That it. Is 6 years old. She saw 1st in a paralyzing brain disease are you doing well lately however her family saying the tondo was born perfectly healthy the problems arose soon after the roof of the house was under repair at the time and the dust from the mine cotton specially this dust you pull your kid in the piece. Before you sleep you must face. That and different kids. Yeah a few weeks later the 1st signs of illness appeared in the years since the tundra has been unable to. Communicate with her. When she she was to be changed. Yeah and then she she kicks it is ok you know maybe way she wants you to go i say richie she kisses him and she screams you know. They you know she has to go say you want to. Poverty has always prevented the family from being able to prove a link between attenders illness and the mind dust but they are no doubt if there are other fields like under our own i was the same symptoms same Health Issues yet i do know and theres theres a pinch out there its going to go the only problem is that they are ashamed of their kids all and here they dont want anybody knowing how by day kids in this situation theres 2 of them go visit houses in the in the same street youre going to have them there many of them you know personally personally strange is something that have made you only find them here this is actually centered it in my angel tonight today taking them to today didnt think so but if you go and fight off any distance from here believe you me you never find this key. To find out whether the dust from the nearby mine tailings really is the cause of peace illnesses thomas climb snake park hill. It has been abandoned ever since the mine was closed. Access is supposedly forbidden theres nobody guarding the site which extends over 4 square kilometers while the motive for about 69. 00 farmers was rivers each. Day since then to me it turned the dishes. Was soumitra. Must take 500 grams of the sun. The dust thats blowing over the village but no. On the way down he finds a green lake at the foot of the slope. Its used mostly to area gate adjacent farmland or residents also give it to their livestock sometimes their children even bay the net the songs were. Ok or if i could put in will do. For the. Killer but for yourself it. Was a funny thing you should have put it. Franklin is professor of environmental studies at Northwestern University in south africa can see me. Linda is also an expert on mining illusion the government the World Health Organization writes with his help has developed a scientific her took a test kit for different wood to pollutants yes so im at the bottom of the mine turnings theres some water all around i was wondering which parent those fish do you think i should analyze 1st in the water you see finding. The tracks translate to. Elevate. Your eye. As you thought and it would seem recently gone by. So. Many done but in point of misery. So theres a through it. And you can also take we just come. And. All you people like. Us. So i think its likely. A good sign Community Just so you know it was all example of what that says on the ground 0 the maximum they were going to carry me to those for then. Its impossible to analyze everything there and then so must takes another sample to check for more pollutants later. But the tests have already thrown out some serious questions. After some convincing one of the countrys top 3 gold produces agrees to a meeting. With the rest of the. Goldfields 8750 kilograms of gold was mined at the site last year. The team cant go underground into the mine itself the company will only allow them to film surface operations we get all from from the stuff. But at night you will see on the front end if somebody. Has got into the we are doing a plus minus 5500. 00 tons. A day i mean we have reaching out on 300. 00 tons valid depends on a lot of viability and how many times of coal is there. So there or that you see on the still fall is what i mean at the boss minus 5 times but done thats always currently. Only 5 grams of gold for each ton of mind thats a remarkable ratio. And it means a huge amount of residue to be disposed of. The precious metal is separated from the rest of the and then heated in these killings. Probably to make goes there we used to im i sit in a sauna thats still pretty nice i can make holes in the price and they know the quarter mega nice instead they got. The concession that c. P. R. So you add all of these together with these with the ball. The last stage is the cost at 800. 00 degrees celsius for 40 minutes. The end result gold falls. At 84 percent purity each weighs in at just over 16 kilograms and is worth around 538000. 00. Goldfields makes 5 of these gold balls a week. Producing 16200 tons of residue you equivalent to the weight of 2 of frances eiffel towers. The company has wasted human lives here on this he said constantly 24 hours a day by these pipelines connected to the factory. Within a few years this hail will become another Steep Mountain of debris reaching up to 70 meters high. Andrew passons and Stephen Joseph are its grand architects. Whats in there. What is its. Well its its whats left over from there from the extraction process its the rock that. Held the gold. And whats left behind off the gold has been removed so its silica and other materials its the sand. And other metals but many silica is there and you have the missiles for example there. Would be trace amounts but but very small concentrations. And some of the gold ores there is your enemy sauce deep has very little uranium minutes or so. Theres very little uranium and in this in the stomach you. Can really. Not offhand i think the numbers around about 40 to 50 grams a ton. 50 annually south African Mining companies extract 10 times more uranium than gold the uranium is then abandoned leaving behind radioactive mined tailings so the kind of control you do the samples you are talking about is the daily basis of the gold from both of you but the. 5th of may be. Ok there are. Over time the waste produced by south africas gold industry has formed increasingly large radioactive heaps dumped outside in the open at. According to official estimates the mine tailings surrounding johannesburg now contain an astounding 600000 tons of uranium the quantities are so high that in reality the mountains of waste should be classified by the state as Nuclear Installations they should be confined and secured and kept at least 500 meters away from any residential area but those rules are routinely ignored as here into the shaft a township with over 20000 residents. Of. Oil Bruno Sherry Ron is an engineer in Nuclear Physics and an expert from korea ratched a Research Association on radioactivity one as i was government on the. Same thought they were. That commercial school she can do what she was going to seduce there will be a little bit. Also paul not just on the well you know office all the moves you want a focal to do sorry you know im a quidditch sort of group on television i mean to depict it. I know my point of view to see not just their young monk come up it even to be able. To do is a good youre in you do risk. Deployed in your she thought of us of a young mom and shes. Going to join in our corn meal i dont is wrong but when the truth is when this point 3000000 because you owe and you cannot sell gounder ticket for 3 years in a cell with a country town lets work on the us because you will stay for. Just one. And only because you want to force the daughter to try to. Place you know. What. Do you define us. Do you think it was only one trip for. Her and. How did we did to close only let it go to the. Master has discovered that radioactivity levels here are close to those in the exclusion zone around the site of the 1986 Nuclear Disaster he follows the grazing animals to eric from gomez nearby farm. Era keeps around 40 goats and a few sheep none of which seem to live very long lead them up about if they last week thats which buys you a one month one month well yeah and do you do you have a lot of baby though most because of your and my writings themselves then said as for success this is the. Eric wants to show us the most common symptom amongst his flock. They want to. Know whos behind. Them but a muslim know what they must go to. The next is the fungible what is. It in. The mind so all you. Want to learn and it cost. And i met. So when you see these every day what do you think. Was the motion and. I would dont doubt about it but its just the bins. It seems as though erics goats have radiation sickness but evidence is needed. Because we are close to the mine tailings farm. Look really sick i mean according to do you own or do you think we should do some hair sample of the animals. Just like you. Have to take 5 samples from 2 goats intended to be used for Meat Consumption including one who is blind. I come up with the results of the show on the factor or the instructor thanks for you but i. Must turn takes the samples to be tested at south africas council the scientific and industrial research. Your views the water from the failings just across the traders it is used as a rigorous what urges Us Immigration also for almost a drink we also learn some more small samples treasure was done with the store was contaminated as look make good pets and so what can you what can you look for years almost all of their dead and the models but they did encoded in windows like oh you know now im your lead you know what arsenic which are very toxic or busy glue you we need an expert to get them in order once we get them them that reason on our group right. As he waits for the analysis time returns to the investigation in part 2. As the shocking results come in he shares the news with some of those affected and comes face to face with an Industry Insider what i found particularly scandals to take the worst possible material which is your radio grind into dust comparable to flour and make a hill out of it and put it into place where people live but hes a colossally bad idea. Going behind the scenes of one of mexicos most love so using fiction to mirror the struggles of real life. This week the story line focuses on the plays of systematic violence in Mexican Society and issues close to home for the producers and actors alike as they struggle to portray any fiction. The man the face of reality so clocks mexico every day my feet amount to 0. It really is the International Perspective that sets aljazeera arts and other news outlets beyond thorsten says about the reply was getting up on the plates of Power Outages means journalism is about Public Service and making a difference in peoples lives im amazed every day by reporting on aljazeera and the places that my colleagues go it inspires me to take a different approach to how i would put news more. It could be the biggest land grab in history. As powerful nations lay claim to territories under the oceans 21. 00 geologists are secretly bored. As the struggle for resources intensifies some of the worlds most powerful scientists speak out. Oceans manakin. 0. M how hed seen in doha the top stories on aljazeera hundreds of people in sudans capital of protesting against the findings of an investigation into the deadly crackdown in khartoum last month it blames broke soldiers a violent break up of the sits in demonstration. Of the. I dont believe what happened today undermines the political process unless the military council looks for excuses to prisoner go see a sense or procrastinate the process what happened todays a natural response let the military council see this is a strong message that the people cannot remain silent. As the Investigation Commission was formed not to establish the truth but to conceal the truth. Syrian government airstrikes have killed at least 13 civilians in northwest at le province many of those killed were children russian backed Government Forces launched an offensive to recapture the last major rebel stronghold in april more than a 1000 protesters have been arrested many violently at an unauthorized march in more sco they were protesting the barring of opposition candidates from local elections Hong Kong Police again fired rubber bullets and tear gas at protesters to thousands of people defied a government ban and rallied in a small town near chinese border a group of men attacked protesters than last week. Donald trumps twitter attack on a democratic congressman has been denounced as racist by the speaker of the u. S. House of representatives unleashed the online tirades after representative Elijah Cummings criticized his Mexican Border policies in response the president called cummings districts a discussing rats and wouldnt infested mess that is far worse and more dangerous than the border. Thousands of people have marched in gaza for the funeral of a palestinian man killed by the israeli army during the weekly process that the border fence. Was shot in the stomach near the barrier another 38 palestinians were injured by gunfire in Southern Gaza or current staff is the 1st since june related to demonstrations and World Leaders have attended the state funeral of chinas years 1st democratically elected president said see a 92 year old died following what authorities described as a Severe Health crisis those are the headlines the news continues on aljazeera after south africa toxic city. Shes the head of 4 generations of family and the bearer of 40 years of suffering fools a heart or a hinge a refugee in her ninetys has fled persecution in myanmar 3 separate times in her life 1st in 1970 then 1991 and finally in 2070. 1 the war they beat as they kidnapped as they detained does. Ghoul and her family span almost a century in age bonded through blood and displacement they now all live in a single hut located in the Worlds Largest refugee camp in many ways whats happened to this particular extended family really mirrors whats happened to so many other rohinton who face decades of oppression and abuse the ranger arent just the Worlds Largest group of stateless people theyre also among the worlds most persecuted minorities. Hundreds of strange mounds lie scattered around Johannesburg South africas most populous city but they arent a natural phenomenon they are mine tailings waste heaps left over from south africas hugely profitable gold industry. Many are also said to be dangerously toxic awash with heavy metals poisons and radioactive debris. With expert help french journalists must time to do is getting that content scientifically analyzed. But one night while he waits for the results he gets a mysterious voicemail message. I heard that youre interested in their money later theory or are under the bridge in their mind well i would go to a mental geologist me up on. I would very much appreciate your. You know your time around me were going to have a word about it thank you very much. The message is from a geologist an eagle club. After a 20 year career in the Mining Industry has now left it disgusted by the industrys failure to have his warnings about dealing with its waste ill tell you what i found particularly scandals to take the worst possible material which is you radium grind it into dust comparable to flour and make a hill out of it and put it into place where people live that is a cause colossally bad idea when you when you said when were you doing reports where you listened at that time i have written lots of reports i must have some sort of a record in emails probably over over 100. 00 so after a while you know i was explaining look what you are proposing costs money i mean 1st of all you have to decode the contaminates the land that is number one number 2 you can actually pump tailings all the way back where you got them from greeks then with a just a few percent of cement and you can get rid of tailings this way is a basically put it to normal you put it back to where it was how does that make you feel when you see it is local communities complaining about that or their Health Problem doesnt make you feel like you feel like a murderer. What we have done like i said we have created an enormous and were mental disaster if we were you know growing potatoes and we made and won a mental disaster along the side it would be different we would say ok were feeding the nation well the gold Mining Industry do it in reached a small percentage of people so we have produced gold which is the most useless thing in the whole world it feeds human greed it has no uses. And yet we have made him probably one of the biggest and one mental disasters in the world. So yes i do i do feel like like a murderer as eagles disturbing would sink head must start heads back to see farmer everett from goma. His current sentra possible signs of radioactive poisoning now the test results for the animals of being delivered and cussen by frank bender. The johanna spoke professor of foreign mental studies also one of them aboard were joined by neighbors frank frank and. The professor has come to see erics livestock for himself. The test results a clear material from the nearby mine tailings has contaminated eriks foam and uranium isnt the only problem. For example manganese would be quite significantly elevated in your in your water sample over 2 cells times what would what one would find in natural water sources we do have we do have an ego being elevated to solace in times of authentic this elevated 50 times as of old 500 ok the most lets say indicative mental form binding impact and that is you are a new in those tailings that is about 10 times what you would see in a Natural Environment 10 times as much so what you what you analyzed in your water you did about 100 times more than one would find it on polluted actual pristine water source of. A form surrounded by pollution which is just. Its animals badly contaminated and. Its disturbing news. The health of your goat yeah shows the highest level go for songbook overall and unless. You see uranium is 60 times for elevated but all the lead is an elevated to 80 times meaning almost 100. 00 times above whats normal that the same was cobalt thats the same as also nick and at 600 times one nickel but maybe you didnt know if youre just going to says ok all right i can have all of the yes you can have its all yours but soldiers. My dog was out of 4 now living in doubt right for you fly me. A farm when livestock die prematurely townships which children have Neurological Disorders and suffer from terrible coughing fits. But all the medical links between poor health and mining conditions so clear cut. Stoff at this radio call Health Clinic might have some months since. Among their patients is. Its the 3rd time this month that my youngest son has taken an l. Ok. All right that was yes. Indeed that he knew. Too much of the stuff it was it was a lesson by it not to me it goes this the list is one which. Goes numb dont know whos awake. So how are you going to yours. Their baby has called brocade shes. Of ours just in to squint both hands sometimes we see the worst so you get a child with a cough like the one that i just saw. She was having chest in drawings of the little dust because of the dust is something that you will see on the leverage yes you have been here you are number of cases not to really there should be a study like you are mentioning in a people who are living close to their minds if we get a lot of those patients i think definitely we have to do real estate. Astonishingly the South African state has never conducted a study to understand the impact of mine tailings on the population. But can. You catch up with you again. Back and have township at the foot of the mine down and out connecting with. Ok was go oh its. Very heavy so you have to do this every day. This is your house ok tunisias the small shack with her 4 children. In langley. Is ignorant as saying oh i like. To play lenses im up on the corner quinola is it a corner quinola youll get the last pictures and they were this tiny cabin provide some shelter from the rain but not from the pollution. And her children live only a few doesnt need to is from the mind where earlier i had measured radioactivity levels 28 times higher than the norm. She agrees to provide has samples to test what levels. Contamination but the response to it is ok we have to get through that it knew all along some pinay director of the institute for research and scientific expertise and comes online. To mean you know. Will come on tell you come on then hes commotions to pull. It in yeah if you blow it was he killed you gale norton i just didnt know maybe i did wrong im still me i dont. Know she. Is one of the sort. Of want to put in a bit will he see what im into there yes you could fall and then there is this food kind of love. You put in culture get your lucky breaks yourself. National should look back look at hobarts love that they dont pay you well thats. Right you can turn. It all right that should be more than enough. To more than you would put it. We dont so you must consult me did you like this want to. Go next. Or a perfect. Master has also taken to has song from the time to whom we matched. The little girl suffering from year old to suit a moving look. This is one of a lot of thinking so done little. To look beautiful. Ah. And then more 10 in total from other residents living near the mine tailings and sent them via express mail to professor pinay in france. Once again theyll be a few days of waiting for the results. In the meantime goes looking for gold. Some of south africas most profitable export is used in the Electronics Industry some of it is used for investment but most of it ends up as drury yet to the websites of the worlds major Luxury Brands a curiously silent about the sources of the gold. Do you oppose you know jennifer was going to pull those that off. Nor are any of them keen to respond to questions show that theres one of them called just how to yell matilda clearly because you dont know how good the flow of their lives can for the job business comes from them on this one is almost important ships are going to communicate by leaving dont you know from other was mumbai was a good moment when the mongia federal police each of them to come from the city to indeed not one jewelry brand agrees to provide details of whether gold comes from. New delhi then who can you compose one question the only the. Italian brand is the 3rd largest jeweler in the world and it certainly seems to be using a lot of gold. Its time to go shopping. To greece headquarters in. Johannesburg located in sun city among some of the most expensive real estate on the african continent in a luxurious Shopping Mall made by the company displays one of its finest pieces a gold and diamond necklace costing almost 70 8700. 00. But again no one hand seems to know where that gold had been sourced and we wanted to know whether. Here in the National Gallery you knew where the gold comes from if you can talk about it its called the gold yeah the gold you use in your jewelry. And you know i you know the ones here that are ok dont you think it is kind of a surprising that you dont know where to go comes from the caribbean so here you believe me to tell you you know ok ive heard of the. Of the consequences of my coal mines i forgot that for example the mind savings uses when you burn injuries better environments your eternal job or thats just starting his index or stuff ive heard of the 1st word where you know. Her thank you very much know you will come. Back in a world overshadowed by the waste dumps of south africas a vast gold Mining Industry. People are gathering in a church hall. Tiny the activist has come to syria to exist and why their drugs on people with here. So to have all the children whose has something smashed on has taken for testing. What has spread and even the National Media present. Everyone wants to know what the scientists have concluded. Or think you so much again for being here today i really appreciate the fact that youve come quite a long way to be here must all run through the results gleaned from soil and guts samples and then you cools off and sap the name and stress plant them in charge of analyzing the levels of heavy metal spout in the human have its been gathered looking for someone to live we dont know it and i was born with a huge tree of a go to be a son was really sure who. Was a very nice you dont know oh it was a hoax or it is. Yes you will. Surely was residual to girl always will be sure to tell you who it. Was. Do it or dont do. Those who you. Are. So sorry just dont do this for so forward when you would expose your pose and go this was on when you were exposed to it without people who are sure that god loves you then dont go and no one of the scenario is because while youre in the prison i dont think. Your ex was. Yet it really or was a big yard and you know these findings could help South African doctors give me a tandem better diagnosis for her disease. So as old people dont like western. People which. I dont. And all those who are you with of course failure as if you need to. Talk to you next was a job and its. Ok taken together the result a deeply disturbing. The soil gathered by much from the mine tailings is full of heavy metals the level of all snake for example is 330. 00 times higher than the norm the water is full of uranium 100. 00 times the international limit the goats are infected their fur contains 83 times more lead than those living far away from the mine tailings and as for the residents some of the children show 64 times more exposure to lead 5 times more exposure to your opinion and 4 times more exposure to us nic than the average french person even jesus into easy to get mean we eat is dangerous for you. And can cause celeb can we do. It. Jules way. Give us the middle or usually we dont. Even know shed miss you know you for your. You know. I think you know it. Is this one moment and this is not all those people that are really. Miles apart still the scientists who can be said to be able to say weve had enough of this mans exposing us all so were not being out to everybody once again from a shortage of saying to be sure there was a case you know weve lost because of insufficient evidence but now were dead document that we really like doing now it would reduce the universe be able know what theyve been. Doing to very much once again. As residents begin planning their next move. Including a possible legal claim against the Mining Companies. Matha obtains an interview. With the chamber of mines. The industrys association for some of south africas most powerful mining concerns. When youre so pretty pretty you dont seem to see if someone they mean look at them enough to just shoot someone just as soon as youre out m. And extend to put on you sometimes now for. Almost 120 years later stuff in a mood runs that were going to his asians antipollution department on string for those issues because the gold producing families do not want to address individually are getting the Environmental Impact of the Mining Industry and do you think its its going in there on the right track on the goodly. Yes there is significant progress achieved this far in terms of my Main Companies dealing effectively with environmental impediments hows the chamber of mine ever conducted Human Health Impact assessment regarding the tellings to mine 2 things not its not that im well ok so we dont some. Bench shows the same scientific analysis that he has shared with the residents back in the township we never heard about that and i dont know ok. What does that make you think now its quite concerning for me and i think something should be done do you think that the Mining Industry that you were present have a responsibility in these numbers. I think it is with our Members Company is mindless we do have the responsibility do you live close to the mind. Why not even me. I mean most of the its i mean most of the i mean those guys they follow and attainments is not the on the way around they choose to go and stay there thing that people believe are on the tape these tapings does huge paintings around town is producing theyre saying theyre not safe. At all theres a lot of. Environmental risks as were in a safe to. And why do you think youve been clean over all these years of us to something should be done for the tailings that our own. When when you Say Something do you think its something when what is it about eating the media and of they have built in of those should get rid of the state yes i think we need in all that all Management Strategy is the industry and obviously in putting up with government. So what does the government have to say. South africas environment minister declines to be interviewed. And his office says that the subject is not his area of expertise. The ministry of health on the other hand is very interested. In the vba. Is director of the National Institute for Occupational Health 1000. 00. Fundamentally this is of great importance to demonstrate that the levels are so much and that. There will be negative Health Effects on the children and really one of the real tragedies east coast of the 2nd why the money has not been prioritized we need to make sure that mines and other workplaces dont continue to contaminate the Living Environment for communities and so on. You know would you like a copy or we would absolutely love to have a copy because you see we dont have this we dont have it in and then we can go in with our medical teams and perhaps have a sample of those who have got higher levels. Of these different heavy metals and uranium and go in more physical examination do blood tests do urine tests and monitor there. The South African government will soon begin a major study on the Health Impacts of mining pollution. But time is of the essence in 2017 Mining Companies extracted 130 tons of gold from South African soil. Producing 27000000 600000 tons of supplementary waste. More ways to be produced next year and the next one and the one after that. There are still 35 years remaining of exploitable gold reserves in south africa. How many move it dims will have to be in that time before people realize that life is more precious than gold. And i was a bit more cloud floating around in iran around the caspian of course market share out of it by i dont think much to be honest and it has not been tempted back in the full cost around still around the 40 mark if anything done in iraq is actually going to war for the next couple of days back that up to 46 about or you can think of 48 to 49 kuwait just a little bit lower than that typically there would still sunshine for the most part and it was so out last few days of forecasts where ive been standing over the levant nothing much has changed the breezes picked about of iraq is running down the gulf at the moment as hampshire is probably slowly on its way down having had 45 or thereabouts on saturday were down to below 40 for both sunday and monday and that usually indicates rather more humid air and look at the wind direction thats probably exactly what to feel like in qatar and in bahrain not necessarily dubba dubba dubai or the u. A. E. Typically has got this dry air breeze from the Empty Quarter although its Still Producing the beef in salalah which is of course overcast and. Now the weather in cape town is warmed up considerably still a bit of a breeze mistily but 70 degrees for you on sunday and more sunshine but the same temperature on monday. Ard. Talk to al jazeera. What guarantees will you give to the people will be attending the minimal workshop we listen im supposed to explain apologize for someone is also terrorizing me we meet with global newsmakers and talk about the stories that matter does their own. Anger in sudan after just a handful of officers are blamed for a raid on a protest camp that killed dozens of people. Hello im hella mohit in this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up 5 children are among 13 People Killed during the latest airstrikes in syrias last rebel stronghold where the u. N. Believes war crimes are being committed. The violence ends to a band protests in a home called border town crowds are gathering for another mass rally in the city center. And more than a phase and people are arrested as Russian Police crackdown on an increasingly defiant opposition movements in moscow. Demonstrators have returned to the streets in sudans capital angered by the findings of an investigation into a raid on a protest camp last month the military jones has blaming a handful of rogue officers for the violence which the opposition says killed at least 100 people have a morgan has more from neighboring ethiopia. A few offices diverting from their orders and no blame on saddams military gentle. That was the core of the report from the Investigation Committee set up by the military to look into what happened on june 3rd when Security Forces attacked prodemocracy at Army Headquarters in. One of the brigadiers was warned that hes not responsible for the operation yet he disobeyed orders and led the Rapid Support forces into the sitting area and handed down orders for them to get out of their Armored Vehicles and force the protesters out its also stablished that the riot forces led by one of the colonels he alone with his forces moved into the sitting area and some personnel started battling protesters firing indiscriminately into. The attack killed at least 100 protesters and injured over 400 others according to the Central Committee for sudan which supports the protest movement the raid was lifestream by protesters as they ran for their lives and widely circulated on social media when the internet which was cut off on the day of the attack was restored more than a month later the investigating committee disputed the number of fatalities saying 87. 00 were killed and 168 who are wounded. The attack halted talks between the military and the Opposition Coalition known as the forces for freedom and change which represents the protest movement talks resume to months later as protesters continue to demand accountability and an initial power sharing agreement was signed earlier this month the Sudanese Professional Association part of the Opposition Coalition and the body which has been leading the calls for protests since december insists the committee was not independent but says it should not affect the talks to form a Transitional Government hours after the report was released people protested against its findings. I dont believe what happened today undermines the political process unless the military council looks for excuses to prison a go she asians or procrastinate the process what happened todays a natural response let the military council see this is a strong message that the people cannot remain silent as the Investigation Commission was formed not to establish the truth but to conceal the truth. As the 2 sides continue to try to form a Transitional Government protest on the streets continue their demand for justice but some analysts believe the Investigation Report could end up obstructing that justice from the justice perspective the reason they need to be independent. And i think the problem and also the information about this is. True. Is. This how this went on for. The june 3rd attack was the most violent part of the protest in december many say that the justice and accountability they demand cannot be achieved without a civilian government and a change in the system the reason why they started the revolution in the 1st place people morgan on their own. At least 13 civilians. Kryten 5 children have been killed in the latest Syrian Governments airstrikes in rebel held at le province the campaign backed by governments ally russia has targeted hospitals water plants and homes the u. N. Says that could amount to war crimes reports. I seem all too familiar for the people of northwest syria homes reduced to rubble i was families ripped apart. I was again i really United Nations there are no armed people no headquarters only unarmed civilians and armed people. The Syrian Government backed by its russian ally launched an offensive to capture it live in late april since then markets schools hospitals have all come under attack children have not been spared more than 200 were killed in just 3 months more than 800. 00 civilians have now died. But it was like im going to assad is targeting us because he wants us to give up and become displaced but where can we go there is nowhere to go with forced to remain here despite the bombing. It is the last major Syrian Opposition stronghold nearly half of its population is internally displaced people from different parts of syria have sought shelter here in september russian turkey agreed to designate it live and surrounding areas as a deescalation zone civilians were meant to be protected by the air strikes havent stopped and the bloodshed continues but there were 4000. 00 as good as the dollar to be deescalated with the violence should be escalated 3 of them were one of the one the only specialty about it live that is the last place where people could be deported to and its got in it with the Turkish Border which could be cleared refuse you probably for 30 or for the e. U. And hence where there is some pressure on russia and related to a lead but who actually did not respect the 1st 3 for the escalation as ours we dont believe is going to respect the 4th. On friday the u. N. Human rights chief michel accused the world of indifference to the plight of syrians for activists on the ground the carnage an adlib in hama represents yet another brutal but all too familiar stage in the a. T. L. War Priyanka Gupta aljazeera. Now hong kong is bracing for what could be another day over and rain stones protesters return to the citys Center District bringing you live pictures of people gathered in the downturn area some protesters say theyll defy a police ban a march towards the offices of chinas representatives in the city where large crowds divide police on saturday demonstrating in the outlying turn of your lawn not far from the border with Mainland China 20 people were injured when police moved in to several hours of protests began on june 9th against proposed changes the whole concept tradition most put it since school in so why is a movement against the territories beaching leaders and Police Brutality while for more lets cross live to syria couric whos in hong kong for us syria yet another protest planned for today just how many people are we expected to see and have police given this round leave their approval. But were at the starting point of this is this rally sundays rally the protesters had requested to do a march from here which is in Central Hong Kong down to an area called sun not sand but more of this is inside important just a couple of kilometers to the west of the central part of the city now that request was denied the organizers that appeal that decision in court i would not that again was refused at the moment this particular part of the rally its been by its considered legally if they do actually much too soon yet say Memorial Park and that will be considered an Illegal Assembly were expecting thousands of people to come again to this rally sunday something that is really also. Had a huge attendance but this is just the beginning its just started the last little while i should update on yesterday or saturdays rally that 11 people were arrested so far and the all denies of yesterdays rally a separate. Has just been arrested in the last hour or so and his arrest was by so the fact that he was encouraging and Illegal Assembly but today were expecting thousands of people once again to rally for a number of reasons a based on firstly the cool for the dumping of the extradition bill the proposed extradition bill but as you mentioned earlier its now a greater hold Water Movement of a great it calls for democracy in hong kong i will say we are seeing with increasing frequency these marches to sending in savoy confrontation want to you anticipate will happen if the protesters to march through this area near chinas own office will sort of security is lying. Do you think pioli it could be called into service. Yes sir yes in Memorial Park thats right across the road from chinas mine the ice office here in hong kong and last sunday there was another rally in a group of radical protestors did the face and bomb with height this building defies the chinas National Emblem on the front of that building that chinas response was i want to tolerate this type of behavior i should start there about 12 realize that the Peoples Liberation Army Barracks are garrisoned thats chinas army now that can only operate openly into. Its on the other threats of the government but if theres any activity or any kind of behavior that does undermine chinas my lentil farsi an appeal i could easily be called in to assist im bi so the fact that its partitions going to end up down that area where expecting a whitey to see if the rest will be by and to see if hong kong does take it up the people i request to intervene and assist in mine timing of managing these protests ok will sarah expects will be getting more updates from you throughout the day but for now i thank you very much indeed for bringing us the latest from hong kong. Now u. S. President donald trump has been accused of more racism following his attack on a prominence africanamerican politician and thats a strictly represents trump so mine tirades came after the launch of cummings criticized the u. S. President s Mexican Border policies which calls cummings a brutal belief saying his Baltimore District is far worse and more dangerous than the boards are described in baltimore as a discussing rats and would since infested mance the congressman responds and say mr president i go home to my district daily each morning i wake up and i go and fights for my neighbors will pass equal hane brings us all the leases from washington d. C. Another norm broken this is a us president denigrating a major American City that has happens to be mostly africanamerican and its africanamerican congressman but the larger cummings is not an ordinary congressman he is an icon of the Civil Rights Movement he has huge respect not only in his district but in the halls of congress the president has made it clear this is his strategy to get reelected he believes if you fires up his base core supporters of white supporters that they will come out in droves and they will get him another term there are a lot of analysts who are sending a warning message though about that strategy they look back to 216 and one of the reasons that trump won in this incredibly close election was because the vote was down in africanamerican communities and hispanic communities polls show that his racist tweets and comments are hurting his support among africanamericans and hispanics so what some analysts are warning while the president is firing up his own base his core support hasnt moved hes also fired up the base on the other side. Were going to weather up for you next then displaced again Syrian Refugees in istanbul are given a deadline to lean plus. Behind bars and out of reach the palestinian children imprisoned by israel and denied contacts with their families

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