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Atmosphere. But after the gradual withdrawal of u. S. And nato forces over the past 5 years the taliban are stronger than ever right now sadly the situation is very different because they control more territory. There also their capabilities project file and its higher than any time before. The government in kabul is hoping that with the majority of afghans living in cities under its control sufficient security will allow a meaningful vote but voting is likely to be any vote and for voters in much of the countryside such as this part of can do saturdays election could largely pass them by Robert Bright aljazeera kabul. Police in pakistan suspect brake failure was the cause of a brass crash which killed at least 26. 00 passengers children and soldiers are among the dead in the Northwestern District of chill us the bus was on a winding Mountain Road when it careered into an embankment. Hong kong police have fired tear gas to break up protesters who ransacked parts of a Shopping Mall and metro station on sunday protestors also trampled on the chinese flag and that fire says they targeted stores run by mainland operators sarah clarke reports from hong kong. They arrived in the hundreds taking over some of the citys largest Shopping Mall at the new term plans are in shot team they converged on every floor shops linked to the mainland with the target this time some stopped on chinas National Flag before ripping up. The. Grammars they sang and yelled abuse story writers suspected of being pro beijing pro Hong Kong Government and then she stores and restaurants were forced to clients. Outside the mall protesters used umbrellas to hide their faces before smashing security cameras and burning barricades. Specialist riot police then moved in issued a warning and fired several rounds of tear gas to disperse the crowd. At another boiling kalou around 200 protesters marched through the Shopping Center chanting slogans such as fight for freedom and revive hong kong and the gatherings like these in Shopping Malls are a new tactic being used by protesters its a peaceful means of getting a message across at the same time they targeting chinese own companies. But the peace didnt last long police moved in after protesters vandalized stores and a metro station the crowd was chased out of the movie station post despite the chaos caused few demonstrators to how much compared to the previous 16 weeks of sunday protests. Sometimes chief executive carrie lamb is due to host the 1st in a series of Public Meetings which she hopes will end the crisis but protesters say why back down until. Demands for greater freedom and less a control from beijing on that. Circle aljazeera hong kong. Demonstrators in nicaragua say their 17 month revolt against president Daniel Ortega wont end until he resigns and elections are held protests in the capital managua turned violent on sunday at torrey gate and b. Has this report. This latest protest organized by opponents of president daniel t. That turned violent almost immediately. As protesters approached riot police in the capital managua on saturday they were met with tear gas rubber coated bullets and stun grenades known as clash bangs the final the day one of the same you commanders grabbed one of those flash bangs and threw it directly on my forehead and it exploded and that got me disoriented and i passed out. Last mass protests started in april last year but 1st nicaraguans demanded Social Security reform then their demands grew into a movement against and the government over the past 70 months at least 300 nicaraguans have been killed and tens of thousands have fled the country more than 100. 00 Political Prisoners are in jail. For one day as a mother i feel uncomfortable because freedom is freedom of expression too we have the right as a country to express ourselves we have the right to speak up but here were held captive they dont let us speak freely. Has described his opponents as violent terrorists inciting a coup against him since the crisis began a government crackdown has targeted human Rights Groups journalists and activists a daily a couple months ago today we are marching in memory of matt romero the young man who was murdered on september 27th by a sniper when he merely exercise his right to peaceful protest were marching for Political Prisoners. But there are more than 120 Political Prisoners who are still in prison the government bans on move from rides to protests but rallies like this show that o. T. Gives opponents are in no mood to give up and they demand they change the tory gates and they aljazeera. And so had an audience there find out why a referee had to stop play a hand it wasnt because of a player need to have the details coming up in a sport rather. Aljazeera will meets 2 arab women with the roots in the middle east both still successful lawyer so rule over the last 5 years ive achieved a great deal of partnership with the countrys leading from the seeds the never for girl with a cane for. Me try to put forward a different place than the stereotypical image of muslim women arabs aboard the businesswoman in the council on aljazeera. Hello again as promised its time for sports and heres peter. Thank you very much 1st up the Rugby World Cup in japan where in the end its only have registered thick trees in their opening match as the kiwi on sunday went to ireland scene of rival scotland with a bonus point victory in tricky conditions Laurence Smith has the action i got off the top 2 ranks sides in pool a with top spot in the final table resting heavily on this match it was island who settled the fastest james ryan and captain rory best both bubbling over inside the 1st 15 minutes. It was scotlands attacks were soaked up by the mean green machine the greg laid low penalty their only score of the day i as the rain poured down the tightest 2nd period followed and delivered a full focused boy try for the irish from n. Z. From when i was 27 points scored just 3 conceded a convincing start to the tournament for joe schmidt was no issues with the weather under the dome roof in sapporo as england kicked off their campaign against a tongue decide full of power i but the early force came from man who to allow me to crash over for the opening tribe was and his game isnt all about strength was speed the key this time as he raced away for his 2nd was thank god 2nd half schools from jamie george and Luke Allan Dickey were giving the post points in a 353 victory and the perfect start imposing was was. Imposed be the maybe a provided an early scare for italy was a terrific move ended with davy and stevens flying over for the opening try and the makings of an upset run the cards be do they were but italy restored control with 3 tries before half time this one from tito to bow was. If each of the are to make the world cup quarterfinals for the 1st time in which we get to school the teams will be crucial. Match o. B. Dozy school their 7th and final try in a 4722 victory. But the final say on the day went to the plucky debians chad Plateau School their 3rd try proving their doctors did this to a bit to make up the numbers smith aljazeera. A referee stopped playing at the city are a match between atalanta and fiorentina not because of the players but because of the fans referee subtle whod racist chance against home team player del barrett the game was stopped for 5 minutes until the stadium announcer read out an empty racism message after the delay the game resumed but ended in a 222. English premier League Leaders liverpool maintained a 100 percent start to the new season with a 21 win away at chelsea on sunday the reds wins in france through a train to Alexander Arnold goal of amino then doubled the lead before half time and go to a concert a pulled one back for the blues but it wasnt enough to prevent your going tops main maintaining a 5 point lead at the top of the standings earlier where stan defeated Manchester United to know in london Andre Ya Milenko and they were incredible helping the Team Nickname the hammers go forth in the standings while only going to salsa as men are down in 7th. Sometimes along the road youre going to hit some bumps as weve said some highs and lows this group was out there determined they had the show to decide we want to get out we get up and share in the dressing room and theyve got the focus right fifa president journey and fanciness says iran will let women into the stadium for the countrys next International Mens match this comes after a female fan died in hospital 2 weeks ago after setting herself on fire outside a court in tehran she was charged with appearing in public without a hit job after trying to enter a venue dressed as a man as it stands women are not allowed inside stadiums we cannot wait any more we have been assured that as of the next International Game of iran which is to be played on the dance of all the women will be allowed. To enter football stadiums this is something very important since 40 years that this was not happening team europe has retained the labor camp after wins from Roger Federer and alexander very have federal set up the team winning when it is earning its john is they came out on top 676 the final match was then a winner take all ends very of did just that against me last round each winning 613614 celebrations were just as entertaining to watch as them actually i was a controversial winner this year Singapore Grand Prix for ferrari driver Sebastian Vettel the 4th time formula one World Champion came the 1st victory in over a year on sunday thanks to a lucky strategy call his teammate Charlotte Clare by more than 2 seconds the clay was trying to make it i had trick of wins after starting from pole position for the 1st time red bulls max for stuff it was that. It was a very late called obviously i thought it was a bit early because i wasnt sure whether we can make the tires last in the 2nd stint. But yeah it was clear then i. Just gave it everything in the out lap because i saw that too cause it from me in front of me not not hitting especially louis so yeah i was the very surprised obviously the lap later to come out ahead former masters champion Danny Willett when the b. M. W. P. G. A. Championship it went with on sunday came out on top by 3 shots after a 5 under par 67. 00 on the final day this is the 31 year olds biggest victory since winning at all guessed it back in 2016 when it started the day tied with spains john rome who came in 2nd. Well see you again later from all sport. And that is it for this news hour but dont go away ill be back in a moment but mark the days news stay with us. Singapore is being accused of expanding its coastline with illegally dredged satins of some of the islands off the coast of indonesia and literally vanished its a big business smuggling usera when they go take the sale on their own fill the sand is our fair game to save this beautiful beach but behind it is something thats not so plentiful tragedy is that people are just not aware and ecological investigation into a global emergency sand was at this time on aljazeera. Our jews here. And. Where every. There was a lot of there in this community and that is what he lived on the way when they want them to look for to get all the woman he want up when this is all men she worked with local women to solve the main problems plaguing their community was not always a key problem auction that had been bought us a priority and led the way in transforming a difficulty into a success so imparting a woman for me is standing economy. Women make change on aljazeera. The u. N. Turns up the heat on World Leaders with a damning reports warning that the last 5 years are set to be the warmest on record. Hello and welcome and if you go paul and youre watching aljazeera live from. We do want a peaceful resolution of this thats our objective. Americas top diplomat says the u. S. Wants to avoid war with iran and sending additional troops to the gulf for defense and deterrence. A senior u. S. Congressman says donald trump could face and possible impeachment if its confirmed he asked ukraine to pressures democratic rival just bite and. A potential holiday from hell hundreds of thousands of people risk being stranded abroad at the worlds oldest travel company goes by. So the u. N. Is warning World Leaders attending its Climate Change summit in new york that the effects of Global Warming are speeding up the World Meteorological Organization Says the average global temperature for 2015 to 2019 is on track to be the hottest of any 5 year period on record and thats because Carbon Emissions have hit new highs the amount of Greenhouse Gases going into the atmosphere in that time has increased by 20 percent and thats compared to 5 years ago and sea levels have risen by 5 millimeters a year due to the increased weight of ocean warming and the melting of the greenland and west antarctica ice sheets. Well the Prime Minister of norway or now solberg joins us or joined us earlier from the United Nations and she says not acting on Climate Change will be the most more costly in the future you know region Oil Production has been lowered naturally because we have not found that much oil the last year so we peaked early 2000 on our production what we now have is a more and more gas oriented system and of course the cost so high i think we have to push for more new technologies more more when you are both invest small our Largest Oil Company ecuador is no in investing much more in. Ocean based when forms that means that we are using the knowledge we have in that industry over to new areas but i think its its not so to know which importations will push politically for decreasing the development of the oil and gas but we do see a future where we will need to find there are. Ghosts coming from other areas than oil and gas in the future because the price will be higher explorations will be lowered and we have fewer areas that are farmed. U. N. Secretary general antonio terrace will be pushing countries to speed up the Greenhouse Gas reduction targets at mondays un Climate Summit dozens of World Leaders are expected to attend as part of the annual United Nations General Assembly our diplomatic editor james space has more. Its the biggest diplomatic gathering in the world with delegations from all the countries the members of the United Nations in 2 and a half years heading the u. N. Secretary general antonio good terrorists has made great efforts to resolve the worlds most deadly conflicts but with little progress in an interview for aljazeera is planet s. O. S. He told me he wants the focus of this years high level week on an issue he says is even more important climate the set of each of these conflicts is to a certain extent localized and Climate Change became a global set for human kind and the global set for the planet and scenes that evolving in such a way that Climate Change became an excellent set of conflicts with tension growing between the u. S. Saudi arabia and iran the situation in the gulf will be high on the agenda and one of the uns most experienced diplomats told me with so many key players in the same place at the same time there could be important developments and things can move very fast and it would be foolish to rule something out on grounds of ideology when its he said youve got all these World Leaders and Foreign Ministers together it does mean that we actions can be very swift and initiatives can be taken privately without having to have the full pep listy of a leader fly in or go somewhere every year the General Assembly week gets busier and busier today the count is 90 once heads of state 6 Vice President s 45 heads of government 5 deputy Prime Ministers the number of meetings requested is now climb to 630. 00 this part of the u. N. The visitors lobby is normally open to the public between the high level week its one of the most secure places on earth all around the u. N. Temporary rooms are being set up these are what are known as bilateral booth so you can see the leather chairs the table theres room here for 2 or more delegations to meet a short notice if necessary. In some privacy. Organizing this event is a mammoth operation insiders have told me just getting the motorcades of president s Prime Ministers and Foreign Ministers here so they can speak back to back on the podium is an operation akin to Traffic Control james out of the United Nations and other news after days of antigovernment protests in egypt calling for president of the to resign a counterrally has been held in stewards these are the latest pictures of demonstrations in the coastal city on sunday where sisi supporters gathered waving the egyptian flag thousands of people have been taking part in where protests across the country since friday and 365 people have reportedly been arrested egypts Media Authority has warned journalists monitoring coverage of the protests to ensure they abide by professional code aljazeera is banned from reporting inside egypt. Trading on egypts Stock Exchange was suspected for 30 minutes on sunday after it fell 5 percent analysts say the fall is linked to the protests. And then egyptian lawyer says prosecutors have ordered the brother of a u. S. Base egyptian activist to remain in custody for another 15 days in cairo has a honeymoon was arrested on thursday and detained on allegations that he joined an illegal group and spread false news his brother while going to lead a Facebook Page that helped ignite the 2011 hour prizing he says his brothers arrest was retaliation for his recent criticism of president sisi double trump is expected to make the u. S. Is case against iran in his address to the u. N. General Assembly Next Week he says hes not planning to hold talks with irans leader who will also be new york but secretary of state mike from pale says the u. S. Governments policy on iran is to avoid war 100 has more from washington. President donald trump is sounding newly optimistic about iran tremendous progress with was made with iran so well see well see but its all going to work out always does we get it to work out if it doesnt sometimes takes a little longer but i get things to work out the u. S. Rhetoric in general on iran has taken a turn toward diplomacy the u. S. Secretary of state who initially accused iran of an act of war for last weeks attack that have saudi arabias Oil Production now says the u. S. Seeks a diplomatic solution above all we do want a peaceful resolution of this thats our objective President Trump and i both want to give diplomacy every opportunity to succeed but make no mistake about it if we are unsuccessful in that and iran continues to strike out in this way i am confident the present trump will make the decisions necessary to achieve our objectives both trump and irans president Hassan Rouhani plan to attend a United Nations General Assembly meeting this week but trump says they wont be talking to each other ever on the sample completely but i have that is a baby with iran denies any role in this saudi oil attacks who the rebels in yemen say they are responsible in our valley more tensions have risen since the u. S. Pulled out of a 2050 Nuclear Agreement with iran last year the u. S. Says its maximum Pressure Campaign is working but there are few tangible signs of progress since then iran has shot down a u. S. Drone and the u. S. Has blamed iran for attacks on oil tankers on the saudi oil site with the United States sending hundreds of troop reinforcements as well as anti Missile Defense systems to both saudi arabia and the United Arab Emirates irans foreign minister sounds pessimistic im not confident that we can avoid a war. Im confident that we would not stalked one. But im confident that whoever starts with not be the one who finishes it so this standoff continues with both sides say they want to end with words not weapons john hendren aljazeera washington the us congress may be forced to pursue impeachment if its got firm that President Trump pressured ukraine to investigate the democratic president ial hopeful joe biden thats according to u. S. House Intelligence Committee chairman adam schiff u. S. Media reports claim that trump asked the president to investigate biden over allegations that he used his position as Vice President to help us on the phone call was reportedly the subject of a complaint by an unnamed whistleblower trump insists hes done nothing wrong. As far as my conversation was perfect it was a perfect conversation it was it could have been any better but well make a determination about how to release releasing it saying what we said was an absolutely perfect conversation and problem is when you speak in a foreign leaders you dont want foreign leaders to. Feel that they shouldnt be speaking openly and good you have to be talking to people and the same thing for an american president you want them to be able to express themselves without knowing that not every single word is going to be going out and going out all over the world by canas more from washington d. C. President tran continues to downplay the controversy over the whistleblowers complaint he confirms he did have a conversation with the euro craney and president back in july but denies any reports that he made any threat against the president or used his position to try and gain political advantage he described the conversation as perfect saying that yes he will consider whether or not to make the transcript of the conversation public but that is it would appear a transcript of that conversation that was sent by the whistleblower to the Inspector General of the Intelligence Services who found the complaint to be credible enough an urgent nature forwarded to the acting director of National Intelligence who legally was obliged within a week to then present that complaint to the Oversight Congressional Committee this the acting director has not done saying that hes been advised not to do so by the Justice Department at on the advice of the white House Counsel now the acting director has been subpoenaed to appear before the house Intelligence Committee thursday and hes going to be asked one question why did he not release that report u. S. Senator elizabeth warning warren is gaining ground in the race for the 2020 democratic president ial nomination she has overtaken the former Vice President joe biden in a poll of the key in the key states of iowa the survey put warren at the top of the table with 22 percent of the bird just in front of biden and Bernie Sanders but joe biden remains the leader in the National Polls iowa is the 1st to vote in the primary races and still ahead and i was there

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