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Pursuing maximum pressure at this point with sanctions but donald trump wants to get another photo opportunity if not with the Supreme Leader or the iranian president Hassan Rouhani and perhaps most importantly were Donald Trumps opinion about alliances they go about 70 years is dictated by the idea that whether its the europeans whether its the japanese the South Koreans theyre all out to rip off the United States and the 2nd point on top of that is if its Donald Trumps Foreign Policy its also a family and friends Foreign Policy as you just pointed out now apart from a trump loyalist like mark might come peo who was secretary of state you really are talking about a Foreign Policy coming from someone like an unelected and largely inexperienced advisor and im sure questioner who is Donald Trumps son in law and who now has tapped as the new u. S. Envoy to the middle east including the israel palestine issue and even less experienced 30 year old man of your commits this is not Foreign Policy as weve known it for decades whether we agree with that policy or disagree with it this is simply a roller coaster ride because donald trump wants this as he does his business for the sake of donald trump well lets get reaction so that they begin with a venue to in d. C. Will it heal thinking. Yes scott you make a great point this is not the way the business is done this is not the way to strengthen our alliances and this is not the way to keep america safe and as we stand here today in washington on september 11th 201918 years after the attacks on this nation we are confronted with a National Security establishment in disarray and the people it really affects the most are the American People because when there is not that kind of coronation when the best advice and analysis is not put forward before the president nor is it even considered remotely that puts the American People at risk and what were talking about 18 years later is setting up a scenario in which the same kind of intelligence failures could befall our country and thats really serious to say nothing of the 2 wars of choice and iraq and afghanistan that have yet to come to an end joins in d. C. Is ego over analysis well more so than ego more so than analysis we have to look at the facts especially on 911. 00 and we. Take a moment to kind of step back and understand it was an attack on all americans it was also an attack on our democracy and what we have right now with the Foreign Policy is a result of a democratic election and the challenges that this nation faces are very very serious but its also going to be incumbent upon those in the Foreign Policy establishment to be able to communicate not just 2 leading actors within the Foreign Policy establishment or leaders but the everyday American People to really get them to understand to grasp how serious these issues are that were facing today and why its so important that we have policymakers and elected leaders will put policy makers in place who can deal with the challenges of today not just the National Security challenges of today but also the economic challenges that the United States has happens to deal happen to deal with in terms of china if you look at china for years you know the American People have been complaining about the trade issue with china there are many who do not agree with mr trump policy as it pertains to china but many everyday American Voters in philadelphia pennsylvania in scranton pennsylvania and they in ohio they support mr trump standing up to china so i think the biggest challenge today is how Foreign Policy leaders communicate to Everyday Americans who actually will and will help elect the next president the United States to understand just how serious the challenges are and why we have to have leaders and policy makers in place who can meet those challenges. Theres a term that Silicon Valley loves to send a green more of thats exactly what were doing is all around the country truman members and 16 chapters yeah just to add on johns point if i may thats exactly what the chairman National Security project is about is about bringing up the next generation of thought leaders in this space but also activating people in their own communities and we need to understand all levels not just outside of washington that everybody is a Foreign Policy voter whether or not he or she realizes because all of these decisions are impacting whether its the the cost of a washing machine as we see is the result of trumps trade wars of choice or the jobs that people have a need build the people to come here and work all of the stuff matters to the American People about the keeping people safe and keeping them prosperous but talking to people and ways that they can understand about what is really at stake here because the stakes could not be higher sco i want to bring you in here there is a term the Silicon Valley loves disruption donald trump seems of very very disruptive in the unusual take on u. S. Foreign policy however this isnt about just iran north korea this isnt about venezuela there seems to be an underlying Foreign Policy dont trump is obsessed with this china china china is this the real thing that donald trump wants a concentrates on its this idea that china is now the enemy and Everything Else is is a destruction. Well i partly agree with you i think china is certainly a focus of the trumpet ministration in part because donald trump wants someone that he can front up to and say you know im the master of the art of the deal ill make them surrender but in part because a very hard line economic advisers like Peter Navarro like robert litan hisor who really dont see a win win economic world these days but treated as a win lose but the reason i say only in part is its not just china number dolphins trade wars have been extended to canada and mexico to south korea to japan and indeed to the European Union and one of the big stories that i dont think will matter as much to us voters matters us to hear the ok its all dolled up with the visor trying to weaken the European Union in part by supporting Boris Johnson becoming Prime Minister to get a harder even no deal right so why is that important because that us European Alliance which is arguably been at the bedrock of interNational Security since the 1940 s. Trump and his advisors have no belief in partly because trump egotistically doesnt like european leaders but in part because he has certain hard line that is whether you talk about a shared coach and whether you talk about a Steven Miller who actually believe that europe in effect is no longer a trusted equally United States but should take its place as a follower who keeps its voice down the engines in d. C. We used to talk at the very beginning of this administration about dont trump having adults in the room those adults seem to have gone and now hes surrounding himself with with people with either very little experience or as a says with a hardline agenda is that anybody that can read rein in this president and his thinking or is they simply he is going to do what he wants and hes going to tweet what he wants. No i believe mr trump has said very early on that he is the decider in chief and that he will listen to people perhaps discuss issues in front of them but once he makes his mind up hes not going to be. Swayed in any direction and he doesnt take very kindly to dissent i think mr bull in the biggest challenge is look you have National Security advisors all the time where difficult relationship with this i could carry a state or the treasury secretary other senior officials in the and their administrations but i believe mr ball in relationships with senior officials in a minute in the administration became toxic going back to what the other guest said in terms of europe the European Union many people dont agree with donald trump policy doesnt pertain to the European Union or his support of Boris Johnson but you do have another a large group of americans who read the wall street journal Financial Times and look at what they perceive to be an unbalanced relationship in terms of the European Unions. Treatment of American Companies whether its American Tech Companies whether its american cosmetic companies in terms of what they perceive are unfair tariffs and if you look at this particular constituency they may not like President Trump but they do feel that the u. S. Trade relationship has been on balance and President Trump has been pretty good at taking advantage of that sentiment sentiment to achieve his own particular goals whether there are goals that are aligned with u. S. Foreign policy or just his particular goals that have to do with his popularity theres a sentiment there mr trump has been able to put his finger on it and hes also been very good at it at basically being able to do certain things or tweak certain things when he does this he understands that hes going to get a reaction that is almost incensed whether its from the media. Whether its from other Party Leaders or whether its from the Foreign Policy establishment and every time he does that he actually achieve his goals and he is doing what he set out to do let me just ask the question to scott this is a president who seems to think that his Foreign Policy is successful they he has made successes as you know it you know it donald trump is a demagogue and appreciate johns in a really really interesting point but at least from my perspective i think we have to get away from saying that Donald Trumps tweet leads at his 3035 percent of the base follow and the rest of us are caught up with in other words i want to go back to the earlier point john gentle make which is that you have to i think all of us whether in the media academics analyst and activist communicate in our communities and say look trade wars dont help trade wars hurt you whether youre concerned or whether youre manufacturer or whether youre a farmer tearing up alliances or destabilizing allies offices like nato or with asian partners are not helpful embracing wider report and trashing your own intelligence agencies russias pursuing a very lets say aggressive Foreign Policy is not stabilizing and on key issues like Climate Change which include all of us rather than paying attention and following his tweets which says its all a hoax weve actually got to politely but i think very firmly say this is the way we want to go and that means i think we have to take it beyond the personality politics that we will have today a truck versus bolton both of these paths are to be stabilizing and dangerous bolton because its too confrontational and double crossed because its too unpredictable and frankly void of any coherent thought Tena Ben Yehuda in d. C. Lets get your reaction do you think this president has a plan. No he doesnt have a plan his plan is to get as much attention on television as possible to create spectacle diplomacy which is not diplomacy supported by the analysis and actions and activities and relationships of the departments that report to him this doesnt make america safer nor does it make america more prosperous when america pulls back from these alliances whether they be political alliances and security alliances like nato whether its the European Union whether its the Transpacific Partnership or trade deals around the world what it means is that the world goes on without the United States and it means that u. S. Interests are not being voiced what were actually talking about here is the u. S. Pulling back from rules and order that the u. S. Created and so the notion that doing so would somehow serve the us is own self interest is preposterous at a time when were also trying really trampling on the democratic norms that this nation has held dear for decades lets not forget that the over whelming consensus for much of u. S. Foreign policy over the last 50 years has actually been fairly bipartisan in nature this whipsaw whos in whos out is distracting and it obscures the broader point that what were really talking about here is a retreat of American Power from the world at a time when alliances are rupturing the world over there is a trump here theres a territory and we are outside lee general that im going to have to disturb you that i want to thank all of guests join join scott lucas and jenna been outta and thank you to forging you can see the program again any time by visiting a website aljazeera dot com and for further discussion go to our Facebook Page at facebook dot com forward slash a. J. Inside story and you can also join the conversation on twitter handle is at a. J. Inside story for me in Monkey Island and the whole team here like. I. That corruption has reached a level like that before john kerry. Counts. To president of the United States. The power was in the data we will the people with the truth and nothing else discover. For winning the white house unfair game on al jazeera i really feel liberated as a journalist from. Getting to the truth doesnt. Thats what this job. Hello im about this in in doha the top stories on. Belfasts high court has thrown out a case claiming the brags that strategy of Boris Johnsons government is not compatible with the 1980 Northern Ireland peace accord this comes after the release of the socalled yellow hummer report a government warning of a brags that worst Case Scenario it includes traffic jams shortages of food and medicine rising prices and public on the rest lets get more on this from me in london. What this 6 page document essentially shows is that the United Kingdom is vulnerable to the impacts of leaving the without a deal it focuses on a whole range of different possible scenarios implying that there will be significant shortage of fresh food of medicine that we may well see in the United Kingdom an increase in electricity bills as well it talks about there being delays on the roads for goods entering and leaving the United Kingdom about there being tailbacks on the motorways that could indeed take many months to clear but there are also being delays for travellers or airports or even nationals want to enter the u. K. And vice versa and all of this seems to have the most impact according to this document on the most vulnerable sectors of society those at the forefront of any economic fluctuation and that of course are of the poorest people in the United Kingdom it is of course an important time of year when different Political Parties have their annual conferences their annual meetings undoubtably opposition parties including the Opposition Labor Party the left wing leaning party here in the u. K. Will make a lot of the findings in this document but i think what will also continue to pressure the government to do is to be a little bit clearer about the strategy behind this decision to suspend parliament and find out exactly what the government is doing to mitigate the impact of a no deal brechts it to mitigate the implications of all of these warnings listed in detail in this document also Prime Minister Boris Johnson has refuted claims that he lied to the queen in order to suspend parliament. Did you line to the queen when you advised her to provoke to suspend bottoming absolutely you know aught that the in the indeed the as a i say the the high quality in it england plainly agrees with ass but the supremes quote will have to design we need to queens beach me to get allman do all sorts of things 3 Afghan Soldiers have been killed in the suicide bombing near an army base in couple yaf got minister of defense is confirm the attack for soldiers were also killed the taliban says aids is responsible so dunns new Prime Minister abdullah hom dawkins making his 1st state visit to south sudan and juba is hosting talks between the Transitional Government and savile armed groups hum dog has made peacemaking with the groups fighting of cop to him one of his main priorities the body of followers zimbabwean president Robert Mugabe will lie in state at a stadium in hot adi its where he took over the says the leader nearly 4 decades ago well gobbing is to be buried on sunday but that are ongoing discussions between is government and the family about where hell be laid to rest the i Supreme Court has ruled in favor of president Donald Trumps latest effort to restrict immigration the courts a loud a band to go into effect on nearly all asylum applications at the mexico border people will now have to apply for asylum before they reach the us that effectively blocks most applications cubas president says this country will soon be in an acute fuel shortage unless emergency measures a taken miguel diaz cano says cuba is feeling the affects of the United States blocking of although shipments to was country he was impose a sterile to measure sins 2015 when all supply from thats ally Venezuela Star to declining protesters in argentina are demanding the government declares a food emergency after shortages hit the country has been battling an economic crisis with inflation forecast to hit 53 percent in the coming months the country spent 15000000000 dollars in reserves to try to stabilize its currency and those are the headlines coming up next on aljazeera its witness kuantan a most child almost hard to see in about half an hour. Prison can be a curse but it gets me a lot of time to think and contemplate. Each person is capable of doing great harm or great good. Space has been in the media for years but very few people actually know anything about all marcotte or pictures of the story or the trauma borne 28 year old man who was captured as a 15 year old in afghanistan and pleaded guilty to war crimes including the murder of an american soldier 1234000000000000000000003 years he was defend it as a wrongfully imprisoned child soldier. Told a dangerous terrorist by others its a teach to avoid the harper government has always opposed carters release from prison he is a murderer he is a terrorist today may be the day that omar kotter walks out of an alberta jail. And. I have a lot of trepidation for. Ive been here serving the time. Of the judge for years to know he didnt only do only to be delayed. By a pew its. All because of the others jurors. We have breaking news from edmonton where i judge has ordered a lot cotter released on bail. Its taken too many years to get to this point why did the federal government gold is fart keep him behind mr harper is a big get he wants to show hes tough on crime as good as you pick up a 15 year old boy whos picked up in hell one time. This is it this is it here it comes. In a small on my dear. Good. Bye to the excitement here in this. Post like kids thank me in public for. Trusting me and then again the account what do you think of your father now after all these years. Theres a lot of questions that i would like to ask my father but would you ask oh. Everything. A lot of this to do that he made. Recently took us back there just a whole bunch of questions though his reasoning behind. You know his life decisions giving say to mr president for. Im going to have to disappoint them better than the 1st the things i am not. Muslim enough im sad. Which suffering and were there to help them. Some people working somewhere where theres a clinic that doesnt have a medical doctor they would come and they ask if we can and as for a medical doctor or some medication or a nurse or a teacher or a school here or there. Were 2nd to my family. Was devoted to trying to help the victims of the war in africa. And so from my father that was his has gone to help people who suffered. And what got him in trouble is that he would use it anyway to achieve that goal. In doubt with taliban and dealt with ok that he dealt with everybody if that was going. To help him you know open a school in a place that theyve had impossible you made the top down on the un list yes for association with bin laden. This incident. Doesnt say you know what he just i write this in there thats freedom of association. I said it over and over we were never al qaida maybe we lived around then maybe we had a few things common was the refugees and the plan and the situation in the country but who had never quite never politically never socially never. After september 11th we were on the run when ever we nor when there denmark an advancing move to another religion other views no idea what ever you have to pack now so we only had our suitcases we left all our belongings our books on everything behind. But could not see in the same compound one womans art. One of the things of all my family as we speak well to paul they were just so all arabs mostly would come and you know ask for for one of us to translate so. For kerry its like these guys leave you for translations for a few days. Im a cashier right now at. The sort. Of good better side effects of. The chemical the. First 2 weeks is just doing nothing this regular translation groceries. Just getting things done in their own house. The 2nd 2 weeks. Where you know explosives started coming in they were trading at and they needed me to translate my name the 1st number in the americas is just the whole firefight. On that particular morning different entities had. Information that all saying to be pointing to the same place a suspected bomb building. So. The Multifunctional Team went out. Of the way

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