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A leading voice in that movement i asked him whether the decision to allow access was a political one by a government that wants to satisfy right wing voters ahead of septembers election mr netanyahu last week told the police you do what you think is right im not going to get involved and if you say unlined that he did it for political reasons you are lying to your crowd it has nothing to do with the decision was made at percy by the office of the police palestinians those see this as intensely political the senior p. L. O. Politician. Accusing israel of recklessness and aggression designed to provoke religious and Political Tension this holy site is once again a flashpoint and a focal point in the conflict are a force that aljazeera occupied East Jerusalem. Rami corey is a senior fellow and professor at the American University of beirut he says theres no separating religion from politics and normally they would see them as religious places and religious symbols but in the situation theyre in now the palestinians in jerusalem in particular in the west bank and gaza as a whole are in such a difficult situation and suffering so badly under occupation and siege that the religious affirmation of their collective identity their belonging to that land their future rights human a political and National Rights those become instilled in religious monuments and religious places this is human nature and goes it happens all over the world we saw this in the Civil Rights Movement in the United States and many other places where the religious leaderships take on a political role and remember you know Jesus Muhammad and moses were very political. Individuals they challenge the political oppression of their day they challenge the warfare they challenge the injustices so historically you cant separate religion from politics and the values of the 2 are what we need to to to look at and and therefore whats going on in jerusalem has to be seen as a political struggle a National Struggle more than 2500000. 00 muslims have performed the annual Hajj Programme it in mecca its one of the Worlds Largest religious gatherings the stoning of the devil was the last major ritual animals will be sacrificed later its mark the beginning of it a lot. Muslims in indonesia marked the start of with morning prayers indonesia is the worlds most populous muslim nation thousands gathered in the capital jakarta on the 1st day of the holiday. Still ahead of al jazeera we look towards a stake in guatemalas upcoming president ial runoff. And a peaceful stroll the new hiking trail alongside the Demilitarized Zone between north and south korea. Hello again as could have you back were watching better conditions here across the eastern coast of china our Tropical Storm the kima is making its way towards the north so for shanghai you are going to sing some Better Weather as we begin the week here so expect see 33 degrees winds light or clear skies across much of the area and here across Central China we are picking up a lot of sun those temperatures are reaching into the mid to the high thirtys for many locations but we are going to be seeing some rain here across parts of hong kong over towards taiwan as well as into the philippines as we go towards tuesday were also watching whats happening very closely here across parts of india now over the last few days the rain has been quite heavy over here across parts of my russia state and the rain has caused some deadly flooding in this area take a look at the video that has command across the region over the last few days this is the monsoonal rain for this time of year but in this particular area we have talked about the rain being excessively heavy just in the last 72 hours thousands of evacuations going on across much of the area and the death toll continues to rise across this area over the next few days rain is going to be a big problem here across the western states as well as over here towards the east but by the time we get towards tuesday the rain really begins to expand across much of the central area neg her a rainy day for you at 26 degrees and tonight 36 degrees in your forecast. China has one of the worlds highest it based around many a take up the fox against bath for military style white lets go to radical surgery one o one a steam vest against the chinese battle to get you to shop on aljazeera. Aljazeera where every. Welcome back youre watching aljazeera time to recap our headlines yemens government is condemning the u. A. E. And saudi arabia after southern separatists took over large parts of aden the interior minister says the u. A. E. Supplied the separatists with hundreds of dollars for the major push on saturday. Police in hong kong and fired tear gas inside a train station as crowds continue their protests across the city several people have been arrested. This karma some mosque compound in occupied East Jerusalem for now mourning have witnessed unrest when Israeli Police moved in palestinians gathered at the site for the 1st day of the muslim festival of the hour. Now security remains tight in indian administrate kashmir although some restrictions have been eased to allow people to celebrate the Paramilitary Forces continue to patrol the streets of srinagar they were deployed before the Indian Government revoked the autonomy of the disputed region on monday franco got reports from new delhi. Those has been walking for 3 hours from one pharmacy to the next he needs injections for a 70 year old mother she has cancer and she learned burgers the injections are not available in the market so the situation here is bad and nothing is available here. Pharmacies in srinagar are running out of medicine dog so we dont have 50 percent of our stock if the curfew continues will run out of our medicines and 13 or 15 days. Families like these are stuck at home because of security restrictions imposed by the Indian Government after the regions autonomy last week 4 lines are down and internet is not working nobody knows what happened nobody tells us. Everything is done. This is not a lie this is not the modern world this is all gone i mean we are living in. This editor of an english daily says she hasnt been able to reach a journalist in the Kashmir Valley since monday shes filed a petition in indias top court to ask the government to live for strictures on the media we dont know all the drouet we are seeing a lot of different and very strikingly different words coming out which one is the be authentic. Its very difficult to say with certainty the government says the restrictions are temporary and are aimed at ensuring law and order in the region but the Editors Guild of india say its concerned that theyre making it difficult to report accurately from the region and people here say that that vacuum is being filled by mr porter and what they call fake news on the internet Fact Checkers of the quaint and indeed online news websites say they have found 13 instances of fake news flooding the internet in recent days says there is no communication we dont know whats happening so i think when you talk about propaganda other thing isnt easy but anybody actually on board decides to just read or whatever they want to read think news be the kind of me was that they want people to believe it. Back in srinagar through those finally manages to get one injection for his ailing mother but not all he will now have to look elsewhere for another day. As people in india still live under these unprecedented restrictions at least at certain times. I just hear you telling the u. N. Secretary general antonio good terrace is condemning a car bomb attack that killed 3 United Nations employees in libya the explosion occurred in the eastern city of benghazi it happened moments before u. N. Convoy passed through the area the u. N. Security council met to discuss the attack and the latest developments in libya well since that attack theres been more violence rocket fire has injured 3 people near tripolis main airport thats despite the declaration of a truce during the holiday the warlord had said his forces will commit to a ceasefire for the next 4 days he launched an offensive in april against the internationally recognized government mahmud on the one hand as more from the capital tripoli. It seems that the ceasefire agreement proposed by the United Nations support the mission in libya and accepted by both warring factions in southern tripoli is not very firm as random rockets landed on sunday in densely Populated Areas and injuring a number of innocent civilians also airport the only operational airport in tripoli authorities there say that random rockets landed and it damaged part of the runway and they had to temporarily suspend until further notice we know that its been quiet on sunday on the front lines except one axes as military sources with the government of national called say that they they received the rockets fired at the behalf those forces in where there will be an area in southern tripoli meanwhile the say that have those forces are mobilizing more troops ammunition and military vehicles coming from military bases in area and sent to libya towards have those forces locations in southern tripoli it seems that this temporary ceasefire agreement is not very firm as it could be breached by. Either one of their own all of the warning the factions at any time. A former Sri Lankan Defense secretary accused of war crimes is hoping to become the countrys next president a political gathering was held in colombo. His candidacy was announced by his brother and former sri lankan president Mahinda Rajapaksa both figures have been accused of overseeing atrocities during sri lankas decade long civil war. As more from colombo. Ending months of speculation the former defense secretary has been nominated as a president ial candidate of the newly formed alliance the sri lanka brother john of param and is basically told the gathering here today that he has proved by actions rather than words that he is capable of taking on the challenge. Here. Today what is needed for this country is leadership with a vision for the future someone who has a plan for development someone who can implement those changes have a principled and corrupt political leadership. Those who believe in rajapaksa celebrate as he has the official sort of nomination for the party but there are those who have misgivings misgivings that the man who led the sri lankan war machine with all the allegations against him. Indeed become this countrys leader a decision at the polls in a few months time. For voters in argentina taking part in president ial primaries that are expected to give an early indication of whats to come in october the general election with 2 major parties have already chosen their candidates incumbent president crees up against opposition leader. Voting has started in guatemala where people are choosing a new president in a Runoff Election opinion poll suggests the former 1st Lady Sandra Torres is ahead of the center right candidate. John allman has more. Money. Who was in the air at the last quarter mile than the elections a groundbreaking United Nations backed commission was going off the corrupt politicians the president himself had fooled and i. I in the streets thousands marched for change and for a moment it looked like they get it. Fast forward 4 years hopes you but die young to Corruption Commission has been slowly dismantled and though both candidates are talking the talk. But im going to buy the troops what about the deal im combating the disgusting corruption will be a priority need the plans to renew the anti Corruption Commissions mandate sunda the tortoise and i love 100. Have other priorities. She says shell bring back the social aid that made a popular is 1st lady and send the army on to the streets to combat gangs hes a conservative whos promised Training Credit for farmers and 9 faced on crime a move to or isnt but theyre far from popular and both have checkered pasts toward his was accused of illicit funding for the last president ial campaign gemma was acquitted of it should judicial killings while head of the prison system whoever wins will take an extra baggage left by outgoing president Jimmy Morales he signed a deal with the u. S. That migrants crossing the country mainly from honduras and el salvador would have to request asylum in guatemala rather than continuing to the u. S. If the deal is ratified it could mean tens of thousands of new arrivals in a country where already more than half the population lives in poverty. But which has less on it for many reasons like high malnutrition rights inequality and corruption allegations in the Health System what a mullins themselves lave the country but shows it cant guarantee those rights to the hundreds of thousands who would ride the the candidates keen on the deal with the u. S. But neither has rejected it outright part of governing guatemala for whoever wins will mean getting along with the power to the north john homan how does either. South korea has opened the last of 3 hiking trials along its side of the Demilitarized Zone the government hopes the initiative will promote cooperation with the north. Embodied for what they were going into the 3rd and last hiking trail along the Demilitarized Zone that separates north and south korea is now open to the public. Once marked by fences and landmines along this highly militarize border Public Access was restricted for decades until now its just a. Little a site that has been forbidden to the public is now open for the 1st time i believe this symbol of division will become one of peace thanks the program is part of an agreement signed in september by the 2 korean leaders that seeks to ease the decades long military standoff with the north with. Leaders hold summits continuously and now more than ever people aspire to peace hyper unification can be peacefully achieved unlike other tourists to give the general public and president access to a demolished guard post in the Demilitarized Zone or d. M. Z. It was set up after a split between the north and south but tensions have remained high since the truce end of the korean war in the 1950 s. But despite efforts to build trust the provocations continue north korea recently launched a string of new short range missiles and rockets an apparent warning against what it calls hostile joint military drills by south korea and the United States because of your north korea is one of the most isolated countries in the world for many visitors its a rare opportunity to get a glimpse into the secretive communist state for the 1st leg of the d. M. Z. Peace trail was opened in april the 2nd in june while this Program Hopes to bring peace theres still a long way to go towards normalizing ties between cell. And north korea can see a little piece of the young aljazeera. Lets take you through some of the headlines here in aljazeera now yemens government is condemning the u. A. E. And saudi arabia after sudden separatists took over large parts of aden the interior minister says the u. A. E. Supplied the separatists with hundreds of armed vehicles for the major push on saturday saudi arabia and the u. A. E. Our Coalition Partners in the supporting Government Forces in the fight against who 3 rebels. Hundreds of vehicles laying didnt identify fully loaded with weapons and ammunition this is to combat mercenaries hired guns who are being manipulated we are just fighting with their hands with whatever however we criticized the silence from our brothers saudi arabia we condemn the silence for 4 days while our partner in the coalition is slaughtering us we will make to serve on the ground. Police in hong kong have spent sunday trying to drive protesters off the streets they fired tear gas at rallies which has not been authorized the city is now in its 10th week of unrest. There is karma at the alliance a mosque compound in occupied East Jerusalem for now thats after Israeli Police moved in and injured dozens of people palestinians gathered at the site for the 1st day of the most in 1st of all of. You angry over right jewish groups demanding access. Security remains tight in indian administered kashmir although some restrictions of been eased to allow people to celebrated a lot of the Paramilitary Forces continue to patrol the streets of the gar they were deployed before the Indian Government revoked the autonomy of the sputum region on monday a former Sri Lankan Defense secretary accused of war crimes is hoping to become the countrys next president both a bio roger pags his candidacy was announced by his brother and former sri lankan president Mahinda Rajapaksa. Headlines its 101 east now stay with us. China has a big problem. One in 5 of its children is over what is a day for a city be on my military career we are actually here you should have used this. As the base the crisis grows summer resorts to drastic solutions from military style boot camp in a mock up. To radical surgery. On the eve of the general jenna surely you can dance neshamah janet shes a slut and i think. 101 a student best to gates as china battles the ball. At a traditional restaurant in the south east and see if she needs a. 15 year old to sure is having a last supper of sorts has been over white since he was 6 and in the morning his father will drop him off to a special fitness camp for being seen to be a bit easier is his aquilani another goes out when at least its not so one as a medium is how. You learn when youre lying there while you and know when youre by yourself where theres going. To sure why has a fierce appetite his father knows that the camp will be a child thats when i got out and she had a good. This is where she will eventually. Pass a law that. Limits their hatchets card yet those you know you guys need to be looking at you because you. Just. This will be his last moments of indulgence sometimes. The next morning. And he spun up to the cap the teenager knows exactly what lies ahead this is the 2nd time he has sacrificed his School Holidays trying to slim down the older children yes yes so youre here to the so should you start your jealous side which it should borrow the whole dollar when your church. Warden and older children are. The new religion can only made you. Very little about law says a b u i j. What. Was your heart you hope. You had towards it on the show as a little show how did you know what it was you know what it was in. His father has paid more than 5000. 00 to help his son lose weiss. Figure that. They are you and i with your life. Just like you are but id have thought yeah theres a lot there with you on the field with. You know i dont know. That i dont want to. Do is immediately taken for a health check. Before finishing his goals the trainers must 1st determine his body fat percentage using this state of the sky im sure you want to share that with the exceptions that somebody will replace me and get those who dont doesnt that english is soups it should go into our kids all of us in the sense of that i thought you were some good looking into it since the lights up how to choose what you guess its the city im going to enjoy your joints lights out what he wants hold up or shoot your music are secure in that hes all right you know these are some good chances are you impulses will slowly be able to show you just that if you wait youre well you dont we arent dont need you weve got to pay for once it up gentry you know that sense of art ok so you know i dont know we just see the smiles maslow is like hes a pawn trying to get cock all of the neck up start the trainers here a former soldier. John. Boswell. John paul on the ginger heard. Joppa all. Oh no oh. No these kids ranging from 12 to 16. Strike away. After 2 kilometer march they told the rules ill have to follow you for the next 2 months for women if you. Want. To juggle with your boys or the law she was your. Job. Bought over one. Point 30 at school bob jones about all. Too true. On all. The traditions of. Show that just dont remember. Trying to say that these kids havent been told selfcontrol. The more you can. Put it will find at the end of it to rely on a real drive up to them to what i. Imagine you. Should free time. During ashura free chalk to stand up before sure. Enough you know you will feel you know i thought were from a different good lover i knew we are going to tell me. Things just on. The 1st day and already one of the students has taken a someone he was cool off for sure in the instruction. Series and says yes. So there you see how theyre only going to be bothered. By a hold on hold at that. Moment its going to transfer. You know what i was just shocked. That you may want to go and. Jump in as in the short cut to cheat. Me and tell you what. You do go fishing thank. You i will tell you. You know im. The 26 this is just the beginning. The next day the students find out the date the schedule they will have to follow a. White cop at 6 in the morning make the bed like in the yard. 3 hours of school before lunch. Another 3 hours in the office. To finish more discipline to. Recruit constantly doing something and have no pride. In any mistakes in life. Physically soft. Nudity she saw such as oh how will. You. Forget about the tax cuts and. Thats. Fine lets all go ahead and. Have had. Us no. After a week. Im perusing what. We find in his room. He and the other students have to write about not only this success but their failures as well. Yes you cheers or cancun cancun. Or that mantel he told me unless he shot our drill julie. He you bonded to all child all working hard on the elite. The trainers will read out the notes the next day as motivation. And do sure why needs that hes already struggling with the intense schedule. Here while we are. Really yours a very accommodating jail where you go where you do whatever. I do or walk from im sorry shoulder to when they get the most anticipated moment of the day finally comes that i think yeah the teens are allowed a short moment on their mobile phone. They get one hour a day but only under strict conditions you. Walk to the other house. Call. Them on the cell phone they are all yes this. Was a 12 year old. Is one of the youngest in the group like most of the participants hes an only child and whites die for the month when he can call his mouth shut. Passengers will grow naturally and. She get. Him on the little. My mat my mom. Your unique god bullshit. And i dont know how cool that you are ya queer oh youre not. You back to some are not. The mob youre not. A mark while. She was in that pen and. My national should teach the one that you. Are awesome we. Could show you for misha here we are all less than we are. So national cannot form a. Warm wash or have a. Sleigh now i want to see a usual while i hear ya. Ha and thats all i want. Here i want. To change our. Lives. Be missing his family. Before he can see them again his only option now is 0 to follow the orders of the kerchief and lose weight as quickly as possible. He has a. Chinese diets of change dramatically in the last few decades. Thanks to the influx of western culture and cuisine. Fast food restaurants have moved in everywhere. And supermarkets are filled with products high in saturated fats and sugars. And no longer a rarity mason is now a regular stable

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