Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWSHOUR 20240714

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Latest missile firing is being viewed with deep concern here in south korea its the 2nd double launching of short range Ballistic Missiles in less than a week and the 3rd Missile Launch to take place since may in direct contravention of the landmark military agreement signed between north and south korea last september during the period of improving relations that was meant to have put an end to testings like this one south koreas defense minister has said that if the north continues with threats and provocations like this then it would have to be considered an enemy so there has been some very strong words used by south korea contrasting with all of the period of reconciliation that weve had over the past year and a half or so north korea said when it launched missiles last week that that should be considered to be a solemn warning to south korea being very careful not to direct any of its anger all wrath at the americans and that u. S. President donald trump in particular but this does seem to be a reminder from them about the size of their nuclear and missile arsenal that yes this is only a short range missile but it is a reminder that they are serious about getting the u. S. Back to the negotiating table and eventually getting some relief from the crippling sanctions. Now one part as they found director of the center for the study of global issues at the university of georgia and the u. S. And he says that they want to be a deal with north korea unless the u. S. Makes concessions. I think north korea is willing to give up their Nuclear Program but we have to presume paroquet did. With the sanction reduction with the nonaggression of graham agreement maybe peace treaty diplomatic normalization we have a lot of things that we can offer but nothing has been offered to north korea and their missile tests its designed to demonstrate that theyre willing to strike back at if there are attack or preemptive strike if theyre educated they think theyre constantly being threatened because american troops are stationed in south korea in japan in in guam so that part of the world days a very heavy on the by the United States and north korea is very unhappy about that and threaten the in terms of their security so we have to really sit down talk about mutual concessions we have to give something to them by way of reducing. Sanctions and canceling the joint military exercise compromising the on sale to south korea so these things would have to be coming together with North Koreans concessions to order them pretty denuclearization. Lets move on to other news now irans foreign minister has warned that will further scale back its commitments under the nuclear deal unless europe does more to protect the agreement mohamad jarheads that it forms the remaining signatories to shield iran from u. S. Sanctions and allow it to sell its oil there are those already begun rolling back some commitments by breaking a limit on and virtue raney agreed the 2015 accord well lets get more on this our correspondent thoughts that bar is joining us live from the iranian capital and foreign minister zarif reiterating irans stance towards her that this cannot be a one way agreement whats he been saying. Well elizabeth hes been speaking following the weekly Cabinet Meeting here in the capital he said that the remaining european signatories in the Nuclear Agreement their expectations are not proportionate to their actions there basically what they are expecting is something that they have not given up themselves that they are not upholding their end of this deal the foreign minister said that because of this the rains will continue as the president Hassan Rouhani said to scale back their commitments step by step every 60 days the foreign minister said that terror will continue to cut back its commitments and its not up for negotiations because they are not seeing any of the benefits of this 2015 Nuclear Agreement and the main reason for that according to the iranians is because the United States withdrew from this deal last year and imposed a series of sanctions on irans oil and Banking Sector and the peons according to the iranians are too afraid to stand up to the americans that they are afraid of the sanctions that have been imposed on iran by the United States government so the foreign minister is reiterating the position that iran has chosen to take now the president also has spoken to the french president on tuesday evening Hasan Rouhani said that the whole point of this nuclear deal was that so irans economy would be opened up to the world and they would be open to dealing with the International Community when it comes to their countrys economy that is the exact opposite of what has taken place since the americans withdrew last year so there is a feeling here that the iranians will stay in this Nuclear Agreement but they will continue to reduce their commitments step by step as they announce along the way and also what are the concrete measures that iran needs that its from the europeans and what will the next step be if the europeans dont do more. Well the most important thing right now for the government is the sale of the sale of its oil that is something the United States of sanctions since the fall of last year so they are adamant that the United States cannot prevent the International Community from purchasing iranian oil of course before the sanctions came into place iran was selling around 2800000. 00 barrels of oil per day it is one of the Top Producers of oil in the world that is something that the iranians are very very angry about they say that the United States has now waged economic terrorism on iran by preventing countries from purchasing uranian oil so the 1st thing they want to do is to be able to sell their oil again on the International Market they also will be scaling back their commitment the next phase will be in september the head of irans Atomic Energy agency Ali Akbar Salehi has said that the next phase will be the restarting of the iraq heavy Water Nuclear reactor in september thank you very much for that is due also to the latest live and thank you now more than 40 protesters have appeared in court in hong kong on charges of rioting supporters gathered outside as the accused will go into the bay and its the 1st time authorities have formally charged any demonstrators with rushing which carries a jail term of up to 10 years the territory has seen more than 7 weeks of mass protests triggered a controversial extradition. Now japan is to shut down all Nuclear Reactors in the Northeastern Region by the 2011 earthquake and tsunami Tokyo Electric Power company has decided to start decommissioning 4 reactors at the fukushima 2 plant not far from the site of the countrys Worst Nuclear Disaster reactors at fukushima one were badly damaged by the quake and tsunami leaking contaminated water and wind down and disposal of waste could take up to 40 years a roadside bomb explosion in western afghanistan has killed at least 32 passengers on a bus many of them women and children the blast happened between kandahar and head up and fatah province a provincial government spokesman is blaming taliban fighters for planting the device to target afghan and Foreign Security forces now an ideological divide among democrats in the us has been laid bare during the 2nd round of president ial debates for the partys nominee health care was a key issue with some heated exchanges between the parties progressive and centrist candidates john hendren reports from detroit. In what purports to be the party of civility the contenders came out swinging. On issue number one publicly funded Health Care Top polling Elizabeth Warren short to put rival john delaney is struggling campaign on life support. Well why do we got to be the party of taking something away where the democrats were not about trying to take away health care from anyone thats what the republican right. Wing republican talking points the revolutionaries of the Democratic Party warren and Bernie Sanders dominated the debate clock again and again went on the offensive you know i dont understand why anybody goes to all the trouble of running for president of the United States just to talk about what we really cant do and should fight for. This round of debates could dramatically narrow the field of candidates for some the race is over 5 candidates failed to qualify for this round of debates and of the 20 who remain less than half are expected to qualify for round 3 and for some who failed to breakthrough in detroit. Are likely drying up the debates locale in the motor city was a reminder of the democrats failure in 2016 their supposedly solidly democratic blue wall crumbled in their former strongholds of pennsylvania wisconsin and detroits parent state michigan. To do they have to spend money here they have to wake up the populace and get them out to vote with another debate to go on wednesday where front runner joe biden will stand directly between his 2 biggest critics Harrison Cory booker night 2 was expected to be at least as combative john hendren aljazeera detroit. A 2nd case of a bowl has been confirmed and one of the democratic republic of congos biggest cities that comes just over 2 weeks off to its 1st case but Officials Say they are unrelated to a 1000000 people live in the sez he on the border with her wanda that is facing the 2nd worst of all the bike and history which has claimed the lives of 1700 people the World Health Organization has declared it a global emergency catherine soy has. Robi. The information we have is that this man is a resident of goma but was working in a tour of province this is one of the regions that has been affected by a bullet he came back to go ma about 10 days ago on a bass but he symptoms are not detected johnny and through the various checkpoints and medical checkpoints that have been set up he started filling street a few days ago went to a local clinic on the edge of the city this is where he lives he thought he had malaria and after a few days clean missions decided to call in the air experts who came and did some tests on him and then confirmed yesterday afternoon that indeed he was positive with evola so theyve isolated him put him at a Treatment Center in goma the also isolated the clean nation was handling him and her family and are also looking for other people who he could have come in contact with this is something that is causing a lot of consign in goma people are very worried the representatives of the World Health Organization of last people to keep calm but also to keep vigil and keep clean but a lot of concern because this is one of the major cities in the d. R. C. And a. About you know more than 1000000 people live there and it is and get to other countries as well because its right at the border with one die its also very easy to access other parts of d. R. See from goma including the capital city that has about 12000000 people still ahead on the bulletin the u. S. And china of resume trade talks bought the overshadowed by comments by President Trump. Hello we have faith tropical depression now making its way into the South China Seas and behind that really heavy rain pushing across a good part of the philippines and fight just to the north of luzon over 200 millimeters of rain in 24 hours and that wet weather staying in place the bunny central and northern parts of the philippines thats where the main weather action is come further south it is largely dry for a good part of malaysia down into indonesia and move the same as you go through friday eastern parts of borneo might see more wet weather i think for the philippines we are lucky to see further flooding rains coming in here right into the weekend they want across australia i drive by that extends across a good part of was a little bit of cloud down towards the central areas some blustery conditions down towards the southeast but High Pressure in charge so a lot of fine dry and sunny weather went to sunshine temperatures around 13 or 14 celsius for melbourne and for adelaide at 20 in perth so a little bit of heat around as we go on into friday could be almost 222. 00 looks on the cards thats what the southeast drive bright and sunny but a bit of cloud there for hobart they want to sponsor frank basin places french trying to create their way towards new zealand as we go through the next couple of days and tell me what are in the south on friday. I. Get closer to that see. See boy. Going places together. Its good to have you with us on aljazeera and these are our top stories the south korean government has held an emergency meeting up to the north launched to Ballistic Missiles observers say the short range weapons tests could be aimed at increasing pressure on the United States for noon denuclearize ation towards. Irans foreign minister has warned that ted audible further scaled back its commitments to the new period to europe does more to protect the agreement. Before the remaining signatories to shield iran from u. S. Sanctions and an hour to sell oil and a roadside bomb explosion in western nevada on has killed at least 32. 00 passengers on the boss many of them women and children the government spokesman and other provinces blaming taliban fighters planting the device to target afghan and Foreign Security forces. Israels security cabinet has approved permits for the construction of 700 palestinian homes in the occupied west bank the announcement comes ahead of a planned visit to israel this week by senior white house adviser Jared Kushner is expected to push both sides to join talks at camp david in the lead up to israeli elections in september lets get more on this i correspondent hard for such as joining us live from west jerusalem this is a rare move by israel to approve palestinian construction hairy whats behind it. Thats right palestinian construction in area c. Which is the israeli controlled part of the occupied west bank the last time such announcement was made was in 2016 with announcement of some 5000 such units that announcement never went beyond that initial announcement those units were never made and we dont know much about the detail of whats been announced this time beyond the number 715 we dont know whether its new homes or whether its retrospective approval of construction thats already happened and what we do know though is that along with this has been the approval of some 6000 units in illegal settlements in the occupied west bank and we saw a picture of Prime Minister netanyahu today. Cutting the ribbon on some new construction in one of in one such Settlement South of bethlehem so potentially trying to circumvent criticism of this announcement on palestinian units from the israeli right as you say it coincides with this weeks visit of. Not just coming here to israel but also going to jordan saudi arabia qatar United Arab Emirates and this report in the Israeli Press that that President Trump plans to hold a summit at camp david ahead of the israeli election on september the 17th to essentially put the broad outlines of the Political Part of the trump the peace plan before our leaders potentially the idea is to give them something to support in terms of this fairly small number of Palestinian Housing units and give them potentially some sort of cover to allow them to attend the summit of course the palestinians have entirely rejected the United States as a broker ever since donald trump declared that jerusalem was the capital of israel and move the u. Embassy from tel aviv to jerusalem and the reporting is that trump will not talk about a palestinian state but rather enhanced autonomy thats something that his ambassador to israel David Friedman also mentioned in an interview with c. N. N. In which he talked about extending times to new ptolemy up to the point at which it could become a threat or a palestinian state could become a threat to Israeli Security so thats obviously far short of what the palestinians want and its only likely to ever more cement their opposition to the United States as a broker and in particular this peace plan harry thank you very much for that harry forethought with the latest live and west jerusalem thank you. Now on korean tensions are expected to be discussed at a regional summit and thailand Foreign Ministers from the region when i they should have been joined by the u. S. Secretary of state alongside his russian and chinese counterparts scott had a report from the thai capital. As thailand hosts the Foreign Ministers of r. C. And regional forums this week whats due to be discussed wont just be about Southeast Asia one issue of particular focus the tension on the Korean Peninsula possible discussions on the next summit between chairman kim jong un and President Donald Trump could take place after 3 meetings the leaders have made no progress on moving toward an agreement over north koreas Nuclear Program. This after north korea last week tested what it said were new tactical guided weapons and released photos of a new submarine the meetings here in bangkok could be viewed as an opportunity for the 1st to trump him at summits were held in member nations singapore and vietnam so ossie on the can attempt to provide a kick to me wall for the talks looking forward to big. Need to broker 3rd party media took some time to provide an environment a setting for for trust building in the past 6 party talks didnt go anywhere so perhaps if they can be persuaded that you know a 3rd party platform. Would be a key catalyst the key confidence building. Long an issue for several of the aussie on nations chinas claim of territory in the South China Sea but there has been a lack of consensus about what should be done within discussions with china on a territorial code of conduct are due this week some feel that part of the problem is the rapid expansion of chinese influence and reach region wide through Infrastructure Investment and commercial and military deals and thats not just undermining the block critics say but also enabling china in its push for greater control over the South China Sea it must be the collective. Head to tell the chinese that from the historical from the International Law from the reality pie no you have no. Reasons no facts to support your claim to the whole of South China Sea but the meetings wont all be about politics as a group aussie on has the 5th largest economy in the world so trade agreements in the trade war between the us and china will no doubt be discussed on the sidelines its not hard to aljazeera bangkok. U. S. President donald trump is accusing china of waiting until the 2020 president ial election to strike a trade deal he made the comments ahead of the resumption of trade talks in shanghai trump says he would be a lot tougher with beijing if hes reelected. Now the start of a corruption trial for saddams former president Omar Al Bashir has been postponed he was due to appear in court on wednesday associate is charged with corruption possessing foreign currency and accepting bribes he was overthrown and arrested in a military coup in april after months of protests against his role. Students in Sudans Darfur region are marching to protest against the ruling military junta that announcing the kennings of 5 students and north called a farm on monday a transitional military held for has little be Indefinite Closure of schools nationwide the head of the jungle is blaming protest organizers for mondays violence people more than reports from neighboring ethiopia. Voicing anger thousands of demonstrators mostly high school and University Students came out on tuesday in sudans capital sort of zoom and other cities there protesting the deaths of fellow protesters in in north korea defense state on monday. Thanks when protesters came out decrying the lack of bread and heights in transportation prices Security Forces opened fire in response killing several and injuring dozens others. Dont have any blood for blood we will never accept anything but justice civilian we salute everyone in the city for standing for the sake of the nation it is an epic moment in our countrys history is now the middle. Of the military council is that its time to go she asians and i must stop killing our people the students in the streets this military council is nothing to ribbons of the old regime and they must step down thanks to this protesters were also met with tear gas and live ammunition with doctors reporting several injuries as a result the protesters are also demanding justice and accountability following an announcement from an Investigation Committee that the ruling military is not to blame for killing protesters on june. 3rd when a months long prodemocracy sit in was attacked by the army the military council has been ruling sudan since ousting longtime president already bashir in april theyve been in talks with the Opposition Coalition known as the forces of freedom in change to form a Transitional Government and initial agreement was signed earlier this month but a final deal is yet to be rehearsed talks for that final deal have been repeatedly postponed over the past few days with uncertainty on when talks would resume some analysts say what happens next depends on the military council you know the box right now of the gate or the Transitional Military Council it is their responsibility for Security Forces therefore i think there is some trust and confidence on the part of the nation that in the event that these forces. Are holding to their demands that they have the right to go out and what those people do want some form of reckoning. In terms of some of the abuse of them violence and that have been perpetrated by the former regime but at the same time i think you do need some kind of discipline. To give this transitional forces a chance but anger amongst the demonstrators is high as is the demand for justice as some demand a halt to negotiations and this protest has continued to be met with violence and certainty over sudans future continues and if it can steer itself to a stable transitional period people morgan aljazeera i decide. To follow as well where the demolition of a dam and the authors dividing environmentalists think its removal will revive de salvo revenue but its not touch about the reports from normandy others want the dam restored to produce hydroelectric power. In normandy as lush countryside the fez and dams spans the cellular river built nearly a century ago to create hydroelectric power it was not considered. Feat of engineering but in recent years the dams capacity to provide energy has diminished so the french government ordered its demolition to allow the family to return to its natural state shell play ray whos overseeing the project says the dismantling the 35 metre high structure is a huge challenge they all played through for about 3 more for us to drain the water we had to destroy this building because it was in the way we made holes at the bottom of the down to prevent flooding then we started working on dismantling these pillars of the was the saloon river flows into the picturesque bag of the world famous small semi shell site some environmentalists say that fish including salmon and eels will return to the river for the 1st time in decades once the dam and a smaller one nearby are removed you see the xin back on the environment of these 2 dams on the river was i and getting rid of them allows biodiversity to return to dams were expensive to maintain that produced many more electricity and they were out of step with european regulations not everyone believes that destroying the pheasant dam is a good idea people have told us in this area that for them its possible landscape is part of their history and they worry that removing this barrier will lead to a greater risk of flooding in the future the banks of the saloon are dotted with charming stone cottages the mayor of this local village campaigned for a decade for the dam to be saved he says restoring it would be more ecological than destroying it. Dams are part of a network of possible Sustainable Energy sources that we should be maintaining and developing it makes no sense to deprive ourselves of that when you ability that these dams have always provided even the quantities of small this expert says the removing the dam is controversial but People Living in the area will benefit of out with the question are these people will rediscover a landscape or have disappeared for decades local people will have to get you. To it but they will be able to enjoy the beauty of a living river bizarre is the biggest dam to be demolished in the European Union to date its part of why do european legislation to restore the blokes rivers and by diversity its removal highlights the challenges of environmental policy and while it will raise a chapter of history it will restore a link to the past Natasha Butler aljazeera moment to france. Hello again im is a problem and with the headlines on aljazeera the south korean government has held an emergency meeting after the north launched 2 Ballistic Missiles observers say the short range weapons tests could be aimed at increasing pressure on the United States for a new day nuclearization talks rob mcbride has more from the south korean capital this latest missile firing is being viewed with deep concern here in south korea its the 2nd double launching of short range Ballistic Missiles in less than a week and the 3rd Missile Launch to take place since may in direct contravention of the landmark military agreement signed between north and south korea last september during the period of improving relations that was meant to have put an end to testings like this one. Irans foreign minister has warned that there are will further scaling back its commitments to the nuclear deal unless europe does more to protect the agreement serif want the remaining signatories to shield iran from u. S. Sanctions and allow it to sell its oil. A roadside bomb explosion in west of guns than has killed at least 32 passengers on the bus many of them women and children a provincial government spokesman is blaming taliban fighters for planting the device to target afghan and Foreign Security forces. Israels security cabinet has approved permits for the construction of 700 palestinian homes in the occupied west bank the announcement comes ahead of a planned visit to israel this week by senior white house adviser jared question. Now the ideological divide among democrats in the u. S. Has been laid bare during the 2nd round of president ial debates for the partys nominee health care was a key issue with some heated exchanges between the parties progressive and more centrist candidates students and sudans the food region are marching to protest against the ruling military junta there denouncing the killing of 5 students in north holder farnum monday the Transitional Military Council has ordered the Indefinite Closure of schools nationwide and those are the headlines on aljazeera miten asea is coming up next. Talk to al jazeera we ask what guarantees will you give to the people will be attending the minimal workshop we listen im supposed to explain apologize for someone who is also terrorizing me we meet with global news makers and talk about the stories that matter on the 00. And. The ocean is it. A nice media was using to be. There. Must have been. None of that. None of those as of this amount on have had you. Little if sneer had that are. Harder. 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