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Republic of congo. And made to last a new trend in fashion thats trying to put the environment 1st. So Pakistans Army chief is pledging to do whatever is necessary to support people in the disputed region of kashmir his words come after indias government stripped indian administered kashmir of its autonomous status and prepares to split that area into arkansas has already called the move illegal tensions rise between the 2 Nuclear Powers the un secretary general has appealed to india and pakistan to exercise maximum restraint. Well i can tell you that we are following with concern the tense situation in the region were also aware of reports of restrictions on the indian side of kashmir and we urge all parties to exercise restraint i would add that over the past few days the Un Military Observer Group in india and pakistan are the ones known as on move has observed and reported an increase in military activity along the line of control. Is in was off in pakistan and minutes to kashmir come all this this really kicks things up doesnt it it was controversial enough what was happening on the indian side but now pakistan stepping up absolutely tensions ratcheting up and that particular meeting of the top military commander was guarded by the achieve on. Yesterday for today that situation arising from that move by the Indian Government about this dani military then issued a statement that that meeting and richard said that if the connie 1000000. 00 for the meeting and their struggle for freedom and said that they were prepared to go to any extent i thought and that was concerned and also endorsed and supported. Rejection and condemnation by the pakistani Prime Minister and the government did you read it and what is the pakistani Prime Minister going to do next among con. When emraan khan. Talking and joint session of parliament. Theres an emergency session of parliament regarded by the president of bloggers on earlier on monday for day their station instead of going on and off there that the pakistani Prime Minister had to make a name border. Guards ready to be docking on the floor of the parliamentary. Emraan com the countrys Prime Minister i had better say. I arrived in. India ok thank you. That is pakistan at minutes to kashmir and more now from fans jamil in new delhi for developments on the indian side the bill is still being discussed in indias lower house of parliament and is it expected to pass there fairly easily given the governments majority however the government was able to get it passed in the upper house on monday also fairly easily because despite the controversy a large part of the opposition as well as the public have been supporting this government move they say this idea that all the parts of the country will be equal no one has special status appeals meant to many opposition parties and the public at large now this was mainly accomplished through legal maneuvering and its likely this bill will be challenge almost as soon as its passed now inside india to minister to schmear it remains in law down phones are shut off the internet is shut off and many specially in the Kashmir Valley which is a muslim majority part say they feel betrayed by india even the ones who are supportive of the Indian Government the most glaring example is the former chief minister made shes gone on twitter saying this many times and also saying that if this bill passes it will quote turn india into an occupational force in Jammu And Kashmir and quote. To the news and the arguments between the worlds 2 largest economies are causing stock market volatility worldwide the main indices in tokyo Hong Kong Shanghai and sydney all suffered losses in early tuesday trading and in Europe Markets steadied after posting their biggest 2 day drop in over 3 years all the concern is because china is allowing its currency to slide and using the one as a weapon in the trade war with the United States heres how its all developed on monday and the 1st move of its kind in 25 years the risk treasury accused the chinese of being currency manipulators Chinas Communist Party newspaper responded accusing the americans of deliberately destroying international order. The value of the chinese one has fallen almost 2 and a half percent in 3 days ever since donald trump declared further tariffs on chinese exports are imports from next month in response Chinas Commerce Ministry and Chinese Companies have stopped buying u. S. Agricultural products all of that caused wall street to suffer its worst day of 2019 on monday more on this one with our correspondent alan fischer in washington. Well donald trump said he was going to call china come see manipulator on his far stay in office its taken until no you certainly were expecting from the treasury secretary of mission some sort of ruling on whether or not he thought china was a currency manipulator in october its been brought forward just in the last few hours donald trump said on twitter that he believed china was manipulating its currency to try and gain an unfair advantage against the United States now when they made their surely they could have years one of 2 laws they could have gone with the 2015 law or the one that was drawn up in 1908 they decided to go with the 1988 theres a reason for that its a slightly broader remit it gives them why their option on how they can declare china to be come see manipulator what it means no is that steve mission with Donald Trumps backing will go along to the International Monetary fund and see china is essentially blocking the rules and you need to punish them but this is something donald trump has promised for a while and as you see we would in a trade war know were also in a currency war china has one protesters in hong kong but those quote playing with fire will perish by it aging stop office on hong kong policies as beijing has immense strength and demonstrators shouldnt mistake restraint for weakness as comments were made after a citywide general strike turned into another day of violent confrontations in hong kong between police and protesters on monday going on to me. The Central Government will never allow any challenge to the one country 2 systems principle to go unpunished it will never allow any turbulence in hong kong 3 said National Unity in security. The Peoples Liberation army is a strong force that defends every inch of its sacred tira tree its a force that is strong and reliable it is under the leadership of the commander of the communist party of china x. In accordance with the. Lets talk to rob mcbride in hong kong about this one just as i read out all those quotes there from the beijing Hong Kong Office you can hear its passion its really Strong Language here. Thats right come out this was the most Important News conference of the day we had a number of news conferences here all almost giving a postmortem on mondays events but this was probably the most anticipated in the most closely watched people looking for any kind of hint that Central Government might be willing maybe to offer some sort of concession or way forward for hong kong to get itself out of this deadlock we didnt get that feeling that people were also looking for the opposite end of the spectrum were we expecting that something far more serious might be in the offing people keep talking here about possibly declaration of a state of emergency bringing in the Peoples Liberation army on to the streets having a curfew etc well we didnt get that either what we got was pretty much more of the same pretty much holding this this strong line of support for hong kongs beleaguered leader carried support for her support for the police calling on the people of hong kong to reject these calls to rally and take to the streets the Spokes Person saying that its a very worrying trend having this word revolution being chanted at all of these protests and saying that hong kong was getting itself into a very grave situation and getting very close to this bottom line of rejecting the one country 2 systems form of government by which hong kong is meant to be ruled also the Spokes Person returning to some familiar tropes the claims that yes there were there is this hard core of people who go out there who are increasingly violent and yes there are thousands of people who are taking to the streets who. According to the Spokes Person are being misled by foreign actors for its shadowy foreign agents without giving too much detail and also without explaining how these foreign agents could be so ingenious that they could mislead 2000000. 00 people. Into taking to the streets going back to the central question no will they ever take the step of bringing the army onto the streets he couldnt rule it out but it does seem as though we are still far from that come out or break bread with the update from hong kong thank you china says it will take countermeasures if the United States goes ahead with its plans to deploy intermediate range missiles in the asia pacific washington of course withdrew from the cold war era intermediate range Nuclear Forces treaty last week we call on the us to exercise restraint and i also want to make one point absolutely clear that. China will not stand idly by and we are forced to take countermeasures should the u. S. Deploy into medium range ground based missiles in this part of the world where more north korea has launched a 4th missile test within 2 weeks seoul says it appears to short range Ballistic Missiles were fired from south long hey province the north is condemning what it calls hostile joint military drills between the u. S. And south korea the thoughts now of andrea long cover as a professor it could mean university and says north korea is firing their missiles as it tries to put pressure on the south. The. Government and south korean president to feel very very uncomfortable because south korean president is actually quite positive towards the moon and he said ministration would like to have some exchanges but they cannot do anything about the common me because of the un sanctions. Can not be engaged in Economic Cooperation so the one basically is something symbolic and more scary as door Something Like joint concert or football match of each other they need money and South Koreans cannot do it so. Deliberately increasing pressure on selves on the expectations their south korean government will fewer itself uncomfortable and we will be even harder for partial or complete lifting of the current economic sanctions targeting north and if it happens. Are going to hear a lot of nies of whats wrong but not now in the news ahead why puerto ricos new governor is facing a fresh legal challenge over whether he should get the job or not. Hello that Tropical Storm francisco is still really impacting much of western japan you can see it quite clearly on the satellite that was a fairly strong storm system this one not only is it bringing the rain but also the winds canid about 110 kilometers an hour however it is moving pretty rapidly up towards the northwest so it will produce have the amounts of rain and the winds will be damaging but it is moving fairly swiftly out of the picture weve got the of course it then heading on up towards the Korean Peninsula so 29 degrees in seoul on wednesday with more of the rain but you can see by really thursday we should be mostly dry across much of western japan and also across the majority of Korean Peninsula still want to those showers and thunderstorms instead it will be this particular region here where we are going to be saying more of the rain this is tim still sort of rolling along the coast so well keep a close eye on it as i say it should actually develop into any stronger but it will still bring those strong winds and rain and weve had of course more rains across much of the central and eastern i was the china more to the south as well by wednesday weve also seen some fairly strong rains across into bay province so some reports of flooding that thursday its a very similar picture weve got more of that rain hong kong Pretty Things and thunderstorms at the hive 34. 00 and still fairly widespread out towards the west towards miami. Conflict that is now considered to be the worlds worst humanitarian crisis only after this stock response is really for sale and investigation into how billions of euros are made from supplying arms to saudi arabia a leader of the Coalition Fighting a war in the south the case is interesting to watch the amount of money involved yemen war profiteers on aljazeera. You with are just iran these are the top stories this hour Pakistans Army chief is pledging to do whatever is necessary to support people in the disputed kashmir region his words come after new delhi stripped indian administered kashmir of its autonomous status on monday. In asia have fallen as the arguments between the worlds 2 largest economies intensified china denies u. S. Treasury accusations that it is a currency manipulator and china has warned protesters in hong kong that they will be punished comments that were made after a citywide general strike turned into another day of violent confrontation between police and protesters on monday. In the midst of a growing Ebola Outbreak Health Ministers from rwanda and democratic republic of congo are expected to meet hoping to come up with some sort of joint plea to the to present to the World Health Organization last week rwanda briefly shut its border with to see after 4 patients in goma. Positive for the disease i had with warning if the outbreak is not controlled it could last up to 3 years stephanie dechen now and gets in there which is right on the d. L. C. Border with rolonda lets deal with the political side of things 1st of all stephanie the leading sorry meeting between the 2 countries leaderships what are they hoping to get out of it. What theyre trying to come up with the communal plan of the 1st time that you have Health Officials from the titian sitting down from both sides from the d. R. See everyone down together with the specials from the top do it show the World Health Organization to try and figure out a plan Going Forward why well because go shot is a bit shaky were not going to zoom come on but im told most right couple of 100 meters away from where we are you can see the heavy traffic going back and forth and the challenge is how do you contain a virus that can spread so easy that it spreads from what we were down at the border yesterday practically in the amount of people the share mass of human transit they will have to stand together in line have their hands washed out their temperatures taken but we were speaking to you that had a serious hospital here one of the doctors that said it is its very very difficult it of course its possible that you miss someone who may have a fever which is when they become contagious and the fact is that there are more faces of them still being found across the border commodity this is why theyre so concerned and what sort of stories do people tell you there i mean if they are having to go through all of this i guess the fear and concern must be very hign. I mean its twofold really people are terrified some of the ladies we were talking to yesterday were saying you know were terrified its killing a lot of people it makes you believe from the inside it kills you so they are washing their hands but again you know its all about Community Outreach from everyone weve been speaking to you also have problems and the fact that the outbreak is in north kivu province in. Terry province eastern d r c these are remote areas these are areas that have been affected by years of conflict of neglect people are very suspicious of any sort of outsiders wanting to come in and vaccinate them theres a lot of rumors around this just seized the fact that perhaps its vaccines continue so its a real challenge for the Health Workers those on the front line trying to deal with it so it is a good step but of course theres negotiations until toughening here today but you know no one is under any illusion this is going to be easy it is going to take a challenge its going to take more effort more money more screening more Community Outreach to try and prevent it from spreading even further ok Stephanie Decker with the latest from just send you there thank you now irans president has shown support for his own foreign minister zarif after the u. S. Froze the reefs and said sand imposed a travel ban speaking at the Foreign Ministry house on bronnie reiterated the need for the u. S. To lift sanctions if it hopes to negotiate zarif says the u. S. Sanctioned him because he declined an invitation for talks or from intel from. Well president rouhani as address was broadcast live over state media he said that he favors talks with the United States but the sanctions imposed against iran must be lifted he took aim at irans enemies referring to u. S. Hawks israel and what he called reactionary states in the region as a triangle of evil he talked about the 2015 nuclear deal and how its good for iran that they had been those from the outset that had been working to undermine said irans policy is security for security straight for straight through free into the strait of hormuz peace for peace and oil for oil and also in the rare event the president have visited the foreign minister you should expect the foreign minister to visit the president and the context for this are the u. S. Sanctions against of odds of a rift that they put on him last week on thursday the u. S. Says that hes not an honest broker and he acts on behalf of the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei but this very much is establishment getting behind the reef and telling the u. S. That they cant sideline him and another remove the Major General of the oil could force which is a faction under the revolutionary guard that deals with operations outside of iran mainly in iraq and syria visited the reef now the meeting isnt really but what is read is the fact that it was made public and again these are the different factions within iran getting behind the foreign minister with president rouhani saying that the reef is the primary spokesman for iran outside of the country the u. S. Sanctions though have made zarif one of the most popular politicians inside the country. Of the United States has warned turkey it is willing to prevent any unilateral incursions in syria saying such a move would be unacceptable it comes as the turkish president reject time burdwan announced he would send troops to an area in syria which is controlled by the kurdish why p. G. Fighters remember the why p. G. Was a u. S. Ally in the battle against i saw what is considered a terrorist group by ankara no one said he was losing patience with washington over setting up a safe zone in Northern Syria there are talks on that happening in korea at the moment here is need in istanbul to take us through this 1st of all lets talk about those talks in what exactly is the safe zone where exactly are we talking about. Well its the 2nd day of talks between u. S. And turkish officials in and career they are trying to revive hopes of creating this all important safe zone in Northern Syria but so far no indication of any progress no sign that both sides were paired to Work Together Going Forward what we have heard though of comments from the sidelines firstly from mark asper the u. S. Defense secretary who said as you said that it would be unlike scepter pull for turkey to stage any kind of unilateral incursion into Northern Syria east of the euphrates he said that that would be counterproductive and against the joint joint incentives of those forces who are involved in that part of syria were talking about the Turkish Forces the u. S. And Syrian Democratic forces made up largely of kurdish white peachy fighters the u. S. Also suggested that it would be prepared to push back against any unilateral incursion but did said mark gaspe did hope for some kind of breakthrough in these ongoing talks for the same time weve heard from president dressing diplomats ambassadors in ankara saying that he believe that if turkey did not act now they would turkey would have to quote pay a higher price much later on suggesting that a unilateral incursion is possibly still on the cards for turkey and also went on to slam what he described as double standards when it comes to dealing with a y p g regarded very much by the u. S. As allies in the fight against eisel been seen as terrorists by turkey in the same vein. As i saw so clearly on a fundamental basis neither the u. S. Nor turkey are singing from the same hymn sheet whether or not its military officials meeting in ankara can find Common Ground can find a way of working together to establish this safe zone we have to wait and see but the. The long term goal here for turkey to try and establish a safe space free of the white p. G. That it regards very much as i said a terrorist organization but also a safe zone to allow syrians who are here in turkey in large numbers to begin returning to an area that they can regard at least temporarily as a safe space so that issue with the y. P. Just to go back to bed again for any of us are looking at us and going well is this huge disconnect between the United States and turkey over the y. P. G. Its not something turkey burgers on isnt it this is certainly mr on it as a historic position that they have put the y. P. Jian. Well absolutely no and repeatedly described the white p. G. As a threat to National Security as a terrorist organization which is why he wants again slammed not directly but hinting that the u. S. Is double standards when it comes to dealing with the why. Very much for guarded as allies in the fight against eisel heavily armed by the white house what the u. S. Does in its dealings with the y p g go in for though is very unclear the white b. G. Of have hinted that they feel somewhat betrayed if they give if United States gives anything to turkey by way of greater control of that part of Northern Syria theres a delicate balance that the u. S. And turkey has to strike if this safe zone is going to go ahead as some sort of joint action. Barker in istanbul thank you put the records constitutional crisis continues the u. S. Territory has no leader and politicians have delayed the vote to confirm a new governor it senate will now wait for the Supreme Court to decide if the man who came into just on friday is even eligible to take office this is after a scandal and weeks of protests forced its pretty assessor to resign all the details now with elizondo in someone. Chaos thats how one senator described the political situation in puerto rico after more than an hour of debate the senate decided to cancel their confirmation vote of Pedro Pierre Lucy an interim governor and let the Supreme Court decide his fate when he began hearing the case on tuesday appear louis c. Was sworn in friday night but the senate filed a lawsuit with the court saying hes illegitimate since he was not confirmed by the senate the government is paralyzed waiting for a decision the longer this political crisis goes on in puerto rico the more it could have backed the average every day puerto rican people lets remember puerto rico is the island territory of the United States and already washington has said they could withhold hundreds of millions of dollars in funding to the people here until this crisis is resolved its a huge crisis puerto rico is right now in the middle of its big as a bankruptcy. We have a huge financial fiscal crisis but then we also have the aftermath of hurricane rita so there are many families thousands tens of thousands of families that are still waiting to recover towns small towns in the middle the mountains and and and in the middle of a whole mess we dont have a government we have a governance crisis the sun set on another day a government filled with uncertainty lawmakers unable to solve it and a governor many view is illegitimate gabriels on aljazeera san juan puerto rico. On the where it once and throw it away cheap clothes mean many shoppers are now buying into the idea of disposable fashion its a trend raising concerns for factory workers yes but also the environmental impacts the industry is having will quiet with more. With a little skill and guidance anything is possible as a clinic to give old clothes a new lease of life and to counter the culture of buying to march to open its extending the life of clothes and by that youre reducing landfill youre reducing waste and its making an active stand against just going out in buying on and on an impulse because you want to wear something tonight passion is big business in britain and around the world the bale ability of fast cheap fashion with a short shelf life or to reflect the latest trends has transformed the industry but its also come at a cost globally the u. N. Says the industry is responsible for more Carbon Emissions than aviation and maritime shipping combined a recent report found that here in the u. K. We buy more clothes a person than anywhere else in europe some things are worn just once and then thrown away and while there are increasing efforts to ensure that garments dont tend up in one fell Global Consumption of clothing is increasing so much so the consumption is predicted to rise by 63 percent by 2030 as a warehouse in london though theyre trying to turn the tide with donated clothing being sorted to sell in the growing 2nd hand market were still collecting the same thing that weve always collected that actually has an increase but what we are seeing a change in is the amount of clothing that was selling the last 5 years sells of secondhand clothing within our shops has increased by 0. 40. May though be down to the next generation of designers to make the difference graduates of the London College of fashion showcase their work using Sustainable Materials what happens here often ends up being replicated elsewhere so its about really kind of valuing everything that goes into all of these questions. Whether its more. Or whether even its a synthetic use Natural Resource that we need to put true cost. Campaigners want clothing like they made to last until that message gets through the environment and the workers making this weeks must have item for low wages will continue to pay the price and he would aljazeera in london. Lets take you to the headlines on aljazeera Pakistans Army chief in splurging to do whatevers necessary to support people in the disputed kashmir region his words come after new delhi stripped indian administered kashmir of its autonomous status on monday has more on that statement now from the pakistani military. For the. War for the. Struggle for freedom and said that there were prepared to go to any. I thought her dad was. A border. Rejection and condemnation by the pakistani Prime Minister and the government degraded in other news stock market values in asia have fallen as the arguments between the worlds 2 largest economies intensified china denying the us treasury accusations of being a currency manipulator. Meanwhile its also one protesters in hong kong that they will be punished those comments from beijing were made after a citywide general strike turned into another day of violent confrontations between police and protesters on monday. The Central Government will never allow any challenge to the one country 2 systems principle to go unpunished it will never allow any turbulence in hong kong 3 said National Unity and security. The Peoples Liberation army is a strong force that defends every inch of its sacred territory its a force that is strong and reliable it is under the leadership of the commander of the communist party of china effect in accordance with of the. Irans president has shown support for his own foreign minister zarif after the u. S. Froze his assets and imposed a travel ban speaking at the Foreign Ministry rouhani reiterated the need for the u. S. To lift sanctions if it wants to negotiate as a recess the u. S. Sanctioned him because he declined an invitation for talks and a convicted drug dealer was trying to escape prison in brazil disguised as his own teenage daughter this is club you know it does silver who used a mask awake and glasses to fool guards as he tried to leave the jail in Rio De Janeiro after visiting hours officer officers became suspicious when he started talking and it was all confirmed as he took the mask off his face thats my lot for today thanks for your Company Inside story is next on aljazeera. Indias government says its where withdrawal the special status of indebtedness. And being the disputed territory is significant autonomy and putting it in direct rule by a new deputy so whats behind this move and does it abide by the longstanding consensus this is inside story. Hello welcome to the program. The disputed territory of kashmir has been divided between india and pakistan since that independence from britain both countries claim it as their own and control parts of it indian administered kashmir was granted special autonomy thats allowed it to function laws with direct interference from the delhi but that has not changed

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