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President or rather the former Vice President joe biden has responded fighting back oh everybody should be clear you should try. To start funding you should be im not going. I. Mean youre not going to be sure nursery i dont care what you are you still. Shear. True joy youre going to meet no 0. Time inching could could focus testimony to the president today kimberly. Well it is particularly damaging if it is made public right now this is a closed door hearing that is taking place on capitol hill and we should point out that the u. S. Special envoy kurt volker was adrian pretty much of an obscure diplomatic figure hardly a household name but now his name has been thrust into the headlines given the fact that he was not only on the orders of the president traveling to ukraine but particularly the timing that he went the day after that july 25th phone call that the u. S. President had with the ukrainian leader what the investigators on capitol hill in the form of the Congress Members are now looking for is information on whether or not he was carrying out orders by the president in order to try and get damaging information on joe biden this is something that will be explored whether will be made public is unclear but what i can tell you in the midst of all of this is the u. S. President is preparing to head to florida he may be speaking to reporters in the next hour well bring that tape to you if we have it but also go woman heading up this impeachment inquiry now to ploesti the speaker of the house very clear that she believes its important to press on with this investigation despite the president s efforts to discredit it saying that u. S. President donald trump in her view has undermined National Security of the u. S. Constitution and also the integrity of u. S. Elections and White House Correspondent committee how could that live in washington kimberly many thanks saudi arabia says that its oil output is back to normal after last months attacks on its facilities the countrys Energy Minister told a conference in moscow that the kingdoms Oil Production capacity stands at 11300000 barrels a day but he didnt give any updates on repairs to the Processing Plant which was his yemens hoofy rebels say they were behind the strikes but the u. S. And saudi arabia blame iran. Weather update next he announces here of them concerns about a transatlantic trade war the u. S. Plans new tariffs on european goods. Safe from war but under threat of deportation do you fear the Syrian Refugees. Follow the weather remains latif i dont try across the good parts of eastern china pushed over towards the southwest was west of passing say from the heads they have been erupting the got some lively showers here just pushing across towards the gulf of tonkin northern parts of vietnam still seeing some wet weather but i will see study one celsius in shanghai 32 celsius there for hong kong similar conditions as we go through saturday the wet weather just trying to nudge a little further recess east in the process meanwhile the wet weather hopefully starting to pull away from the northwest of india you can see lots of cloud into central and eastern parts of india yet again and we do still have flooding concerns for bear high and you can see were still looking at waste to test the water for some so the problem set to continue here as we go on through the next couple of days but signs of the southwest the monsoon the rains starting to pull away just not going away from that more western corner more heavy downpours there into that eastern side of india the western gap still seeing some very lively showers weve also say they were the weather into southern parts of pakistan southern areas of iraq cities as we go through the next day here across the way the potential is fine dry and sunny. Every weekly news cycle brings a series of breaking stories. Really stunning panels. As we turn the cameras on the media when the entire inservice is control much of egyptian media it becomes an extension of the arm of the president and focus on how they would put on the stories that matter the most getting an accurate informative story out of there is not easy they pose it too late we already had the information theyre listening pounced on aljazeera. Al again this is al jazeera lets remind you of the main news this hour. Police have opened fire on antigovernment protesters in iraqs capital who are defying a curfew at least 20 people have been killed in 3 days of demonstrations across the country against corruption a lack of jobs and pour public services. At least 4 Police Officers in frances capital paris have been either been killed in a knife attack by a colleague itzhak or was later shot dead the motive is not yet clear. Britains Prime Minister Boris Johnson has appealed to parliament to back his new proposals for briggs it think clude a new regulator resort in Northern Ireland to replace the backstop arrangement. France says the European Union is ready to respond with sanctions of its if the u. S. Goes ahead with 7 of the half 1000000000. 00 worth of tariffs on e. U. Imports the u. S. Says the taxes are in part retaliation for e. U. Subsidies given to european plane manufacturer us the World Trade Organization says those subsidies are illegal the u. S. Is planning to tax other e. U. Goods from between 10 to 25 percent including whiskies and french wines and cheeses the tariffs are set to come into effect on october 18th. President donald trump has been tweeting about the tariffs calling them a 7500000000 dollar award from the World Trade Organization against the e. U. Who have for many years treated the us very badly on trade with terrorists trade barriers and more he says the case has been going on for years and called it quote a nice victory philip green is the founder of the open Political Economy Network and a former president of the European Commission he says the u. S. Had an opportunity to make a state settlement former assistant top stories of the president of the European Commission he says that they have the choice to make a settlement so the escalating the trade dispute what donald trump hasnt mentioned obviously is that the e. U. Also has a case against boeing and that is expected to rule in favor of the e. U. On that next year and that in turn would allow the e. U. To impose its own tariffs on u. S. Products so a sensible way out of this that im term would be to have a negotiated settlement whereby everyone agrees to stop subsidizing and nobody imposes tariffs instead the americans are jumping the gun potentially causing the e. U. To retaliate and potentially leading to a much bigger trade war with donald trump threatening to impose tariffs on european cars as soon as next month. North korea says that its latest weapons test was a new type of submarine launched Ballistic Missile was fired towards japan on wednesday hours after the announcement of the resumption of denuclearization talks with the u. S. Beginning on saturday. By jury as president is visiting south africa following attacks on far and and foreign owned businesses there last month bihari met president civil run oppose the 2 leaders discussed ways to prevent similar incidents happening again the violence prompted nigeria to fly 600 citizens home south african owned businesses in nigeria were targeted in retaliation to the attacks in johannesburg and pretoria more from other serious for me to miller in pretoria while much of the focus in meetings between the sub african president s. And his counterpart nigerian president mamadou baria focused on business and political ties between the 2 countries a significant amount of attention has been paid to the recent incidents of xenophobic file and in cities like johannesburg in south africa where lash nals from of african countries were targeted some of them nigerians are of course has condemned the violence and once again hes expressed what he says is deep regret for the public violence saying that both countries doing whatever they can to ensure it doesnt happen again we have expressed deep regret at the end of the past few weeks that many president s of who appear. To the foreign national. Condemnation or. Violence remains very very. We hear the. Measures. Of the people. In the future and this is an important relationship that south africa enjoys with nigeria 64 percent of the trade that south africa has with the west africa is attributed to nigeria specifically this is a relationship that it appears both president s want to safeguard theyve also spoken about some of the root causes of the of the problems that have been seen as just a month ago but also in other years a saying that they need to cooperate in terms of the police and Security Intelligence in both countries to ensure that the violence doesnt escalate in the way it did previously and now the meetings between the president s are concluding during the state visit over the next 3 days and a lot of attention will also be paid to the ties between the 2 countries in that this is a strategic relationship one that might have seen some strain during the periods of his in of opec violence sourcery some live pictures from israel in the west bank where arab citizens are staging protests these latest pictures post live pictures against what theyre calling Police Inaction on Domestic Violence the protesters are accusing Police Brutality negligence and marginalization that suspect to have a serious harry forces his life for us now in west jerusalem give us the background to this harry. Well yes i mean theres political background and there is some social background as well to all of us its happening on the same day that the Israeli Knesset the parliament is being sworn in after the rerun election that took place in the middle of last month and the 13 members of the socalled joint list the alliance of palestinian israeli many houses in israeli parties they have boycotted that event as part of this general strike that has been called across arab areas of israel and as you say there is this protest going on as well in the north of the country that the the background to it in terms of the Crime Statistics are that more than 60 people now have been killed so far this year in Violent Crime in these communities and as you say that the protest is targeting israeli authorities saying that theres not been enough police in gauge mint in those areas that such crimes are treated more lightly than they would be in israeli areas and its it does signify a political shift which was reflected in the fact that these 13 or at least the majority of these 13 parliamentarians for the 1st time since 1902 recommended a candidate for the israeli Prime Ministership in benny gantz they were engaging in israeli politics in a way that they havent done for many years and it is really reflecting a demand which has been seen in polls from these communities for more to be done by the politicians by the politicians that represent them and to get more done in terms of economic social policy in these parts of the country and that the focus of todays action oh very much on Violent Crime which they say is an epidemic proportions and which is not being addressed how many thanks i was there as harry forced upon live in west jerusalem. The taliban of pakistans leader in the us to resume peace talks in afghanistan Senior Leaders of the Afghan Taliban that pakistans foreign minister in as low about on thursday President Donald Trump called off talks with the taliban last month following a bomb attack in kabul that killed 12 people including a u. S. Soldier lebanon is being criticized for its decision to send back Syrian Refugees who arrived after april without proper documentation human Rights Groups are accusing lebanon of putting the lives of the refugees in danger nearly 3000 of them have been sent back in the past 4 months zain ahold of reports. These refugees may be safe from the war in neighboring syria but there is little that protects them in lebanon leaving the camp to find work has become a risk they live in fear of arrest and deportation due to tightening restrictions by various government bodies which insists returning to syria is safe. I entered legally in 2012 but i havent renewed my residency since i need to pay 200. 00 for every year and i dont have the money i also need to sponsor which i cant find the lebanese the restrictions began in 2015 when doors closed to Syrian Refugees new visa and residency regulations were imposed now syrians who entered without proper documentation after april the 24th this year are being deported Rights Groups dismissed assertions by lebanons leaders that the restrictions are about improving security and protecting the economy its general security has admitted that they have defaulted 1000 Syrian Refugees in the last. Human Rights Groups say some of those deported entered before the cut off date and werent given the chance to consult a lawyer or challenge the order in court they also accused lebanon of putting those syrians at risk by handing them to the government in damascus accused of arbitrary arrests and torture that has led to deaths in the tension one of the individuals that was deported was a prominent opposition reporter he wrote publicly for opposition and has all the name and of course upon. Transfer to syria he was arrested by the syrian authorities the un confirmed deportations are happening and there could be more because the majority of refugees lack proper legal documentation. Documents. Some International Organizations are accusing lebanon of violating its obligations to protect those fleeing persecution and violence they said representatives to meet officials here to find a way to stop the deportations when someone calls us. And we know if they go back were going to be killed by legitimate. Anxiety is growing among the almost 1000000 registered Syrian Refugees who along with Rights Groups believe the deportation order is part of a wider government crackdown that is about making their life increasingly harder to pressure them to leave. Beirut in mali the families of 25 soldiers killed by fighters linked to mounting information from the government protesters in the capital bamako Army Commanders are withholding details of mondays attacks on 2 bases and the governments accused of failing to properly equip soldiers 60 remain missing. In hong kong an 18 year old student shot by police during antigovernment protest has been charged with rising assaulting 2 offices students at the Chinese University in kong held a rally to condemn the shooting of their colleague on tuesday which was national day in china. It is good to have you with us hello adrian for going to here with the headlines on aljazeera. Police have opened fire on antigovernment protesters in iraqs capital who are defying a curfew at least 20 people have been killed during 3 days of demonstrations across the country against corruption a lack of jobs and Poor Public Services at least 4 Police Officers in the french capital paris have been killed in a knife attack by a colleague it tackles laser shot dead the motive is not yet clear. U. S. President ial hopeful joe biden says that donald trump is desperate and defensive and so if the us president called him stone cold crooked democrats accuse trump of intimidating witnesses off the politicians launched an impeachment inquiry trump is denying that he pushed pressured the president of ukraine to investigate by his son who worked in the country details of a call between the 2 were made public after a whistleblower complained. Well everybody something clear mr trump. Special interest funding these attacks against me im not going anywhere. 1100 lines to streamline israel i dont care how much more you spend. During your tax year chop no there are no. Charges against me no serious. Arab citizens in israel on the west bank are staging protests against what theyre calling Police Inaction on Domestic Violence the protesters also accuse police of brutality negligence and marginalization britains Prime Minister baraks johnson has appealed to parliament to back his new proposals for banks as they include a new regulator result in Northern Ireland to replace the backstop arrangements in the current withdrawal bill those that headlines how it will be here with a new a little over 25 minutes here on aljazeera right off that stays edition of the stream next. We want to win a. Massive protests in indonesia over a move to curb freedoms as a new parliament was sworn in just weeks before starting his final term popular present joke a weirdo faces an angry electorate i thought me ok youre in the street you can join us live on twitter or in ivy tree. Tens of thousands of demonstrators have taken to the streets across indonesia over the past few weeks they are protesting a new draft criminal law that would curtail Civil Liberties if passed it would be illegal to have premarital sex before black magic and insult the president among many other things that legislation has been postponed for now but thousands continue to rally demanding that officials repeal a new law that cripples indonesias anticorruption body protesters are also concerned about human rights abuses in west papuan and raging forest fires of around the Country Police are responding aggressively to the mostly student led rallies firing tear gas and Water Cannons hundreds have been arrested and injured at least 2 people have died since protests began in september with no end to the unrest inside all eyes are now on window to see how he tackles this crisis joining us to discuss this is an india address the vianney from jakarta she had lived there she is a friend hello give warning the code i write to fall about using our hearts which seeks to end harassment in public spaces and we also have a nori. Also john. Us from jakarta is a research for the center for strategic and International Studies we also invited several government officials to join us on our program but they were not available but it is really good to have you at india and noory im going to start with a map which sort of breaks down why people many people are so unhappy in indonesia right now how we look at the map you will see the big blue icons here these are some where some of the main protests have been happening on the islanders marchin jarvis or west see protests happening there people are also unhappy about forest fires again some much and of the big islands kalimantan and then across the west papuan people also upset about the continued military action there and some human rights abuses so much going on right now in indonesia and india how do you explain this this moment where people protested what about one thing but multiple things. I think its very interesting on how the staff allowed i think this is like a lot of accolades from whatever theres a lot of stuff that has been going on for so many years that nobody like me have been protesting we have been doing a lot of advocacy escorts and you know like when people say like you know peace advocacy efforts weve been doing that for example when were talking about human rights activists like a phylicia of human rights since 9659098 we have this protest that is called the sun are we do it every turn a stake on mr astaire so we do it every day but been doing that for 600 times more than 600 times and nobody late and the government never respond to that kind of issue and we also do a lot of advocacy in terms of a lot of bills like my organization is focusing on the antisexual phylum slot and also the penal code law and we have been like i myself ive been involved with. Advocating it sort of the past 3 years and weve been doing a lot of stuff it seems like the government just never less than a like it has no to that these these bills right now which are trying to be pushed through but there have been some resistance particularly from protesters like alan what is it about the bills that people are unhappy about is there a change now in the politics. Right you know just as a contact so. Part of this happening actually because you know there were a growing satisfactions and the. President and the parliament so its not only in the parliament who believe what you need. From the president as well so that you. Were highly regarded but there were really no cool bill and i was. The new bill on the Anticorruption Commission all right we only knew the. President and his 2 meals there were no such thing as you know public consultancies there is no public discussion. Whatsoever and thats why you know people get angry because of that and there were provisions for instance in the criminal sorry indeed the Anticorruption Commission below that will limit set up in the fantasy of the body in investigating Corruption Cases and also it will you know limit the spatial right of wiretap be odd about even basic editing or action cases and ill say well make it far cordie for the commission in recruiting its private investigators so it will never get real good and only on the police or authority it is a source of our investigators an artifact that knowing they are just out something that i want to bring in some of accuracy as well because they are they want to weigh in on what is happening and so you have a commercial rituals an independent body so this is being frightened by new bills and legislation being pushed for an adult who has a protest of right now in some forms on happen with the way. From collapsing have a listen to. Corruption is serious problem here. But look at the whole country now. I want government is making you loaded quibbled you for the comment in the corruptions that is the company the reasons why we are here going to student in the protester is coming down to the street oh hes in position to do were going to grow up she used to government is actually does Something Like this this is delusions where people have to let go of tours to the public institutions. Corruptions are indications commission is like a hope for us theyre trying to bring the only hope left and of course you will let it happen no i think that we understand why you were to do something that might cause our own and to collapse in congress and why would he do that. Yeah you know because you know why people really supported the anticorruption body because its simply the most trusted probably you know institutions in indonesia its a high youre you know even one hired and. Then the president and also of the military so. The power man has to be under an acid and a proof you know to be a long after guy read out any public consultations whatsoever people get confused because corruption remains rampant. And that when we democratized 20 years ago as you know simply because we believe that corruptions has been deeply entrenched in our own the systems and thats why we. Knew independent. And strong anticorruption body and thats why we remain. I mean we we still need you know to do to be misleading or to be eradicating corruption in our country sort of that our men and president the bill that you know well we can debilitate. Up against just acceptable for many of us i think thats one thing that people are protesting so i dont do it this is something i this is a question that we have been asking aljazeera for a little while have a look here my lets help ask them why are there protesting in dylans everything covering the story for the last couple of days and then even further than that arent saying that question you have to say as well lets be clear the main cause of this process is the dissatisfaction of people especially University Students towards recent happenings in indonesia such as im writing populist force fighter montana and so much samantha and then also but the straw that broke the camels back was the approval of 2 controversial daws noise and how to understand that a little bit more and one from kratos thank you that is for this the protest are covering a wide range National Problems and it is then summarize to 7 points of protests which people call it the 7 best at catch the fact that yes that came right boil it down for us 7 points that you want your. Government to Pay Attention to what i listen to. Everything is important all of all 7 star us important as any under you know like the points that is in those 7 demons so add in what must be said you know like when we were talking about. The Anticorruption Commission bills the new one and then also the penal code what makes people for street it especially myself i am frustrated because it seems like the government passed bills and like past bills that is you know beneficial for them but its actually not something that the Society Needs for example the penal code of course we need a new penal code but the efficient itself somehow. A little. Bit about the new penal code of course we need a new pinnacle if you know internees or than you would know that it was a dutch colony and so a lot of the reason why this this is a major discussion of your legislation right now is because you want to replace the old clothing or norse. Contemporary laws for the relevant into these in society so that is why the it says well weve got to replace the laws that we only have. Some yeah but somehow the efficiency. Theres a lot of articles that for me as of womens activists and like dealing with a lot of issues on Sexual Harassment somehow theres a lot of articles at some point will criminalize the victim of rape and some and then you know in a very contrary ways we are trying to advocate to pass the anti Sexual Violence bill and it has been sitting on the legislative for the past 3 years so it is something that we urgently need but the government seems to reluctant to pass the bill but like other bills that somehow were not going to fishel for the society and beneficial for the government asked the bill so we cannot see late we cannot comprehend like what is. Actually the urgency of passing all of this you know late nonbeneficial. I guess it does seem a little strange that some of the articles in this new legislation thats been put on hold and that is to do with peoples personal lives whether they are allowed to be intimate before they get mad al they allowed to live together perhaps should they be way maybe not the way as a whole list of these articles that all shaping society and maybe making society a little bit more conservative jeremy men shake said this comment and he finds it in this way he thinks is the slice president s influence have a listen have a look at the most prominent backers legislation is. Very surprised and modify i mean supporters of human rights and minority religions and international were really worried when modifier mean became Vice President because of his connection with conservative islamic organizations as well as his ability to coopt Islamic Civil Society those worries have turned out to be valid with motto i mean in the Vice President ial palace we have good reason to worry about the future of democracy in indonesia and india are you way in fest no you go 2nd. I totally agree with that because before the protests we mean. On behalf of his organization that. Its an islamic or going to the i think one of the oldest Islamic Organisation in indonesia he actually made a statement that could include raging urging the just lift to pass the penal code bills and postponing or rejecting the antiSexual Violence. So it is definitely something that is very worrying and especially as i mentioned like its in a lot of ways the contrast part of there is a lot of cons in terms of and i cycle of violence bills and most of them are because of you know like you know people seems to thing that the antiSexual Violence post is very liberal because theres a lot of concept of common sense and Power Dynamics and i think not many indonesians actually understand what it means so they think that it is something very liberal so thats why constant threat of groups think that it will lead indonesia into a country that doesnt have really just space junk i know i had. Yeah thats very true i think the charts that your colleagues getting are moderate i mean if these are actually didnt show a candidate and you know they got elected has led to this problem in terms of an outlet and i could be out but i dont think this is that he has a democratic country and we essentially never adopt any kind of you know what are you just inspired. By relations and what constitution except for one province in which you have to be on the radio but thats a very special case because i was you know this spatial autonomy of the feast but why dont you know the rest of its indonesia they adopt this kind of secure letter relations in their in their pocket it is but now i also think that right to. Propose this bill on the panel. They dont realize that a society is changing spatially a young people in indonesia so why dont they write the b. L. S. That will create you know ice many of their you know arsenal you know their personal choice that extra markets last betting adultery of course its just unacceptable for data and so thats why you know if you look up to the protests and in many other big cities in indonesia in which you know students come to the street to protest the content of the bill you can issue you can you can tolerate that we have a child getting a society. That its not being realized by the government no im so glad you mentioned the students because theres some remarkable over the. Motionless texas back to student protest that was just the last raid when we play the video a good length pseudo. High superdad as a picture of ah and just 5 years earlier who was known as indonesians are bomb a couple other very well brian what has happened to his reputation only interact. Yeah thats its. No easy time and i dont believe thats right its pretty much an irony actually if you know if you look at it to the way joey came to power back in 2014 maybe got into him as a little forward you know for him that he and i did want to see because he has no political ties to previous political ad establishment he has no quality dynasty whatsoever in indonesia so people really regard him you know high for a for that in democracy. I think it was in the 2nd hop hes 2nd term he became a more and more conservative president if we remember back in 2000 and. 16 or 17 there were very polarizing elections are up in which you have to go home the a candidate that got support from islamic groups began the government and got capital to that he shot that manx i think we became a very different president because he house you know nice. Try out for all those islamic groups who might try to end this power. What happened to the president s reputation he was smiling there was you can see the still counting him would you have been one of those students pelting for throwing tomatoes at him with that. I honestly havent seen the video because you seem to be enjoying it very much. This is for me i completely agree with nori said its very ironic to think about like you know how popular he was on his 1st term a lot of people as you mention that its a new hope and i myself one of the person who who are were very disappointed with you know like the way he came pain on his 2nd term especially on his 1st term he mentioned a lot of stuff about you know like human rights like you will focus more on human rights which is something that previous president never really talked about but like in his 1st term like you never done anything in step there are more and more Human Rights Violations especially in and especially ones he choose model i mean as like a part of a conservative group and he was actually one of the person who were very much involved in terms of you know like a naughty mention about the general sorry the governor elections of jakarta which is the capital city of indonesia and he was one of the person who also kind of late very much involved you know pressing chart not present right basically supporting the charge of blasphemy towards. A home so yeah so there is a lot of disappointment in terms of you know like how he shifted a lot of people say that you know like because a lot of people thing right now that joeys enemies are the students but a lot of people also mentioned that actually his enemies are not the students but his right let me share this with you this is from bank thank you very much for for sharing your thoughts with us at the stream on twitter he sent us a whole spread but he also points out something i guess he also mentioned and he uses the promise is what he promised 5 years ago and i still hasnt fulfilled up to now one of the voices all important that you havent heard. In this conversation is the voice of government in indonesia so we wanted to bring him that that the chief of mission for the Indonesian Embassy in london this is what he had to say that some of the things that weve been talking about to have a lesson on the issues of the corruption of the law and im very corruptions. The this is joe hes concentrating. Illegals options available. And one of these is through he should be free should be a president ial degree. In lieu of law on time and by corruptions. Know is that still unclear what is going to be happening to some of this legislation do you have Better Capital yeah i think the president started to think you know about his decisions in approving the be on did commissions he was kind of surprised us in seeing you know the massive protest letter to students not only in chicago but also in many other cities in indonesia so thats why i think he started to think to issue what we call. It is a regulation in lieu of law to change the existing law well. So i think that way if the better pool will be issued to preston that could be a way out you know for or for the crisis that were having and its interesting because i was on the president s a website our from just last week feels like hes listening to a task has let me show you a clip about what he is promising to do for interns in citizens have a lot. I want to strongly reiterate my commitment to democratic life in indonesia will not change freedom of the press freedom of expression is a pillar of democracy dubey must continue to guard and defend ladies and gentlemen do not doubt my commitment on. What ive gone on in the i should i should say that i had to pull that off. But does that make you feel better you can stop protesting how do you feel that the presence of your back. Well actually. The statement that he made i think he made that last week which is its quite an irony because like he mentioned that he will keep the time ocracy a life and stuff like that and then during the night there are 2 human rights activist being arrested so it kind of for me its it feels like theres a lot of hype proxy so its very hyper correct for him to say Something Like that but later on the same day richie human rights activist being arrested and he never say anything like he never made comments about that so i dont know im a commie skeptical but i am skeptical so snorri out how do you think this might play out in your research you say you study democratic movements how movements actually progress i think this might play out in india these students in the protestors have to right now. Well if you look at to the. To Student Movement in the media it is actually a very political thing if you look at 200 years ago when we have a long read president yes it is a hard go it was in more than 30 years he was forced to step down by massive protests let a student in 1008 and the same is true for our 1st 1st president presidency our no who was also forced to step down by you know massive protests met by the students as well and so i think the asians in indonesia have you know in their mind when students come to the street to protest about you know part of the political issues they have to respond to go to my wifes you know worst thing my might happen to them and i think thats what the president calling it by thinking about you know suing the deregulation in new of law to change the already approved. Law. He is simply responding to the students demand out student. Concern i dont i never have been protesting i just want to say this whole thing from here had us on twitter. And i says we did have to acknowledge that the idealistic students and model suppresses the government the problem is that political opportunists are jumping on the bandwagon i mean by most of how many other they want to talk about that happening i mean to these are the people protesting about it so broad how do you succeed disincentives. It affected well i think its late because they were mentioning about the protests a lot of people this is very identical door to students protest but we have to remember is that at the protests that we are doing its not just student but its like a lady here is leaders you know like leaders of layers of Civil Society from students from women from labor war curse sure men and farmers and every part of society are joining in because like every part of society will get affected if you dont like with this issues that we are protesting right now so but especially like a coalition of people that best equally are worried and also concerned about the democrats Iovine Rustavi on the tank here norrie. Thank you so much for helping us understand the protests going on in each of these yes so much better seen eckstein take care. One in 3 brazilian women is a victim of Domestic Abuse it seems every day a woman dies and it just becomes a statistic but some have broken away from the cycle of violence its not easy to leave you have to ask for help and inspire others to turn their lives around i call the straw hat program the dream program my life changed after the course it gave me opportunities for my business women make change on aljazeera. In this life the most incredible stories are often true. And sharing go on experiences. Makes the unfamiliar for me or. In this life diversity makes a difference understanding the importance of being part of something much greater than our souls in this life what tomatoes is freedom of expression. The right to mortgage. Sean and a lot into the golf course. Because your dislike of the desire to understand the world. Makes us human. And the human condition is universal. But aljazeera world tells the dramatic story of the birth of a nation and how a political agreement reached by france and tunisia would spark the bitterest of fear. This god of the land dont see it remained there that meant we were still occupied rivalry conflict murda division opt to have tunisia the battle for independence on aljazeera. Aljazeera. Hello there im hala mohit in doha with the aljazeera news are coming up for you in the next 60 minutes. Donald trumps former ukrainian envoy testifying testifies before the Impeachment Inquiry Committee as investigations into the u. S. President s dealings with ukraine gather pace plus. Iraqis to fire a curfew to voice their anger after over 20 people are killed in antigovernment protests across the country also. My dad bought my foots i kept Paris Police Headquarters leaves 4 officers dead. There would be no need for checks or any infrastructure to leave the border between. New proposals from britains Prime Minister that would supposedly avoid a hard irish border after brett sets. And in sport were alive eventer National Stadium with 4 final today at the world athletics championships and britains gold in their own dana bash smith make him makes history with her victory in the 200 meters on. What we saw out in the u. S. For the former special envoy to ukraine is appearing before 3 committees as part of the president ial impeachments. Inquiry volcker is the 1st key official to testify as investigations into trumps dealings with ukraine ramp up that house intelligence Foreign Affairs and oversight and Government Reform Committee is will question volcker behind closed doors kurt volker resigned from his post on friday after a whistle blowers complaint emerged that said trump trying to to pressure ukraines president to investigate democratic rival joe biden and his son will focus said to have connected trumps personal lawyer Richie Giuliani with ukrainian officials volkers also one of the witnesses that secretary of state mike paled tried to blog from appearing before congress will just a few minutes ago trump said he could ask both china and hugh crane to investigate his democratic rival joe biden and his son. They should investigate the bike because that is a company that really formed well these companies that you look at and by the way likewise china has started investigation into the bike because what happened in china is just about as bad as what happened with. With ukraine so i would say that president saleh is going. If it were me i would recommend that they start an investigation in the device because nobody has any doubt that they were working. Well she had returned the reports from washington d. C. House democrats announced on wednesday that they would subpoena the white house for documents related to their impeachment inquiry if they dont receive by friday theyve also asked for documents from the state department am President Trumps personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani but they warn that no one should think they can avoid cooperation through the legal action challenging congresss authority for example so we are concerned that the white house will attempt to stonewall our discussion much as they have stonewalled other committees in the past. Its why i say the white house needs to understand that any action like that that forces us to litigate or have to consider litigation will be considered further evidence of obstruction of justice and of course that was an article of speech meant against nixon the implications for the white house clear from the democrats dont think you can hold the impeachment process up in the courts if you dont cooperate with the inquiry will simply roll that even to potential articles of impeachment as obstruction of justice and well infer that the reason youre not complying is because what the whistleblower said initially was true now the white house donald trump once again attacked the whistleblower who alleged he was abusing the office of the presidency to undermine the 2020 lections in his interactions with the ukrainian president this country has to find out who that person was because that person is a spot in my opinion but later in a press conference with the finnish president mr trump said he would cooperate with House Democrats in their inquiry however he grew irritated as he was asked exactly what he had been asking the ukrainians to do in the 1st place biden and his son are stone cold crooked and you know it is son walks out with millions of dollars the kid knows nothing you know it and so do we go ahead as you put the question sir was what did you want president selenski to do about present my President Biden and his son hunter. Hes talking to me yeah it was just a follow up of what i just asked us are you ready we have the president of finland ask him a question i have one form i just wanted to follow up on the one that i asked you which did you hear what do you want you hear me you ask him a question im troubled president ial campaign released a new ad good arguing that the impeachment process is simply the democrats attempting to undermine democracy because they can beat him at the ballot box its nothing short of a coup and it must be stopped its a message that does seem to be resonating with trumps base at least the campaign is reporting tens of thousands of new donors and huge sums of money pouring in she able to see out washington. Well well get the reaction from the white house for kimberly whole kit is standing by in just a moment but 1st lets go to heidi on campus ohio where the hearing is we. See this is a cool zoo are hearing what if anything can we expect to emerge. Kurt volker the former special on voyage to ukraine has been testifying now for about an hour and a half and as you mentioned it is closed doors its close to the press but hes speaking before the panels on the house committees for intelligence Foreign Affairs and oversight and he is a potentially very important witnesses to democrats in their impeachment inquiry now bowker presiding his government position last friday just hours after a whistleblower report became public that named volcker as part of the trouble ministrations efforts to pressure ukraine to open an investigation into joe bidens son now the whistleblower wrote that thats what ukrainian officials one day after president shrum made a phone call with the president of ukraine and that volcker was quote trying to help them figure out how to navigate the president s demands democrats believe that trump was withholding about 400000000. 00 in u. S. Military aid to ukraine as leverage to get that investigation started into his political rival now volcker may be able to shed light more on exactly what the president s thinking was trump has denied that that was his intention but volcker may also be presenting these panels with communications between himself and the president s office that offer more information on what the president s true motives were and the other pressing question for him from democrats will be why volcker assisted in connecting the president s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani with ukrainian officials in the continued effort. To get the ukrainians to help dig up election dirt volker and did resign from his government post on friday that means that he was no longer under the order of secretary of state my pump a. O. Had said that current state of oil could not a secret not comply with these democrats demands to testify so its actually volcker could be testifying openly openly and freely at this moment hes not known to be overly partisan and well have details about exactly what hes saying as soon as thats available ok well look forward to how you do thank you very much indeed lets get some reaction now from the white house kimberly hole is standing by for us kimberly we just heard. Pricer from donald trump 3 said he could ask the chinese and ukrainian president s to investigate joe biden of this i mean is he allowed to do that isnt the sort of thing that kicked off this whole Impeachment Court in the 1st place. Precisely yes he can ask but that is the foundation of this impeachment inquiry did the us president use an abuse his office his president ial powers to harm a political rival in this case former Vice President joe biden so yes the president can still ask but its not going to help his case or or any of his claims of innocence that he in some ways did you know it just sort of strengthens the case for democrats in fact the u. S. President as you point out how this impromptu press conference where as he departed from the white house for florida he continues to maintain that his call back in july with the ukrainian leader vladimir selenski that it was perfect that it was a conversation that was absolutely innocent in any claims by democrats to the otherwise are in his words total fiction but weve also been hearing from former Vice President joe biden who is running to be the democratic president ial nominee he is the front runner this is the target of that investigation that donald trump is looking for and joe biden telling reporters look i dont have anything to worry about theres nothing to investigate oh everybody should be clear you should go. To destruction which is what you should be im not going. I thank you for your not going through tissue or through i dont care what you are used to. Shear. True joy youre going to be no 0. Now in the midst of all this there is reporting coming from the Washington Post that donald trump may have also employed his Vice President mike pence to in essence pressure the ukrainian leader and well its not clear if mr pence had any knowledge that u. S. President donald trump was trying to get some negative information on his rival joe biden certainly there is a lot of interest about why in fact the u. S. President requested that mike pence not attend the inauguration of the ukrainian leader we should also point out the speaker of the house nancy pelosi who is the one that called for this impeachment inquiry she has also been speaking here in the United States on National Television in the last couple of hours she says that its important to get the facts thats why this inquiry will continue thats why theyre continuing to depose us. Officials in the trumpet ministration including kurt volker that heidi jocasta was talking about she says that this is important because right now she believes that Donald Trumps requests for investigations are undermining not just the u. S. Constitution and National Security but also the integrity of u. S. Elections ok kimberly holker at large for the white house thank you very much indeed lets stay with this and speak with Nancy Soderberg she was a former Deputy Assistant to the president for National Security affairs during the Clinton Administration has said not the trumpet ministration very much for speaking to us here. If i could just start by getting your reaction 1st of all to what weve heard from President Trump about how. He wants to ask china and the ukrainian press the president to investigate joe bodies and what does this mean for the impeachment investigation against them. Well hes just digging is hone hole deeper by. Reaching out to other governments for assistance not just the chinese but now apparently also the australians we dont know who else and this is a classic tactic by President Trump that hes used quite successfully as entire life deflected i dig in an attack and thats his effort if you saw that extraordinary press conference yesterday with the president of finland he never answered any of the questions he just attacked attack deflect

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