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Hello there are some very strong weather across certain parts of europe in particular into southern poland on into the vaca at the touch of mountains where weve seen these deadly thunderstorms caused by a lightning severe lining a lightning bolt not the some more storms in the forecast ahead of this in the southeast and across much of Central Europe it will stay fine and dry temperatures are on the increase all comes out in just a moment but as we go through saturday we would have some warnings in place across the line of the ouse really you can see here weve got more rain in the forecast this is where we could see more of those thunderstorms and then weve got Clear Conditions further to the east and warming up 27 in kiev at a bit cooler in moscow 23 and theres some rain in cloud very close by Northern Europe as new line of cloud working its way in but as i say ahead of that and in between these thunderstorms weve got some very nice weather conditions indeed 29 in palin 31 in paris. And. By sunday those temperatures in some cases going up even further 33. 00 celsius in paris thats about 9 degrees above the average for this time of year about 7 degrees above in london so its almost as if summer has a come back and then we had further to the south into Northern Africa and we could see some showers here particularly the coastal areas of algeria on into tunisia very light showers and have an order effect at 30 celsius in 2. Inmates learning from other inmates acquiring knowledge that could set them free. Through Legal Education classes and mock tribunals their dedication has led to staggering results youve been in prison for 15 years recently and they will seek the teaching empowerment kenya part of the read the legislation series on aljazeera. Again and reminder the top stories on aljazeera the u. S. China trade war deepens after President Trump orders American Companies out of china earlier beijing announced increased tariffs on 75000000000. 00 worth of u. S. Gets. France and ireland are threatening to block a trade agreement between the European Union and south american countries and as brazil does more to tackle thousands of wildfires raging in the allison the rain forest there is a major source of oxygen for the world. And irans foreign minister says tehran will not renegotiate the 2050 nuclear deal with world powers speaking in paris its a refitted that a meeting with the french president to manual macro aimed at salvaging the deal was productive. The syrian army has seized a pocket of rebel territory in the countrys northwest escalating an offensive that has prompted a new exodus of refugees the escalation fighting since late april has killed hundreds of people in the northwest corner is all that remains in rebel control after more than 8 years of war and a smith reports now from antakya in the syria turkey border. No sooner heard family thought theyd found somewhere to stay the landowner moved them all this is how its been for hundreds of thousands of syrians throughout the 7 years civil war traveling further and further north to escape the fighting while this displacement is never ending i never expected to be in this situation no one knows what will happen next the fighters dont seem to know if they should advance or the regime will advance on them the traffic is mostly one way as people head away from the advancing Government Forces towards the last rebel stronghold of italy a province the Syrian Regime now controls all of the country. Side in our province south of it after taking over with the russian help the last villages and towns that had been in rebel hands its all happened under the noses of turkish soldiers there behind this wall in one of a dozen observation posts established to monitor what is supposed to be deescalation zone. Is a more than you do not dollars market the our observation posts are not besieged b. N. Nobody can besiege our troops or observation posts i want to clarify it yes there are attacks in the region of adlib the regime is active around our observation posts we are discussing this issue with russia and iran turkey is also worried the regime advances to push more than a half a 1000000 syrians to its border. And the guy said the regime has taking everything and they are giving us a kicking yesterday 6 helicopters over our heads forced us to leave all my devils bonding checking on that our legs turkeys president has told his russian counterpart that Syrian Military attacks in northwestern syria a causing a humanitarian crisis regine type one told bloody mir putin that whats happening there threatens Turkish National security its one of the reasons turkey is so keen to get a safe zone up and running on the syrian side of the border but so far theres still no indication that turkey has agreed with the u. S. Military on who will patrol is zone and how deep into syria it will go bernard to aljazeera and taqiyya the New York Times is reporting that israel carried out an attack on a weapons depor in iraq thats being used by iran 2 senior u. S. Officials told the newspaper there have been at least 4 strikes on weapons deputies controlled by iranian backed groups and Iraqi Military official confirmed a base was his and 3 people were killed including an iranian. Russian president Vladimir Putin has ordered the Russian Military to respond after the United States tested a new missile on sunday the modified ground launch Cruise Missile would have been banned under the 97. 00 intermediate range Nuclear Forces treaty which both russia and the u. S. Have withdrawn from the u. S. Withdrew from the treaty citing russian violations a claim in ice hooten has ordered the Defense Ministry and other agencies to take comprehensive measures. As i would and i mean maybe if the fact that we develop the newest systems of modern weapons which are on their allowed in the world was caused and we can say provoked by a unilateral exit by the u. S. From the antiballistic missile treaty in 2003 we were forced to we had to guarantee the security of our people and of our country we are doing it now and we will be doing it in the future. As you know we have never wanted to do not want and will not be drawn into a costly economically destructive arms race that judging by the defense spending russia is on a modest place of the United States chinese peoples republic saudi arabia United Kingdom france and japan lets go back to the knees were telling about earlier those surf owls and the wildfires raging in the amazon rainforest in brazil a lot of controversy about it and who might be to blame we go live now to our correspondent down hes in port of a are in northwest brazil 1st will tell you what is the latest on those fires many thousands of them. There are there raging not. Well but certainly in places mostly around the north of brazil in and around the amazon rain forest im standing here in a field without fire because this is exactly why people come to places like in the far north west of brazil a long way from brazils other Population Centers they deforest then they burn and then they cultivate places like this theyre doing it now with the support of president job also now though he has said hell put no impediment in no way he wants to see people come to regions like this to develop this is pioneering country life here is very tough its very very hot day it means often that people act in a on the edges of the law theyre often stealing land that belongs to other people to the indigenous communities but there is money to be made here and thats why people come here and that is one of the main reasons why the forests burning in many places in brazil weve seen a huge increase in those forest fires compared to the same period last year mostly because the farmers who come here have almost been promised by president dr zavos are now told that they will not be prosecuted that they will not be investigated and they can act with virtually impunity and given that daniel what is the reaction from people there in the fact that internationally theres huge alarm about these files were hearing that france and ireland threatening possibly to block a trade agreement between the e. U. And south american countries unless brazil does more but what are the people locally there saying well the people locally here i think know that they are like you are they listening to what foreign leaders have to say if they listen to what. Those opponents have to say they dont really care hes playing to their audience these are people who voted for him. But him they believe him when he says he thinks it might have been environmentalist to set fire to the forests he see they so often see it as an International Conspiracy against the president also now at all so they dont really listen to that the rest of brazil is another story the smoke from these regions has reached as far. As in kilometers away people around the rest of brazil are protesting they are listening to what the International Community has to say his job also now to himself but he obviously has 2 audiences he has the audience in the International Stage and he also has to continue to play to people in regions like this Imran Dornier and neighboring states which were who continue to support him daniel in northwest brazil thank you un investigators say the scale of Sexual Violence by the 1000000 man military against the hinge was so widespread and severe that it demonstrates what they call an intent to commit genocide a fact finding report says nirmal soldiers routinely and systematically rates gang raped and sexually abused women children men and transgender people hundreds of thousands of ranger living in camps in coxs bazaar on the bangladesh me and my border Stephanie Decker sent this report. The u. N. Report on the cities the Sexual Violence committed against the right is a reminder to the world that these are stories that people have been telling aid workers and journalists for the past 2 years they are the most horrendous stories stories of mass rape children being raped in front of their parents of wives being raped in front of their husbands now thats coupled with stories of killings of people being chopped into pieces of babies being ripped out of their mothers arms and thrown into the fire now this is why hundreds of thousands of people fled across the border here to bangladesh in just the space of a few weeks and this is why this is now the biggest refugee camp in the world these people want justice what does that mean it means they want to go home but they want to go home with full guarantees of citizenship and security and not a long way off. Hong kongs Airport Authority has won an indefinite Court Injunction against protesters to stop them storming the terminal again 2 weeks ago a sit in by prodemocracy campaigners at the airport descended into chaos forcing hundreds of flights to be councils and as wayne hay reports the action came as activists staged yet another protest. With hong kongs iconic skyline shining brightly the citys defiant protesters Students Solidarity they formed a human chain that stretched for kilometers around the city the chosen day was symbolic it came on the 30th anniversary of the baltic way when around 2000000 people in a stoney a lithuania and latvia held hands to call for independence from the soviet union this protest was not about independence but was an attempt to show that the people of hong kong are united and will continue their fight against chinas increasing influence even where Tahrir Square chartered made some of us but we are still going on we are not giving up right now this was a peaceful protest with no police in size the days ahead may be different though as protesters again target hong kongs airport they say they wont try to go into the terminal as they did 2 weeks ago but will try to disrupt transport routes to and from the airport there is no sign that these protests are slowing down but at the same time there is growing concern about the impact on the economy tourist arrivals are down Hotel Room Rates are being reduced and the airlines are being affected in particular hong kongs main carrier Cathay Pacific which is coming under increasing pressure from beijing. The chief executive resigned and at least 3 employees of Cathay Pacific and its subsidiary cathay dragon have been fired after they showed support for the protest Movement Among them a former Union Representative who says china is creating a culture of fear in the company i know all the. Colleagues feel so depressed and sad because of what happened but its not just about terminations. Of the job but its also the whole issue is that its 1030. 00 terrified all my police are all terrified and. Its that fear of chinas evolving influence and control over the city that continues to motivate the protesters to come out week after week wayne hay al jazeera on call. A fast moving wildfire in california has prompted officials to issue evacuation orders in the u. S. State nearly 4000 people ordered to leave their homes after the fire started in Shasta County Officials Say strong winds helped spread the wildfire but its now been partially contained while fires in the same region last year destroyed more than 1000. 00 homes and claims 8 lives u. S. Billionaire and major conservative political donor david koch has died at age 79 as co owner of Koch Industries he was one of the worlds richest men and a decisive force in u. S. Politics course used his wealth to fund his political agenda bankrolling think tanks and republican candidates who shared his views on low taxation and small government as well as groups who deny Climate Change and attack workers rights he died from prostate cancer. Scientists in kenya say the northern white rhino is one step away from being saved from extinction there are only 2 of the animals left in the world both are female and infertile or pursed their team a vet successfully carried out a groundbreaking procedure to harvest their eggs. Explains. The. New gene in fact 2 of the only 2 northern white rhinos left in the world they live under 24 hour protection in the oprah just so conservancy in kenya and thats because both females are the last and only hope of saving the species from disappearing forever. With the help of science sperm was saved from the last little northern white rhino male called sudan and a few others he became famous around the world when he featured on a popular dating app to raise money for an in vitro fertilization procedure since his death the team of International Scientists has been racing against time to fertilize eggs from the gene and fast to. Using Pioneering Technology and millions of dollars later on thursday they successfully extracted 5 eggs from each female. The eggs couldnt be frozen and were immediately flown to a fertilization lab in italy. But its already in the locker room i believe so the moderation starts and everything goes well. As it will go. Locally. To go to. Well we have some embryos. For Health Reasons and the gene and fats you cant give birth so once the embryos a fertilized theyll be implanted into a star Great Southern whites rhino instead. Demand for rhino horn in traditional chinese medicine as well as things like dagger handles and young. Fuels poaching in the 19 seventies and eighties largely wiping out the northern white rhino population in africa but if a surrogate southern mother can produce a baby northern white rhino then these beautiful creatures that have roamed the earth for millions of years may avoid what seemed like certain extinction. And or maybe could find out much more about many of the stories were covering by going to our web site the address is aljazeera dot com. And reminder the headlines on aljazeera the u. S. China trade war is deepening after the u. S. President ordered American Companies out of china it follows beijing announcing planned tariffs on 75000000000. 00 worth of u. S. Goods welcomes plummeted in response to the news of u. S. Carmakers want the tariffs would put american jobs at risk france and ireland are threatening to block a trade agreement between the European Union and south american countries unless brazil does more to tackle thousands of wildfires raging in the amazon rain forest is a major source of oxygen for the World Environmental groups say the fires a link to brazilian president also now is policies which he denies irans foreign minister says tehran that will not renegotiate the 2050 nuclear deal with world powers speaking in paris will have a job and serif added that a meeting with the french president emanuel micro aimed at salvaging the deal was productive. Russian president Vladimir Putin has ordered the Russian Military to respond after the u. S. Tested a new missile on sunday the modified ground launch Cruise Missile would have been banned under the 97. 00 i n f treaty which both russia and the u. S. Have withdrawn from. Because i work and i mean maybe if the fact that we develop the newest systems of modern weapons which are unfair allowed in the world was caused and we can say provoked by a unilateral exit by the us from the antiballistic missile treaty in 2003 we were forced to we had to guarantee the security of our people and of our country we are doing it now and we will be doing it in the future when. It was as you know we have never wanted to do not want and will not be drawn into a costly economically destructive arms rice that judging by the defense spending russia is on a modest place after United States chinese peoples republic saudi arabia United Kingdom france and japan the New York Times is reporting that israel carried out an attack on a weapons depo in iraq thats being used by iran and Iraqi Military official confirmed a base was hit and 3 people were killed including honoring him those are the latest headlines rebel Education Teaching empowerment kenya is coming up next to stay with us. Education matters the universal rights to expand arise and offer better prospects the passport to a better life yet around the globe schools an institution. System has been deemed to be no longer vetted. Blinking one school of all and how they won identifying the sale of the knowledge needed in the 21st century and now a new wave of rebel education is sweeping. The educate a radically changing the way. Challenging the old and walk with of creating opportunities which will impact in the job and then tie a community. Let me take a 120. I started to african prisons project in my 2nd year at university i visited prisons all around africa. I soon saw a huge overcrowding the majority of prisoners were awaiting trial very few prisoners would ever meet a lawyer. Prison services didnt always have results history investing Prisoners Health and rehabilitation. And the prison staff often felt an overwhelming and overwhelming. But i will facilities are prisons filled with people with gifts and talents which are raising to be realised. These are these the question marks them secret the reason the above the position of we need to do. 2950. 00 were sure that that is going to put in the Biggest Programs within a russia under the Biggest Program as well as the of course that is the Education Program Young Students adults who never went to school before they were imprisoned. Did get the money is cordin to bench. Is made has been named prison for the last 25 almost and 5 yes no and is the principal of the school and we decided to put him would probably means we get a new from. These roads so that it looks like another piece well to them and they has done a good job of quite the number of us. Oddly the couple who got to the library. So these are those who teach us and do they also prepare to. Very often its the poorest and least educated who find themselves in prison often their lifes been incredibly difficult and theyve not had opportunities and they inherent potential and gifts and talents havent been realised during their childhood or the adult life before entering prison. Good morning. Well you. Wont. I thought you thought like i did if i was that we see whats good with us when you please an aside i couldnt victim it was of them those who never had to the opportunity to attend school today so when they come here death up soaked in to School Program most of them up to see it then they defend you well for one thing i suppose i thought of that i thought it was me i kept in a bus on a sort of case i was convicted for 10 years general that i was just never in my washed up prison my daughter took part in the church. And now it but too late to communicate to me. Oh so to do tonight. Let me keep you want to get the benefit thats what thats possible from this program so that the when the displays that i used to get to that with you know this go to all of them about youve been all dried up too while much of that because i thought it in very good and you can see that even at that they feel that that is out of this one out of out of this but that the good stories that want to let me get rid of it to get. Off the little boy with. Me that. Well. 8 countries like kenya 80 percent or more of prisoners one meets a lawyer i think the Prison Service is struggle with the fact that often there i am responsible for people whom i dont really need to be in prison. It is best. If you ask me what is my greatest. Post it is in rows over. Because i know in just in the country in the world there is a lot of violence in the world and those who are well known of those who were evil and all the white men of the prison i saw my child ended up in prison on the corner and didnt even know how to car park to their cases are not cause basically poverty saw a need for me to please and we owe our part not to be there after completing a project and do we have folks to to a degree class or i law school sponsor from our London School of law i appreciate all of you. So grab this opportunity that you are what i think it is the best decision youre going to make quite and i was arrested were back in 2004. Sentenced for interrupting right. Studying in prison this really difficult. Residence is where we stayed. For yourself and mr rice so as to get this base to do to. Redo this mission that made this equates. To quite telling you that it was convicted in maintaining tonight this in my name here i was arrested when i was very young my fusty in college. You know not a life and i wanted to proceed with the kitchen but unfortunately. That came to an end blocked and when i was convicted it was so hard for me to up i truly really accept myself accept this tradition and believe. It was a bitter lemon for me to swallow. Ive gone through a challenge to family background and ive month medication was a big mistake and ive been in prison and you can see that death of in good faith and that has developed into me we knew of the problem of. Legal representative in the court i mean most of those are poor and most of those lifted they dont move in not to leave their proceedings so there was a time for them to go to court and do their cases crop of. These cases alone during the day or night. I would could give that picture of what is expected of you in court the confidence the bus with even this. And of course. Views that judge to give you that in the mental freedom that youll be needing only for solo. You country by do no defeat were not dead. Youre a girl. Are you shocked that. This is going to be supported you know when they said vicious by the fact that that is somebody else someone david is came up which pointed out the 2 suspects again as being among them. To me its very exciting to think that someone whos on death row can sell for the moment and have that confidence and courage to go before one of canadas most Senior Course in front of very senior judges and to advocate on his behalf and behalf of the many others who are on death row i think that theres a sense of energy and enthusiasm that we find in these musicals which is exciting and gives us a sense that these are going to be Game Changers who have lost in prison and when they get which are using the radical ways i want to transform the lives of the course inside my back which was done and because of that problem you bet youve covered lawyer will friend. With him because i wanted to celebrate it. On that might have put it in the sentence under section to make the 62. 00 of the criminal Procedure Court concert im curious as to whether you think be the difference between. The suicide notes over 5 kids parents musician and a 3 judge against disease that should be saved believe defeat but being moved from being from the from the Clinton Family and they believe that its good to do justice. To submit that you get into the issue of the god accused or give him up to give the truth of what up on that day and give ot a purpose in this issue and the fate. Of this impeachment was to go. Through without it let me know or believe maybe judge together. I was konstam to unset just a death and just all that. And told president john changed sic a 1016 hour ill age to how i took up crime of my doubt. Which i did not go but off course once your problem get out. Are you going to have an hour or a socialist a fossil take you to court you can become a victim of injustice. I refuse to leave like a criminal because i was not up to no i refuse the circumstances of the present to determine if my future i had left my one year old child and i just say if i have to see this child of mine once again i had to fight to get my way out of prison. One day i like sunday clean over the african prison project tour me that susan. Low cost and i was like no move victim of injustice i cannot go for the hurt because like i had to blow all together and you told me it concept with you. Is never easy. African prison project brought to me the opportunity of enrolling in their you 1st off london. External program but i do profile a folder there are written now as im speaking i have completed my remote degree. Throw to my studies i threw my Court Session and they have been there out with me. Missy. Cummings he could come into something anything. Since 7 years we resume and dont return it isnt coming to to make. It worse is it with reason. I was arrested in 2001 over the allegation of my done and in 2003 its when i was sentenced to suffer did. I youve been in prison for 15 years and it is over recent that they were set. Up or known zeeshan of dissenters somebody. You can not to remain dissimilar but i remain disks wrong and i knew that they did was running when i would be set free so i never lost hope in my life and i think it does what has kept missing from. I took it as a golden opportunity for me to achieve what i had feared to achieve even the outside world when. I. Right now in my. Book the officer in charge will not get a womens prison but livia spent 3 months with us in the u. K. Last year as part of a Fellowship Program for the senior staff spending time in which prisons and universities. After the prison project. Has been left on godsend to have been the Prison Community here because it just looked on me focus on not on our plans that its our prison us child its also the community and on the stuff members and their children. When you have one senior prison officer whos passionate about transforming the lives of prisoners for clients as theyre known and who brings creativity and innovation and resourcefulness to their jobs their worlds. You know we. Had no secrets. Present in 2009 i was going to be good for 10 years. By the time i was coming in i was 5 months pregnant i believe in prison i took care of my son in prison and he lived prison when it was one year to my. Wife having my sentence ive been a student of law. Has been really involving drinking needs i did because its been very very. This was not happening before in our facility this is really a milestone for us because not even this part i getting this kills the double for that label and they tried to alter able to get be able to have the selfesteem and get all the functional civil out there tried before the court and defend themselves previous true there are very few tough members but its great seeing you there more Staff Members of the world joining our program. One sexists just at a Mission Point of the program was when one of the trainees and even mit was able to do a piece for the police who eventually went back to court and was able to release from this inquiry more inmates to join him and currently the doing good work. I hope in future i will be able to help my my fellow inmates go through the trials and appeals. Theyve been putting up appeals for their friends able to bring up issues that are not unknown by their administration for us to be able to introduce us to use previous within the system those who come and go all. Out of their. Neighborhood where they were deserted markham when the mission was going to smoke what youre reminded. You know is not bomb and. I wish to comment african prisons or that was going to be for their belief. This business 1st and foremost to gain insight and legal insight or. Cases so that when they come before me on appeal that very well prepared in times of how they do their business know my mind. When you did it it deals that it with the prisoner if you were able. To be able to argue this case before a court then to me that is a good his achievement but. You can have a house for such a program a p. P. Basically your money versus prison. Was. The us. Was. Was was. Was. Was. Was. There were. Ill use you can i say. Yeah. I said it and plan on and then im going to plant it still going on so at this. Very few prisons have the opportunities available that you have here please take advantage of them when you go back to your children and your parents and youll simply let them say wow this isnt the woman that leaves off 3. Thank. You renia but if im cool with the knowledge ok and because we can see the fruits of economics and. Since then like with so many of us our league 00. 0 most everybody is clear that what keep a key is an article but in case i. Lose it but i was to build his own put out here like you accuse me of called it everybodys going to your job and you feel really. Good when you do it when they get to this from prison i hope to become a practicing lawyer so about to come be a bunch of those sort of less fortunate to achieve justice if you have given me what deficient. To want to see to morrow because i want to make i mean fox hell give me an opportunity to prove that its going to be some devious while. Im a bit of the night was low but i feel im empowered and able to bring cheating to society much more especially in. Parts to dr daley possibly be the same way i was. We didnt take a look at this thing through. People working if you could just leave it be a little bit o. T. To change the world to change the perception of the world that people need a bit of its my passion and much to say to give back to the cult not only in prison but also in the community where if. You do study that was so important to much of the simple yet for of a glimpse of the country but i must come that we need to change this country because were going to do this country at the people sitting right here with me so were moving forward which weve learned from the peak we want to use it to change this country and were going to create but because the book weve started to get the job is unstoppable get moving. After years of war and famine a dramatic transformation is emerging. Aljazeera goes on a journey with 4 diverse ethiopians to tell inspirational stories and immerse us intimately into vanoc yes i was approached to change the position of the simpsons through and i was sometimes surprise my ethiopian coming soon on aljazeera. On account of the course this week we check the pulse of the Global Economy that age a populist government says the independence of Central Banks comes on the threat of the unintended consequences of trumps trade plus the i. M. F. Warns of the missteps of brigs its trade with. Counting the cost. 67. Pound promise for one people. But disaster. The pledge to the establishment of the jewish homeland at the expense of the palestinians. The story of the british declaration that changed the middle east for seeds of discord on aljazeera one of the really special things about working for aljazeera is that even as a camera woman i get to have so much empathy and contribution to a story i feel we cover this region better than anyone else would be what it is you know that it shouldnt be but it is but to be there because you have a lot of people that are divided on political issues. People believe to tell the real stories ill just mended is to deliver indepth generalism we dont feel inferior to the audience across the globe. Hello im Maryam Namazie and london with a quick look at the top stories now the u. S. President has told American Companies they should get out of china after beijing announced terrify its own 75000000000. 00 worth of American Goods which has deepened the trade war between whiles 2 biggest economies can really help it has more now on trumps reaction from washington. What we do know is that behind the scenes he has been meeting with his trade advisers one can only speculate that perhaps they may be saying you might want to rethink this given the fact that weve seen retaliatory measures in place from china time to take effect at the very same time the u. S. Had put tariffs on some 300000000000 of chinese goods to take effect next month and also in in december so what there seems to be going on here is a calculation this is going to have an impact on American Consumers and it seems to be sit sitting and sinking in with the u. S. President who has been lashing out at the Federal Reserve chair thats the head of the central bank here in the United States tying these 2 stories together saying who is our bigger enemy jay powell that is Jerome Powell the head of the Federal Reserve or chairman she the leader of china so the president seems to be lashing out in anger at this ask elating situation and the concern now about the retaliatory tariffs from china. France and ireland have threatened to block a trade agreement between the European Union and south american countries unless brazil does more to tackle thousands of wildfires raging in the amazon rain forest is a major source of the worlds oxygen environmental groups say the fires are linked to brazilian president and arrows policies which he denies. Sent us this report from puerto brazils donya state. Im standing in a burchfield this field is for sale its not clear whether this land was burnt deliberately whether it was accidental or whether it was a natural phenomenon that is unlikely to be investigated as i say this is a Frontier Town the kind of people who come here they come here to the forest to do cattle ranching to make money out of the Timber Industry and this is where president jaya balsa noddles word is law these people generally voted voted for him to become president at the beginning of this year he has said that the kind of crimes the kind of fires are being set illegally are likely to be investigated he sees the environmentalist Indigenous Community as an impediment to further development of this area which he says is right for development 70 percent of the state the state of round on your say 5 hours flying time from stop paolo another 2 hours drive to get from port au vale your to where we are now a long way from everywhere very difficult to police unlikely that any any crimes are likely to be investigated and that is partly the problem that has been raging in and around this region the neighboring state of amazon us you can spot these from satellites satellites up in the sky but that doesnt really help the policing down on the ground so what goes on here is unlikely theyre going to be aware of the International Condemnation that you just mentioned about mark or on about other people speaking about this theyre here to make a living theyre here to try to develop this region and that is continuing with or without the blame irans foreign minister has reiterated that the 2016 nuclear deal with world powers is not up for a negotiation speaking in the french capital paris Mohammad Javad zarif added that a meeting with the french president in one year macron and sounding the deal was productive as an actor has previously said hell either try to soften the impacts of the u. S. Sanctions or come up with a way to compensate iranian people. Russian president Vladimir Putin has ordered the Russian Military to respond after the United States tested and new myside on sunday the modified ground launched Cruise Missile would have been banned under the 987. 00 intermediate range Nuclear Forces treaty which by russia and the u. S. Have withdrawn from the u. S. Withdrew from the treaty citing russian violations a claim which moscow denies putin has now ordered the Defense Ministry and other agencies to take quote comprehensive mashes more news in just under half an hour from now up next on aljazeera its face to face. Can i just in a sense grew up together we were within a year of the same age and you know we were kind of naively optimistic and built big company and most of it as rivals but we always retained a certain respect communication including even when he was sacked i got to go out and spend time with steve joel the man of many a line of wonder kid weddle a sort of new age guru of high tech. Bill gates the richest man in the world a relentless achiever fueled by dreams of greatness. To supernovas who synergy and rivalry led to the creation of a binary system with a friendly i dont think they called each other say no its my birthday happy birthday i dont think it was that kind of relationship at microsoft just you know its mcdonalds the only thing they had in common was having dropped out of school to pursue their vision of your dreams though they never worked in the same company they created an industry together and we have a hippie editor. Gates and jobs the mightiest jewel of the Tech Industry has ever known the epic battle between mac and p. C. Jobs the hippie and gates the geek literally dictated the future of the computer. In the seventys steve jobs and bill gates are still adolescents video games are just starting to appear. Computers still are enormous machines Super Computers that only the Largest Companies can afford a market dominated by the american multinational i. B. M. A native of seattle and son of a well family bill gates enjoys creating computer programs and software during his high school and University Days with his friend paul allen. And bill gates and paul allen they were after harvard and get a Computer Store at the bookstore and Harvard Square there was a magazine Popular Electronics january 1075. 00 and it had a picture of the l. Tear on the cover that was the gun that was fired the start of the race for them the ole to toe the dinosaur of personal computer to use a rudimentary tool a mix of total switches and flashing lights it is reborn thanks to bill gates and paul allen by creating a programming language for the ultima called basic they provide it with intelligence. Level lucian i mean. The languages thing was what they were passionate about bill gates and paul allens goal in 175 was to dominate the languages business on personal computers thats why they left harvard immediately afterwards in april 900 75. 00 gates and allen start their Company Microsoft the purpose is to sell basic but above all to develop new software for future computers also in 1985 in Palo Alto California another do you own steve jobs and Steve Wozniak High School Students who are fans of this new technology also discovered the ultimate h. The start of an epic journey. Steve was now he looked at that altitude for him this was not elegant there. Too many chips the thing was too big so immediately what was was doing as it was saying i can design a computer all on one board this would be the one was in jobs other 1st to succeed in putting all of the components that make a computer hooked onto a single board power supply keyboard and memory all connected to screen the 2 friends had just invented the personal computer making out the one was purely was his idea and it was purely his design but once he showed it to his good friend steve jobs steve is the marketing person you see. We can make money. But for now the apple one is being manufactured in the jobs family garage. Im pretty much the only person who worked in the car irish at least on the apple line. Steve jobs was on the phone all the time he was in the kitchen on the phone i was in the garage testing up on boards one year after the founding of microsoft the Apple Computer companies established in april 976 microsoft and apple the 2 pillars of the computer revolution they both had a belief that computers were not just important but crucial. And. And yet they had a very different way of going after it jobs was coming from hardware and and gates was coming at it from software and that was so they came at it from 2 Different Directions but they both. Were very strong minded men who believed they were they were changing the world. While bill gates continues to develop his basic the Silicon Valley do you want push ahead Steve Wozniak develops the apple 2 steve jobs looks for investors so that he can grow his young company. Impressed by jobs Angel Investor mike markham invests 250000. 00 in which expands and moves to cupertino where its headquarters are still located today. See how many calculators. To maybe write and you have to use the Automatic Bank telling machines short so life is already seducing you into learning the stuff and its certainly not an 8980 for a showbiz vision at all its just going to be very gradual and very human in will to do so you into learning how to use it jobs and was unveiled their new computer in the spring of 1977 at the computer fair in San Francisco the apple 2 is a smash hit. The apple 2 was a huge that it was actually really the 1st usable personal computer the apple 2 always you know i always thought it was magical because you could do almost anything you thought of if he were creative enough the apple to the 1st personal computer designed for the general public the sales are phenomenal it in bodies the computer revolution but it has a serious handicap and the person who has the solution is bill gates was the acro version of basic but it wasnt completely up to date that was a certain aspect of it that wasnt in there so they began looking around for another

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