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Safety the protests to coast inconvenience to local people i hope it will end soon jim and the protest post made an inconvenience to local people i hope this would be ended assume this is too bad for the image of Hong Kong Syngenta received a great deal of International Attention earlier in the week when state run media air video of columns of paramilitary vehicles and soldiers whoring into the city there due to hold according to the government a large scale exercise soon their deployment clearly meant to send a message to the protesters the father of chinas reform and Opening Movement 41 years ago Deng Xiaoping used gena to launch his Economic Reforms it was also his idea for the one country 2 Systems Approach thats being heavily tested just across the border in hong kong. The Economic Impact from the hong kong protests now in their all 11 week is being felt in gen as with elsewhere in Mainland China its stock market had seen negative numbers as the protest moved to the Hong Kong International airport but there was one standout she engineer port shares soared its the closest major airport to hong kong during the closures this week some flights were diverted there to continue turmoil in hong kong could make it more attractive to airlines and passengers the airport just received approval to expand allowing it to nearly double its yearly passenger numbers to 80000000. So while the view from journey into hong kong remains the same the impact from whats happening across the border is be keenly felt by the people here its got harder aljazeera. The United States says its deeply concerned by apparent movements by Chinese Security forces near hong kong the u. S. State department is calling on beijing to adhere to its commitments and allow hong kong to exercise a high degree of autonomy washington warned it could lift hong kongs preferential treatment in response to further erosion of the citys freedoms in 1902 u. S. Law gives hong kong preferential treatment over china on things like visas and investments. Fighters say they killed 50 soldiers in an attack on a military base in Southern Somalia Army Commanders confirm the radio but didnt provide casualty numbers says 2 if its men died in the gunfire and car bomb explosions and a female suicide bomber has killed 6 people in chad 4 guards and a soldier are among the dead in the Western District of cayuga can derail the armys breaking but blaming boko haram fighters for their latest cross border raid from neighboring nigeria. Plenty more ahead on the. Struggling German Economy could mean bad news for the European Union. Staying in the race argentinas president. Campaign after a major setback in primary elections. And im we are starting in North Macedonia where pilots and the sport of paragliding are taking off. But 1st irans president is criticizing the United States for its military buildup in the gulf has some rouhani says Foreign Forces arent needed because gulf states the region american and british warships started joint naval patrols to protect shipping after Iranian Forces seized the British Oil Tanker last month. All talks about establishing a new coalition in the persian gulf. Going to be practical no doubt that it wont help the security of the region there is no need for the presence of Foreign Forces to provide security. Has more from to her on. Well its the 1st time president rouhani has addressed reports that israel may be participating in this u. S. Led Naval Coalition in the region which the United States says is to guarantee freedom of navigation in the gulf now president rouhani said that the idea is a little bit taking part because of the security is absurd and that if israel was able to provide security it should do so in its own region you also said that wherever israel has a presence it causes insecurity terrorism and massacre but you also said that iran is willing to establish relations with neighboring countries and says that the u. S. Goal in the region which is those discord and newt money he said that coastal countries are fully capable of providing security and stability in the region theres no need for foreign troops now the context for this is that the United States you need that to pull that 2015 nuclear deal last year and impose sanctions on iran and in the last few months there have been an increase of tensions with drones shut down tankers mysteriously attacked the United States and its gulf allies then the iran of course iran has denied that but also iran seized a british flag after the United Kingdom seized during in 10 gibraltar now this coalition only has 2 countries in the United Kingdom and the United States and thats because European Countries are still trying to salvage a 2015 nuclear deal and they feel that any presence of troops in the region would jeopardize that do in fact germany has refused to join it join this coalition because they say everything should be done to avoid escalation senior politicians in the u. S. Have been weighing in on breck said as the october 31st deadline for britains withdrawal from the e. U. Fast approaches cross over to Maryam Namazie our european Broadcast Center for more on that. Thats right during the countdown is very much on isnt it and u. S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has been speaking out saying that would be no chance of Congress Passing a trade deal with the u. K. If breaks it undermines the good friday Peace Agreement in Northern Ireland but these comments appear to contradict those of the u. S. National security adviser john bolton who held talks in london this week he said opposed breaks it trade deal could be fos trying through washington meanwhile here in london the speaker of the house of commons is saying he is confident parliament can block a no deal prices arent sleep has more from westminster. It may be the middle of august and parliament isnt sitting but political intrigue at westminster right through the summer has been absolutely full bore because of all the controversy about Boris Johnsons threat to leave the e. U. With all without a deal at the end of october this enormous game of poker thats going on now between the british governments and the European Union several some 20 leading conservative m. P. s including former ministers senior ministers in sarees amaze governments have now come out with a letter to Boris Johnson saying they cannot support that plan because they say it would be stone so destabilizing and in terms of effectively suggested in doing that that they would vote against their own party in a confidence vote which now looks very likely to happen when Parliament Reconvenes at the start of september and that in turn could trigger a general election either immediately before or immediately after if Boris Johnson has his way brechts it on the 31st of october and in return Boris Johnson has now taken to facebook to ask and answer questions about what what his plans are hes accused that group of 20 conservatives effectively have treachery and of taking the European Union side against their own government so while that rift very significant rift inside the conservative party is going on theres another rift across the atlantic as well where of course a trade deal with the us is seen as the absolute prize for brics it says john bolton the American National security advisor came here the other day and met Boris Johnson said that the u. K. Would be 1st in the queue for a trade deal with the u. S. After 31st of october even though as many people pointed out is nothing to do with him because a security advisor and a trade deal would be within the gift of congress well now nancy pelosi the speaker of the house has come out and said what very many people have said here for months and months which is that congress would block that trade deal if no resolution was found to the integrity of the open border between Northern Ireland and the republic of ireland. Well elsewhere in the region europes largest economy could be heading for recession and growth in germany went into reverse over the last 3 months the economy will officially be in recession if as another contraction this quarter a slump in exports and falling costs elza taking that toll but so is the prospect of a no deal breaks it and the u. S. China trade war chancellor Angela Merkel is under pressure to increase Government Spending but she says theres no need for a stimulus package at least for now economists klaus this to send explains what could be behind the slowdown. Theres 2 main linkages that there is there is a link through what we can say export growth has slowed if you look at global data for export that has slowed in the trade war and the uncertainty has. Has you know accessibility that another a link is via confidence you know you have this huge degree of uncertainty which has been weighing on on the Global Economy for for such a long time and that is starting to feed through to production carts and slowing investment and thats really what weve seen in the German Economy id say since the beginning of of since the beginning of the year which and thats come on top of of a slowdown in car sales as you mentioned because of some new emissions rules in the e. U. And some some some some change in regulations there so theres a lot of things thats not working out very well for the German Economy at the moment to italy now where prosecutors are saying parts of a bridge that collapsed last year had not been maintained for 25 years a ceremony has been held in genoa to mark the one Year Anniversary of the marandi bridge collapse which left 43 people dead a large section of the motorway crumbled carrying heavy rain causing cars to plunge on to rail tracks below prosecutors say theyre investigating poor maintenance as well as possible design flaws. And Italian Court has ruled a spanish rescue ship carrying 160 refugees and migrants should be allowed to enter italian waters despite a ban imposed by the interior minister meant to salvage any the open arms charity vessel had been stranded in the mediterranean since rescuing the migrants off the coast of libya last week had argued International Maritime law meant it had a right to bring the migrants to safety course in rome is saying the boat should be allowed in for immediate assistance. The teenage climate activist has set sail on a voyage across the Atlantic Ocean taking a message on Global Warming to the United Nations in new york the 16 year old settle from plymouth in southern england on 0 emissions yacht equipped with solar panels and underwater electricity turbines the trip is expected to take 2 weeks also on board is to bags father to experienced sailors and a filmmaker in the beginning i i mean my voice wasnt hurt at all as so many others and i just tried different ways. Until i found some kind of method to them that made my voice heard and so i think its of course its individually for everyone and you just have to be creative and come up with maybe something new to do theres so incredibly many things you can do and says this is this is such an incredibly big and global problem it needs to be tackled from every possible angle. And so on again go has the latest from plymouth. A message that she wants to spread when she gets to the United States is that she wants to make people aware of the emergency that is facing the planet and if there is one thing that she hopes to achieve it would be to get people to think about the conditions that the planet is facing so they in turn can put pressure on leaders but nevertheless this is white. Situation for a 16 year old schoolgirl who less than a year ago began her School Strike and galvanized an entire Global Movement of other young people who hope that they can also get older people other generations to be able to consider the crisis that is facing the environment more from london for you in about 40 minutes from now lets head back to the rain and. Thank you will see you later or our president has announced salary increases as well as tax cuts after voters turned against his austerity policies the market friendly president paul 15 points less than center left candidates alberta for non days in sundays primary the vote serves as a preview for the general elections taking place in october the package of measures would relieve the pockets of times argentina is currently in a recession and poverty affects one in 3 people. More from one aside. The size of the governments defeat in sundays primary elections surprised everybody in argentina but it shocked the government of president maurice your mockery its taken them 3 days to respond mostly to the subsequent collapse of the argentine peso was against the dollar on monday which lost up to 30 percent of its value and also affected argentine stocks and shares in markets in both wall street and in one of cyrus. Addressed the nation saying he was story for his brusque reaction on monday blaming the voters for voting what he said was the wrong party and not having faith in his policies he said he hadnt slept and he was still reeling from the size of the defeat on sunday among the measures announced an increase in child benefit in pensions an increase in the minimum wage a freeze on wages for 90 freeze on fuel for 90 days and in general more measures about to be announced in the course of the next few days this for starters to try to calm the markets now watching and waiting to see how those markets respond to the governments response to what was a very convincing defeat in primaries on sunday waiting to see what happens where they can recover in time for the president ial elections at the end of october the venezuelan city of maracaibo was once the capital of the countrys oil industry but its now become a symbol of the economic difficulties the latin American Country is facing terrorism bo has more. And it the city has become a luxury for most people in america when northwest in venezuela election these people do not have they see the only have 4 hours of electricity a day. Maybe a week then called store died 4 months ago in the middle of a power cut. My daughter died of a heart attack because of the heat because of all the problems we are facing the government is not doing anything to help us we have no water or electricity. But i was once Venezuelas Oil hub but now its people like you many venezuela are struggling in the middle of an economic crisis mike i was once known as the cold the city in venezuela because of the amount of her conditionings here it has one of the highest temperatures in the country and thats why people are not used to the situation there bringing the so far as a matter of faith to sleep at night. Or has had 2 heart attacks when a power is out her daughter says she starts to choke. She starts crying like a child because she cannot breathe all our food is going to waste its terrible for us a few minutes later power went out experts say electricity problems are the result of lack of maintenance but its not just electricity the queues to get petrol in this country which sits on the Worlds Largest oil reserves can go on for miles gasoline is almost free many. But a black market exists for those who dont want to queue up this man who does not want his name revealed says it is the only way he has to make a living sort of the more you go or you all of us living off gasoline we get it from government officials who also need to make some extra money because with the salaries we have we cannot survive its the only way we can buy food these everyday calles only adds up to the Political Tension between the government. And the opposition led by one. And there are war is that any increase in u. S. Sanctions could cause the situation to deteriorate even more nor. I dont think were going to see political or economic change any time soon the conflict will increase with a radicalization by the government and the opposition justifying economic and Oil Financial sanctions that are trying to break the government and for these people every day life is already very hard because they made the right you know im showing these burns. Because its the only thing many can buy bones they can put it in the soup and get some protein. Lack of food water and electricity have people here are tired and angry and they feel that the government has stopped listening to their piece. Still ahead on the aljazeera news hour it was under the control of feisal but now an ancient city is reopening its doors to the public we need Asylum Seekers on the Mexican Border and say they arent deterred by Mass Shootings and racist remarks in the u. S. In sport heavyweight boxing champion andy rules jr says his title rematch with Anthony Joshua wont be held in saudi arabia details a little later. Hello you know welcome back to International Weather forecast were here in karachi expect to see more rain as we go into the weekend now earlier in the week we decide what a bit of rain deadly rain and flooding going on across that region and here is our next event that is coming in from india so as we go towards friday notice how the rain starts to make its way towards the west so were going to be watching this very carefully as we do go into the weekend there quite city though it is going to be a humid a few at 46 degrees in baghdad at 45 here across the gulf the admitted he is back up again we do expect it to stay over the next few days temps are dropping down to 38 but the real feel is going to be more like 43 to possibly 44 degrees in the heating of the day over to be at 41. 00 and as we go towards friday much of the same across the region clouds there along the coast of oman with solacing a temperature of 24. 00 degrees and then very quickly across parts of south africa we are going to be seeing some nice conditions across much of the region a lot of the clouds that we saw earlier are pushing appear towards the north over janice berg we do expect to see 21. 00 degrees but appear towards harare expect to see more clouds in your forecast at 24. 00 there cape town though its going to be a nice day temp just coming a few at 19 degrees and as we go towards friday we do expect to see more winds maybe some more clouds there as well 18 degrees in your forecast and over here towards your history and they stay at about 22 degrees. To train and equip the opposition in syria so they can help push back these terrorists people in power investigates how the us supplies soviet style weapons to its allies through private company to spend the Us Government could wash their hands and say well we didnt know where it was coming from so weapon that was supplied by the Us Government may well end up being pointed at us soldiers yes absolutely we pick it up less than 2 months off in the professional americas gun secret pipeline to syria on aljazeera well if we cannot have palestina my government was suddenly not allowed britain to control french press time would be an outrage but then we need to find another solution before we come to blows over a century ago britain and france made the secret do the change the shape of the middle east and so. Now we can draw on the. Sykes pekoe lines in the sun on on just a. Hello again the top stories on the aljazeera news hour pakistans Prime Minister has compared the indian governments ideology to nazi iran khan address the assembly on the pakistani side of the disputed territory of kashmir he dedicated the nations Independence Day to test married people and promised to respond to any indian aggression. Police in hong kong or fire tear gas to clear crowds gathered near a Police Station as the protesters sun laser lights out the building protests over the past few hours broke out as the airport began to return to normal after 2 days of disruption. Irans president has criticized efforts by the u. S. And the u. K. To build up a military presence in the gulf. States can protect the region and Foreign Forces arent needed. New details are emerging about how a u. S. Political fundraiser helped orchestrate a campaign against cats are in washington d. C. He was one of us president Donald Trumps top fundraisers is accused of illegally running a multimillion dollar Advocacy Campaign to turn the u. S. Against Qatar Campaign was allegedly funded by the u. A. E. Now a key dates in that investigation according to the New York Times is a pivotal white house meeting with President Donald Trump his chief of staff and his National Security adviser. Reportedly told an associate that he spent most of the meeting talking about the middle east including telling President Trump that qatar was part of an axis of evil. Is a senior Public Policy fellow at the American University of beirut he says the campaign was largely unsuccessful but its the scuffle you will have affects. The reality though today if you look at the u. A. E. And you look at qatar n. Washington and in the american political elite the countries are doing fine theyre not the terrorist supporting wild islamists that the saudis and what ideas have tried to paint them as while the minorities and the saudis are really in a difficult situation in the u. S. With with congressional majority votes to prohibit arms sales to them and things like that because of the killing because of the lobbying theyre doing because of the boycott of qatar and other things that they have done so to the bottom line i think is that the iraqis have not achieved anything by dealing with shady characters so its going to shed more light through serious investigations on what the u. A. E. Or the so it is or even the qataris are doing and the United States i dont think the countries have much to worry about as far as we can tell while some of the other countries have more serious issues that they have to deal with thats really the core the polow quality of the people that theyve been dealing with that is the biggest telltale sign. Of the ineffective nature of these kinds of campaigns Syria State News Agency is showing video of what it says are Government Forces moving into a strategically important town in rebel held province the capture front for bates is set to represent a significant advance by the army in the last rebel held province its been bombarded for the past 4 months by Syrian Air Force and russian air strikes the u. N. Says at least 450 civilians have been killed others say more than 700 and so we are also getting news that a governments war plane has crashed an adlib province according to reports and pro opposition media rebels and have shut down the jets there have been no reports of the incidents in syrian state media so far. Turkeys government is encouraging tourists to visit an ancient city which was controlled by isis fighters not so long ago if barker reports some car chemists on the border between turkey and syria meters from turkeys fortified border with syria or the ruins of an ancient capital buried for millennia. This is a car commercial founded 3 and a half 1000 years ago once part of the hittites a neo assyrian empires. Emerging from the earth sculptures of rulers and armies of recent excavations via talian and turkish teams have uncovered some of the finest mosaics of the ancient world and. Each city in turkey has lots of its Cultural Heritage but this site is Something Different we have found layer upon layer of different civilizations including a village dating back to 6000 b. C. The site straddles the modern border 40 percent of it lies on excavated in syria a Turkish Military base now sits on top of the ancient acropolis its still the designated active military zone but from next year it will be an open air museum the regional authorities are confident the area is now safe a few years ago this area across the border in syria used to be i saw a country the black flag flying high for all to see this part of southeastern turkey is the cradle of civilization its belief that car commercial is one of the places where agriculture 1st appeared but as you can imagine since the start of the syrian war the number of Foreign Tourists that venture here has dropped completely will the opening of this site encourage people back. Yet this is no ordinary archaeological site its one again change the entire history of the world and even made to late he tied here on the side of the euphrates blending a huge nation and the weak opening will be head next year in maine before todays front is divided the ancient city this is what archaeologists believe its walls may have looked like. For generations these ruins have been hidden from view indifferent to the rise and fall of latest civilizations the war that still rages not far from here in syria the park out jazeera kaka meshal the turkey Syrian Border migrants and Asylum Seekers from Central America seeking a new life in the United States a racist remarks and recent Mass Shootings well thats one of them. Horrors in mexico is a hear why theyre not having 2nd thoughts for new york because steele last weeks massacre in el paso made her no less determined to reach the United States a mother of 2 from cuba is number 15060 on the waiting list of migrants wanting to enter from sudan what is she says the dangers shes a scaping are far greater than the Mass Shootings north of the border that moment really. Believe that weve always been at risk always in danger but when we try to cross this stop us 125. 00 migrants from Central America south america and africa are currently staying at this church run shelter in sudan what is many have been here waiting for months the pastor says since the shooting u. S. Border agents have nearly halted the slow trickle of Asylum Seekers at the international bridge. Everyone is nervous about the situation to see how the shooting has made things lower. And each day of waiting brings its own threats outside the protective walls of the shelter juarez is becoming more dangerous violence between newly fragmented drug cartels is behind a wave of killings across the country that began late last year just as more migrants were arriving here in juarez 139. 00 people were killed last month but the trouble ministration claims mexico is safe for migrants its use that as justification to force people to wait longer in mexico and to return some to guatemala. Regus carried her newborn from honduras she says shes fearful to be turned back. The difference is compared to the u. S. Our country is much more dangerous a person will always seek with safer for their family. Meanwhile the shelter in sudan what is is expanding to fit 100 more people under its roof in preparation for more migrants to be turned back into stay longer heidi joe castro aljazeera to the juarez mexico. Facebooks privacy policies are again raising concerns its emerged that the social media giant has been paying contractors to transcribe audio recordings from users if its platforms facebook has confirmed the practice but said it had stopped a week ago according to the tech giant the recordings have been massed so as not to reveal the identity of its customers to contractors other u. S. Tech firms like amazon and apple have also come under fire for letting audio from Consumer Devices lets speak to jodi west species the chief executive of a Technology Consultancy Global Cyber Risk joining us from washington thanks for your time with us on the aljazeera news hour the most obvious question here really is why would facebook be paying contractors to transcribe audio recordings what do they do with these audio recordings thank you they are claiming theyre doing this for product improvement but we know that facebooks primary revenue stream is from advertisements so. Transcribing these conversations for purposes of data mining and determining targeted ads to certain users of facebook would seem like the most logical reason why theyre doing that if they had previously denied they were doing it now theyre admitting it on their reality show why is it on their reaction they said that they stopped more than a week ago and they said that users affected are those who opted into having their voice trotts transcribed what do you make of their reaction. Well their terms of service apparently do not contain any information about. Transcribing conversations so thats problematic for them they said they ended a week ago previously they have denied doing this so it is a very problematic effort im not aware that they would opt in to me there with the user preferences which someone could set which would allow them to opt out and that thats much more problematic than automatic monitoring and recording in trance scribing conversations in the United States that conduct is protected conduct and its under our wiretap back so if they did not have explicit consent then theyre recording in transcribing these conversations would be an illegal act what do you make of the timing of in particular is it significant that this comes really on the back of facebook the paying a 5000000000. 00 fine to the f. T. C. In connection with its use of consumer. Coming under scrutiny for its Privacy Policy well you know its a pattern with facebook they always deny then they acknowledge and

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