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Consumers look at that if thats the case then why would china care the fact is anyway before bearing the cost of it just here are some of the i so enjoyed this conversation because youre all going with yourself im not the one who said im not the one who said every quote or tariff imposed on the u. S. Hurts residents of the United States because all restrictions hurt the United States that tariffs have never would always end in an unhappy ending because you also let me explain all you with us because its an important point do i think that these these tariffs on china are hurting American Consumers absolutely there was double trouble to this he did look he says the chinese and not any americans are paying the tariff thats a lie you know thats a lie you say that you are saying is the the book of the cost of the terrorists is being borne by the chinese through depreciating their currency theyre providing increasing subsidies to their companies and when they do that the cost is borne by the chinese not the United States the people whove done the studies on the steven reading of print a lot of the money that you dont even know what i found the world. Even reading is that one of the countrys top experts on International Trade is a professor of economics at princeton. All of the u. S. Tariffs to be imports passed absolutely for consumers thats what do you think its a bit about but about would you are supported having free trade with nazi germany or the japanese some china is now hes in germany we are in china not i do i do think we are in a new cold war with china with china now as a german about china nazi germany in 2015 when you said why are we picking an economic weight i dont care about the Human Rights Violations in china i care about about them bill im wondering when you care about theyre about given 2015 you didnt care about them you said do we really want to pick an economic war with china where theyre not bad in 2015 the only consolation i think this is that you said it in the National Review article china is our number one import market do we really want to pick an economic war with then i dont we should right now is you telling off even more of tony for me after he was well we have to know he was wrong and rattletrap on the floor of 2019 tells us Stephen Moore 2050 lets go to our panel who are waiting patiently to come in here and join the discussion rick wilson is a long time republican political strategist who has worked for george h. W. Bush Rudy Giuliani among others since 2015 hes been a leading i think its fair to say conservative critic of President Trump author of the book everything trump touches dies now theres a title you and stephen have moved in similar right wing circles youve both worked on republican president ial campaigns who better represents conservative economic principles right now you or him well work im not an economist by trade or training steve it is but i will say this i still believe with the things that i think stephen believed before which is the primacy of free markets and now we have a president who wants to talk companies what to make where they can make it who engages in state capitalism sort of crony capitalist things and i think stephen. Pryor stephen and now stephen theres a big dichotomy there and its i dont think its stephen alone i think there are a lot of republicans who just made that compromise you know so im curious like how does it feel like to flip so fast and so. Ive always said read right. With the response that ive always said the single most important thing to reduce the National Debt in the deficit and i think its important priority for the United States is to grow the economy to put more people to work to make more American Companies you know richer and more profitable rick we have done that in spades stephen you mentioned the economy is greater than ever before more bring in journalist reviews hes a constitutional lawyer member of the trump 20 twentieths Advisory Board all through the book the legal basis for moral constitution Genet Stephen says talks about this great economy anyone paying attention to the news recently and look at some of the numbers coming out theres a fear of a recession or at least a downturn coming maybe even ahead of of the next election how does a selfinflicted recession some given the trade war how does that fit with the whole make America Great again message going into 2020 this could be a problem for him is it not we want to talk about the constitution here not 100 percent of economic factors can be directly attributable to a single president and so with you look at the leadership style of barack obama its a great point see where i was getting republicans during the Obama Program but i think that thats the but we did it and i certainly am and you know congress is also very much responsible and both sides and how worried are you about a recession but i think that we are point about self infliction is is also very very consistent with what were seeing with the Mainstream Media who are so intact in a stacked against this particular president that they are the ones that are creating a false narrative so i listen to it even once this is like to give him an opportunity will give him over to actually its no good at all if youre going to let me get going rather than trying to get my question is ition so much when you say the Mainstream Media is to blame for the post talking about recession do you include the white house chief of staff in that Mick Mulvaney said there might be a short moderate recession next year is he part of the Mainstream Media there there might be but i think that youre trying to prove tax and isolate these comments and try to spin them into your narrative rather than just going to the white house you know stuff like that tiffany and i would have been all over him but he was like youre going to spend a lot on this do you come back and ask them for. Tiffany cross is the cofounder managing editor of the National News outlet the b d c a liberal commentator youre shaking your head that you want to come in and respond so i its really clear that the campaign is in full blown panic mode because hes fallen short on some of the promises that he made in 2016 to help perpetuate this false idea that people voted for him because of economic anxiety and you know given that this administration is kind of faulty relationship with the truth why is it anybody believe what you or any representative of this Administration Says when most of your Economic Solutions seem more based on messaging and attacking what and then i call the Mainstream Media and calling service our untruth. So yeah but thats happening to. People that have not reversed course on the debt and i think that that is a huge value album and i think should be related to that were so that it shouldnt be reelected then no im saying well you shouldnt 20 others you know saying if people really and i definitely should the whole reelected look i think you have to look the whole range of issues and what trump has done on the economy and i think its been spectacular lets talk about immigration people have called trumps immigration policy dangerous crazy extreme nativist what do you say to them i say that we have to build a wall we have to secure our border i am totally in favor and by the way im the most im made to be the most pro moderation person in this room ive written books and books ive written ive written are you still im so im totally proimmigration so do you think trumps policy is dangerous crazy extreme let me do you think this dangerous game i saw you question do you think is dangerous crazy an extreme no i think those are your words look you thought i think trumps policy is a crazy policy with a very extreme nativist position its a very dangerous thing that in 2015 before you went to work now heres what i believe i dont always agree with his positions on immigration but i do believe that until. Well we get the border secure and we get that while bill once we do that we can increase our Legal Immigration and i am for immigrants coming into this country who want to contribute to is going to. This is an administration has backed legislation to haul of ilLegal Immigration the ones to accept 0 refugees next year they support the bill in 2017 wants to end the Visa Lottery Program and family migration crackdown is now sort of legal or not true but you know how it got helped i helped write its just not true to me just because i helped write the bill i know more about the bill than you do i would have had im very central to go out and look great and not and family immigration what the ad bill does that allows spouses and children to come into this country a preserves the sanctity of our president every one of the presidency and a president go off and chain migration visa that was the whole point is all ilLegal Immigration pubs not put will hold on heres what were doing but were basically saying yes an immediate Family Member you can bring in a spouse or a child we want you know you can bring in but not your 2nd cousin not your on how about you and by the way i want you to give littles what about to bring in your inlaws if theyre if theyre you mean theyre really i mean that you want to run the 1st lady brought whatever goes on here is an option migration just so everyone knows what the policy is because you can decide whether you like the policy or not we want to have more high skilled talented Young Workers come into this country who will benefit the United States now some people oh thats a racist policy a racist policy thats the probably the germany thats the policy of australia thats the policy of canada why shouldnt we take in pretty sure. You have to internationalise lets take the immigrants who were going to make contributions trump and his policies on immigration can be quote compassionate while preserving our sovereignty i think thats true. If you look at the camps at the border is it compassionate to detain 1000 people in a room designed for 40 people where women are common because i cant go nowhere like leading or not excluded because of lack of sanitary products children left and i was at the border do office of Inspector General ive been in the border in texas and i cant speak for all the camps and so on but the ones that ive seen humane the people are working at the border they are they are doing everything they can to help those people and the idea that somehow somehow our Border Patrol people this is the and all sorts of Inspector General says 88 i dont males held in a cell with a Maximum Capacity of 41 but i dont support that thats whats happening is that compassionate now we should stop doing that isnt the real reason that donald trump if we could agree. To get some agreement i got a reason but also you know the real reason we have to change our asylum policy because whats going to extend the refugees is what that is what Steven Miller 10 while i dont agree with steve miller and by the way thats not the trump assertion ok with anyone who has a well founded fear of persecution should be able to come and minister from syria. Here is that well hes closer to the Syrian Refugees is that compassion that i am not a Foreign Policy expert on if this isnt the real reason donald trump fighting this war on immigration is that hes a racist if when the president tells 4 women of color members of congress to quote go back to where they came from even though 4 of them all of them are u. S. Citizens and 3 of them were born in the u. S. Is that not racist i know donald trump ive spent a lot of time no that is not a race ok hes not a racist is that comment racist people can interpret it. We can you tell us about it is it not a sense of why when you once or it because whats the problem if you do have something wrong i dont think donald trump is racist i didnt know if this was really some of the telling people to go back to where they came from is it racist to say yes or no question. I dont know im not going to and i wont go into one of the rallies this summer in North Carolina when he mentioned representative in the crowd chanted send her back send her back i dont seem to be ok with it i dont like that stuff if you want it you said you love the people from rallies but you stood with them in trying to sound about how i would so and so a lot of people i am hurting why because i think its not its not its not what i think thats what you get a lot of them its not really its not bringing us together why dont you like is it not because its racist here is one of the things about donald trump that certainly look im a big fan of Donald Trumps i made that clear but i will say this. That what i wish he would do i wish he would bring us together more and be last divisive and ive told them that i think you know i think hes his performance has been spectacular with respect to getting jobs back and so on but hes got to be the president. Of a not races thats your preferred word probably divisive not racist is your preferred way he has to go to devices you should be should be the president of all the people hes got to work on that isnt the problem stephen that youre sitting here defending the president s what many would argue are blatantly racist comments when you yourself had to withdraw your nomination for c. On the Federal Reserve earlier this year partly because of mr john istic remarks you made you say you made 1020 years ago really and partly because the race is coming you made that cause a lot of problems you about the obamas just run years ago that caused a lot problems for you. The comment you made about that almost i mean i had 6 full time investigative reporters looking into things i wrote 25 years ago this was any years ago im talking about you know letters that are what 25 years ago im not talking about those yet im saying i was in the past 12 years and im saying that whats what is so i think anyone who looks at the evidence of what happened believes that i was completely unfairly treated i mean they unseen you dont myself or you dont regret saying that the 1st thing donald trump does as president is kick a black family out of Public Housing that was a joke it was a joke it was funny about that it was a cartoon that was in the in the b. You found it funny it was basically it was a joke it was you know you know you havent apologized or are going to i shouldnt say that but it was a joke. Lets go to our Panel Tiffany the u. S. Has always had problems of racism i could do that we could say it started with donald trump how much worse than you if you do think its becoming the donald trump or is it just a continuation where do you stand on the racism yeah its just a continuation i mean people like to say that it happened i saw a resurgence of this kind of rhetoric under barack obama as evidence as Stephen Moore is comments i think instead of spitting in my face and trying to tell me its raining you and you need to acknowledge that you are right with the racist president when you talk about immigration and you talk about you know that his policies are not racist i think perhaps the only immigrant that donald trump may like is former model birth there who has a College Degree and given that she came in this country because she had to find visa im curious if you are exam i can answer what was her special talent that she got this special treatment that she got that einstein very very. Going to go with you asylum policy immigration policy when you see donald trump the Justice Department go to court to prevent migrant kids in Detention Centers from getting soap and toothbrushes is that something you would have defended in court on behalf of the d. O. J. That wasnt the substance of that particular loss i dont know what i was and i said yes you know you asked a different question which is trying to isolate that particular fact thats in your favor rather than looking at it i can assure you getting things to go shes going to do the favor its basic human rights the basic right thank you. Very very much taken across the border by Human Trafficking and that is what the Donald Trump Administration is making sure to be very very patiently receive accusation of like cherry picking and facts selection my grandmother had a phrase when you have a turd in the punchbowl you dont have punch anymore youve got water with the term so you cant say that if something they miss is a part of the overall lawsuit we just a lot of over that we just ignore that thats part of the thats part of the system of the of the stephen. The president Steven Miller immigration policy they are designing this program in order to cause pain and suffering to children and families of border. You have to look at the entire scope of the lawsuit and to make sure that you understand and that particular point in all of this and he has. Already got a major part that they are trying they are doing everything that they can for the children at the border but what President Trump is trying to do is to make sure that they dont get jealous you may judge people rick i want to ask you a question isnt a problem for you and for never trump republicans like yourself is that racism and bigotry long preceded donald trump look i glued it on the road a lot about this in my book you will and i told her just for the record you worked for george h. W. Bush who in 1981 a pretty racist out about Willie Horton didnt start actually draw a Bush Campaign didnt run that alex was the allies running out allied with them but the long story short i wrote about this in a lot of my book and i realized something over time you know not every trump supporter is a is a nativist racist but all the nativist racists right now are Trump Supporters everybody ok lets take this very well take a break thats a very lively show as you can see a way to come back in part 2 and talk about donald trump the man donald trump the leader were going to hear more from our panel and from our very patient audience here at the George Washington university in washington d. C. Stay tuned join us after the break. To strengthen the good you have to show do good all the more with you come still fight against corruption. This for these heroes heroes like no who are about to refuse to 50000000. 00 brian the achievement of heroes like him to showcase by the international a sworn it shines a light on these heroes because the best way to fly into the dark you used to shine the light. Listen we grew to bid to please nominate your Anti Corruption hero. On counting the cost germanys heading for recession will go to local put aside their concerns about that stimulate the economy farmers of brazils amazon fear their livelihoods are under threat and the billions of dollars of black gold locked away in part to go. Counting the cost of aljazeera. And why do. Some other like. I know i Maryam Namazie and london a quick look at headlines Iraqi Security forces are of open fire on hundreds of demonstrators as the government struggles to contain a wave of civil unrest at least 10 people have been killed in 5 days of violence in the capital baghdad more than 50 have died since the protests began 4 days ago as anger over corruption poverty and lack of basic services boiled over into rallies on the street an emergency session of parliament will now be held on saturday. Protesters in hong kong have been defying a ban on face mosques which is now in effect groups of mosques demonstrators have come out in parts of the city vandalizing subway stations and setting fire to the streets protest as angry at chief executive carry lands use of a colonial era law to enforce the ban and to gain greater freedom to clamp down on the prodemocracy protests. U. S. President donald trump says he wont cooperate with an impeachment inquiry until the house of representatives has voted to approve the let the investigation the white house is facing a deadline to turn over documents to congress or democrats when they will issue subpoenas but trump says he neednt comply until a vote has taken place it comes as Text Messages reveal how u. S. Officials work to push the ukrainian president to investigate trumps leading opponent joe biden i dont know thats up to the lawyers i know the lawyers they never seen anything so unfair theyd never say that they think so i just ive been president out for almost 3 years and ive regarded through this for almost 3 years its almost become like a part of my day microsoft has a cyber group believed to be linked to iran has targeted the u. S. President ial campaign the u. S. Tech firm says the group called phosphorus has try to hack into hundreds of account since august including those of current and former u. S. Government officials microsoft says phosphorus is also targeted journalists and prominent iranians living outside iran. And a funeral has been held for a palestinian protest a shot and killed by the Israeli Military near the fence dividing gaza and israel the 28 year old had gathered along with 6000 others a week demonstrations Gazas Health Ministry is saying all the wounded well bring you more on all those stories in the news hour at 2100 g. M. T. In about half an hours time ill see you then now head to head continues with mehdi hasan and President Trumps Economic Advisor Stephen Moore. The most incredible stories of 2 true. Cheering dont experience is. Makes the on for me. In this life diversity makes a difference understanding the importance of being part of something much greater so in this law is what i want to lose is freedom of expression. The right to. Sean and the march to the top. Because youre destroying the design youre trying to stir. Make sure shes. Human. Is universal. Welcome back to head to head on aljazeera english here in washington d. C. In front of an audience at the George Washington university for the 1st time my guest tonight is the senior Economic Advisor to President Donald Trump hes an all thought hes well known conservative commentator and hes an advisor to the trump 2020 Reelection Campaign Stephen Moore thanks for being here. Stephen a lot of people watching around the world. Fascinated by wherever you go fascinated by this guy on a level ive never seen in any world leader and one times you know the man personally met with the vice jim im sure a lot of people in this whole donahoe must be wondering what is it like to advise someone a world leader who knows so little about anything. Well like i mean 1st of all why the things that really struck me about donald trump when i 1st met him 4 years ago you know that look i would say 95 percent of politicians are you know wonderful piece. Bull in public and jerks in private sometimes trump can be a jerk in public but hes actually a really nice guy in private i mean i like donald trump a lot of come to admire him i think people underestimate his intelligence id bet his i. Q. You know some are going to lap on this i think hes probably got about 100 i. Q. The guy is amazing his breadth of knowledge about about you know the World Affairs and i want to guy who says it like it is sometimes does he stick his point is malcolm yeah i think we can a country like its not going to agree that people definitely voted for him because they didnt see him as a conventional politician but when you say breadth of knowledge and cue this is a man who thinks Wind Turbines cause cancer thinks you can stop a hurricane with a Nuclear Weapon you need id to buy a box of cereal things england in Great Britain of the same thing well soviet union just rebranded as russia these are things he says every day i dont know i cannot go here to defend everything that you would you know just call it what is going to hire you in a breadth of knowledge i ask about you someone had to defend him because i think one of the flaws of donald trump is the things he. Would be better off to stop talking so much on letters record speak for itself why would you want to stop talking if hes got such a high i. Q. And such a broad big number because he you know idea i do worry that there is a little bit of trump the team that people are tired about him its where hes good is when he focuses on an issue and he comes up with solutions that have worked you know and you talked about thats why people are impressed when you talk about trump fatigue is the problem that he seems kind of fatigued people talk about his mental i dont see that hes cognitive decline this is a president and i think the president this is a president who refers to himself as the chosen one as a stable genius he rants and raves on twitter in the middle of the night he recently retreated a supporter who called him the king of israel and the 2nd coming of the lord if you were sitting on a plane stephen and the last thing you heard a pilot say was im the 2nd coming of god you would get off the plane with you mr president of the United States saying that you know what a lot of times hes saying these things to tweak people like you and get underneath your skin but by the way i think its a rather wretch the. Now saying you know trump doesnt have the mental acuity to be president and im listening to joe biden every day i mean come on isnt about funny unbelievable i dont agree with you someone should check out joe biden its not just liberals its not just liberals you keeping liberals former white house starts of Communications Anthony scaramucci republican senator Susan Collins and bob corker former trump advisor Omarosa Newman theyve all come out and said this guy quote is an obvious mental decline hes unstable everyone knows it. The white house continues to deceive the nations as one former aide on how mentally declined he is hes a liberal to the people who worked with him these are republicans there are a lot of republican number trumpeters out there i dont have a trump and they worked for donald trump called me have never come i mean i worked in the white house when i worked for them too and im here to tell you that guy is ive never seen by the way anybody in my whole life hes a freak of nature you were 20 i mean we can agree hes a freak of nature now he works 20 hours a day when hes playing golf and watching t. V. Will come out i mean this is a guy who i mean come on is it not fact that he plays like your garden that he plays golf i dont have a problem you just said he works 20 hours a day im just going on what youre saying what im saying is this guy around the clock is paying attention to whats going on or playing golf states ok so we play some rounds of golf lot of saying is he had his own gratification never seen before but thats what people are questioning the work ethic given hes always playing golf or watching t. V. In your book you write that everyone around him seem to love donald trump that trump treats his people well and yet he has the highest turnover of staff of any modern and in fact ill let you also why in fact when they resign or when he fires them he then attacks the yeah i dont like that hes a sloppy steve benen dumb as a rock Rex Tillerson iraqi owner as he called her a dog highly unstable not job scaramucci ironic clueless bonehead Jerome Powell these are the people trump treats his people well you wrote i was at work look i dont like that he does that but i do like how does that fit with. Your opinion as it has every description the trump treated people dont seem to treat as people im saying its the people who are around him love him you know the liars them and then love the many so you know what prompt us hes a c. E. O. If people. Use them and thats what a good c. E. O. Should do year im president im pretty sure it is somebody who is able and dont want to go and get rid of 3 and call them a nickname or a dog ill look thats a different issue how me saying its an issue its what the issue is that i agree with you he shouldnt call these people names what i am or you think that if theyre not provided as you know what im asking what he does i dont know i mean i guess i dont know what i say visit to his mental decline. Is it to do with racism no is it why did he do this why does he call a woman a dog why does he call his own former advisor dumb as a rock his former secular state he praised Rex Tillerson why do you do that a mosque you can you know and we dont i wish you wouldnt do it thats why im asking why does he i dont know i dont know why he does it and i wish he would do and i think it gets him into trouble i think if donald trump didnt do those kinds of things youre talking about he did not have a 40 percent Approval Rating you know 70 percent im honestly why he doesnt you cant tell me even though you tell me hes the smartest guy i mean i dont like a lot of the personality i dont most like them racist but which part of what im saying is what Americans Care about is suppress performance is results not what he says that how he acts ok and isnt it the case Stephen Moore that if you did if you did have a falling out would trump if you did kind of turn on trump or criticize him publicly in any strong way hed come off to you too when he when i was going so you would be so i steve. Remoting him thats why im not going to cross im like i mean i mean i mean thats lets bring in our policy wilson is here wilson long time republican political strategist worked for george h. W. Bush Rudy Giuliani never trump i think its fair to say rick a lot of people on in your camp would say the people dont cross him because theyre afraid of dollar they are theres no question about this ive talked to members of Congress Members of the senate who despise this man who think he is the worst president theyve ever dealt with in terms of being consistent honest direct and having having any sort of connection with with with ethical boundaries these people are terrified of him this is not how a government would normally be would seem to work but the fact is trump has a gigantic threat its that hammer of his social media that hes willing to use against his own allies almost as much as he is against any and hone it rick you know this youre a pollster Donald Trumps Approval Rating among republicans is what 85. 00 or 90 percent its trumps party now and you know what if if if republicans come out against him theyre going to lose their primaries because hes so popular with as well the guy who got the big prize. It is and it is no party there is not a party right now dedicated to limited government and its just responsibility to the Economic Growth there is not according to the limited government fiscal responsibility and the old tenets of conservatism it is now Donald Trumps party it is a man and his mob it is not a Political Party with a consistent i dont want let me bring in let me bring in journalist rivers is a constitutional lawyer member of the trump 2020 Advisory Board rick says your policies notice trump and the mob do in response yes of course because you know what i think what i think stephen is saying as far as this President Donald Trump being the most conservative we can measure him not by our own personal opinions but i think full articles to accuracy to the u. S. Constitution and that is really the metric of any president and if you look at not only the economy the lower Unemployment Rate but also the 150. 00 judicial appointments in 2 thing including 2 Supreme Court justices that are faithful originalists this is the promise that donald trump has for america and so like him as a person or not im not looking for someone that i want to go have a beer with i am looking for a leader and im one who will stay faithfully within the margins of the u. S. Constitution the whole idea of make America Great again is actually working ok Tiffany Cross is the cofounder managing editor of the b. B. C. National news outlet liberal commentator tiffany isnt the problem for a lot of liberals and for people to i dont have a trump as a you could pile up old examples of things he does that seem a unhinged. And yet a stephen points out the vast majority of support his supporters millions of your fellow Americans Still love the dog it beggars belief but you see because youre trying to have a logical conversation with the illogical she said that he was faithful to the constitution except for birthright citizenship except for the a monument clause this is ridiculous thats why we kind of make everybody part of the problem and listen i said look its really not like you know trying to get applause lines i mean listen my people who built this country ok. I love this country and it just says something to me that after all that america has done so my ancestors i can stand here today and be a bigger patriot than you or you because this president is an existential threat to america he has lost it preys on foreign adversaries like Vladimir Putin he waxes poetic about love letters he writes with kim jong un and he invited the taliban to camp david a week before 911 and what world do we exist that we dont feel like were living on a saturday night live sketch 24 hours a day that reasonable seemingly reasonable people become im reasonable but unfortunately youre trying to say that we are not patriots simply because we disagree with you and that is absolutely not an ok statement to make we havent been out of logical thinking that we can have a logical extreme and not say what you just are going to fix it however conscious no matter where you are such as how im going to take any additional time to let me respond probably do not know how good was rather than going to 3 thing within the margin of the constitution simply because you claim that something does not constitute little does not mean that it is and stephen was going to ask you this question youre listening to is going to they should be at what stage do you go this is just not normal saying tweeting a very stable genius thanks look if trumps policies were not working then id be with you all id say you dont get rid of the guy but guess what they are worth its funny because you did say get the guy before you went to work for the guy lets go to our audience to be very waiting very patiently at the g. W. University here in washington d. C. If you have a question for Stephen Moore raise your hands the story here gentlemen the front row wait for my friend to come to you. My question for you stephen is there are fears of recession that emanate from whether its trade wars whether its the misuse spend deficit which was spent on tax cuts for the wealthy rather than on spreading the wealth as needed to be done so how could you doubt donald trump as a great economic president when what we have actually seen is that hes really pushed the economy into a decline well look i mean we did not inherit a Strong Economy if if americans have felt good about where the economy was circa 2016 Hillary Clinton would be president i mean its just no question clear 3000000 people did vote for Hillary Clinton the no not yet but. Thats not the problem the reason that trump won those states like michigan and iowa and wisconsin and ohio and pennsylvania and West Virginia i went to those states and you know what when i had asked people in those states people in places like your reports of pena and charleston West Virginia and flint michigan id say to them how is that obama recovery going for you im a donald trump since he was elected we have created one point 4000000. 00 mining construction and manufacturing jobs those jobs were declining under barack obama hes brought back middle class jobs shipped out of the with the whole trade war going on obviously there are a lot of objectives President Trump has in mind if there is one particular objective that he should be striving for if you could bring one thing home what should be in your name with respect to china with respect to china so i think the biggest problem i have which i think would probably agree i mean theres 2 actually there that they have never opened up their markets to us the way weve been open up our markets they have terrorists that are 3 times higher than ours are we cant live with that all we want is a level Playing Field by the way everything that will trump is asking for from the chinese is reasonable theres nothing that donald trump is asking the chinese to do that they shouldnt that they shouldnt do ok on the other one by the way which may be more important is they d are stealing 300. 1000000000 dollars a year of our intellectual property if other countries are stealing that youre not going to have a job i want to go to the gentleman the front and then the lady behind next good evening everyone and immigrant from. Most of the executive director of the senate. And immigrant the executive director are you a senator yes i am a citizen and i am the executive director of the Central American Research Center here in d. C. President cancel temporary protective status is a program which its. Just to be clear youre talking about the program that people came into the country could the children could remain not this is a program a humanitarian Program Protection when there is there is a crisis in the country of origin either man made or natural disasters so most of the recipients from from that are either from Central America are hyper concentrated. Because of trade in the Construction Trade or 200000 people who have 200000 kids right is it a good policy to terminate that that Program Going is going to create a negative impact on local economies you know its a good question sir i confess to you i dont know enough about that program but you make a strong case for it and if these if these people in the country who have come from Central America if they do have a well founded case that why they shouldnt go back then absolutely should allow them to stay as long as they dont you know is that there are productive citizens of this country yeah paper that why does it matter if hes a citizen and i just was wondering at. The reason i ask you. The reason why the reason i ask that question is i love america americas immigrant heritage its what makes us a special place on the globe i love it when people become naturalized citizens want to become americans they just have to come into the country legally and abide by our was ok the ladies are waiting the block to. Question is down term has been well documented making thousands of misleading and flat out false statements throughout the course of his presidency does a version for truth telling undermine his ability to lead and unite the country i think when 21 trump says things that are false that does undermine his his president ial authority and i wish he wouldnt do it he should stop saying things that are untrue but he does say things that are untrue you know you dont so hes a liar. I mean ever going to say that i think trump is an exaggerator and i think it gets him exaggerate to you does the example exaggerate like when you said oh we said we were going to 5 percent growth we knew we were going to get up to the no thats an exaggeration but when he says my dad was born in germany even though hes born in new york thats one exaggeration is it. When he says melania got to know kim jong il and shes never met kim jong il thats not an exaggeration theres an exaggeration theres a lies ok lets go back to the audience lets go to this lady here in 2nd row. Im a freelance reporter focused on the extremism from a to the freelance reporter focused on extremism extremism. My question has to do with White Nationalism and the trumpet ministration isnt it impossible to deny that the trumpet ministration has done more to mainstream white supremacist hate than any president i think to i think donald trump is. He is not a he is not a white supremacist himself and i think i cant speak for him but i think im speaking from because i know how i feel i hate weight supremacy i think you know every model for king said it best a man should be judged by the content of their character and not the color of their skin gender when then the hi thank you i do a lot of work with tears for the heartland talking about the impact of the tariffs on the u. S. Economy from farmers to services to retailers are already being harmed by this july alone the us going to 6800000000. 00 from u. S. Companies not from china but from u. S. Companies weve seen manufacturing take a hit exports taking a hit farmers taking a hit at what point is enough enough i know we all agree we all agree china has been a bad actor but we dont think terms of the right approach to get there i think there are other ways we can put forces on china to make changes but the tariffs are going to really have an impact on the economy going to 2020 strong here more folks are very concerned about where were going with the economy its a great question and you know so im happy to sit down with you and you can tell if somebody in this room can tell me a better policy that will change chinas behavior than terrorists im open ears when dont say go take im doing World Trade Organization and all i want when you hear someone like Christopher Gibbs is ohio soybean farmer he says i was a truck voter but he hasnt come through hes lost on trade i wont be voting for the president. Look you can quote some farmers but i can tell you theres a pretty good talk a lot of farmers who fully support what im a little sad about the up and we know were taking a hit here but we wont because we think donald trump is going to bring very briefly right if this is a great policy that china is paying for why are we. Farmers out of the tune of at least 32000000000. 00 because of the damage theyre taking Economic Outlook i recover not saying that the farmers and manufacturers arent being hurt by the terrorist they are it doesnt seem like its very easy to win if what i am saying is that this is you know short term pain for long term gain that china is going to start behaving themselves and im going to look at a 1000000000 dollars 32000000000 dollars in subsidies go socialism well wait a minute thats really giving money to all of that thats the part thats probably right that were going to have to look at. This lady and im going to gently waiting the black ship for a while a recent time article stated that the trade with china cannot be considered unwinnable do you agree with this or see any positive outcomes for either side on one of all a recent time article Time Magazine Time Magazine look i mean yeah this is one of the top is going to win this war i hope before the election but i dont know how long this is going to take but it is right it is fighting the right fight the American People are behind them china is a menace we are in an incredibly bad situation with china we cannot live with their behavior and we better stop it now before you know that rather than 10 years from now when theyre bigger than they are today gentlemen and by the way when that trade deal is signed sealed delivered you think the economy is strong right now you can see the big i dont mean its all right now im the advocacy director for a Youth Climate Organization called 0 hour so just on what 0 hour theres increasing evidence of Climate Crisis in this day stream hurricanes like hurricanes during that just happened if the ministration continues to not only say Hurricane Dorian its just that youre saying theres no reason are you saying theres never been hurricanes before let me answer that i mean are you saying there is no let him allegedly or should it come out of us is really. Were going to lot of hurricanes before comparison even. Let him get the ministration continues not only deny this urgent threat but also roll back climate regulations such as the water of the United States rule. From an Economic Perspective how can you argue that transitioning to green energy would throw millions into poverty and destroy the economy when in reality there might not even be an economy to talk about in the near future we dont know that well were going to have an election in 2020 on this and the dollar if the democrats want to run on getting rid of fossil fuels in america and they want to go to ohio and pennsylvania and West Virginia and texas and Energy Producing states and tell those people that theyre going to put millions of people out of jobs so be it by the way we have 2 forms of energy that riyad a cli reduce Greenhouse Gases you know what those are Nuclear Power and natural gas and the left as against both do you still believe that Climate Change is the greatest scam in the last 100 years i think its i think its totally overblown and i think what youre going to grant a scone i think the scam is that somehow people in government are going to change the global temperature they cant even balance the budget they cant they cant solve any problem so restructure world poverty and we expect that the United Nations would change by the way every single country every single country that that signed the Paris Climate Accord which i bet youre in favor of every single country is cheating on it especially china time for one last one lady in the 2nd room my names are fine on her im an immigration attorney i am a citizen im asking the question youve got a teen immigration. Talked about the dangers of teen immigration that is a lie you could never sponsor your 2nd cousin twice removed your family immigration is always based on immediate family and that and that hasnt changed and then he talks about the whole countrys can you just can you speak to that its very clear to the American Public specially people look like me people of color that when you talk about you that President Trump is for Legal Immigration maybe Legal Immigration the people who are white so we have a we want to put in place a merit System America based immigration system and i guarantee you one of the quite eerie of that of. Marriage has nothing to do with race or gender and its basically based on age skills whether you can speak english whether youre you know whether you have the kind of talents that this country needs and that seems to make sense to me by the way there is chain migration youve had many examples of somebody who comes in and they bring 25 or 30 relatives with them as you go through the chain now look i mean look the trumps and the maloney has found that so. But i want to make sure everybody understands this were not getting rid of the family based immigration system you can bring your you can bring your children you can bring a spouse but the idea that you can bring an elderly parent down now we dont want people were 78 years old coming into this country unless your young unless unless unless theyre the 1st ladys parents just to reiterate this thing but its pure hypocrisy on the senate races these at the. White work elderly parents can come in tribute people we met on the elsewhere and some not working and contributing i dont know about that were out of time but into us as question is a crowd a lot of young people are students of you know asking questions youre very keen on the policies you say present from great for the economy but obviously the president is about more than just growth its important but the president also the leaders in its own leader of the nation had to stay in this country and had a government is donald trump do you think a role model for the young people in this room do they grow up with god his life has been incredible i mean this is a guy this is a guy whos built credible companies hes becoming the listen again it comes to what is a plus and even if you grow them but it came i think he is absolutely a role model i mean the guy has his life and story is amazing he built Great Companies the 1st major american businessman or woman to become president the United States yeah i think most you know i always tell people that a lot of people keep talking about social justice and all these as you want to change the world the single most important thing for the user those are your kids the single most important thing if you want to make the better about the world a better place start a business start a business and quite ok and thats what donald trump is not i dont know if youve grown up on that. Stephen moore thank you so much for joining me on head to head and i want to our audience at George Washington thank you to a puddle of experts for coming along thank you all for watching at home its a new season of head to head theres going to be shows next week on the week off to do tune in stephen thanks so much for joining me question thank you. Weve got some rather wet weather just pushing across the foss out of a strategist rolling through the Great Australian bite down into that southeastern corner then we will see some wet weather just sliding its way into victoria for a time some showers extending their way down into tasmania but some rather lively storms are going to continue rumbling their way away across the foss out of the way for a time in grassy making the way the east was behind that perth around 21 degrees celsius well see some of the temperatures on the other side of the country from melbourne and to sydney the northerly wind coming in across satellite we could touch the 63 degrees as we go through sas they make the most of it its all change as we go on into sunday 21 celsius when swing round will the southwest be something the southerly busta coming through here but at least those temperatures will pick up in melbourne there was some more weather just pushing its way into tasmania some damn weather pushing in here then across the other southern tasman sea you can follow that same area cloud into new zealand its going to be a rather disturbed the weekend for many so some cloud and rain streaking through possibility of some snow as well for good measure in nudging a little further north which as we go on into sunday sunday does look like a somewhat dried day a fair amount of clyde all time with a high of 70. 0. Hello im Maryam Namazie this is the news hour live from london coming up. Iraqi Security Forces fired on hundreds of demonstrators as a wave of civil on the rest sweeps the nation. To find protesters cry on the streets of hong kong after the territories leader of bans the use of face masks standoff in washington a defiant tone from refuses to say if the white house will cooperate with an impeachment inquiry against him. And on forest smile at the world athletics championships where its gold for the ho. Bar she wins the high jump crown there is also a new world record in the womens 400 meters her. Welcome to the news our top story the iraqi Prime Minister is saying a curfew on the capital will be lifted at 5 am on saturday after hundreds of demonstrators defied the lockdown for a 4th day of violent protests at least 10 People Killed off to Security Forces opened fire on the crowds more than 50 have died since the protests began 4 days ago as anger erupted over corruption poverty and a lack of basic services all this has resulted in rallies and protests on the streets of the country will one of iraqs most powerful politicians. As call for the government to resign and to hold snap elections and runcorn reports. Protesters take cover under a bridge in central baghdad as gunshots ring out iraqs Security Forces continue to fight bullets on old protesters dozens are being killed. In the past 4 days and nights of antigovernment protests i more than 2000 people have been injured overnight the iraqi Prime Minister the appealed for calm his words seemingly having little effect would i deny the promises by the Prime Minister are to fool the people and they are firing live gunshots out us this was a peaceful protest they set up these barricades and the snipers sitting right there since last night some politicians already voicing support for the protesters perhaps sensing a change in the people the speaker of the parliament mohamed el you see said that the government must act d when they had to initiate we must pay tribute to all the young heroes whose weapons were their words to convey their message to all the institutions of the iraqi state for the need to proceed with the real reforms and the need to Pay Attention to the peoples livelihood therefore i call on the commander in chief of the armed forces the Prime Minister to immediately and urgently hold accountable those who assaulted the protesters and to bring them to justice whether they were part of the Security Forces or on the protester site. Grand ayatollah Ali Al Sistani said in a letter read out by his representative. And. We hope that the voices of reason and logic can prevail for the best interests of the country all the officials have the responsibility to make the right decisions to move forward everyone should be aware of the danger of excessive violence before it is to late. In the holy city of najaf in southern iraq mourners for one of the protesters who died a child theres no god but a lot of shade when he was martyred in a protest he was calling for the rights of the people he was 23 years old. The protest similar to others earlier this year aimed at government corruption the lack of jobs and basic services as well as religious discrimination the pull of and says its listening to protesters demands and will hold an emergency session on saturday the age of the protesters has surprised many in iraq but with a young and often unemployed generation its perhaps unsurprising that frustration has turned to anger and anger into violence a lot of the protesters have reached a conclusion that the road is blocked and that the Political Parties have failed the ayatollah is now playing a fatherly role but he might not be able to influence the protesters. In baghdad there are checkpoints every few 100 meters and mobile patrols drive through empty streets despite the curfew protesters continue to gather not just here but across the country. Will began as protests concerning jobs and opportunities has grown into resentment at whats seen as heavy handed tactics from iraq Security Forces the protesters say the more people that die the more people will come out on to the streets in iraq on aljazeera baghdad. For more on this we can speak to Ben Van Heuvelen hes the editor in chief of the Iraq Oil Report joins us live now from new york so if people were willing to take to the streets in defiance of a curfew whats likely to happen when that curfew is lifted in the coming hours well anybody who tries to predict whats going to happen in iraq is either a charlatan or a fool so im not going to venture too far into wondering about that i do it is likely that i says it will have 10 years given the strength of feeling that weve seen in recent days yes absolutely the trend seems to be that the protests are intensifying and and certainly they will they will continue i think one question is whether the are brain celebrations or professions coming up might have some effect on breaking the momentum but certainly the there is a lot of momentum behind these protests you interesting that you mention are about thats coming up in the next few weeks and that is a sort of key point in the lets say the sort of calendar of many muslims in the country at a time when everyone sort of gathers for rallies that are of course peaceful to commemorate this religious event but do you think that that could fuel the protests or divert attention away from the well. I think that so much depends on 1st of all how the Security Forces continue to respond and 2nd of all the Political Developments in the country. The so far theres been a sort of vicious cycle of violence perpetuating anger and discontent if the if the protests are allowed to happen in a relatively peaceful way. And and then are by incomes i could imagine a scenario where the popular anger dies down. That being said. Assad or pulling his support for the government removes major pillar of support for the Prime Minister so it is a very volatile time and again its a fools errand to guess exactly what will happen the key fact is behind these protests corruption and that the governments inability to meet peoples basic needs clean water and electricity basic infrastructure in many areas what do you make of the demographics in the country how important a driving factor is youth unemployment yeah well iraq is getting younger about 60 percent of the population is under the age of 25. 00 now and the Unemployment Rate among youth is around 40 percent so its a huge driver of these protests one basic fact is just that there are a lot of young men who are discontented and have nothing else to do another fact is that the government is consistently failing to create an economy that provides opportunities for them so there is both a lot of a lot of reason to protest and a lot of space and oxygen for that to happen. Though there is so so many so many challenges in the country and its not going to be fixed in the short term future but in terms of that being perhaps more transparency. What sort of steps could the government take possibly to show that it is making an effort towards a more equal distribution of wealth in the country well one of the. One fact that i think is often overlooked is that this government has been fairly thoughtful about putting together a comprehensive reform package the problem is that there are so many entrenched interests that propagate this culture of corruption that you can really only address it in incremental steps and what these protesters want what iraqis want understandably is not a solution 5 years from now they want radical change right now so i think its a situation where the government actually has a fairly thoughtful program for how to address these problems it just isnt happening fast enough by man have an editor in chief of the Iraq Oil Report thank you for sharing your thoughts with us appreciate it. Well ive also been to find protest as in hong kong challenging a ban on face masks there which is now in effect the chief executive kerry lamas invoked a colonial era lower to enforce the ban and to gain greater powers to clamp down on prodemocracy protesters and he had been battling demonstrators who attacks chinese shops landed by subway stations and set fires on the streets a 14 year old boy has been wounded in the gunfire scott hyla reports now from hong kong. Placemats have become one of the main symbols of the protester movement here in hong kong theyre also a way to hide identities from surveillance camera now its illegal for protesters to cover their faces. Their protests have become increasingly violent and initial peaceful rallies the largest ever seen here calling for the withdrawal of a proposed extradition law had escalated into running battles in vandalism. Their demands became more of a broad push back against what protestors see as growing control from beijing chief executive kerry lamb has turned to a British Colonial era emergency law not used since riots in 1967. Anyone who wears a mask could face up to a year in jail and a 3000. 00 fine for hong kong is not in a state of emergency and we are not proclaiming that hong kong is entering a state of emergency. But we are indeed in an ok sion of serious danger which is a state a condition in the emergency regulations ordinance was many of the protesters said that they were not deterred by the emergency law and will carry on as before. Other so that might stop some demonstrators but the banner wont help end the crisis possibly having the opposite effect goes i think some people with the afraid of bearing the legal consequences and are not going to protest in the future i also think that such a hot line approach is not going to work in the long run right from the dia this group of protesters was has been moving about here in the central financial district going started with a march of thousands now its pared down to the hundreds who what theyre doing is theyre bouncing between main intersections and blocking them off after work hours the number of protesters swelled into the thousands again. Barricades were built

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