I mean that you know that we dont get is that many here fear for their lives for their protection weve changed their names. To us thats not for girls you must not get out of the market in the which. Today nigerias meeting with her client fatima and her husband. Fatima says her husband is violent and that his uncle sexually harassed her accusations he denies quote my younger son missing his honest youngest im lost im still stuff sure my family got little in the last hour that america to be going to make me go that is not going to work on me and i want government. Has tried to leave him before i have done what the more thats my remark and i mean felt so numb youre maybe youre not making my young what im about to jump we cannot meet in the south on what is good only as your what a pleasure being on soumik going to resign if i make or not. I make money on it. Im a little made of which. Despite knowledge is best efforts this meeting is going nowhere not if it was a guy myself nothing on me does that has learned i was out of my mind about a 1000000 the only thing is. Something we have all been nice. About bush will you love them. And theres a. New story so. How can i say in order to us who. But. Husband says he will never agree to a separation shell have to take him to. The morgue or firmware is the most no one knows. Bush to mexico. But its her 3 children that fossil is worried about under afghan law she lose custody if she leaves. That. They are. Not you know as her client is in a desperate situation. She also knows it could be much worse. On what these women that we help now as Defense Attorneys they would never have been able to raise their voice under the taliban. And not just says shell never forget what life was like under the brutal regime she was only 12 when taliban fighters seized his city afghan leader we want allowed to go outside without a male guardian girls aged from 12 or 13 you had to wear the school and college was forbidden for girls. Under the taliban we were in conflict darkness we didnt know about womens rights that they could separate from their husbands or punish the people who were violent towards. The. Mother 0. 0. 00 visit. And now has a daughter of her own and another baby on the way she says this is why she and so many women are worried that the taliban may come back into power. I was just a child and it was so traumatic i dont want my children to go through this so im fighting for my kids for their future and for the future of this country. Right now one of her most pressing cases. The question that. She has run away from her father and a forced marriage its up to not to protect to use in the law. He cocked his gun and put it against my head and said why dont you want to marry him you have to marry him. There were tiles on the Kitchen Floor he grabbed me by the hair and banged my head against the floor again and again then he locked me in and my older brother came and he hit me in the eye and it became swollen then he punched me in my mouth and broke 6 of my teeth they were in pieces. Not just says yasmin is fortunate that she could reach the shelter thats not always possible. In areas controlled by the taliban are you able to help women who. May be suffering from violence that we cannot to help them because we dont know about the wireless to hear whats going on do it look like everythings ok there looks like an activist because they did the woman doesnt have the right dont have a right to. So when they have it if you dont heres something so how can you help. Today roughly hoth of afghanistan is under the talibans control. We dont know how theyre treating women in these areas because its too dangerous for us to go. But a confidential source close to the taliban said he could help us investigate. After days of careful planning he was able to film this extraordinary footage and smuggle it to us through government checkpoints. Its from a district in gaston province which fell to the taliban music i. Told the generator not to even try to get another journalist for you. Because. Here we see faces carrying a k 47 its an r. P. G. Its parading through the district. And you know. We hear from taliban judges running to run courts. What we dont see is any footage of a single woman. One could sit down and do this its on the front so who will you be i dont know who. The spokesman months who gets not he tells us the girls in the area are allowed to go to school. We do. You have female madrassas in our district but they have to wear that he job even in the future when were in government will allow them to go to school according to sharia law. This might sound like progress until you dig a little deeper. But should out no sharia law only allows women to wear the full her job and to always be accompanied by a male relative because in the koran it says that women should stay at home and if they have to go out they should be with a male relative. Morphy to our contact chriss him to be more specific asking will women have the right to work to study and marry whoever they want to. Do this well i cant answer this question. But we tracked down a young woman who cannot so far more than one of. My avi is totally controlled by the telly but. They forced young girls into marriage they burnt down the school there was a Medical Clinic but they burnt that down too. At 1st masuda says girls still try to go to school but it didnt last long. The taliban came to my school and took a girl out and shot her because she liked a boy she was bleeding all over her body we all screamed and ran away. There was forced to marry when she was just 12 she says her husband beat her and her father in law demanded sex. Shes now in hiding but insurgents in her area have ordered her to come back to drive out by the long ago tomorrow about on the daily buy and see if theyll control all of afghanistan soon anyway then execute. Their calling me from my moms phone shes begging me to come back she says if you love me you should come back if i go back theyll kill me if i dont theyll kill my family. Throughout the peace talks with the u. S. The taliban has insisted that it has changed and that it will uphold womens rights. But these videos taken in areas under their control tell a different story. In this 40 taliban fighters shown executing a woman accused of adultery. These women were gunned down in the dead of night on a dirt road because the taliban thought they were prostitutes. And this video from earlier this year shows a woman being publicly lashed for singing and dancing. Even if they have changed surely even if you believe them for what they say its very unlikely that they actually impose what they say on their 4 soldiers in afghanistan. Politician fozia koofi is one of the few afghan women to meet the taliban face to face during the peace negotiations held in russia and qatar speaking in moscow in a 5 star hotel is much more easier than actually practicing it in afghanistan in the rural villages through you are full soldiers who are not educated what they have heard 2 years of fighting is hate towards woman hate towards society killing murder how do you change your perspectives but saves her harshest criticism for the u. S. Which she says has failed to follow through on the wall that it began about the west came to afghanistan not just because they wanted to save us they came to afghanistan after the 911. 00 attack happened to me york so they actually came to afghanistan partly to save their own. From fatalistic attacks now because the americans want to leave we just ignore the woman. Its a question of Us Government can answer and they did not agree to speak to us. What is clear is that after the death of tens of thousands of people many view a peace deal with the taliban as a stunning betrayal. Baggage that was ironically all within the bounds of all those american and nato soldiers who have been killed they werent fighting me i didnt kill them they were fighting the taliban the same taliban that youre now going to bring back into power. Is the face of who country and its women has never been more. She also has a warning for the west and i guess just had another day on the call. If american politicians can play with the future of afghan women like this. Then they can make the same deal for their own women its possible so american women need to stay vigilant because their politicians can trade away their freedom too. On my last day with her layla takes me to a place she often visits on the outskirts of kabul. Past the casimir. Enjoys a cat has has new clothes out of india. In kenya had their commissioner. She says like most afghans shes desperate for peace. But not at any cost. When im home by choice of hard hours no i dont want my children to ask me what did you do when the taliban came. I cant tell them that i ran away. This is not peace. Not for me or for any woman. With a plummeting birthrate and families moving to the cities south koreas rule schools are shutting down one no one east meets the grandmas who is saving these schools while finally getting an education on al jazeera september on aljazeera with ethiopia taking its 1st steps into democracy aljazeera meets for diversity europeans who are reshaping the countrys Political Landscape World Leaders gather in new york for the United Nations General Assembly global issues are on the table listing host dissect the worlds media how they operate and the stories they cover Global Warming and possible solutions to Climate Change are on the agenda of the United Nations a special 2 part series exposed how human activity has damaged much of the planet and cause some of the biggest environmental threats to mankind september on aljazeera. Legally prescribe for the pain relief of the sick but taken in life threatening doses by millions in search of a fix. Illegal shipments of the opioid tramadol are flawed because that sucker. People in power goes to nigeria to investigate the devastating addiction epidemic that is even fueling the bokhara insurgency. West africas Opioid Crisis on and. When the news breaks. When people need to be heard and the story needs to be told 23 month old to. To valerie it died last week and crossing from mexico to the United States with exclusive interviews and indepth reports were committed portage of education that life is exceptionally aljazeera has teams on the ground to bring you more Award Winning documentaries and allied news. Begins in rebel held the syrians protest on turkeys border demanding that the fighting end once and for all. Major in forgetting this is. Also coming up the u. S. Says it has information that a near brady and tank is syria about despite assurances that it wouldnt. We hope people. Released on bail prodemocracy campaigners declare they wont surrender after being arrested in a hong kong protest crackdown. Colombias president says that 9 people are dead after an attack on fark rebels opposed to the groups peace deal with the government. Says its Syrian Government allies will observe a cease fire in rebel held province went into effect a short time ago the army backed by russian air power has been waging a crushing offensive for months earlier syrian civilians rushed towards the border with turkey to modeling a complete end to the fighting was serious but it smith reports now from antakya hall. This was a desperate dash for the Turkish Border by syrians hand into the shrinking corner of their country still in the control of fighters. But turkey isnt letting any more syrians in. You do not want to create chaos we just want to express the oppression we feel we just want them to look at our situation that this is a warning that we are coming to turkey and europe if turkey does nothing an increase in shelling and bombing of. By the russian backed forces of the Syrian Regime has according to the u. N. Pushed up to a 1000000 syrians towards turkey they have no shelter food or sanitation but from a saturday morning the russians say the offensive will stop for now this is not the 1st ceasefire and im afraid not the losses for all the previous cease fires fades was the seam so the terrorists immediately broke the cease fire i hold that this one will last but really have doubts given the situation that that is there but lets hope lets keep our fingers crossed russia has more special forces on the ground now in syria according to western intelligence sources that help assads forces make recent territorial gains in ed lip it shows the extent regime is regaining control is really exerting so for an hour and ultimately its the final nail in the coffin of opposition groups who ultimately lost the war they lost to assad with this russian iranian and his club but forces turkeys president says that it eerie orating environment in the north of syria is a humanitarian crisis. And also says that the situation in a blip is not at the point we want but it must also know that the acid regime is likely to eventually resume its push to retake the final part of territory still under the control of a hard core of anti regime fighters burnitz with aljazeera and taqiyya. U. S. Secretary of state might pump aoe says he has Firm Evidence that an Iranian Oil Tanker is heading to syria despite iran promising that it wouldnt. Be a one previously called the grace one has been sailing around the mediterranean ever since it was released by authorities in the british territory of gibraltar made the allegation via twitter in his tweet he said foreign minister zarif guaranteed to the u. K. That the Iranian Revolutionary guard corps Oil Tanker Grace one slash. One would not head to syria we have reliable information the tank is on the way and headed to ta to syria i hope it changes course it was a big mistake to trust so if he says. John hendren has more for us from washington the United States Treasury Department has increased its Enforcement Actions against the government of iran specifically and oil vessel that has recently left the port of gibraltar that the u. S. Says it has reason to believe is bound for syria that is a statement from mike pompei o the us secretary of state that ship was originally called the grace one it is now called the adrian giardia one it was originally flagged as a panamanian vessel and now it is being flagged as an iranian vessel the British Government seized it in gibraltar and under suspicion that it would be taken to syria to offload oil that ship was released after iranian fish officials allegedly told gibraltar officials that they would not take that ship to syria but meanwhile that ship has changed his destination a few times and now the u. S. Secretary of state says it is bound for syria he says he hopes it will change course that threat comes within or else exactly what the u. S. Government might do at this stage we dont know. Joshua wang and agnes child 2 of the 3 activists arrested in hong kong have been released on bail they say they wont surrender as police try to rein in weeks of antigovernment protests from hong kong oclock reports. Joshua one and agnes child left Police Headquarters on their way to court the founders of the prodemocracy party. Have been charged with inciting and taking part in an unlawful protest outside Police Headquarters in june the Court Appearance was brief both were released on bail. Not surrender and i urge the International Community is send a clear message to a president sending troops or using emergency order is not the way out we will continue our fight opposition politician. Member of the Hong Kong Legislative Council was also detained and on thursday the leader of the band Independence Group and a chair and was arrested before boarding a flight to japan hes been accused of rioting and assaulting a Police Officer in july police have now confirmed 7 arrests over the past 2 days critics call it a case of white terror by Police Intimidation and an attempt to silence protests the demonstrations began more than 3 months ago prompted by a controversial extradition bill but they quickly morphed into a wider discontent what is seen as chinas growing influence in hong kong the fear its all these iconic leaders arrests together could send out some Chilling Effect around the hong kong to scare people from taking to the street to morrow we arrest a person as soon as we have to get a sufficient evidence to prove his fans the allegation that. Arrest is totally false a mass prodemocracy rally planned for saturday has been cancelled. After organizers filed to get the go ahead in the Hong Kong Court of appeal on wednesday night Chinese Military were filmed driving through hong kong what was described as a routine rotation of soldiers from the mainland on friday state owned media warned if the situation in hong kong worsens chinese soldiers would have quote no reason to sit on their hands and it says the Peoples Liberation Army Garrison in hong kong was not merely a symbol of chinese sovereignty over the city despite the arrests and the cancellation of saturdays rally some prodemocracy groups are urging protesters to go ahead and demonstrate over the weekend they described the Police Action as white terror and want residents to maintain pressure on the government to dump this bill the government has suspended the proposed extradition law but critics want it officially trona out more than 900 people have been arrested since the protests began in june and these latest arrests are likely to discourage people from continuing to express their anger at the Hong Kong Government sarah clarke aljazeera hong kong. Is secretary general of a prodemocracy organization and he joins us now via skype from Hong Kong Joshua along with many other networks we covered your arrest and your release on bail yesterday live how were you treated following your arrest and while you were detained. Chilling effect was generated by beijing and Hong Kong Government how they pack riot police in hong kong to conduct mass arrests is really ridiculous and just implying the crackdown of human rights when more than only that was in citizens was arrested in creating more than 100. 00 of them were prosecuted which just show that Hong Kong Government have no intention to launch an economy of dialogue or to solve the political conflict the only solution for them is seems to arrest people and considering to use martial law or send troops to hong kong and we all know that thats not the way out so where do you stand legally joshing. Yesterday i was arrested with 3 charges including organizing inciting and participating on all assembly schumanns ago i was released from prison and soon later on being arrested again but we still continue our fight and the most important thing is even i need to face the trial was soon in the next day or months with you persis on our course on free election. Policy and the government lost completely withdraw to be you sure youve been arrested what now 3 jailed rather 3 times have you thought about the personal sacrifice that youre making here is it worth it come head to active as being a lot of praise for 7 years 2 young men and lady result in permanent lying this because of rubber bullets were shipped into their eyes. The price i pay is just a small piece of cake in this day because this goliath battle i urge the International Community is must send a clear message to a presidency political crisis must stop by politicos system reform no matter of sending troops to hong kong or applying emergency ordinance which means martial law in hong kong to cut the internet thats not all the way out and the only way out is listening to the wants of people and hong kong was on the one democracy sure would is it that you and the other pretenses really want is this just about the extradition bill and free elections in hong kong if you got that would it in the. Short term goal is to withdraw the extradition bill and the long term goal is to have free election when you actually read green election become true in hong kong which means that hong kong is by newly elected government and which means that we can be the run rule hong kong instead of beijing be the one man a plaything on hong kong People Freedom and our future and now is the high club aging to consider where they will learn to listen to our wars is that of strongly continue to believe in. Joshua good still too many thanks indeed joshua one and hong kong. Thank you the leader of italys 5 Star Movement has warned that the tentative Coalition Deal with the center Left Democratic Party could still fall apart political leaders have been meeting prime ministers at the continue to see if they could cobble together a government the previous one collapse when salvini pulled the support of his right Wing Likud Party hoping to trigger new elections in a 1st the most of the country is in a very delicate phase we must get out of the Political Uncertainty triggered by the government crisis as soon as possible it will be a government for the good of the citizens to my

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