The saudi led war in yemen now in its 4th year see the incident very differently the who has dismissed the saudi version of events describing the attack as an example of how their own newly developed weapons can now reach targets far beyond yemens borders and they warned if the Saudi Led Coalition wont stop dropping bombs on yemen then Coalition Countries should be prepared for more of the same leaders here in iran have been quick to remind the world that it was yemens who the fighters that claimed responsibility for the attacks last week on Saudi Oil Infrastructure the who these no doubt consider these attacks not as an act of war by iran as the americans would see it but as retaliation for an ongoing saudi war that was sparked by a saudi led invasion and thats the line being pushed by irans leaders as well. Time for a short break here now jazeera when we come back fears the worlds most diverse rain forest will one day become a desert look at how deforestation is killing the amazon more on that stay with us. Hello again its good to be back were still talking a lot about a lot of rain here across parts of thailand cambodia as well as vietnam and you can see on the satellite image that line of clouds that stretch all the way across the South China Sea over here towards the philippines as well bangkok expect to see the rain continuing saturday as well as into sunday we do expect to see a temperature drop a few down to about 29. 00 degrees here on sunday down towards the south though it is going to be mostly cloudy for jakarta and also of course were dealing with the haze there temperature of 33. 00 degrees well for australia were dealing with a pretty good frontal boundary thats make its way across the by and its pushing through adelaide right now heading towards the east and with that were going to be seeing a significant temperature drop as the front pushes east so for adelaide you were into the high twentys low thirtys that is all going to change as we go into the weekend temperature for you here on saturday 15 degrees as your forecast high but for brits been youre going to stay on the warm side of the front and as we go towards sunday still quite nice across much of that area but still dealing with a lot of clouds down here towards the south hobart melbourne we do expect to see attempt a few of 15 degrees and then very quickly over here towards parts of new zealand we do expect see auckland at about 16 and more clouds in the forecast for christchurch at 13 degrees for you. Sponsored. Dialogue. Really. Everyone has a boy. For their community because of course this is a debate and its a he did want. To. Join the conversation with people i think if only they knew what is happening to. They will be away and they will be. Welcome back to the top stories here this hour irans foreign minister is flying to the us being granted a visa for the annual Un General Assembly tensions are high between the u. S. And iran after washington accused of attacking Saudi Arabian oil facilities. The u. S. Justice department is being accused of playing a key role in reportedly withholding a whistle blowers complaint against President Trump u. S. Media says the complaint relates to a personal phone call between trump and a foreign leader the president says its fake news. And a Global Climate strike has begun with protests in some more than 150 countries joining a Youth Led Movement calling for an end to fossil fuels that begins a week long Worldwide Campaign demanding greater action on Climate Change out of a u. N. Summit in new york. Still burning in brazils amazon rain forest which often referred to as the planets green lungs the fires of lead to some scientist warning that escalating deforestation could eventually turn the rainforest into a dry savanna despite a ban on fires for. Clearance the amazon is burning at a rate not seen in almost a decade youll see a new man reports now from japan to manage in the state of mato grosso. 60 year old agronomist. Walks through the charred remains of his land for the 1st time since fire destroyed it all it does this is though some of these were my seedling beads or years of work here you would grab the dirt in it smelled it differently it had a life now its an. But governor will applied a sustainable system without artificial fertilisers only needed species to make the land more productive. But all his work to grow his 1st pineapples sugarcane fruit trees and corn went up in smoke in just a few minutes he says that filmed this video on september 7th just before he had to run to save himself. He describes whats left a surprise to total dysart if occasion. The characteristic of this next of forest is its ability to survive decades of fires but with every new fire it becomes more degraded and smaller until it withers away and the only thing left is it does it. Last month the number of wildfires in the amazon tripled compared to the Previous Year and as elsewhere here in the most impacted state they continue spreading until a week ago all this looked like a kind of in chanted forest what scientists call an environmental corridor with more than 100 native species and not just trees but also animals like wild deer armadillos wars poulos and many many more are the fires have destroyed all this in some cases were accidental in others intentional but in all cases they were manmade. The mato grosso. State Environmental Department argues that the number of fires is relative. Compared to 2018 which was a rainy year the amount of deforestation will double this year yet if you compare it to other years its quite everetts nothing extraordinary. But thats not really the veil says shes lived in the area for 20 years and says her family never experienced anything close to an wildfires came right up to their doorstep they survived by a miracle she says. Im very frightened still too afraid to even go to work because i dont want to leave the house and my family alone its jane generous. Shes right to be worried the temperatures have been hovering at nearly 43. 00 degrees for weeks the start of the rainy season is at least a month away and even that wont guarantee that this vital Tropical Forest will be out of danger you see in human ill just see that shop either theyd be light ace brazil to mrs former president zuma elaborate in ben ali has died the 83 year old had been in intensive care for the past 3 months but now he was in saudi arabia where hed been living in exile since he was overthrown off of the 2011 revolution he claimed his rule gave to his yes tbilisi but he was criticized for widespread corruption and suppressing political front. Russia and china have vetoed a u. N. Security Council Resolution demanding a truce in northwest syria a call for an end to hostilities and thats the last rebel held province but a new deal between turkey and russia has been reached on a Demilitarized Zone there are reports now from beirut. The revolution hasnt died in syrias north west these people were forced from their homes in the recent russian backed Syrian Government offensive that took control of the northern countryside of Hama Province and many towns and it lip south including. At least half a 1000000 syrians have been displaced since the end of april. We the people of honshu we are not asking assad to allow us to return to our town we will never accept his role our revolution will continue until the downfall of this criminal regime its been relatively calm since the august 31 cease fire but many People Living in fear its only a matter of time before president Bashar Assads forces resume their military operation that has already killed more than 1000 civilians the Syrian Opposition believes there is a deal to prevent the humanitarian crisis from worsening. There was an agreement between turkey and russia to create a Demilitarized Zone free of weapons and fighters on the International Terrorism list the zone will be patrolled by russia and turkey the syrian interim government will take over governance from high atop. Which will have to be disbanded. The situation and it was discussed this week between syrias power brokers who support opposing sides but Work Together under the socalled asked in a process turkey made clear its priority is to prevent a humanitarian crisis and a large influx of refugees into the country russia and iran focused on the fight against those they call terrorists but it seems they found middle ground there. Terms of time and look. At the other side of the. Ongoing process if you know. Of because theres pressure. From people there many syrians have taken to the streets demanding high at the leaders sham leaves it lip they accuse the armed group of abusing power and failing to defend territory h. T. S. Is considered a terrorist organization by the International Community because of its links with al qaida. Was the reason why last years deal between turkey and russia on the creation of a Demilitarized Zone and it was never implemented it refused to cooperate forcing it to withdraw would have required mainstream opposition factions in gauging in a internal war that would have weakened their position vis a vis progovernment forces its not clear if h. T. S. Will cooperate this time or whether there is a time table to this apparent deal between turkey and russia but it seems that a large scale offensive has been put on hold for now and russian president Vladimir Putin is openly discussing limiting anti terror operations and it lip. Beirut liberia has observed a day of mourning for 27 People Killed in a fire and Islamic School near the capital most of the victims were students they were sleeping when the blaze broke out at night at the boarding school name one rover its believed the fire was caused by an electrical fault. Police in georgias capital tbilisi have dismantled what they say is the countrys largest of a child trafficking ring exported girls as young as 811. 00 people have been arrested including an american and an australian as well as parents relatives and acquaintances of some of the victims. The leader of israels opposition blue and White Party Benny Gantz says he should be the nations next Prime Minister he appears to project an offer from the incumbent Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to form a power sharing unity government that means voters may head to the polls for a 3rd time this year i force about the details from western islam. A symbolic handshake between rival would be Prime Ministers Benjamin Netanyahu and benny gantz choreographed by israels president Reuben Rivlin at a memorial for shimon peres a man who held both positions doesnt have direct political power but he does have influence and in the current deadlock a lot of freedom of action in who to give the 1st chance of forming a government and i hear loud and clear the voices calling for broad and Stable National unity government and i cannot gradually to you mr Prime Minister a drawing that call this morning netanyahu recalled the deal done between peres and his political rival yet section near to share the premiership on a rotating basis in the mid 1980 s. A clear hint that he was seeking something similar after conceding earlier on thursday that he didnt have a way to form a right wing government and appealing directly to gantz binny we must set up a broad unity government as soon as today the nation expects us to both of us to demonstrate responsibility and that we pursue cooperation this is why i call on you benny lets meet today at any time to start this move which is the need of the hour but benny gantz is in no hurry rejecting netanyahu proposition that his likud join a government as part of a bloc including 3 other right wing and religious parties and making it clear that he expects to be Prime Minister should be will listen to all but not surrender to any dictates the negotiations will be led by me responsibly and with reason in order to achieve the best results for all israelis within the shadow of this political situation we will keep to our principles. There will be no shortcuts senior figures in his blue and White Alliance were more direct so the netanyahu presence is what is preventing the unity government and its time for him to step aside is just the start of a bumpy bruising and unpredictable path towards coalition the opposition is already accusing Benjamin Netanyahu of obstructing it some see netanyahu as public approach to gantz as a way of setting him up to take the blame if Coalition Talks fail all together and looming behind it all the 2 things as you know is Corruption Cases is 1st pre indictment hearing is due in october the 2nd and if all else fails a possible 3rd election in less than a year are a force that al jazeera west jerusalem at least 2 people have died in the hundreds forced to leave their homes after torrential rain drenched parts of the u. S. State of texas people were evacuated from a hospital in the town of winny in houston thousands of people cut off by floodwaters or rescued by boat now in the deserts of the u. S. State of Nevada Police are preparing for what they call an act of mass civil disobedience thousands of any and then yes have banded together through social media are planning to trespass on to a secretive u. S. Military base and youre casting reports from rachel in the bottom. It all started as a joke University Student Matty Roberts had been bored at work so to entertain himself he turned on his computer in created a meme about a pretend event he imagined on the spot the title of the event is star mary 51. 00 that cant stop all of us area 51. 00 is a top secret u. S. Military base in the nevada desert its where the cia developed spy planes at the height of the cold war and where classified military testing continues today but some believe this is also where the u. S. Government studies aliens you can imagine that if indeed there is an alien race with the technology to be able to arrive here on our planet their knowledge would be very useful to us so its very possible the rumors have always been that we might be in collaboration with some off World Intelligence conspiracies are enjoying a resurgence in american pop culture then enter roberts me about to be something funny for the 62. 00 followers that i had on my page and apparently i was completely correct and it was funny to the entire world so funny that more than 2000000 people or is it online for the september 20th a vent of course not all those millions of people will show up but hotel rooms and campsites have sold out in this very remote area and nearby desert towns used to supporting populations of no more than 100 are bracing for a potential onslaught of as many as 10000 alien hunters who will bring with them their very human needs theres nowhere to find food water or gas for tens of kilometers 2 counties have issued emergency declarations ahead of the event and the u. S. Military says it will of rest anyone who trespasses on to area 51. 00 as the signs warn lethal force is authorized again. Those who disobeyed so what does robert think of storming the base now and i think its terrible. Yes the creator of storm area 51 is telling people not to storm area 51 but it may be too late because one some things launched into the great unknown of cyberspace it may return with alien life. Castro aljazeera rachel nevada. Part of the headlines here in aljazeera the largest Climate Change protest in history has begun people from more than 150 countries are joining a Useless Movement calling for an end to fossil fuels start of a weeklong Worldwide Campaign to demand great to action on Climate Change out of a u. N. Summit in new york in the muhammad has more on the march in jakarta there are 4 to 500 young people that gathered in baghdad sitting here in jakarta very much less about being here is only about the police the government isnt very much of a good day and the one thing they want clean air and blue skies and theyre fed up with you having to deal with that equality across the country and what we know so far is that this is not actually the 1st time its strike words as. Any significant the u. S. Justice department is being accused of playing a key role in reportedly withholding a whistle blowers complaint against President Donald Trump u. S. Media says that complaint relates to a personal phone call between trump and a foreign leader the president says its fake news irans foreign minister is flying to the u. S. To being granted a visa for the annual u. N. General assembly tensions are hard in the u. S. And iran after washington accused of attacking 2 Saudi Arabian oil facilities. At least 2 people have died in the hundreds forced to leave their homes after 3 inch of rain drenched parts of the u. S. State of texas forecasters are warning the further rain could bring catastrophic flooding liberia has observed a day of mourning for 27 People Killed in a fire at an Islamic School near the capital most of the victims were students they were sleeping in the blaze broke out at night canadas Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has apologized for a 2nd time after another photograph and video emerged of him wearing blackface makeup judo says he will continue with his Reelection Campaign even though opponents say hes not fit to govern and to make his former president zuma elaborate in banally has died the 83 year old that been living in exile in saudi arabia since he was overthrown in 2011 those were the headlines the news continues here on aljazeera after the stream station thanks for watching. The latest news as it breaks while the lunar lander has been tossed off missions expect to see images from the orbiter with detailed coverage. From the wrong bridge before christmas and i want to get out the. Door it. From around the world his body will lie in state for a few days. At the national geo cities in the capital. We are told to recycle up cycle and down cycle were told to ditch the straws and forego plastic cups and we reiterate to our kids the rinse and reuse montra but can any of these efforts really prevent Climate Change i mean ok and im really could be bad today our coverage of the covering climate now initiative continues with the debate around the Climate Crisis should we stop pretending we can prevent it but are we really pretending that that is the bait so tweet us your thoughts or leave your comments in a live chat and you can in the stream take. Oh my goodness that you know. That is and you are. A recent essay in the new yorker by american novelist Jonathan Franzen sparked a viral argument online about Climate Change heres what it said the climate apocalypse is coming to prepare for it we need to admit that we cant prevent it as you might imagine that didnt sit well with a lot of people including climate scientists which friends and is not and a twitter storm ensued the debate centered around prevention adaptation and conservation its an important conversation who is ultimately responsible for preventing Climate Change and is it even possible joining us to discuss this in new york genevieve shes the founder of Climate Science thats an organization aimed at stopping conversations about the impacts of Climate Change in Vail Colorado on i mean coney hes a peace and Climate Change activist who also ran for the u. S. Senate and congress on the Green New Deal in colorado and in North Carolina sarah peach a Senior Editor at climate connections and author of the ask sarah climate advice column however what its good to see let us start in fiji with perhaps a little glimpse into the future have a look at this video. Im going to. Be in im with the result. My job is to dig. Even snorkelling. Before feed the. Big no more to i mean theres a. Lot of. Relief were starting to. Do. This is a big problem. Amazing really. As hes talking about the possibilities the future your climate activists and eco hasnt given up quite yet have you no not at all this matter of fact tomorrow im at a climate story march and im going to be speaking there are i 6 worked were all here for what we all agree on is affect the Climate Change is real d the discussion is real and im here to talk about the solutions because what the scientists avoid out for us is that we have 11 years and i would say that weve already reached their point in time it could be 5 years ago be one year but we have to start asking about solutions now and how are we going to get our leaders and our politicians to start putting men and woman in those changes of media. Jenny it sounds like honest its ok now we have to do stuff we have to be pragmatic scientists may decide whats your response. Well im not sure you can have as i have a summer i need to yes im a. Little beside i think hes saying that in fact is going to thunder it says we need to unite behind the science and band together in order to force the people in power to take the lead and make the public investments that need to be make so we can decarbonise our Global Economy in time to halt warming at a manageable level. Im just wondering sara. Available to people to ask issues that they have of climate and Climate Change if you will detecting a mood or an attitude where. People who are trying to get some arent says a feeling depressed and feeling that there may not be hope and there may not be an end to Climate Action where they can actively do something. Absolutely i have gotten questions in the past few months will there be famine and how sick will this make me and also i just answered a question a great. Person you know in york city was extremely worried about this she was wondering whether she should even bother thinking about her retirement from her career later in life because she was so afraid of what is going to happen with these issues so how do you answer them how do you answer. For my retirement i am excited that. There is a lot to be worried and. There are also things that you and i its its not time to get up. And so because there is a lot to be worried about that is what this conversation really seems to be currently and has been for the past couple of days i would say. The question then is what do we prioritize do we prioritize adaptation or do we prioritize prevention and trying to stop Climate Change from moving forward forward this is one answer we got from someone on line b. Bear on twitter who says both should be done but i doubt if it can be done equally it seems as if we have gone too far for some preventative measures so in my considered view adaptation should be prioritized wherever possible and prevention wherever possible are and i want to give this one to you because adaptation of course comes 1st and her answer there whats your take on that should we be trying to adapt to what we know is coming. Well you know the the scientist and the i. P. C. C. The Intergovernmental Panel on climate port to knock over changed my life 4 years ago arent for u. S. d senate and the green dont deal with iran at it again now because of the sun Race Movement because no consensus we have an entirely different kind of perception and its from his center and more seen 7 hours of president ial climate forums on this topic we have to have a multipronged approach what i think is very important is that we have they have set a goal d that doesnt again it doesnt matter if its 20302050 if you could measure if you can manage it weve got to work inside of their goal and what ive seen as a person who was a county commissioner for 8 years and have worked and really leaned on a lot of politicians a lot of the new your liberal politicians and democratic establishment politicians those theres no such thing as the time for incrementalism i would say delay or certain ayers and that is the conversation that we should be everywhere right now because what the scientists have laid out for us is the goal what we are looking at knows which way should we do that you can absolutely not prioritize adaptation yet adaptation is 100 percent necessary for these frontline communities and poor people in the global south who are already suffering some nearly from Climate Change and even being killed as we know the bahamian islands were completely destroyed by Hurricane Dorian who was startled and made wetter by the effects of Climate Change so in order for there to be any kind of Climate Justice we have to include adaptation in any kind of Climate Policy but there is no adaptation to a world that has heated up past 33. 00 or 4 degrees celsius 4 degree celsius is the difference. Tween the last ice age and now in the last ice age there was a. Glacier a mile thick over manhattan so imagine the eco system a transformation that would happen if we heated our planet 4 degree celsius on top of what we are now we cannot afford to do that our 1st priority must always be to end the fossil fuel era transition our Energy Industry transportation and agricultural systems to and net 0 system as absolutely a soon as possible and thats exactly where im going with this is how are we going to end the fossil fuel era when you have people like senator schumer and senator and congresswoman pelosi who wont take on the Green New Deal who continue to take money from the fossil fuel industry and we watch the media ask questions about whether or not were going to lose or embers the time as you know in order to get off of fossil fuel and thats why i would submit that we have to go after the leadership or the lack of leadership that is going on right now and make them make the hard decisions of whether or not theyre going to say theyre willing to ban fracking but there was only that status it was on social whether or not that only right and i mean youre going to put this 60 trillion dollars or 5 trillion dollars genevieve this week and then twitter that in order to bail out the banks of course 16 trillion dollars Ernie Sanders deals out in 16 trillion dollars we have the money we dont im just going to keep this will take opposing a preference by when im not im not to continue to ease my osc sara why do we need International Community is what i have in im not shell. Well we need to complete it we didnt bother getting rid of all fossil fuels are out and also taking care of it were basing it on the u. S. Proposal thats been put out it would also mean taking care of people who have been harmed in the process of getting rid of fuels and of course that was cheap and normal collaboration across the whole world but. Weve seen some resistance for example in france that it really seems very important very Democratic Leaders and other leaders around the world to think about how people are going to be affected by this enormous transition that the Scientists Say must equinix well some of those women stray chanson fran its interesting to hear that but if you have a pulse just one moment if you would because i want to bring in our community here this is such a fascinating debate i want to make sure their voice is included as while im picking up on the point that you all are making and it is if there is collaboration global car collaboration and if there is Government Accountability call our audience skeptics and me included but they dont think thats going to happen so this is mercy on twitter and says as long as our governments refuse to hold major corporations damaging the environment accountable and they start putting major resources towards trying to reverse the damage were doing there is no hope with the amazon still burning our decade has gone up so she mentions mercy mentions the amazon ill bring this your attention the amazon is burning what you need to know this was the headlines not too long ago another fire that many people may not have heard as much about was indonesian fires forest fires choking Southeast Asia we got a video comment from someone who this directly a faction in indonesia and she talks about what life has been like for her have a listen. How well and speaking i went into my home as the bunny for the past 2 months and displaced violence case the killing people as happens for a to hit us so now im calling for a Climate Justice for clearly and the book youll have to get at so arne hope thats that thats the thing that came up in that 1st tweet me you see anyone talking to us from indonesia where its affecting her life where is the hope to have hope what will i think of them have to Say Something before this woman from indonesia wait in may i please finish my comment i actually didnt way and i brought her in and it is there it is a conversation and so i would love to hear you think but i also want to hear arne viewpoint on hope so lets let let arne finish his thought and then you can jump in but i think i want to be a realist aaron so you know i dont have hope i have kids and ive been fighting for this for many years there but not just any mark but i would say it in terms of the person who weighed in hearers you should understand that there are millions of americans several lies that our political system is an oligarchy that we have oil and Gas Companies that are running our comfort right now and that there are people who are willing to get out into the streets who are willing to speak truth to power and we need more and more more of those voices and its starting to happen tomorrow that people have to start start saying that we have to stop subsidizing the oil d and gas industry that we have to stop playing footsie with there are democrats who d are in power they are

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