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A head the Prime Minister is about to address parliament after his Coalition Government collapsed. Also the court of killing her Stillborn Baby a young salvadoran woman says justice has finally been done. With the sport. Targeted racist abuse after missing a penalty from 1000. 00 and australias cricket team has delivered a blow its top batsman steve smith is ruled out of the 3rd ashes test with concussion. Opposition activists in syria say rebels have withdrawn from the strategically important town of conscious kuhn in Southern Province and this follows days of fighting which saw them firing rockets into government tell a tree the Syrian Government has told its forces which are backed by russia but the battle isnt over yet the rebels also retreat. From the town of morduch which is in hama and its the site of a Turkish Military observation post cone in southern italy province is a main Population Center it used to be a place where 100000 syrians took shelter before the military escalation began in april towns nearby in the northern hama countryside have fallen to Government Forces but for the Syrian Government the big prize was getting control of a cone that will give it access to the m 5 its an important economic highway the crosses the countrys in a harder has more from beirut. Busy is back under the control of the Syrian Government Images Released by pro regime media shows a town in southern italy empty of residents and fighters rebels withdrew early on tuesday after days of fighting and hundreds of air strikes its location gives the Syrian Government access to parts of a vital commercial highway that connects the Northern City of aleppo to the capital damascus and has been a military objective for months this is a very Important Development in the course of this conflict. This is the 1st step in the 1st stage maybe. In an effort by the government to regain control of the territories along the m 5 road between. And aleppo i think the next target will be moderate to normal the opposition to just lose. Rebel fighters had little choice but to leave towns further south in the northern hama countryside they would have risked being besieged if they didnt move further north the opposition was hoping the presence of a turkish observation post in the area would stop the government advance but an attempt by the Turkish Military to reinforce that position failed when an airstrike launched by a syrian or russian warplane on monday prevented it from reaching its destination. The Syrian Government and its allies have been advancing in the past 2 weeks they have now taken more territory than they did in the 1st 3 months of their military campaign its not clear if the rebels had been subjected to heavy fire power are exhausted or if the army is using better tactics like concentrating the strikes close to the front lines and on rebel supply routes but the relentless airstrikes in parliament continue to force people into displacement in recent days more than 25000 are believed to have moved north closer to the border with turkey war monitors and activists say over 700000 syrians are homeless since the military escalation began in late april of. The past few days witnessed unprecedented bombardment that is why the people who didnt leave during the 1st months of the offensive back everything and left most of them believe their houses will either be fully destroyed or taken over by the regime. The bombardment of opposition held towns across southern libya continues as the Syrian Government presses on with its offensive there have been more civilian casualties as rebels promise to defend what is left is their last stronghold the battle is not over there now for their aljazeera beirut. Turkeys foreign minister and most of those solo says it will not move its military observation post away from it despite a convoy on its way there being attacked so his defense ministry. Strike killed 3 civilians well lets go live to sin cos you are in istanbul it really sounds as though turkey is digging its heels and. Well there yesterday there was an in interesting incident actually unexpected incident. After. The regime start to vent through hunchy hole in which is just a few kilometers away from turkeys a observation post into the escalation zone turkey want to to send more reinforcements for for its force and more equipped is just south of them and when the cold war a very large convoy was on the way it was targeted by Syrian Regime a strikes and Nothing Happened to the Turkish Military members that were in the call noise but its 3 civilians lost their lives and 12 civilians got injured during that a strike yesterday this why a Turkish Foreign minister said that the Syrian Regime is playing with fire here. Probably you would remember that the Turkish Military post number 9 and the motoric was targeted many times before in june and july by the Syrian Regime and. Russia russia between turkey and the Syrian Regime militaries at that time thats why turkey stays they will not feel ok to military force this even though it is surrounded by the Syrian Regime military currently and i am told by the Turkish Military sources that the soldiers in that observation post and more rick have enough supplements that would keep them up for 6 months so thats why turkey says turkish soldiers will stay inside the military post but of course it is interesting thats as turkey has had to come closer with the United States about a possible safe zone and that is sort of side of the Euphrates River which targets to remove from the a riyadh. Attacks and against the Turkish Military into the escalation zone have been intensified were expecting that the phone ringback talk between president s add on on for is the. Put in can happen and off course the foreign minister said that the dialogue is conducted at all levels so we are waiting for some diplomatic the platic talks between moscow and corral and the following hours or in the coming days cinema thanks very much for the moment i want to bring in elizabeth socalled shes a Research Fellow at the forum for regional thinking and she focuses her research on syria and iraq shes joining us by skype from west to respond thank you very much indeed for being with us just put us into context for us what does this rebel withdrawal change on the ground in terms of strategy. Ruggles or. Theyre losing they havent stopped losing since the cease fire blew down every single day the regime was able to take territory in advance and this is of course the biggest advance in the pull of country its long is a worse and this is all its major too but in addition its a town that witnessed multiple attacks and looting our syrian gas attack by the regime and. So its lost in the loss of this entire territory. Snores in from the countryside is. Incredibly important in a big loss for the opposition in i mean a desperate people in a sense you know for many years now. Today as well after this lots of countries going in there its a big blow to their morale in there already you see accusations between factions was responsible for the fall of the area maybe there is a deal. There is this perception that i come to syria. And of course in this area were not just talking about rebel factions and the syrian are lies were talking about civilians who are essentially caught in a crossfire here how bad are the conditions for them and is there any chance to think that we might see some sort of rest fight for them. Thank you so much for asking this is incredibly important well we can focus on the military situation and developments there at the end of the it lives not just me 1000000 people are civilians most of them children in this situation is absolutely catastrophic youre seeing mass displacement all the civilians towards their Turkish Border which is lap people cannot enter here so theyre basically squatting you know under trees in their partially destroyed below the interiors that are overflowing already hakims for displaced persons this is absolutely if they are really it will be for a rest but i think in the. Forms in the fighting this of course is out of their hands entirely its also out of the hands of the factions in that its basically at the center at the city end of the day by you know turkey by russia and the question of whether turkey fresh or the russians into stopping this and civil war seem to stop this offensive very interesting to get your point of view on this elizabeth socalled thank you very much for your time. Lucia more refugees and migrants have been leaping from a rescue ship in the Mediterranean Sea trying to escape worsening conditions on board and reach the nearby italian island of lampedusa the crew of the spanish ship says the situation is quote out of control that people are getting increasingly desperate they have been stranded for almost 20 days with refusing to let the ship docks things says they can go there and is sending a navy ship to pick them up a lot on the news as a spokeswoman for proactive an open arms and she is joining us now on skype from barcelona thank you very much indeed for being with us just give us an indication of the kind of conditions that people are in on the boat at the moment. One in fact all of these people have been living on the deck of our boat for finding days now to the moment that we rescue so getting money thats a different meaning out there we ended the rescue we were 134 living thinking and doing everything on board the 2 of us well we think that these people come for media for. Abuses by the law. Or kind of. The are really really sort of the size of those state offices of england with. 19 days ago when he was the both so i must say for you it was there was they have being seen how not evacuate some of them were going to go. To another so many 7 miners were. Being high say we could and so i thought it was the they are seeing right now so close. To this meta. They need to have the kind of rates to go so they may not be. There were uses that as you mentioned before in spain has offered its help in upon me it is sending a navy ship to pick up at least some of the migrants on board the ship if that spanish boat does arrive are you going to be able to offload as many of the migrants as you can or are you intending to still go to lunch today. Well in fact we havent received any your fish so they may well i mean your question. That you and the brown family are. All equal we already knew that if we go we go girl. Or were on the buy our so you know block you go or are you agree bunny. Or north or funny or so on my way. On the island. Right there in a bunker. And needs to be in the are. In the north of the mountain so you can finally over land are not. There. Or not them as soon as you were there were a. Lot of news and thank you very much indeed for your time i want to go to song again you go shes in rome for us shes joining us now live with more of the latest has there been any more reaction from the Italian Government about the situation on board the boat. With the immediate situation there it really has been coming more from how the spain Spanish Government has been reacting as well im with reports that now a vessel is in preparation coming from the south an italian a southern spanish sorry city of kharkiv towards it doing that will take about 3 days to reach the island if it is going to take on those migrants on board those people who are on board the open arms as well as mentioned by open arms and the situation becoming more and more desperate is spelling out politically harris well the Italian Government has been sharply divided on the issue you have on. One camp the deputy Prime Minister and the leader of the far right likud party meany salvini known for his very bombastic and hardline approach to not anti immigrant approach really who has been absolutely resolute that he will not allow the open arms to go forward and allow to dock on the island of lampedusa the other on the other hand with the 5 Star Movement you have the defense minister the member of the 5 star party who has said that they should be allowed to do when youre talking about humanitarian issues like this and sort of in the middle of it but really sort of ring towards the 5 star line that is the transport minister as well who is even offered to try and get this banish bessel to try and a company the ship providing the open arms registers itself in spain and no longer conducts any other rescue missions open arms reacted to was a saying it would not be doing that it would not be undertaking such a proposal but this is also an issue that has splintered the government it has also caused the current political situation as is happening in fact later on today we are expecting to see the Prime Minister. Submit his resignation following a vote of no confidence in his ability or inability as such to be able to control this issue and take the government forward. I think were just seeing pictures from the Spanish Television at the moment with some of that speech charging and forgive me talking television. With that speech coming the moment this really is the this to mold thats going on in the toilet in politics at the moment really doesnt give much hope for the for the migrants but also the a lot of struggles as well for the italian people with their politics in such disarray. Its an extremely fi bra issue here you have seen over the past years since the coalition came into being. A deepening crisis and a deepening divide in Italian Society for example when 5 star i am the party came into that coalition the league of very much the Smaller Party the party with fewer seats and 5 star being the dominant party in that government however in the past year that has been changing not necessarily in terms of numbers in the parliament in the senate but in terms of the popularity factor the Approval Ratings many more italians are coming round to that view of the leak of the leader has been incredibly successful in getting getting as much attention on the issue of immigration and his bid to try and stop landings from occurring that has really chimes with the italian population there is definitely a swing to the right people who would like to see far more hardline approach the issue of immigration and also even perhaps to the financial aspects of of some of us of the policies such as you know makes etc so this is a country that has a lurch to the rights the cover ups of the government will be able to try and sort of come out with another kind of coalition possibly a more centrist coalition but there was no guarantee of how that could actually could last. The thought behind this is that the right has surged in such a way it is not going to go back into the shadows now and it will certainly continue being a dominant force not just in the issue of immigration but in other issues affecting domestic politics here and. Sonia thanks very much indeed. You know long story still ahead or you could consular employee is missing after going to Mainland China from Hong Kong Well hear what police say about his disappearance. The u. S. Is. Hues of escalating tensions with russia after testing a new missile. And the u. S. Womens Football Team get their date in court over gender discrimination joes going to tell you more about that in this sport. You can. Appear to have hardened their positions on reopening brags that negotiations the ring more than any breakthrough before the top 31st deadline European Council president donald tusk has rejected british Prime Minister abbas johnsons latest demands to get rid of the socalled irish backstop provisions in the current Withdrawal Agreement its an insurance policy to prevent border checks between Northern Ireland and the republic of ireland tusk says johnson hasnt presented any viable alternative so theres nothing to be negotiate lansley has more from done dole near the irish border. This is the more motorway the main arterial routes connecting the republic of ireland behind the camera to Northern Ireland in the u. K. Away in the distance and it is the absolute flashpoints in the standoff between the European Union and the u. K. In the crisis over brics its what both sides say that they absolutely wants a guarantee is no hard border because that would jeopardize the long standing Northern Ireland Peace Process and to that end the idea had been to have this thing called the back stop leaving the border open until some new arrangement can be found whereby the u. K. Can leave the European Union totally leave the Customs Union technology probably but to maintain the open border while now Boris Johnson the new british Prime Minister who insisted the u. K. Is leaving on the 31st of october with or without a deal has said the buck stop has to go because he says he will look the u. K. Into the European Union in this orbit forever and its undemocratic but in his letter to donald tusk of the council of europe in which he says some alternative arrangements to be found he cant say what battles and of arrangements is and so consequently his letter has been ruled out of course by both final task and by hours politicians here who weve been speaking to as well the reason why it matters isnt just because if you can imagine border controls there big queues of traffic big effect obviously on cross border trade both for the u. K. And for ireland as well but the other reason why it matters is because in ireland theyve been taking the absolute fear is that a customs post there would be attacked by dissident republicans and they would go for not just british but also irish Customs Officials and youd see the reemergence of the troubles which blighted Northern Ireland for so many years the u. K. Says its a myth its scaremongering the wont ever be a border well make sure it doesnt happen Something Else just the. To be found but the trouble is Boris Johnson cant say what that alternative solution is and the closer we get to the end of october the greater the fears are the reemergence of the hard border and all the security risks and risk the trades that go along with all that. The British Government says its extremely concerned about the disappearance of a staff member from its hong kong consulate has been missing since crossing into Mainland China the u. K. Foreign office says simon chang attended a business event in chens then on august the aides and he was supposed to return to hong kong on the same day but china insists it has no information on his whereabouts on kong police say they are trying to figure out whats happened to see if point. Of august will eating to a missing person case but for the sake of personal data i couldnt coast to much detail here and the case is currently under the inquiry by the regional missing person unit of how. We can and so far the Hong Kong Police force does not receive and in notification from that minority on the reciprocal notification. These 24. 00 soldiers have been killed and others are missing after an identified fighters stormed a military unit in booking a fast so it happened in the in the central parts of the country the military says it could be the worst attack in its armed forces but in a fast so has enjoyed a months of violence thats killed hundreds of civilians. For decades people in Northern Nigeria have endured almost constant conflict in kaduna state the fighting pits the majority Muslim Population against minority christians who hammered out of reports on reconciliation efforts. Under the reign of the muscle the elements these are the latest victims of the ongoing violence and could do no state hundreds of them have been come to this school since march this year when gunmen from an opposing tribe attacked their village killing dozens and destroying homes our main problem the moment is shelter from where you were able to go but while there we talk about security. Located in northwestern nigeria and with a population of nearly 6000000 consumers state has been embroiled in conflict for decades the violence has its roots in ethnic tensions between the States Muslim and christian populations the most them christian divide has been so exacerbated by the fighting that the government has mandated these 2 men a muslim in mum and a christian cleric to use the potty to try and bridge the gap between the 2 communities and theyre brought together traditional leaders to join their course the politicians have taken this important element sensitivity to our religious values as a chess game for Women Political dissuade become so seen as the dims were is him selfe a victim of the ongoing conflict he lost his arm when his village was targeted in the tit for tat attacks and now wears a prosthetic arm and i wish the know the benefits of peace. Sometimes i feel incapacitated i wish this superman somewhere in the movie that can go drop water is in trouble zones system to scale it will not help you the conflict is mainly concentrated in rural could do but its also spilled into the city. The people of kut do not have also been fiscally divided along religious lines with the river could do not forming a natural boundary many christians have fled the state over the years fleeing the almost and less cycle of violence or thought remain behind have sought refuge in the south one part of the city while the muslims dominate the north. This month the governor of could do now is also leading a force to bring peace to his conflict riedel state were making progress. This was not built in a day we are very realistic expectations were pragmatic about this but what we are optimistic about is that we are now as a state as a community it will move in the right direction in the 1st 6 months of this year ethnic clashes in northern and central nigeria have killed an estimated 1300 people that is 6 times the number of deaths from the war with boko haram according to the International Crisis group its these grim statistics that make the need to bring peace to the affected areas of a more urgent ramadan the world can do nonagenarian. 1000 people have fled several villages on the spanish Holiday Island of gran canaria wildfires are burning the fire started last week and theyre being difficult to contain as more. Shock and disbelief in gran canaria these villages were forced out of their homes as large wildfires burn out of control across the Spanish Island they started spreading across mountainous areas on saturday as high temperatures strong winds and low humidity fuel the flames this headline reads the unstoppable catastrophe that oh they told me i had to move accommodation and to get out immediately because the fire and especially the smoke was descending it was so so hot. When i think the risk you team saved me because i did exactly what they told me on the one hand its good news because they contain the fire in the town on the other hand its bad news because of the disaster that is happening. One of the biggest deployments of firefighters in recent spanish history is under way a crew of 1000 is working around the clock to control the fires the flames as high as 50 me says have made their jobs harder. Then go preventing water dropping planes from operating in some areas. The fire is still beyond our extinguishing capabilities when the weather conditions start to change thats when we can start to control it. Gran canaria in the Canary Islands is popular with tourists millions visit every year to enjoy its mountains and beaches more the Spanish Government has assured them the wildfires are only confined to Higher Grounds environmentalist concerns that spain could lose some of its most important nature reserves so to hide it. Well robs here rob some extraordinary pictures in centers package there from gran canaria im guessing the weather is not really going to be helping this nor would it ever think were talking about the edge of the azores high for the Canary Islands which means wind is the thick of it from the satellite picture look for cloud because youre everyones bitter rain dont you never going to get that with a significance this time the so is a winter phenomenon and of course youve just seen pictures of the fires which are on this scale the ground but they were described that control when i last heard yesterday because you just see the update picture and that the persistence of this wind is the real problem is more or less the northern the running anything between 30 and 50 Kilometers Per Hour in the harbor of sea level the stronger its going to feel so its just going to be a dry wind persistently blowing and theres nothing in the forecast is just its going to stop any time soon so i just dont know its all going to be mans work im afraid and thats in the hot zone of north africa and Southern Europe which is of course what we enjoy as summer but in europe itself is the division that cold front which separates temperatures in the twentys and those in the thirtys or this is also in this bit here the division here is what produces useful and dramatic weather not use for drought it for all but on the whole were talking about thunderstorms flash flooding hey oh lightning and thunder of course all that line there but also for today and probably tomorrow a large part of central turkey slow moving vicious thunderstorms. Much more coming up for you here in aljazeera the unidentified bodies in iraq that activists say are evidence of sectarian killings the government is not talking about. Not in support of the death tennis player breaking new ground in the a. T. P. Tour. Trust is fundamental. We trust banks with our money talk to us without. What happens to trust you know by al. As more want to citizens of the us by these complex pieces of. The question that come from. Can we trust its the 1st of a 5 part series great question of the neutrality of digital. Trust me im an algorithm on. Inmates learning from other inmates acquiring knowledge that could set them free. Through Legal Education classes and mock tribunals their dedication has led to staggering results even in prison for. The ricin and they were. Teaching empowerment kenya part of the red legislation series on aljazeera. Watching aljazeera a reminder of our top stories this hour Syrian Opposition activists say rebels have withdrawn from the strategically important town of fun share code in southern italy province the syrian army has told its forces the battle isnt over yet. More migrants have jumped off the spanish rescue ship open arms near the italian island of lampedusa theyve been stranded for almost 20 days with italy refusing to let the ship dock springs says they can go there and is sending a navy ship to pick them up. The British Governments has raised concerns about the disappearance of a staff member from its hong kong consulate whos been missing since crossing into Mainland China 7 shang attended a business event and since then obviously aids and never returned to hong kong. Hong kongs leader carrie lamb says she hopes the recent nonviolent protests show the territory is on its way to peace sundays march drew 2000000 people it was the calmest and weeks of demonstrations which often become violent they began over proposed changes to hong kong extradition laws but theyve grown into a Wider Movement against beijings growing influence i can give you this a very clear commitment as a political level that the bill instead there is no plan theres no plan to revive the spill especially in light of the public concerns. Jimmy shanley is from the civil human rights front which organized this weekends protest and he says caroline is still not addressing what the protesters are most upset about hong kong needs a mechanism that can ensure the more credit election so that citizens who elect a chief executive that can represent the people and also listen to voices of the people and we do not need a platform for dialogue in which the. Law and without time with her money and of course we know over a refund would take time so for the time being we carry land our chief executive to commission an independent commission of inquiry to really investigate what has happened you know a few weeks so that the government will win back the trust well we can process were peaceful but chinas Central Government is not softening its hardline stance a scald heiler reports from beijing. President xi jinping last hong kong visit was 2 years ago to mark 20 years since the handover of what was a british colony to china he minced no words then about who was in control then you rock. Any attempt to endanger chinas sovereignty and security challenge the power of Central Government and the basic law of hong kong or to use hong kong to conduct. And against the mainland is an act across the red line but the past 11 weeks of mass protests in hong kong seem to cross that red line the government even calling some of it here terrorism however theres been not a single word from shoot himself unlike his u. S. Counterpart President Donald Trump who personally involved himself on topics big and small including these protests in hong kong present she rarely engages on specific issues focusing more on the big picture but some say dont confuse the lack of face time as lack of direct involvement on hong kong. In the scene that china will do involving hong kong will be a decision directly up to president xi jinping and the top leadership very closely at his disposal he has laws of things to take care of and hong kong probably is just one of them one tactic the top chinese leadership has decided on misinformation twitter and facebook have taken steps to block hundreds of accounts with ties to the Chinese Government twitter said the accounts were an orchestrated attempt to undermine the legitimacy and political positions of the protest movement. And through lower level officials the government has accused western nations of meddling. A strong visual warning from beijing coming several times over the last 2 weeks propaganda video of armed police amassing in training just across the border from hong kong and not so subtle reminder of mainland might the stakes are high for the Central Government. If they cant handle the hong kong situation properly it means a failure for its one country 2 systems it will think their rule greatly china wants to unify taiwan with the same one country 2 systems but it fails in hong kong it wont work with taiwan is a threat for the future. All this just 6 weeks before the big celebration marking 70 years since the founding of the peoples republic of china will be a big military parade here in beijing and a showcase speech by she looking into the future but a simmering situation hong kong could cast a shadow over that future got harder aljazeera beijing. U. S. President donald trump has spoken by phone with indias present Prime Minister Narendra Modi and stressed the need to reduce tensions with pakistan its been 2 weeks since Indias Parliament revoked the autonomy of indian administered kashmir and modi also discuss increasing trade and preventing what they described as cross border terrorism. Indian government has eased some restrictions in india the midst of kashmir which has been in lockdown for more than 2 weeks and has given some rest fight to the people of the capital a synagogue as well as journalists trying to report on the decision to strip the region of its autonomy and as more from new delhi. 10 days after a complete information blackout the Indian Government set up for computers with Internet Access for more than 200 journalists in a media center it controls in srinagar the reporters wait patiently until its their turn. Some are letty who writes for the indian daily the tribune says sometimes he queues for hours just to email his story and if hes lucky chat briefly with his editor. You have to stand in the queue and read for them and then when you send a story you dont get. To read the response of. The new you had to go back again to the same computer and see. The story. The Indian Government has issued press passes to most journalists in the past few days but access to the internet is tightly controlled and freedom of movement largely restricted to within stina got itself. Conditions however have improved a little since the 1st days of the lockdown imposed earlier this month after a new delhis decision to revoke indian administrators autonomy. Is what were doing is trying and sitting near the Television Set and trying finding out whats happening on august 13th the editor of the times filed a petition in Indias Supreme Court against the Communications Blackout the government is saying that the people are happy everything is fine people are coming out on the lord let them tell us that they are indeed happy desperate but if you read the global the newspapers lawyer and human rights activist says journalists have had a particularly tough time even in the financing and crippling of media what we see is the targeted silencing of the Media Journalists we do not hear that whilst. Its been difficult for journalists to report from strain about the capital of indian administered kashmir for the past 2 weeks a minute on one of the phone booths opened by the government was considered a luxury and although some restrictions have been lifted making it relatively easier to file stories from the city the rest of the rally remains mostly out of bounds. Aljazeera new delhi pakistan says india is using water as a weapon by releasing downs which could flood its villages indian authorities open 2 minutes of wars including the huge box down saying water levels are too high Pakistans National Disaster Agency says it wasnt warned and has issued flood alerts for areas downstream surrounding the suplex river under water sharing treaty any dam release must come with a warning but india says the amount released wasnt enough to warrant it brigadier Mokhtar Ahmed from Pakistans National Disaster Management authority disagrees. It will definitely affect the people those what is acting in the law. Along this because there was no warning issued by. Being put repetitive country and a lot of pity in country but monitoring had most of the leaves of water and 100 feet of it is coming closer to pakistan and maybe tonight and 2021. And then the people will be monitored and amount of water but coming into the process on model it and it is likely to affect 60. 00 to 70. 00 villages only one district which is just on the entrance. To the pakistan that is the food district seem among the villages are going to be affected and other districts. Along the suffrage. I saw the daughter and woman at the center of a controversial abortion trial has been acquitted of all charges Evelyn Hernandez was charged with murder after giving birth to a Stillborn Baby the case has drawn International Criticism of the countrys strict abortion laws all day on reports. Of celebration after being cleared of all charges Evelyn Hernandez has become the face of a car to decriminalize abortion and el salvador she faced up to 40 years in prison in a retrial after giving birth to a Stillborn Baby prosecutors accuse her of aggravated homicide the 21 year old said she was raped and didnt know she was pregnant. That was the. Day there was justice i want to thank all the countries and International Organizations are supportive of me i also want to thank my mother who stood by me i know it was difficult for her to see me being accused of something i didnt do. Her case has been filed in court for years evelyn was 1st sentenced to prison and 2017 but was released 2 years later while she awaited a ruling in her retrial with 17 other woman behind bars under similar circumstances her legal team says the work was far from over. The way there are women who have been in prison for 10 years for something that isnt a crime we will keep fighting for their release. The case Brought International attention to the salvador strict abortion laws before ban was implemented in the Central American country in 1998 including in cases of rape or incest women who go to Public Hospitals after a miscarriage are sometimes accused of murder and charged with aggravated homicide. We cannot allow this to continue we have to change the law we have to change the enforcement of the law and we have to free the women who are still in prison. After spending nearly 3 years in prison evelyn says shes ready to move on with her life out of court. Consul wrote this with a gun aljazeera russia has accused the us of escalating military tension after a test of the ground launched missile with a range of more than 500 kilometers the test would have been banned under the intermediate range Nuclear Forces treaty but washington formally withdrew from the line what 987. 00 packed with russia earlier this month u. S. Administration says moscow had already been violating it at the same time russia is facing questions over an explosion that one of its weapons Testing Facilities earlier this month stepped busson as more from moscow. The Deputy Foreign minister said that the really regret that this test has taken place and also that it shows that the United States has been preparing for this end of the i. N. F. Treaty for a long time so as we know of course this treaty and that that collapsed earlier this month but also fast that he doesnt want to be drawn into an arms race with the United States and they wont put any more missiles anywhere as long as the United States is not doing the same thing this is all very interesting to hear because it all comes in the light of this very suspicious and mysterious accident that happened during a test of a particular weapon that has not been disclosed which happened on august 8th dozens of people have been killed and others have been injured as violence continues between the u. A. E. Backed separatists and Government Forces in yemen southern region. Separatist forces have stormed a military Police County in all who district a plane belonging to the saudi and iraqi Led Coalition bombed the camp shortly after the offensive. There are calls for an investigation in iraq after more than 30 bodies will burritt in karbala province without identification included women children and elderly people that are so one of them reports from baghdad. Beneath the shrouds are the faces of men women and children their families longed to see again longed to know what happened to them. Last week 31 husbands grandmothers and daughters were buried in an unmarked grave in the cemetery in Iraqs Karbala province the morgan neighboring babel province gave the bodies to a local charity saying they were an identified and and claimed it was a coma there is negligence on the part of the government the government should have announced to the public be existence of these bodies deny to use must be conducted to determine their identities so that they can be returned to their rightful relatives. Human Rights Groups are accusing the government of covering up possible sectarian violence about 250 bodies have been given to the same charity for burial 2016 the governor of baba province says theyre from the area and their cause of death range from what he calls terrorism to murder. So sufficient to have been raised because witnesses say the bodies are likely from a sunni dominated town called jurf elza har it was once controlled by eisel during the battle to defeat it she got paramilitary groups are accused of killing civilians and forcibly displacing the population the Iraqi High Commission for human rights is calling on the government to investigate reports of additional bodies scattered beneath the soil in babel province government denies there is anything suspicious going on. There has been a lot of negative Media Coverage in order to take a sectarian turn these bodies were stored at the morgue to be identified after the investigation was over they were buried because the bodies were not claimed by their families but with so many families in the area still living in displacement camps that might explain why no one came forward to identify the 250 bodies. For all santa clara knows her son could be among them the family is from jersey. She hasnt seen her son since 2015 when she says she armed group accused him of being an ice will melt and arrested him her family was later driven out of their home theyre afraid if they return theyll be killed. Because he did nothing wrong if he had i would testify against him but as god is my witness he did nothing wrong who dared like so many iraqis may never know what happened to our loved one the answers could be buried deep in the soil of her country natasha going to name. Baghdad coming soon the sport outrage from Manchester United after one of their players becomes the latest target a racist abuse. The u. S. Is delaying its total ban of quote ways access to american suppliers and a lot of the Chinese Technology giant to continue buying some u. S. Components to fulfill existing contracts and we all could reports from washington. And unexpected reprieve companies are dependent on wall voice who are giving them a little more time to wean themselves off that means for now u. S. Companies will not face penalties for still doing business with the Chinese Telecom giant but the reprieve is temporary just 90 days the been plenty of discussions with the president the president has made clear in his announcements yesterday that hes very concerned about more dealings with who are away the truck administration blacklisted way in may but almost immediately postponed the punishment something its done once again as u. S. Businesses in rural areas scramble to replace weiwei equipment they depend on to provide service were not going to do business i dont want to do business at all because it is a National Security threat but huawei is pushing back on that claim arguing this decision made at this particular time is politically motivated and has nothing to do with National Security these actions violate the basic principles of free Market Competition they are in no ones interests including u. S. Companies but the trumpet ministration and u. S. Lawmakers have long accused huawei of backdoor espionage resolving those concerns has made huawei a bargaining chip in the ongoing trade war between the United States and china on sunday trump tweeted discussions to resolve that dispute are going very well still trumps Economic Advisor signaled a deal between the worlds 2 largest economies is far from imminent low level discussions between the 2 sides are expected next week if those deputies meetings hand out as we hope they will and we can have a substance of renewal of the gosh ations then we are planning to have china consing usa and meet with our principals to continue to. Negotiations earlier this month the u. S. Labeled china a currency manipulator for the 1st time since 1994 but last week delayed until december expected tariffs on products made in china like toys and electronics u. S. Consumers like to buy during the busy Holiday Shopping season still the u. S. Is not easing up all pressure on china the Commerce Department has announced its adding 46. 00 affiliates of walkway to a list of companies banned for working with american businesses as both democrats and republicans in Congress Urge the white house to maintain its hard line stance kimberly health at aljazeera the white house. And its time for the sport heres joe roth thank you very much australia star batsman steve smith has been ruled out of the 3rd ashes test with concussion he wants training but has failed to recover sufficiently after being hit on the head by in the bowler joe for archer lords it raises further questions as to why doctors allowed him to continue batting just 40 minutes after the incident on saturday monosyllabic shane eventually came on as a concussion sub and hit 59 hes most likely to replace smith for the 3rd test which starts in leeds on thursday. And in the end of the day it was a really a no brainer the. Road a bit better yesterday but hes not have torm enough to to tick off everything in those today to be ready to fly or the other guys their senior players and the younger players will step up and feel almost on 3 local shows hes the best player in the world but weve talked the whole target squad mentality being ready and when things come out like they always do in this game of course. And im confident now do that. Manchester united is called on social Media Companies to act after paul pogba was racially abused online following his penalty miss against wolves on monday is the 3rd time in the last week that a player in british football has been racially abused for missing a penalty after chelseas Tommy Abraham readings mater antiracism charity kick it out says reported racial abuse increased by 43 percent last season united issues a statement saying that everyone at the club is disgusted by the racial abuse aimed at paul pogba last night and we utterly condemn it when you work to identify the few involved in these incidents and take the strongest course of action available to us we also encourage social Media Companies to take action in these cases the u. S. Womens soccer team will get their date in court after a judge ruled that gender discrimination case will go to trial in may 2020 members of the World Cup Winning Team sued u. S. Soccer in march and mediation talks have broken down fans of back them with chants of equal pay and one member of congress threatened to withhold funding for the u. S. 2026 world cup if the pay gap is not addressed u. S. Soccer rejects claims of gender discrimination claims the women have been paid more than the men since 2010. Former Manchester City and the pool strike in Mario Balotelli has made an emotional return to his Hometown Club of prussia but the telly arrived on a free transfer after his contract with masai expired hes joined on a 3 year daily and his mum is delighted. Leicester or. I think i spent more years abroad than initially i think we can say i grew up more abroad than here football wise my mum cried at 1st i told her listen there is a chance i come to brush up what do you think she kept on crying and i told her give me an answer i need to make a decision she was very happy my father was from brusha and he always lived in brusha it would have been a dream for him to see me play here so my mum was very happy. Theres been a big shock at the world badminton championships in basel in switzerland chinas superstar and 5 time champion dan has been knocked out in the 2nd round he lost in 3 games to indian player h. S. Paranoid who will now go on to play the current world number one japans cantor motor in the next round 350 so the tournament scheduling played a part in his defeat. Tuesday will manage and i was sure of course it would be better if we had a bit more time to recover when i finished my match yesterday it was already about 6 pm my match to date started at 10 30 am this kind of arrangement is really a bit tight to recover for a player my age former tennis world number one andy murray has lost the latest match in his singles comeback after a 1st round exit in cincinnati this time he was up against tennis sangar and in the Winston Salem open and look to be leaving well on Court Considering hes recovering from major hip surgery but your english living well to the American World number 73 took a very tight 1st set on the tie break wrapping up the match 75 in the 2nd floor returned on a wild card in next weeks u. S. Open may play in a challenger event in new york. At the same tournament south koreas leave duck he became the 1st deaf player to win a main draw match on the a. T. P. Tour he was diagnosed as deaf or 22 years old and relies on signals and gestures because he can hear calls from the or line judges are right that is are you sport for now with peter later. Joe thanks very much indeed thats all for this news hour ill be back in a moment with more from. The story of a friendship between a filmmaker and a 7 Year Old Girl what is it would mean. Giving home but into her a future being the syrian war. In the face of deep rooted tension between the lebanese and the refugees. My syrian friends. Bisect on aljazeera. It looks ugly and sounds ugly and scares people from americas high streets to mexicos on the wilds we control the seaside and who controls the other side people in power follows the smuggling route and test the ease of acquiring untraceable weapons on american soil the weapon that was designed for war and it took you about 5 minutes to buy it unless you try americas guns arming mexicos cartel on al jazeera congressman are you interested in stopping crime. Syrian rebels surrender the strategic town of qana ship koon after heavy airstrikes by Government Forces. Come about this and this is all just your live from doha also coming up italys Prime Minister has it been called to resign after weeks of hostility from his polish in part its. More refugees and migrants jumped from a rescue ship in a desperate to bed to reach italy shore less than a kilometer away. Also accorded of killing her Stillborn Baby a young salvadoran woman says justice has finally been done

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