned on a border town the day after u. S. Forces withdrew from the area. And the u. K. May threaten to withhold Security Cooperation from the European Union if it doesnt get a break to deal soon according to the spectator magazine the magazine cited British Government sources as saying downing street will take an aggressive stance if talks break down. And u. S. Politicians are telling the n. B. A. Not to back down against china chinese businesses have been serving links with the u. S. Based Basketball Team a governing body after a general manager of the Houston Rockets Basketball Team tweeted support for protests in hong kong. The World Health Organization has released its 1st world report on vision its aim is to present an overall picture of global i care challenges sun come up with ways to tackle the report found that 2200000000 people have Vision Impairment or blindness and out of those 1000000000 people are living with conditions that could have been prevented or treated. Dr lawson is the World Health Organizations lead expert on blindness and vision and she joins me now from geneva good to have you with us live on our. Or what do you what do these findings tell you about the reasons behind visual impairment globally what these numbers tell us about the Vision Impairment globally is that the huge 2 factors like the aging population but all those sort of factors like how we use paint our time and our deputies that we do in a regular basis so our leading causes of the increased number of people with the shining pam in what seem to be the main problems for those with Vision Impairment is it. A genetic issue is it environmental or is it technical. Actually all of these issues contribute to Vision Impairment but in terms of the consequences for every day life one of the main factors that needs to be mentioned is that people many people exactly one at least 1000000000 people do not have access to the care they need for example their 65000000 people around the world that would need a cut back surgery but do not have access to it or there are 1000000000 people around the world that would need glasses but they dont have access to that glasses and i think every one of us who wear our glasses and would imagine how life could be. Glasses 24 hours a day and 436065 days a year can imagine very well how could all the activities that we can that are if we would not have access to 2 simple pair of glasses if you talk about access the web of the globe were the sort of the global problem areas we tend to think where we see these reports come out that its always areas where there are weather civil strife or conflict is that the case with your reporters well. Is of course in those early years you see that the access to Services Much much more difficult to in these very poor we see that there is especially in you know i mean the Income Countries is in many people do not have access to those to those services because they could and usually they are not provided as part of the Service Provided by the Health Sector as part of universal Health Coverage so this is one of the main messages of their report there are some but i you know i care interventions that should be cover by insurance is being provided as part of universal Health Coverage so that no one who needs ice and he sees do not get there just briefly a doctor says or we can appreciate that poor countries maybe have vision repair and care lower down the priority list what can the richer western countries do to help is there any negotiation other any schemes in place or anything that needs to develop between you by say rich and poor. And to help people get access to proper care. Yes they are definitively definitively as schemes and for on high Income Countries providing support to low Income Countries one of the messages that we give in this report is their investment needs to be coerced integration and poor the nation of services is happens still very often that i Care Services are provided in a Battle System and not completely they get 88 in the Health Sector and we are promoting that any investments bad to developed countries but obama i dont support to you know i mean the Income Countries have been in such a way that these integration and coordination is ensured as i say its good to hear inside thanks very much for the Information Dr our course says a from the World Health Organization thanks very much for your time thanks for joining us its a violent in eastern democratic republic of congo have left at least 100 people dead and tens of thousands displaced the fighting has been happening in south kivu and military officials are told are just there are more troops have been sent to the affected areas but theyre dealing with fighters who are well equipped and organized Catherine Sawyer has the latest. If camilo with what evan little they could solve each other with some just the clothes they are wearing. Has been fighting in the manana area thats in the Eastern Region of south kivu in democratic republic of congo. Thousands of people mainly from the Ethnic Community have fled from their homes to attack from a local Militia Group called by my buffalo are all dead now living rough outside this compound of a Un Peacekeeping space the letter delivered to the us we left our food in the village and now were just backing if the my my that have done this to us we said we will be over they took our cows goats and all other belongings we cant go back to the village to collect food and were sleeping outside in the cold. This is what is left back in the villages after fighting between 2 rival armed groups more than 9000 houses have been banned close to a 100 People Killed and livestock stolen Congolese Military Officials Say theyre pursuing the fighters. When i arrived in this area right many thousands running away because of the situation the 2 rival groups that are fighting from the community and a coalition of the maimai militia we are hoping to restore order. In another village we met some members of the my my group they say the rival militia provoked them. We did not start the attack they did they accuse us of stealing their animals yes we did during times of war like this they have also killed or a lot of. The problem with that they come to us 1st their Militia Group called in go mino also burn our homes and rape our women thats why our fighters are angry the security situation is still tense fighting is going on in some areas the United Nations peacekeeping mission and Congolese Army have deployed more troops to protect civilians both Militia Groups are fated to behave badly armed and neither is ready to back down catherine sawi are jazeera but the ministers are in luxembourg trying to Reach Agreement on the share of migrants each member station take germany france italy and bolton last month agreed to a proposal that would automatically distribute migrants rescued from the mediterranean but they need the backing of the other states for the plan to work. The process this is ongoing and were looking for to get as many Member States involved as possible and this is as i mentioned this is only one solution that were looking forward finessed president says looking forward to pushing this the package forward as much as possible. Students in bangladesh have staged a 2nd day of protests across Different University campuses after an undergraduate was beaten to death the 21 year old was allegedly killed by a ruling Party Activists for criticizing the government in his facebook posts toby a child who has more from the capital dhaka. Hundreds of students gathered there at the Dhaka University campus to protest against the killing of a fellow student allegedly by the Ruling Party Members a brother father 21 year old student of bangladeshi engineering and Technology University was brutally murdered by the ruling party thrown wings members on sunday late evening similar protests been held in other parts of the campuses across the country here some reaction. Anyway and the other. Tasks to ensure that that seen on the amount of punishment. Were here because our friend was killed brutally and we want the full of punishment the highest punishment and we want the proper justice up brother was killed for merely posting a critical review on the government recent signing an agreement with the Indian Government on water sharing gas export and few other items now the strewn across here ill trade all across the country for this killing the nation is outraged this is not the 1st time the Ruling Party Members have been used as an auxiliary force to suppress and repress common students Free Expression and dissent against the government. The hundreds of algerians about chings through the capital and other cities protesting against president ial elections in december than straight to say the vote could not be free while the former president s allies and military leaders retain positions of the lizzies put to sea to step down in april following massive protests over his bed for the 6th time. Former colombian president alvaro henri bay he is expected to appear before the countrys Supreme Court on tuesday on criminal charges he is accused of trying to bribe witnesses who say he was behind the creation of death squads in the 1990 s. And a son that im p. F. C. Has more from the capital bottle. When they won the president ial election as an outsider in 2002 many believed colombia was falling apart. Fights rebel group was stronger than ever by alliance in kidnappings were daily occurrences making the country synonymous with a failed state the only item on the political agenda was war with the rebels and he was the man for the job so he is immensely popular. Because he captures this imagination of the strong man the person who delivered we saw on this program on this problem that we seem able to. Through them very charismatic politician with a populist streak he governed with an iron hand assisted by billions of dollars sent by the United States he successfully pushed a goodly your group back into the jungle but his success came at a cost his administration particularly during his 2nd term was beset by corruption and human rights abuses his secret service was found guilty of supplying a list of suspected rebel sympathizers to right wing death squads and thousands of innocent colombians were killed by the army and presented as rebels to boost statistics i think are long history with the Armed Conflict and not related to some of the human that mentions and consequences of the conflict right people dont care if some human rights are trampled in the process that its about to go back to the beginning of his career as he was accused of connections with drug cartels including Pablo Escobar and of being the mastermind behind the creation of blood tears through paramilitary groups yet despite hundreds of investigations he has never been charged until now. He remains popular in a secret society in the his particular him his party still his duty percent of the vote and is an institutional to touch up with the president as his men secondly these investigations havent until now various witnesses in paramilitary trials have been killed and this. But for one reason or another and since leaving office he has remained popular in the vice of equally hated in glorified from a senate seat he has led the opposition to the peace deal with the fire and propelled current president a political unknown to victory now hes for the 1st time expected to face the countrys Supreme Court leaving an entire country in suspense. Well staying in the region brazils president says an oil spill polluting his countrys northeastern beaches since Early September is not of brazilian origin with an investigation still underway giraud balsara says it could be the result of criminal activity or a shipwreck sarah howat has more. This is what an oil spill last month has done to this once pristine coastline along brazils northEastern Region 1500 kilometers of fix sticky mess thats damaging the environment at least 42 coastal cities have been affected present diable sonars says an investigation to find out the cause is still under way by the state run oil Company Petro brass bazzi stop short of naming a country he believes is responsible for the spill instead indicating it could be the result of a shipwreck or criminal activity. The coastal States Affected are particularly concerned about the timing its the season for baby turtle hatchlings and to resume there could be a severe Economic Impact brazilian summer is just around the corner it starts basically end of november. Early december so local authorities will be hoping that things are cleared up by them we have seen the state of say shes calling you know declaring this an emergency us this couldnt have come a 2 worse time for the president then under International Pressure for his handling of the fires in the amazon last month. Also now wants to develop the amazon 3 mining and farming in his recent speech at the u. N. He accused environmentalist of wanting to keep the amazon tribes like cave men. There have been protests in cities like Rio De Janeiro against his policies on Climate Change the brazilian veyron mental agency says it has cleaned up more than 100 tons of oil washed up more than 100 beaches in the northeast and as brazil investigates who or what caused the spill its not clear what the extent of the damage will be so high that. Well still ahead here on aljazeera in sports well see if you can catch them the yankees advance in the l. B. Playoffs joe well have that story said you stay with us. To strengthen the good you have to show do good all the more we can still fight against corruption. This for new chiro heroes like new who are about to refuse to 15000000. 00 brian the achievement of heroes like him to showcase by the International Ace award it shines a light on these heroes because the best way to fight a dark used to shine a light lets make the road to a better place nominate your Anti Corruption hero now. With a Record Number of nominations the world waits to see you 2019 Nobel Peace Prize the Nobel Committee will announce the winner on friday out easier and has been awarded exclusive International Rights to interview the winner after the Award Ceremony december the nobel prize announces era. Book about time for sports well the well Rugby World Cup starting up that was an absolutely yes really exciting fact africa have booked their place in the Rugby World Cup quarterfinals with a thrashing of canada in cobi the springboks go 10 tries and in fact take 66 to 7 victory right now. I had a hat trick in the opening 20 minutes of fly half elton yankees kicked for 16 points canada also had to play more than half the games just 14 men when josh lawson was sent off for a shoulder charge the bonus point win also put south africa on a collision course to meet japan in the last 8 the springboks will be looking for a venue that does happen as you pan beat them when they next to the pool stages at the 2015 world cup. But organizers of the Rugby World Cup and this weeks formula one grand prix in japan are bracing themselves for a powerful typhoon is expected to hit the country in the next few days it could disrupt those final pool games and the race meteorologist everton fox takes a look what we can see the super typhoon who gave the storm the shots here thats going to make its way further north which as we go on into the weekend it is making a beeline for japan and by the time we get to saturday and on into sunday looks like its a run up very close to if not right over tokyo so that could cause problems with this weekends rugby i think certainly for your karma we can expect to see a far really wet day on saturday some very strong winds as well the system will weaken by the time it makes its way further northwards i think as far as the grown priest can see this a little further west would ensue in sioux city i think here it should stay large well see one or 2 showers will firm up on the details as we get closer to the time for wednesday you can see basis well a little further northwards by the time we come to where friday outer bands of the system tar starting to show its had said by the time it comes to saturday it looks start really wet and very windy. Irans female football fans are just days away from making history in their country on thursday theyll be allowed into the stadium to watch their team play cambodia in a free for well cup qualifier 3500 tickets allocated for a special womens section sold out within minutes but the decision has been met by protests in tehran around 50 religious hardliners demonstrated outside the Parliament Building on monday iranian women have been banned from attending mens matches until now our correspondent zain buss ravi sat down with irans Vice President of family and Womens Affairs for an exclusive interview. Sometimes this issue is blown out of proportion i think the important area which is sometimes now overlooked on this issue of womens. Attending different football events or entering the stadiums is the issue of sports for the iranian women in general. Women are now entering for several years in National Leagues championships in different fields including football including volleyball including different types of sports sports for women its more than just entering the stadiums its the fact that theyve advanced in championships but also in public sports who are now working for gender justice one of the di mentions of gender Justice Justice for woman in access to sports facilities so that in every city even in the smaller cities we make sure that women also have access to the different sports facilities that they mean for example the gym is the Swimming Pools theres only one Swimming Pool in a small city they should allocate half the time to woman thats thats the meaning of gender justice one of the ideas that was floated is instead of segregation you can proceed with open seating for all genders within the framework of family sections is that something i think that would be possible probably in the future why not go and see if its only a matter of toil perhaps a lot of time its a tender mentality and i think its coming and its very close to our islamic values its very close to our family values but we have to work at it you know your government your government youre a part of it is arguably one of the most progressive that iran has seen in recent memory certainly but you have 54 on one side that is pressuring iran threatening to ban iran from International Competition on the other side you have. Hard liner saying that they dont want women to have open access to be able to enter the stadiums freely in some ways it really seems like the government is caught in the middle its like dancing in a 2 headed snake you know how do you how do you square the circle how do you want to see that now were seeing the results were seeing that the government has made serious efforts and. We hope to see a game where we have a woman sitting in the stadium and watching. I think that we were moving ahead sugars criticism on that 2020 series against pakistan with a game to spare playing it on his 2nd t 20 show Lankas Rajapaksa smash 77 to 48 balls as his team posted an innings of 182. 00 for 61. 00 in do hazard anger then took 3 wickets in 4 balls as pakistan were bowled out 35. 00 runs short sri lanka now take an unassailable 2 nothing lead in the 3 match series is their 1st t 20 series win against pakistan. In the Major League Baseball postseason games in new york yankees are through to the championship series they completed a 3 nothing whitewash over the twins in minnesota on monday this great catch from diddy gregorios helping the yankees to a 51. 00 win on the 9. All right that at least for now i have to help thank you joe thats the news but more news on the other side of the break from join me on the news hour tape thats we talk. To strengthen the good you have to show do good all the more we come still fight against corruption. This for new chiro heroes like new who are about to be refused a 50000000. 00 bribe the achievement of heroes like him to showcase by the International Ace award it shines a light on these heroes because the best way to fight a dark used to shine a light lets make the road to a better place nominate your Anti Corruption miro now. After the genocide women on the most vulnerable the order of several times there has been live to them killed one womans vision uplifted many could last hope though its not easy this over his existence they still talk using football to empower women transforming lives in her community on and off the pitch theyre able to take their children to school doesnt alter the statement but paschall was reaching its goal women make change although his era. I mean this was different not whether someone is going for someone of a red its better we think its how you approach an individual and i think it is a certain way of doing it you cant just barge in and get a story and fly out. In the next episode of tech note the team looks into the Environmental Impact of Waste Management trash is a big Business Plan for smelly bills next to the complexities of recycling when these different plastics are blended together then the recycling becomes difficult to impossible and the scientists that Office Solutions its very easy for us to have 100 percent recycled material techno on aljazeera. Digging in for a fight turkey lines apart hillary on syrias border the u. S. President denies hes abandoned kurdish allies. Plugs a whole robin youre watching all of their life the headquarters here in doha also coming up in the next 30 minutes the u. S. President calls an impeachment inquiry a Kangaroo Court as democratic rivals releasing some new information. Also britains private

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