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A migrant camp which is leading toward a rise in refugees fleeing towards the u. K. Now we begin in afghanistan where at least 46 people have been killed in 2 bombings just 11 days out from the president ial election the taliban says it was behind the attacks Afghan Security forces were the targets the 1st bombing us in the election running for president on the part of one province killed 24 people vallium self was unharmed the 2nd hit near the u. S. Embassy in kabul killed at least 22 people bryant has more from kabul. And the hospitals are still dealing with the casualties and we know that the death toll is now going to 26. 00 People Killed there with at least 30 injured and now the interior Ministry Tells us that 4 of those were soldiers so once again it means that the vast majority of the victims were indeed civilians just caught up in this attack but it does seem to be a part of the talibans threat to disrupt this Election Campaign ashraf ghani was due to speak at this event and its threatened to disrupt other election events throughout the country so it is certainly a concern also of course was this 2nd attack in kabul itself right in the center of the city in an area that is very tightly controlled where the should be very tight security its where it is home to all of the embassies of the government buildings the. Heads of the military and police and so on and this explosion did take place in the ministry of defense close to the u. S. Embassy now were getting reports from the interior ministry that the death toll is over 20 with possibly 30 plus more people injured the taliban again claiming responsibility saying that it was targeting military personnel and soldiers but again its not clear just how many of these People Killed and injured will indeed have been serving with the military or will have been civilians. Israelis are voting in their 2nd general election in less than 6 months Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is hoping for a 5th term he failed to achieve a majority or form a coalition in april 1 called an unprecedented rerun but smith reports from occupied east jerusalem. Hes promised to annex the Jordan Valley in the occupied west bank and hes warned he may be replaced by leftists who week in israel Benjamin Netanyahu is facing corruption allegations and doing everything he can to win this election and try to avoid a criminal trial. The election is close i can confirm to you this morning they are very close i call them all israelis to come and vote just like me and my wife came to vote they want only for home good luck and thank you the Prime Ministers main rival benny gantz his blue and white party took 35 seats in aprils election the same as netanyahu could neither was able to build a coalition that would give them 61 seats and a majority in parliament. Which leaves other door leaving as potential kingmaker one time friend of netanyahu loyalist lieberman refused to enter government with the Prime Minister saying too many concessions have been made to ultraorthodox parties so netanyahu dissolved parliament you should think carefully how you will cast your vote for whoever wants to see a liberal secular unity government without the ultra orthodox should stop and think for a 2nd so far early voter turnout has been the highest in more than 30 years but preelection polls still predict this vote will be as close run as the last time to chose the country is split in so many different ways that its very sad this election is about change policy. Its about change. I hope that what a void for is going to be there but. I think it will be divided again yeah because its really close this is the 1st time in israels history that a 2nd election has been held because the Largest Party was unable to form a coalition the polls close at 10 pm local time and exit poll soon after should give an early indication of the way the voting has gone and then there could be weeks or even months of political horse trading before we know who will be the next Prime Minister of israel Bernard Smith aljazeera in occupied east jerusalem. Well the aftereffects of an attack on saudi arabias oil supplier becoming clear as the u. S. Continues to blame iran officials in china have been told its all deliveries will be the laid and there are reports saudi arabia is trying to buy diesel for urgent delivery saudi arabia says the attacks were carried out using a rainy and weapons to iran denies that the rebels say they were behind the attacks they say the way of protecting the oil market would be. For the Saudi Led Coalition to stop its offensive in yemen u. S. President donald trump says it looks like iran was behind saturdays drone attacks which crippled more than half of saudi arabias Oil Production he says he will wait to see definitive proof before deciding how to respond said secretary of state mike pompei ill be traveling to riyadh at some point to coordinate a response several hours on the reports from washington. President donald trump says the u. S. Is still collecting and analyzing intelligence related to saturdays attack on Saudi Oil Facilities but says all evidence gathered dust far points to one country when asked if that country was iran this was the president s response which looking that way will have some pretty good. We have a some very strong studies done but its certainly looking that way at this moment and. Well let you know the spectrum said he does not want war with iran but said his administration would coordinate closely with riyadh on in response the saudis want very much for us to protect them but i say well we have to work there was an attack on saudi arabia and there was an attack on us but we would certainly help them but despite the alliance between washington and riyadh there are doubts about how much clout saudi arabia has to force the u. S. Into military action this alliance has been very interested in the past few months. On many issues so the troubled history and the u. S. In general is looked willing to basically fight a war and we have the so its the who the rebels in yemen backed by iran claimed responsibility for the attacks on monday irans president Hassan Rouhani flatly rejected the u. S. Ascertain tehran was involved saying the who these were behind it and for legitimate reasons. The many people are exercising their legitimate right of self defense the attacks are reciprocal and the main solution is to halt these attacks the solution for the yemeni crisis is also political we believe that. President trump said it was a large attack against saudi arabia but could be met with an attack many times larger this is threatening language trump has used in the past against syria north korea and even iran without following through with significant military action but clearly tensions are escalating trump said secretary of state mike pompei o. And other Administration Officials would be traveling to riyadh soon to coordinate a response. Aljazeera washington. A runoff vote is expected in tunis is 2nd president ial election since the arab Spring Revolution 2 outsiders are in the lead law professor and imprisoned media magnate may be able to cut away most of the votes have been counted at a press conference is expected soon Stephanie Decker is live for us in tunis most the votes have been counted what does it look like. Well at the moment looks like top 2 as you mentioned there. Previously unknown before the revolution really a constitutional expert law professor who became known by going on television and talking about the legalities of the constitution that they were drafting and then you have the bill cutaway you with as you mentioned behind bars facing charges of Money Laundering and tax evasion hes a man whos used his Media Company to highlight his chargeable work with the poor we were talking to people on the streets today and theyre saying well this is why particularly elderly voted for him but most people we spoke to were very keen on the University Professor this is a man who has no Political Party sammy he hardly campaigned hardly any money was spent on his campaign and some people will tell you in fact he didnt spend anything new social media this is a man who uses a knock your phone which in this age of social media is quite extraordinary so this is whats looking likely having said that were now 3 hours delayed of this press conference just been hearing a couple of rumors about you know what my being discussed the fact that cutaway is in jail and what does it mean Going Forward will be it will be around allowed to run were going to have to wait and see what the final results are and and what theyre going to say whether it is these 2 men or if there are going to be some changes. Its expected this is going to go course to a 2nd round stephanie take us through that process and what is supposed to happen then. Thats right well you had 26 president ial candidates for one to win outright they needed over 50 percent of the vote none of them have had that none of them will have that so it is certain that there will be a president ial run of the day to really depends on whether theyre going to be legal appeals which could be likely so youre looking at the latest date sammy of a president ial runoff here would be october the 13th at the same time you have legislative elections the parliament thats also going to result in a Prime Minister whos going to you know appoint a new government so you have the entire Political Landscape if you will of tunisia up for grabs in the next couple of weeks you know moving away from the politics into the people who are exercising their democratic right to vote certainly according to the observers the votes been pretty free and fair people will tell you theyre sick of the old guard theyre sick of politicians promising not delivering when it comes to you know actual changes on the ground so that is what people are going to be looking at whoever comes into office whether they will deliver on those promises all right stephanie back of their from tunis. Hundreds of algerians of marched against a president ial election called for december saying they wont vote until their demands are met and to government demonstrations have been ongoing since february they forced president out there as these beautifully equipped to stand down protesters want a deeper purge of the ruling elite before going to the polls. So the head of aljazeera burning barricades in haiti is a shortage of fuel ignites the anger of protesters. Hello the rain is gone sighs for the most part from china you still see white cloud here of the philippines and just hinting at taiwan and throwing the old shah to develop across hong kong but mostly its to the west of the southwest just as the ground rise into you now and or into vietnam you still got the potential significant showers in sichuan where we saw flooding in a couple days ago and shouts along the yangtze valley but above my head is rather more obvious its snow developing in the himalayan platter that to the west with the retreating rains from china brought retreating monsoon front but its taking its time weve seen flooding in homes in maharashtra maje pradesh to the satellite picture reveals showers now away from maharashtra for the most part unmagic pradesh but its only drifting slowly science east was that means pakistan is largely dry now but anywhere in india really for us was expect rain same is true of bangladesh with the retreating monsoon youd expect less of a influenced salada the clouds not as dense so drizzly we seeing clouds in the sky over qatar recently as well temperatures are maintaining their value of high thirtys to sometimes in the fortys and not much else up here has changed. Peace between ethiopia and eritrea has meant a park area future for the iraqi people get away from it and i think we have to create farmland for our souls for iraq its a matter of survival. Ill move my trunk shows us how the iraq coping with life on the edge of the border. My if you on aljazeera. Youre watching out just a reminder now about top stories this hour at least 46. 00 people have been killed in 2 separate bombings in afghanistan just 11 days out from the president ial election taliban says it was behind the attacks and Afghan Security forces were the targets israelis are voting in the 2nd general election in less than 6 months Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is seeking a 5th term called the real run off to failing to achieve a majority or form a coalition in april. Concerns about Global Oil Supplies are growing following saturdays attacks on all processing facilities in saudi arabia china has been told to expect supplies to be delayed by up to 10 days the u. S. And saudi arabia say early indications point to iran being behind the attacks. Now a Supreme Court challenge to Boris Johnsons decision to suspend parliament until mid october is underway in london the court will decide whether the british Prime Minister broke the law when he sent members of Parliament Home for 5 weeks until october the 14th the u. K. Is due to leave the e. U. Less than 3 weeks after they return to london. Jonah hill is live for us in london on the left side of your screen on the right side we see those proceedings in court. Hows it going in court. On every day. Jeopardy sanjay some of this about another hour to run in the proceedings today weve heard from you see as representing the appellants 1st this morning the campaign is doing all he can to vegas i can answer this afternoon for the government in the case of the scottish high courts navy hail the judge president of the Supreme Court began the day by savings or serious and difficult questions as evidenced by the fact that 3 senior judges in scotland reached a difficult a different conclusion to 3 senior judges in england the issue upon which both cases were seeking to decide was the legality of Boris Johnson its decision to probe or suspend argument you may recall a few weeks back the English High Court judges said look this was not an issue for the courts that was a political decision and it wasnt for the courts to decide on the political reasons for a political decision the scottish judges last week said look that may be the case generally but where it can be shown and they believed it was shown that the prerogative powers of the Prime Minister had been exercised for purposes other than those for which those powers were intended in this case not simply progun parliament for a queens speech but instead to stifle parliaments ability to scrutinise directed policy well in that case the courts could step in and stop it or that is the case that is the issue rather in front of the Supreme Court so afternoon and over the next couple of days essentially deciding whether and when it is appropriate for the courts to interfere in politics and doesnt put it all in context. For the government for the country. Potentially an enormous amount so i mean and i can tell you that lord keane acting for the government a short while ago said the Prime Minister. Well take all necessary steps to comply with any declaration from the Supreme Court and thats important because of course if this judgment goes against the government well for one thing Boris Johnson his government could be faced into the humiliation of recalling parliament and there are a lot of m. P. s very keen to get back to work as that breaks it deadline looms but potentially far more serious for the Prime Minister is that if that would be the case well in this city he would then have lied to the queen in advising her to parliament lied about his purpose for wanting parliament wrote and if as a result of a Supreme Court judgement the Prime Minister is seen to have lied to the queen well that could be extremely serious for him and he may find it very difficult to resist the pressure to resign. Right jonah how there live from london. Thousands of firefighters are working around the clock to try and contain forest blazes in indonesia the burning in samantha and the borneo islands the smoke has spread to neighboring countries sparking a diplomatic row over whos responsible Indonesian Police have arrested more than 200. 00 people accused of contributing to the disaster forest fires happen every year in the country usually started by farmers clearing land for crops natures president juggler dodos says his country has been negligent in tackling the fires. We shouldnt need a meeting like this every year it should be our to magic before the dry season starts everything must be ready but this time weve been negligent again so the smoke has gotten bigger oh mohammed has more from become battle in indonesia. President joker we dont know is visiting the city of peckham bar in the province of 3 hour on the island of sumatra to assess the forest fires that have taken over this entire region 49000. 00 hectares of land have been affected in somalia and in reality where we are its 640 hotspots that the authorities need to contain now in a closed meeting with the president had with his military and the Disaster Management agencies he said that prevention is better than extinguishing and the forest fire should be the responsibility of the local government in terms of operations the president says that ground and al freshens need to Work Together to make sure that theyre able to quell the fires efficiently what we know so far according to Law Enforcement that 370 companies have been listed for allegedly burning land here slash and burn methods are considered illegal in indonesia but this is also very common weve seen them for many years where farmers and companies burn the land to try and clear it for for the plantation. Being made to clear the haze from malaysias capital Florence Louis reports from kuala lumpur this is what kuala lumpur and many parts of malaysia now look like the heavy smoke is caused by hundreds of fires burning through forest mainly in neighboring indonesia during the dry season land to set alight by farmers to clear it for new planting across malaysia schools are being shut on days the air pollution is considered very unhealthy. Ilhan bin Mohamad Chatah has asthma and the frantic syndrome and has had to skip school for several days on one hit so much difficulty breathing that he had to go to the doctors 4 times. Were worried about his health but his body he keeps complaining about wanting to go back to school and be with me his friends and all that. Yeah i think if this situation you know theyre not going to be quite a cool way to strace stressful time for us as a family the Malaysian Meteorology Department is conducting cloud seeding hoping to artificially create a rave in an effort to clear the small salt crystals. Loaded onto a plane to be dispersed into clouds Scientists Say the little water thats in the air will condense around these newly introduced particles thicken the clouds and increase the chance of rain for that to work there has to be enough clout to produce rain and even if there is there may not be enough rainfall to reduce the haze. As long as there are still forest fire and the winds continue to blow from day to disregard the his will return but at least well be able to temporarily reduce the pollutant index in indonesia the government has sent in thousands of military and the police to help put out forest fires in sumatra and the province of kalimantan in borneo its Environment Ministry has also sealed off plantations operated by dozens of companies where some of the fires were allegedly started but until the monsoon season arrives next month the smoke is forecast to continue choking the region florence li aljazeera kuala lumpur. I did hear my anon days with the World Wildlife fund he says many of the people starving the fines are being backed by wealthy financier and. The pirates are this disaster manmade its basically when people are burning to the cleared on land for agriculture or control and as long as that keeps happening this will just continue to happen year after year some of these people are actually. Fans years. Either in jeopardy or at other Capital Cities of the provinces or even in the u. S. Provincial or district city so you can imagine that the. Plantation maybe like. You need maybe 3000. 00 to 2500. 00 per hectare and what were seeing is. A farmer is opening like 5102030 hectares there and its most likely that hes being financed from out from a backer and these things are legal police in northern france are clearing account for migrants around a 1000 the being moved from the camp called the gym near the port of dung cook its closure follows British Border police in this happening 120 migrants crossing the English Channel in small boats in the past week or so on a guy go watch the police operation. Since early Tuesday Morning police have been gradually emptying this area around the gym in dung which has been home at least to some 170 people and yet another 500 people at least have set up a tent settlement around the area now while police have been moving there have also been Riot Police Presence here as well as the local gendarmerie and a team from the u. K. S Home Office as well we have seen them being separating. Families from unaccompanied men they were put into separate coaches and taken away to Migrant Centers around the country whilst we were speaking to people here on monday evening some of the people here were afraid that they would possibly be deported a lot of people here of course found themselves coming via turkey through greece and other parts of europe in order to arrive some with the intention of trying to get to the u. K. No matter how dangerous that journey is and would involve paying thousands to people smugglers for a place in a very small and stable boat to try and cross one of the busiest shipping lanes in the world but still some people cling on to that in order to avoid what they say is an existence that they have been trying to keep up with which is see them destitute losing everything and still with absolutely no security they say taking the rest of trying get a better life in the u. K. Is better than the situation that they are currently in hong kongs leader kerry lam says the government will start talks with activists next week in a bid to end prodemocracy protests police retaliated with tear gas and water cannon after protesters threw firebombs towards a government compound on sunday on kongs International Credit rating is being downgraded from stable to negative p. R. Firms approach by the government have also refused to get involved in helping restore the citys image. We are holding a 1st session next week and this is an open dialogue platform we will invite people from all walks of life to come to express their views to us this is because of our conviction that communication is far better than confrontation and i can assure you that this is not a sort of one of good make type of function it is intended to be very. Organized on a very sustainable and perhaps long term basis a commuter train is derailed during the morning rush hour in hong kong 5 passengers were taken to hospital hundreds of others walks across the tracks the safety investigators are at the scene in hong harm local media say engineers replaced rails there hours before the crash sparked online rumors of a link to protesters who vandalized train stations recently hong kongs transport secretary urge people not to speculate. Haitis capital is as a standstill as violent protests continue to fuel shortages and the Corruption Scandal the president is also facing renewed calls to resign. On reports was anger on the streets of haitis capital already struggling with a weak economy these protesters are calling for an end to high fuel prices and shortages. During violent clashes with demonstrators police are accused of shooting and killing a man i met protest in part of france close by one of his relatives is overwhelmed with grief i days of protests have left the caribbean nation at a standstill roads have been blocked and some schools banks and government offices have closed their doors. This summer but doesnt see how conditions are and humane here in haiti the situation cannot continue. Fuel suppliers say haitis government owes them about 100000000. 00 they have refused to make deliveries until the dead is paid and a Corruption Scandal has made things worse auditors say the government embezzled about 2000000000 dollars from a fund linked to a Subsidized Oil program for caribbean nations that money was meant to improve infrastructure education and Health Services one of the 1st good guesser at that time president has plundered the countrys economy and become richer by making last pour very demanding step down because if he continues the system will not change. Over the past year Corruption Scandals have led to antigovernment protests throughout haiti where the minimum wage is less than 3. 00 a day despite the frustration president always has refused to go earlier this month the countrys newly appointed Prime Minister address the crisis. The government will focus on enforcing the Justice System and Public Security ring forcing the laws of social equality at accelerating Economic Growth in order to generate employment protesters say the crisis is about more than fuel prices they say the demonstrations will continue until the president and his inner circle step down. So the young al jazeera. Lets take you through some of the headlines here on aljazeera at least 46 people have been killed in 2 separate bombings in afghanistan just 11 days out from the president ial election the taliban says it was behind the attacks and Afghan Security forces were the targets. Israelis are voting in a 2nd general election in less than 6 months Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is seeking a 5th term called a rerun after failing to achieve a majority or form a coalition in a false vote netanyahu his main opponent benny gantz has voted in his hometown. Dances Blue White Party is seeking to improve on a false vote when it picked up 35 seats the same as netanyahu was liquid lassie. Of prices of fall in the 5 percent amid reports saudi arabias oil output will be restored quicker than previously thought after attacks on its production facilities however chinas been told to expect supplies to be delayed by up to 10 days the u. S. And saudi arabia say early indications point to iran being behind the attacks a runoff vote is expected in 2 newsies 2nd president ial elections since the arab Spring Revolution 2 outsiders are in the lead law versus. Imprisoned media magnate bill most of the votes have been counted hundreds of algerians of marched against the president ial election called for december saying they wont vote until their demands are met for government demonstrations have been going on since february they want president to have the courage to stand down a Supreme Court challenge to Boris Johnsons decision to suspend parliament until mid october is underway in london the call will decide whether the british Prime Minister broke the law when he sent members of Parliament Home for 5 weeks until oct 14th thousands of firefighters are working round the clock to try and contain forest blazes in indonesia the smoke has spread to neighboring countries its the stream next stay with us. 0. What guarantee is abuse given to the people will be attending the workshop we listen im supposed to explain apologize for someone its also terrorizing me we meet with global newsmakers and talk about the stories that matter. Welcome to the stream im femi oke a the Global Climate emergency is on falling fast and its taking a toll on some Peoples Mental Health as we start an entire week of shows time to the covering climate now initiative today we look at a condition known as climate grief one of the symptoms stay with us to find out. Things like every day brings headlines about catastrophic events tied to Climate Change whether it is storms arctic ice melt or rising sea levels and the impact of Climate Change is a challenge for Mental Health professionals who are now saying pay

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