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The u. S. Is treasury isnt hansing our efforts to die terrorists access the u. S. Financial system we will continue to make sure that the security of the United States and to protect innocent people from becoming victims of terrorist attacks. Thank you steve in todays executive order marks the most significant update to Counterterrorism Sanctions Authority sense that temper of 2001 it significantly spans authorities to target terrorists and those who finance their activities. Specifically todays action amends executive order 13224 by adding causes that allow the departments of state and treasury to 1st directly target leaders of terrorist groups and their associated entities well not having to tie terrorist leaders to specific acts 2nd it more effectively and efficiently targets individuals and entities who participate in terrorist training. And provides new authorities to impose sanctions on foreign financial listen to us institutions that knowingly do business with terrorists the trumpet ministration has already used existing sanctions authorities more aggressively than any administration before us and now for immediately putting these new authorities to good use as secretary nugent said today the department of state announces the designation of 12 terrorist leaders they include isis wali of iraq and former mayor of improvised explosive devices 4 Senior Member of hezbollah as you had council and leaders from Hamas Palestinian Islamic Jihad isis philippines Isis West Africa and t. T. P. In pakistan further were announcing the designation of horus al diem and up caitiff village and how this group in syria as a specially designated global terrorist entity as these actions show todays executive order busy by president as further muscle to u. S. Counterterrorism efforts it will help us to ensure that the deadly attacks of september 11th that occurred 18 years ago this week are never repeated on american soil. Never at this time 2nd to make sure i but it take a couple questions on this topic theyre going to find a circular. John bolton fire like get fired or did he quit and then he leaves the white house because he disagreed to feel or over talks in town. So last night the president asked for and both ambassador bolton is resignation as i understand it was received this morning. And that specializes in various agreements guys defended that gregory was in because of this disagreement ill leave to the present to talk about the reasons he made the decision but i would say this the president s intitled to the staff that he once had at any moment is a staff person who works directly for the president states and he should have people they trust and values and whose efforts and judgments benefit him and delivering American Foreign policy its what as cabinet Member Secretary and i try to do each and every day and when the president makes a decision like this hes well within his rights to do send somebody already am going to lie ok can you describe your working relationship with john bolton as it applies to turkey and also are you sure does this consistent hard to make it easy for you to hear john and and ministration to accomplish the president s Foreign Policy agenda but i dont talk about the inner workings of how this all goes we we all keep our can depend if there were many times in bass or both and i disagree thats to be sure but thats true for lots and lots of people who with whom i interact much my mission set is always to make sure as i run the department of state is to deliver americas diplomacy and to work with the team whether its a treasury or the president s staff to make sure we get good outcomes and i dont i dont i know everyones talked about this for an awfully long time there were definitely places that best and i told them i had different views about how we should proceed as a. Writer you know our kids right now on the last year on policy things are and i think. I would say secretary and myself and the president are completely aligned on our maximum Pressure Campaign and i think you know weve done more sanctions on iran and anybody and its absolutely working now the president has made clear hes happy to take a meeting with no preconditions but we are maintaining the maximum pressure temperature director at merion all right oh yeah but. This could you foresee a meeting between President Trump and the iranian leader later this monster out of united new york for the press to support busy that and do you support that if the president made very clear is prepared to meet with no preconditions very charismatic leader harry reid on the original guy this briefing focused on the guidance to be here so blindsided by what occurred today. That hes no longer with the administration was it you see today this last night were told is eager to im never surprised that well i mean yes yes yes i mean that on just this issue and i think secretary ridge would say the same thing we work very closely with the president of states we i think we have a pretty good understanding of how hes thinking about things i think youd agree stephen and nearly all times and so you know we are mission our mission sets not to talk about these inner workings in the palace intrigue that i know you are so curious about but i dont but rather to talk about the things that that matter to American Foreign policy i dont i would just add people who are new shift now and dont get into you know the administrative things of a notice when our peak is here yesterday really ready im serious i dont i dont know anybody has an international thank you very much different since the very popular tennis match syria we reported on syria and the refugee camps last night i did hear was there and he talked about how these refugee camps i societies are cleansing and theres children dancing around the crisis playing are you concerned about these refugee camps becoming a breeding. The Training Ground for terrorists for isis fighters so theres a long history of just exactly what youre describing camps in iraq camps other places where prisoners were detained and extremist elements are breeding in those places but weve been working diligently on this we have conducted enormous operations against isis even after the fall of the caliphate as recently as the last handful of days we are very focused on this the success that we had moving down the Euphrates River valley that our department offense led with the s. D. F. Forces it was truly remarkable we will not take our eye off the ball ensuring that whether its isis or other radical islamic extremist groups continue to be under pressure from the United States of america im sure that that would just to cause that and that would include in these camps that youre referring to as theyre trying to find. Their god i had asked if the white house is saying this revival Foreign Policy would not align with the president s philosophy how it was out of law. Ill leave that to the to the white house to talk about other than to say i think President Trump i watched his campaign ive now worked with him 1st as cia director and now as secretary of state someone asked what would the policy be different absent any individual being here that is have been the president s policies we give him our best wisdom we share with him our our understanding when i was intelligence director we did our best to make sure the facts and Data Available so he could make good decisions but i dont think any leader around the world should make any assumption that because someone of us of hearts that President Trumps Foreign Policy will change in a materialized but i dont know the one thing i would just say follow up exit president s been very clear on this the president s view of the iraq war and ambassador bolton is very different the president s made by sorry. I dont know yet. When the baucus man. I dont know who. Have on the dole. Humans. So were looking forward to our meeting with 4 mr barr here in just a little bit were going to talk about the progress thats been made which has been substantial and real and material and has made america more secure but at the same time we know theres still work to do were going to talk about how best we can jointly deliver that we are deeply appreciative of what. The president mexico and the foreign minister have done to increase the capacity to deter migration into the United States and you can see the numbers have have improved substantially but we also know a needs to be sustained and be weve still got real work to do this very. Very very very yeah yeah yeah yeah you know the nasrallah the investor the bulletin was trying to keep up the pressure action as well in the peak time and we know that thats a difficult time and presence felt the 2nd week on many things you read that deal with that is a venezuela iraq and makes that you know we did that part of the best number and i think you know that the Treasury Department and the state department have been incredibly active on sanctions everything we do is in consultation with the state department again we have a massive sanctions program thats working but i would just add we are concerned about the people there and whats going on the humanitarian crisis and i doze busy secretary has worked with their neighbors extensively. You know that you know scenarios that ive heard and seen as National Security as you know and as absolutely not thats the most ridiculous question ive ever heard of you know sort of nationalism or you read or write about us or not i dont have it yours i mean your site the National Security team which is what you asked consists. The National Security advisor the secretary of defense the secretary of state myself the chief of staff and many others disagree with the president right on the right course you know what im gonna have to. Do and i already had im sorry im sorry i said well well take one more yes i am in the right here yes there are reports this week that its ok im not rushing assets because of concerns that his identity could be. Under which he ministry she was this source for and is there currently an investigation into how his identity got yeah yeah ive seen that reporting the reporting is material inaccurate and you should know i as a former cia director i dont talk about things like this very often that is only the occasions when theres something that i think puts people at risk or the reporting is so egregious as to create enormous risks United States work that i even comment in the way that i just did and i wont say anything more about it i know the cia put out a statement suffice to say that the reporting there is factually wrong all right thank you everybody sometimes i have a loud and somewhat chaotic News Conference at the White House Briefing room from secretary of state mike pump a and treasury secretary steve minutes and the man missing there of coals National Security finds a former National Security advisor john bolton who only a few hours ago was fired by President Donald Trump weve got alan fisher who is our correspondent at the white house just to talk through some of this out and we should point out this was supposed to be well that was a briefing about the u. S. Treasury department imposing sanctions on groups like eisel and hamas and Islamic Jihad in the revolutionary guards but of course the sacking of john bolton pretty much took over that they i thought there was some interesting stuff there where lets start with what. Might come players said the president is entitled to the stuff he wants any moments people he trusts and values compare that to the way donald trump actually got rid of john bolton. The thought whole thing is just all and i mean it looks like a movie doesnt it when the reporters are all shouting over one another trying to get their question haired and the fact that it lasted what 12 minutes or so is also very odd that youd have to senior people from the administration from an administration that doesnt brief that often would put them in front of the media for 12 minutes and they would spend most of that time talking about the guy whos not in the room who do you believe according to john bolton and hes been texting people about this over the last couple of hours there was a discussion last night about afghanistan got quite heated between himself and the president and others in the room john bolton offered his resignation on monday evening the president says lets talk about it in the morning at 1130 this morning john but went into the oval office and said im handing in my resignation this is john boltons narrative and 1158 donald trump essentially tweeted out that he had fired john bolton now that if you ask for some wondrous ignition youre fired them you know you got resigned whether you want to spend it anywhere or not but john bolton is certainly suggesting that he was the one that instigated the idea of putting forward his resignation that he actually delivered it but donald trump because he wants to look tough decided that he was going to fire john bolton as for what might pompey has said it is incredibly interesting that he said he needs someone on this National Security team whose judgment he trusts. But john bolton stance on so many of these issues isnt new the fact that he wanted regime change in iran which was completely against Donald Trumps isolationist american farce Foreign Policy the fact that he thought about launching an attack in afghanistan that goes against Donald Trumps policy were pulling troops out of syria which john bolton opposed and donald trump wanted to do that so against what donald trump wanted to do so there are just so many of these things in there rahm policy is very important because it seems no that is opening the door because donald trump in the past this said look im willing to meet with no preconditions with the iranian leaders and it seems that john bolton has been the big obstacle hes been the guy pushing at the other side of the door saying the end of the its not going to happen and know weve got steve mission whos the treasury secretary saying this could happen on the edge of the United Nations General Assembly in new york so that if you were a betting man come out and i dont know if you are i would restart into the nearest bootmakers and i would put money on there being a meeting between donald trump and mr rouhani at some point during younger because from what steve magicians saying from what might prompt you a saying and know that john bolton is the door i would suggest thats going to happen not a betting man at all alan couple of other things i would pick up on actually this one i mean a reporter asked a sort of predictable question theyre saying is this National Security team a mess and steve mentioned said thats the most ridiculous question of thats all very predictable but it does bear repeating that you know this is the 3rd National Security adviser has been compare himself sunny been in the job what a year and a half or so there is this constant turnover whether its a mess or not i dont know but there is this constant changing of staff of important stuff. Well theres a couple problems 1st of all donald trump is limited in the number of people he could appoint to important positions because the number of people who want to walk in important positions in the Trump Administration is limited there are republicans who simply will not set of at the pleasure of this president so thats a problem the other thing is that he believes in chaos he believes in moving things their own. Scuse me getting people on edge wondering what his next move is going to make and might pompei or perhaps summed it up best the National Security team implements the president s Foreign Policy and the president s Foreign Policy is with no clear doctrine beyond america 1st an isolationist he wants to pull american troops away from wars he wants a mode of Foreign Countries and so that limits his options to do that as well might bump you as you see hasnt been in the position of secretary of state for a while but he has been in the Administration Since the very beginning because he was Donald Trumps very 1st cia director there are many people around the table rather than John Bolton John bolton was a very odd choice as i say there were so many. Positions that he had taken that seemed to go against what donald trump was doing but donald trump liked him because he appeared on t. V. He appeared on fox news he spoke about Donald Trumps Foreign Policy he spoke about donald trump in glowing terms but in the end were led to believe that donald trump didnt like the statements he was making on iran and afghanistan and venezuela and he didnt like his t. V. Appearances and that is why in the end that was never going to work but with hindsight its obviously not really with hindsight at the time people asked how long was this going to last and if someone had said john bolton will be National Security adviser for 18 months i think a lot of people would be surprised that you actually lasted that long whole fascinating developments are they and well talk to you about it again in the news hour and fishes at the white house for us so the developments that weve had in fact this was just 15 minutes or so ago steve miniature u. S. Treasury secretary at the podium there at the white house to his left camera left mike pompei o the u. S. Secretary of state a 3rd person who should have been there john bolton National Security advisor now nash former National Security adviser he was fired by donald trump who had asked for his resignation which is basically a firing and most of the questions at that News Conference were about that as we say more to come in the news hour in about 10 minutes time on this story we will move on to some other news britains Prime Minister baraks johnson and his cabinet searching for a way out of the brags that deadlock government ministers met after a night of drama in parliament as johnsons appeal for a snap election was thrown out and then parliament was suspended for 5 weeks lawrence lee wraps up from london. Mr speaker the lords will also rise by how much is this mission to declare to declare how well it said to ask housewife i was this is and so also declared the prior great hall opens the presence of this honorable have really no. Choice what the outside world makes of the purchase parliament shutting down for 5 weeks when the u. K. Is going through the biggest political crisis since world war 2 is anyones guess its most certainly less than popular among the opposition m. P. s and the speaker of the house of commons this is not however a normal part of geisha it is not difficult it is not standard its one of the longest for decades and it represents not just in the minds of many colleagues but huge numbers of people outside and to be executives. As conservatives file doubts they were heckles by opposition m. P. s who refused to leave they tried to stop the speak up from leaving and then signed protest songs in the chamber. To demonstrate only too clearly the collapse of traditional politics here government ministers of offered no explanation of the deal they all seeking if there is such a deal less aching let alone any work time proposals presented to parliament the scrutiny no wonder they are so keen to baroque so early to avoid any scrutiny of doing the right 293. 00 knows the land 46. 00 johnson had lost his 60 votes in 6 days even fewer and ps casting their ballots for a sober election. When he tried it the 1st time and so while the opposition accused him of cowardice for suspending parliament he accused them of the same thing theyre right on mobile james remove his cronies together with those other opposition parties have been trying to disguise their proposed risk cowardice by coming up with ever more wagers excuse to slow down then you know an election until the end of october or perhaps november when hell freezes over. Immediate relief and procrastination that has become the hallmarks of the opposition before parliament was put into this induced coma the opposition was able to force Boris Johnson into a corner he is now going to have to seek some sort of compromise with the European Union if the u. K. Is to leave the block by the end of october as he insists must happen but that in turn will infuriate the most pro brecks it right wing of the party and will inevitably cost them seats whenever the National Election happens with his cabinet holding its regular meeting these calculations will all be in play rumors abound of the potential for more resignations from the ruling party as johnsons many critics say his grip over bricks it becomes ever weaker lawrence lee aljazeera london now a judge in the u. S. State of california is once again blocked the governments plan to prevent most migrants from seeking asylum at the border with mexico the white house called the ruling a gift to human. Traffickers and says it undermines the rule of law for decades refugees have been able to apply for asylum once they set foot on u. S. Soil regardless of how they got there. Well the ruling coincides with the Mexican Foreign ministers visit to washington the number of migrants picked up at the u. S. Border with mexico has dropped in recent months President Trump says the deployment of thousands of mexican soldiers had helped bring down the numbers critics though say the policy is not a long Term Solution towcester has more from washington. Since campaigning to curb illegal immigration to the United States President Donald Trump has tested a variety of policies to stem the flow of migrants across the southern border some were widely considered disastrous like the 0 tolerance rule of 2018 that separated thousands of children from their parents but other policies have been more successful u. S. Customs and Border Protection says border arrests have dropped dramatically since mays peak of 140000 people now that number is down to 51000 in august according to preliminary figures the numbers are really good i want to thank again the country of mexico they have 25000 soldiers right now protecting our border and theyve done a fantastic job so we appreciate that very much that is a much different tone from what we heard from the white house in june when an angry President Trump gave mexico and ultimatum either step up its efforts to keep Central American migrants from reaching the u. S. Border or face crippling tariffs the 2 countries agreed on a 90 day test period before those tariffs would kick in mexico says it has complied its deported more than 100000 Central Americans since january disrupting the migrant flow to the u. S. In terms of the mexican perspective at least the numbers have been decreasing so there has been some results from this policy but over the long term this type of negotiations threats by the United States are not going to lead to long Term Solutions immigration experts say the u. S. Should expand its Asylum Program theres a current backlog of more than 800. In 50000 cases for now mexico has agreed for some migrants to remain in mexico while their u. S. Asylum cases are pending thats led to long stays in mexicos dangerous border cities. Believe weve always been at risk always in danger when we try to cross they stop us. From says the drop in border crossings is a major win but his other promise of making mexico pay for the border wall has not been fulfilled construction is happening but the money is being diverted from other u. S. Government programs the military and Disaster Relief are paying the price. Castro aljazeera washington. Lot of news to bring you in we are back in just a few moments with the news on the latest on the firing of john bolton and the rest of the world. Junior zia. The spark that ignited the arab spring elects a new president what does the political scene look like after the arrest of one of the main candidates in the president ial race joining us for a special coverage. On aljazeera. The globe in the United States i learned that the 1st amendment is really key to being a good leader of the challenge is going to be nothing new for men and women for the resources that are available what makes an aljazeera story is that we just dont tell you what the subject of the story wants to know the government is not going to do the one thing the demonstrators want to apologize for thats what aljazeera does we ask the questions so that we can get closer to the truth talk to aljazeera were going to give them to the people who will be attending the minimal workshop we listen im supposed to explain apologize for someone its also terrorizing we meet with global newsmakers and talk about the stories that matter on their own to 0. The latest news as it breaks the problem is that in many cases those fires get out of control with details coverage the protesters dont seem to be fighting and neither. This is the polices determination to suppress the movement from around the world most of these vehicles have a syrian splaying from the south of the border and that influx caused a 2nd traffic jam in the only the open know that city of ethnic. This is al jazeera. Or from doha everyone im come all sons of maria and this is the news hour from aljazeera. Another National Security adviser is gone u. S. President donald trump has fired john bolton. Also a Bold Campaign promise israels Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is vowing to an expanse of the occupied west bank if hes reelected next week. At least 31 People Killed as well after a stampede during assure a commemorations this is in the holy iraqi city of karbala

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