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Defending our democracy ahead of the latest Political Drama demonstrators in Parliament Square denounce Boris Johnsons actions accusing him of engineering a no deal grex it by claiming theyre all still chances of a deal when theres no progress whatsoever Boris Johnson may have only been in power for 6 weeks but he doesnt have control right now nevertheless youve only got to listen to the demonstrators to realise the central issue is about trust and the opposition want to be absolutely sure theres a cop up bolton guarantee the card play any tricks if there is an election the 2nd Largest Opposition Party is also against an immediate election people dont trust johnson when he says he really wants a deal we all suspect that he wants a new deal and we also want to make sure that hes not able to use his proxy of powers as the Prime Minister to create some tricks and allow the country to crush out another day of unprecedented moves within parliament and with it still uncertainty about what the people of the United Kingdom might expect from its Political Leadership Andrew Symonds westminster. And. Also in westminster for a slowing the bill to stop and no doubt breaks it now in the last august or the process of what happens next. Well yes and plainly throughout the course of this week power has abt away from Boris Johnson hes lost 3 votes now in the commons the lords overnight cleared the way for the for the bill so it needs to be needs to go through the lords procedurally between today and the end of friday and then well go back to the house of commons for a final reading on on monday and it will then get royal assent and that will be the victory for the opposition and the conservative rebels who are now in the time table and theyll be another attempt by Boris Johnson then on on monday before parliament to suspend its to try to force an election in the middle of october which which as you heard in enders report these he still insisting on but he doesnt have power anymore is a Prime Minister and yet all the power is now resting with the opposition who are looking increasingly confident those parties the labor party the liberal democrats is what its nationalists. May disagree on lots of things but they are looking creasing leigh unite seeds in their desire to make life as difficult as they possibly can for Boris Johnson and not allow him to set the terms of any sort of agenda at all and so the question thats really being asked of the moments and it is a discussion is going on inside theres opposition parties do they agree to his demands or have an election in the middle of october or do they simply wait until bracks is delayed at the end of october humiliate him still further because of the forced him to break his vow that the u. K. Will have left by then left the European Union by then and then try to force an election at some points during the delay between the end of october and the end of january and so they that they are in control and Boris Johnson looks like these plans to look like a strongman have really backfired in for the time being as the same as johnson considering considerably weakened now what do you anticipate his next move to me. Well hes trying already downing street is looking like hes trying to come back on the front foot. I would say old abortions is going to give another lek turn address outside downing street speak speak to the nation theyve already briefed journalists as to what hes going to say which is that the opposition parties are in the process of surrendering as they put it to the European Union taking all negotiating power away from london and giving the European Union the right to determine the course of events jeremy colby and in particular the Labor Party Leaders being portrayed in the conservative media this morning is a chicken that cowards who wont have an election and buy in terms of just saying that the opposition parties are breaking the stated amount of the will of the people to leave the European Union so that shines and mike pence the american Vice President is visiting as well today and Boris Johnson will have a press conference with him in the post americans wants the u. K. To leave the European Union as well and so theyll be responsible to try to use all these things to regain some sort of initiative but the trouble is as i say hes not in control of the hes in charge of the government but parliaments and things that are happening in parliament are now being run by the opposition parties thank you for that law and say my forests and london so heads on aljazeera a boycott reprisal attacks and speed stepped up security that far from violence on foreign owned businesses in south africa is being felt across the continent and the trade talks are back on the u. S. And china agreed to return to the negotiating table to resolve their trade. However got lost a clear weather across indonesia at the moment a little more clout than to borneo a little more cloud to ensue the philippines but it does look like the fire. And dry warm sunshine coming through temperatures around 30 celsius with a chance of one of those heat of the day showers malaysia doesnt that too bad here for a good part of malaysia but you see the wetter weather is further north because some very heavy downpours still in place just around thailand bangkok seeing some rather wet weather as we go on through the next couple of days so that sad days picture pushing across into southern parts of vietnam through cambodia tarsus and live the showers here push further south and again it does stay largely dreisers the case to into a good part of australia hot sunshine in fact just around the eastern side of the country into queensland weve got some a very hot weather early heat theyre building into paris been for example different story further south this little area cloud that we have just around the australian else could even produce a little bit of snow as we go on through the next couple of days this is where its windy some blustery weather into the southeast of australia just about getting up into double figures the hobart at 13 there for melbourne as we go on into sas stay cool off in melbourne who live in degrees celsius betty 9 celsius in fine and dry for perth. With a sponsor its only. The big stores generate sounds of headlines it seems that much the media is still struggling with how to deal with it with different angles from different perspectives and you hold to account separating the spin from the facts. The misinformation from journalism how to care for. Your words but some tough stuff has to be said some critics have to be listening post. And watching aljazeera live from doha a recap of our top stories iran says it will operate a Nuclear Program without limits as it launches the 3rd phase of its withdrawal from the 25000. 00 nuclear deal this comes after the u. S. Impose new sanctions on tehran for the 3rd time in a week the taliban is claiming responsibility for a large explosion in afghanistans capital which has killed at least 4 people the group says it was targeting a Foreign Forces convoy the brass shop windows and doors in an area close to foreign embassies and government buildings in kabul and british Prime Minister Boris Johnson this proposal to hold us not be election before the breakfasted deadline of october 31st has been voted down and b. s also passed a bill blocking the possibility of a no deal exit from the European Union. And the number of People Killed in the bahamas by Hurricane Dorian now stands at 20 and is expected to rise the storm has regained strength and is now a category 3 hurricane threatening the eastern United States the speed of the winds that hit the abaco island when dorian made landfall in the bahamas where at the highest on record the bahamian Prime Minister says rescue operations are in full swing and has warned against looting. Manya rapido has more now from the island of abaco. This is the island of one of the worst hit areas by Hurricane Dorian the local air terminal was destroyed by strong winds and storm surge people now gathered by the runway looking for a way out. As we made our way toward the community of blackwood the scope of the devastation became even more apparent acres and acres of downed trees blocking the road. The region is still flooded but waters are finally starting to recede. In the capital nassau bolen tears are mobilizing to compile desperately needed Disaster Relief food medicine and bottled water. But access is limited to the areas most affected so right now were getting a lot of help from the military from the United States with the search and rescue and after that its going to be about getting food medical supplies and even volunteer teams to these islands that would have brought to you some of the volunteers sorting donations or tourists like george and maria who cut their vacation short to lend a hand i saw the news on the t. V. And i said i could go to the beach played on the beach enjoying my vacation and then it said im right here in the hotel people. Right back on abaco island residents gather with their families to assess the damage many of lost everything presents us sitting on the side of the old no way to go some partisan scott even find a Family Member so it is really back. To the store may be over but for thousands of bahamians the challenge of rebuilding their lives still lies ahead as you can see the devastation here is enormous power lines litter the streets theres no electricity no Running Water no Cell Phone Service and thousands of people have nowhere to sleep tonight theyve been left homeless waiting desperately for help to arrive and up to aljazeera abaco the bahamas. Chief executive carrie lamb says she would fully support an International Inquiry into Police Conduct during protests in hong kong comes a day after she announced she would formally withdraw a controversial extradition bill that sparks 3 months of demonstrations also pledged to follow up on recommendations from the inquiry. The bill will be withdrawn. There will be no debate and no vote. The 2nd action is we will fully support the world of the independent Police Complaints Council People from all walks of life with different stances and backgrounds are invited to share their views and air their grievances we must find ways to address the discontent in society and look for solutions aljazeera sarah clarke has more now from hong kong. Hong kongs chief executive kerri lam has done her 1st q. And i sit in with the media in the wake of her decision to withdraw the controversial extradition bill she said she hoped that this would break the political impasse which has been stuffing politics here in hong kong and she said that it would give hong kong a way forward she also said the study that shes commissioned to investigate the political crisis she hoped that this would give the community a platform for conversation she denied that she was under pressure from chinas Central Government she said they respected and understood her decision to withdraw the extradition bill shes also rejected accusations that this independent study into this political process is meaningless she said the International Representation on this body would give deliver credible outcomes as for the other 5 demands other demands that the protesters want met shes refused their request for universal suffrage shes also refused to bow to their demand to introduce or Commission Independent investigation into Police Behavior and until all those demands are met by protesters those protesters are bearing to go ahead with their demonstrations chinese american trade negotiators a to meet for talks in october to try and put an end to the trade war between the well still largest economies the latest round of tit for tat tariffs between the 2 countries went into effect on sunday catrina you is in beijing with more. International Financial Markets are certainly responding well to this news of a new meeting between the u. S. And china to come up in in october but theres not too much celebration on the ground here at least in china i think both sides understand that there are still some major hurdles to overcome when it comes to these negotiations and we saw just earlier this week both sides slap some new tariffs on each other the u. S. Slapping tariffs and more than 100000000000. 00 worth of chinese goods and china doing the same with 75000000000. 00 worth of goods what china would really like to see in october is the u. S. To say look we have a deal and were going to remove all the tariff that weve imposed since the beginning of the trade war not very likely to happen and the u. S. At the same time would like to see china make some really big structural changes to the way its a quantity works to even the playing ground for Foreign Investors to do more to protect intellectual property and those 2 points again are not very easy for the chinese side to deliver so whether were expecting a deal or not of them. Remains to be seen what we do have is these 2 sides wanting to go over the strong and not wanting to look weak from chinas perspective china feels that it can do more china feels like it can outlast the trumpet ministration simply because it doesnt have democratic elections and the chinese side weve spoken to some experts here and analysts from the government here is saying that theyre not willing to back down so china is really looking to dig its heels and do some other things like weakening its currency and also expanding export markets in other countries to make sure looking forward whether theres a deal this october or not that china really isnt a good position to dig its heels in any way and survive no matter the outcome in japan at least 30 people have been injured after a train and truck collided in yokohama city emergency workers say the crash happened when the trunk truck entered a Railway Crossing local media reports the truck driver. Was pulled from the wreckage and taken to hospital the cause of the accident is being investigated. South africa is shutting down its Diplomatic Missions in nigeria after a series of reprisal attacks on South African businesses it follows a wave of xenophobic violence against foreign owned stores in johannesburg. Nigerians angry about anti foreign attacks in africa protest outside the surf going on store in the us they want the government to do more to protect nigerians living in south africa from Government Debt trying to support. The supports what is up to protect life and property of those people. Didnt people are our people are dying on a daily basis which inserter things are slowly getting back to normal after a few days of rioting and looting many foreign owned businesses were targeted. From mali he says hes lived in turkey for more than 20 years and can understand why some locals feel foreigners are taking the jobs. Of. Those who know what it was that i. Know it did me you know what. Someone figure us raises from ethiopia hes nervous about speaking about attacks on from nationals in case a store is targeted some people say widespread poverty and inequality i said blame for the violence all of us a free country but sort of. I dont know but. What i dont know is all of. North. America. Came from africa. Some surfer believe criminal gangs are responsible for the recent violence why are taking our own our own africans why are we living behind you why do whites. If were really really does bring it all up its only i think for p. R. Where we are getting all the i want all. Attach so many african foreign nationals happen regularly internet many who come here are competing with locals the skills jobs and Government Services some shops 8 and businesses have an opened 4 days many owners are afraid that could be more violence and looting this area in downtown johannesburg is where many of the attacks happened with the countrys Unemployment Rate at nearly 30 percent and he found the sentiment will likely continue the tomatoes aljazeera genspace. This is al jazeera and these are headlines the taliban is claiming responsibility for a large explosion in afghanistans capital which has killed at least 4 people the armed group says it was targeting a Foreign Forces convoy Taliban Forces were behind another blast in the Green Village area on monday that left at least 16 people dead and more than 100. 00 wounded iran says it will operate a Nuclear Program without limits says it launches the 3rd phase of its withdrawal from the 20. 00 to 50. 00 nuclear deal this comes after the United States impose new sanctions on tehran for the 3rd time in a week the u. S. Is also offering a 15000000. 00 reward to anyone who gives washington credible information about the oil shipping network run by irans revolutionary guard. T. J. In march as we didnt reach our desired result the Atomic Energy organization will now immediately start what are you with the technical needs of the country are in the field of Nuclear Research and development we will put aside all commitments made in the field of research and development for all kinds of new center fuses and everything we need for enrichment. British Prime Minister Boris Johnsons proposal to hold us not be election before the break said deadline of october 31st has been voted down and b. s. Also passed the bill brock ing the possibility of a no deal exit from the European Union hong kong chief executive kerry says she would support an International Inquiry into the behavior of police during the protests that have dogged the territory for 3 months now comes a day after lamb announced she would formally withdraw a controversial extradition bill that spawns 3 months of demonstrations lamb also placed to follow up on recommendations from the inquiry chinese an american trade negotiators are to meet for talks in october to try and put an end to the trade war between the worlds 2 largest economies the latest round of tit for tat tat of switch in the 2 countries went into effect on sunday the number of People Killed in the bahamas by Hurricane Dorian has risen to 20 the United Nations is warning 70000 people are in need of aid and as pledged 1000000 dollars the storm has regained strength and is now a category 3 hurricane threatening the eastern United States the Prime Minister and the homicides rescue operations are in full swing and has warned against a duty pregabalin use our web site as always al jazeera dot com coming up next here its the stream do stay with us on aljazeera thanks so much. What guarantees would you give to people would be attending a workshop would listen im supposed to explain apologize for someone its also terrorizing me we meet with newsmakers and the stories that matter. Protests in moscow continue for the 8th straight weekend is president Vladimir Putins control of russia slipping on for me ok and im really good youre in the stream whether you are in russia or outside joining us via twitter or our live chat on youtube. Thousands of russians in moscow have taken to the streets this summer devolving a fair democratic process during sunday City Council Elections protests began in july after 30 opposition candidates were disqualified from running the council itself holds a little power but a rival victory could look bad for poutine United Russia Party after Police Crackdown on demonstrators and the rest of thousands more people began attending the events out of solidarity the protests are now considered some of the biggest moscow has seen since putin returned to the presidency in 2012 meanwhile while footage of police abuse including of a student being punched in the stomach is fueling public outrage the demonstrations come at a critical time for russia as its economy is hurting from sanctions and low oil prices but putin whose popularity is sinking has one protesters that nor an order will be maintained so he will blink 1st well joining us to discuss is the tally milena of in St Petersburg russia the tally is a member of the better or simply russia also with us a romantic cutoff. Activists turn genest the russian publication be inside at this price the moscow battles coming in kiev ukraine finally we have yet ill go to host a researcher at Columbia University yanna is russian canadian and specializes in russian politics and i guess welcome its going to happen ron i have to ask moscow i think we know who. Doesnt seem to be wrapping cant tell why i thought dont protest off the protests of wrath violence this is for a city council why with that being such an operator knocking at your house go ahead robin test well this is really a very interesting question because if if we just. Measure the. Most cost artists who would lead a positional kind of this to participate well i think 5. 00 or 6 maybe 10 candidates or would be in the most goal busy by them it is still a minority so i dont think that it would really influence russian politics so there were no real risk for the government but its just a rule for the government so they just cant let a position or serial a position as i mean those who can criticize putin criticize the regime they just cant let them but i suppose because it was a legitimize their slogans to legitimize opposition so i think that its just by logic alone reflects the will that these people dissipate and this why. So many people felt that they had deceived and i think for most of us these elections are not important themselves so its just one of the reasons to go to the street and protest against death of the regime itself not just because of election of france but because because the dushan is valid everybody and freedom of the press freedom of assembly is use all of the mess. Not unless those and. The rest. Of the broadest so its. Right with Constitutional Rights being at the heart of it i understand from you but i think there is still some confusion online among some people about what protesters demands actually are represented in this week from margaret who asked just that she says what are they asking for i havent seen one article that explains that so we have a video comment or who tries to do just that this is so if you are the Senior Program manager for europe and eurasia at Freedom House here in the u. S. And heres her take on what these protests are about i think what were seeing at the core of these protests is a reaction of indignation thousands of people are being legally told that the opposition candidates that they want to see on the ballot for the moscow City Legislature are not allowed to run and therefore potentially represent the citizens so whats coming up next the election day is this sunday september 8th its going to be a true test for the electoral system ahead of big girl election for the parliament and we need 21. 00 and for the president 2024 so yeah there she explains it pretty clearly there but can you give us the backstory to why some of these candidates wouldnt be allowed to run. Gray yeah and so the issue kind of began earlier in the summer when a group of oppositionists tried to register to be candidates for the selection and it started out registration they are obligated to collect nominations signatures because theyre running as independents and not on behalf of little party so they need to collect the signatures of about 3 percent of residents in their districts which is about depending on the district between 5. 60 people in the managed to do that in the end it in the signatures to the Electoral Commission in their districts along with all the other work and the commissions turn around and basically found fault with signatures either saying just for a fake signature and writing experts. Where they said that these people dont accept. That these are dead dead souls these are dead people they were residents and so they deny all of the independent opposition candidates in their registration and that caused great deal of outrage from the orders of the opposition and some of whom resorted to. Comments they posted on twitter you know so and so and i signed on behalf of this candidate and heres my signature im very much alive im very much a resident. So that brought more attention to this election that i want. You both you know in general are very interested in Regional Elections the selection traditionally the 20 percent turnout so its not a really important contest but this those kneejerk reaction to disallow all independent candidates all potential opposition is for participation really. Got people kind of green involved well im sure. You know of move off so paul. Was talking off the people who were. In contention for both local moscow and actions and she has been very vocal on twitter on talking about calendar shes been arrested many times shes been trying to go to the protest at one point this takes us back a couple of weeks into august she asked during our recording and im going to show you what happens i dont want to spoil what happens next so she is on high. Alert with just. The gun you buy us the nazi surprise pressure of the species and we would look at them with a dash of that if you see so please pretty please. I mean these are not somebody you know youre going to hear about that from. Ron what you make of the waiver the police and the authorities are dealing with protesters and some of i would think i see legals but some of the most prominent independent politicians who are not allowed to compete for a watch and this coming sunday. But i think could to better understand it we should compare it with the blue situations when we faced the same refusal for independent get it is to be dissipated for example 10 years ago busy me myself also tried to dissipate in most elections and also they say that all the signatures i gathered were falsified that im not allowed etc etc but we didnt see such kind of. Police violence with such a big protests i think what what changed is that a number of very different environment we have that. We have hundreds of thousands of people who are ready to go to stories we see that also would his approach Approval Rating fell down to around 30 percent though that used to be around 60 percent so its another environment where the government is frightened. And this why theyre so emotional theyre reacting to anybody who is trying to bring people to streets because stand a stand that it can be dangerous. People so but it was one of the candidates at what shes very close to the scene of only one of the leaders of the protest so this is why. The government really feels bad because they you know how it. Ended in ukraine i mean here georgia and other countries when people went to the streets after electoral fraud they just dont with their own busy authoritarian regimes. You mention that the government seems like they are afraid of these and this is what mohamed replies on twitter he says russian authorities are now blaming western meddling which is ultimately cause unrest in moscow but so far the protests are seen much larger than what they had been in a few years vitaly i want to bring you in here on that point the fact that these are such large protests and much larger than they have been and many many years what do you think the reason is. Up one im. On the road. Here and really. Minutes made by socalled opposition but you have mentioned some unknown politicians a young politician sexually. A lady called struggle. She has managed to collect signatures from the dead man to put her lest and. Because of debts schorsch was unable to participate but we had a bunch of a position candidates right now in moscow are trying to ready achieve some votes unfortunately well its hard to. Say to discuss this questions with those who are looking to rush right now some of them living in permanently in the west some of them fugitives in some. Aggression total a tear in states like ukraine but. Frankly speaking you know i dont i dont see the point you know if the discussion. There theres a huge but a huge number of opposition guys trying to attract the hearts of moscow citizens but all in vain because theyre useless they cannot offer any interesting if agenda for the people thats why the. Theyre not in need and. I think that this is you know actually staged by a subaltern who are all friends the fatalities legally and we have appreciate you taking part in the discussion that you dont see any point of but many romani perhaps you can help the tali a precinct but at least the people in russia who do. It have hired to vest the stash and get in here 1st of all outside the response on a simple sentence 1st he said that he. Something to stand by this that because discussed by the people around the sport is so opposite bed its the old the protests and. Mr malone up leaves in another city so he or somebody thats why he doesnt understand who is he speaking about well i dont know all personally old people who were arrested and i know all of it they have no signature of signatures on dead men as he said the government is not saying that the books obit and got some signatures from dead men is only madonnas theory

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