The opposition by behind sunni led government since the 2011th hour of spring protests hundreds of people demanding political reform as well as human rights activists have been jailed silenced or forced to live abroad. And jersey. Still ahead on the bulletin and im learning diplomat visits evonne in a bit to calm growing tensions in the column and may on mom officials try to convince french of back to return home bought as it say. Hello again its good to have you back or are still going to be seeing some showers here across parts of southeastern china now most of eastern china is looking quite dry over the last few days we do have some coastal showers that pop up in the afternoon with the heating of the day and the onshore flow but were really going to be seeing dry conditions across the majority of the area so for food show down towards hong kong that is where its going to be wet here on sunday as we go towards monday though its really going to be drying out in food show your temperatures are going to be coming up as well so expect to see about 36 degrees there shanghai a very hot day for you as well at about 37 degrees for you well over here towards india and also into miramar the rain has been quite heavy with the monsoon flow and you can see most of the area is covered with clouds meaning a lot of showers across much of the area over towards men are over 160. 00 millimeters of rain over here towards mumbai last 24 hours has been about 192. 00 and we do expect to see very heavy rain here mostly across parts of raja stan and budget pradesh over the next few days and thats going to be quite heavy over above average for this time of year even though it is monsoon season so we are going to be watching this area for localized flooding there up here towards new delhi though it is going to be a mostly cloudy day with rain at 35. 00 and katmandu attempt a few of about 28. 00 degrees. And new year new lessons and. This is the time when you get to choose your english teacher is for the next 2 years meet the teacher. Empowering the students might say im michaels. Going to look at the specs i want you to develop. By letting them choose the lessons the rebel indication democratic schooling. On aljazeera. Is good to have you with us on aljazeera and these are our top stories saddams government is blaming a few officers for june crackdown on the protest camp and which the opposition says at least 100. 00 people were killed and vesta gave to say rogue officers orders by telling other Security Forces to fire on demonstrators protesters in hong kong a locked in a standoff with police after refusing to leave the streets early of riot Police Used Tear Gas and pepper spray to try and disperse the crowds and bahrain has gone ahead with the execution of 2 men convicted on terrorism charges despite International Concern about the fairness of the child un special rapporteur on extrajudicial killings agnus catamount had called on bob rae to carry out the death sentences. Omans foreign minister is in iran for talks with has a rani and counterpart about the intensifying gulf crisis amman as mediating in the dispute over impounded brush and iranian tank last week muscat urged head on to release the u. K. Flagstone a pair o. Iranian revolutionary guards detained it 2 weeks after u. K. Royal marines helped seize the iranian tanker off gibraltar a correspondent zain verjee is joining us live from the iranian capital whats come of the visit so far as a. Well liz its important to understand that whenever the foreign minister of oman comes to town despite the fact that the honda seen so much diplomatic traffic in recent weeks and months with everything thats been going on when the omani foreign minister comes to town it does indicate Something Special we have to remember it was oman that helped through secret talks open lines of communication between the United States and iran these were precursor these talks of a precursor to the brokering in the signing of the 2050 nuclear deal so when the omani foreign minister is in town then that means that some sort of conversation a serious conversation that could lead to some kind of change is most likely happening now mr yusuf been allowed weve been up to let met with his counterparts of odds are if youre into iran and by all indications that was a positive discussion mr zarif in a tweet just a few hours ago saying that he was pleased to host his distinguished friend indicating the Strong Alliance and warm relations between iran and oman they discussed u. S. Economic terrorism and zarif described it on irans economy in recent years and the security of their shared waterways now mr bin allow even if the law also met with Irans National Security adviser at least in qana mr khani at a very strong message for him saying that as far as iran is concerned the seizure by the british of an Iranian Oil Tanker in gibraltar was purely illegal and the seizure by iran of a british flag tanker was in line with International Laws that tanker they say was violating their waterways and what iran did was legal so in an effort to try to create some sort of dialogue to try to negotiate. A settlement a solution to this problem with these 2 tankers your money foreign minister will be facing a lot of a strong position from iranian leaders hes been a peacemaker in the past but his job now does seem much harder with iran coming from a very entrenched position saying thank you for that. Now World Leaders are attending the funeral of todays us 1st democratically elected president of the subsea the 92 year old died on thursday following a Severe Health crisis hell be buried at a Hillside Cemetery in tunis where other leaders and french president imagine that calm and cutters a mere shake for me been on the air among those attending a president ial election is set to be held in september with parliamentary elections in a towboat lets go now to our correspondent David Chaytor who is joining us live from the capital tunis and the funeral procession almost coming to an end david what comes next a very important days for the country. Yes on this day of all days. Great deal of respect for those for the memory and legacy or present this is there a sense hes joining thousands of other. Citizens here in the tunisian cemetery the Muslim Cemetery as you can see behind me looked over by at the moment a flag on half mast because the 7 days of official mourning and the old 13th century autumn and fortress now what people be looking for ease some of the violence not just the fact that democracy does seem to be able to cope with the smooth transition of power here the president ial elections as you said september the 15th but theyve also got to hope for some sort of change to the economy here in tunisia its 15 percent unemployment 31 percent amongst the their graduates those are extraordinary figures the industry strikes because theyre suffering view of inflation food Price Inflation a sturdy measures by the i. M. F. They only had less than 90 days now through september the 15th whether takes over also face a parliamentary elections the very next about going to be a whole new team at the top and they will face social challenges they have to face those challenges one of the economy because of the focus of the people thats very happy and very proud that this country still has a democracy its still very young its still very fun to go what they now need is an economy that picks up and gives them a real living and thats what theyre waiting for that will be the major problem of the politicians and political leaders over the next 3 months david thank you for that david chase live in tunis thank you. Now thousands of people have marched in the gaza strip for the funeral of a palestinian man killed by the israeli army during a weekly protest at the border fence 23 year old shot in the stomach another 38 palestinians were injured by gunfire in Southern Gaza al qaeda was the 1st death related to the demonstrations against the illegal Israeli Occupation of palestinian territories since june since the gaza rallies began in march last year at least 307 protesters have been killed by israeli troops a delegation from myanmar has arrived in 100 refugee camps and. The group traveling to coxs besides trying to convince the refugees to return home thats where hundreds of thousands have been taking shelter after fleeing atrocities. 2017 found their child he has more from. Several 100 running correctly destroyed together near the center where the myanmar delegate is supposed to meet with the Community Leader and they wanted to have the opportunity to see them maybe have the opportunity to question but they were dispersed by the Bangladesh Police now we spoke to a few of them this is what they have to say. Well. We came here to meet the myanmar delegates to get some answers to our questions but we were not allowed to meet with them. If you recognize as rowing is in they give us a citizenship card well go back there in one second our experience talking to the rowing as months after months and this they have certain fundamental demands before they even consider moving back to me on mar one of them is they be recognised as a growing goes they get citizenship and there is a guarantee of security by the International Community what the mayor and more delegates will achieve we have yet to see but from the Rights Groups and others we know the environment is not conducive for them to return. Im confident the normal state of caution is false and more people from their homes a cease fire between the government of the kitchen and dependence on the ended 2011 and since then and stability has been putting many families at risk including women who are being trafficked to china mohammed reports. Along me in mars border with china in this camp for the internally displaced the stories are full of sorrow. As singer hour works she contemplates the desperate choices shes been forced to make how work dried up when the 17 year old cease fire between the and more Government Forces in the kitchen Independence Army broke down in 2011 how being unable to support her family that seeing route to a decision that still rocks her with guilt has had knowledge my daughter was still young i didnt want her to get married at 1st but the chinese family said they would take care of her well my relatives they greed she should have a better life so i made the decision for my daughter to marry a chinese men. The groom promised to pay almost 7000. 00 to sing around but ended up paying only around half of that saying raus daughter who were not identifying for her safety eventually returned home. My friends keep asking me how it was to marry and live in china was it fun were you happy i told them it wasnt fun and that im not happy i was very sad and disappointed to get married. The escalation of hostilities in kitchen state has resulted in a huge increase in the number of displaced many people who used to cross into china to earn a living as day laborers can no longer do so cincom who works with the kitchen Womens Association says that makes the situation more dire for the internally displaced. And that a growing number of families are now forcing their daughters into marriage when i i think many of the parents want their daughters to marry a chinese man because they thought their have a better life in china they thought the Chinese Government would take care of chinas citizens perry road for some there is a darker side to finding a new life away from the kitchen and out of me and more. According to Human Rights Watch traffickers are increasingly preying on the despair of women who feel they have no choice but to seek work across the border this woman who are also not identifying for her safety was trafficked to china. Has suffered i lived in terrible conditions they were abusing me with Sexual Violence i do want to sleep with them by i was forced i begged them to let me go but he was not listed in and he became pregnant. And contacted Chinas Ministry of Foreign Affairs for comment but has not received a reply Human Rights Watch says another reason the situation is worsening is because for every year since 1987 the percentage of women in china has fallen a gender imbalance that is leaving many chinese men without wives for now concern is growing that more traffickers will try to take advantage of the increasing desperation of people who are already vulnerable. As. Earthquakes in northern philippines have killed at least 8 people to tremors a magnitude 5. 4 and 5. 9 struck near the botanist islands on saturday more than 60 people to enjoy it and there has been significant damage to homes and other buildings. Not to pay but have died in south korea after the balcony of a nightclub collapsed on top of don says 16 others were injured when the upper floor gave way early on saturday morning in the city of. Russian police have arrested hundreds of people at an opposition rally in central moscow protesters were demanding that opposition candidates be allowed to run in elections for the city council but Election Officials have barred from saying they didnt collect enough signatures Opposition Leader and action of army has been jailed for 30 days for organizing the rally. Now i recall this does not have the worlds leading. Unlike many others he says turning to colonise has been easy. Having been a cook from before i had a little experience that is helping for me or for a new adventure its not been much at the moment but i think its worth a try. West african trade is especially from jerry ive come here to ivory coast to buy some of the goods find their way to worlds number one producer but farmers here say they can be given over a leader if they were given the same support and find i felt as a Country School performance. There is little in the way of Government Support for the farmers but help is coming from elsewhere with researchers helping to improve farming techniques. Its a central for the farmer to be paid a good price per tonne access to new markets is also important and that will ensure that they keep doing what they do. In africa column that are mostly used in traditional ceremonies but also used to make drinks and pharmaceutical products so many here see their potential is huge trade isnt farmers say if their government could help them get a fixed price for their goods they would prosper and others would be encouraged to take up farming and that way they say. The headlines on al jazeera saddams government is blaming a few officers for drones crackdown on the protest camp and which the opposition says at least 100. 00 people were killed investigators say rogue officers violated orders by telling other Security Forces to fire on demonstrators have a morgan has the latest from neighboring at a sabah. Sports you one of the parties in the Opposition Coalition had said that this is not going to be it was expected and that the whole purpose of the investigation is to bury the truth now weve heard from the head of the committee. Who was appointed by the almost was dismissed by the Transition Military Council the opposition and protesters on the streets are saying that this investigation that was carried out by the Transition Military Council to cover up for the crimes they committed during the attack on the city in. Bahrain has gone ahead with the execution of 2 men convicted on terrorism charges despite International Concern about the fairness of the trial the un special rapporteur on the extra judicial killings agnes kalama court on bahrain not to carry out the death sentences handed to shia activists alie al arab and when they were sentenced of the killing of a policeman protesters in hong kong a lot locked in a standoff with police often refusing to leave the streets early of riot Police Used Tear Gas and pepper spray to try and disperse the crowd and activists say police colluded with alleged gang members who attacked and severely injured protesters and someday. World leaders our intern is here for the funeral of its 1st democratically elected president the subsea the 92 year old died on thursday following what the government said was a Severe Health crisis hell be laid to rest and a whole sides have a tree in tunis where other leaders are also buried. Earthquakes in northern philippines have killed at least 8 people 2 tremors of magnitude 5. 4 and 5. 9 struck near the ash and s. Island on saturday a 60 people are injured and there has been significant damage to homes and other buildings. Are those are the headlines on aljazeera rebel education democratic schooling u. K. Is coming up next thank you for watching. 0 were going to give to the people will be attending the minimal workshop we listen im supposed to explain apologize for someone who is also terrorizing we meet with global newsmakers and talk about the stories that matter does their own education matter the universal rights to expand. And offer better prospects. To a better life yet around the globe. An institution. Systems been deemed to be no longer. Linking schools and how they want identifying the skills and knowledge needed in the 21st century now a new wave of rebel education is sweeping. Educate and radically change the way. Challenging. And. Creates opportunities which will affect individual and entire community. Mean. Being out on the water with a Nautical School like this is a pretty great experience and i love being out here this is a friday period 3 and look where were on the road victoria dark so that in itself makes the school a great place to be and i think it also inspires us as disco to do things in different and unique ways were not bounded by what you would expect which is a great thing. And i 1st came to the u. K. One thing that did strike me was the amount to which the system for education focuses on exam outcomes theres a lot of punishment associated with doing badly in exams it seems its often leads to really conservative approaches in the classroom and schools is a risk averse process i think theres much more that we should be doing in classrooms then simply getting ready for exams. Sit down right listen up please theres not words i told you yesterday that were going to do going to continue to learn about. A movement in america at the minute and actually does they have starting in london to call black when people come to the streets in large numbers thats normally called protest and interesting thing about protest is protest and symbols ok you can tell me what a symbol is yes exactly that tell us something good so actually what you see the regularly can often be different to what you think of right this is my 1st year as a qualified teacher so this is all ive ever done and i think it would be difficult for me now to return. To i mean for lack of a better mainstream education the good thing about the autonomy here is the fact that you can i can push certain things i can push the issue of representation they give me a framework to do that is a picture of who. I. Dont know who is the most famous person. Is beyond say right and what i want you to do is only talk to i want you to tell your partner and i want you to ask them why do you think beyonce has put all of these names oh behind talk to the person next to go. On the National Curriculum says that teachers are allowed to teach pretty much anything they want according to the official document of the government out we have autonomy to do that its just the case that often as the departments dont put in systems in place from which teachers can choose their own text what is Trayvon Martins names than 4 in all of the list of these other names i hope that the kids feel that english is for them english is is about learning about the world its about critiquing things in society and its about how you can stand up to injustice and thats why i hope the kids feel and thats why i became an english teacher and thats why i try to implement on a on a day to day basis when she. Does. This is the time when you get to choose your english teacher is for the next 2 years we have a set of beliefs and their English Department here about you. The 1st thing we believe is that you can be trusted that you are the perfect person to decide where and how and with whom you learn you decide how hard the program of learning that you think is suitable for you should be you decide the topic you decide the style of learning and then you get on and succeed we do not want to break you and say groups who we think will achieve and groups who we think want that is none of our business at the end of it oh you will say the same g. C. S. E. Examinations and you will all have the same chance of succeeding but the path you will follow to get there will be very different. Id like to invite to come forward mr winnick who is a new teacher. As well as teaching english the boys talk drama media alongside lots of bring in those different aspects to. Begin to look at that perspective different peoples perspective my take my cool all about. What freedom is free to me im interested in the opinions that you bring to these texts because thats what makes it interesting if you like exploring social issues or if you like talking about what we might call big issues such as race and of course politics gender then perhaps my course will be for newt will be a long time for me to your view and youll be expected to be quite often. Texts that i have selected. And youre going to have to be willing to do some hard work if you want to be in the school i want you to develop the skill with which you speak i want you to be comfortable speaking last i want you to. Write and your reading so that you understand you so much great stuff out for you to understand all your enjoy that you so much write stuff. I think about but mr bright i would teach you if you see him backing. Down for a level. You can understand he understands us more it makes you feel like a grown up because it makes you have your own choice your independence to be honest i really dont know you its a pity because theyre all very good with all their individual ideas and everything. Weve invited you to have a conversation with us. About the way that we work in the English Department we need to know exactly what it is that you want to say from the teaches and what we can offer you next year. It would not be better if it was watching what screen wheres. That seat and could also see in this scene where we dont think its our position to choose just you one of the things that has been proven in research thats going to make the most difference to him listening is the teacher we feel like its appropriate future i have a choice on. My. Every 3 jazz block for each class so you can look at the work of that rubens being provided with and each student as a bloke so you can look at your sons work where you can look at the work where the students are next class if youre interested in seeing what others are doing you can also go on to that same site and find all the information about all the possible badges he could ever want to achieve any concerns or. Problems with the idea of us publishing all of this material i tend not to think that carried. Out and maybe thats some old undermining the thought of a son in that you need to protect him yeah look hes vulnerable yeah yeah we think as a school and as educators its our job to also inform them about how to be online and by providing them with a publishing mechanism that is under control. They we can then moderate the choices theyre making and be and be with them in their online world were concerned. It seems to. Me and. Its important for us if we have or are inclined to do these things to go on to give us because what we do doesnt just come from one person its actually about all of us its the student and the teacher is for sharing our experiences of what weve created to get. The thing is a conference for 2 trees so the only people there except for you will be to clear things so im usually very interested to see how that actually works in a school and one of the things we did we agreed was that its actually more real. For students to. Get your point of view then we just say students really like it talk about. What you want to talk about yeah yeah cause thats what the people want to reach of you that might be a different thing im not sure. Because you can gauge screen it simply with a cheap shot on your arm badges and things like that it might be that youre in a position to talk about that also all here all english class is different is that its not is it even though we use our basic skills i was lucky if i use it to do you know want to toss things were doing right now if you dont know me to get to have that conversation normally youll go into a classroom and another school and they will tell you what your Program Going is going to be and thats what you do if he. Tries. To pull along some people from my team and i wanted to thing. Validate and verify some of the things were saying were going to talk to you about our whole new system of working that courage is teachers and students to take responsibility for themselves ask. Do you know what and. I mean your teachers can see it. Its really good. To read your books. And. Only. To do their own english teacher and i think that in no way. And now it makes me so young and his book. It makes me more. Like yourself and. I think i picked up with the quote i thought. And i think i could relate to it because i live and you have to believe me when i say this i havent said to for you and say those things right. I think that mr bryan scores is good for me because its about in a city and we talk about social issues well i mean i think that if i was in school when i was in school i would have liked to have said that about my teacher and i feel like the fact that we are. Study writers of color and can read about those writers of color and he can see himself in those books is very important because if we dont we often talk about the verse in schools right but if we dont have diversity in terms of the things that we study in english how we have or have diverse english teachers says we really. Love to hear what you have to say the way the line that weve cites for everything. When i 1st saw the students were here my i thought is that its not going to be quite a stick or smooth or some in the im going to go im going to really get anything out of but i was so moved about you know it was so genuine and honest that it got me to thinking about how possibly achatz sachs will make it for my own school that came across that they hadnt handpicked the students the students and put themselves forward and it gave me a feeling of genuine nice that you know made it easier for me to sort of take that and see that it worked. I think i wouldnt have any problem having students choose my classes i can specifically think of 2 or 3 members of my department where students wouldnt pick it and id worry as well that those members of staff would be affected by the fact that they were picked we get a very favorable response to our ideas when we share them with people and at the same time they generally say one universal thing and that is we love this but we could never do this we say why not a one and dont think go away. Are going to go and. What we do in the English Department as a whole is thirdly. This is not an easy within a state school institution. People dislike change the risk of arrest and within the scope i have had to battle with people in order to get them to agree for us to go ahead with these programs and processes they challenge the very fundamental nature of how schools work giving students Parents Choice is terrifying for a lot of people in education youve recorded yourselves speaking and youve transcribed those conversations all i want to do now is start to identify as many as possible of these modifications to standard english that youve made in your conversations to the right. You know oh yeah well you know why do you think often you know news i would only want to tell you that it was called out when youre basically telling a story and one morning i think what did you just say since we have such high stakes accountability in this country if you are going to do something that is different from the norm School Leaders so were always going to find it quiets quite flattening particularly when the School Leaders there were countable for the course of your work. What. I experienced initially of christies performance when being observed and also this but it was quite negative enough not to conference quite a bit if you go on all students but its occurring in syria and they will make judgments and those just was kind of factual could inspect the kind of looked at my teaching and defined my practice as an adequate. I guess there is the sense that a good listener is a listen when students are sitting behind desks they are quiet and they are studiously engaged in some kind of individual inquiry and my view is that they they learn a lot in collaboration with each other what are the key people might call chaos i would often just call active engagement. Over the years as the results that we have achieved have come through the system and revealed themselves the inspectors are much more amenable to the work we do to the extent that the most recent visit from else did ultimately gave us a very good. Rating we had to prove ourselves before we would be taken seriously and i do think that if youre going to create change in the way that we have in a system like this you have to have the courage to be willing to fail or to be seen to fail by others. And its not just external agencies that we have to convince of course people so dont convince us its within the school not. Necessarily the smoothest looking in english its not a model of if you want wants to adults because it is a lot of work and it is a very different way of looking. At the way that money is a long time used it. To. Change. Youve got something of a choice about what you do today the way that youve been planning for the data its. Planning your method im getting ready to actually do your experiments today i am about to take over as head of science and i guess and ive been spending a lot of time working with the English Department on the ideas that theyve had i have already started to try that and i have to results was really fantastic even is that i get to try and prove that theyre all full yeah exactly youve made it refutable because you started your sources they certainly enjoyed it and theyve requested that it has yours again so this all of us 789 and 10 spots 11 to about the age of 15 are going to be choosing their science teachers next to. Their. House on the pad right. Where ready to go every teacher in my department teaches differently we each have different approaches and different classroom philosophies from today you have been given the chance to make a decision that is incredibly important to your success. The kids have been through this before theyve done it so many times they know exactly whats right specs and my team of the people the astounding math the 1st time selling themselves which is something thats not really asked of you very much in teaching way used to being the ones that are very much in control and already youre more into it what youll be better last year i didnt really want to make it that we talked about issues that are going on in the world right now that even a little more relevant theres no going on for. You to. Be tripping. To work on my team in a Science Department almost entirely name more than half of my department has never told before the tons of stuff in Science Departments in the u. K. At the moment is generally quite high and the reason for that is theres a real shortage of science teachers there students that without this morning. You know seen a few teachers come and go at this stage and a couple of them have said you know whats the point in choosing your teacher if theyre going to be leaving soon anyway it sometimes may actually that they have come to believe that that we might disappear on them and not be around to see the records 3. 00. 00000000 let. Me have a look you. Know i woke up this morning by petrified actually because i mean the same feeling as many people in the country is my age you know so what were going to get i mean this piece of paper with it controls our lives with you oh. Oh oh oh oh oh. 0000000000 extension 0000 its pretty exciting to be able to say that the results from this years English Programme at g. C. S. E. Of the best way ahead. The students that we teach fits into some of the categories nationally that are regarded as some of the least likely to achieve we have students who come from backgrounds of poverty we have students who come from backgrounds of where their parents are migrants students that come from difficult circumstances and given that thats the case and yet they come into this go and through their time here succeed at a level that is comparable and better than many other students with much greater privilege in the country is something we well its what gets us up in the morning. I dont very well possible issues to be using english language and ill be studying in next year i have highly highly recommend we celebrate is one of the best use you have ever had is the one report for us i was trained in english and he was one who got me to who got me to do this when they freed their personality and their own force into their lessons busy thats when the lesson comes. In a in literature and the language. Is able to. Sort go on their own discovery exploration of the language or the text that were studying in our features these students to develop their. Ideas thats probably why it is so good at the alice that its done fantastically well in english and theyre really really proud of the week i am to be in english and not only that easy its also got a slight hurdle with dyslexia and the fact that its got such amazing results is a credit thing which to. The great thing about mr ward is he spends toying with me and yet she likes that as i what your child needs. To do the women said i go back to the ravine many examples over the years where i felt frustrated because i dont think that the school supported me in the way that id like to just typical for someone whos trying to be Something Different i think. But at the same time. Ending in what weve got to show for what we have done speaks for itself. Plain. Old. Combining arts and to acknowledge. To challenge soviet era methodology is. Through making creating and performing. Turning a generation of children. Into the trailblazers of tomorrow. After school. Part of the rebel education series. On aljazeera. Bogost on aljazeera one o one who stumbles to gauge how illegal a lot of the plundering some of cambodias last remaining fawaz marking 2 years since the start of myanmars military campaign thats cause hundreds of thousands of random muslims into exile how you look in countries and billions of euros supplying arms used in the game and resulting in the worlds worst humanitarian crisis another bid to preserve multilateralism within a group of the 7 most advanced economies will cohesion prevail over with challenges for the g. 7 faces drawing on a decade of aljazeera documentary reviving visit the archive to find out how the story moved on august on aljazeera. The plundering of armenias not thrilled riches has uprooted residents and desecrated the habitat of some of europes most endangered species. But a Remarkable Campaign by local residents is challenging the miked of the countrys investors and pinning high hopes on its newly elected Prime Minister people in power investigates army new mining out the left. On a 0. Aljazeera. Entry. This is aljazeera. Fully back to this is the news hour live from my headquarters in doha coming up in the next 60 minutes more tear gas and violence on the streets of hong kong where protesters have defied a ban on them oche. An investigation in sudan finds a handful of offices to blame for the raid on a protest camp in june that killed at least 100 people also this hour tunisians big fan well to beg see their 1st democratically elected president after his death on thursday. And on people stamped with folded a small it was colombias agan bedloe is virtually guaranteed to become the 1st man from his country to win the Tour De France all of that story and more later in the program. Thank you very much for joining us protesters in hong kong are refusing to leave a metro station after the latest sea of clashes in the Territory Police backs gangs attacked demonstrate is there last sunday thousands of people continue to defy a police baton rally in your lawn where least 45 people were injured in last weeks attacks police have you see a gas and pepper spray to disperse the crowds the protests same hong kong began over an extradition bail thats now been shelved which could have allowed people to face trial in Mainland China lets get the latest from sour crocked who joins us now live sour so the standoff continues into the night its been lots of activity at the train station in hong kong there tell us about whats been happening in the last few hours. Well this really has been very mobile weve moved around a number of sports union long which is on the outskirts of of hong kong and where as you mentioned its where the attacks the vald attacks occurred last sunday when a ball boy of what they call criminal gangs also known as childs attacks volley beach some of the antigovernment protesters who were turning from a peaceful rally in Central Hong Kong thats why. The rally was focusing on targeting the police most of the protesters are now left weve got a handful or a small group who have resisted arrest and defending themselves they ran and hid and now hiding in the empty station which is on my right hand side you might never see behind me weve got a number of police still here that will time pursue those protesters to try and remove them but most of the the people the protesters have gone for. The march had been banned by the police which is unusual because protests are usually allowed in hong kong does it make it illegal that. Yes it was it was considered an Illegal Assembly because the permission was denied the police said their reasoning for saying no to this particular rally was they were trying to protect People Security People Safety in this area but it went ahead anyway so this was actually considered an Illegal Assembly and some arrests were my we have another protest on sunday here in hong kong that too has had one of his destinations denied by police but that protest against chinas mine Liaison Office in Central Hong Kong. With the latest staff from hong kong thank you very much for joining us joshua long is the secretary general of demo systole which is a prodemocracy organization he says the demonstrators will not be intimidated and were not great on probation gangster and walks and best there really were nearly a 100000 people do this again and urge government to respond to the voice of people and with what have happened last week at the broadway stage and hong kong is not the safety city around the world anymore but we still continue to fight for freedom but we urge its government in the short term and terminated the bill and in the long run it is time for home people to have free election there is not that it appeals to excess and we call it he knew i was struck however got from the police just cooperate with probation gangsters as the reason for both were angry and have a protest yes they at hong kong airport to a date at New Territories tomorrow Central Hong Kong protests every week and is a long time battle for us to fight for free elections but the leader of hong kong should not be the puppet of beijing thats why both men continue and now its the summer of discontent. Well lets now speak to andrew young whos an independent china analyst he joins us on skype from hong kong thank you very much for being with us on aljazeera this crisis in hong kong seems to have reached a new level this saturday how is the Central Government in beijing viewing these events is there a sense that the administration of carol lam is losing control of the situation. Well thats their family feeling. That the whole government is motherless rather unable to control the situation but behind it all is aging is fear that there is a coordinated attempt that the able to do is they belong to the whole government and also to. Compromise the basic tenet of one country towards a system which of course is a contradiction in terms to have the one country which is controlled by a. Cover this. Government and then the 2 system a place which has been under. A western kind of society 150 years but then in the whole course basic law there are all lot of safeguards for the 2 systems for example almost so who brought the dependents will call it the ability to sri and so on but also there are a few safeguards for the one country particularly the provisions against submission subversion of the support of a completely which i thought you know that elected so the beijing government a sees that this kind of protests may seem to be an attempt to destabilize hong kong ok and also to embarrass the chinese dont let me ask you these demonstrations have been going on for nearly 7 weeks i havent reaks in facts now what would constitute a red line for beijing what would make them intervene in the crisis and if they did intervene and what form would they intervene. Well of course the basically line is that the whole bone burns i mean the you know was there was a complete breakdown of law and order there was chaos riots and so our whole. Complete lack of governance of of all the breakdown of the government. A total chaos in the fact that this is the kind of situation which would allow the deployment of all the Peoples Liberation army of course that was a garrison but this precisely the point beijing sees that this is attempt to promote beijing and the whole government you can see that this publication is happening during the past couple of weeks 1st of all that tackle the. Ransacking of the symbol of old bones of all of the lets that a council with the Parliament Building also if facing. The last. Of beijings Representative Office and on call and then of course there hold on for as you know some of the democracy backs on that phone call and say theyre not behind these acts of violence that have accused in fact police have had no dealing with gangs to to participate in this violence what how does beijing view this. Well because of you look at what happened. Couple days ago in. A new law. There was a clash between. Sort of tried more than the trial but again there are. Always trying activities in the law and there are best of the insurers. And of course the way that those. Ready atrocities allowed to happen of course a gives the protesters the reason to oppose the government and also the whole whole court its all scandalized by these atrocities because the police were late in turning up they seem to be turning a blind eye to us it right but then behind it all the as the whole the vested interest in the us of beijing this is you know its another test of the stabilize the social order ringback because there are always this trial elements you know and all of a certain hasnt. And are not you know protesters demands let me just ask you briefly about some of their demands which include of course an inquiry into the Police Violence democratic reforms and also that carry not carry them rather resign how much would breaking the federal government be willing to give in to some of those the mets. Well you would look at the 1st though the man we just saw is still there on the cards. Is the socalled drawl of the bill but then of course the chief executive per cell make it quite clear that there was that in the sense that a the government has or the seize all activities to do anything to do with the bill but even more so for the bill to even move on its got to have the support of the prove government lets say to us but then the legislators are already beginning we quit in the support of the bill because theyre losing a lot of votes in the coming election so the bill is really there there was little no no no room for it to move forward but then on the other hand the polluters the sewer refused to accept that so thats the 1st 1st about the 2nd the one well its touched the short to the to the most important one is the universal suffrage dont forget back in the time of the umbrella woman and there was a package for the package of universal suffrage at that time was not acceptable because it was not liberal you know and so again it was scuttled but i thought around they want a better deal right then on the other hand. One of them was saying its one trying to save the b. J. But more of a lot of a hand not a worse complete free hand to hold them with you that someone for he or she could become an activist for busy independents ok will they be totally. Such a great line and tell their i think and so much were going to leave a handwritten thank you so much when i leave i thank you so much for your analysis and your insight and giuliana a china analyst joining us there from hong kong. In other worldviews sudans military government is blaming a small group of offices for last months raid on a sit in outside the armys headquarters in khartoum the head of the committee that looked into the crackdown says role golfer says violated orders by telling other Security Forces to fire on demonstrators it was a worse outbreak of violence in the unrest that followed the militarys removal of longtime president Omar Al Bashir in april sudans opposition says more than 100 people were killed but the june disputes that number but the opposition rejects the findings of the investigation in a News Conference held this they accuse the military council of hiding the truth and. I dont believe what happened today undermines the political process unless the military council looks for excuses to prisoner go see a sense or procrastinate the process

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