Brazil says its now willing to accept foreign aid to help fight the fires ravaging the amazon as long as 8 decides how to use the money president jacques to both sonata i said his government would find its own solution to the crisis is that ministration is backing a proposed amendment to the constitution that could see commercial farming allowed on indigenous reserves undercover law any farming on indigenous land is illegal on monday g 7 nations page 20 1000000. 00 to help fight the flames and protect the rain forests bot also not only accused rich countries of treating brazil like a colony. We will find a solution and we will give the world satisfaction even people like the french president emanuel must think twice to get out of a complicated situation like the huge rejection hes facing his own country before starting with us nobody here is against dialogue with france not at all and we thank the work of the. Earlier once again criticized his brazilian counterpart says the world cannot allow the amazon to be destroyed by the actions of brazils government. Becomes even more a sovereign country and when we have major events we except International Solidarity because its a sign of friendship but above all there are 9 countries in the amazon and many other countries ask for help its important to mobilize it quickly so that colombia bolivia and brazil in regions that are would like to have access to this International Help can have it and can reforest quickly. Joining us now live from port vale in the Northwestern State of daniel just give us an update 1st of all on the conditions of the fires. What most of the files certainly in this part of brazil now been dealt with the military has been deployed the rabies season is just beginning as well so there have been downed poles dousing some of those lost flames there are still some blazes in some of the more remote parts of the amazon but what these fires have done this is the sheer scale of the ship ferocity of these files its reminded the well i think shocked the world about the importance of the amazon and the damage that these fires can do and has obviously caused this political dispute now between the brazilian government led by president jabal so now doe and the rest of the world say the fires are out for now but they will come back next year when the dry season comes again that is inevitable so the problem is the major problem has been dealt with but i see the bigger problem still waiting to play itself out. Dont you just fill us in if you wouldnt mind about this this talk of commercial farming being allowed on indigenous reserves this is something that has been prevented for a long time now im not all of a sudden the suggestion is back on the table whats the background to this. Well indigenous land protected make up a large part of some of these northern fairly lightly Populated Areas some of the reservations are very very large and so i mean the meeting today in brazil you know which job also not held with the governors also some of the amazonian states he and some of the governors expressed their frustration at the amount of protection not to protected areas in the for in the states which they want to see developed theyre talking about on dornier the state im in the moment where Something Like 80 percent of land is either within a nature reserve or an indigenous was of job also now those says the less this land is the more effectively developed brazil is heading towards poverty he wants to see Developers Come in he wants to see them chop down the trees and burn the remaining vegetation to build roads to set up our soil plantations and cattle rearing projects the Indigenous People who live on these reservations are saying if thats allowed to happen its not in the end of the of the rain forest as we know it its the end of them its the their survival is their very survival is at stake osa chief huge debates going on here about developing the. Untouched forest or protecting it i dont have another thanks very much indeed i want to bring india going to go hes joining us live from washington d. C. Hes director of institutional strategy and intelligence advice its a Public Affairs firm thank you very much indeed for joining us on all dizzy or brazil now saying that its open to accepting foreign aid and it wasnt long ago that the president was saying absolutely not we will find our own solution to this whats changed his mind do you think. Well what changed his mind is that his position to reject some of these offer wasnt coordinated with other members of the brazilian government and off the brazilian state. The speaker of the house he expressed this morning that this is money that brazil needs because a few days ago president bush for not has said that there isnt enough money to more knitter and combats this fires at the amazon so although brazil is a very wealthy country the allocation of money is a very bureaucratic procedure and in this particular area there wasnt enough money so we had several. On coordinated responses about this help from france and from the g 7 which at the end of that they allowed president also not to make this commentary debts didnt resonate well with other peers in the brazilian government he made the point that he was not willing to accept the foreign aid as long as the brazilian government was in charge of deciding how the money was used why do you think it was so important to him to make that point. I think that this is rhetoric towards the internal brazilian. Public because its obvious that the usage of this money would be determined by the brazilian authorities it would be impossible for any of this help to come and this for the g 7 to determine how to employ this money during the past decades and many years we had the Amazonian Fund which was funded by norway and germany and not in a single moment germany and norway decided how this money would be used it was always 100 percent a decision of the brazilian government on how to use so this comment is more towards the brazilian public that wants to see this demonstration of independence in the usage of money than anything else britain bows and arrows policies have been criticised for creating an environment in which these fires were able to be started and subsequently get out of control to what extent could the International Community bring pressure on the government to make sure that those policies were either changed all this situation was simply not allowed to happen again. Well the tool of diplomacy was invented for deaths and the tool of diplomacy was invented to allow the conversation between nations for a critic for Critical Issues such as this one in the amazon so the best tool is for course to sit down and to talk without considering that an opposing view is actually an attack on the sovereignty of brazil this is not the case so i think that the best tool right now is for the president also nodded to. Open up and explain the strategic approach to the problem at the amazon and to hear strategic suggestions and he has the autonomy whether to approve it or not but dialogue is the number one thing that we need and we havent seen this in the past days with this constant dispute of narratives from our crew and both sonar 2 which were not aimed at each other but their internal public really good to get your thoughts on this to go thank you very much indeed for your time. But the more ahead on the news hour including revealing the truth in indian administered kashmir out journalists are demanding access to reports on the crisis. Thousands of people in sudan forced to abandon their homes because of heavy flooding. And the defending womens champion the only osaka opens her account of the u. S. Open is going to have reaction in the sport. The president s of turkey and russia say they hope to Work Together to ease tensions and province in a move which could help decide the course of the syrian conflict Government Forces backed by russia have launched a ground offensive in the ellipse one of the last rebel held areas in syria turkey though supports some rebel groups and says the fighting is putting its troops in danger status and has more from zukowski where the talks were held. A little bit. It was an unusual venue for the hastily organized high level meeting before the situation in syrias province could be discussed turkish president ratchet type add a one was treated to a show of russias latest abilities. And russian ice cream then they discussed the issue to turkish president really travel to moscow for the escalating violence in italy calling it a humanitarian tragedy one came to ask let me put in to rein in Syrian Forces but put in did not make any promises to raise the. Terrorist continue to show russian positions and Syrian Forces they try to attack russian bases we hope that the deescalation zone will be a refuge for the rebels and should not be a platform to make attacks we discuss joint measures to neutralize terrorist hotbeds and adlib and to normalize the situation in this region and in syria as a whole. Angered by an attack on a turkish convoy in. Syria earlier this month and the surrounding of one of turkeys observation posts that the behavior of Syrian Forces is unacceptable. The provocations by the regime have reached an acceptable level i would like to say it is especially by our borders our right to selfdefense and this leaves us no choice we have to act to protect ourselves russian and turkey have been fighting on opposite sides of the war in syria but the relationship has grown closer in recent years with increasing economic and military ties during adolescence visit to britain severe so both leaders couldnt stress enough how close their nations have become symbolizing this was in the delivery of the russian as 400. 00 antimissile Defense System to turkey on tuesday but the spyder warm words the focus was under differences and if put in can make sure that adam one doesnt go home empty handed while erdogan might not have got what he wanted in it lifts his host put in make sure their friendship was in good shape step past aljazeera moscow well putin and one went on to welcome the creation of a socalled safe so of control in Northern Syria Kurdish Forces have begun withdrawing from along the border with turkey is part of a deal between ankara and washington the s. T. s has been an important u. S. Ally in the fight against eisel but turkey considers the Kurdish Group to be a terrorist organization but on smith has more on turkeys role in syrias war from an. Rigid time bird ones dash to moscow was partly because of the challenge that the Turkish Military now finds itself with it has a dozen observation posts in what is supposed to be deescalation zones in northwestern syria well one of those is now marooned in what is now Syrian Regime controlled territory because it was taken back in fighting last week and the Syrian Regime is pushing against other areas in this deescalation zone and these observation posts risk falling back into territory under syrian control reggie a top earner one wants to make sure that those turkish soldiers are not threatened by a longer term challenge that the turkish president is how much longer he needs to keep or wants to keep the soldiers in those observation posts when what was a deescalation zone is now territory under syrian control similar at the same time syrian Kurdish Forces that they have pulled back from the Turkish Border up to 17 kilometers theyre pulling heavy weapons and troops but only from the countryside not from the towns in the cities its nothing close to what the turks were asking for they wanted them at least 30 kilometers away from the border but this is a u. S. Brokered arrangement and its something that for now turkey is going to have to live with mother to link is a managing editor of the english language Newspaper Daily he says its a positive sign in the turkey and russia are still in talks despite their differences from the get go of irans right to. Significant positive. We president are not a president who did. You know regards to defense. Messages they have expressed or bilateral trade and other relations but of course we are we are aware of that this is. True you know russia are when it comes to the regime when it comes to vote as it. However the fact that the 2 leaders are still only it was she able the talks are still continuing and theres also another hearing scheduled for force mid september on the on this you year issue between russia i think its still ticks away from that negativity and aspiring of the tory. Relations so busy yes there are disagreements but i think the fact that both leaders just on table and are willing to negotiate and willing to talk over how they can actually reach a Common Ground weve got syria out with regards to italy i think thats very significant the grim lives of women trafficked from nigeria is being highlighted in a new report victims described how they prayed for death or cried until they couldnt cry anymore Human Rights Watch says an unknown number of Nigerian Women have been forced into sexual slavery and physical labor many before the age of 17 but a poet says theres not enough support for survivors and the existing systems failed to help or sometimes breach victims rights Human Rights Watch is recommending an overhaul of the nigeria support systems and says the government must do more to prevent trafficking im going to just reports from a boucher. Hundreds of nigerian girls and young women a trapped in this dusty mining village on the border between mali and guinea Officials Say some as young as 13 or held against their will forced into prostitution torture and lived in desperate conditions. Theyre left with promises of better life but ended up a sex slave. Months after some of the more rescued activists say the girls and fairing much better than when they were held against their will and fortunately the nightmare does not end when they come back to nigeria because many of the government. And. Some of them are locked up in government run shelters where they are not allowed to leave well theyre not allowed to communicate with their families almost replicating some of the conditions that they experience when they allow their trafficker activists say victims of Human Trafficking often face a very structured and like basic needs of that which are. Social workers say many of the girls are finding it difficult to reintegrate because of stigma but the bigger challenge is providing job skills for them in a country already struggling with high unemployment among its young population. I do Media Briefing the Nigerian Government denied accusations by Human Rights Watch the goals ive been abundant or denied their basic rights the end terror reports many figments of the imagination of the writers as the merits fall below the standards in the operations of our shelters as well as the standards for. An assistance it is important to know that the agency observes all the worlds best practice is. Seen handling as in strained. Critics say the number of skills Training Programs run by both the government and nongovernmental organizations are united great and can only take a fraction of those in need so they want to see more Government Action to address psychological us economic and social needs of the victims of Human Trafficking many of whom were forced into prostitution. But with the economy still struggling after a recent recession relief could still be a long way off for these young women. Abuja nigeria turned to rain and floods have killed more than 60 people in sudan thousands have been forced to abandon their homes so dans military has been deployed to help with the rains affecting almost every state in the country the u. N. Says more than 37000 homes have been destroyed or damaged and more flash floods are expected to morgan has this update from one developed north of the capital khartoum. Floods from the river nile waters here in woodrum which is about 50 kilometers from sudans capital had to have displaced at least 2000 families now according to the u. N. Over 200000 people have been affected by floodwaters nationwide and sudanese Authorities Say at least 62 people have been killed due to flash floods and rains houses have also been destroyed many houses have been submerged a completely collapsed due to rain want to and flooding and the Authorities Say tens of thousands of houses have been destroyed most of them in neighborhoods where people earn low income and now here in wood rumbly the people have largely left their homes and their properties they have displaced to a nearby camp and theres thing that theyre waiting for government authorities to deliver aid as well as Better Living conditions now most of them dont have places to sleep as well as no electricity no food and no clean water and theyre worried that this flood will cause a Health Crisis as theyve been pleading with the government to try to deliver aid and to give them some attention but right now the government is focused on the Political Development theyre trying to form an executive council asked for an agreement signed so people are saying that they are concerned with the government focus on politics they will forget the humanitarian aspects flash floods have killed at least 3 people in mauritania rains hit the southern part of the country catching many by surprise people were seen trying to desperately save the livestock as the fos moving water was swept across the region the former Health Minister of the democratic republic of congo has been questioned over the use of public funds meant to fight the a bull epidemic the virus has killed more than 1900 people in the r. C. C. Since the outbreak began last august or any longer has faced a preliminary inquiry into how the large sums of government money were used he resigned last month after re was removed from an Ebola Response team 3 of the longest former coworkers are under arrest. Well after another day of negotiations with the u. S. Here in doha the spokesman for the taliban delegation says talks have reached their final stages a monday President Donald Trump said there was no timeline to reach an agreement which could end the nearly 18 year conflict in afghanistan but taliban delegates so how shocking says a deal is close its a Good Progress and we can see should. We also focus in the past and we progress in this so we are finalizing. That he meaning part you know look. As soon as the remaining point to finalize so they didnt miss something which involved he is remaining the last one. The us is expected to renew efforts to find a diplomatic solution to the war in yemen thats according to a wall street Journal Newspaper report u. S. Officials will meet saudi representatives in washington on wednesday to try to convince them to meet wyvil who feel even in amman the 4 year conflict has generated strong opposition in america with politicians in both sides voting to stop u. S. Military support to the saudi u. A. E. Coalition saudi arabia and the u. A. E. Are accused of killing thousands of civilians in airstrikes since 2015. Sources close to the Lebanese Armed Group Hezbollah says its preparing a strike against israel but doesnt want a new war thats after 2 drones crashed in a suburb of the lebanese capital beirut in an attack hezbollah is blaming on israel israel has not claimed responsibility for the drones and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says hezbollah should be careful. So matthew. I did what i suggest he come down he knows well that israel knows how to defend itself and payback its enemies i want to tell him and lebanon which hosts this organization that aspires to destroy us and also to the chief of irans quds force be careful what you say and even more what. Irans president says his country will not hold talks on any nuclear deal with the u. S. Unless all sanctions are lifted aside or honeys comments come a day after u. S. President donald trump said he was open to meeting the iranian leader if the circumstances are right. House down good bad or good the 1st step is to remove sanctions without that this lock wont be open all sanctions against the iranian nation must be lifted they are all illegitimate and cruel if you lift the sanctions and apologize to iran then you would be a different situation this government is moving forward in line with this National Interest we have been open to negotiation and the word agrees with this fact. Said because more. President rouhani has been speaking in front this morning and he took the opportunity to address some of the news coming out of the g 7 mainly that donald trump has said that hes willing to meet president rouhani if the conditions are right now what president rouhani has said is hes reiterated the iranian line that there will be no talks and negotiations as long as the u. S. Sanctions are in place he said that all sanctions against iranian nation must be lifted that illegitimate and cruel now iran has referred to the sanctions as economic terrorism. Experts have been drastically reduced the Banking Sector has been affected and the economy has also been affected president rouhani said that he did not see any positive developments unless the United States change the wrong path it was on this is very different from what president rouhani said yesterday because what he said yesterday gave people some hope that he was willing to sit down and talk to President Donald Trump president rouhani said yesterday that if he had to attend a meeting with somebody or someone to forward in National Cause and to alleviate the peoples problems he would do that for the National Interest now overnight that seems to have changed and that could be because of the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khomeini who decides all the major policy directions because in the past he has said that iran will not sit down with the United States as long as the sanctions are in place in fact hes called it a double poison basically saying that you are sitting down with the very people that. Making your country suffer so it looks like there has been a change overnight and iran is reiterating its positions that there are no talks no negotiations as long as the u. S. Sanctions are in place where some clerics in sri lanka are advising the moment to avoid wearing face veils even though our government ban on face coverings ended last week any clothing that prevents a person from being identified was banned under emergency rules brought in after the easter bomb attacks in april religious leaders told aljazeera women should make their own decision but often and as has more from colombo. The emergency regulations being allowed to lumps after a period of 4 months they did kick in right off to the east the bombings on the 21st of april of this was to give the Law Enforcement the military more teeth in terms of rounding up such operations interrogations while this has been allowed to lapse over the weekend the president has brought in a special sort of set of regulations under the Public Security ordinance which allows the armed forces to kind of be on a state of alert to help with public order so they are still sort of at a state of ready to be used when needed now under the emergency obviously where the Muslim Community was concerned one of the things that affected them was the rules that were brought in banning the use of any attire that prevented a person being identified this obviously affected a number of women. Now the basically leadership of the Muslim Community has told women you know to be cautious about going back to the way right away even though the emergency has i spoke to one such leader who told me look we were following the law of the land we do want to watch the ground situation there water a lot of tensions are we born want to face will to become sort of a weapon thats going to create a sort of tensions again weve asked women he said that women can be told what to do but its for them to decide what they are most comfortable with gauging the ground situation the Indian Government is easing some restrictions in the disputed kashmir region after new delhi revokes the semi autonomous status earlier this month that still helping many of those who are ill or injured pleasure male reports from the city ocean ago an indian administered kashmir. People are travelling to get medical. Meant in any condition and by any means no matter how difficult like other patients here a bill or she has to come in 2 or 3 times a week for dialysis but getting through the security restrictions imposed since august 5th that made that difficult to. Take it but i tell the security person i have a bad guy they say show us how should i open my stomach and shoulder my bag in the 70 s. Ive come for treatment its never been like this before even medical staff say they have trouble getting to work all the in their. Own on showing off his guard and because these. Repeated his difficulties indian authorities have said while restrictions have been difficult they are necessary to prevent violence but those selling medicine say with disruptions to internet and phone services havent been able to place orders in weeks if you can use your. Next 2 weeks. Several protesters have been injured in clashes with Security Forces but few are going to hospital for treatment medical staff have told us theyve been ordered to report anyone with pelican injuries to the authorities thats why many protesters with less serious wounds are boarding hospitals but some of the most serious injuries have been inflicted on those caught in the middle. 2 weeks ago when we finish the year was struck in the eye by a glass marble her family says was thrown by Security Forces when she and her uncle were heading home on his motorcycle. Its hard to believe shes 6 years old and not on the plane going on everyone was moving swiftly. Its still difficult for many for to see properly the Security Forces and neighbors have offered to pay for treatment but it could take up to 10 months before doctors can attend. Surgery on. Many patients here say they dont know when or if the lockdown will end so for now theyll continue to try and get the medical help they need any way they can as jamil aljazeera srinagar indian administered kashmir. Major media organizations have held a demonstration in new delhi demanding access to indian administered kashmir many parts of the region have been under lockdown for the past 3 weeks as more. Several jealous organizations of the advocate of the press club appear demanding that even access to badly broken bones in the crisis in india an admission means issues that come along to getting access to the surgeon who are expected to be told the governments line they say that had International Media not reported on the protests in india in the 6 me it would have been very hard for india to even find out about them the government of the day. Is preventing journalists. From doing their duty. In being able to report really what is happening. In the valley in particular. And believes in a democracy believes in the freedom of expression would. Allow the media to puncture and property. But john the some less than the government has intentionally made it hard for them to follow the story and especially if its me journalist because it wants to hide the truth this age of the government wants to show to the wall that everything is fine in india not 6 me but is really no way to find out unless jones from here and all the parts of the country as well as those in india not in this get free access restrictions on the trade so they can before i commit. Still ahead and all does either a new push in the u. K. To stall and no deal drugs it will have the latest from london. Proabortion activists are being sold on legal lifeline in the u. S. State of missouri. And tiger woods is likely to be out of action until october b. Is going to tell you why in sports. Hello. Again welcome back were crossing that state it is still going to be quite warm here out towards the west were talking excessive heat watches as well as warnings in effect along most of those western states anywhere from oregon all the way down here towards california even helped here towards seattle 27 degrees doesnt seem that hot but for them it is actually above average and that is going to continue as we go from wednesday and into thursday in los angeles it is going to be 29. 00 and inland that he goes down to about the mid thirtys so its a big problem there out towards the east that we are talking atlanta 31 and a nice day in new york at about 27 degrees well here across the caribbean we are watching Tropical Storm dorian making its way across the Leeward Islands and now into the caribbean making its way towards the northwest now the big threat over the next few days is the storm strengthening as well as getting very close to parts of puerto rico as well as into Dominican Republic we do think there will be some sort of landfall between one of those is still very unclear on what direction that path is going to take later on as we go towards the weekend the storm will push into the turks and caicos as well as into the bahamas were going to sing havana with a temper there of about 32. 00 degrees and then very quickly down here across parts of argentina were going to be seeing one is august with attempt a few of 24. 00 degrees and real at 24 as well. 67 was the promise for one people. But disaster and. The pledge to be establishment of the jewish homeland at the expense of the palestinians. The story of the british declaration the change the middle east. The scenes of discord on aljazeera. Settlement discussions police in cape town has struggled to jean started by examining the headlines now under president putin russia is making a push to engage explore an abundance of wild class programming designed to inform motivate and inspire but. Its almost 2nd nature and i also know when they see them from a different perspective on aljazeera. Theyre watching aljazeera a reminder of our top stories this hour brazil says its not willing to accept foreign aid to help fight the fires ravaging the amazon as long as its decides how to use the money. President project have also not as administration is also backing a proposed amendment to the constitution that could see commercial farming allowed an indigenous reserve. The president s of turkey and russia say they hope to Work Together to ease tensions in the province theres a tie up out of one met his russian counterpart Vladimir Putin near moscow the 2 countries back opposing sides in the syrian conflict a wall street journal says u. S. Officials will meet saudi representatives in washington on wednesday and part of a push to convince the saudis to broker a cease fire in yemen. Ok lets get more now on our top story in the fires that have been burning throughout the amazon rain forest at record levels this year 77000 files have been recorded across brazil over the past 12 months this map from nasa shows those burning across the south america right now. Satellite imaging also shows the amount of Carbon Monoxide those fires have produced in this month alone in less than 2 weeks they have pushed the levels by nearly 2 thirds Carbon Monoxide plays a huge role in air pollution and Climate Change that the amazon absorbs 2000000000. 00 tons of Carbon Dioxide every year helping to regulate the climate that it could bring to a senior Biodiversity Research associate at the university of oxford she says the wildfires in the amazon a manmade is fires and not natural they dont start because of climatic conditions fires and am is in need of human guinea shin source so someone needs to put the fire somewhere for the fire to spread into why do you are seeing fires that are related to deforestation so of course the forests chop them that its satellite up the few months dry and the end of the dry season you set a life for it to become at shows and that its possible to put pressure on so what would be a single year the scale of the fires here is related to the 1st station that deforestation that was having crease of barely according to the numbers from the president s base agency and that is bound to be echoing pained by a high number of fires that amazon alone is towards the equivalent of 100 years of c o 2 emissions from the us thats how much carbon its locked into them isnt in a moment that it could get down and it couldnt fire all that carbon goes to atmosphere either its you to work everyone oxide as you mention so of course its going to have a huge impact in to accept a rating Climate Change. A u. S. Federal judge has blocked the state of missouris new abortion law pending a legal challenge by proabortion activists the new law was due to come into effect on weight in the state its one of the strictest in the u. S. Effectively banning the procedure unless medically necessary of. His own is joining us live from washington d. C. Cable just tell us some more about the judges decision in this case. Yeah the judge basically said he was holding this temporarily and thats the key word temporarily this could go into effect in the future but the judge said not right now he said that these further litigation needed to play out in the court system before before there its ban would go into play so right now it will not go into place and as you mention this was signed by the governor of missouri back in may and its been very controversial like you said it would have banned abortion in almost any circumstances for pregnant women after 8 weeks or about 2 months it would have been the most restrictive abortion ban anywhere in the United States so this is been a real flashpoint for both pro and anti abortion folks on both ends of the spectrum here watching this case very closely but at least now this judge stepping in and saying nope hes going to halt it at least temporarily while for that a geisha in place of the horrors and give oh this isnt really an isolated cases that this has been happening in other states as well. Yeah thats right to in ohio and mississippi 2 other states they would also been similar kind of abortion ban said it been pushed through however also blocked by federal judges as well remember the abortion is legal in the United States but its a very much a Womens Health issue but its become a very big political issue in the United States for a long time since 1973 actually over 40 years and thats when the Supreme Court ruled on the rove v wade case that made abortion legal in the u. S. But boy its still a very hot button issue here very political theres big rallies in the washington d. C. Every year both pro and anti abortion rallies that are some of the biggest anywhere in washington throughout the year so we also watching the Supreme Court very closely its very divided right now but so far the Supreme Court continues to have the ruling that to abortions should remain legal and a womans right to choose. Hundreds of venezuelans have protested in colombia at the border with their core door demanding to be allowed in they were blocked after new visa controls went into effect on monday ecuador has joined peru and chile in trying to curb the number of venezuelans fleeing economic and political turmoil at home this in yemen has more from talk on in ecuador. Monday morning at the entrance to immigration at the ecuador Colombia Border. 12 hours earlier more than 10000 venezuelans had managed to enter ecuador with their identity documents before midnight deadline went into effect requiring them to hold a valid consular visa but hundreds more arrived too late for the. Families being told that they must go back because they missed the midnight deadline. Thousands who did get in the majority but no food and almost no money spent the freezing night outdoors hoping that the day break theyd receive a helping hand. That is when the once opened its doors to so many migrants from all over the world all we ask is they have solidarity with us in our time needs. But those were different times ecuador has already received more than 300000. 00 venezuelans and says it can no longer absorb more migrants now it is demanding they pay 50. 00 for a visa a fortune for the average venezuelan whos monthly salary has plunged to 2. 00. Jonathan mendis his wife and 3 small children made it into ecuador just in time he cheick ing for more than 2 weeks with no money and i think. We try to make the children think that this is an adventure that theyre able to travel night and day. Jonathan goes to see if the u. N. H. C. R. Can give them food before continuing on to peru which he knows they will be stopped because they dont have the required visa to enter but they feel lucky to have. Got this far behind us is the Colombia Border and weve seen at least 200 venezuelans like these whove been stopped not allowed to come into ecuador because they no longer have the right papers but many of them have told us that they have no intention of returning to venezuela that if they cant come into ecuador legally theyll try other methods like illegal crossings for example the river that you see here that separates colombia from ecuador. We will increase Police Vigilance along the border to ensure that illegal immigration does not take place but as he spoke we spotted 2 undocumented venezuelans bypassing immigration altogether like they would join thousands more heading south as the lucky ones like these may get a lift. Others will continue walking as they have for weeks hoping to find any job they can to help them survive. Gun. U. K. Opposition parties have agreed to Work Together to find a way to legislate against a new deal brags that theyve also not ruled out using a confidence vote to bring down Prime Minister Bottas Johnson whos committed to leaving the e. U. In october the 31st with or without a deal parliament returns from its summer break next week an Opposition Leader Jeremy Corben has been contacting m. P. s of all parties to drum up support. On britain to all 116. 00 m. P. s that voted against no deal to ask them if they would recognise the importance next week of supporting a legislative approach which would be an all Party Approach to ensure we dont crash with all the problems that will create irelands foreign minister says measures proposed by the British Government to replace the banks stop thats the what the part designed to prevent a hard boarder on the island of ireland did not come close to whats needed speaking alongside his check counterparts in prague some Companies Said ireland is open to further british suggestions and wants to find a deal. But make no mistake if there is no deal at the end of october. It will be because the British Government and the british are. Working day with its partners to try and prevent. Only a base station trying to get. It in his interior minister matteo sylvania he has banned another charity ship from entering italian waters the german vessel is carrying 101 people rescued from the mediterranean while making the crossing from north africa to europe it comes as at least 5 people have been killed and around 40 others a missing after a boat bound for europe capsized off the coast of libya the u. N. Refugee agency says around 65. 00 people have been rescued and taken to the coastal city of called. Hong kongs leader kerry lam is rejecting calls to step down police used water cannon and fired a live warning shot over the weekend as some protesters barricaded streets in the 12th week of demonstrations activists are demanding a controversial extradition bill should be scrapped entirely they also want democratic reforms and lambs resignation. The question of resignation is also being that i think a responsible chief executive at this point in time should continue to hold the fort and do her utmost to restore law and order in hong kong some people have said that since there are continued violence we should stop communicating i said in my introductory remarks that that was also another too extreme view that we should prepare for reconciliation in society by communicating with different people so im saying that yes we have to say no to violence we want to put and to a chaotic situation in hong kong Law Enforcement and so on but the same time we will not give up on building a platform for dialogue. Kerry has more. This was a regular weekly Media Briefing given by kerry lamb the chief executive of hong kong but it was the 1st time we have heard from her since the weekend when we saw what could probably be described as an escalation in the violence both on saturday and sunday we saw preapproved marches taking place in different parts of the city and whats becoming a patch in some protest is breaking away towards the end of those marches blocking roads resulting in the Police Taking action in the form of firing many rounds of tear gas in this Media Briefing there was again no sign whatsoever that carrie lamb is going to bow to the demands of the protesters even though she did say shes open to talks with them one of the key demands of the protesters is for an independent inquiry to be set up into the crisis specifically into the conduct of the police and carry lampa said time and time again that the time is not right for an independent independent inquiry while there is violence still going on on the streets she was also asked again whether she would resign and she said that a responsible chief executive at this time should continue to hold the force. Afghanistan is marking 100 years since a gained independence from British Colonial rule some afghans are using art to explain what that journey means today shot about shares that journey with us from kabul. A picture of afghanistan 100 years after independence from britain the anglo afghan treaty was signed this month the 919. 00 by king. Graphic conversion is imaging to stick a couple motionless. Jobs one missionary and im going to be here kingsley shaam on the heart. Of the canvas is a blast walls falsified concrete slabs placed information down most of the series they made to block explosions from suicide. Bombings there also off a visual commentary on kabul Society Today where there are celebrations or more political statements about corruption or the killing of civilians. Afghanistans art scene has flourished since the fall of the taliban in 2001 with literacy rates among adults around 30 percent its a language all afghans understand the real painting true lives today and every single true that is for one of the victims of wars oh much relief in his team have painted 10000 sort the goal is 34000 to represent the number of civilians killed since 2002 her sharifi founded the Award Winning awards a group of social activist graffiti artists he is celebrating independence but not necessarily afghanistans as a nation i think i have my independence i have this art this gives me the voice and this gives voice to millions of. Zahra karim a has a more traditional canvas film shes making a Short Historical movie fully anniversary this short film is just short the for the history of afghanistan through the path that of the past to call from today and i just give them like kind of clue that what we did wrong and what we did right. Creamy is the 1st female director of the Afghan Film Institute has been vocal in advancing womens rights in afghanistan we exist as a as a country as a nation so from some point of view we are independent and what we reify to be more independent. Does being a turbulent century for afghans with independence defined as vastly as the canvasses it is recorded on. A couple. An unmanned russian spacecraft has successfully dock to the International Space station on its 2nd attempt in his many days these were the final moments as the soyuz m s 14 approach the space station a glitch in its also matic docking system prevented it from docking on saturday the spacecraft is carrying a robot the size and approximate shape of an adult human and its going to carry out 2 weeks of tests on board the i s s astronauts of the International Space station have moved another capsule to a different docking bay in an effort to make it easier for the russian vessel to join up still ahead on aljazeera find out why this lucky athlete landed this very quick has more in sport. I. Think this Football Club barry had been expelled from the Football League the club thought it had found a last minute buyer last week but the deal fell through a deadline of 1600 g. M. T. On tuesday was set by the league for the takeover to be completed but he becomes the 1st club to be expelled since 1992 what it means in practice is that the 3rd division of english football will not consist of 23. 00 teams this season and only 3 will be relegated instead of the usual 4 and now for the rest of the days sports news. Thank you very much world number one and defending u. S. Open champion naomi osaka is through to the 2nd round of this years competition at flushing meadows in new york the japanese was up against russias and a blink over on tuesday she took the 1st set 64 but the world number 84 surprised osaka in the 2nd set by taking it 76 the deciding set was a lot more comfortable for osaka as she took it 6 to. World number one. Had a day to forget in the 1st round she was defeated in 3 sets by american allyson risk much to the delight of home fans the world number 36 taking this match to 66163. 2 time wimbledon winner petherick witold had no troubles on tuesday though the czech faced her countrywoman denise tova defeating the qualifier in straightforward fashion 62 and 64 to reach the next round. You know interpret the law. For me as a 1st round for her it was like a 4th sequel so definitely i mean she was playing well. We played kind of similar game. To each other and she wanted to put pressure on me and i wanted to put pressure on her so. I was the 1st one whom to do it. I think i sort of parallel to those wellstone brother got that. But good much today. On the mens side there was an upset result as greeces world number 8 stephanos in the past crashed out russias andre rieu black would be his conqueror in the 1st round winning 64677675 during the match sits across his anger got the better of him as he lashed out at the umpire. Part. Of. The weird. Weird. You were. 15 time major golf champion tiger woods will not be on the course for several months after having the surgery ward said the procedure was to fix what he described as minor cartilage damage the world number 8 hopes to be back for the zozo championship in japan at the end of october the legend has won 81. 00 p. G. A. Tour title so far and he has done it with several surgeries along the way. This operation is the 5th surgery hes had has left me alone his 1st one was back in 1904 he has also had 4 surgeries on his back and on top of all of that he has also had injuries to his shoulder neck and achilles tendon at 43 hes still bounced back from every single one of those complications for other teams its play as usual premier league Club Aston Villa had a great night in the 2nd round of the English League cup on tuesday were in action against Crewe Alexandra a club 3 divisions below them and they showed no mercy at all connor hurry and scored twice in a 61 victory not all the premier league teams did well against lower league opposition though Crystal Palace were knocked out by cole chester united in a penalty shoot out and north city were embarrassed away from home the premier league club going down one nil against crawley town both crawley and colchester play in the 4th tier of english football and soccer celebrations are among some of the most dramatic and exciting take brazilian midfielder wander sin for example he scored this goal then ran off to find his wife of course so excited to have put up a point for his team only to find out that that goal actually didnt count thankfully though still did. How cute well thats all your sport for now well have more for you later and thats it for me wrote about this and for this news be back in a moment with more of the days news and see you then about. Charles. Downs thrives here every day generations of tibetans continue to embrace and made to their Cultural Heritage its a reminder of who they are or whether. This is a suburb of the capital new delhi to be refugees here since 964. 00. Have been defined as migrants are not refugees because india hasnt signed up to the 1951 Un Convention on refugees so tibetans here have been able to access the Indian Welfare system so they become selfsufficient setting up their own businesses and looking for work independently but for some its not enough. A nation where corruption is endemic embroiled in a battle to hold the power. Has this radical transformation occur. I mean it i mean if you look shedding light on the roumanians pressing for change and the unconventional methods to eliminate corruption remain people on aljazeera. A slight backtrack from the brazilian government who are now ready to accept an International Offer of financial help to combat fires in the amazon. About this and this is all just a live from doha also coming up russia and turkey agree to a new measures in an effort to end the violence in syrias last rebel stronghold. Thousands of people in sudan forced to abandon their homes big

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