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Media. Is the right were going to be. A lot of my early the view that anything. Is actually tracking. From the movement be directly from me. Because it will encourage the Chinese Government thats under us i mean one would argue that beijing may not be willing to sack the chief executive of hong kong but what the why isnt the why isnt beijing willing to consider other demands particular when it comes to the release of the prisoners and a full inquiry into the acts of violence committed by the police i think. This Popular Uprising in hong kong really is the chinese coming. Next one event and really doesnt have any good options left you can basically choose between. Any of their kind of scenarios we were talking about. See or entire wrote a story that kerry. Offered to withdraw the bill and beijing said no now she has declared at least that shes willing to do that shes offered to step down but beijing said no so we we have a. Not a paradox where the how can i say our government is no longer able to actually self govern the Central Government is overbearing but the Central Government also can walk directly who are on call because the hong kong must not accept that and so they really dont have any good options left and then at the same time compromise not so enraged by the brutality of the police that every day that passes basically this inaction and also this totally haphazard course that both she and caroline have taken theyre basically means revolutionary and so we do see an escalation and and well the main should be. The to the whole as our government and the Central Government bunny i mean when you see if this momentum which is continuing to build up in hell call comes out expensive uk an economy which has been completely battered by the acts of violence and by instability on the protesters in a way or another shooting themselves in the foot. Well i believe the economy is not hurt by the protest itself as weve said many times before if the withdraw of the bail happened 2 and a half months ago the protesters would just go home and slap none none of the bloodshed would have happened but as we say the Police Brutality happen every day i just passed through i have seen a Shopping Mall and some food good Police Officers were right right outside i have seen i think that is a scary scene and all the blood shot scary things and it looked and looked across the globe that is why i believe the Police Brutality itself and the in action and ignorance of the Hong Kong Government its what scared tourists or business as a way that is why it is important for the governments to a sat or these 5 demands for our society to really rebuild our system to a good way so that than we can attract more businesses and more tourists to come to hong kong again victor when you look at the jew political dynamics i mean the u. K. Has its own issues it has completely turned to an unchartered political territory the u. S. With a Trump Administration sometimes sense very confusing messages do you think that china under any circumstances in the future would be willing to redefine its relationship with hong kong against the backdrop of this ongoing or shifting geo political dynamics well be honest i think its a lot less this radical change government. The chinese go into government views. On really not not not really but really what is the relationship who were in these. As the Central Government but the local government on the belly of the local government and from beijing standpoint if the china needle is a nation of one point of view this as far as. 7000000 people so even beijing would make sense. Then surely you know why africa pension at 6 every month from. The china b. C. s you bet i won a lot you know so i think you know from the National Viewpoint it is understandable why you want even for the month like this. It is you are not planning sovereignty as you are not National Security so i dont even think that the baby was popular ok but i have are being worked on are unlikely to either be directly asked or was overly im sure they are working the streets very well with me i see we bother with the ones that want to be consistently place under us when you look at the course of events a whole call gets quite obvious the someone higher in the government. Underestimated the scope of the magnitude of always happening in hong kong host paul do you think it is it kerry lamb or is it the genting himself where the buck stops with city and this is why its such a high state. Kind of situation right now we see for some time there was a mere concern that we could witness kind of a repeat of tiananmen but gentleman 2. 0. But instead what weve seen is you know the mainland Chinese People arent really is basically has entered the ranks of the whole companies force they are coordinating the acts of Police Brutality but these kind of. Hybrid war you could call it a wolf there has really enraged the hong kong and in this scenario thats far more likely in. The Northern Ireland eyes ation of hong kong where increasingly the homeless will see the home police force as an outsize outside force and this doesnt really bold well and there are signs of kind of like a slow motion revolution so what started as a protest movement against that extradition you know has. Lost initially into the prodemocracy movement but now there are real signs of this becoming a revolution and you know any student of chinese history knows that. You know the revolutions in china havent always you know youre the best results and its right on the boards of you know to imagine you know what the outcome of this is where we are bonnie as a campaigner for the probable cause to movement do you think that if the demands were accepted by the beijing government is going to be an end to the protest movement or do you think that you would definitely move to a phase 2 which is tackling the deeper issues like asking the Chinese Government to stop meddling in the judiciary and the legislative branches of the government. Well i think hong kong protesters all we want is the basic law to be respected one country to a system high degree of autonomy and promise of giving us the universal suffrage to be accepted and if all 5 demands are being hurt the basic law is respected unlike now i think hong kong people will be very happy about the situation and well have victor but the basic law itself expires in 2048 i think in a way or another the chinese will claim absolute and total sovereignty over there they would say the one nation to systems is over well actually no. It just means it will be will be for example 24. 00 its obvious so and. Its not 47 leverage with our sovereignty right now in that. The chinese. You know the chinese. Government except that they have accepted to the same time that. The transfer of sovereignty comes at a price which is basically accepting the notion of a system one nation to system which is you have control over the defense over the Foreign Affairs but to let people the whole kong run their own daily life the way they want which is an anathema in a way or another to the way business is a run in beijing and the rest of the Mainland China yes but its not unconditional. If you look at the reading its well and the militant where it is it at that level or is it any personally i might want to be is that its up to the f. C. C. And thats the reason why kevin regulation by the by by the on because its its not on. Its actually beating the National Debate on reps in beijing. So well never notice the constitution there is an n. P. C. And wont achieve anything to be there are people who both of people. And most of the Central Government so you know here you have a situation where there is actually a war legally speaking between the Central Government and. You know and the democratic me a lot of people say and. So will kerry lams resignation its not a matter just for kerry they are all just what the protesters at least are ok and interim government is not rocky that is that we dont weave in and bottoms. We need months there is the basic law and this is the basic law and this is why i need to go now to undress and ask him about what happens next because when you look at the situation as it evolves of the professor saying that we need to negotiate many things talk about different issues and the. Isnt beijing on a collision course with the people of hong kong because ultimately ultimately its about chinas control over the summit of us territory and its have its own interpretation of what should be done. Thats for sure but we should bear in mind the box still stops with the city and one of the problems is that. Basically the Central Government has given a green light. To weaponize kind of a small nationalist sentiment not just in Mainland China but around the world for example that officials have really encouraged the hate crime against 4 corners that brought in places like australia. New zealand and canada and the problem is once you kind of unleash the demons of ethnic nationalism of course theres the reaction on the side of the home corners so i dont think that for example and would have ever gain any kind of currency whatsoever we had a problem to me one country 2 systems but the moment you start taking away the 2 Systems People start when ian on the one country and so. I talked about you know these signs of a slow motion revolution i mean we just need to listen to the slogans like liberate hong kong the revolution of our times now if people saying that he would hear the people saying that is still kind of like well not very challenging but see the protest movement has now come up with its own ent them glory to hong kong you know its very strong nationalist undertones so this is a reaction towards this. Control of unease and coming from the north of china where the top leadership probably never had a proper understanding of the south of china dont look down on them and thats of course something that people respond to so i think if we discuss this entirely in this kind of one country 2 systems framework that has really been blown away already these developments that you know obviously one system situation a very delicate situation indeed. Thats auto bunny learn thank you very much indeed for your contributions to the program today. And thank you too for watching you can see the program again any time by visiting our website dot com for further discussion go to our Facebook Page thats facebook dot com forward slash a. J. Inside story you can also join the conversation on twitter our handle is a j inside story from the passion about and the whole team here back in a. With a plummeting birthrate and families moving to the cities south koreas rural schools are shutting down one on one east meets the grandmas who is saving these schools while finally getting an education on aljazeera. In an ordinary week dr event atar at the heart a sajid not the only functioning hospital in blanched town in North Eastern south sudan and his steam operate on around 60 patients the United Nations Refugee Agency nominated him for the prestigious nansen award which you won in recognition of his work and incredibly difficult to constances. South sudan has been in conflict since 2015 the war has divided the country along ethnic lines 200000 people most of them refugees from sudans Blue Nile State even this remote town and looked to be a bad hospital for all their medical needs they were as destroyed almost the infrastructure which are specially in the upper layer almost all work including mother was because of Strong Living there in the presence of you know vision of the mother to working to the capacity that theyre supposed to. Talk to aljazeera we are what guarantees ready are given to the people will be attending the minimal workshop we listen im supposed to explain apologize for someone is also terrorizing we meet with global news makers and talk about the stories that matter on the 00. Hello and has im seeking in the harder top stories on nigeria donald trump has canceled secret meetings for sunday with taliban leaders its because of a suicide bomb attack in kabul which killed 12 people including a u. S. Soldier the afghan president cautiously welcomed the decision the. Taliban claimed responsibility for thursdays suicide bomb attack saying a Foreign Military convoy was targeted the blast destroyed cars and shops not far from the u. S. Embassy and the headquarters of afghanistans International Military force theres been no letup in attacks by taliban and u. S. Negotiators reporting progress in months of talks hosted by qatar. Its been another day of standoffs between protesters and police in hong kong protests the set barricades on fire blocked major roads and vandalized the metro station earlier thousands marched peacefully to the u. S. Consulate they calling on the u. S. Congress to pass human rights legislation allowing sanctions to be placed on hong kong leaders give you the pollen with this update now from hong kong. Careful brendan. Has seen the city sector of hong kong has changed dramatically just a few hours ago there was a piece from here thanking us now ok streets have been taken over by radical young officers we are so used to seeing this guy. Being a Railway Station earlier we saw them pull up breaks from the road and throw them they are now considering what was a very peaceful protest changing it into a more dramatic and fizzy thing here tens of thousands of people back to the u. S. Consulate there was a crosssection of people as well rally young and old were all part of that growth protest people even brought their children there they say they want the u. S. To have more power want to turn our own autonomy by passing a. This is now the scene on the street. Another British Government minister has quit the cabinet of Prime Minister Boris Johnson over his briggss strategy and bill rudd who was works and pensions secretary says she no longer believes the government is trying to get a deal she had voted to stay in the European Union during the breaks a referendum 3 years ago rudd told the b. B. C. She resigned because too much of the governments planning is going into a no deal breakers it. I have not seen enough work going into actually trying to get a deal when earlier in the week i asked number 10 for a summary of what the planning was for actually getting a deal i was sent a one page summary so its the combination of the fact that theres not enough work going into actually getting a deal which is i think is not what the Prime Minister signed up to try to do and secondly the expulsion of 21 of my colleagues who are good more to conservatives at the head of the United Nations Nuclear Watchdog group has met with iranian officials in tehran a day after it scaled down its commitments to the 2050 Nuclear Deal Iran announced on saturday it could now increase uranium enrichment levels beyond 20 percent but it doesnt have plans to do so yet the Iranian Foreign minister has told the i. A. E. A. Its actions are allowed under the deal a turkish newspaper has revealed new details about the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi inside saudi arabia is down will consulate last year the report is based on suspects testimonies and statements given to saudi courts suspects say they were not given direction from Saudi Crown Prince mohammed bin men in january 11 suspects were indicted in saudi arabia for murder of thousands of people are abandoning their destroyed homes in the bahamas following Hurricane Dorian the u. S. Coast guard is helping with rescue efforts moving people from the worst affected areas including the islands of grand bahama and abaco to the capital now so others have been taken to florida in the United States russias president Vladimir Putin has voted in a contentious Regional Election in moscow opposition an independent candidates are banned from the ballot in the capital thats provoked months of some of the biggest protests seen there for years hundreds of protesters were arrested many were beaten up by riot police and some were jailed those are the headlines europe today right now its al jazeera world. Millo. News. Over the decades millions of people from the arab world have emigrated whether driven from conflict and persecution or for economic and other reasons they settle in europe australia the americas and africa but what happens to them afterwards. Dr mohammad has she is a jordanian who settled in the United States and is now a cardiologist in cleveland ohio. But 1st meet dr majid and one that is an Orthopedic Surgeon were originally from iraq who are in australia in 1909 in an overcrowded fishing trawler. Suburb of the. People are. Generally. Most of the last year make it out of this so we have a she a father to know us so we have a she felt about it and the whole a job ahead of it a lot of doing a lot of the reckon it selima that look at how it and the whole issue from occurring there im an a. B. Back and out of when to how or what i had to struggle to buy that center. Played a smirk. Believe it decline with diesel. Fumes. And i was shaken no you got up you know nurse channel my bill carter im so stingy a horse could only login on board conditions were rapidly worsening with the refugees becoming weaker and weaker from dehydration i was doing a constant round of the boat in a lot of places having to step over that boat is long. Incapable of moving. Up that cliff. Hello jeanne. In. A few markets. My thought curtain jane. Will. Fill in sun and the whole. Idea of a woman s. One to. Fill out in. A word she has. That many. Believe here. To be permanent marker. Not me 982. Meals with money. 982. Ballad of some kind of billy who what is your view on aging. The most and not also part of the australia. Strategy you know it is short for. Kids and i wanted. To believe and want to make an even a little english. Then. I hadnt a daughter. Kind of motion from 100 intentionally nass 1. 1 what are the most analysts try and what i should of them i sure as short of death allow the multiple more and then. Kind of as well as the bests. Its. A court of medicine more cliff lee could it be. Mark and any. So we have got a. Ton of it i do on a cold reading if it can be. Committed to the intellectual much of 200. 00 when the whole huge role in solving our coalition could be able to stop. Recording our new color and. Know how to show us the key. Targets in the us. And. Could be a lot in the 2. Years you are you could be in the far to get. Someone to do how they set up a will not allow it in the. You know what actual mechanism me and no actual. Way shes done it can and does stand there nourished all of a i am ill. And. The toilets. Sage and then of how the land. Can leave usually. My enemies. When a giant engine and side b. By the end. But how will it annoy. Well how will it end the whole work i have. Qualification be able. To have a. Little boy by then develop bobby. Housel. A side of. Me. Then. Because last year i had 11. As well as treating patients dr and what that is devotes time to lecturing in arabic his name and that is means teacher and his students give him top marks after lecture and communicate. And now among other if someone can articulate math and other fairly can feel to be you. To. Be but. Ok and feel my heart out i always say that they are to go for a surgery real moments i. Can mention to. Me hillary. Has asked us a lot harder well and thats just to keep up the other but itll up above but hey are here a side of the top well i took in the law of the mean in this. But they had a way. Hackett tomorrow. Sometime in the u. C. I mean it to me is no we cannot do

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