A mission. In libya rape is such a taboo that is simply not open for discussion. I meant the human rights activist operating underground but hes determined to bring the issue of rape out into the open. Because he has received Death Threats a mad carries his entire life in a suitcase and he never sleeps in the same place. One of his contacts is a man known simply as the a c. She thought she was he would be looking for. A local school. And was. Looking for one. For years just seemed really inside but all the time he knew about men and women who had been raped and who needed help. In fact he was talking about himself. When the scene arrived in tunis he didnt want his identity revealed and his voice here is this guy. Yes and he will have a high with me and i did to want to you have to really. Think i did it to me and i think we have a softer side his life was take it was never the case. Lack of the. Feel. In the hoof. Because. You know me. You know for. Your level of we. Could have taken any. Testimony gradual revealed the horrors of a hidden war civilians rounded up on the street secret prisons and torture. He talked about men raped and then released defiled men whom no one ever mentions. I imagine the question was now how many of them were now wandering the streets of tunis before returning to libya and hiding their shame inside. And the women the men asked. Why lets. See but just i would just. Wish. The high enough so it can. Every day mad meets victims of abuses suffered in libya and meticulously records everything they say. But most refused to talk about great. This man nazir had been imprisoned for 6 years. You have got here. She shifts shift mom is a. Shaken north i did. Not feel. My god even when i was going to visit the work on the line about it with a mother. Under the. Most of them but of them when you did offer and them guns it was kind of who could tell the truth not as if they were the girl for a book and its a matter of a sort of magic no one loves when one of his Little Clinic got out of session not about them either. They. Did have a mostly physician or guardian let alone their reasonably honest look into. The legal guardian. Would warm one of them over the difficulty. Of the division of. Lee. He saw me asking school flakier yeah sure here. When. Will the fisa court of. Shit plea. If it had been of. The saw. Nothing. Like many others nazir simply avoids the question only revenge matters to him. But without official complaints and statements he may not count initiate any Legal Proceedings the rape trial remains empty the crime simply doesnt exist. And a man spent several months listening to many libyan victims of abuse gathering a wealth of detailed information. But they case still lacked the kind of hard evidence they would need in order to make a case Strong Enough to stand up in International Criminal court. They also badly needed outside expertise. Cillian by day knows libya well. Shes a french lawyer specializing in International Law and has 20 years of experience tracking Sexual Violence in conflicts around the world. In 2013 she helped draft a law aimed at protecting rape victims under the gadhafi regime but diligence lation was never elected. By dates experience is that the war crimes do not simply go away if no legal action is taken they would continue to be committed. We are. A team its not just me and imad we have many libyans here and we have our need to work inside on the ground and what we are trying to do we have trying to collect a lot of documentation from different organizations a sense 2011 since ok since 2011011 there is sometimes not just militias. Do the crime there is people are working for ministry of the. Ministry of fun tear out can deal with this kind. You know that recently at the i. C. C. For rape you know the case bomba he was sentence and he didnt rape nobody but she was sentence for rape because he ordered it or even knew that it was happening and he didnt do nothing so thats a very important case because night existing the jurisprudence and this is also something we can use in our our case for almost 2 issues really so close of what you were to mention how we count toward together our team and you and your team to solve this case is international you can you know of the idea is all the case you have each individual situation that you may have collected each time we need to look at when it happened and where it happened because if you dont do that you get killed before a court thats why im telling you this we have to work on that and to to show our systematic it is you know and then you have a case. Legally speaking. You are in a. In a special situation. Because you cannot bring a case. But it doesnt mean that it does to stop now i think we can work on that to put pressure towards international in stones you are been you know manic cetera and prepare a case for the i. C. C. And we need to push for the i. C. C. So we have to show that this is a priority and to bring a something like. Love. Is room. For the International Criminal court to agree to take on a case because believe in human rights activist in tunis would 1st have to establish that a war crime had been committed in their homeland. Meanwhile youre seeing resurfaced this time ready to tell his story. It revolves around the siege of his city misrata by Government Troops for 3 months in 2011. The forces were based in 2 out of the 50 kilometers away whose residents were then accused of supporting the Government Action in the. We. Misperceive. Honey you know. Popular in the far. You can do in the mean ministry are unique and you need ok in the bum but he thought i was in as to one cause in the car and an 80 in the 100. Out of marble. That was in the ministry. With that he had been there on the idol worship of the out of our tickets because they had also look which models. You need a different but would have. Been in the had it in was more its a wash. And you bit that deep. In it that deep it will fly hostler. He thought the free had a little of. The power which if you missed a shot in the wind if we had to be in the midst i. Couldnt even admission the 40 im going to condemn had he had the mecca has set in. He has seen believes that since that night in march 2011 hes become sterile but hes never had a test because he didnt think you could trust anyone to do it. However tunas offers him the anonymity he needs to see a doctor ahead of you. If you live. Just as you have. With. Your scene apparently needs more tests and medical examinations but it seems to be too much for him and he disappears off the radar again he said but that put into the national. Militarys a policy shift was pretty restrictive to say if you persevere with a low Interest Rate make a levy in your body on that live the life issue and the employee says if im not fully recently you might say of course you completely got the idea to be quite fill of uli usually i thinking mark if parliament but dont these occupy David Buckley report look really really poorly if we follow them to say. Yeah you could use somebody. Initially made you dimly if youre not part of. It if youre a young but the mother dominique lets take. It as we feel compassion. You want to get it in the open if you want to get. To strengthen the good you have to show do good all the more with your camp still fight against corruption. For new chiro change heroes like new who are about to be refused a 15000000. 00 brian the achievement of heroes like him to showcase by the International Ace award it shines a light on these heroes because the best way to fight a dark used to shine a light lets make a rule to bid to police nominate your Anti Corruption mirror. To cost a priceless results under threat the amazon rain forest is a blaze and its links to brazils drive for would be a sort of production look at bats plus as he had always global ambitions which have left investors missing some big losses. Counting the costs on aljazeera. Setting the discussions police in cape town has struggled to looking steadily down by examining the headlines now under president putin russia is making a push to engage explore an abundance of world class programming designed to inform to motivate and inspire but. Its almost 2nd nature and i also know when they see the out from a different perspective on aljazeera. Matheson in doha the top stories on august hopes of salvaging the 2050 nuclear deal with iran have suffered another blow to iran now says it has the ability to enrich uranium to a much higher level the countrys atomic agency. Has announced its 3rd major step in scaling back its commitments under the agreement it says it can now increase in richmond levels beyond 20 percent thats only steps away from weapons grade uranium but it says it doesnt have any plans to do so yet to iran says that capacity could quickly be reversed if europe delivers promised sanctions relief. If the west fulfills their commitments we will return to implementing our commitments but as we move forward the situation will get more difficult the european side must also realize that there isnt much time left if they want to take action they must do it its possible dorsett about it has more from. Well this really means that this Nuclear Agreement is on its last legs the iranians have said that theyve given the europeans another 60 days but after that there is really not much hope for this deal to stay in place the remaining signatories france britain and germany are being urged to do everything they can to chime bypass the sanctions that the United States has imposed on iran since they withdrew from the deal last year the u. N. Say that that because these sanctions have been put in place on irans oil and banking sectors the europeans have not been able to hold their end of the deal and iran is going through various articles in the agreement which stipulates this very specific scenario that if somebody withdraws from this deal iran has the ability to object and withdraw step by step from this deal and thats exactly whats happening in the iranians say that its really now up to the europeans in the next 60 days to do everything they can to uphold the still 24 ukrainian sailors held prisoner in russia have returned home the much awaited prisoner swap so the 2 Countries Exchange 35 prisoners on each side the sailors were captured near the Crimean Peninsula last november. Police in hong kong have successfully prevented a protest targeting the citys airport it was a big Police Presence on the day and trains and buses to the airport were limited but testers shut down the airport for 2 days last month and those are the headlines the news continues here on aljazeera after libya unspeakable crime for. There is no such thing as a chemo. War allows every kind of atrocity. Of all war crimes rape is the hardest to uncover making it the perfect crime. But did on the. Now claim to saw and sound all that and shown on. The senate floor. French human rights lawyer celine barr dead much fatima. She is not libyan but she lived. She was kidnapped and raped like to see whom we saw earlier during the siege of misrata and is now trying to pull her life back together. From. The human Rights Groups of libyans operating out of tunis. He was a desert. And his unit took part in the government seized of the opposition city of misrata in 2011. He also wanted his identity concealed and his voice is this caused hear us. See did you. Begin to question the question again and. Again and again feel the fear. But it is him since i mean look at you been. Saying. An ascii the many more number of ascii books but if youve been out of the media. The feed the. Local food hole get done now youre. Going to look for those that have been taken from them to be schooled being to cool with the money they need. To. I think youre going to kill and injure the most. Political symbol and legal leg. To some of the. Other. Says no it will be. Good when you have to feed the new. Look in the movies and make any deals not to give you. A little. Nothing on federal law. No. The 1st instances of where by the gadhafi regime against opposition supporters then the tables were turned and those taking charge after the revolution the same practice. In the spring of 2017 the International Criminal court took action issued an indictment against a former senior Government Official supporter. Of the order drape to be committed during the revolution. The badly needed concrete evidence particularly to demonstrate the district. Has continued long after the revolution. For this and the spied the risks they had to return to. The 5. That a lot. Of the but there werent that many and some that get away with it after that. One can look. At what names we get to what it will be for good which happened about that in itself. But it was good at the book we get to. Know how pretty you know any. More for i reckon the fish fish higher than you. Look at that people would win the lottery or have the ship of. The group arrived in the capital tripoli which is still in constant state of flux one minute erupting like a volcano the next lying deceptive little. Witch in fighting mad was a man from 2 out of only just been released from 6 years in prison after being caught up in the backlash against his city. Known as i leave his identity and voice also disguised here kind of and has a tidbit of. You can. Force mr to her to believe or. Ive ever. Said that it would lead and she could. Be at the going to get it together if. You get that he will be the book is she. Better she made sure he saw many. Many intact leak into it that the. Kids kitchens or what need to get into do you got is more powerful they were. Born from brought. Here from have. She will. Persist contact. Me i mean. Before they bother. To live there. She saw. But i. Missed. It it says and i just before the show for it. She should listen to bush for all her. Time to fill your mother. Tongue take. Your good stuff. Lets show them you know were. Not. Going to do good just look. At us and. 10 feet in the tank at the moment look you want to rock. Sure of. These 2 guns for some tickets. If you need to. See. The full force see the shape. Of the. Delta fox or the model in the middle. That little that we. Hear. More. Of them all. The more you. See. Its all planted. But i am too i am too. And. I lease testimony also reflected the fact that being from the twilight he and his fellow residents were designated for special treatment. Of guns were largely descendants from slaves and so are black so they were often considered 2nd class libyan citizens but then they were also accused without conclusive proof of having support of the government sees of misrata and taken part in rape along with the gadhafi supporters and rebel cities like misrata. A madman activist from 2 hours ago who had recorded the abuse suffered by the people. We. Know they have lists of missing persons former prisoners the names of secret prisons and exact dates. The case was that water guns were being targeted kidnapped and systematically persecuted yes. The evidence pointed towards having become a major target. The implications were that a major human rights violation and alleged crime had been committed. Time was a for us. So despite the obvious risk to his personal safety a man decided to stay in tripoli he tried in vain to contact other men. But a female victim did agree to meet him. Her do you had never spoken out before her identity and voice are again discussed. Well im going to get us the ok so. Were going to take a look at the numbers this is something. There how the. If you wear hijab you know there have been something you know for certain that the targets will be. Hold for the house did this come all shot colonel hunt so. We decided at this point since. Shift or easy it would be intimate to tell what i just told the difference in a totally different sort of dont feel like im in a good cup of coffee is you not a good person are going to get up and soon set off in the dark not from generally but really. Its. Good to let your film but not the company 1st were going to move from a pretty. Good the kids are going to get you know knowledge of you has are going to only go and so thats the scene and to them that would have to stop that nothing that. It did to from the start but them instead of sufficient. Just a decision ends up another one to 9 months in the 1st and on the part of the nudity to them i looked at them and into boarding an intercity. Recommendation that. The bullet did more because that has been a massive victory in shadow district when i had that kind of you know stony finance committee for me not to do any i was an attorney and its not for certain that you have to look and since there is a. Gap im happy that the time that youre standing up for starting a law suit are out of my not for my fantastic start to be sort of an option and lose the whole island but. What this book will. Come got to defend. With. One call. Could we actually. Ship wish i. Hadnt seen for dinner and no it didnt get at midnight we took. Who had to live there think it was nerves. Of steel. Men was to get me out of it if i wanted money got nothing to do our modern understanding. Of what moderates could. Lose but the problem did not stop clinton and ive been here for. Something a dentist unless like the one supply from the star to a cup of. Congratulations are correct but i. Can look good thats where the bad story about mcknight made that hesitation i wanted to calculate had nothing that i dont duplicate. If i lucked into will to go beyond the love island or be done cool look unsure ticket and theres the talk of the desert the harder to see. When to get their little it is my fault but the result of the is that this new. Low risk of the 3rd lauren of wilson right now and im not going to change for gladness i. Should get it done and. Im glad none of them but didnt and now and then telegraphic. Especially when you before you learn to really make it. Front. The people of that water was finally allowed to return to the ruins of the city in 2018 but a marriage Human Rights Group concluded that discrimination against them continues and that as a people they have become demonized in postrevolutionary a form of collective punishment. And muscle lost lolli had. Little need to make them sick totally. Difficult mission work under mad. How they do few worship what money in the wild so. On the wrong trail. You have. Said look. It. Clear how. Many think you want when you have massive ill tell you. That i want to go. To doing an example. Where they came together they can control humanity. I say what i need to put it on what you can say on a. As. Type. 6 in line to get his generosity. Than you want. To discover and. It is. The scourge of wa. That. He said thats tricky for the folk who says any amount of strong escapade that quality is any man that austria division is shown in that area drawing on experience in bosnia may help the tunas base Human Rights Group build a solid case against the perpetrators of these shocking abuses but it took 20 years for the u. N. Tribunal to convict those responsible for the strip massacre. The case of course revolution libya has highlighted the use of rape as a calculated instrument of war. The International Justice system must now pick up the battle but this is no easy task i mean the ongoing factional fighting in todays leave you. Know. A year had passed since his scenes 1st arrival in tunisia. He stablished that he was not steroids. And with the passage of time his talents have soft being more concerned with justice than revenge. And if you could a take on life change. Again he could have trash bags and cant travel cant cant now can i am not. A qualified and he had a little capital of its own and sick. That he she had i am going to stay in atlanta elena. If thats. The challenge now is to achieve that on behalf of your city mosier. Ali. And all of the libyan rape victims. Hello again welcome back to International Weather forecast well here across southern brazil and into montevideo we are seeing some showers and that will continue through the rest of the weekend so here we do expect to see the rains start to creep a little bit more so down towards the south so if one is out as you could be seeing a rain shower by the time we get to sunday with the tempter there of 17 degrees but it is going to be a sunny Beautiful Day in rio with a temperature of 28. 00 of course we are watching what is happening across the bahamas for relief and recovery effort weather and that is cooperating over the next few days no rain as expected and heres your 3 day forecast as we go through the beginning of next week as well we do expect to see temperatures just about average for this time of year maybe getting slightly cooler on monday but we do expect to see more sun in the forecast by the time we get towards tuesday and then dorian is making its way towards the northeast we do expect to see a landfall today in parts of nova scotia and there it is right there we are seeing some storm surge here for parts of cape cod massachusetts as well as maine but the storm is moving very quickly so New Brunswick canada youll see a lot of rain as well down towards the south though for atlanta it is going to be quite a hot day at 34 degrees washington at 28 and by the time we get towards sunday we do expect to see more rain across much of the Central Plains and for chicago a temperature of 20. The weather sponsored by catherine ways. For the congolese the journey to work all aboard means unimaginable hardship i prefer to lie down because they knew id gotten through chance in life and limb on a dangerous journey through the jungle hell i fell onto the rails and nearly died. Our children go to school and live because of the trade risking it all the democratic republic of congo on aljazeera. In this life the most incredible stories are often true. And cheering go on experiences. Makes the unfamiliar familiar. In this life no versity makes a difference understanding the importance of being part of something much great of the soul in this life what i want to lose is freedom of expression. The right to mortgage. The march into the darkness. Because you dislike. The just trying to understand the. Make so she. And the human condition is universal. This is aljazeera. Hello im rob matheson this is the news our live from doha coming up in the next 60 minutes ready to take Nuclear Enrichment to a whole new level iran says time is fast running out to salvage the 2050 nuclear deal. Ukrainian sailors are finally reunited with their family says part of a person of exchange with russia. 100 still missing in the bahamas amid the warnings of a staggering final death toll from holic and dory. Im joining us roscoe with the sport formula one qualifying is underway at monza but all the talk is about how the driver of this f 3 car managed. To walk away from this horrid. Hopes of solving the 2050 nuclear deal with iran have taken another blow to iran now says it has the ability to enrich uranium to a much higher level but it also says that capacity could quickly be reversed if europe delivers promised sanctions relief but also her body has the latest from. Another step back from the 2015 nuclear deal but a step forward for Irans Nuclear program the latest phase of iran reducing its commitments further to the agreement with 6 world powers is its most serious and technical one yet. More we started lifting limitations on our research and development imposed by the deal itll include development of more rapid and advanced centrifuges we have the capacity to enrich uranium beyond 20 percent but we dont have any plans to do so for the time being this is where the more advanced centrifuges have already been installed as a friday than a tense Nuclear Facility is now capable of enriching uranium at a much faster speed since the United States withdrew from nuclear pact in 2013 and imposed a series of harsh sanctions iran has been reducing its commitments to the deal president has and rouhani announced this latest phase on wednesday but said all these changes were reversible when and if the European Countries who signed up to the deal up held their end of the agreement that would include protecting irans oil exports from u. S. Sanctions what youre saying is that they can go back to what they really dont want to and one parent trying to do is to get some more leverage and these are the. 3 but also the u. S. Assume that these negotiation and the stocks about to great with micron metals. To honor partners lead to somewhere the acting chief of the United Nations Nuclear Watchdog well head to teheran on sunday for talks with the reigning foreign minister Mohammad Javad zarif iran has given britain france and germany and the other 60 days to see if they can do anything to salvage this the oh and the head of Irans Atomic Energy Organization has told aljazeera that after the next phase iran will have officially abandon all of its technical commitments under the Nuclear Agreement or such a party aljazeera teheran. Well the 2nd look a what different grades of uranium enrichment actually mean when youre a nam is minded has less than one percent of the material used in Nuclear Reactors but that increases once its concentrated when enrichment reaches 5 percent it could be used in Nuclear Power plants once it hits 20 percent uranium is usable for Research Reactors or for medical purposes and thats just a short technical step away from 90 percent purity the uranium grade needed to produce a nuclear bomb meanwhile the United States says a satellite photo proves iran has lied about the oil tanker released in job role to last month it says the adrian daddio one is a part of the anchored off the coast of syria despite a rainy assurances it wasnt heading there in july british marines stormed the supertanker suspected of shipping oil worth 130000000. 00 to syria in breach of in use sanctions should help a ton see has more from washington d. C. For weeks there have been reports about how john bolton has been sidelined in various Foreign Policy negotiations and discussions in the administration he wasnt included in the talks with the taliban for example and in the deliberations about those talks and just on friday there were several reports about how his relationship with mike pompei with the secretary of state is completely broken down that theres a report that the white house chief of staff has been trying to sideline john bolton for meetings about Foreign Policy meanwhile this week we had donald trump suggested maybe he could talk to the iranian president on the sidelines of the u. N. General assembly and then on friday where the u. S. Defense secretary talked about the possibility of talks with iran while he was visiting visiting london which perhaps explains some of the the wording in this tweet that says we can talk but iran is not getting any sanctions relief until it stops moaning and spreading terror hes clearly not a happy man the dutch government says its disappointed a potential suspect in key witness linked to the downing of Malaysia Airlines flight m. H. 17 was included in a prisoner swap between russia and ukraine. Was among 35 russian Prisoners Released by ukraine on saturday in return 24 ukrainian sailors and 11 other prisoners were greeted by their families in kiev after being handed back by russia the sailors were captured near the Crimean Peninsula last november and accused of illegally entering russia to Countries Exchange 35. 00 prisoners on each side well this what follows years of conflict involving russian backed separatists in Eastern Ukraine the new efforts to revive stalled peace talks under simmons as more. They set saile obeying orders and ended up behind bars in russia 22 ukrainian soldiers and 2 members of the countrys Security Services they were captured by the russian navy which opened fire on their 3 boats here in the current strait 9 months ago russia says they legally entered its waters near the Crimean Peninsula seized by russia from ukraine in 2014 a british. Let me draw your attention to the fact that they trespassed on russian territorial waters which were russian even before crimea join the Russian Federation that is in the place where russian territorial waters have always been used. The kurds strait gives the only access to ukrainian ports in the sea of as of but its now largely under russian control and tensions in the region are high. In july this russian tanker was seized by the ukrainians who said it had been involved in the capture of their sailors the russian crew were later released president putin had been pressured by the European Union and the United States to release the sailors an International Tribunal had also ordered russia to immediately release the men and their ships the kremlin refused. Several of the men were reportedly moved from labor camps in different parts of russia to a single jail in moscow ahead of their exchange with russians being held in ukrainian prisons. Russia seize control of crimea 5 years ago after sending in troops its also still backing separatists in a war with Ukrainian Forces in Eastern Ukraine moment 10000 people have been killed since the fighting began 5 years ago. Ukraines new president vladimir the linsky says he wants to revive peace negotiations with russia hes been courting european leaders recently rooted in their own ski have already spoken by phone the Prisoner Exchange could be an important and if step towards further dialogue and to simmons. Well lets talk not just advice and hes joining us live from moscow this step this give us an indication of how significant this swap actually is. Well this is in fact the 1st positive move between the 2 countries since the conflict started in 2014 and basically the move that the ukrainian filmmaker aleck sense of who was sentenced to 20 years in prison here in russia went on a significant Hunger Strike for a long time has now returned home to ukraine is seen as a major concession by russia by Vladimir Putin and it also shows that putin is keen on negotiating with selenski the new president in ukraine but he had to get something in return as you already mentioned flight immediate say mark he is seen as a very important witness in the mh 17 case the downing of the. Airline at a malaysian airliner in 2014 russia insists that of bringing back this person hes not even russian hes ukrainian they brought him back to moscow today but it turns out the dutch authorities have already announced that they could question him before his departure from kiev earlier this week so the whole exchange was basically hanging on this one man say mark and this delayed the whole eggs change also for whole week but basically this is a major victory also for the ukrainian president selenski who promised to bring back these sailors when he was running for election and he has now fulfilled that promise and theres going to be a lot of speculation isnt that this could be the start of a possible kind of normalization of relations between the 2 countries from where you are in moscow are you getting any sense that moscow might be open to 2 more discussions with ukraine in the future. I think normalization is a big word at this stage but what im hearing here is also very positive signs all sort of Foreign Ministry has that this is a big move its an important gesture also showing that selenski basically is seen as a man who was willing to compromise thats a little a how they put it so basically they are hoping that a deal or at least negotiations can start soon. The french president is also very active at this front were actually expecting the socalled normandy form at the depths of the dialogue between germany and france ukraine and russia to happen any time soon possibly dismount and thats where these negotiations in the go she agents will happen but i think the whole process shows that president putin has a very strong bargaining position and that he will definitely use that so nobody is very optimistic that there will be a resolution anytime soon and of course there is still conflict going on on the borders between russia and ukraine at the moment isnt that there is still a tension between the 2. 00 and 2. 00 countries there is a long way to go in this and. Exactly and the 1st step of course should be a real cease fire that has been ceasefires actually in the beginning of the month there was a new un again but they have been breached time and time again so basically from both side today as a lot of accusations that who is behind all these breaches but as also people in ukraine have mentioned that the there are continuous attacks also from russian backed separatist still going on in that region so its still a very long way to go and that selenski have mentioned it its a just a very very 1st chapter that they hard have entered now in their relationship step thanks very much indeed. Well the lexicon as a professor of comparative politics said kid academy b. Says russia is using the illegal detention of ukrainians as a bargaining tool because if you show us a political piece of this who arent you russia including premium us

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