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A driving force in politics since the 2011 revolution but now its rival the secular heart of tunisia is gaining ground citizens should vote for another course of a democracy because we need Strong Parliament and a strong party to lead the country its been wyvil the heart of it is your party was established by media magnate. Just 3 months ago how do we is currently in jail accused of Money Laundering and tax evasion accusations his lawyers deny his party is promising radical Economic Reforms if it comes to power. Has a real vision for the country. You know they want to see down the road a real modern country they want to build a nation of time of they want to do with from poverty they want to abolish poverty. But no party is expected to secure an absolute majority in the parliament and with both a nod and heart of. Voting out forming a coalition there are rising concerns of a political impasse and as the political divide widens voters are growing frustrated with the political elite for failing to rein in inflation and unemployment. We hope politicians would tackle unemployment but they failed us the candidates wont change anything and we shouldnt expect anything from. I feel bad for the Current Situation in my country there is no security the price of commodities is on the rise and politicians repeat the same promises again and again the 2014 constitution gives the Prime Minister a bigger say in domestic issues while the president controls defense and Foreign Affairs whoever wins in sundays vote was shaped in his years political and economic adjourned for the next 5 years tennesseans had high hopes for 2011 revolution would bring democracy equality and Better Living conditions 80 years later economic problems and political instability have to shatter those hopes for a Better Future and fueled a growing disillusionment with the political elite aljazeera tunis. Still ahead on aljazeera after months of stalemate u. S. And north korea know she has to get together in sweden to talk about denuclearization. Celebrating the start of spring an ancient tradition makes its way to ethiopias capital for the 1st time in more than a century. Had this lost to conditions across much of the Korean Peninsula i want to bits and pieces of cloud in the wall see as now bringing anything they really notable rayna in the way but so weve got a good start then on sunday 21 celsius and then that rain is still lingering really through northern sections of honshu keep the temperatures down a little bit and in fact cooling off a bit further as we head into monday in tokyo 23 degrees and plenty of cloud across the Korean Peninsula so where the feeling quite noticeably cooler with a high of 70 in in seoul more rain farther to the south hong kong a couple of down days and thunderstorms in the mix as well and youll notice these are all the strong winds heading towards these coastal areas over there that will push the rain further westwards as we head into monday we just watching this in. The manhunt and some heaviest spells of rain and also see more rain again into the 4 calls it will southern sections john and a bit of a dry day in shanghai 26 degrees celsius under those good sunny skies alison sunshine for the south but also a fair amount of rain fairly widespread across much of borneo it a bit lighter across into a pseudo essay and then as we head off into monday some fairly extensive rains across much of the Malay Peninsula some strong thunderstorms at times but mostly clear and dry into well sudden sections of sumatra. Would you support it having free trade with nazi germany or the japanese or chinese nazi germany controversial immigration policies that anyone who has a well founded euro persecution should be able to come as a last minister from syria hes closer to the Syrian Refugees like the buffalo maybe his son goes head to head with syria trump advice and steal the money this year the trump deficit crossed a trillion dollars a rule not to reelect me for a while no im not im not in the amount you see. Youre watching our jazeera remind of our top stories this hour iraq has lifted a curfew in baghdad and other areas which have seen days of violent protests at least 93 people have been killed parliaments holding an emergency session to discuss the protesters demands. Processor being held in hong kong despite a rail shutdown and calls to Council Demonstrations for a protest is that in previous rallies took part many cover their faces in defiance of a ban on mosques imposed by the territories leader carry. Us House Democrats have subpoenaed the white house for documents related to the president s impeachment inquiry but donald trump says he wont cooperate until the house of representatives votes to approve the investigation. Officials from north korea and the u. S. Have arrived in sweden to resume talks on denuclearization north Koreas Nuclear negotiator and the u. S. President s special envoy among those meeting on an island off. Now discussed north korea ending its Nuclear Program in return for sanctions being lifted saturdays formal talks are the 1st installment trump north Korean Leader kim jung un met in june. Camorra is senior partner at control risks asia pacific and a former u. S. Diplomat he explains what north korea hopes to get out of these talks. Well there what north korea really wants is a relief from the sanctions regime thats in place by the un by the United States and so this game that they play of kind of will will give you something decommissioning of a facility or a. Moratorium on testing of missiles or Nuclear Weapons etc in return for the lifting of sanctions is kind of the stock standard process that we go through every every few years so there is something very much in it for them and they absolutely want. Relief of relief from those sanctions and really the question is you know what are they willing to give up in order to get get some of that grease of the United States have signed a new Defense Agreement u. S. Secretary of state mike pompei i was in athens for the meeting the agreement establishes a new u. S. Base near the Turkish Border the Prime Minister of greece used the visit to urge the u. S. To use its influence to defuse tensions with turkey over cyprus it comes as nato member turkey continues to develop closer relations with russia including the controversial purchase of the russian made s. 400. 00 Missile System the United States is eager to go a partnership with greece on a range of Energy Issues for the sake of your prosperity and a stable Eastern Mediterranean region last march i met with the leaders of cyprus greece and israel jerusalem we free countries with free markets want to achieve Energy Security together we want to make sure that rules govern International Exploration of the Mediterranean Sea its Energy Resources and that no country can hold europe hostage. Syria is warning of all out war should turkey carry through with the threat to strike a government controlled area east of the Euphrates River a turkish president. Says the military operation would clear the region of what he calls terrorists he says a ground assault is imminent the u. S. Backed Syrian Democratic forces have responded by saying theyll defend the area from any unprovoked attack. We have made our preparations weve completed our operation plans we have given the necessary orders the decision has been made and the process has begun for the springs of peace and now opening up their path is as near as may be today maybe tomorrow we will conduct this from the ground and from the air. At least 7 people have been injured in a grenade attack in southern kashmir and it was carried out never Government Office in the city of anon like police are blaming separatists and people in pakistani administered kashmir are marking 2 months since india ended the special status of kashmir that it administers. People are marching towards the unofficial border indian administered kashmir has been under a complete lockdown since new delhi took away its whole ptolemy and arrested local politicians. Couple who has more from the capital of pakistani administered kashmir. Liberation front which is also a Political Organization and i claim on both sides of the line of control also known as the line of their white house and all of their support are marching towards the line of control their town made to cross and they said they want to go to syria not go now the problem is for the Pakistani Security forces they cannot let that happen because of the tense situation between india and pakistan command quote course of this rally if there is so solid data to take with the people of fresh meat to also reject and condemn the brutal oppression by indian Security Forces inside indian administered kashmir and cards to send a signal to the International Community that the people of kashmir now in a state of lockdown for 60 long days without food and medicine. Participating in this. Country. The. Last 2 months. We. Are people that we are with them they are not alone we will stand by them and fight. Until we get free from any and. We want freedom. We are not the decision of this be this is not the 100 should be so and theres a lot of excitement and also tension in the air jake left it also led by arsene maalik who has been arrested by the indian or targeted. And then our own. Son. And these people are saying that their want to. Go to divorce they entered indian administered kashmir and they also understand that strong signal to the International Community. Should apply. More protests are expected in haiti where people are demanding president resign fridays monch was the largest in 84 weeks of protests 2 weeks 17 people have reportedly been killed protests is said time as far as they marched the un office in port au prince. Camerons Opposition Leader maurice come will likely be released from jail as part of an amnesty ordered by president paul come to was jailed in january for guys in protest this latest Development Comes as a National Dialogue and it ending a separatist conflict wrapped up in the capital yoan day camerons English Speaking regions have been fighting for 3 years to break away from the french majority on thursday president announced the release of more than 330 people. Has the latest from the capital. The latest on misty comes 48 hours after 333. 00 people were released by the government just before the conclusion of the National Dialogue its not clear who the beneficiaries are or how many people will be released in the latest round but many. That modest come to president ial opposition candidate in the last president ial elections will be among the many communions held a government concessions that include the release of detainees as well as those recommendations of the National Dialogue as important steps towards rechristening the country but Big Government decisions could also be a smart move to father isolate hardline separatists who see the concessions as cosmetics they are used to steam and complete independence from cameroon. Ethiopias Oromo Community is celebrating the annual Spring Season festival every reach but for the 1st time in 150 years the celebration is being held in the capital city while many a roma leaders argue is part of that territory the move is raising concerns that it would reignite ethnic tensions robyn kriel has. Hundreds of thousands of people took buses and then walked through the night here to mescal square to celebrate to reach the Early Morning was a ceremony signals the end of the rainy season and the beginning of spring security was tight with dozens of checkpoints however military helicopters buzz the crowd in celebration it was somewhat of a different mood to fridays gathering on one hand it was more somber and spiritual and on the other hand with all the regional armor flags it was more nationalistic there is a worry amongst International Observers that while this event is his star will and seen as a gesture of good will by the government bring or remorse from all over the country together for the 1st time in hundreds of years to this to start place that it could. Also ignite further nationalistic fervor that weve seen in the past devolved into violence. Scientists have been studying the migration routes of humpback whales and other marine species off the coast of french over the Atlantic Ocean the research involves listening to sounds deep underwater in a newly discovered reef system. Takes a rare listen and this report from the region. Early morning on the esperanza scanning the waters for signs of life on the surface or positions on the ship and and they dont have to wait long away a list spotted blowing the boats alongside the team heads out on to the water melon headed whales ride the power wave as they go well part of the rich biodiversity of these waters the team want to. Cameraman christophe schwager jumps in there are extraordinary encounters to be had here its murky because of the enormous outflow of the amazon river further down the coast but it is a bright swell that emerges out of the gloom this whole region is a migrate tree root for whales sea turtles and other marine species it is a field day for the scientists aboard the esperanza dont count if you know. We made our 1st expedition in 2008 looking at megafauna but this was by air so this is a follow up on the 1st aerial study its a very interesting this area is virgin territory there are very few places like this on earth and something quite special this is a hydrophone a piece of equipment that record sounds in water. And that is a song humpback whale. We now know this is a feeding and the breeding ground for the species. Is haunting song a means of communication between individuals. In the coming months all the science gathered on board from surface to sea bed will be closely given an unprecedented understanding of marine life in an ocean flight like we have a house is that it and that oceans there is a lot of life and theres more life than we expected that biodiversity is a source of richness for our planet and for us and we have to be here is to preserve it really to maintain it not true just think all this is this is far away we dont care really well think about that later on now taking on many environmental and climate crises is a battle of many fronts not least that of the ocean but the thing is scientists want to explore and document all Companies Want to come and drill and these polar extremes are replicated across the climate debate isnt it really all about how one sees what lies beneath all the reserves worth billions or healthy Ocean Ecosystems and the wonder of life in all its great biodiversity clark aljazeera off the coast of french guyana. And these other top stories iraq has lifted a curfew in baghdad and other areas where there have been violent protests for days at least 93 people have been killed parliaments holding an emergency session to discuss the protesters demands. Protests are being held in hong kong despite a rail shutdown and calls to cancel demonstrations if your protest is that in previous rallies took parts many covered their faces in defiance of a ban on mosques imposed by hong kongs chief executive. Us House Democrats have subpoenaed the white house for documents related to the president s impeachment inquiry but donald trump says he wont cooperate until the house of representatives votes to approve the investigation. Greece of the United States have signed a new mutual Defense Agreement u. S. Secretary of state mike pompei i was in athens for the meeting the agreement establishes a new u. S. Base near the border with turkey the Prime Minister of greece urged the u. S. To help defuse tensions between cyprus and turkey becomes as nato member turkey continues to develop closer relations with russia including buying its s. 400 Missile System. The United States is eager to go a partnership with greece on a range of Energy Issues for the sake of your prosperity and a stable Eastern Mediterranean region last march i met with the leaders of cyprus greece it is room. We 3 countries with free markets want to achieve Energy Security together we want to make sure that rules govern International Exploration of the Mediterranean Sea as Energy Resources and that no country can hold europe hostage people in pakistani administered kashmir are marking 2 months since india ended the special status of kashmir that it had ministers hundreds of people are marching towards the de facto border indian administered kashmir has been under a lot down since new delhi took away in seoul tanami and arrested at local politicians. More protests are expected in haiti where people are demanding president shoval mores resign fridays march was the largest in nearly 4 weeks of protests during which 17 people have reportedly been killed. Those are the headlines inside story is coming up next stay with us. A genuine attempt to bridge the chasm thats how the u. K. s Prime Minister describes his breakfast the foes of the news they are not convinced but remain open to suggestions so are mr johnsons ideas workable and is the e. U. Ready to compromise this is inside story. Hello and welcome to the program today with me peter dubey die in a ditch and not extend brecks it his words or deliver on october the 31st britains Prime Minister Boris Johnson may have to live up to those words very soon thats if the European Union does not approve his proposals the e. U. Has already said there are problems key is what happens to the border between ireland and Northern Ireland there are more talks planned for october the 17th but thats just 10 days before Boris Johnson says leave will mean leave even if its against the law as the law and now stands with one eye on a possible general election m. P. s would have to vote for what he wants knowing that the e. U. Can ultimately veto the whole thing anyway. Do note for one moment resign from the fact that we have shown great flexibility in the interests of reaching an accommodation with our european friends and achieving the resolution which we all if for our european neighbors choose not to share a corresponding willingness to reach a deal then we shall have to leave on october 31st without an agreement. I move we are ready to do so but that outcome would be a failure of statecraft which all parties would be held responsible ok well get the reaction from the e. U. And ireland shortly but 1st heres why this issue has become so very contentious no border checks exist at the moment between island and the u. K. And ireland is adamant thats the way it will stay they use economy depends on all of its members being able to trade as if it is one country that would be to jeopardize it if ireland is openly trading with an outside country which the u. K. Will become post brecks it Boris Johnsons socalled final offer does suggest a compromise Northern Ireland gets to stay in the e. U. Single market but will have to leave the Customs Union along with britain if that doesnt work the proposal would allow Northern Ireland to vote every 4 years on whether it wants to abide by e. U. Trade rules. So how has that gone down with the parties involved European Council president Donald Sterling says he is quote open but unconvinced to the proposal by the proposal a skepticism shared by the wider the as we have said to have and i think points in the United Kingdoms proposal and further work is needed but that needs to be done by the United Kingdom and not the other way around we would remind you that its the u. K. Leaving the European Union and not the European Union leaving the u. K. And we are doing everything in our power to ensure that that is on an orderly basis and we are willing to engage constructively with our counterparts but were not going to be the ones left holding the bag the board or any other kind of object meanwhile the irish Prime Minister. Made it clear the current proposals would not work our objective is very clear we dont want to see any customs posts between north and south nor do we want to see any tariffs are restrictions on trade north and south they were all about just in the 1990 s. We dont want to go back to the us the majority of people in the north dont the majority of people in the republic of ireland dont well the proposals are also struggling to find support in Northern Ireland but members of the Democratic Unionist Party have defended buttressed johnson blaming ireland for setting the u. K. On a path to no deal the proposal will be amended the proposal is there the proposal will get the support of the height of the commons therefore the European Union needs to look very seriously at this proposal to very reasonable proposal as i say i hope that other european leaders will prevail upon the Irish Government to to look at this proposal in a fansub im serious way to do it they havent done. Ok lets get going joining us today on inside story from dublin on skype is the neckar obra coin a professor of politics at the school of law and Government Dublin City University in brussels we have peter club head of the think tank open europe brussels and in birmingham will be joined by alex the router that director of the center for breakfast studies at birmingham City University welcome to your alternator in dublin 1st so the e. U. Is open but not convinced what has to change to convince the European Union. Well essentially disposal has been ruled out as a basis for a final agreement what is lacking is detail its again aspirational it speaks of you know again a frictionless order which is what weve had for the last quarter century now in ireland and maintaining doubt despite the wish of the United Kingdom to leave it to customs in a Single Market but it lacks the detail and how that can be reconciled and more worrying perhaps is that it it has this mechanism whereby in trying to create the illusion of people sense of north america by saying that if if Northern Ireland doesnt want to be in. The same regions as the rest United Kingdom it can it can opt out but the thing is is that Northern Ireland doesnt have a sovereign government it has a Regional Assembly which hasnt met now for almost 3 years and you know its a comp its an exercise in conflict resolution in the conflict management and it would give you so essentially 2 long party in norton on the d p which has a close relationship with the conservative party and does not represent majority opinion in Northern Ireland its important to stress that Northern Ireland voted to remain in the European Union the vast majority of people in our the north and south are in favor of the backstop which bars johnsons proposals are essentially trying to dismantle but in a way a set that doesnt honor existing commitments that the british welcome to entered into just to be clear appear to come up in brussels when we talk about the backstop im never quite sure what that actually means what that actually means is the continued Free Movement of stuff across a borderless border but staying with you peter in brussels when the irish Prime Minister or a t. Shirt and you have a red card talks about a number of aspects that still need to be fine chewed and which which aspects is he talking about. Well yesterday for mr fox he sits for a car mentioned a number of options as a possible outcome and in and he makes clear debts the Irish Government is. Is is not prepared to tolerate Northern Ireland with lease the same customs regime as the e. U. And i find this quite. Quite problematic because i think if you look at british politics even the labor party is opposed to customs checks within the territory of the United Kingdom so i think as long as the Irish Government sticks to its position that norton not and has to remain in the same Customs Union asked you i think thats going to be very problematic what the British Government wants to do ace to to have fire norton arent in the same Customs Union asked the United Kingdom so you wouldnt have customs checks between or not and Great Britain been done of course you would need customs checks between Northern Ireland and the others public now the proposal of the u. K. Government is discussed in checks with only be done at Company Premises really no that can work but its going to only work if you exempt Small Businesses and the European Union is not there to do that even if its external customs barrier is actually quite leaky and in practice we have all the flexibility there but the same flexibility it is not prepared for the sake of peace in in or not and so i think both the Irish Governments and the e. U. Will have to make a move know if they want to deal given that also the u. K. Government has moved quite considerably. Ok well come on to those 2 points that youre raising peter and then a little later lets go to the router in Birmingham Alex when it comes to the slightly absurd elements of this because critics of Boris Johnson say what hes proposing with 2 borders is slightly absurd amid a we list on my phone bear with me the number of organizations by my reckoning that are for what mr johnson is proposing or not the d u p yes green tick but we have to build in a Health Warning as raised by donator shin fein no s. T. O. P. No the Alliance Party no the green party no manufacturing Northern Ireland no retail Northern Ireland no northern line Retail Consortium no c. B. I. Northern ireland no nobody nobody in Northern Ireland seems to think this will actually work so whats the rabbit out the hat here that Boris Johnson can come up with between now the next set of talks october the 17th and halloween october 31st. I dont think there is one i think realistically the only options he really has on the table if he wants to reach ritual agreement with the European Union is to either go back to to raise a maze final negotiated deal and somehow repackage that to be more palatable to ease m. P. s or otherwise revert back to the original offer which effectively put the border down the irish sea i just do not see anything else in the offing here you know when we talk about Technological Solutions and we talk about tracking vehicles and the like thats all very well when youre operating within the same Customs Union zone but once you cross a customs barrier you then need to have checkpoints in place and even even norway where people talk about norway being a member of the Single Market which is kind of what johnson proposes for Northern Ireland but norway is not in the Customs Union with the a you that the white times there on the best of days can still be in the order of 15 minutes and of course the norway sweden border is a quite a small one relative to norway in some sense in terms of the size of those economies the Northern Ireland border of course you know 300 miles long quite stradley it would just be a recipe for smuggling and contraband so really the any the only thing on the table for him to shoot will be troll again would be to go back to one of those 2 versions of the agreement that was thrashed out over the last year or so failing that its hard to see then where he goes if he really wants to leave the European Union by the 31st of october and the nation brokering there in dublin i mean i guess to boil this down mrs mays deal m. P. s hated it the European Union was kind of on board but what mr johnson is proposing is an inverse of that so the European Union will hates it but chances are looking at the numbers he might get the parliamentary numbers in the house of commons in london to get it to fly. Well i doubt hell get numbers in a west minister i think that is a mountain that he counts 5 and thats why hes looking for an election before this is is sorted out but but its correct to say as your previous speaker highlighted that the order in ireland is extremely difficult to achieve your goal and its impossible really to imagine any any workable d alternative arrangement to the backstop that might we retain the status quo while allowing the United Kingdom to leave the Customs Union a Single Market and thats been at the heart of the problem when there are over 300 crossings between Northern Ireland and the republic of ireland if you compare that to the eastern flank of the European Union if you go to the baltic sea for example to the black sea

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