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At least 5 people are killed in the bahamas hurrican doria heads north towards florida. And sport football fans get their 1st look at the captain 2022 world cup and glen damage has been being done to famous buildings around the world as the middle east the biggest ever sporting event gets closer. We begin with another momentous day in british politics where the battle over bricks said could lead to a snap election in the u. K. Just a few hours ago Prime Minister Boris Johnson lost his parliamentary majority after one of his own m. P. s the fact that to the pro e. U. Liberal democrats johnson has divided people across the political spectrum with to leave the e. U. On october the 31st even if it means crashing out without a deal but dozens of m. P. s are hurting many for results conservative party want to stop that theyre currently debating a motion to prevent or no deal breaks it if the motion passes johnson has suggested he will push from election now were going to be live outside parliament in just a moment 1st though this for port from. Britains democracy is at war. With itself. As protest as march to westminster. Returned from the summer recess poised to seize control of Parliamentary Business block Boris Johnson the. M. P. s including prominent figures in johnsons own conservative party have joined forces with opposition m. P. s to prevent the country leaving the e. U. Without a deal on october the 31st they want to pass an emergency motion later this evening to take control of the parliamentary timetable and extend the deadline one conservative m. P. Defected to the opposition liberal democrats meeting john said no longer has a majority in parliament if m. P. C. To pass a bill to prevent a no deal exit johnson says hell have no choice but to push to hold a general election enough is enough the country wants this done and they want the referendum respected we are negotiating a deal and there i hope to. Go im. Getting a deal we will leave by october 31st in circumstances yes or no deal breakers its being called reckless by the opposition labor leader no deal mr speaker will main food shortage is reduced medical supplies and chaos at our ports not me not me saying. That the governments own leaked analysis. I need more lines of chaos all across the board john his decision to shut down parliament for a month beginning next week outraged his opponents they say leaves no time to debate breaks it increasing the chances of a no deal departure johnson supporters see no deal as an important negotiating position with the e. U. But Many Conservative Party rebels dont have ready to risk their jobs to prevent it there are lots of pressures on the economy some of them have been are being threatened with the selection and it will be those who are weighing up the loyalty against the National Interest this is this is painful and hard but i think we have the right set has distorted british politics uniting all opponents dividing old alliances the country is careering towards a new brecks a climax but the question thats confounded the country and the continent is whether were approaching a breakthrough for knowledge or simply another cliffhanger even if johnson loses to the opposition of rebels from his party this evening he still needs the backing of most m. P. s to trigger a snap election in. Opposition parties and now weighing up the risks of a possible vote for now the battle lines are drawn the government and parliament are fighting for the right to determine britains branksome future. Barca aljazeera london or jeddah hall is live for us. Today and of course coming up tonight tell us whats going on and what were likely to see over the next few hours. Yes absolutely bob of the debate the debate that was granted a short while ago by the Speaker John Bercow is now underway that motion tabled by across 40 coalition a Rebel Alliance known as now of and these bent on blocking a no deal breaks in october 31st that debate is now underway it will run for precisely 3 hours meaning that it approximately 2100. 00 g. M. T. Or just a few minutes there after. Stop the debate and will be a vote on the result of that vote will decide whether to turn the business of parliament over to backbench m. P. s from the government who normally hold on to the business of parliament a ghost so that they can begin the process of tabling and passing this legislation which would in the end force or is johnson the Prime Minister to go to the European Union by october 31st if no deal has been concluded to ask them for yet another break seat de lay 3 thats where we are the vote is going to be tight the numbers crucial particularly the numbers of conservative party and these willing to vote against their own government let me bring in my guest john ashmore acting editor of the political website capeks good to see you again john where are we all know those crucial numbers particularly the tory m. P. s willing to defy their own government well i think thats quite a lot who have come out publicly and already said that theyre going to vote against their own side we had quite an extraordinary scene an extraordinary scenes outside parliament but also inside politics day when a conservative m. P. Crossed the floor quite literally and joined the liberal democrats and that means that Boris Johnson no longer has a majority side things looking very tough for him on this fight we already know that the likes of due to bad Dominic Grieve possibly the film a chance that Philip Hammond votes against him so i find it very difficult to see how johnson can win this. But i think hes plans that hes already said that he plans to coal try to call a general election some morrow eve he does lose this fight tonight it fails as though this is all part of a sequence of events that hes he and his advisors have perhaps been planning for some time despite insisting that the last thing in the world they wont is an election that they are getting closer and closer to a deal with the e. U. And even that is it despite the e. U. Saying nothing so far has been put on the table if he does put forward a motion to dissolve parliament on wednesday how likely is it that that will succeed and result in an election well that really hinges on what jeremy covens position is i mean weve had quite mixed messages from labor about this we had one shadow cabinet minister Richard Bergen tweeting yesterday that he would love a general election and bring it on and then we had another cabinet minister shadow cabinet minister this morning late last night saying that labor wouldnt go for an election there are plenty of figures among in labor who think that would be a bad idea not least the former Prime Minister tony blair whos come out earlier this week and said that but colvin and mcdonald joe mcdonald i think a quite bullied by that performance in 2017 and their attitude may be that you know weve done it before we can do it again so we still see the labor party actually meeting right now the Parliamentary Party so we should hopefully have a bit more clarity on their position if they do decide to go against an election then i think that they would win that vote and that wouldnt be a general election but i think Boris Johnson probably relying on the the signal that that would send of labor scared of an election that which you know hit them in the polls or something but yet still very much all to play for on that front pretty astonishing situation to find ourselves in a government now essentially in minority rather that might cool an election something the opposition ought to be paying for but in the end the government may not. We grow into that election yeah it is extraordinary but its worth remembering a lot of the focus so far has been on splits within the conservative party but the left if you like the european left especially is also splits you know the liberal democrats see the big upsurge in their fortunes labor for an Opposition Party facing a Government Party in complete disarray terribly you know theyre in the sort of mid twentys to go into an election you would have a big lead in this degree of certainty and they dont have that at the moment i mean all you can say is that nobody knows that any real certainty where were heading john thank you very much a carnival atmosphere is you can hear and perhaps see behind me on College Green outside Parliament Something more like chaos inside busy few hours ahead and john of course youll be monitoring all developments for us well be checking in with you over the next few hours for the moment thank you but i hate what now shes with protesters at Parliament Square in westminster and tea breaks at protesters i understand theyre gathering there whats the mood lie with all thats happening in parliament they are they following and do they think their voices are actually going to be listened to. Well i think everybody is just trying to keep across exactly whats going on inside the commons tonight but barbara this is now so much more than just breaks it or no breaks a deal it is about austerity it is about Boris Johnson it is about the conservative party and really the future of britain but the common thing when you ask people why they have come here tonight it is about democracy and people feel that the shutting down of parliament is really an teacher maccracken is simply cannot be tolerated and they point the finger of blame clearly a woman said to me she thinks he is just trashing parliament and everything that it stands. M. Of course a lot of people there might think that thats anti democratic of course people who voted for breaks that will say the fact theyre still hasnt been one isnt a democratic in itself so obviously very strange but the people demonstrating there do they think that their presence their voices are being listened to its all that its having any impact whatsoever. What i think barbara is by to say that at times it is a very noisy protest people chanting that Boris Johnson out but down the road theres another protest taking place which is termed brecks they think this remains such a divisive issue here in britain but i was talking to a lady at this party to stir and she said this is really just the beginning of the protests and really until this is over theyre going to carry on per test and the states really barbara seem very high tonight. Emma hayward there in westminster with the protesters and for the moment thank you. Liz a british journalist and has written a biography of Boris Johnson she says the Prime Minister has failed to make his plans clear and faces the exact same problems that his predecessor did. It was interesting today that weve had various treats some very senior political journalists in the u. K. Saying well you know everything that were told by downing street turns out to be untrue and theyre full what can we possibly believe from now on so when Boris Johnson stood up today in parliament it was interesting what he was trying to date he was projecting his voice he was using some of the same cadence as Winston Churchill and of course he wrote a book about Winston Churchill and when he wrote that book he was sort of comparing himself a bit 1000 times a page to Winston Churchill but the thing is they are so different churchill was about substance the problem was her strength has been all about style and selling as you rightly said just now the problem is that what hes saying either dont exist. Because we still have no idea what these alternative arrangements of the backstop might be and thats you know quite frankly its very much sounds like theyve done 6 a suggest that yes have nothing misleading statements or number 10 you know for all his charm he still comes up against the exact same realities as to reason made it but unfortunately those she got some simply i think we are pains are really pretty much exhausted with sympathy and they to think that bars johnsons duplicitous they to worry that they cant actually trust anything he says imagine this as a british Prime Minister thought of by his counterparts abroad as someone who is both untrustworthy and mendacious i dont think weve ever quite been sailed these waters before and it is a really bad thing for our country there is one way back from this is if that Boris Johnson uses those salesman powers even though hes now in a minority government of course to chart a different way through the mess not just to listen to the extremists the ideologues in his party but actually find a genuine compromise whether that is in the end to back the deal or indeed i think probably more likely to go for a 2nd my friend and i as someone who used to work with him in brussels i was his date be. All those years ago when he was writing all those famous. Diatribes and you know in quiet moments where we were just having coffee or something in the kitchen he would talk quite affectionately about the e. U. Its in his d. N. A. After all his father worked for the commission his father was an m. E. P. He went to school in brussels so ive always doubted that he is actually a real break today i remember too he wrote 2 columns before he decided which way to come down one in favor remain one in favor of leave and i suspect if he has any kind of beliefs until theyre probably rather more prone than you might suspect. We are waiting for that vote to take place in the British Parliament over the next few hours but another key vote has already taken place elsewhere in europe not in the parliament but Online Members of the anti establishment 5 Star Movement have voted overwhelmingly in favor of forming a government with the center Left Democratic Party more than 79 percent supported a coalition in the online vote paving the way for a new government to take office in the coming days italy was thrown into political turmoil after the anti immigrant league party said it was pulling out of its coalition with the 5 Star Movement but the Democratic Party was quick to announce it would take the leagues place italys Prime Minister is expected to keep his job of the president and both houses of parliament will need to approve his new cabinet. Meanwhile spain may be heading to new elections after the acting Prime Minister rejected a Coalition Agreement with the far left put them. There sanchez says there are too many differences between his socialist party and for them most to create a governing alliance but he did offer a deal that would give officials from the far left party lower positions in the government along with progressive policies like pension hikes and rent controls such as a socialists one most votes enables election but fell short of a majority if no agreement is reached by the 20 sort of september of 1 peter election will be held on november 10th. Would you not agree with the coalition for we look for plays but put them us do we want to. Take into account the reasons about it in less within the say shes party thats the middle ground we are proposing today and the spanish coast guard has rescued nearly 200. 00 refugees and migrants from the mediterranean that were trying to cross from north africa into spain 73 people were saved from 3 boats in the strait of gibraltar while 110 others were rescued off the coast meanwhile a ship carrying 800 Asylum Seekers from congested refugee camps on the greek island of les valse is expected to arrive on the mainland on tuesday its the 2nd ship to transfer people to the greek city of the 70 key in the last 2 days another carrying 635 people mostly afghans reached the mainland on monday its part of the countrys efforts to address overcrowding in refugee camps greeces conservative government says it is working to speed up asylum applications and the russian activist has been sentenced to 3 years in jail for attacking a Police Officer even a political pay if it was one of the thousands of protesters who took part in the series of opposition rallies calling for free elections in moscow he was convicted of pepper spraying an officer in the russian capital in july tens of thousands of activists took to the streets for several weeks after authorities blocked opposition candidates from running in local elections which take place on sunday. And that is it for the team in the london for this hour lets go to. Think about or well look at the rest of the days news and a group of the u. N. Experts has released a report saying all parties in the yemen conflict may be involved in war crimes the report accuses the u. S. Coalition of killing civilians in airstrikes and then deliberately denying them aid while on the brink of famine investigators have now given a list of suspects directly to the u. N. Human rights chief this report from laura burton manley. The evidence. Indiscriminate killings child rape and using starvation as a weapon of war these are the findings of a group of United Nations experts who investigated the war you havent. The parties to the conflict in yemen are responsible for an array of Human Rights Violations and violations of International Humanitarian law some of these violations are likely to amount to war crimes. Its a 2nd report by a group of eminent experts who say the u. S. Britain and france may be complicit in war crimes by arming and providing intelligence to the saudi u. A. E. Coalition. Especially so yemen says west some bombs a consistently being used by the coalition the problem with this how do the americans and all those who matter them like the United States they ignore the dimension of the warsaw short of talking to iran short of probably mitigating the tension between the iranians and the americans the arenas and the saudis i think those happening in in yemen is only a proxy for probably a bigger game and why the game but the experts say there are no clean hands when it comes to the involvement of all the warring parties that includes hoti rebels the Yemeni Government forces supported by saudi arabia and the United Arab Emirates. They have targeted hospitals ports water facilities markets bombs and of restricted the delivery of humanitarian aid. The u. N. Experts also accuse iran of backing the violence committed by the juntas one of the most devastating as strikes targeted a Wedding Party in 2015 killing at least 130 people. And in august last year at least 40 children were killed when a saudi u. A. E. Coalition air strike hit the pass inside of. The experts are also concerned the war has taken another complex turn as the saudi backed government and the u. A. E. Back separatists in the south of vying for control of yemen 2nd city aid and. Among. The u. N. Describes the war as the worlds worst humanitarian crisis and is calling on all parties the conflict including western countries to be held accountable lower about a man the al jazeera well the conflict in yemen is now into its 5th year and has led to thousands of deaths. Just look at some of these numbers Human Rights Watch says at least 6870 civilians have been killed up to november of last year an air strike on a Wedding Party for example that was september 25th a new believed to be in the worst attack by the son of the u. A. E. Coalition with more than 130 People Killed in december of 2017 more than 60 civilians killed in 2 strikes on the same day the 1st hit a crowded market entire province killing 54. 00 civilians including 8 children the 2nd killed a family of 14 in the Red Sea Province of data and in august just last year there was a school bus in some that was bombed and at least 40 people died 40 children died in that event. Somebody joined us earlier a professor at the university of jordan and said the situation on the ground unfortunately wont change despite the release of the un report. The point that i really want to highlight is the fact that there is no a military solution for the saudis or even their merit is so theyre going to continue bombing there were going to continue sending the missiles the ballastic missiles and the trans but on the ground no one will decide the battles and the problem with this how do the americans and all those who matter to them like the United States the ignore the Real Dimension of the war saw short on of talking to iran short of probably mitigating the tension between the iranians and the americans the arenas and the saudis i think those happening in in yemen is only a proxy for probably a bigger game in the wider game we hope that the conflicts going to end but i think theyre ignoring the reality on the ground there are some parties here im talking about the us forces have a vested interest in continuation this war because this is the only way where they can cause a kind of damage to this how do they want to have a kind of when attrition with them a war of attrition so they want to bring them down to the quagmire and yemen but. The era of the iranian will probably have a hand off if you know the american the saudis talk to them directly and meet them probably halfway and i think short of doing that we would run the risk of having the war going on regardless of the reports coming here from europe there in the past qatar has revealed the official emblem for the 2022 world cup with a worldwide Media Campaign account. Here it was to reveal the logo this was here and in fact the emblem has been displayed on iconic buildings all around the world just give it a 2nd and well see the logo appear it was all time to happen at 2822. 00 as an 8 22 pm doha time but. Coincided with events all over the world theres the final logo fifa world cup 2022 so lets go around the region. Iraqi capital baghdad here remember the 2022 world cup will be the 1st to be held in the middle east theyre also simultaneous reveals in other arab capitals kuwait city beirut and amman among them. Is russia where the 2022 logo was welcomed in the countrys capital Moscow Russia of course where the last world cup was held one year ago 2018 and the next one after 2022 it will be in the United States which is cohosting the tournament with canada and mexico or the logo unveiled in new york city on one of the screens there in times square. So you know Big Worldwide event happening to them weve got magic ansari with us to talk about a professor of political sociology at university i mean on the one hand its a logo its an aesthetic but the fact that theyve decided to do it all over the world in one big hit sort of. Shows the Global Impact i guess the card is trying to have with this tournament certainly and it also. And the questions about will the terminal be held. Is basically saying to the world the term into it will be held in qatar and now its advertising that all around the world to cement the idea that regardless of these campaigns launched against. Concerning the. 2022 world cup itself it is a success and 12 be a success when it happens here and at the tell us about the campaigns well weve seen of course very clearly since day one that there was an attempt by at least saudi arabia the United Arab Emirates and other countries in the agent to sabotage. Before i got the nomination but also after we got the nomination weve seen a lot of campaigns launched in the u. K. In other countries by locating countries to attempt to sabotage hosting of this world event weve seen of course some of these campaigns go as long as. You know years now and then thing to do this but obviously they have failed miserably and weve seen now the once again has assured that i will host this event and that all preparations are in order today theyre going to the committee here in doha said that 75 percent of the work needed to host the event on the various stadiums and other installments is done so we are only 25 percent away from holding the event and certainly this is the a milestone the new launch the official emblem of the tournament to self important as i mentioned 1st world cup to be held in the arab world and as i was speaking to a guest last hour it was in russia as well for you that youre going to. Different places i guess and actually making an impact in. Not the developing world but not not the traditional big countries which usually host these events yes and actually. Its quite ironic that the one to be held after this one will be a joint venture by the americans canadians and mexicans the considerably large countries in the world of the United States being one of them where with its population of about 2700000 is hosting this event on its own actually without any help from our neighbors certainly and this comes to tell you 2 things 1st of all that is ambitious and its willing to work towards the very clearly and with a very strong will but the other thing is that there is no. Statue against the arab world hosting this kind of a then being a hub for interNational Interest we know that for the blockade in countries at least theyve always come bad the idea of other becoming a hub an International Hub and this is certainly. An important sign of how but there can be international there are still 3 years to go a lot can happen in 3 years do you think the effects of the blockade which you and i have talked about a lot on this channel do you think that can still potentially have an impact. With saudi arabia in the u. A. E. Being against qatar and also so physically close to the country you know its as the world comes to this part of the world yeah i mean i guess at this point in the run up to the term and the self its its becoming quite ludicrous that you could actually think of sabotaging the tenement its very clear that theres International Recognition that i will hold this event all these campaigns especially you know talk about mistreatment of labor and other things has been dissipated now by assurances by International Organizations and international rights. About is changing for the better in these various you know issues but also i think that at the current geo strategic climate if you will when it comes to the u. A. E. And saudi arabia they are quite busy with their own issues in the region. Yemen or the. Or now the clash between the u. A. E. And saudi arabia for them to focus on settling this of it. Very much im sorry good to talk to you thanks for coming in. Still ahead for you on the news hour i have never i have never attended and resignation. People government hong kongs later on the defensive after a leaked recording of her declaring she quit if she could. Also the kurds pull back but will the new buffer zone be enough to keep them safe from turkish troops and unsporting when change their winning lineup ahead of the 4th ashes test against australia far will have that story look like. Hello again its good to have you back well across lavonne it is going to be fairly quiet over the next few days now we did have some clouds passing across much of the caspian those are going to really start to phase out get a little bit dry across much of that area so far who you are looking at some Better Weather conditions and some action nice temperatures there where the temps are there of 26 degrees down towards the south though it is going to be 45. 00 in parts of kuwait city here on wednesday by the time we get towards thursday were looking at 44. 00 in parts of baghdad well across the gulf about the average september beginning a september day we can feel here across much of doha as we go towards wednesday 40 degrees are expected high we have a few clouds passing across saudi arabia not much in terms of any rain coming out of that but over here towards abu dhabi it is going to be humid a few dropping down to about 39. 00 by the time we get towards thursday and also we are going to see some rain here across the eastern coast of Southern Africa that means were going to see some more clouds and winds as well really not looking to be on the satellite by the time we get towards wednesday notice the clouds here developing along the coastal areas are going to stay out of the rain but its really can be Port Elizabeth as well as durban as we go from wednesday as well as into thursday some of those showers could be quite heavy at times so for durban we do expect to see a temperature of 20 and to harrisburg at 24. 00. Police suspect a lone gunmen is behind 15 unsolved shootings in the city all targeting immigrants an ethnic minority and an attempted murder on a young life friday Evening Police were out in full force again after another man was shot out in the cycling disillusioned with the state prosecution of the victims sister has strikes up an unlikely relationship with the accused unless his 2 serial kana a witness documentary on aljazeera setting the discussions police in cape town has struggled to regain steadily Gang Violence examining the headlines now under president putin russia is making a push to engage explore an abundance of world class programming designed to inform motivate and inspire but. Its almost 2nd nature and i also know what they see the world from a different perspective on aljazeera. On the news here at aljazeera and these are our top stories u. K. And pains are holding an emergency debate right now aimed at preventing a no deal brags that a vote will be held later on taking control of the parliamentary agenda one conservative m. P. Has defected and of the vote costing the ruling certain part conservative party its majority. Un experts are blaming all sides in yemen for possible war crimes a report to be Human Rights Council says the saudi u. A. E. Coalition has targeted civilians. Rebels have also committed atrocities. Reveal the official emblem for the. 2022 world cup with a worldwide Media Campaign it was projected on buildings across the world from new york. And. Before being released now turned off its tracking transponder. Formally known as the grace one switched off on monday shipped tracking websites previously showing the vessel off the coast of lebanon and then heading northwards. Said they have intelligence the ship is heading to the syrian port of tartus. With more. The area one formerly known as the grace one super sized oil tanker that is carrying 2100000. 00 barrels of rainy and crude oil worth over 130000000. 00 was last spotted near tripoli in northern lebanon now since this muscle was released by the authorities in it has been known to go to near greece turkey and now lebanon but has not been located since monday evening here in officials have not disclosed where the ship is heading but they have reiterated that syria is not its destination the ship was seized by the authorities on july the 4th and it was released on august 15th the iranians say that the British Government seized this vessel at the request of u. S. Officials they say that this is an example of how the u. S. Government is trying to pressure officials in iran to get them back to the negotiating table to renegotiate the 2015 Nuclear Agreement the United States withdrew from that the last year and we imposed a series of sanctions on irans oil and Banking Sector the iranian president Hassan Rouhani way to the position here that iran will not have any kind of dialogue with american officials until these sanctions have been lifted and this vessel is the sanctions that have now been imposed on this vessel as of august 30th by the United States Treasury Department are being seen here as another effort to put more pressure on the iranian government. Looks like its picking up speed again after initially showing signs of weakening and its left a trail of devastation through the bahamas as well but these 5 people are known to have died and thousands of homes have been destroyed the bahamas government says the islands Health Infrastructure has been badly damaged by floods doria now heading towards the south east coast of the United States thats where the gallagher is reporting from Indian River City in florida. Or akane dawran is now finally inching its way away from the bahamas in the forecasters say its taken the vital north west to which should make it run parallel to the east coast of the United States because remember florida georgia on the carolinas are all making preparations mandatory evacuation orders have been in place for the last few days but its really the bahamas that is now the focus of what Hurricane Dorian has done remember the storm stalled over the bahamas for about 36 hours and there are a couple of islands there in the northwest that really got slammed by this storm but communications a difficult rescue efforts difficult but were beginning to see some very disturbing pictures come out on social media of just how bad the damage is in the bahamas so the rescue efforts the recovery effort will be underway in the next few days what we know at least 13000 homes have been destroyed meanwhile here in florida we are still under a hurricane watch preparations are still being made and people are being told do not get complacent this remains a very large powerful and dangerous storm. The taliban has attacked a compound for foreigners in the Afghan Capital kabul killing 16 people injuring more than 100. 00 the attack happened at the same time as u. S. Special envoy for peace it was interviewed on National Television about the progress on talks with the taliban but support from charlotte bellus. In kabul smoke and anger filled the streets the taliban launched an attack against whats known as the Green Village a secure compound for foreigners on monday night by Tuesday Morning residents were on the streets angry that the neighborhood has been repeatedly targeted and blamed the International Presence Security Forces attempted to Disperse Protesters with gunfire. My friends and relatives were killed and wounded in the blast this is the 5th time is area has been attacked we want officials to move the foreigners away from this area. The tele band is native to track to packed with explosives a search and rescue operation for foreigners and residents lasted through the night more than a dozen residents were killed. I mean it was a big explosion that collapsed the ceiling of my house and shattered my windows my nephew was killed the blast came during the final minutes of a National Interview with. The u. S. Chief negotiator in talks with the taliban he arrived in kabul on sunday to reveal a draft peace deal to afghan leaders. Revealed that 5400 u. S. Troops withdraw in the 1st 4 and a half months after a deal is signed leaving 8600 troops to withdraw in future way in return the taliban must enter into talks with the Afghan Government and contain armed groups like al qaida and eisel. I cannot tell you which bases we will leave because of security concerns but we will share it after the agreement is signed we have not even shared that information with the taliban yet but we will withdraw troops from 5 bases in the 1st 135 days if everything goes as planned. Despite an optimism the taliban is still looking for literature. And spices launched a major operation and over the weekend attempting a repeat of a 2015 takeover of the city when u. S. And Afghan Special forces repelled the attack they move south taking public kumari another provincial capital leading to questions about when the violence would decrease. The ceasefire issue will be discussed in talks directly between the taliban and Afghan Government and that is possible deal with the taliban the taliban will gradually decrease fighting which will lead to a ceasefire. Something that the afghans cant come soon enough. Persias is keeping up the pressure on hong kongs government with many taking part in a 2nd day of strikes thousands of university and secondary School Students skipped the 1st day of class to attend rallies demands for political reform turned violent over the weekend as police fired tear gas and used water cannon on protesters who vandalized and set fires on police say more than 1100 people have been arrested since june. Meanwhile hong kongs leader is dismissed a link to order a recording of her saying shed resign if she had a choice kerry says she never planned to quit her comments there were recorded during a private lunch last week and come after 3 months of antigovernment protests when her with the support all day. Or they were told only about this seems to be no end in sight to the protests in hong kong and no sign that the government is willing to give in to any of the protesters demanding day 2 of a series of strikes got under way as news emerged of a leaked audio recording in which the citys chief executive is heard telling Business Leaders that shed resign if she had a choice. This. Is. This just in the you live or charles the 1st thing is to be. Is 2. Hours later in who weekly Media Conference kerry said it was unacceptable that the private conversation had been recorded and she sought to clarify her comments about resigning i have never attended a resignation to the central peoples government. I have not even contemplated to discuss a resignation with the central peoples government. The choice of not resigning is my own choice no know how the resignation of the chief executive was one of the key demands of the protesters when they began taking to the streets on the 1st of july protesters stormed this building the Legislative Council the seat of power in hong kong with kerry lamb in charge those fighting for political change say the chief executives leaked comments prove what they always knew. They say theres no real power residing in the building they broke into and thats why they say their fight is no longer about kerry lamb resigning its about sending a message to china that the people of hong kong want democracy we have a public government controlled by the tyrannical Chinese Communist party and it needs fundamental change to the Chinese Government again reiterated its support for hong kongs administration but warned it will act if the situation worsens. The Central Government will never allow the chaos in hong kong to continue indefinitely if the situation in hong kong deteriorates further becomes uncontrollable and the turmoil threatens the sovereignty and security of the country the Central Government will not sit idly by. The controversy over kerry lands leaked comments is likely to have little impact on the crisis with both sides no closer to finding a resolution wayne hey Al Jazeera Hong Kong in syria u. S. Backed Kurdish Forces are slowly pulling back from positions near the Turkish Border president egypt typer one has threatened to send troops to push out the wipe e. G. If they dont move but some people are now worried about what the kurdish pullback means for their safety ben smith reports from antakya near the turkey syria border. Under the supervision of the us military Syrian Kurdish y p g fighters filling tunnels and defensive positions along the border with turkey. The y. P. G. Forms the bulk of the u. S. Trained and backed Syrian Defense force the s t f it will now pull back between 5 and 7000 kilometers although turkey is demanding a 30 kilometer buffer the surface of the people with 30 kilometer a large number and would cut us off from an important broad that leads to aleppo it is impossible the administration would accept this because of the impact on our daily lives. Goodish administered northeastern syria has been relatively peaceful after y p g fighters pushed out i saw earlier in the war the u. S. Considers the kurds their most important partner in the fight against isis but turkey says the y p g is allied to the Kurdistan Workers Party the p. K. K. So its a long term presence along the border wont be tolerated. The p. K. K. Which was formed in turkey 41 years ago is considered a terrorist group by ankara the e. U. And the Us Government if the fighters withdraw from the border area it will hurt us they are the only force that stops corruption in the region are United States interests with those as well as the kurds we also know that the kurds are the only ones who successfully stood against isis so its in americas interest to keep them on site the withdrawal deal was reached after turkey repeatedly warned it would send its military into Northern Syria to target the y. P. G. Plaza in that image we want our people to live safely we know we are strong combat units and we can fight and we fear for our people but now with this agreement we can build a good life in our regions and cities in. The areas the kurds have withdrawn from after now being monitored from the turkish side. President reggie type says turkey will launch its own operation to establish a safe zone if talks with the us fail to give turkish troops full control of the area within a few weeks and while there is a joint u. S. A turkish command center theres still no agreement on the size of the zone or its command structure Bernard Smith aljazeera and taqiyya few stories in brief now looting and violence are spread across neighborhoods in the South African cities of johannesburg and pretoria in Johannesburg Police arrested dozens who broke into shops and others who blocked roads with burning tires it is the 2nd outbreak of unrest within a week which appears to be targeting foreign owned shops the South African president Cyril Ramaphosa says any xenophobic violence is unacceptable. Zimbabwes Public Sector doctors have gone on strike of the pay and working conditions thats after the government failed to meet their demand which was to be paid in u. S. Dollars the strike was threatened last week with the Doctors Association saying its members couldnt afford to report for duty is facing surging inflation and a deep economic crisis guatemalas former 1st lady has been arrested on corruption charges sandra taurus appeared in court after she was detained for Campaign Finance violations related to the 2015 election which she was a president ial candidate in torys he says she is the victim of political vendetta she is the latest high profile politician to face corruption allegations in guatemala. And theres been a census of seal pups in the u. K. And its returned some promising results the count by scientists at london zoo found 138 high and great seal pups have been born in the Thames Estuary this year river thames was declared biologically dead in the 1950s after oxygen levels fell to 0 in some parts researches though say this this latest seal tally is proof the waterway is now in good health seal sense is still ahead on how to 0 sports news and more on football fans around the world getting their 1st look at the official logo for the color 2022 world cup. A modern and open minded woman who feels ethiopia is poised to develop magically aljazeera goes on a journey with the 1st woman appointed to the position of chief justice in ethiopia i knew that this is going to be able to stand. Next paid to be conflict and we went. To more of them wanting to be. My ethiopia on aljazeera. For the congolese the journey to work all aboard means unimaginable hardship i prefer to lie down because they might go back up into chancing life and live on a dangerous journey through the jungle. Have gone on to the rails and nearly died. Our children go to school and live because of the train risking it all the democratic republic of congo on aljazeera. Paris here to talk sport looking ahead through the next football world cup gets in the new logo all the official and for the 2022 world cup in cats are has been revealed it words released online at exactly 22 minutes past 8 in the evening doha time thats 2022 now and heres how people are released it. Looks to. Be something. To say. This is. What its like. When. He. Sees the. Sun up the. Next. Well lets take a closer look at it now the image was beamed on to buildings all over the world at the same time including several unveilings encounters capital doha and throughout the arab world including oman kuwait and lebanon also in europe the United States and south America Africa and asia is say the shape is inspired by traditional women shawl and desert do you see the figure of 8 is a reminder of the 8 to world cup stadiums that will host matches and also embodies the vision of the event that connects and engages the entire world our Sports Correspondent Andy Richardson has more from doha. Well in some ways the details of this emblem and as important as the wider symbolism of the timing of this launch as we build up to the 2022 world cup here in cats of the timing of this launch is no accident it was september the 3rd 1971 when cats all became an independent country having previously been a protectorate of britain and its now as an independent country the cats always bringing the world cup to the middle east for the very 1st time and after all the conversations and controversies weve had since katz i was awarded the world cup in 2010 the Global Nature of the launch of this emblem is a reminder to everyone that sure enough a football tournament will be coming here in november 2022 in terms of readiness to with the 8 stadiums are now finished one of them the khalifa stadium will be on show to the world later on this month when it hosts the world athletics championships and then in december we have the Club World Cup here in cats are the 1st big day for events be hosted by the country effectively a test event ahead of the world cup as cats already seeks to establish itself as a global hub for elite sports all for more on this story were joined by former airfield catarrh bureau chief David Harding who is now based in london thanks so much for joining us if the marketing push behind this were resonating in england are people there are aware now that the world is in fact coming to catch our. I think they will be from and i think the Important Message tonight is that beyond the celebrations in doha this is going to football fans around the world that the world cup is taking place and cats are in 2022 that despite the controversies that have dogged cats are since 2010 when it was awarded the world cup which will continue to dog and i believe up until the 1st ball is kicked what tonight is saying is its the 1st world cup in the middle east will take place in 2022 and it will take place in qatar and what can you say about the timing at this rebel september 3rd why tonight well as you report its a very important day of in qatar history its when it became a fully fledged independent country i think its very important in other ways i think the message of tonight will be reinforced by events in cuts are in the next month in 2 days time cats are bizarrely played take play a game in their own world cup qualifying their play afghanistan its very rare for a host nation to appears only happened twice before in their own qualifications even though that obviously will appear in 2022 but then you have the athletics championships which start later this month and then you have the Club World Cup now all these events will reinforce the message it gets or is a major host of sporting events and also the Club World Cup and the ships they will be taking place in say humans which will host goings in 2022. So david what are the big challenges facing cap tar in the next 3 years ahead of the tournaments do you think. I think it still has to convince many many skitt skeptics obviously the u. K. Is one of them but there are many people in europe that dont believe that qatar should have the world cup because of the various controversies i think whats a knight will allow those in the Supreme Committee in doha to do is say right this is the emblem and now we can concentrate on the message of what we want to tell you about how the walk up will be different in qatar. The only theres only 8 stadiums but the fact that theres 4 going is potentially in the qualifying rounds when it gets to the finals that fans if youre in doha you can go to 2 possibly 3 matches in one day which is impossible or another world cup so i think it will allow the kids or organizers to get those messages across rather than just saying yes we are going to host the world cup ok David Harding great to get your thoughts thanks again for joining us. On the quarter finals are underway at the u. S. Open tennis one of them has already finished in the women straw our 5th seed alina especially now from new crane britains yana content straight horrific for fear the renos now through to the family final for the us open for the 1st time in her career. England have tweaked their winning line up ahead of wednesdays 4th ashes test against australia captain joe root will have a fastball or craig over 10 back in his team as a replacement for chris well in record in an unlikely one wicket victory in the last half thanks to an unbeaten century from battle steps what it has done is make it a very special week this week and grab 2 need for us to build on what was a fantastic win. And carry that forward. Very special last hour so the way we performed in a 2nd innings was more what we. Were about as a team. A steve smith is back in the Australian Team after missing the 3rd task due to a kind. Of former captain has salsa regained his position at the top of the worlds batting rankings is everyone in the world is looking forward to watching steve smith but we always do. And again i think you know steves. One test match has been out for 12 months and i came back from a 12 month layoff pretty well so i expect to handle 6 days pretty well ok and that is all your sport for now come all back to you are a thank you so much more support from foreign. News and of course continuing coverage of the briggs it debate going on in london right now this is expected to be about a 3 hour debate this is the emergency debate as m. P. s from the conservative party the Ruling Conservative Party and the opposition try to stop. A no deal breaks it and perhaps delay breaks that in fact through until january its coming up 1900 hours g. M. T. Were expecting the vote to happen between 20302100 hours g. M. T. So our team from london will have the latest. On that. With our correspondents right outside westminster thats it for the season thanks for joining us Barbara Sarah in just a moment from london. To strengthen the good you have to shoulder good all the more with your calm still fight against corruption. This fire needs heroes heroes like no who are bad or who refuse to 15000000. 00 brian the achievement of heroes like him to showcase by the International Ace award it shines a light on these heroes because the best way to fight a darkie used to shine a light lets make the road to a better place nominate your Anti Corruption mirror now. September on aljazeera with ethiopia taking its 1st steps into democracy aljazeera meets for diversity europeans who are reshaping the countrys Political Landscape World Leaders gather in new york for the United Nations General Assembly global issues are on the table a listening post dissects the worlds media how they operate and the stories they cover Global Warming and possible solutions to Climate Change are on the agenda of the United Nations a special 2 part series exposed how human activity has damaged much of the planet and call some of the biggest environmental threats to mankind september on aljazeera. With a plummeting birthrate and families moving to the cities south koreas rule schools are shutting down one no one east meets the grandmas who is saving these schools while finally getting an education on aljazeera. Boris johnson loses his majority in the u. K. Parliament has one of his m. P. s that affects the head of another crucial bracks a vote. Hello im Barbara Starr youre watching aljazeera live from london also coming up on the program hurrican dorrian grows in size but weekends as it batters the bahamas with dangerous winds and a life threatening storm surge un experts find potential war crimes on all sides in the yemen conflict and say the u. S. Britain and france may be complicit and why americas love affair

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