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To the u. N. Repertory for human rights in myanmar this is what she said just recently have a listen maam i has done nothing to dismantle the system of violence and persecution and the rohinton revie main and recover live in the same dire circumstances that they did prior to the events of august 2017 very denied citizenship and recognition face regular violence including in the context of the ongoing conflict between the economy and that of my dark nabl to move freely and have limited little access to food health care and education livelihoods and services sony said these are some of the main reasons that they dont want to go back home they dont feel that they will be safe back home can you explain a few more reasons as to what the situation might be back home for them and why they were preferred to. Let us. No forget one fact since 2000 trust the International Media does not have any access to the Rakhine State the International Humanitarian agencies dont have unfettered access to their work i state and also use the u. N. Fact finding mission has been denied access to it including the special report tools so how are we expecting these 1040000 growing us to repatriate to a complete new lockdown area once we are going to push these people to this side of the myanmar then youre come easy to see these people from the humanitarian the duff. Yet completely losing these people so thats why there is no accountability who can provide us security who is building to provide us security we are not protected by law thats why its very important that our rights restored before we talk about. And all but you cannot decide on the fareed all the big 5 years of genocide when their wife is not included in any part of the repatriation process so growing a wife if must be her then must be part of any negotiations and then there can be success and on that point i want to let you know that i want to bring in a few more voices from online picking up on the point that media was making this is feisal on twitter who says no more genocide we want justice we want to go back to our homeland we want the military held accountable for alleged killing looting and rape we want our rights back so thats one person the other comes to us via a video comment that she sent us and shes a real human rights activist in heres what she told the story so important that when we look at the union issues weve got beyond the humanitarian crisis the various yes 3 new refugees in bangladesh are still in very very dire conditions theyre still facing fear intimidation in order to force them back into burma the situation in burma has not improved either since 2017 this is confirmed by the u. N. Fact finding Mission Report and other reports that have come out and confirmed satellite images built military bases around looking at villages the smallest of the kind states as well as the new rebuilt internment camps the military and the government of burma have no intentions to actually make the situation better or you know create any sort of reparations for not just for him but also the ethnic minorities so theres ill give that to you i know you want to jump in but if you could also address her point there that myanmar is not making it very welcoming for. People to come back and question cause of burma because its formally known as burma and that video caught on. So well in Yemen Government and the military want to bring back and. More that india really enjoy it you know say supply about from us was on to an estate as a whole the need to resettle the 130 really change refugees who are trapped inside the concentration camp for more than 70 years since 2002 x. After the violence they were tracked into their concentration camp and a state of the there so if they really want to repatriate their people from bangladesh plus let them settle back in their origin of villages in sydney or swear in data center a kind of state and restart if citizenship that will. That blue baby. Refugee in bangladesh daniel they have to provide International Protection it is just necessary or because there is no going to it that these people will not be what you created again and their criminal must be brought to the gestes because in all because of the impunity they have been continuously beating that crime against not only their own cross that country will get out that many many other that it might already they also will sorry but they are organized as a seed is in doubt of what i was as a group that is the difference between and. And those that it minority so does the most important is the last piece the justice and then International Protection then the full citizenship has to be really still not found this just feels like probably my way of reality is off there the timing of that i had to cross that this was i thought this is not over im among all possible. I just wanted to add 2 points to be repacked creation process if me or my government is not allowing our identity to be accepted inside myanmar we are not protected we are not safe and also myanmar government should abolish the International Community who are supporting this National Verification card system this is a genocidal to where we are forced to write our ethnicity of bengalis it means denying our own identity these are also very important and it talks about prepared creation our discourse i want to bring in a little clip and this is rashid. And on the actual anniversary of the beginning of the ring of crisis when they had to leave me amal and then go to bangladesh he was talking about what he said that he and his fellow refugees want fabricates amounts have a look have a listen to me and i said you have the money we shall go back on for conditions they are one we have to be given citizenship to ring us remaining in myanmar have to be shown to us 3 Un Peacekeeping force has to be there to protect us for we have to be given justice for the crimes committed we shall go if the International Criminal court can do justice highlighting some as i haue made every missing very clearly a testament to what anita and mason have been saying but it doesnt even look like were even close to getting a resolution what do you know youre. I would say youre absolutely right i mean its unfortunate but thats just seems to be the reality and several fronts i mean one of the major problems is that and this is a point that anita touched on is that you have governments. That are speaking to one another about the writing issue time and again they are not talking to the rowing they do not have a seat at the table when it comes to their future and also what has happened to them in the past so this is something thats very frustrating that this is not a great demand this is just simply asking have a seat at the table when it comes to trying to determine what their future might be but its much more complicated than that i mean weve touched a few times if youre in the program today about lets just say the International Criminal court i mean every time that i have gone to coxs his art and spoken to the refugees there that the survivors they have said that they want to see the International Criminal court get involved in this and they would like the International Court to mete out justice to those officials in me and more of a fair responsible for the genocide and you know thats a that is a process that is riddled with iraq shia complications and just just to give you a little example you know in the past few months you had the prosecutor for the International Criminal court officially ask the judges for permission to launch an investigation and still a decision has not been made but even if it decision is made the International Criminal courts jurisdiction when it comes to this is not in me and mark has me on mars not a signatory to the rome statute is not a member of the court they would have jurisdiction because bangladesh is a signatory to the rome statute so what they would be investigating at least in the initial phases of any kind of official investigation would be forced deportation across the border into politics so that just gives you some example of how the. Difficult this process is so even if we get to a point where the i. C. C. Says yes we are investigating this they have to figure out the scope of the crime theyre investigating they have to figure out where theyre going to do the investigation and were talking something that could take years to potentially even take decades and really has no impact right now on the ground for those who are in the refugees who are so desperate and their anger toward me and them and what youre saying there of course is so dire and so important that it makes the idea of a mobile phone communication blackout seem smaller and juxtaposition of course it is at the very heart of being able to hear those voices so i pull up this week that we just got from protect their hand out thats their handle and they write when a Democratic State blocks the mobile phone and internet communication of an oppressed people or refugees there is a problem so any that we got a video comment from someone an anthropologist who actually is studying the rangar refugee camps in bangladesh and he links the Telecommunications Blackout that is occurring right now to the future other or have a listen to what he told us recently toughen restrictions on access to mobile phone networks and phones affecting read into refugees in bangladesh or characteristic of that countrys governments reacted stance in this crisis and on the issue of repatriation in particular whats needed rather are proactive policies including expanding 3rd country resettlement as myanmar today under arms on to g. s leadership remains a rhesus to apartheid state where civil and Political Rights including citizenship are linked to race any repatriation under those conditions is tantamount to a film and would directly implicate the government of bangladesh and myanmar as a genocide of the region. So neither he mentions a 1000 the International Law term in which a country would put refugees back in harms way by sending them back to where they know they will be harmed what do you make of his comments. Hes frightened in many ways but one point i would like to see the International Community in a different weight although your population are very vulnerable they are very traumatized so if the under the shall i was for reset and so all has been qualified but this is not our we dont want to resettle in 3rd world country in took a country we want to return home so the International Community including the government of myanmar should create should pressure the myanmar government to create conditions safe for us to restore our Citizenship Rights this is what we are longing for we dont want to go to any part of other countries memoir is our home we are not stateless we have a state just help us create the conditions that we can return home. Because theres something that i want i want to share with you because in all of this conversation were talking about some solutions that anita and mason have been talking about the holiday from his perspective as a journalist covering this story for the last 2 years i want to show you something a laptop which is something that we have a reference and these are the young people who are caught up in this often when theres a conflict or a crisis situation young people dont get to go to school or that have education so theres going to be a whole generation of rango who are not educated who havent had access to school and this is a problem that we are not even factoring into our conversation so do you have a look at the how its instagram and then you can also look at some of the young people who are also very severely impacted by the hangar crisis that is currently happening in myanmar coxs bazaar in bangladesh that is all the time we have for today thank you to mohamed to anita to mace and at thank you for watching seen exide. As president prepares to exit the new people in power investigates disturbing allegations about the tactics used by the Winning Campaign we know that was broken we know that campaigns spent we know that russia tried to build a relationship with one of the key campaigns. Paid her brakes it people in power on al jazeera. In an ordinary week talk to even atar at the heart of the only thing. Hospital in bunch town in North Eastern south sudan and his steam operated on around 60 patients the United Nations Refugee Agency nominated him for the prestigious nansen award which you won in recognition of his work and incredibly difficult to constances. South sudan has been in conflict since 2013 the war has divided the country along ethnic lines 200000 people most of them refugees from sudans Blue Nile State even this remote town and looked to be a bad hospital for all their medical needs the war has destroyed almost the infrastructures which are specially in the upper layer. Almost all work including mother colors because of stewart living there in the process of you know vision of the mother to work into the capacity that theyre supposed. Some who are coerced. Others. To the core. But were all complicit in creating a world of terror and oppression. Now living in fear and denial they reveal their motivations and the shocking truths from the inside. Witness the women advice sell on aljazeera. Its a joke. Impeachment that. Donald trump continues to deny committing a crime after a memo shows he did as the ukrainian president for a favor to investigate a political rival. Hello and welcome im giving a pal and youre watching our desire live from the house also coming out. Efforts to bring iran and the u. S. To the negotiating table failed president rouhani rules the talks as the trumpet ministration increases sanctions. Under pressure to resign the british Prime Minister remains defiant and challenges the opposition to hold a confidence vote. Its deja vu for israels Prime Minister is once again ive been asked to form a new government after a deadlocked election. The u. S. Intelligence chief accused of wrongly protecting donald trump is to be forced to explain himself in just a few hours as calls to impeach the president grow acting director of National Intelligence just have mcguire decided the complaints about a call between trump and ukraines president wasnt an urgent concern but a note of their conversation released by the white house reveals donald trump did ask the ukrainian leader to investigate his political rival joe biden 500 has more from washington as the 4th u. S. President to face an impeachment threat donald trump is scrambling to loot history its a joke no president yet has been removed from office through impeachment on wednesday the United States 45th president sounding unusually said dude seemed to feel historys wait for said what the democrats are doing to this country dividing. Theyre belittling their demeaning a country so many leaders came up to me today and they said. What you go through no president has ever gone through the white houses own account of a july phone call between President Trump and ukrainian president villota mirrors alinsky was released wednesday it revealed that is trump was withholding 2 150000000. 00 in aid from ukraine he repeatedly asked vilinsky for in his words a favor investigate former Vice President joe biden for trumps potential president ial rival trump asked selenski to coordinate the probe with u. S. Attorney general bill barr entrance personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani trump without offering evidence accuses biden of ending a conflict of interest probe into his son hunter biden took a lucrative position on the board of ukraines biggest gas company in 2014 while his father was directing u. S. Policy there in the summary of the phone calls alinsky promised his top prosecutor in his words will look into this situation but with trump it is side ukraines leader says he did not pursue it im sorry but i dont want to be involved to do a critic all. Elections and i think. Anyone you know that that had a question that is the answer a whistleblower in the u. S. Intelligence community alarmed by trumps apparent use of state power for political gain reported the president s call to an Inspector General however the complaint was not passed on to congress under instruction from the white house and the Justice Department amid the fear it has now been passed to lawmakers i found the deeply disturbing. I also found them very credible i can understand why the Inspector General found them credible the House Intelligence Committee received the whistleblower report on wednesday on thursday acting director of National Intelligence Joseph Mcguire testifies before congress that session is now part of a formal impeachment inquiry into the president. Asked about the call trump repeatedly turned the focus on biden i fully support transparency on the socalled whistleblower information even though it was supposedly secondhand information. Which is sort of interesting but also insist on transparency from joe biden and his son hunter on the millions of dollars that have been quickly and easily taken out of ukraine and china now trumps efforts to prompt an investigation into his rival have instead helped to prompt another historic probe when intended to decide whether he is fit to remain in office john hendren aljazeera washington Christopher Hunter is a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and a former federal prosecutor and the u. S. State department and he says transactions of pressuring the crane and president s are no different from that of a mob boss the behavior that donald trump has displayed in his dealings with the ukrainian president is akin to that of a mob boss akin to that of somebody who runs an organized Crime Network who makes threats sometimes direct sometimes indirect extorts others and expects to be repaid for whatever it is that hes offering so in this instance. The president states used taxpayer money intended to help an emerging democracy in ukraine as well as taxpayer funded antitank missiles as a bargaining chip to try to stuart the ukrainian president into watching an investigation of Donald Trumps chief political rival thats the sort of conduct that is beyond the pale and to put it in constitutional terms is in the nature of a high crime or misdemeanor in the sense that donald trump has so severely violated the public trust that an impeachment proceeding within the house and then ultimately a trial in the senate is absolutely warranted and in other news the Trump Administration has barred Senior Iranian government officials from entering the u. S. The directive came on the same day president Hassan Rouhani spoke at the u. N. General assembly. That negotiations and terrans Nuclear Program as long as american sanctions stay in place. Has this report his speech was closely watched by friends and rivals looking for any indication that iran is willing to talk to the u. S. But the president has a low honey made it clear he wont be the President Donald Trump as long as the u. S. Continues to impose sanctions model but most argue to me they call us to negotiations when they run away from treaties and deal our response under sanctions is negative iran has called the regional neighbors still join in alliance to secure freedom of navigation in the strait of homers when much of the worlds oil supply passes through oh how they excluded the u. S. From taking part in what he called the coalition of hope but the u. S. And saudi arabia have quickly dismissed the proposal. The European Union is keen to cool the tension in the gulf and prevent further escalation its stop a diplomat for their recovery any says she hopes the 2015 year clear deal will continue to be respected despite ongoing differences we will continue to Work Together with unity of purpose to try and preserve it without ignoring the challenges the Trump Administration is ramping up on iran everyone u. S. Secretary of state. Said sanctions and isolation would continue until Irans Nuclear ambitions occurred as long as around medicine behavior continues and continues sanctions will not be lifted they will be taken and the u. S. And saudi arabia continue to blame iran for the attacks on the Worlds Largest Oil Processing plant in the kingdom 11 days ago. Saudi diplomats have stepped up their pressure saying all options against iran are on the table irans behavior cannot continue like this iran must abide by International Law iran must comply with rule based International Order and the irans aggressive behavior must be checked the attacks took out nearly half of Saudi Oil Production which the state oil company is rushing to restore as the u. S. Continues to build the case against iran or holy war against any attack saying we. Will quickly follow. The attacks on Saudi Oil Installations threatened to be a game changer and could lead to a major confrontation but the e. U. Russia china and some countries in the middle east say the crisis should be solved through dialogue and that as collision would only further destabilize the region about aljazeera new york. So the British Parliament is back in session these are live pictures from there a day after Prime Minister Boris Johnson there the opposition to hold a confidence vote johnsons insists he wont ask for an extension to greggs it thats inspired a new law requiring him to delay the u. K. s departure from the need to avoid crashing out without a deal johnson is under pressure to resign after the Supreme Court ruled his decision to suspend parliament was illegal. Barnsley has more from westminster. Parliament spac the protestors are out again and inside the gloves are off and the knives are out back from the usa came the Prime Minister attempting to show hes still in charge the public dont want another referendum. But what they want and what they demand is that we all know the promise we made to the voters to respect the 1st referendum. To move or to put the brakes behind us he was roundly heckled they were shouting at him to resign the judges concluded there was no reason and i quote let alone a good reason for the Prime Minister to have shut down parliament. After yesterdays ruling mr speaker the Prime Minister should have done the honorable thing and resign. Johnson keeps trying to blame the opposition for blocking praxis and insists hes making progress with the European Union his opponents say hes lying every single thing that Boris Johnsons done since he became Prime Minister has gone wrong for him hes lost every single vote in parliament lost over 20 of his own m. P. s who now have no loyalty to him and hes been accused of misleading the queen and unlawfully suspending parliament its one thing him saying he wants to get on with his plans but in politics everythings about momentum and at the moment he hardly has any peace around as. Johnson repeatedly tried to infuriate his political enemies he described the opposition bill which demands he seek an extension to protect it from the European Union as the surrender acts that language surrendering say europe. Is used by the far right and many m. P. s have faced Death Threats as a result consequently the atmosphere inside parliament became furious that we have found anything like sunshine to democrats and if you think that i think that thats how the crime used to be quite this month was a trial thinks i think i was im sick of it. Moderates how many others have to come from the prime system 1st

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