Says he and his colleagues no longer recognise their party. The chip brutality but she treated many of his Members Party many of whom were never rebel before in their lives as. The negotiator is currently back in brussels as Boris Johnsons own advisor denies reports he called the talks with the e. U. A sham whatever the case theres little chance of any breaks it outcome bringing a swift end to the uncertainty and the political drama. Live to london my colleague lauren sleep is mr johnson looking a little bit more fragile than in the position of Prime Minister than he was before the votes last night. Yes some i mean certainly thats how its being perceived since since hes now kicked out 21 of his own is an m. P. s who plainly now have had no obvious allegiance to him and i do think theres a view in certain places that is performance and promises questions was less than convincing he was asked countless times what progress hes making with the European Union or what theyve got to publish the governments own forecasts for what no deal would involve economically and socially another thing and he simply wouldnt say but wanted to focus his attack instead on on the opposition from what he called a pointless extension to the bracks it process and demanded the Jeremy Corbin say when when when he back in. Election so its a very very its a place as riven frankly with divisions on the on on on all sides lets take a view from the kind that supports Boris Johnson they say but its coverage for the for the fortunes of sporting Daily Telegraph you know him too what do you make of his performance of promises questions of did you did you think hes sure of his footing at the moment i think the Prime Minister has really laying down the challenge to labor to try given that its wanted every day of the week top an election to go through with it given that theyre trying to corner him to knock down the key plank of his strategy there by forcing him to now go to the people in search of a fresh mandate apartment ready to do business hes then challenging them to put their votes where their miles up but you know the answer to that is that they dont trust him to hold the election in october when he said hes going to well heres whats weird because then last night after the motion secure time for this henry brown anti no deal bill was secured he tried to frame the question very favorably you could argue to labor saying it. Hed imagined it would be just before the 17th European Council and it would pose the questions people who today want to go to brussels to deal with e. U. Leaders in other words Boris Johnson which operates on time or german call but who in his words will beg for an extension and endless delay and so i think youre as you alluded to it does touch on the scale of labor distrust clearly the dissolution motion in order to see an election will be debated after they had a deal bill is fully considered and so if that goes through the commons then they may think thats a sure its enough they may think that means they can have the election as Boris Johnson wants of course as we both know that if the Prime Minister does get returned with a tory majority his own right you know a little job security legislation absolutely maximum latitude room for maneuver again so then based on that your view would be that labor which has been calling for an election endlessly is now as Boris Johnson said fritz frightened of having the election at exactly the point in time when when when it could happen before breaks are very much so and i think its motivated by fear to put it bluntly if they have an election just before Boris Yeltsin will be able to summon up an unstoppable momentum combining these pictures leavers to henris accept party voters and keep some tory roommate types on board because theyll say would you rather have a german court has promised or they will say no and stick with the devil they know and then they will win and clobber labor however if they string it out after before you 1st then maybe they could dilute the appeal you know is that thank you very much indeed it is it is certainly a fact that sports johnson even if he appears to be short on detail is personally a lot more popular with the public than Jeremy Corbyn is and for all his problems that remains the best thing he has in his favor at the moment are to lawrence briefly just before you go there interesting conversation that weve just been listening to i mean talking about how people trust or do not trust Boris Johnson in the 1st job he had in the newspaper industry he was sacked because he told lies about the European Union and he was got rid of. Well yes yes it is certainly true that Boris Johnson has has been in sex a number of times as a journalist and there is this very longstanding issue of of his trustworthiness and that that point obviously isnt lost particularly on in european capitals and in and in brussels and also told actually by a so that German Television here were broadcasting from is questions live themselves and there is i think this fascination in europe now with Boris Johnsons performance as Prime Minister and i think theyre weighing up the extent to which they can trust what he says and so if for example he says we are closer to reaching a deal then they can actually weigh those comments hes making against their own understanding of whether deals any closer to be reached but the moment i think it is the case that in europe they they really dont trust him very much at all ok thanks very much talk to you later. Plenty more ground still to cover here on the news hour for you including 5 u. S. States declare an emergency as hurrican dorrian close enough to devastate in the bahamas plus. The rise of reusable were in pakistan to find out what its doing to cut back on single plastic needs and the sport as World Champion sprinter has a major scare ahead of the world or less exchange with santa a little bit from. Iran says its willing to recommit to the 2050 nuclear deal but only if it gets 15000000000. 00 for oil sales in return the plan was proposed by france in a bid to salvage the agreement but that proposal needs to be approved by the United States more now to see the big garmin aai we havent reached the final agreement yet we have set a framework from now to the end of the year with french officials they say they took to the other European Countries and the United States we have nothing to do with it were dealing with france vet represents the e. U. It is unlikely that well reach the final deal by tomorrow so i will take the 3rd step in reducing our commitment to the nuclear deal either today or tomorrow well iran says it will release 7 crew members from a british land oil tanker that it seized in july the case of the stand impera which was taken in the straits of hormuz is now making its way through the countrys court it was stopped after an iranian flag tanker was detained by the british territory of gibraltar the tanker owner says its awaiting official confirmation of the release date for such a body has more now from tehran. It appears now the future of the Nuclear Agreement of 2015 is in the hands of french government and president emanuel micron whether or not he can convince the United States government to come on board with the proposal that they have put forth to the iranians their main ians have said that this 15000000000. 00 line of credit that the french government is proposing for the sale of iranian oil is something that would actually help them and they would consider going back to the original agreement of 2015 the reigning president Hassan Rouhani has said that in fact the negotiations are ongoing about this deal but the final agreement hasnt been reached yet the and this is exactly why the uranium so will announce in the next 48 hours the 3rd step that they will take in reducing their compliance under the nuclear deal and the ukrainian president has said that this step will be the most important that theyve taken because it will advance the countrys Nuclear Program all this comes at a time when iran and washington have had a lot of issues and heightened tensions in this region the iranians have said that since the United States withdrew from the nuclear deal last year and imposed a series of sanctions on irans oil and Banking Sector there has been instability there to create it in this region and now it is up to the french government to try and see if they can salvage this steal their french finance minister has been in washington on tuesday to push this deal and try to get the u. S. On board because the United States will have to finally approve this issue waivers since theyve imposed these sanctions on irans banking and oil sector. The United Nations is preparing to evacuate more displaced syrians from a remote camp along the border with jordan its almost 15000 people however the u. N. Says call for them refusing to leave despite the dial Living Conditions that xina holder explains why. The last time aid reached this. Shift camp was in february rock band is close to the border with jordan and this besieged by the syrian army which decides if and when food and medicine reaches the thousands of people inside the United Nations describes the situation is desperate and says conditions are abysmal but it cant do anything without the approval of the authorities in damascus. We were told 2 days ago that the u. N. And will deliver aid either on the 4th or the 5th of september since february we have received only a small amounts of food and medicine through smuggling routes but they are not enough and too expensive. A u. N. Team visited the camp in august but its mission was only to determine how many people remained inside and who wanted to leave the Organization Says it is planning to help those wanting to return voluntarily to government held territory. Brooke bandcamp was estimated to accommodate about 40000. 00 syrians in recent months the u. N. Says almost half have left for Syrian Government controlled areas it believes some 15000. 00 remain and it survey showed nearly half dont want to leave. We didnt register with the u. N. To return to regime here is un couldnt give us guarantees they told us they cant guarantee what happens when we leave reception seem to us the Syrian Government is effectively giving the people in rock band no option but to return to areas under the states control or starve the dire conditions are believed to be the reason why many have left despite human Rights Groups saying some of those who have gone are being detained and ill treated. We have been able to document the detention of at least 37. 00 men who left rock band to government controlled areas these people were arrested and taken to intelligence branches in damascus and homes also they are forcing men to join the army in a month or 2 it was agreed that they would be given 6 months. Many. Syrians want safe passage to opposition controlled areas in the north and if they cant get it they want regular food and medical aid the un says it cannot make any promises as it is an observer in the repatriation process and doesnt have restricted access to return nice so many who are staying say they have to as they are left with no choice so for their ashes into beirut aurukun durian is slowly moving closer to the u. S. After a devastating much of the bahamas 7 people died on the islands and the Prime Minister says that number is likely to rise and gallacher reports now from florida. As Hurricane Dorian edges away from the bahamas a clearer picture of its devastating power is a merging grand the harbor and abaco island were hit hardest with storm surges and powerful winds this is now a humanitarian crisis hampered by the storm slow path through the region continued heavy rains and high winds and the true extent of the damage may not be known for days but early reports suggest the rescue and recovery operation will be huge we also understand that about 62000 people across the 2 islands will need access to clean Drinking Water its not an unfamiliar thing to say in a disaster but when theres no water after a disaster that can have serious secondary impacts so that we are priority not just for the red cross but for the government and for the u. N. System the red cross says at least 13000 homes have either been severely damaged or destroyed rebuilding will be a long process but saving those stranded by one of the most powerful storms recorded is a priority of the 25 individuals who were transported to new programs. 2 has already succumbed average take the number of deaths of 7 and again i want to assure. And informed beam in population that we can expect more of deaths to be recorded doria now threatens the u. S. East coast where preparations evacuation orders and warnings have been in place for days the storms predicted path shows no landfall in florida but a Cape Canaveral nasa is moot sensitive equipment as the storm edges closer georgia and the carolinas remain on high alert and many residents have heeded warnings to prepare for the worst and hoping that by being so early with our profile up aeration they will all be invade it we will not have needed to do much of floridas east coast remains under hurricane watch in there is still a danger of high gusts of wind storms wells coming in from the Atlantic Ocean but if the track stays as it is predicted the storm should be about 170 kilometers off the east coast even as it makes its way up to georgia and the carolinas that is potentially good news for millions of people but everyone is being warned not to get complacent. In the next few hours and days much needed resources will pour into the bahamas even for a nation used to dealing with powerful hurricanes this is an unprecedented situation i think alec rogers era Indian River City florida. Ok lets go to gray whos live for us in savannah in the u. S. State of georgia are they all prepared for dorians arrival. If theyre not peter its too late to carry out those preparations weve had a band of rain move through and its just going to get progressively worse the conditions over the next several hours here were right in the middle of that forecast path and most here in savannah who have been told to evacuate it looks like they have for the most part there are those who are going to ride this out and weve seen plenty of them but yesterday they actually loaded buses up and moved people who didnt have another way out into shelters outside of the potential strike zone here well see this storm continue to move mirroring the coast and if it does make landfall it looks like at this point peter it would be by the end of the week and that would be in the outer banks of North Carolina is the expectation that once it gets there or north of where you are it will be as strong as it was when it swept to the bahamas right. No i just dont think its going to have the time more the energy to intensified to that magnitude in fact its been losing a bit of its steam an and certainly some of the to organization the eye wall not as organized as it used to be but the storm itself has spread out so it may affect more communities but not nearly as powerful is what they saw on the bahamas and voice you feel for everyone in the islands theyre seeing the devastation it left behind jay thanks very much well the Hurricane Season has ramps up and so has the typhoon season his world yep sort of its go to a sion see her wayfaring the moment satellite picture for you well this is a bit of a mass that you cant tell much shore may be but let me just runny forward its about 24 hours worth you can see wharton codes of the east the phillies who comes on the 2nd this mass of wyatt hear their contains a tropical depression cooled country get it went on shore viet played around the bit and theres not gone off sure but the consequence of that was the to dump 600. 00 plus millimeters of rain in the middle of viet nam and very rapidly that dropped died so in cambodia were laois were talking about 200. 00 says quark concentrated areas a very wit parlor will you know who could absorb 600 mil of each is very few people there of the next 2 or 3 days that same area well see more big down pools we might repeat that but on 30 saying 400 room beach is in this part or Southeast Asia and youll see the repeat patton across an me im a on another one appear so thats go to the other side who is for the pains because this is the birthplaces Philippine Sea of most tie figures in most years now l. Ninu has gone away were new to conditions its a liar this to come to life a kids weve got typhoon ding ling start a very big were in the moment but by friday it will be a super typhoon its generating 8 me to wins but its direction of travel and it strengthening power us suggests that sounds korea is in trouble peter rob thank you so much still to come here on aljazeera stopping i mean Mission Sales walmart is to pressure after a series of Mass Shootings plus. Brazils indigenous what our needs have been relegated to 8 overcrowded reserves and now president says it is canceling all headed requests for more land for this countrys Indigenous People also head on a roll Serena Williams is 2 wins away from the u. S. Open glory details with santa in the sports news in about 20 minutes. This is a dialogue which you decide not to have children to say that its steak is really human survival everyone has a voice but ill start with our community because of course this is a debate and its a heated one this is a relation literally be able to do a page and ideally join the global conversation with people i think if only they knew what is happening to we were muslims they will be with us and they will be outraged on how to 0. In the discussions police in cape town have struggled to. By examining the headlines now under president putin russia is making a push to engage explore an abundance of world class programming designed to inform motivate and inspire but. Its almost 2nd nature and i also know what they see the world from a different perspective on aljazeera. Welcome back youre watching the aljazeera news our own peter will be here and these are your headlines hong kongs chief executive has announced the formal withdrawal for the extradition bill which would have seen people sent to Mainland China to face trial there the proposal spark months of mass demonstrations across the territory. British Prime Minister Boris Johnsons in the middle of a major parliamentary showdown over breakfast that m. P. s are set to vote on a motion which would block a new deal bricks it at the end of october passes mr johnson has said hell call general election iran says its willing to recommit to the 2050 nuclear deal but only if it gets 15000000000. 00 for oil sales in return now the plan was proposed by france in a bid to salvage the accord that proposal needs to be approved by the United States. Has president on all trumped diverse in 3600000000. 00 from military projects towards the construction of his wall along the border with mexico more than 120. 00 projects will lose funding mr truong declared a National Emergency earlier this year in a bid to fund the border wall which he promised to build during the 2016 president ial Election Campaign ok lets take a closer look now at his proposed border wall for which congress has already refused to provide the 5700000000. 00 mr trump wanted approving less than a quarter of that nearly 1000 kilometers of the wall already exists mr trump promised to build around 2000 more but so far only existing sections of been replaced and as mr trump fights to get funding for his wall the number of people detained at the Us Mexico Border has risen this year more than 760000 been detained since last october but that still fewer than a decade ago Jonathan Parker is a senior lecturer in american politics at Kiel University in the u. K. He joins us from Staffordshire John Parker how significant is this that theyre going to. The money part of the military here. Well hes just raising the stakes at this stage hes actually done a fight where hes going to take the money hes been bluffing congress essentially to try to get them to fund more money to the military to make sure that hes got the funding for the wall through the backdoor so how do you think Congress Might react to this. Well theres the big question nancy pelosi has come out is strongly against it but it would of course when the military gets shortchanged you know its going to be bases in their states its going to be the efforts in afghanistan its going to be a big big high stakes game here and so the question is who gets blamed when we have Government Shutdowns the past trump has been blamed and so i would suspect the democrats are going to assume thats going to happen again so i would think congress is going to get seals and refused to fund a 127. 00 projects we think are going to be directly affected does that mean theyre going to be scrapped killed off or just have to take a little bit of a hades in this financial year. Where we dont really know i mean this would be an ongoing effort so you would you would slowly take money out of them and in trumps calling it a delay in the funding so hes assuming congress will come back and put that money back but of course all of these efforts are bogged down in the courts theres a series of lawsuits that are Going Forward trump is one some of them hes lost some of them so its very unclear whether the can be allowed to do this but he had to grudgingly accept what the Congress Gave him they didnt give him what he wanted because he had to end the Government Shutdown thats the reality and in that regard he reacted to the Government Shutdown as he should have done. Well you know easy the congress made a deal with them he signed the budget where they didnt give him the money for the wall and now hes trying to go through the backdoor and raid the military budget to pay for it and the question is whether thats cost to show not so i mean this is something that the public is against it something his own party is against the democrats are certainly united against it so hes really flying in the face of just about everyone except his base so its a big question about whether hell get away with it do you think theyll try and spin this as being a positive thing do i mean does does it color or does it change the complection of the wall if its funded by the military could it be spun by the likes of Kellyanne Conway for example i can see her saying well its a military project were keeping you not just safe but were keeping you safe because its military money. Well i mean theyre going to try to dress it up as best they can but nobody believes them i mean that the Public Opinion polls are clear the public dont want the wall they are very they recognize the fact that there is no emergency hes completely made it up and in fact you could use the money really more effectively elsewhere i mean theyre taking the money from drug interdiction efforts so it really is making the country less safe to build a vanity project everyone knows its that and he wants a victory he wants to be able to say he symbolically did it before he runs for reelection ok Jonathan Parker will leave it there many thanks theres going for a new wave of xenophobic attacks on foreign businesses in south Africa South Africa and browns faced retaliation in nigeria and zambia as mobs forced stores to close until further notice the use of rwanda and malawi have also pulled out of a global event being held in cape town has more now from johannesburg. Police in south africa try again to stop writing and looting in some poor neighborhoods in and around johanna spake its been like this since sunday some of the businesses and shops are vandalized belong to foreign nationals this is not the 1st time Mohamed Atta Hussein has been through this he says his other stall in another part of the city was looted last if you see Something Like this. How can his dragon. Make something for my kidneys from a chicken dance on my parents or day come from the right. Not for a crime or whatever. Only for. Some time africans believe criminal gangs are responsible for the violence. Got a phone call only in the morning that his business was being looted but it was too dangerous for him to move now that its relatively quiet hes come back to assess the damage i still felt people still looting as are all of you with the Police Presence and all that to say that its not about. The 14 foot in the shop on the surface it isnt blois said if you see people that worked for me in the shop and they told me its just to be a cumulative effect that they dont look at me and other running at the loss of im without words i dont know what else to say. Some say the countrys high Unemployment Rate now nearly a 30 percent white space poverty and inequality are to blame for the violence. In 2008 at least 60 people were killed and more than 50000 forced from their homes when many Foreign African nationals were targeted for years ago at least 7 people were killed some of the africans feel they are competing with outsiders for scarce stops. Human Rights Groups say anti immigrant comments made by some politicians are making things worse they said xenophobic sentiment underlying this about foreign us everything to leave. We are a democracy we are a Democratic Society and we cannot allow people to take their law into their own ends and there is no country that does in the air for a measure now the president has condemned the attacks as in a firm and acceptable more than 100 people have been arrested for public violence arson and looting but in some areas the police seem overwhelmed making it easy for some people to stay in the street. Janet. Germanys Foreign Ministers in sudan for talks with his newly formed government is hoping to help the countrys economy and its chances for lasting peace like a mass met with the Prime Minister abdullah and the head of a new 3 year Transitional Government general abdel fattah put one sudan is also in talks with the United States to remove it from a list of terrorism sponsors one of the worlds biggest retailer says it will stop selling ammunition for handguns and military style weapons across the United States is in response to a series of things walmart which is a major arms seller in the u. S. Has been the pressure to change its policies the company says it will also ask customers not to bring weapons into the stores in socalled open carry states where its legal to do that mike hanna now from washington. But move by walmart is very significant indeed in the past its been the countrys largest weapons seller and certainly it is regarded as a conservative corporation with very much a conservative quintile whats important to note as well is that this is not a knee jerk reaction those attacks in walmart but role model branches took place over a month ago said clearly that the company has been considering this for a period of time the chief executive officer is also writing a letter to congress urging stricter gun control legislation now that is still up in the year Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell says he would be willing to introduce new legislation once he knows what President Trump once he says that he does not want to introduce legislation that will then get vetoed by the president well President Trump a month ago was talking about stronger background checks but in the wake of the recent shootings hes now reverting to a conversation about Mental Illness being responsible which is essentially one of the claims made by the pro weapon n r a so the legislation may or may not arrive back weve heard from the Senate Majority leader it wont get to the senate floor unless the president tran approves whatever that legislation is brazils army has deployed thousands of soldiers to battle the fires still raging across the amazon the military says it will investigate anyone who breaches a temporary fire burned almost 40000 fires burned across the rain forest in august the highest number since 2010 the fires have drawn worldwide criticism of brazils Environmental Policies the president diable sonar who is refusing to give additional land to indigenous tribes his government might also cancel approvals that have already been done all this comes as some indigenous areas have been wiped out by those fires in the amazon is a latin america it is in the sea and human with more on the story from the right office in the state of much across all. Indigenous what i need elders chant to chase away their anguish. And the explains theyve just been attacked by gunmen trying to force them off what they claim as their rightful land given they said boy came all came here ben my shot down on friday for the 3rd time in broad daylight and just now to return them to everything almost hit my baby in the head they were shooting us nowhere in brazil our land rights more in dispute than here. Where the countrys largest Indigenous Group lives in squalor. A century ago that what i need were forced into 8 reserves and their land distributed by the government to outside farmers. Today the reserves are hopelessly overcrowded and so hundreds of families have left and set up camps on what they consider their ancestral land is one are screaming at the security guards that are directly in front of the whole norco for the landowners that are controlling the land over there is over there which they say belongs to them they occupied this land about 2 weeks ago and since then theyve been having one confrontation after the other in fact they say that about an hour ago the security guards fired on them so. This young lad anyone who had clearly been drinking was beaten when he confronted the guards alcoholism and suicide are alarmingly high explains flavio bunch of the missionary council for Indigenous People. Or the last 18 years has been ones whose side are weak 70 percent of the young men of marrying age confines away to support a family they are marginalized and called find work outside so they hang themselves. But many like 80 year old a dummy are not divine yeah believe the answer is to fight for their rights she lives by the highway facing the land that was once her home with general. Sions of her family a buried her husband 2 children and a grandchild were killed by trucks speeding down the highway rama lama i tell my family lets all group together and recover our land if were going to die its better to die fighting where our ancestors are and not on this highway for 20 years the land that she and thousands of other families claim has been under consideration for demarcation but now brazils president says all

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