Purchases to get to any area or leave any area so for now until the m. T. R. Or other public transport receptionist services the action for processes seeming will be in action as are still going to face mask because yes maybe sort haron amin vote this colonial era law to ban facemask Going Forward how people been responding to this new law and is it likely to escalate the protests do you think. I think it has already escalated protests where. At least maybe 10 areas last night and the growing protests and there was a seemingly dont seem to care about that famous muscle or because to them if theyre been charge of rioting its 10 years in jail so being charged with having them are seen a process in sending them to one year in jail is to me any relatively small cost so its not really stopping any process and stopping any process from very much but whats more worrying is that we be for newspapers today when your government sources they may throw that meshes for the government to do including extending their detention hours to 96 hours including extra funds including banning weapons banning process that held what weapons to some kind of weapons so this is this may be the only the 1st step for the government to use emergency law to set up but at the. New laws they want to enact and seemingly it would have to go through a legal battle as well which somewhat humorous lawyers are at a christian there in hong kong thank you very much indeed for talking to us there. Time for a short break here now does iraq when we come back could north korea give up its Nuclear Weapon schools in the u. S. Are set to resume in sweden. On troubled waters on the nile why egypt and other countries are worried about the largest down enough of them or not. In the full cost of the parts of the middle east over the next couple days in a safe fair amount of cloud over towards the east side of the region afghanistan seeing some of that cloud and right that many stan was back to some show i was just starting to pop pop around southern parts of iran and these really will gather together bring some live down polls we are likely to see some fighting into the fall of iraq as we go on through saturday around the strait of hormuz pushing a little further east was southern parts of pakistan for a time they will gradually ease a little further east which by that stage where we could see some weather just making its way out its game between its business as usual with lots of warm sunshine around 37 celsius in baghdad 38 degrees in kuwait city dry and find circles a good part of the Arabian Peninsula but that wetter weather that we do have on the other side of the gulf might just speak just want to choose showers maybe even here in doha we could catch a spot or 2 of rights as day going on into sunday slushy fog and tries to go on into the new working week having said that last you drive into a good part of solemn africa weve got set temperatures at around 24 celsius the still very hot to have this but with a high of 30. For most when we grow old we take life at a slower pace well not for this centenarian. Online dating teaching the you keep your door. Shes a blogger adored around the globe and shes doing it a. Way. Life begins at 100. 00 eyewitness documentary on al jazeera. Welcome back up your mind about top stories here on aljazeera the death toll from days of violent protests in iraq has risen to at least 65 including 6 members of the Security Forces and of a corruption poverty and the lack of basic services. U. S. House democrats have issued a subpoena to the white house for documents relating to Donald Trumps impeachment investigation of the u. S. President says he wont cooperate until the house of representatives approves the investigation. At all Rail Services in hong kong have been suspended operator 62 malicious vandalism by protesters demonstrators are challenging a new ban on face mosques and a company down on protests. U. S. President donald trump assigned a proclamation suspending the entry of immigrants who cannot afford Health Insurance anyone seeking asylum must now show they can obtain Health Insurance within 30 days of their arrival or demonstrate they have money to pay for medical expenses trump says the move will cut costs and save american citizens money. Doctors for u. S. Democratic hopeful Bernie Sanders say he had a heart attack early this week saunders seen here leaving the hospital after receiving treatment canceled all Campaign Events after suffering from chest pains on tuesday the 78 year old is seeking his bodys nomination to challenge donald trump in the 2020 us president ial election. Denuclearization talks between north korea and the United States are due to resume on saturday in sweden the gosia actions on the north giving up its weapons in return for the lifting of sanctions have been stalled for months when he has more from the south korean capital that has been plenty of handshakes and historic moments in this new age of diplomacy on the Korean Peninsula some concessions have been made by the parties involved but theres been no progress towards the denuclearization of north korea speaking at the United Nations General Assembly on monday north koreas ambassador blamed the United States only hopes on e. Q. It depends on the u. S. On whether the d. P. R. K. U. S. Negotiations will become a window of opportunity or an occasion that will hasten the crisis the last summit between u. S. President donald trump and north Korean Leader kim jong un in hanoi in february ended early without a deal or even any significant announcements the hollow diplomacy continued in june with another symbolic meeting at the Demilitarized Zone but no substance then and none since the hanoi summit broke down because of a gulf between the 2 sides which the United States may now be willing to partially bridge they had wanted complete verifiable denuclearization before offering any sanctions relief the North Koreans wanted most sanctions lifted in exchange for the dismantling of their main nuclear facility. Trump has now talked about a new approach which could include offering to lift some sanctions in exchange for the destruction of the Yongbyon Nuclear Research Complex the us president recently blamed his former National Security adviser for past failings of john bolton fired back saying maximum pressure must be maintained on kim jong il he may try to get relief from International Sanctions he may make some concessions but under current circumstances he will never give up the Nuclear Weapons voluntarily. This year north korea has continued to develop its short and Medium Range Missile technology conducting tests 11 times its most recent came just hours after the resumption of talks was announced trump says hes not concerned about the tests which some experts believe designed to strengthen their negotiating position you know this has to lower the bar of demands are on north korea when it enters into our working level negotiations otherwise north korea will continue to increase its capability to pose a direct threat to the very National Security of the United States there is unlikely to be any major outcome from the resumption of talks but if a deal is reached any time soon it may be left to a potential 3rd trump him summit to announce it wayne hay al jazeera solve Donald Trumps Reelection Campaign is reported to be among accounts targeted by Hacking Group linked to the iranian government the Reuters News Agency says attempts to access trumps accounts were unsuccessful microsoft has confirmed that hundreds of accounts were targeted by a group known as phosphorous they include those of current and former u. S. Government officials journalists and prominent iranians living aboard thousands of algerian protesters are demanding the army end its role in politics they demonstrated in the capital algiers following a ruling by a prominent conservative cleric urging people to vote in the december election the votes also backed by the army but opposed by the protest movement which forced the former president abilities but a fever to stand down and. A funerals been held for a Palestinian Protesters shot and killed by the Israeli Military near the gaza israel separation fence the 28 year old had gathered along with 6000 others so we could demonstrations demanding palestinians right to return to the lands they fled in the 1948. Gazas Health Ministry says 40 others wounded 18 of them by live fire. Now a new dam in ethiopia could threaten Water Supplies to other east african countries downstream which depend on the river nile sudan ethiopia and Egypt Holding a meeting in khartoum to discuss how to share the water nicholas our reports now from. This factory is making baby clothes destined for the u. S. But it has a problem its out of electricity running on a diesel generator much to the frustration of human the sites manager who wants to go green and it was up. When you just spoke about the war going to put us over you know the you know the direction of the field ethiopia has done what most countries thought impossible ethiopians half of whom live on less than 2 dollars a day raised 4000000000. 00 to build africas the largest hydroelectric dam on the worlds biggest waterway the river nile without any assistance from International Donors to grant us as dam is now near completion and this is making countries downstream nervous among them egypt because it gets 90 percent of its fresh water from the river nile. Recognizing them you hear these words going in a sense. For you to watch of the night. And in the egypt wants more water than ethiopia is ready to supply the dams reservoir is the size of Greater London if build too quickly egypt will fall short of water 100 percent income garmans are scientists and see what is going going this is 100 part of them doesnt consume more than he took his own small tool right to use its own resource but talks between the knowledge sharing countries are stalling intention is arising. Last year ethiopia accused egypt of sending rebels to neighboring a rich to sabotage the dam prompting another knowledge sharing country sudan to send its troops to its border. While this is the rainy season here in ethiopia and waterways are overflowing bringing power to peoples homes and farmland for most of the year this river is a slow trickle because egypt controls most of the flow of the river nile into its. At least for now ethiopias dam will start producing electricity next year with the potential of providing power to the entire horn of africa where most live off Grid Clean Energy to a promising and rising economy its neighbors might be worried about the effects but it seems there is no stopping ethiopias ambitions Nicholas Hawk al jazeera. Cameroons president has ordered the release of his main political rival Opposition Leader maurice come to was detained in january for organizing demonstrations in the Central African nation the move comes as a National Dialogue aimed at ending a separatist conflict wrapped up now Court Documents reveal that u. K. Prime minister baraks johnston will send a letter to the e. U. Asking for a break that delay if a deal isnt agreed in 2 weeks time a Scottish Court is considering with a johnson could be jailed if he takes the u. K. Out of the block without a deal but johnson says he will comply with the new law which forces him to prevent a no deal drugs it on october 31st. Greeces Prime Minister has accused turkey of trying to exploit europes migrant crisis in the parliamentary debate here of course mr tarkus said ankara can and must control migration to europe after a relative 3 year low more people are now reaching greece by boat from turkey the rise has increased pressure on overcrowded migrant camps turkeys foreign minister says his country is being unfairly blamed for the refugee crisis was on the unfortunately there have been baseless accusations as it creates turkey after there was a small increase in crossings of the great i lose the fact that the french president criticised when he addressed the European Council Parliamentary Assembly is not acceptable he said of making such accusations we need to see how we can solve the problem together turkey feeling its obligation. Demonstrators of again taken to the streets in haitis capital demanding the resignation of the president john l. Murrays protest has sent tiles on fire as they march to the United Nations office in Port Au Prince Opposition Leaders ive been an International Community to withdraw their support for months. Scientists say an unprecedented wave of wildlife extinction is underway because of Global Warming a loss of habitat and poaching theyre trying to save some critically endangered species including the northern white rhino which has been hunted to obliteration robin is reports from escondido city in california. Edward the littlest southern white rhino in the San Diego Zoo safari park born at the end of july hes already of big boy. He is fantastic we are just so lucky to be able to have him adorable little eddie is the 1st southern white rhino born through Artificial Insemination in the north america thats an important step toward bringing back another rhino subspecies from the brink of extinction this is nola a female northern white rhino she died in 2015 the animals have been hunted to obliteration in the wild and today there are only 2 northern white rhinos left in the entire world both elderly females living in captivity so the subspecies seems do or maybe not part of biologist barbara durants job involves giving ultrasound exams to pregnant rhinos not an easy task when your patient weighs about 1600 kilos so. Durant is leading an effort to bring back the northern white rhino with a precious clutch of the animal stem cells and or dayshift land. A stem cell is a cell that has a potential to be any other cell in the body eventually they will we want to differentiate him all the way to sperm eggs but theres a big catch female rhino anatomy it turns out is complicated the cervix which you have to go through to deposit the semen is very convoluted it looks like a series of rings like this so we have to go in a series of switchback turns so were going to have to have something that is very flexible that can go around all those curves and thats where engineering Professor Mike comes in he wasnt thinking about impregnating rhinos when he developed this flexible robotic catheter for microsurgery but it turns out its perfect for the job weve developed the robotic tool that is very thin long flexible device that we can very accurately steer through these narrow channels so that we can get very deep into the rhino uterine body and the posit the specimens as needed the ultimate goal of this project is to produce a selfsustaining herd of northern white rhinos 1st in captivity and then return to the wild in africa that goal is decades away and durant says she may not live to see it happen but thats ok if we dont lay the groundwork its not going to happen so i think that what were doing now is extremely important for the long game for the long haul dedicated scientists and a bold plan to save one of the worlds rarest creatures rob reynolds aljazeera escondido california. Our talk a quick check of the headlines here on aljazeera the death toll from days of violent protests in iraq has risen to at least 65 including 6 members of the Security Forces as the corruption poverty and a lack of basic services. U. S. House democrats have issued a subpoena to the white house for documents relating to president trumps impeachment investigation trump says he wont cooperate with an inquiry until the house of representatives approves the investigation and fisher has more now from washington d. C. Donald trump has been famous throughout his administration for any time you get requests for documents from democrats who took over the house of representatives and therefore oversight responsibilities at the beginning of this year that he said no he has built that store and wall hes decided that hes not going to give them any information whatsoever now the democrats said they wanted details of the phone call with ukrainian president they wanted all the information reset rounding that the white house is essentially saying thats not going to happen all Rail Services in hong kong have been suspended operators say its due to malicious vandalism by protesters many demonstrators are defying a new ban on face masks on kongs chief executive carry on in the colonial era law to enforce the ban and gain greater powers to clamp down on protests. If you know its been held for a Palestinian Protesters shot and killed by the Israeli Military me of the gaza israel separation fence the 28 year old had gathered along with 6000 others for weekly demonstrations demanding palestinians right to return to the lands they fled in the 1948 war. Cameroons president paul beer has ordered the release of his main political rival Opposition Leader Maurice Cantor who was detained in january organizing demonstrations in the Central African republic and that the move has come as a National Dialogue in the pending a separatist conflict wraps up. Demonstrators in again taking to the streets in the haitis capital demanding the resignation of president john elmore use protest as tires on firearms they march to the United Nations Office Important Opposition Leaders not urging the International Community to withdraw their support for the president. Whose were the headlines the news continues here on aljazeera after this is your station done so much and by phone with a Record Number of nominations the world waits to see 2019 Nobel Peace Prize the Nobel Committee when announced the winner on friday antti syria has been awarded exclusive International Rights to entity that we now have to deal with sorry december the nobel price on aljazeera. To get them would put it dont you know maybe just maybe how. Much would one give you a little bit of. Good job that was given to me who didnt look at. Not welcome sort of. Today is one of a big celebration the day off done and thats why we are going to collect the things you can see here. And we will broke and d you have to go from all over the country and this and that this is from france is a. Heres how i do what i could about had there been no to get ahead. Nailed to the interest. Of the man. At. My limits. On what they can tell you about what did you 100. 96. Youre not. Going to. Do him in a. Manic office or even selfish me. You will know who he does not got on the mother. Any news. Its good to see. All our hearts out on the mans your head will explain to me to. Show the. Man. Im not the fight but i lucked out so that im not going to get just there was a serious subject after my. Plate so must. Must really think theres some part of someone to care if they dont do something or says Something Like one type at a minute but tell me this sounds real. Good good i could see up here theres some of the sudden the are so. You know. Its not a given you can drop your son and say Something Like kind of. Good like they dont know and then. Youre not me. Not some of us the jamaat the joy you get a set of 4 sort of from. Your heart a hanging of bucky be precluded. Or dont go. All in on the job but. If. Youre not supposed to get home like you. Know when. He. Would it be you have will go down dont come in but ill get a start. Up the back of. The little man says ive got the. Tape. But. Ill get stuck here. Thank you if im a member of the force going to put it because of the money because. Because the deal. Went up and i was like you because because of the world the more. You saw. The the people are perceiving. The data but you. Need a machine seen from them and its that simple basket but. Decided just. To get. My stuff given to. A guy said i dont know just. To get my knickers but i could get it with just the. Seats. Yes 120 the government he can the issue could ultimately come to the city of new own country who needs to if anything look at the book on the darkness of not the individual would you say you d did it better that you and others who dont know that the god of the us the new leader it was the over. To the moment a lot about me or the driver so you know how to go easy on me dude click on kid all of you can the party for another pick up at all the kids of the town and walk wish i did you with that well it was local for the. Movie good at least the military. Here. The man a must read about on the internet to prevent between there could be enough demand it would be just like of a comparative advantage of the stop them from jump and up and down about. The problem enough to know what the what if i can but i have found their image im a photo born in a minute but are back again for a blood test im going to mater what a minister put some out of people again somebody made a whole no good tailwind on the Noble Committee of the bargain out of man much beyond johnson but again one of them with a gun from out of the world better than nothing if youre young son telling you in the mail from. The old. Yes thats good he said yeah and oh yeah i get a view. But its going to be sierra my god i need. Your mind your stuff does not. Come on. Either my thumb got out some you know im out and ive lost the well cos when obama got a. Go to. Say to me know them you know that b. Chase a i. Got i thought was a low its one academy when a com got out he said im going to waltz and yeah it was a new day clear theyre going to go on dont know when theyre gone but i think. You know but i kind of got it what actually will be cesario now but its. Gordies job got to be david he gave got this beating with his hand and not be devious minable to the senate one this doily ness youre gonna need those who say when you bet that what i said belive me i dunno but that way those who are saying it. Was me you can or can we put them out of this composite with. No one and we enjoy my son here when i can make up when hes called me without the water in the its sad to see him a good going to lobby got that you may support that i got better when im with in china i see him and. Was ornamentation was good to be sent to deal for days. After everybody 31 legged telling me who nobody tellin if. No figure. To know now figure then in the going was of the nation was good deeds. Then it come in the month after i shipped the beginning i want. To know did you put out my name as you must it is a new one of them us. But you know woman makalu speedy bill well when he got us bt allows them to go discreetly at all would be peace on the off. Or they all of us community. Yet the good doing many good isi hope. Its not gonna make a whole. Oh hes huntin the thief. You know its going to do no model is going to garner magic and. Get out but i you know they will do. More not better men if they did. This in the mail more if. Not paul where he still making a tin can and only going to movies is not the sound of the nickel im misquoting to me or

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