Arabia. Hello for the 1st time in the month of unrest in Hong Kong Police have shot a protester with a live rounds leaving him in Critical Condition the incident and the large scale protests in the city are overshadowing the 70th anniversary of the peoples republic of china a day when the communist leadership wanted to present its best face to the world adrian brown reports from hong kong. The police to whom the choose would be very dangerous it was pitched battles carried on into the night with protesters defying repeated Police Warnings for people to stay off the streets even dieters ignored the call. This clash spread from one side of Hong Kong Island to the other and then back again. Police a day earlier banned all marches but people still took to the streets not to celebrate 70 years of chinese communism but to mourn it but dont come up to them when they have. This is an illegal notch designer of the year oh oh oh no there were more than 100. 00 arrests some of the most intense violence was on the other side of the harbor in cow loot a much watched video on social media appears to show a policeman shooting a young protester in the chest with a pistol the Hong Kong Police force say it was in selfdefense but this was the 1st time someone had been wounded from a Police Bullet since the protests began almost 4 months ago the anger of recent weeks had been building up to this day the most important date in chinas political calendar this year many train stations and shopping malls were closed in the security clampdown just a few months ago hong kong was regarded as one of asias most law abiding cities a model of Good Governance now all of that has been turned on its head with the police left to solve what is effectively a political problem these prochoice in a protest is also see themselves as defenders of hong kong. Todays the 70 birthday of our model and i wish madeleine to have prosperity to have peace people to be happy National Day Celebrations here will okey this year the annual flag raising ceremony was held in a secure area well away from the protests which model what was never going to be a day of celebration adrian brown al jazeera hong kong. Well the anniversary is being marked on Mainland China in a very different way large parades have been held in beijing at a sensitive time for chinese diplomacy and its economy rob matheson reports from beijing. Aircraft thunder through the skies of asia Armored Vehicles rumble through china square a display of chinas military strength as president xi jinping calls for economic and political confidence and sends a message to hong kong. We have to maintain that peaceful united one country 2 system. To keep hong kong and macau as a long term prosperity and stability 70 years ago when gentleman square communist Party Chairman mao tse dong announced the founding of the peoples republic of china. In the following 27 years socalled great leap forward plan to boost farming and Industrial Production led to famine and the deaths of an estimated 30000000 people his cultural revolution clamped down dissent a year after maos death in 1986 new leader dense helping declared china would open up internally and to the outside world. The china of today bears little resemblance to the china of chairman mao the new middle class is getting wealthier and the countrys transformed itself into an economic global power but one of the central messages of the celebrations today seems to be a cautionary one yes we should acknowledge what china has achieved so far but there could be tough times ahead. For president xi centralizing and strengthening control in beijing some of the president s political rivals have been swept up in his crackdown on corruption as well as the ongoing protests in hong kong and allegations linked to human rights the trade war with the us is forcing chinas economy to slow and this is not a adversity of High Expectations that is going to be very glorious in the near future its an anniversary in which we look back on what china has been able to attain and we talk about a new era of sacrifices and struggle in 198911 squares all bloodshed when prodemocracy demonstrators stood up against tanks in 29 t. China is determined to show that its military is stronger than ever but the success of president xi jinping his leadership may depend on how he handles chinas newfound prospectivity matheson. Beijing. Is a policy analyst for defense and Foreign Policy studies at the Cato Institute in washington and he says that military parades are a message to the u. S. In particular. If you look at the long history of china from when the p. R. C. Was 1st established 70 years ago to now that china is no longer this sort of defense backwater or underdeveloped country in that regard and that theyve invested considerable resources in the parade the military assets came 1st and the party has invested considerable resources in making sure that they have the military capabilities to reflect their rise as a general power and this this military rise is also i think a big focus of concern among the United States and also other regional countries Chinas Nuclear force structure is not very much like the United States theyre not trying to match us in terms of number of warheads but theyre trying to keep an arsenal thats most significantly smaller but has a guarantee of surviving 1st strikes and retaliating and as the United States has become more concerned about chinas rise i think there is a tendency to see Nuclear Developments as particularly threatening because china is fielding new systems and there is a tendency to sort of overhype what they mean or misunderstand what they mean iraqs government says at least one person has been killed during violent protests and at least 200. 00 people have been injured in the demonstrations police in iraq fired rubber bullets and tear gas on government protesters in the capital baghdad there been demonstrations in other regions including measure of another city many young protesters accuse the government of not creating enough jobs imran khan is joining us from baghdad with an update the number of those injured in iran continues to rise. Thats absolutely right what were hearing is at least 200 casualties taking place according to the official government sources were also hearing as you said one person is dead. Is about hoffa comatose way from where im standing all the way through the last hour weve been hearing what sounds like fire it could well be rubber coated steel bullets it could well be life we havent managed to confirm whether the Iraqi Security forces are using fire but theres a volley of shots being fired at we can hit now the events of the day began around 12 oclock local there was a very small protests that took place it was quickly dispersed by the iraqi police but then there was a coal on social media to get people out into tucker a square that coal was heated thousands of people turned up in taqueria square it took the Security Forces somewhat by surprise they quickly sealed off the center of baghdad in the streets around the area and they tried to disperse the protests will the protesters tried to do was come across one of the bridges and go into the old green zone where a lot of the foreign embassies that green zone is now open but it hasnt been open for a very long time so they thought they could try and get in then they would beaten back and then whats happened is they have been dispersed into the streets around the. Square as well as being in the square itself the pictures of very powerful you can see a lot of people injured you can see. The Security Forces using water cannon tanks and driving in to the crowd its concerned a lot of people hate particularly amongst the government that this was able to escalate so quickly within the space of a few hours they were able to get thousands of people out onto the street now that is one of the most influential player x. In iraq hes a shia cleric hes also his party is also a member of the ruling class in iraq he actually tweeted saying that the government needed to mount and investigate. Into the events of Takara Square so theres been a lot of reaction coming through from political figures as to what this happened to the protesters are very clear they say the government hasnt given them enough jobs as and created enough opportunities for sickly amongst the poor of iraq and this isnt just happening here in baghdad its happening in just as well where people are out on the streets and the fear now is that this could escalate into a nation Wide Movement so all eyes are going to be to see what happens later on into tonight what happens in the coming days when these protests get bigger ok iran cant thank you well the speaker of Irans Parliament has told that to ron is open to the idea of opening a dialogue with saudi arabia it follows Saudi Crown Prince mohammed bin sandman saying he would prefer a peaceful resolution with iran in settling Regional Security disputes as opposed to military conflict that all you must look at all the most of the iran is open to starting a dialogue with saudi arabia and other countries in the region and are ready in the saudi dialogue could solve many of the region security and political problems what we can say is that its not and instead of the for saudi arabia to rely or depend on america riyadh can submit its proposals to be discussed at the iranian saudi dialogue table without preconditions from our side we also welcome what has been quoted that Prince Mohammed bin still man wants dialogue perhaps it is good to know saudi arabia is thinking of the regions interests 1st we say to the who these in yemen that any cease fire will be very important we also confirm that it will be for the interest of saudi arabia. Bankers who are from to her on. The speaker of parliament a leader in johnny has said he welcomes reports that side the crown Prince Mohammed bin to resolve issues that he has with iran through dialogue he said they want all this favors dialogue and many of the political and Security Issues in the region can be solved through dialogue and without the help of the United States i live there and john calls for a Security System to be set on the region that didnt involve the United States he also said that iran would be calling on the cootie rebels in yemen to accept a cease fire and would be telling sagger a bit that its also in their favor to do so that the hutu rebels are irans allies he said that he didnt rule out negotiations with the United States but said that the sanctions must be lifted 1st and this is a longstanding policy longstanding policy of iran now president rouhani is visiting armenia for a summit where is expected to meet with president Vladimir Putin now the main issues on the agenda all of the increase of tensions at the strait of hormuz in the gulf where we know the United States has put together a Naval Coalition made up of the United Kingdom a stray sag arabia and the u. A. E. Now president rouhani did present an alternative at the United Nations General Assembly where he called upon regional countries to solve the security and stability of the region and not just the United States iran seizing artist states as a destabilizing factor in the region though the issue is the 2015 nuclear deal now iran has given 60 days for the europeans to come up with a solution before they start taking the 3rd face back from their commitments towards that deal now russia will be concerned we do know that iran has said that they using modern centrifuges richelle allows them rich into a higher percentage and faster we dont know what percentage that your brain will be but from previous step back from the commitments iran has always left the door open for iran to reverse those decisions now iran is an ally of russia and russia was important in organizing this 2015 nuclear deal and they would be very much concerned about the increase of tensions and iran stepped back from that nuclear deal and would want. Iran to state in the 2015 j c p o 8 but iran is looking to other countries to build economic ties to shore up its economy in the face of unilateral United States sanctions still ahead on aljazeera a currency crisis for lebannon why many businesses are only accepting u. S. Dollars. And indonesia swears in a new government despite a night of violent protests. Hello maybe surprisingly for october as a hint once again of cloud in southern iran in pakistan list surprisingly is the wintery stuff trying to get into the caucasus the far north of iran but were not talking about when to get a proper very high ground on the edges of the himalayas was because we just warm sunshine once more but maybe a shower too still possible run the straits of hormuz more especially southern pakistan in the next day or 2 for most of us its sunshine still well below 30 in tehran but above 40 in baghdad clearly cooler only slightly on the coast and its raining now throughout the Arabian Peninsula its quiet the wind is not strong this is a blues not low for the most part its quite humid during the morning in the evening in doha as an example as it should be so i was seeing rather more of the sunshine than of late the heaviest maurices finished and this green stuff is potential showers in yemen to the Far Southwest to society of the next couple of days travel to office to lack tropical africa still active in Southern Africa maybe more active still with the changes season of course were going through spring to summer this is not too frontal system so yet more ideas possible over the next day or so. 2 planes from studio 50 you. Know what. It is possible to fully clean the premises thats covered but what you dont leave is evidence that you pretty clearly. Wanted to give it up with stuff to speak. Before even the saudi government just that. You are in a saudi consulate. Now again the top stories on aljazeera chinas day of celebration has turned violent in hong kong mass rallies became running street battles between protesters and police on the 70th anniversary of the founding of communist china police use live rounds of ammunition and one person is reported to be in a Critical Condition after being shot. In contrast to the violence in Hong Kong Chinas capital is marking the anniversary with mass celebrations a large ceremony ending a day that highlighted its military might. Police in iraq have fired rubber bullets and tear gas on antigovernment protesters in the capital baghdad iraqs government says one person has been killed and more than 200. 00 injured and there are protests in other regions including. North Koreas Nuclear negotiations with the u. S. Will resume on saturday the countries have agreed to talks which would break up a months long stalemate donald trump and kim jong un failed to reach an agreement on deal the nuclearization of the Korean Peninsula when they met in february trump and kim spoke again in june at a historic meeting at a Demilitarized Zone between the 2 koreas. Its been revealed a u. S. President sought to enlist the help of another foreign leader for political gain donald trump the australian Prime Minister to help the Us Justice Department investigate the moeller inquiry which examined russian interference in the 2016 election the Australian Government agreed to help us president is already facing an impeachment inquiry into his dealings with ukraines president our White House Correspondent Kimberly Hauck it has more u. S. President donald trump continues to make the case on twitter in his defense that this impeachment inquiry in his view is a hoax that it is motivated by the Fake News Media in conjunction with the Democratic Party the president is also continuing to go after the identity of the whistleblower and maintains that its call with the leader of ukraine vladimirs a lengthy that this call that took place in july now the focus of an impeachment inquiry in his view Donald Trumps view is perfect donald trump also going after the man adam schiff the chair of the House Intelligence Committee on twitter making the case that when he spoke to a Congressional Committee late last week in when his account which was a bit of a fictional parody or comedic sketch approach to the president s edited transcript that was released by the white house donald trump saying that adam schiff should in fact the congressman be brought up on criminal charges all those charges have not been made its clear the president is fighting back at his defense of well the messaging is in no way unified it does seem to be helping the president raise money since the announcement of the inquiry he has raised more than 8 and a half 1000000. 00 in just 2 days getting 50000. 00 new donors. Public School Teachers in jordan are continuing their protests for a 4th week forcing students to stay at home they say they wont return to classes until they get at least a 50 percent pay rise last week the government offered a wage increase but that was rejected by the Teachers Union jordan has been facing dire Economic Conditions for years. Algerian students have returned to the streets of the capital in the 32nd consecutive week of protests they want the release of all detained protesters are also calling for the removal of politicians with ties to former president is beautifully the mass protests force beautifully to resign in april after 20 years in power. Times are tough for many in lebanon and the already dire economy is expected to worsen because Lebanon Central Bank is changing its roles on the us dollar zone 100. 00 has the story from beirut. Fuel importers here had threatened an open ended strike because of a shortage of foreign currency their customers pay in lebanese pounds but they need dollars to import fuel Lebanons Central Bank is intervening it plans to provide dollars at a fixed Exchange Rate not just to importers of fuel but importers of medicine and to wheat supplies of which have already reached dangerously low levels economists say levanon which imports at least 80 percent of what it consumes needs an injection of foreign cash goes never going to so exposed to the teaching the pulse of whats happening in syria whats happening here are the problems i suppose the g. C. C. Countries. Who cracked the. Decline of foreign investment. And now the local currency has lost value its the 1st time in 2 decades Exchange Dealers wont speak on camera although banks are still men taining the official price pegged at 1500. 00 pounds to the dollar black market prices have emerged. Oh how much can i sell my dollar. 155000 and if i want to i cannot buy right for. 57 ok thank you. The central bank denies that lebanon is facing a dollar crisis and describes who reports of a shortage as an exaggeration but there are attempts to limit daily dollar withdrawals and more and more merchants are no longer accepting local currency they too refused to speak on camera as a. Lot of. Lebanons Economic Conditions have long been precarious this is one of the most indebted countries in the world a decrease in deposits into the Banking Sector denies the state a critical source of finance but there are other reasons behind the shortage of cash in the country u. S. Sanctions on iran for example affect its funding for its ally in lebanon which is also under sanctions this is disrupted the flow of remittances arab countries also stop providing help to a country they believe is controlled by their rival iran people are starting to take to the streets there is panic over the currency losing value which has hurt their spending power last month the government declared a state of economic emergency for these protesters however this crisis is not new and they want those in power to be held responsible for years of mismanagement and corruption. Beirut police in finland are questioning a suspect about a sort of Vocational College at least one person was killed and 10 injured at the college in a Shopping Center in an. Local media say a College Student attacked his teacher with a sword and turned the weapon on others finlands Prime Minister is describing the violence as shocking and completely unacceptable. Police and military chiefs say they still support. The president despite Congress Voting to suspend him from Office Opposition politicians had symbolically sworn in his Vice President after fisk. That was in a bid to stop the congress electing judges to the constitutional tribunals but the opposition members defied the order and remained in congress for the vote against. Opposition politicians say his decision to dissolve congress was unconstitutional insists he was within his rights and duties as new members of parliament have been sworn in following in nights of further protests and hundreds of arrests demonstrators say if Parliament Passes proposed legislation it will curtail freedoms and cripple efforts to stop corruption. Reports from jakarta. The money. Inside Indonesias Parliament the swearing in of 575. 00 members taking an oath to uphold the countrys laws and democracy. But outside tension is palpable parliament has come under fire for rushing through several controversial bills before the end of the legislative term what initially started as a student protest turned into a Wider Movement of Civil Society groups trying to protect their rights thousands of taking to the streets over the past week calling for a revised anticorruption law to be repealed critics say it weakens the power of the Corruption Eradication commission and only benefits the elite and corrupt officials one of. The freedom of indonesia we cannot express ourselves we are cruelly again in some cases demonstrations turned violent protesters threw rocks petrol bombs and lit firecrackers around 26000. 00 security personnel responded with tear gas to disperse crowds on monday. Mass protests led to president joke of a daughter delaying the passing of some bills 5 will be up for discussion in the new parliamentary term but the most controversial a pending criminal code which could discriminate against religious minorities out all sex outside marriage ban abortion and even make it illegal to insult the president protests to say the measures could turn indonesia into a repressive society how can we call our country democratic when the nation is violating the peoples rights women one be allowed on the street after 10 we know that many in the nation women who work late to support their families this is very unfair and demands have grown beyond legislative issues there are calls to end forest fires and military action in west papua the government has tried to make changes to its goals for many years the caption from wars that have been established and start following the rule for many here it could reverse progress already made pressure is mounting on the president as he heads into his 2nd 5 year term in office he may. Tains the upcoming laws and bills may require more consideration while his caught in a tug of war between appeasing the public and political elite analysts believe all i should be on the new parliament to communicate with more transparency the newcomers can see ok if im not. From the public then there was like more all of these generations and the us has shown all of us that they can make a very good barbecue and slackness it these are some of the biggest demonstrations indonesia has seen since 1908 the protesters say they want the president to side with them and hear their aspirations and for now they say that demonstrations will continue here Mohammed Al Jazeera jakarta. Its been a night of african delight at the world of latics championships and cats are and success for runners from the continent set off plenty of fanfare for hope reports. Following reports of poor attendances previous days it was a very different field of the belief a stadium on monday thanks mainly to the african fans i certainly had lost the chair about with african athlete winning hof of the gold medals on offer the womens 800 meter farnell produced one of the nice most dramatic finishes ugandan in the kite upsetting the right favorite g wilson to win gold for the reigning olympic champion cast the so many are still fighting the art of elias in the courts over the testosterone rules of our game could have a very different look to it on the take a woman picks next year because stand as soft she was i would phrase we still respect that other may some way to create a dame of about 85 i am very proud of that worries and i respect him. Another great finish and another african success in the mens 4000 mates is as much our it is defended his title as he led an ethiopian one to have said im on the radio. 2 years ago in london kenyas beatrice chip coax nicky took a wrong turn in the 3000. 00 metres steeplechase bathurst it cost her a world title then she made amends and double her on monday to win our countrys 2nd gold of these championships. One of the noise most eagerly awaited finals was the mens 400 Meter Hurdles with 3 of the fastest man in history who taking part defending champion cost and will hard retaining his title ahead of america right benjamin and cut out of the realm of samba sum by winning his countrys 1st medal of doha 2019. But celebration of the day i doubted li coming from daniel style persuade winning the discus being on my heel i did so this way distracting me a gun. Does there. Were now american opera singer Jessye Norman has died at the age of 74. 4 time grammy Award Winning singer made her operatic debut in 1969 and again worldwide fame in 1907 mormon became the youngest person to earn a prestigious Kennedy Center honor she was also awarded the u. S. Is highest honor for the arts she died from complications related to a spinal cord injury she had. Their headlines on al jazeera this hour mass rallies in hong kong became running street battles between protesters and police on the 70th anniversary of the founding of communist china police use live rounds of ammunition and one person is reported to be in a Critical Condition after being shot of these say 25 people were injured more than 180 were arrested and in contrast to the violence in Hong Kong Chinas capital has marked the anniversary with mass celebrations a large ceremony ending a day that highlighted its military might. Police in iraq have fired rubber bullets and tear gas on antigovernment protesters in the capital baghdad injuring at least 200 people the government says one person is dead iraqs observatory for human rights says the number is 3 and one time has more from baghdad. These are young people that are coming out on the streets theyre complaining about the fact that they dont have jobs they are complaining about the state of the economy and these are guys with it is predominantly men who have access to social media so they can really push that message out and its very its testament to the power of social media in iraq but like i say at the very beginning of the day this was a very tiny protest in just a few hours they were able to get people out the street and the police had to seal off central baghdad public schoolteachers in jordan are continuing their protests for a 4th week forcing students to stay at home they say they wont return to classes until they get at least the 50 percent pay rise. Police in finland are questioning a suspect about a sort of attack at a Vocational College at least one person was killed and 10 injured at the college in a Shopping Center in an eastern town media say a College Student attacked his teacher with a sword its been revealed a u. S. President sought to enlist the help of another foreign leader for political gain funneled the australian Prime Minister to help the u. S. Justice department investigate the moeller inquiry which examined russian interference in the 2016 election the Australian Government says it agreed to help. Those are the headlines on aljazeera inside story is coming up thanks to stay with us. Its 70 years since the founding of communist china about protests in hong kong overshadowed great genes message of National Unity and allat along with trade wars and territorial disputes how will china manage scenes persistent challenges this is inside story. Hello and welcome to the program im 40 battle the founder of modern china once said a single spock can

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