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Schmear hindu fled with his family from indeed administered kashmir in 1990 because of religious violence hes pleased with the Indian Governments decision to revoke the regions autonomy under article 370 but has its concerns if we are supposed to go back. Why should we live. What shall we. And our shall who will be served. Who will look after us and who is going to be. Part of. Indias home minister led tuesdays charge for change in the lower house of parliament where the bill passed easily thanks to the governments majority and support from the opposition members but many members of Parliament Say support for india in the Kashmir Valley has dried up following the governments revoking of the regions autonomy and splitting it into 2 federal territories even those who politically supported the Indian Government in the region are now lashing out this is not india that i believe ran with those. Ideas of democratic india. Figure out in the open road because i dont really just feel your region. The students studying your new delhi are worried theyve been scrambling to find a way to contact their families and friends in india did mr kashmir without much success i mean guns on that my parents theyve been ok like they havent i dont know if theyve been alive. Or not knowing what they are going through and when you have an i pod to flip on dating the boss so i know one of the problems but this is the highest this is the was kind of situation that is happening because we know. As many worry about their families in kashmir being cut off others are dreaming of a new beginning their fez jamil aljazeera new delhi. In other news the u. S. Has new sanctions against venezuela will cut off financing for president Nicolas Maduro america has frozen all venezuelan government assets blocking us companies and individuals from doing business with models administration. U. S. President donald trump has shrugged off fears of a protective trade war with china washington accuse china of being it currency manipulator after the un fell to its lowest value in more than a decade. A police chief has apologized to the u. S. State of texas after 2 white officers on horseback led a black handcuffed man down a road by a rope galvestons police chief says his officers showed poor judgment. Health ministers in rwanda and democratic republic of congo have reached an agreement on how to fight a bowler outbreak after meeting in new york tuesday the ministers agreed to tighten Health Screening at the border and improve the sharing of information 1700 people have died from a bowler in the d r c in the past year. Police in hong kong have again a clash with problem ocracy protesters but hes charged 2 words demonstrators who surrounded a Police Station and charm showing a poor district china has more to protest its not a mistake its a restraint for weakness. And finally the world is paying tribute to american author Toni Morrison who died on monday aged 88. 00 marson was the 1st black woman to receive the nobel prize for literature a novel beloved won the Pulitzer Prize for fiction and 1988 well those are the headlines on aljazeera do stay with us yemen war profiteers is up next. Its a school trip. 60 children are traveling going across one of them. The rest would be filmed by security cameras suddenly the bus is hit by a bomb. The strong blast rips through shops nearby. Neighboring. We havent nothing. Been up here. For benton at alabama. But at a. Time that you believe he about half an hour usually in our human hand say head of. Ali was 11 years old he was buried alongside the other children the airstrike killed 51 people and left 79 wounded. The school bus was hit by saudi u. A. E. Coalition jets they called it a mistake and claimed their target was the who the rebels the armed group that overthrew a democratically elected Yemeni Government the group has controlled northwest yemen and the capital city of sanaa says 2014 is saudi and juhi Led Coalition is trying to crush the who these and keep their next door neighbor in check it has pounded yemen relentlessly more than 19000 airstrikes since the coalition entered the war in 20151 3rd of these attacks have struck non military targets. It is believed that the fighting from both sides has caused an estimated 50000. 00 civilian deaths. Saudi arabia buys its weapons from the United States and the u. K. As well as a number of european arms manufacturers led by french and german companies. Officially the use of these european weapons is compliance with International Law but the truth is far more complex this is a u. K. Many factures weapon produced in a 2015. Minutes all school ended and shipped girl one go together muffled but the look polite this is all i. Asked for answers europes leaders are keeping their lips sealed. Because if he doesnt do it we dont need it is it a momentous year. For the solstice focus on the abuse. Evidence has been gathered accusation. Has to be mechanical to bomb them off go back go join a computer think that lets show that it the u. K. And france themselves those states are risking complicity in future unlawful coalition attacks. The saudi and u. A. E. That coalition has been accused of violating International Humanitarian law and the rules of war supplying the weapons used in these alleged war crimes would make the u. K. France and germany complicit. A majority of the victims of this war are civilians every day families fleeing the fighting poor into the regions biggest hospital in also the ca. Most of the hospitals in rebel held areas have been destroyed so wounded civilians like these 3 women and their babies flock here theyre from her data a city near the frontline. That. The citys nazi. Party 6000 so most of them. Is a 6 month old babies mother she and her husband have been shuttled from camp to camp to escape the bombing with no need to feed their 6 children and for the past 3 years. They cannot even to see it any money time and again and not let them find it like this if this is the mindset that i think. We learned that. Really and they thought that i was in addition fact right. Now the hood. For a long time and then after the have that a one number that sell them. And have the one i had them with and then had the land back and if we had 7 that had they known that i was one of the 7 and 8 that i guess. One of hannahs children already died from malnutrition and since the war started. To stop the flow through weapons supply the coalition has placed a naval blockade on yemen simultaneously preventing the delivery of food and humanitarian aid to the rebel held areas where these families live. A little off ah those. Kind. Set up differently. Even newborns are suffering and before the war this new need 2 units usually cared for around 10 babies now there arent enough into beaters to house the ailing infants the way. I may lack it over Something Like all good ima say heaven may lend a month that im going to have to fight had. This mother brought in her baby last night her 5 month old girl is fighting for life and say that. All the. While glares answered our questions. Get a bit of a 100. 1000000 baby stuff. In the you know you. Could call it. The to the let it you the it says santa did good as a las. Oh man the it. Will be it. Ends it can sit in my dining alone may or halibut but now that. I scented through on fever my very lowest. Since the war in yemen started 85000 children have reportedly starved to death. According to the u. N. Its the worst humanitarian crisis in the world. In 2018 the u. N. Appointed a panel of experts to examine the Coalition Blockade on yemen and the impact of the thousands of airstrikes launched against civilians there. It concluded that these practices could qualify as war crimes its pointed not only at saudi arabia and the u. A. E. But also at the party supplying the coalition with weapons based on a multilateral treaty regulating arms sales that has been enforced as 2014 the arms trade treaty or the a. T. T. Stipulates that a state party shall not authorize any transfer of conventional arms if it has knowledge at the time of authorization that the arms or items would be used in the commission of attacks directed against civilians objects or other war crimes. But whose weapons are used in these alleged crimes the filthies are keen to put forward their evidence. After air strikes the rebels scour the rubble for bomb remains to identify where they came from. The start of the remains at sites like this. This bomb cemetery in sanaa holds both american and european bombs. The manager of the store house says these bombs are u. K. Maids. As. Yeah i found out a vile shotgun and i said youre not ok are a few of the a lot of that shit. So what. If. You look at have to know how that bit funny so number. One will. Say your mouth you want me to get out. Of a star. Well good. For our british. Intermission just to give mel how did. I want to miss back. A little while how the love happened in the house and i dont have. The house up more given that about the other. But i dont know if you go lucky. One cluster bombs like this hit the ground they become land mines which have been outlawed since 2010 by the also convention. And the only sort of but these remains were shown to us by who thiis one of the parties in this conflict we have no way to corroborate where they came from there are very few independent sources in yemen Human Rights Watch is one of the few independent n. G. O. S investigating on the ground. That. If youre in a place where they wont let you take photos but you want to get the g. P. S. And your phone that has to can take g. P. S. For. Nancy sometimes if you just take a photo of the floor then you can get the g. P. S. Coordinates at the secret site 25 members of the engine or martin i have come together for the 1st time Human Rights Watch experts are training them on how to gather evidence most prefer to remain anonymous for their own safety and that of their families where trying to do Something Like a human rights no money for the violations that happening in the ground to keep it for the future for in the accountability of legal steps. We are all. Saved by accident. Many of our foes are such as has been detained more than once and want to know is receiving a lot of firsts and we are facing a lot of hate campaigns from all parties to the conflict what is the 1st way a you would try and find information about what happened with fear strike. Well. Ok. You know. What do you mean when you say oh. Oh oh oh oh oh. Oh ok great so my nose i must point is a really good reminder the accuracy of the information collected on the ground is vital it will be used by International Organizations in their reports or videos of the strike site they also talked about renditions and physical remains of the types of weapons that were used right so physical evidence can be very very important. Human rights watch has only been able to look into 88 attacks that would be deemed illegal under International Law in 24 of those attacks it managed to pinpoint where the munitions came from. This is a u. K. Manufactured weapon guided bomb produced in may 2015 and the reason the dates are important is because its months after the saudi a coalition against military campaign as well as human rights organizations in the u. S. And others are raising concerns about the way in which the coalition was operating in yemen so by continuing to sell weapons to saudi arabia or other members of the coalition that are likely to be used in unlawful coalition attacks in yemen the u. K. And france themselves those states are risking complicity in future unlawful coalition attacks. Aware of this risk of complicity the european parliaments began calling for a suspension of arms sales to saudi arabia 2 years ago. 5 e. U. Member states have stopped sending more weapons to saudi arabia but does exclude the kingdoms biggest suppliers led by the United Kingdom. Since the outbreak of the war in yemen uki arms manufacturers have sold more than 5000000000 euros worth of weapons to saudi arabia this support has sparked an armed president and wave of protest from both the British Public and parliament. British arm sales of sharply increased and British Military advisers are directing the war it cannot rewrite that her government this is a pretty good age cannot be right that her government is truly looting in want the United Nations ses is evidence of war crimes. 3 months after that speech troubling revelations heighten the criticism over arms sales in the United Kingdom arms export permits are in theory granted on a case by case basis specific licenses must be approved by the government. And n. G. O. S the campaign against arms trade investigated the permits granted to export to saudi arabia. Is good information flowing i think a lot of people didnt know but it was well that was really help him. They discovered that the British Government had loosened the licensing process to speed up arms exports we find out free freedom of information requests that bombs and missiles are going to be forces under open license open licenses are meant to be for goods which are not but which are not particularly sensitive then 5 these are some of the most sensitive exports that can be made were talking about bombs were talking but missiles in fact government has hidden for true value of u. K. Arms exports to saudi arabia. Even a member of the u. K. Parliaments committees on arms export controls said that he is powerless. As n. P. R. Member of the committee is going to know how much i mean they should have been sent open licenses to saudi arabia you know we have no idea because the government just does not record they are open tickets to send as much of that particular item to that particular countries saudi arabia in this case as that country wants and the Company Wants and thats a real problem because it could be hundreds of millions of rounds to saudi arabia the saudi case is an interesting difficult one because the amount of money involved so youre always going to come up to the front page of ethics is economics. France faces the same dilemma during the Saudi Crown Prince mohammed bin said mans last visit to paris president Emmanuel Mccall was asked about the issue. In a position of. Business with china security did lobby so did. Go on the existence of many and again the purpose of. The french president is pursuing the same policy embraced by his predecessors on both ends of the political spectrum. Between 20122017 the volume of weapons supplied to saudi arabia has tripled from 400000000 to 1300000000 euros. In 2015 when the war intensified in yemen it didnt slow arms exports quite the contrary. Its going to ship us dollars short messages if you go back on the french government has continued to approve arms exports to a country accused of possible war crimes by the un. This sparked uproar in the French Parliament in the only other muffled about. This is all Michael Janda really obvious to me rule in the old enough force you just got going to devolve. You know all of our bodies out on a couple of only by get the last leg claire to divulge it down me down to eat sauce otoh he says youll express it said otoh these are still x. Class and if we then examine x. Time im not he who would give us a resume in his name if you have only to piss is a moment of silliness i dont know me notional but. X. According to flaunt sparkly question during a closed door meeting of the Defense Committee officially saudi arabia may use french made arms only to defend itself. Can our weapons had an impact on the population. To my knowledge the ground equipment sold to saudi arabia is not being used offensively defensively. Was. Trying to get us into a funny girl and if you show the sas valley city got a shock you dont like l. A. Galaxy illustrate the end of the thread. But how does france monitor the use of arms that it sells. Like you with the french government fail to respond to repeated questions on the matter. Its sole official response to the issue of arms exports. I report to parliament issued every year. Left on my t. L. Do you listen down. To see that. Seal so you get to the weekend it will be down if he doesnt do something useful to say but dont be a catalyst you need to pull your bicycle support i mean. Because i dont necessarily journal the issue i wanted to know how much of that she recovered by the weapon i just as well should pollute to do so while she lives a cauldron so its clear that all of us been wanted for number sure but the city as it will point to it will see if i dont come. Then they will question you asked me whatever you know the longest walk. Every other year french arms manufacturers gather outside paris in veal ponds to show off their newest and best armaments. Along with us u. K. And german manufacturers they supply the saudi arabia Led Coalition in yemen with the bulk of their equipment. Eradicating leprosy in cambodia relies on education and treatment in equal measure on them following him bloody early you know disability yes jail we will be wait until 3 year old 4 year more he will have this ability. To get and then no wait the next generation of antibiotics may just be waiting at the bottom of the ocean maybe this could it how did this hope so. Revisited on aljazeera the latest news as it breaks. Down. With detailed coverage no one is willing to return home to me on my own without sort of the ship papers and security guarantees from around the world the talent is facing the new Prime Minister. Negotiate a new bricks that deal in 90 days a deal the e. U. Says cannot be renegotiated. Donald presence on Donald Trump Jr was promised a damaging information about the Hillary Clinton rally occasionally to see an investigation sit down the troops did the Trump Campaign with russia did you at any time of the urge the former f. B. I. Director james comey in any way shape or form the closer the bag down the investigation into Michael Flynn and also as you will know. Next question nakul field washington on al jazeera. Also one of our biggest strengths is that we talk to normal everyday people we get them to tell their stories and doing that really reveals the truth people are still gathered outside these gates waiting for any information most of them dont know whether their loved ones are alive or dead or miami really is a place worth 2 worlds meet we can get to washington d. C. In 2 hours we can get so on jurists in the rest of Central America about the same time but more importantly is where those 2 cultures north and south america beats us to teach you great its a very important place for aljazeera to be. Had ominous of a problem in the headlines on aljazeera pakistan says it would use maximum pressure on india after new delhis decision to strip and did administered kashmir of its autonomy promised and noncom has warned the situation could lead to a regional war was such that i united india went against the 17 resolutions of the United Nations Security Council they went against the United Nations General Assembly resolution and they went against the agreement they have taken a decision in which they want to change the demographics of kashmir. The u. S. Says new sanctions against venezuela want to cut off financing for president of the Middle America has friends and all venezuelan government assets blocking u. S. Companies and individuals from doing business with other one of the ministration President Trump has taken a very strong move here imposing these sweeping sanctions putting a full block a full freeze on all assets of all parts of the government of venezuela in the u. S. And also imposing sanctions or setting up the. Situation to impose sanctions on any person or business that goes significant business with the government of venezuela so this goes well beyond anything weve done before and it really is a very strong move by the president u. S. President to doff fears of a partridge to trade will china washington accuse china of being a currency manipulator off to the u. N. Fell to its lowest value and more than a decade. A police chief has apologized to the u. S. State of texas after to watch officers on horseback led a black handcuffed man down the street by a rope galvestons police chief says his offices showed poor judgment Health Ministers in rwanda and democratic republic of congo have reached an agreement on how to. Break off a meeting in. The ministers agree to. Border and improve the sharing of information 700 people have died from a bowler in the d. R. In the past year. And the world is paying tribute to american author Toni Morrison who died on monday aged 88. 00 morrison was the 1st black woman to receive the nobel prize for literature well those are the headlines on aljazeera yemen war profiteers continues. In a. Every other year french arms manufacturers gather outside paris in field pods to show off their newest and best armaments. Along with u. S. U. K. And german manufacturers they supply the Saudi Arabian that coalition in yemen with the bulk of their equipment. Both the Coalition Led by saudi arabia and the u. A. E. And the hope the rebels have been accused of war crimes raising the possibility that their suppliers are also complicit. At the last arms trade show the cesar how would serve was on display used by the Saudi National guard it has a 40 kilometer firing range and a one meter strike accuracy this powerful weapon has been a big seller for the next her group. None of the groups are presented to its would answer the phone makers questions. But an extra worker spoke out. The supplier bush only told you realize you want to know to not mix their nobleman if you dont was only sort of human because they all speak to the others or eric bruni is a Union Delegates at next are driven by his convictions and protected by his union mandates he travels around france telling arms industry workers how french made arms are being used in yemen where you see no notice i does wish to define isnt true is that all you know is that that idea that there was enough of oculus that you referred to your comment is that there are more shows either. But what or as the us was real good in the us if one of us like a no human. Has been protesting. The orders continue with more expected soon. In late august 2018 another next to employees is that a new contract has just been negotiated with saudi arabia. To protect our stores this dialogue has been reenacted. This contract was signed while the un was raising the possibility that the coalition committed war crimes trials none of the details of these contracts have been made public its not the 1st controversial defense contract between france and saudi arabia iraq. Yet. In 2014 france signed a contract to sell 2400000000 euros worth of military equipment to saudi arabia officially the saudis were supposed to give them to their ally lebanon to help the fight socalled terrorists. But 2 years later the saudis decided to keep the weapons for themselves with frances approval they claim the situation in lebanon had become too unstable. But this decision appears to have been premeditated. In. Purportedly instead of helping lebanon saudi arabia was preparing its war in yemen with help from friends the filmmaker spoke with one of 24000 sources. Their informant still works in the arms industry and prefers to remain anonymous in 2015 he or she helped prepare the Communication Systems for the vehicle sold to saudi arabia. Source that the french arms maker knew the weapons would be used in yemen. I mean sure that hes been so bigoted left stones songs so plentiful theyll drink did appear. In year 2 do people see pursuit harder than us but the each been before us so. Our previous jr said year. Old was Prime Minister when the donuts contract was negotiated. He was then appointed Foreign Affairs minister and held the position when the military weapons shipments to saudi arabia began. His arm of the orchestra was of your view if you. Need to point to the superficial thesis it was about go to that egalitarian brokers and a basic you conclude as a government you want to preserve the book because if you dont so you can still kissable really isnt crazy when he said the connection is understood element of only Nuclear Development of the body might i am the only question you havent examined the question to rebut it because it was simply. A thief in a loony will say. You said it its impossible because it where pretty. It was very difficult to. Miss is the deficit every single comment from want to know what i was going to come out in a lab so its basic but see what i talk about service on property a check for than exam oak up of growth of course good as you like to do only lounge also all about the all that delivers good as usual now you know people most of the Street Movement donuts so were off at the false each as more could be. On jail or audrey or human cant win but you know for us from south of you the net. The dulness contract provided for the delivery of munitions 1st is there how would series 24000. 00 spotted them in footage filmed by a saudi t. V. Crew at the border with yemen. Over me. And i see dont walk. Is a known cure all of entente cheery scituate a financial sojourner from spelling do you sit down in a different city. Home to let you know were going to go more of a d. V. D. A. But i wonder what your perverted concern about only. The chances are. Thanks to his inside sources and social Network Sites that focus on armaments he identified french weapons and used on the frontline. All out. Nuclear war next youre going to pour. The data in then it was a belgian republic it was it was on the pulse on the humanitarian. Force encountered a total of 11 weapons that could have been used against civilian populations but couldnt get anyone to officially confirm his list. It is classified information deemed top secret. No one can check on the executive branchs arms deals not even members of parliament who are supposed to monitor the governments actions. So the un. Im a nice saw was it your best took it to your sort of human. You know what a guess is that it is for the event go into business of a turn against legal questions what destroys. All up with a case shown that if you can change it i posted to a school that was a day on which is it to defile c. But he said he. Says he saw it all to fiction which will value. Me presentational places he didnt remember and i didnt want him to defame a fish the best youre really really sure is going to use a Little Research by the me shortly only to publish in my own for sure but you know so theres an admission he says our song and thats how it was or did what he had to wait on i spent time with that quite a few ways as his role of almost nobody montell novel but that was. To increase transparency in july 2018 a deputy proposed creating a committee to investigate the use of french weapons in the war in yemen fabian good to fast oppose the move the committee of inquiry never got off the ground. One arguments used to justify the contracts these arms sales helped france maintain its strong geopolitical foothold in the region. The 2nd argument is a canard make the arms industry employs 165000 people in france. This center in france is looking region has been set up to train saudi soldiers on how to use our lands purchased from france it was subsidized by the local government and is expected to employ 100 local workers just last longer you senator for the muse support the project while serving as French Defense minister in 20112012. He increased french trade with saudi arabia substantially you have known who couldnt do an on camera interview but had this to say be a telephone. Official. As an issue thats. The reason. All except a little just as big as. I think luke is if i said im to get on good law he said its a good question i go yes i mean to but it is. All. Nothing seems to have slowed down the sales not the accusations of war crimes nor the thousands of civilian deaths not even the murder of a saudi dissident in october 2018. Isnt that his judgement crashing into a train bus taxi thats really an issue that i decided to taste accurate history because i had to demarcate loudly so did. German i should be again it is true it is something she does i still mood. In france skillings per the official protests but it is a fact trade with the saudis. In germany the reaction was harsher. Thats. Been done to name them all nixon. The chance there is decision to the promise she made 7 months earlier but never put into practice. Merkel was putting together her government at the time ishmael long doesnt mind the coffee in void it just sit. At the prompting of social democrats. To stop exporting weapons to countries involved in the fighting in yemen. But has to. Act. As if i scolded one of these in the sphere im exposed because its all. In a few forbidden to the show. By a district suleman so were still mostly for woman from. Good reason but for me she is all i know. I know political. And by before he spoke design. When you saw him get america pleading for our number argo because of the case how do you feel. The good. Is fed in the as the same amounts. So i will club and also i get so called. A line before he a woman the woman stops and. In the house was dissolved disappointed ticked so decide for do you think your novel for the internets another put it took but boy. The goodness comes love im so lucky. In germany 136000 people work for the arms industry and number of this decision was numbed the knesset applauded by the german public. And open. With a member of the committee on Foreign Affairs and the Disarmament Commission for 8 years im going to back and id like i need to give a kind of offer made us all here i mean if im not. Going hard to bidding on creatures in the home of a shift does i live to be even has been begun to. Invite ive often explored a commitment to having another geelong amended god its above all saudi to have been vetted by that point from the openness with. Some weapons makers didnt even wait a few months. Time mentality germany 2nd biggest defense contractor apparently devised a strategy for getting around the back. Behind me time executive refused to answer requests coming. The information came out by accident discovered by a former italian and. Were. Were no tuber 29th 2015. P. T. And a colleague were getting ready to take off from count. Airports. Say a medicine might be no. Better over. The. Beetle the bomb that. Was the bomb but. Then more on the. Internet able to document. And. But. Even then it. Depends. On the. Stuff to be complete got to be stopped a quest. For of course i went that meant that. He then discovered that more bombs were about to be shipped out this time and both belonging to the body shipping company which belong to saudi arabia. Container is again the group is that will. Never go to a container. Entering shayna visually for. He filmed more than 20 of these convoys where. He also made a key discovery the bombs are manufactured by an Italian Company that belongs to germanys a fine mattel group. They are encased series bombs identifiable by the code stamped on them during manufacture 84447. With this code a link was made to a war crime committed against civilians in yemen. In october 26th the saudi and u. A. E. Led coalition bombed a house where a couple and their 4 children lived with the strike killed the entire family. The bomb remnants found in the ruins carried the high nitel subsidy stamp 38 for 47. They ski lift for the oil they provoke little sort of. Saying the. Saudi doctor with. Us equipment it. Aint that. The investigation prompted germanys Peace Networks to take action. It confirmed the findings of arms expert next hour. He spent the past 2 years investigating the arms exports which is fine mittal channel to saudi arabia through its alyan subsidiary. Nominees of defense im on this one if me on all of them are fundamental in forgotten and yeah but talk domes of nonsi maybe one or all. But i thought it. Was. On thats helped if this rig in fun that the union alls legal to get you see in the audio hobby and what a few years old you have in a fooling. With politicians feeling to stem the tide of arms flowing to saudi arabia some activists have turned their efforts to the courts. Among them a team in the group enid by andrew smith and experts with a campaign against arms trade. In march 2017. Filed a complaint contesting the legality of u. K. Arms sales to saudi arabia it worths 1st. The reason we took legal action is because we believe fees arms sales are not just immortal we believe it also illegal you cant export criteria is very clear it says but if there is a clear risk that weapons might be used to commit a serious violation of International Humanitarian law. An arms sale to not go ahead the case brought several classified emails to light like this one considered a defense secrets. In it the head of the export control joints units a Government Organization expresses doubts about the legality of the arms shipments concluding. To be honest and i was very direct and honest with the secretary of state my gut tells me we should suspend. The n. G. O. Lost the 1st round in the case but was allowed to file an appeal. On june 20th the u. K. Court of appeals ruled on the case declaring british arms deals to saudi arabia for use in its war in yemen unlawful. The u. K. Government has halted licenses for weapons exports to yemen while it appeals the ruling. This victory has provided fresh hope for human rights advocates in yemen as they push forward to relentlessly with their investigation. Despite the chaos they have not given up hope that one day the perpetrators of these crimes and their accomplices will be brought to trial. For the victims families the mourning will not end until justice has been served. Hello there fremont a rain across eastern sections of the United States the 1st well down into florida were seeing some fairly strong thunderstorms and that line of cloud that is really tending to cling to those coastal areas so again and thunderstorms but really on wednesday its all about the northeast still mr new york down into washington d. C. Time which is a cools warm this time of year 32 degrees and then were also going to see some showers and kansas city even down into dallas sort of a line of rain showers really pushing all the way from the upper midwest through the great lakes down into southern areas of texas and then by thursday we may even see some rain into denver which is probably quite welcome this time of year 31 celsius is the high and a very wet day in kansas city and we could have some thunderstorms there with your high of 30 degrees celsius but it continues to kid away from the funnel the so draw into washington d. C. Then we head across into the caribbean not a bad couple days ahead across much of cuba but we have got quite a bit of cloud through haiti Dominican Republic and wednesday not about day generally across southern mexico the yucatan peninsula the rain is further to the south and the east but it does tend to become much more widespread on thursday really all the way from panama as you can see right the way then up into southern portions of mexico so 22 in mexico city and 32 and a sunny skies in cozumel. Bigger and potentially more dangerous thats the best way to describe whats happening with the smoking alternative known as vapor i enjoy the taste of it and not get the harmful effects of what smoking does between 20132014 alone we start tripling in use among Us High School students and head to head parents you say versus conventional cigarette which one do you think is helped by opinion i think theyre both dangerous takes no on aljazeera. Culture of dance drives every day generations of tibet continue to be brights and be taken. Cultural heritage its a reminder of who they are and whether. This is a suburb of the capital new delhi to be refugees here since 964. 00. Have been defined as migrants are not refugees because india hasnt signed up to the 1951 Un Convention on refugees so tibetans here have been able to access the Indian Welfare system so they become selfsufficient starting a pair of businesses and looking for work independently but for some its not enough. This is al jazeera. Hello and welcome to the aljazeera news hour life from my headquarters in doha with me a lot of the problem coming up in the next 60 minutes. Fighting talk and pakistan against and his decision to revive the kashmir special status. That is way accuses the u. S. Of economic terrorism follow a new financial sanctions aimed at president nicolas mother littles government. America is open for business. As a trade war turns into a currency dispute donald trump says the us

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