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One of the most powerful people in the white house is now out of a Job National Security adviser john bolton insists he resigned but u. S. President donald trump says he was fired because of disagreements of a Foreign Policy bolton was known as a hawk who wanted the u. S. To take a hardline stance against countries like iran venezuela and north korea trump says a new advisor his 4th in 2 and a half years will be appointed next week ellen fisher has more now from washington d. C. If youre going to do a fantastic job and i appreciate that there had been growing divisions between john bolton that his boss but the end was brutal even by the standards of this white house donald trump tweeting i informed john bolton last night that his services are no longer needed at the white house i disagreed strongly with many of his suggestions as did others in the administration there. I asked for his resignation which was given to me this morning bolton tweeted not the usual thanks for being able to set but an insistence he quit rather than being fired at a news briefing at the white house which bolton was initially listed to attend stephen secretary of state might pompey defended the president s decision the president s entitle to the staff that he wants that at any moment as a staff person who works directly for the president of states and he should have people the trust and values if there were many times in basketball that i disagree thats to be sure but thats true for lots and lots of people who with whom i interact john bolton was donald trump started National Security advisor the longest serving so far but with his stated positions of using military force in iran and north korea he was annoyed fit for a president whose isolationist america 1st policy wanted to reduce the u. S. Military footprint reason only told him was against talking to north korea against pulling u. S. Troops out of syria and against the president s latest idea of inviting afghanistans taliban to peace talks at camp david that seems to have been the breaking point we have seen from this and from every other firing but what he really wants are people that echo what he already wants to do and with boltons opposition gone there could be obvious changes for example that theres a better chance the president will meet with his a really encounter part the president made very clear its appeared to me with no preconditions before he became President Donald Trump considered john bolton for the role of secretary of state but ultimately decided against it because he felt he didnt look the part mainly because of his mr bush now after 18 months as the National Security advisor john bolton once again finds that his face doesnt fit alan fischer aljazeera at the white house or bret brin served as director of Global Engagement at the white house during president Obamas Administration he says the u. S. President could use boltons resignation to improve dialogue with iran. I would expect to see from the president an effort to open up a dialogue with iran using boltons departure if you will as an excuse to say really bolton was the hawk im ready to talk and lets remember trump desperately needs this deal things did not work out with afghanistan things havent worked out with north korea hes heading into elections and he needs to show something that hes done on the world stage sheer that there is no one left in the situation room who is going to speak truth to trump might pompei you know as a sycophant someone who is really a yes man and this is what we have lost over the course of the last year in. Defense secretary the former National Security adviser general mcmaster going out and now with the loss of john bolton im no fan of john bolton but it least he was more disciplined and he would i think control some of trumps worst tendencies. Israels Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has announced his intention to omics the Jordan Valley and by the west bank if he wins next weeks general election he said the Trump Administration socalled middle east peace plan would provide an historic opportunity for extending israeli sovereignty over the west bank and other areas are a force that has more now from western. Benjamin netanyahu has a habit of promising dramatic announcements in the run up to elections and he did so again on tuesday when it came it was not a unilateral decision about an accession as some had predicted instead the message to right wing settler voters was a vote for netanyahu would in concert with the trumpet ministration mean extending israeli sovereignty to all illegal settlements in the occupied west bank and in the shorter term the annexation of the Jordan Valley yes. There is one place where its possible to apply israeli sovereignty immediately after the election if i receive a clear mandate to do so from you the citizens of israel in recent months of little diplomatic effort in this direction in recent days the conditions for this have ripened today im announcing my intention to apply with the formation of the next government israeli sovereignty on the Jordan Valley and nor going to see. The Jordan Valley represents some 30 percent of the occupied west bank and some of its most fertile Agricultural Land israeli policy has long been that it needs to retain control there for National Security but the prospect of a unilateral israeli annexation as netanyahu is promising would explode any faint remaining hopes of a viable palestinian state alongside israel keeping palestinians inside theres a small towns and villages as prisoners without any freedom that is a war crime and has about as we are about to enter the 74th session or the General Assembly of the United Nations then to National Community must stand thought of now or to see a big noise and to stop the thing is that as a country above the laws of man at the United Nations there was further condemnation such a prospect would be devastating to the potential of reviving negotiations Regional Peace and the very essence of a 2 state solution but there is a hugely important caveat to all this to enact his plan netanyahu 1st has to win the election then create a right Wing Coalition government that would in dorset and then push it through in the face of International Pressure and by then and intensifying battle against his own corruption charges israelis ive heard him talk annexation before without following through thats a point political opponents and political analysts were making even before netanyahu had finished talking this is electioneering at its best there is no connection between what the Prime Minister said today and whats going to happen after the election whether hes elected or not this is what i like to say is israeli elections are very much like las vegas and hotels in las vegas what happens during israeli elections stays in israeli elections. Later at another Campaign Event in southern Israel Netanyahu was briefly rushed from the stage sirens sounding the Israeli Military said rockets had been fired out of gaza a dramatic end to a day when whether he makes good on it or not he confirmed his position as one entirely at odds with the 2 state solution the concept that remains the International Consensus on how the Israeli Palestinian conflict should end. West jerusalem and were hearing reports that israel has launched as strikes on gaza following the firing of those rockets strikes have reportedly hit in central gaza and beit lahiya in the north of the strip. To iraq now at least 31 pilgrims have been killed at one of the most sacred sites in shia islam Officials Say about 100 others were injured when a walkway collapsed and triggered a stampede in karbala the government fears the number of dead could rise. As more. Of. The injured are rushed through the crowd stretchers. Millions of lives have gathered in the iraqi city of karbala to commemorate the deaths of hussein even the prophet muhammads grandson who was killed here more than 1300 years ago witnesses said that when some people fell over a slope put one of the entrances to the amar singh shrine thousands of others piled forward. 15 year old mortada describes his terror or what was supposed to be one of the most important days of his life. On a base there are jack you are always going to have i tried to push back but i was pushed over because people broke through the barrier and there were many people on the ground and many others fell on top of the it was like one striking the other down i was trapped in the bodies for 4 minutes i was suffocating there was only a small hole where i could breathe the people on my right and left died another nearly broke his ribs i saw one person taking his last breath i felt my leg crack when it broke after that i said to myself im going to die like the tragedy happened after midday prayers during the socalled toris run tens of thousands of people running towards the shrine and saying this offends our saudi animism are the incident happened all of a sudden the Visitors Said on the ground the sand and there was a fierce stampede there were many people and we fell on them and everything happened suddenly people waving from a distance we could hardly see them because of the huge crowds as security has improved in karbala and other areas of iraq in recent years the numbers of people coming to participate in a shura have increased now trying to authorities have long said theyve struggled to cope with the numbers and theyve said that there are plans afoot to expand the shrine areas so that tragedies like this dont happen but for the victims and their families those plans have come too late for aljazeera karbala. Time for a short break here now is iraq when we come back new details are released about a Saudi Arabian it teams preparations for the murder of the journalist. And an appeal to people in the bahamas to open up their homes to survivors of Hurricane Dora more in a state thats. Hello again most acute conditions across the south and the east of china instead all this cloud with the associated rain that is further towards the west to go through the next couple of days it should stay dry along this coast is really old away from right the way up into shandong so 33 celsius in shanghai indicators skies 33 in hong kong but we could see a scout a thunderstorm there is so much heavier at the rain out towards the west and so particularly heavy across for the next couple of days although it is it beginning to ease away from these northern sections of thailand and also vietnam than we had down into the southeast we have got a lot of cloud not a huge amount of rain you can see some clouds northern sections of borneo and quite a bit across such was the west but it has been very hazy particular kuala lumpur for the last couple of days you can barely see these twin towers and in fact theres more haze in the forecast as we go through the next couple of days or the chance of the scottish for the most part it is just cloudy across much of the region and across into india this monsoon rains very haggis typical Central Regions the northeast as well we have seen a bit of a a driest spell across the far west so it could herald the start of the southwest monsoon but in the meantime it is sunny hostin new delhi with a high there of 37. Sponsored countdown. To finally. Get but thats. When. Isnt that the set. Of the. Punches approach at the bottom. In part one of this 2 part series aljazeera explores the world of performance enhancing drugs the. Sports doping the endless chain on aljazeera. Welcome back a quick reminder the top stories here on aljazeera u. S. President donald trump has fired his 3rd National Security adviser john bolton says he resigned in a tweet trump said he had numerous policy disagreements with. Israels Prime Minister has announced plans to annex the Jordan Valley in the occupied west bank if he wins next weeks general election Binyamin Netanyahu says the u. S. Middle east plan could provide an opportunity to extend israeli sovereignty. At least 31. 00 programs have died in iraq during a stampede at one of shia is dams most sacred sites Officials Say around 100. 00 others were injured during a parade the city of karbala. Returning to our top story over the sudden departure of john bolton he was Donald Trumps 3rd National Security adviser and the longest serving so far mike hanna takes a look back on boltons time in office and we think the sanctions are biting john bolton was the 3rd National Security adviser pointed to by President Trump since taking office and hes the 3rd to resign after much speculation of imminent firing bolton brought to the white house decades of experience in Foreign Policy and a hawkish disposition that had never wavered. He served as ambassador to the United Nations under george w. Bush from 2005 to 2006 and use that position to continue to justify the u. S. Invasion of iraq that he had relentlessly advocated a few years before madam president he returned to the u. N. Alongside President Trump as National Security adviser during the General Assembly session last year and once again made his presence felt weve imposed very stringent sanctions on iran more are coming. And what we expect from iran is massive changes in their behavior around here certain National Security control of the u. S. Mission at the u. N. Effectively downgrading the role played by Ambassador Nikki Haley who resigned within months of his appointment what many diplomats say is that its very hard to get clear decisions out of the u. S. Mission to anyone at present and that is a probably because bolton and other members of the administration are fighting over what policy lines to take. The secretary. While the administration appeared united in its america 1st policy some differences began to emerge particularly with regard to north korea chairman kim asked for this meeting President Trump agreed with bolton adopted that take a toll leave it attitude to negotiations leading to north korean complaints that he was undermining the policy of dialogue at the catered by both President Trump and secretary of state mike pompei or the Iranian Regime has systematically pursued a policy of hostility toward the United States then the apparent moment of real division as hed done in years past a National Security adviser began to press for active regime change in iran. Characterizing the shuttle deployment of the u. S. B. To the region as in his words a clear and unmistakable message to the Iranian Regime thats at odds with the white house policy in which the focus was morning exerting economic pressure through sanctions. After weeks of discussion at was confirm that additional troops would be sent to the region but numbering hundreds rather then the 10s of thousands at bunt and was believed to be pressing for President Trump denied that was friction within his cabinet i think its fake news ok now what i do that absolutely but we have dad play ads for that hopefully were not get out the players for that had if we did that which says the hell of a lot more troops and that the final straw perhaps a sardonic comment by a principal adviser to the iranian president to wrote in a tweet at real donald trump you want to the better deal with iran looks like you going to get a war instead thats what happens when you listen to the mistah rush good luck in 2020 john bolton his now on his way out his smith starfish intact is dream up regime change shattered mike hanna aljazeera Washington People have been killed in ongoing fighting and back enough the violence is causing a major food crisis affecting the only one and a half 1000000 people the World Food Program is now warning of what it calls an unprecedented humanitarian emergency and us catherine saw reports of. Farmers are abandoning their crops to escape the violence. On a normal day i said to tells us shed be at her family in the village of years ago had children looking after the livestock. But instead theyre not come for displaced people more than 100 kilometers from home alongside many other who have fled attacks. Villages arrived in january after many were killed in a revenge attack when a rival community blamed them for the matter of a local chief and he signs. They bought into houses and clothes i fled with 6 children their cues does of collaborating with the armed groups from outside the country this is what remains of their village following other attacks more than 200000 people have fled from their homes in parts of the north and east over the last 3 years some blame armed groups in. As well as others from neighboring mali for the increasing violence and tensions between rival communities are making the crisis harder to resolve. The wild food program says its a humanitarian emergency. More than a 1000000 people in need help we are focused were killed just in the area with his much more busy so we. Were supposed to be security problem its really hard to imagine the horror some of this displaced people have faced most of them have come here with nothing but the clothes theyre wearing theyre supposed to stop harvesting their crops but both we talked to said the congo. Back to the villages to do that because its still too dangerous. And a few others however did manage to return to their village after Government Forces secured the area he still relies on food aid for the street and. I have 20 family members to feed through wifes children and grandchildren this food will last for 2 weeks we fled from our home before we could plant because the neighboring below village was attacked and we feared attackers would come next. After a whole days wait starts his long journey back home its 50 kilometers away and hell pass through a dangerous area but he says its a risk hes willing to take to feed his family Catherine Sawyer al jazeera nothing booking a fossil a new detail transcript revealing the final moments of saudi journalists and alpha shrugs assassination has been released by a turkish newspaper it was killed in the saudi consulate in istanbul last october to marseille as much almost a year since it shocked the world and the story of shes murder is still making headlines the newspaper one of turkeys biggest published details of conversations that took place between staff at the saudi consulate in istanbul and officials in the kingdoms royal court in riyadh they corroborate with a narrative that was presented by the United Nations special reparatory investigating the murder of the slain journalist in the findings she published 3 months ago further evidence thats for sure is killing was not simply a botched attempt by saudi agents to kidnap him but in fact a premeditated murder. According to the newspaper on september the 28th 4 days before her soldier was killed a security station to the consulates named ahmed that was a nice telephone matter limited an advisor at the royal courts of crown Prince Mohammed bin said a man. Also security at tashi if you had visited the consulates earlier that day will indeed return on october the 2nd yes we are all shocked we just spoke i said how are you there isnt anything official but its known that he is one of the people salt later that saying they the saudi consul himself the hum of the law tavi spoke to another individual known only as a head of state security called me and they have an assignment they need a person from your protocol for a special and a top secret mission. Shamos grubers is an editor of the english language edition of she sees its her and her colleagues duty to continue shedding light on the story until the entire truth is revealed agnes catamite the u. N. Reporter said that the r. B. I. Has a responsibility in this killing so the think we are seeing right now is. It was hard criminals are judging them sus so its of course expected for us to not see anyone because its basically a tear to her rather than a fair trial thats why i dont think that well see anyone that is truly being responsible for on this larger will be charge will be a conic that in times it was reported that crown Prince Mohammed bin some man was advised by President Donald Trumps son in law in chief advisor durant christian or in the early days following the killing of jamal for took 3 to weather the storm and that the story would die in a few months if not weeks almost one year or since he was killed in the consulates behind me on this story is still very much making headlines not least because there are several questions but have not been on sort of including where is the body of the slain journalist and why you has nobody been convicted of his murder until and unless those questions are answered it is likely that this story will not be going away. Istanbul rescue workers in the bahamas are still searching for bodies after hurrican dorrian devastated the islands last week it stands as the worst disaster in bamiyan history at least 50 people are confirmed dead and now theres an urgent appeal to help the survivors as are the young as more. Pictures of utter devastation as Hurricane Dorian turned this town into a virtual war zone. Homes in arbuckle islands have been reduced to piles of rubble cars tossed like toys now lined the streets. The neighborhood has become an eerie reminder of the enormous damage in the search for victims and survivors lifeless bodies are removed from the rubble surrounded by death and destruction hope has become a luxury and hope is gone right now but it seems to be trickling back in is seeing the people that care that. Thats come from outside to show. You know that that they care and love and bring in supplies. And the town of marsh harbor 90 percent of homes and buildings were damaged by Hurricane Dorian with winds reaching more than 300 Kilometers Per Hour the category 5 hurricane marks the most powerful caribbean storm on record and the capital now authorities have asked people to open their homes to evacuees the United Nations estimates more than 70000 people are in need of food and shelter all that debris was over scores of survivors who lost everything now face the challenge of starting their lives again the government if you cannot help us when you need to give us and let somebody step in what would a good radio but thats we seek help we lost everything we lost our life we lost our family as a people as are unaccounted for we could try and find out without us we drop off a lot of documents and every day so its not if you had to find jobs with no documents. It will take years to repair the damage a daunting process for both rescue teams and survivors. Katia llopis of the young aljazeera. Mexico is rejecting a u. S. Request to have u. S. Bound Asylum Seekers make their 1st claim for asylum in mexico its foreign minister brad is in washington for talks on trade and immigration abroad said mexicos deployment of 25000 troops to reduce illegal crossings at the u. S. Border will be permanent. We do not repent for what we have implemented because we are complying with what mexican law says we have done nothing to be ashamed of the risk of a confrontation between mexico and the United States is further away. The body of zimbabwes former president Robert Mugabe is on its way to his home town to be buried the hearse carrying his body just left a funeral parlor in singapore he died in the city last week at the age of 95 mcgarvey led zimbabwe for almost 40 years before being ousted in a militia take over 2017 his funeral will take place on sunday. A major new retrospective of irish born british artist Francis Bacon will open in paris on wednesday Pompidou Center will display 60 were produced by the painter during the last 2 decades of his career bacons images often focused on human pain and his role distinctive style continues to intrigue and through art lovers and reports now in the french capital. Francis bacon captured the wrongness of the human condition and used a striking palette to indulge his fascination with the body his paintings often represented doomed lovers or dwelled on death and new exhibition of pariss Pompidou Center shows how the british 20th Century Artists exploration of existence intensified in his later years is goal in his in his work thats to express life but when you express life when you are fascinated by life you have to deal with death because life and death are mixed to give or bacon had a reputation for being witty and a gambler above vivre who drew inspiration from postwar londons nightlife by contrast his canvases simmer with profound and at times violent contemplation but i would never compete with the. Busy things happening every day in the world so busy i cant imagine why the one thing my work as. The exhibition also focuses on bacons love of literature established between literature interest and its painted because we know bacon was a. Reader and more and more during in time to talk about literature Francis Bacon is considered one of 20th century western art most important and influential figurative painters and his more remarkable because he was never formally trained it was actually here in paris that as a young man he decided to become an artist. On bacons 1st trip to paris in the 1920 s. A picasso exhibition inspired him to become an artist he returned to the city often and befriended famous french writers including michel larry says the link with with the french intellectuals is very important in that way and when he moved to paris when he gets this studio in order to be in 74 he starts to meet more often. Which is presenting him to other poets like director ponds on the 60 paintings on display spanned the last 2 decades of bacons life and include his last known work it was finished a few months before the 82 year old artist died in madrid in 1992 the shadowy figure of a fading bull is full of mystery and for posing a sign perhaps the bacon knew his own existence was nearing its end Natasha Butler aljazeera paris. Part of a quick check of the headlines here on aljazeera u. S. President donald trump says he has fired his 3rd National Security adviser but john bolton says he resigned in a tweet trump said he had several policy disagreements with bolton your sect of state might pompei or defended the president s decision. The president s intitled to the staff that he wants that at any moment this is the person who works directly for the present United States and he should have people they trust and values and whose efforts and judgments benefit him and delivering american Foreign Policy its what as a cabinet Member Secretary lew should i try and do each and every day and when the president makes a decision like this is well within his rights to do so theyre going to rocket fire has cut short a Campaign Rally about israels Prime Minister just hours after he announced plans to annex the Jordan Valley in the occupied west bank if he wins next weeks general election in a minute and yahoo said the trumpet ministrations middle east peace plan would provide an historic opportunity for extending israeli sovereignty over the west bank and other areas. Of the not too soon im asking you to give me the mandate to extend israeli law to all the settlements out of respect for president im waiting to do this in maximum coordination with his administration but there is one place where the diplomatic circumstances are ripe to do this very soon if i am elected i commit to next the Jordan Valley and north of the debt see it is our eastern border our defense wall and israel has launched a series of asterix on gaza following the rocket fire Israeli Army Says it struck 15 targets in central and northern parts of the territory including what it says was a site for the production of weapons at least 31 people have died in iraq during a stampede at one of shia islams most sacred sites Officials Say about 100 others were injured when a walkway collapsed and triggered the stampede and karbala the body of zimbabwes former president Robert Mugabe is on its way to his home town to be buried the hearse carrying his body just left a funeral parlor in singapore he died in the city last week aged 95 and then zimbabwe for almost 40 years before being ousted him and to take over in 2017 his funeral will be on sunday. Well those were the headlines the news continues here on aljazeera of the inside story stations that so much about them. But. He was defiant but now Boris Johnson looks caught in a tight corner the u. K. Leader was told he cant force brags that without a deal hes got the parliament suspended but his bid for a snap election is rejected so what are his options now this is inside story. Hello and welcome to the program im homage enjoy him only a few days ago he said he would rather die in a ditch than ask the e. U. For an extension to breaks in negotiations but it seems Boris Johnson may have to admit defeat and find another way to deal with his deeply divided government his attempt to call an early election has been thrown out and parliament

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