Numbers since the protests moved to the Hong Kong International airport but there was one standout chin jen airport shares soared its the closest major airport to hong kong and during the closures this week some flights were diverted there to continue turmoil in hong kong could make more attractive to airlines and passengers the airport just received approval to expand allowing it to nearly double its yearly passenger numbers to 80000000. So while the view from journey into hong kong remains the same the impact from whats happening across the border is be keenly felt by the people here its got harder aljazeera. Now to iran the president criticize the u. S. For its military build up in the gulf region has said rouhani is saying Foreign Forces are not needed because gulf states can protect the region themselves american and british warships have started joint maritime patrols to protect shipping in the strait of hormuz after Iranian Forces seized a pushback last month at the age of 4 same day or all talks about establishing a new coalition in the persian gulf and sea of all monitor going to be practical no doubt that it wont help the security of the region there is no need for the presence of Foreign Forces to provide security and. Said bank has more now from teheran. But its the 1st one president rouhani has addressed reports that israel may be participating in this u. S. Led Naval Coalition in the region which the United States says is to guarantee freedom of navigation in the gulf now president rouhani said that the idea that is there will be paid taking part because of a Security Camera as it is about even more its neighbor to the region you also said that wherever israel has a presence it causes insecurity terrorism and massacre but he also said that iran is willing to establish relations with neighboring countries and said that the u. S. Goal in the region was to sow discord and money he said that coastal countries are fully capable of providing security and stability in the region theres no need for foreign troops now the context for this is that the United States you need that report that 2015 nuclear deal last year and impose sanctions on iran and in the last few months there have been an increase of tensions with drones shut down tankers mysteriously attacked the United States and its gulf allies then youre wrong of course iran has denied that but also iran seized a british flag after the United Kingdom sees that your intent in gibraltar. This coalition only has 2 countries in the United Kingdom and the United States and thats because European Countries are still trying to salvage a 2015 nuclear deal and they feel fear that any presence of troops in the region would jeopardize that deal in fact germany has refused to join it join this coalition because they say everything should be done to avoid escalation still ahead on the program the venezuelan city thats become a symbol of the countrys in can all make collapse and senior u. S. Politicians weigh in on the brakes it debate as the deadline approaches for persons withdrawal from me you know. How i would say its a very lively stories from around belarus stippled area actually a lot of clout here just making its way further south whats at a swiss legacy of showers from the balkans pushing up towards the Baltic States so see simply take down polls recently things should quieten down as we go through the next day or so but still a few showers in place tonight is all the way up into that western side of russia 42. 00 celsius for moscow 23. 00 in kiev ridge in the thirtys again across the mediterranean 33. 00 for athens to form of that to madrid 35. 00 lets get up towards the northwest where its more like autumn blustery winds are rolling through thursday looks a drier day for the British Isles 21 in london for the cricket but the most of that because come friday looks like the showers longer spells of right they will roll back more wet and windy weather roughly across that northwest corner still a few showers over towards c. S. Generally fought in try still lots glorious sunshine through the bad still could have until late thirtys nothing to complain about low thirtys to across northern parts of africa 32. 00 the average chain this is the low fortys for a current around 42. 00 degrees quite as hot as we go on into friday but still plenty hot enough or rather more comfortable 26 through bats. An estimated 100000 lives cruelly ended over a century ago. A distant past not to the descendants of the sawtooth. A tale of colonialism and racial supremacy unravels in the quest for justice and recognition of the sacrifices of tribal people in the media. Skulls of my people a witness documentary on the cultures here. Welcome back a look at the headline stories now pakistans Prime Minister has compared the Indian Government to the nazis over its decision to revoke kashmirs autonomy and racan is dedicated to pakistans Independence Day to kashmir which has been under a strict security lockdown for 10 days on called police of 5 to gas at prodemocracy demonstrators gathered outside a Police Station in the residential area of counted as china says the protest movement has reached niet terrorism. And irans president Hassan Rouhani has criticized the United States for its military buildup in the gulf saying armed forces are not needed because the region can protect itself. Well the stories were following the syrian observatory for human rights as a government warplane is crushed and province according to reports in pro opposition media rebels and han she could have shot down the jet its a rebel held town towards which Government Forces are advancing have been no reports of the incident and syrian state media so far. Now argentina need a has spoken to his president ial rival saying that hes expressed the willingness to keep markets calm in case of an eventual handover of power president merits your mockery and out salary increases and tax cuts days after his shock defeat in the polls triggered economic turmoil that we polled 15 points less than center left candidate alberta finance as in sundays primary vote is seen as a preview for the general election in october that create said the measures which would leave the pockets of argentinians has more from one desire is the size of the governments defeat in sundays primary elections surprised everybody in argentina but it shocked the government of president modise your mockery its taken them 3 days to respond mostly to the subsequent collapse of the argentine peso was against the dollar on monday which lost to up to 30 percent of its value and also affected argentine stocks and shares in markets in both wall street and in one of cyrus. Addressed the nation saying he was story for his brusque reaction on monday blaming the voters for voting what he said was the wrong party and not having faith in his policies he said he hadnt slept and he was still reeling from the size of the defeat on sunday among the measures announced are an increase in child benefit in pensions an increase in the minimum wage freeze on fuel for 90 days and they did in general more measures about to be announced in the course of the next few days this for starters to try to calm the markets now all watching and waiting to see how those markets respond to the governments response to what was a very convincing defeat in primaries on sunday waiting to see what happens where they can recover in time for the president ial elections at the end of october. The man is violence that was once the capital of the countrys oil industry but it has now become a symbol of venezuelas economic collapse with little access to fuel food and electricity residents say theyve been forgotten by the government which has been locked in a power struggle with the opposition since january to raise about has more now from cable. And to city has become a luxury for most people in america when northwestern venezuela a luxury this people do not have they say they only have 4 hours of electricity a day. Right here with them called store died 4 months ago in the middle of a power cut. My daughter died of a heart attack because of the hate because of all the problems were facing the government is not doing anything to help us we have no water or electricity oh well was once Venezuelas Oil hub but now its people like in many venezuela are struggling in the middle of an economic crisis mike i was once known as the colder 30 in venezuela because of the amount of her condition ngs here it has one of the highest temperatures in the country and thats why people are not used to the situation there bringing the so far as a matter of faith to sleep at night. It. Has had 2 heart attacks when a power is out her daughter says she starts to choke. She starts crying like a child because she cannot breathe all our food is going to waste its terrible for us a few minutes later power went out experts say electricity problems are the result of lack of maintenance but its not just electricity the queues to get petrol in this country which sits on the Worlds Largest oil reserves can go on for miles gasoline is almost free minutes we know but a black market exists for those who dont want to queue up this man who does not want his name revealed says. It is the only way he has to make a living leopard sort of the more you do all of us living off gasoline we get it from government officials who also need to make some extra money because the salaries we have we cannot survive on ac anyway we can buy food my salary buys me only 2 kilos of meat these every day kills only adds up to the Political Tension between the government of. And the opposition led by one way though and there are war reese that an increase in u. S. Sanctions could cost the situation to deteriorate even more. I dont think were going to see political or economic change any time soon the conflict will increase with radicalization by the government and the opposition justifying economic or financial sanctions that are trying to break the government but will deteriorate everyday life and for these people every day life is already very hard because they made the right you know mother but im selling these bones because its the only thing that many could buy bones so they can put in a soup and get some protein. Lack of food water and electricity and all have people here are tired and angry and they feel that the government has stopped listening to their piece. Senior politicians in the United States have been weighing in on brac said as the october 31st deadline for britains withdrawal fast approaches the u. S. House speaker says there would be no chance of Congress Passing a trade deal with the u. K. Of breaks it undermines the good friday Peace Agreement in Northern Ireland now see pelosi as comments appear to contradict those of the u. S. National security advisor john bolton who has just been in London Holding talks this week he said opposed breaks a trade deal could be fast start tracked through washington meanwhile here in london the speaker of the house of commons says hes confident parliament can block a no deal breaks it are asleep has more now from westminster. Maybe the middle of august in parliament isnt sitting but political intrigue at westminster right through the summer has been absolutely full bore because of all the controversy about Boris Johnsons threat to leave the e. U. With all without a deal at the end of october this enormous game of poker thats going on now between the British Government and the European Union several some 20 leading conservative m. P. s including former ministers senior ministers in series amaze governments have now come out with a letter to Boris Johnson saying they cannot support that plan because they say it would be stone so destabilizing and in terms of effectively suggested in doing that that they would vote against their own party in a confidence vote which now looks very likely to happen when Parliament Reconvenes at the start of september and that in turn could trigger a general election either immediately before or immediately after if Boris Johnson has his way brek sits on the 31st of october and in return Boris Johnson has now taken to facebook to ask and answer questions about what what his plans are what hes accused that group of 20 conservatives effectively have treachery and of taking the European Union side against their own government so while that rift very significant rift inside the conservative party is going on theres another rift across the atlantic as well where of course a trade deal with the us is seen as the absolute prize for brics it says john bolton the American National security advisor came here the other day and met Boris Johnson said that the u. K. Would be 1st in the queue for a trade deal with the u. S. After 31st of october even though as many people pointed out is nothing to do with him because a security advisor and the trade deal would be within the gift of congress well now nancy pelosi the speaker of the house has come out and said what very many people have said here for months and months which is that congress would block that trade deal if no resolution was found to the integrity of the open border between Northern Ireland and the republic of ireland. Teenage time activist gretta turn back has set sail on a voyage across the Atlantic Ocean taking a message on Global Warming to the United Nations in new york a 16 year old is making the 2 week long crossing on 0 emissions yacht accompanied by her father and 2 crewmembers sunny gago has more now from plymouth where it began a transatlantic journey. The preparation had been tough but greater too in burke is now undertaking the journey of a lifetime at the soul of an english port of plymouth the racing yacht the mallets your to a professional crew and her father awaiting them all the challenges of the Atlantic Ocean for at least the next 2 weeks despite all the technology designed to make this a Carbon Neutral journey there is little luxury and even less previous e this teenager who has become a beacon for so many young Climate Crisis activists now prepared to brave the challenges of the open ocean in the hope that her message will be heard and understood righted done by a trip across the atlantic is expected to take 2 weeks she aims to be in new york for the next months un Climate Action summit but the crossing wont be easy organist is peak Hurricane Season off to new york the book says shell travel by train and bus to canada and mexico she also plans to attend the annual Un Climate Conference in santiago chile in december and told berg is doing this despite the criticism and the vitriol she has experience from Climate Change deniers im not concerned about its reactions what im concerned about is whether we we will do something or not whether the people in power will react and act. With the Necessary Force its taken the determination of 116 year old schoolgirl to spark call for a global movement. And work has been urging politicians do something more than say the right words but to put it into action as well all over the world to invokes message of taking action has resonated with young people like scarlet and francis their worry that the older generations do not understand the crisis the planet is. Facing you say i dont have direct democracy they can directly control the composition of the legislature to get their reach across but we cant do it when drafted decided to strike from school it was bowed in its of the we havent seen before for example in the u. K. The parliament has declared to Climate Emergency but this isnt needed a binding. Action proposed to be Carbon Neutral by 2050 target which is already too late according to the fire and. The vessel will also be collecting essential data such as measuring the temperature of the ocean to assess how much carbon is being absorbed but it is a journey fraught with risk but with the effects of Climate Change already being felt across the globe its one this teenager believes is worth making. Aljazeera live in southern england. As more and everything were covering right here our top story protesters in hong kong still clashing with police the rhetoric appears to be getting stronger on chinas part more on that in just a couple of seconds. Quick recap of the top stories we start with the crisis over kashmir pakistans Prime Minister comparing the Indian Government to the nazis over its decision to revoke kashmirs autonomy imran khan says indias governing party led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi is anti muslim because of its hindu nationalist ideology khan dedicated pakistans Independence Day to kashmir which has been under a strict security lockdown for 10 days after india stripped the region of its special rights there are fears india is trying to change the regions majority muslim demographic. Hamid nazir gives a lot of career between india and pakistan there is no fight going on but we are standing up to an ideology which is worse this ideology is the r s s ideology the Parent Organisation of the b j p modi is a member of it since childhood this ideology got inspiration from Hitlers Nazi Party which includes racial superiority china says the protest movement in hong kong has reached near terrorism its call for the sort of the law to be used to restore order in the Territory Police have once again by take gas at prodemocracy demonstrators this time in callin hundreds of protesters took part in the rally pointing lasers at a Police Station 10 weeks of increasingly violent clashes of plunged hong kong into its worst political crisis in decades. Irans president has criticized the u. S. For its military buildup in the gulf on ronnies says Foreign Forces are not needed because gulf states can protect the region themselves american and british warships have started joint maritime patrols to protect shipping in the strategic strait of hormuz after Iranian Forces seized a british flag to oil tanker last month. Argentinas leader has spoken to his president ial rival and says hes expressed willingness to keep the markets calm in case of an eventual handover of power president moderates and out salary increases and tax cuts after his shock defeat on sunday triggered economic turmoil that repulse 15 points less than center left candidate outbursts her finances in the primary vote which is seen as a litmus test as a general election those are the top stories well have more news for you later on to join me for that in about half an hours time but coming up next its the strain. Welcome to the stream im only millions of people in indian administered kashmir are still living under curfew 9 days after indias pro hindu government revoked its in my autonomous status how are kashmiris coping and what lies in store for them during the conversation through twitter and you tube. Articles 370. 35 is a little understood to be on indias borders a few days ago but the striking out of these losses jolted indian administered kashmir and children with neighboring pakistan which also administers part of kashmir thousands of paramilitary soldiers are on the streets especially are after the Indian Parliament approved a decree stripping its rights to make internal laws indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi of the Ruling Bharatiya Janata Party has heralded what he calls a new era for kashmir but hundreds of people ranging from political activists to University Professors have been arrested and a Communications Blackout means kashmiris outside the region cannot contact relatives in kashmir including during mondays eed festival. When you do not know what to do look. With a new book. You put it takes you know one. Night one moment you might even 9 with the next moment you will have it not knowing what is going. You left. Is to leave your relatives visit your friends. Just over his interview and that has been degraded. But one of those of us face difficulties contacting family and kashmir is natasha cole associate professor of politics and International Relations at the university of westminster she is london based but today joins us from montevideo uruguay baba omar is a cautionary journalist at the world he joins us from istanbul and completing our lineup as. A professor and dean at the gentle school of International Affairs he is in new delhi welcome to the stream everyone to thank you for staying up late for us i want to share the comments of a few of our Community Members because so many people asked us to do the show and have lived experiences they wanted to share so this is just one who says i havent heard a single human voice from the region in over 10 days havent heard from my ailing grandmother no idea of my parents have essential and medicines another person suffer as our land is in lockdown we havent been able to talk to our families for 10 days now we have been humiliated beyond measure and one more here for harnesses today is the 10th day of military siege of kashmir by Indian Forces where people have been restricted inside their homes and all communication to the outside world has been cut down baba what this is past week been like for your family members and friends who are in kashmir. Well its been hell i mean its the 1st time that there isnt even a muslim festival and you not being able to contact her relatives and their parents because you know literally theres an unprecedented communication blockade is unprecedented and which was never seen before like weve been through 2008 of mass protests 2010 mossel uprising and then 2016 but even then this kind of a lockdown wasnt wasnt seen so all the kashmiris were being outside i would been outside schmear they were going through a very bad phase and then and emotions have been you know theyve been running really really high and theres an anger as well so so like push me is like me we feel like cut off from our parents and then we also see at the same time our rights have been you know literally abrogated without without without without kashmiris being taken into into confidence or cognizance and i think this anger is is building and its kind of a world you know thats waiting to burst. The taj what about for you and your family members have you been able to reach anyone. Well i have friends who are like family and it is deeply worrying and there is that is just no justification for anything like this to happen this is this is its unimaginable and its unjustifiable by any standards to all population and demand to see why let the same time claiming to be developing them and not let them celebrate the best will not let them communicate with their friends and you can imagine the amount of stress that it causes everyone and you know people who might need to go to hospital who might be ill who might want to hear from other. You know i mean just amazed that there isnt more white bread and significant condemnation of whats going on this is all population that literally being put into a ph and isolated and want to share the perspective of one more person says very similar things we got a video comment from her the says father but here she is a former pro journalist for reuters and an independent researcher and heres what she told us being hurried today is that then the day of communication blackout of the schmidt have not been able to contact my parents in the last 10 days nor have they read it is not something you hear from democratic setups the north koreans have access to internet locally this. Is completely unprecedented and so not only about disenfranchising the people of the state of sparta its also about denying the basic dignity of human rights. Why now in your perspective from your viewpoint why do you think that this revoke it and happen now. Well 1st of all i want to say that a lot of these you know expressions of alarm and anger are not justified and in fact the contain quite a grain lot of exaggeration the humanitarian situation the medical supplies the essentials so law and order you know movement top people within their communities and the look allergies all of them are going on people often read it on people came out and you know did what they had to in question so i think you know this projection that somehow its under lockdown i challenge that 1st of all its biased and not based on objective reality secondly why did we do this not why did india do this why did not interpol they do this. The level cation of this special status was necessary to bring crush meat into the National Mainstream what had happened was that kashmir had developed into a very vicious its an equally polarized society just more in question it as it was known 68 percent were muslim 28 percent windows and 2 percent of what they stand and sikhs now let was going on within this under the garb of the special status was that the question of the muslim elites some dynastic families had want to place power and were in some kind of coalition with. Other parties from jumble which is hindu majority and deal are actually right in that its not dark but its so whats going on was it was a kind of far. Majority within a minority you know and that was what had been broken that that would be the motive for mr modi to do this and secondly you see administratively socially as well as it is only getting. Better and this is a lot us a bit later but i hear your point natasha wants to comment and i will just say before you do natasha i will just read that i want to make this clear for our audience of course that were here. From people online and from our aghast that communications of course are down in kashmir and so for you to say that everything is fine if our guest our other guests are saying everything is not fine its hard to know when were not allowed in and when journalism is not allowed to happen so i do want to push back on that point a little bit but as hutter what point did you want to make in it can i just refute can i just refute the facts from what street im just said there is a very simple way of demonstrating that a population is not under siege allow them to speak why are the only good movies that anyone in the world is able to reach right now to talk about are all. Allowed are going to be. Well regarded in the. Us you know i am sorry again and you know you know just for you to look at. It i distribute your money your collateral starting out what is making it hard for us to go youre right on top of that natasha anything a point and she let you make your points on it. So firstly if thats not the case let him go. Secondly to see that we were allowed to carry is hardly do we need to understand the misery that the shootings are undergoing right now and in Fact Finding Team that went there today was not allowed to scream there is at the press club hardly to see that this is about mainstream English Media in what we it is about how can bush midis be mainstreamed in all of this what this is doing is mainstream English Media into a new book but agenda and lastly the points you dont just made about elites well these are precisely the elites that allowed. You know of which will initially you saw what is mr movie got to complain about in that you get i respond to that please. Yes you said. The situation on the ground is not at all as you know or people as you are what they need to be and secularity but how do you now see them i want to hear your point but id love to know how you know that where where your information is coming from. A lot of what you just regions are temporary even if youre not meant to be whatever youre going to nominate the situation month by month week by week and in fact the government already and i know it depends did we do 50 the bible gradually but if you didnt i mean look youre protected the restriction to be made will net you that i know how i reached the power works that she said i like you i believe to be tolerant. And youre mistaken if youre. Rich and if youre not. About to be good and i dont think we should be she got mountainous or you know if you say you know im quoting Government Office shills i mean why should we trust the government officials they have been lying since day one they said we feel a terrorist threat and they sent police to the Houseboat Hotels and the and the man has to you know kick out the pilgrims and the 2 is out of kashmir then the old indian leaders they went to meet the go and and all the talk shows just going and going one thing a lot drinker with 370 or 35 then suddenly a lady is. It says it unless that in order to finish this point i hear the point youre making about pakistan which of course we will talk about but right now were talking about indian and minister kashmir about things up here point. So im saying look then tired template then the discourse has been built on lies there was a smokescreen that was created that there is a terrorist threat to the pilgrims and the Tourist Police went to the horse they went to the autos in the house of lords and they told the pilgrims to leave bashir you know and the pro indian politicians were of the end all these guys they went to see mr garner they went to see mr morley and they were there were they were told that india will not encourage 35 iraqi 70 but what happened ultimately is in the digs actually the same regions it promises not to do so why should we try to negotiate so you mentioned the government and i want to play from the Prime Minister himself in the interim modi have a listen to what he said about this for a vocation hum 70 friends i have full faith that under this new setup we will all get together and rids Jammu And Kashmir of terrorism and separatism this heaven on earth our Jammu And Kashmir will once again reach new heights of developments and to track the whole worlds towards its use of living will increase for our citizens citizens will receive all the benefits they deserve without any obstacles or challenges nagi for good human man so how can i show what do you think when you hear that what do you believe the b j p government hopes to gain from this. Well i think actually its a long running movie from for india and certainly this is real estate and the people has having walked on parks and i dont its not at all true what this somewhat what you just played hes in his speech makes no mention of to how any of this is going to go about by simply labeling peoples aspirations for their rights as being there is limited separatism does he have a special device that can somehow meet people who. Acted differently behave differently feel differently because if not then all of this is going to do this is where you choreographed moves which will happen with militarization increased militarization larry knight and this is the way pretty rapidly that is meant to push the shmeat is against a wall and to try and incite them about you know their head lets nest and incite them to greater violence i think its always been part of india. In. The army general saying i wish the question is would you have guns instead of stones because then we could shoot them this is again another animal that if men you know clearly if theyre waiting for the optics of the good media to resist so that they can be even more brutal to then part of my gender and not literally nothing else so instead i see you shaking your head said im glad to see i think a lot of create news has been circulating especially International Media which have their own ideological bias and i dont say that i know this is not about International Media. But i just used the word leaks when you let it out but im. Referring to what i think people can even if you lose big chunk of people ok and for your information the Security Forces are all live actively percentage of restraint in you know what the times and the feeling i get how many prosecution. I would love to hear what is on this see them go ahead. You know and you know were playing indian army or somehow barbaric in august you know beef would be straight out of a bible study. From what so now i am i guess you belong to the 100 communities that are going to be what actually its in italy cleansed these lord induced by not even country rally and what the top a 1000000 of them have actually been forced to flee and become. Those people who did you hardly a threat so you know a few talking against her own community you are but let me come back to the bigger point because you know this well. I joined up a bit of some big human rights are you know being crushed of the people and all these all these years more be rated by a sense of ideological bias what you have on the ground these nonpolluting so to be writing are going to meetings of all faith but meetings people are going more people are plugged up have appreciated what is happening because were big board in the last 70 years lives. It was no better sociological you had made your point you made a personal attack against a tosser which this conversation is not about but i want to give her the chance to respond to that very briefly natasha yes yes please this is not this is not about the i mean this is about saying that you cannot have a military solution to a political problem secondly about the sheep and issue not just on my sony my but from my work what we were going to eat it becomes do you know that resisting it the communalisation political dispute what in the caucasus are doing is just when i think the ship and it issue and using it more than what has happened right now. And its future even last ditch the 2nd stance is and does not make them in any way you know more secure they have not addressed the issue of line not call for justice are clever has happened and this needlessly instead of that why just one plain just if i didnt rule so you would mention the panda of course which were. People who left mostly hindu who loved kashmir and you hear the debate right there on why they laughed and whether or not they were quote unquote ethnically cleanse or if they left their homes because of the changing demographics so there is talk right now about people coming back and an idea of a Settler Community i want to play a video comment from someone who talks about what this rebel cation might mean for the demographics of kashmir this is Mohammed Junaid hes an anthropology professor and an expert in kashmiri political movements and heres what he told the story indias decision to article 3 seventys constructed for media is because it leaves the up for a future of such a clueless and. You do stew a minority and disempowered dispossessed minority because it is to be developed that this decision has not been taken for the development as india is saying but it is to secure. And for hindu india this is basically the final battle to me it is in the problem the process and we of course we oppose it and bush really is the locals that theyre not going to sit quiet because for them its an existential question. Is that a fear for you what do you make of that comment. Absolutely like we have we have the situation of palestinians how they have been reduced from from majority to minority and then we have an example in jan kill or the 94. 00 discernment the german genocide happened then tire region was turned from muslim majority in terms to minority area so so so the fears are genuine the anger is genuine and i dont know what i what what you know i dont think the indian media is like not playing a good role here and then mr sharon has information that comes from the indian media which has incontinently saying that everything is hunky dory in fishmeal despite protests in cargill which is a district in the separatists in. Massive protests over which was initially denied bring them government and then the and then after b. B. C. And right technology reported it theyve been saying that yes there were protests so all the fear is that the issue really is will become minority and there are only in the know on own own stated in the orchards the agricultural fields that their houses will be taken up and they will be cut to size and see whats happening with the Indian Muslims those those are those. The plight of Indian Muslims is before everyone they have been cut to size they have no position in the media there nor position in the politics and and now wish me was the last you know polish for for r. S. S. And b. G. P. To go and you know. Cut muslims in kashmir decide so others youre talking to them is taking it had freedom. So you listen this whole idea that somehow muslims are under threat in india this is a complete concoction and this is part of the liberal International Agenda as well as that Islamic State let me put it and then theres a lot in order. Comes for to get through and consume before it. Even who is a lot like you know one i dont know because we cant hear straight i mean finish up your point and then bobbie you can get an. Audience in india 180000000 are living peacefully and integrated to build communities theyre not living like a good deal like you question the reality with 97 percent of the people are muslim so you did it you did mixing you get into dependence with other people of the great you build reading to live together you but Kashmiri Pandits and be able to slip in claims can be tracked back and read to resettle and you didnt learn more well it will give you a mix of the source id welcome we did you people getting it you know its something im going to say it but let me tell you the uses hollow the box you should live we should have a secret that we do so its not believed you know how did i take your point our community would disagree with you this is how democracy should live i want to share this twitter a comment we got from eunice who says imagine living in an open air prison guarded by hundreds of thousands of armed forces in your favorite celebrations meaning eat with no human occasion with your loved ones that is kashmir right now but i want to push us on just a little further with this week from tomorrow who says it does not matter whether you and i disagree or agree with the move what matters is whether the 7000000 people in the Kashmir Valley do but no one is asking them talking about having a seat at the table natashas so many people weve heard from feel similarly like but this conversation is happening without their voices and without their say. Well thats precisely the point that the midis are not made part of any conversation about their future in a substantive way it always gets reduced to being about india vs pakistan issue and both of these countries to use military and sort of nationalisms in order to transform the state and the bush midis are the people whose lives are affected by it and who are being suffocated from every site all to just add a little point about what 3 times said earlier i mean it would be really nice if we just didnt make assertions without any proof letter been 2 u. N. Reports one last year and one this year and a whole literature our indian Mainstream Media never report about the goings on in kashmir the fact is that this is not how democracies function if you are actually concerned about about you know about People Living together peacefully then secularism democratic principles constitutionalism have to be keyed to that and part of what is happening right now is also be at that in the constitution and the way in which it has just been treated and discovered earlier manner this is the left this move this well choreographed move is not only crushing of the shmeat is an attempt to do that but its also a strong signal to those who speak for secular democracy in india that they will be just liberal and national or that they dont their right to dissent will be treated as big news or something because there is an echo chamber within which there is no need for proof or evidence you can simply say well were doing this what were doing this were going to look meant lets hear it from the people who are sought to be developed that we wont let you let you have just having to live under this kind of militarized state endlessly and on top of that this redefined its just our use this as these ones where you know and and even when as recently there was a question a set of questions to pundits who were together the letter thats all talk all that sort of thing is now going on in indian media especially televisual media so i only i think i take your point and im sure were running out of time here but as promised we said we would also talk about pakistan we have about a minute left but i want to share this headline pakistani Prime Minister and run high on visits kashmir amid india tensions barbara do you think that pakistan should have a say in whats going to happen or will they will they be able to. Don. Has to be a plebiscite you know to broker what was said in the region and if theres a lingering with peace and if india is that means to do it to take the territory as a unit dont make that me make that this military is unitary it i dont really even have the referendum happens later you want to go in thats whats going to pollution but at right now i dont think they have a mite many options they have limited options and obviously. That is where i have to pass conversation so much more to say if thats all the time we have for this portion of the show we can keep the conversation going though on twitter at a day streaming of course also on aljazeera dot com forward slash the stream i know theres much more dad thank you for joining us. From mother to daughter an ancient craft kept alive by a bustling matriarch. From start to finish. All traditions intertwined with new designs making this familys place unique in tunisias rich tapestry. Threads on. The latest news as it breaks. Out. With detailed coverage no one is willing to return home to me on my own without sort of the ship papers and security guarantees from around the world the talent is facing the new Prime Minister. Negotiate a new bricks that feel safe and feel the e. U. Says cannot be renegotiated. By societys progress is dependent on the quality of its exports we need more on finding professionals a top parity is too wide awake in your generation to study find new teaching methods are infusing thai students to become the agents of change taking them out of the classroom to solve problems in their local communities ready Level Education inspiring science timeline at this time. Hello im Maryam Namazie in london with a quick look at the top stories this hour pakistans Prime Minister has compared the Indian Government to the nazis over its decision to strip indian administered kashmir of its autonomy and revoke special rights in one khan says indias governing party led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi is anti muslim because of its hindu nationalist ideology calling dedicated pakistans Independence Day to kashmir which has been under a strict security lockdown for 10 days. Amid nazir gives a lot of career between india and pakistan there is no fight going on but we are standing up to an ideology which is worse this ideology is the r s s ideology the Parent Organisation of the b j p modi is a member of it since childhood this ideology got inspiration from Hitlers Nazi Party which includes racial superiority some of binge of it has more now from los offer to in pakistan administered kashmir. Strong words from the pakistani Prime Minister saying that the pakistani government as well as its people stand beside the people of kashmir he came to this assembly in the Legislative Assembly in pakistan administered kashmir telling politicians that he was going to do all he can try and tell the International Community that india is doing is a grave mistake and. All the United Nations Security Council resolutions that have been passed internationally as well. It goes against all of the Bilateral Agreements that pakistan and india had agreed upon. Saying that the world is watching and this is going to be a test for not just the United Nations from the pakistani side but all over the world muslims who feel the pain of kashmiris are going to be watching the United Nations. Holding them accountable but if they fail to stop what is happening in administered kashmir. Everybody is scared because we dont know what is going to happen modi has played his last cards and i think it is going to be very tough on him and internationalize the kashmir matter more the world is looking at kashmir and its up to us pakistan to respond im going to take responsibility i will be the ambassador to raise the voice of kashmiris in the world. Pakistanis have decided to mark the 14th of august like a found Independence Day in solidarity with bashir and weve been hearing from communities on this side of the line of control saying that theyre still very very concerned about what is happening on the other side because Indian Government crackdown continues for the 10 convicted of the family here a thing we havent been able to get in touch with family members on the other side we met a father who told us that he doesnt even know whos who daughters are alive who are going to spend the Summer Holidays in indian administered between the politicians there have been saying that they will be using some restrictions after indias Independence Day but even believe partial easing of restrictions is half on the internet and phone lines continue to remain blocked and people on the side are concerned are worried and this thing that they need to nor what is happening with their relatives who are in indian administered kashmir on the issue of that lockdown and in a mist of kashmir it does look set to be eased indias governor in the region such says that curfew will be relaxed for indias Independence Day celebrations on thursday but internet and phone services will remain cost off. China says the protest movement in hong kong has reached near terrorism has called for the sort of the law to be used to restore order in the Territory Police of once again fired tear gas at prodemocracy demonstrators this time in cali when hundreds of protesters took part in the rally with many pointing lasers at a Police Station. 10 weeks of increasingly violent clashes have plunged hong kong into its worst political crisis in decades. Irans president has criticized the United States for its military buildup in the gulf has and ronnie says Foreign Forces are not needed because gulf states can protect the region themselves american and british warships have started joint maritime patrols to protect shipping in the strategic strait of hormuz after Iranian Forces seized a bush flagged oil tanker last month. The top stories that witness is coming up next but there will be more news after that and then of course as always our website. You know there is a church. Wedding jan menses said we should come to the church and we will pray and michael to close their eyes to 3. But they never said that last image was the moment they close their eyes they were shot in that church. Even if i prayed them close my eyes. They brought the christan he did they brought all this just. But today they also have the lent. They meant that and they keep mad people and they only listen why they meant that mad people was the cause of lent. This because of what people think belong in that maybe they dont belong there in jim and. There are people who are very very plot people they be. Mostly cantle. And that this way you can see the rest. Ok. My name is. S. That when younger. And im always telling people that its come one that youll find people having 2. 00 to 3. 00 names they every can name or traditional name and then the socalled christian name now it is also the christian name is mostly linked to colonialism because that then when the missionaries came to africa. They also introduced christianity and with this janet it was now but distant for the small babies so people who the parents would stigler babies to the policed to baptize them in they will say hes made chalte my baby the name of my baby is you sure and then the police will say but kili give this to the child in the name that you know that i can pronounce. They hid that then he had meek look they wait this mate it symbolizes the haunts of the Quetta Kaitlin limits are very. Malleable assets to the head of our nation kiss. The. Ground. For the. Good of the was. Was. Was was was out of the the was yet. That that it was very. Weird your question today is one of the many. Commemorations on the calendar of the land it will in bend on monday it was god was it toward religious. The elders when they wake up they need to hear fire. And at the holy fire they then connect with this but its a flying sisters and one sister is then texas and against all kinds in the middle a bit like. In. Even when we be paid to. Do better with all kinds. When we are preparing for serious negotiations. With the germans or it was. The jamies must come out and you need to state that

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