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Pause to think some cause for concern with this sort of sheer force of his soaring optimism and rhetoric to the beginning of a new golden age for our United Kingdom invoking is charlie said this great sense of chilean optimism and can do spirit the 1st day of a new approach he said that will end with our exit from the e. U. On october 31st no doubt that is the central pillar and plank of his premiership it is where the focus of his and his new hardline pro breaks a cabinet will lie and it was to breaks it that the only real detail of the day was directed because hes made it clear once again that his preference he says is for a deal but the price hes paid for that deal is so high that it is almost impossible for the e. U. To accede getting rid of the Northern Ireland backstop means junking the interests of the republic of ireland and the e. U. Member in the in favor of britain and exiting member there so unlikely to do that and then he says well well go for a no deal well turbo charge efforts will spend the 39000000000. 00 we were going to pay in a divorce settlement to pay for it the clear implication in all of this is that if there is to be a no deal breaker which very many people are extremely concerned about Boris Johnson is giving notice that it is the he used fault not his own. Turner analyst i spoke to in the last hour see the convince theres some element of bias johnson being in reelection mode right now listening to the big promises that hes making is there a perceptional feeling among some at least in palm and that this was the beginning of his election campaign. Oh yeah i think unavoidably so i mean he knows that theres every chance of an election possibly far sooner than he would like one either because he fails his october 31st deadline promise or because he loses a confidence vote sometime in the autumn and there is no doubt that this great sweep of policy promises that he made outside downing street yesterday and again in parliament is about an election manifesto i mean were talking about he said it himself making britain the greatest country on earth everything from health care policing education to climate the railways broadband tax incentives tax free trade deals with the whole world almost none of that he can focus on until bracks it is out of the way these are promises designed to win back the country to win back defecting voters whove gone for nigel farage is party hes presenting them with a hard line breaks it cabinet and absolute full on pledge to give them breaks it and he will hope that the opposition is left in disarray does divided as it always has been between those who want to leave the e. U. And those who want to remain on the hardware from westminster the un says at least 150 people are fed to have died in a shipwreck off the coast of libya 140 others who were rescued of being returned to libya the country is a hub for migrants many of you trying to reach europe and more overcrowded boats will have more on this later. Still ahead allowed to 0 north korea follows missiles into the sea just weeks after agreeing to restart nuclear troops with the u. S. Still there is plumber much of central and southern areas of china. Eastern sections as you can see but the right is very extensive it has been the last few days and will continue to over the next couple of southern areas you can see its a trailing all the way down across into sections of thailand vietnam and cambodia that fall south and go to hong kong 32. 00 is the high a warm day in shanghai at 37. 00 degrees celsius and it should be mostly dry for you further towards the west across into india and i this is where of course weve seen some very impressive monsoon rains the satellite showing you a large bright arrows of clouds over the last several hours and the rain really is very extensive across much of the continent right the way up to the north in fact we even see some rain showers pushing across into pakistan over the next couple of days 27 degrees in poor on friday 29 in new delhi that temperature has come down a few degrees in the last couple days because of all the rain that is very much in the forecast and then on saturday you can see just how much is again that weve seen for quite a while 24 in katmandu again those rains extensive across much of nepal and then weve got a high of 29 in mumbai. It could be the biggest land grab in history. As powerful nations make great territories under the ocean. One geologist are secretly plotting board. As the struggle for resources intensifies some of the worlds most powerful scientists speak out. Ocean as monarch. Come back youre watching our lets recap our headlines now. The subsidy has died at the age of 92 he played a major role in the countrys transition to democracy after the 2011 revolution its all the overthrow of longtime leaders in lobbying banally the head of parliament will now be sworn in as interim president mitterrand 1st day. Puerto ricos governors announced his resignation after nearly 2 weeks of mass protests it was sponsored by the release of offensive messages sent between the card. And his top advisers was already anger over corruption in a u. S. Territory that bankrupt. In his 1st speech to parliament as britains new Prime Minister Boris Johnson urged the e. U. To rethink its refusal to renegotiate breaks it he also said his government would prioritize leaving without an agreement if there was no deal with the e. U. By the october 31st deadline. North korea has conducted its 1st missile test just weeks after expressing more anger at planned drills between south korea and the u. S. South korea and japan say 2 short range missiles were fired into the sea off the coast at one side and south Koreas Defense Ministry is urging pyongyang to stop its tests well not always on. Have korean government has been closely monitoring the related moves of north korea and we urge north korea to stop such actions that dont help the efforts to relieve tensions on the Korean Peninsula south korean government will step up its monitoring posture under u. S. South korea cooperation and closely communicate regard with this last month u. S. President trump held talks with north Korean Leader kim jong on during a surprise visit donald trump became the 1st sitting american president to step foot into north korea. From a bride once more from seoul. Officials in south korea and also japan are analyzing data from this double Missile Launch working with their u. S. Allies looking in particular at one of these missiles that traveled a total of 690 kilometers which they believe could be a new type of weapon with reports that possibly this missile has a guided capability unable to get to avoid interception now if this is true then it means that north korea while they have certainly stopped Nuclear Testing on the launch of bigger Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles are still developing their Weapons Systems its a message that has been driven home with the release of photographs earlier this week of kim jong un the north Korean Leader visiting a submarine in a shipyard now its not known whether this is a new submarine under construction of the North Koreans claim or simply an older type of sub that is being refitted but the consensus among analysts is that it is a submarine that is large enough to carry submarine launched Ballistic Missiles a technology that North Koreans have been trying to develop over the last couple of years i think people are in south korea japan and the United States need to be more cars on the bar that is inspection by condemning of the new type of submarine. Test firing of short range of projectiles because if north korea acquires Nuclear Submarines they can launch Nuclear Policy missiles then it would be a game changer thursdays Missile Launch it seems to be an expression of north korean anger at upcoming exercises between south korean and u. S. Forces in august and also showing its frustration that once again talks seem to have stalled even after the heightened hopes of the surprise meeting between donald trump and kim jong il. On the d. M. Z. Barely a few weeks ago it is the fear of talks collapsing that has led to a guarded response from south korea saying that the launch of the missiles was a threat but not necessarily a provocation japan had a Firm Response saying that if this does turn out to be Ballistic Missiles even though they were short range this does violate un resolutions and could and should possibly have consequences now ukraine authorities have seized a russian tanker and 7 of its crew in the black sea accusing it of being behind a ship blockading incident last year Ukraine Security Service Released this video showing officers boarding the russian vessel on thursday it was docked at a ukrainian port here of says the tanker was involved in an operation in november when it ships came under fire from russian vessels moscow says its looking into the incident. Now in sudan members of the opposition have called for marches across the capital becomes one week after a power sharing deal was signed by members of the Ruling Military Council and the civilian coalition on wednesday the joint to say they had foiled a coup attempt the militarys chief of staff was among a number of high ranking officials detained. Well frozen donald trump has vetoed 3 measures to block arms sales to saudi arabia and the u. A. E. Over the war in yemen or expressing concern for civilian casualties. Congressional efforts to block weapons sales would damage relationships with key allies well in may he bypass congress to sell more than 8000000000. 00 in weapons to the gulf states so for more on this lets cross over to White House Correspondent Kimberly Halkett and kimberly is it a case of 3 strikes and youre out now where does the effort go to from here. Yeah well its not over but in terms of stopping this is congress has repeatedly tried its a long shot the Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell the Top Republican in the u. S. Senate says there is the possibility the senate could vote to try and override this veto that was issued late last night in washington but again it is a long shot because there would need to be 2 thirds majority of members voting to override the president s decision to veto this legislation blocking this arms sale it doesnt appear that they will have that votes but certainly there is an effort in congress because previously we had seen 2 chambers voting unanimously with almost unanimously we should point out to try and block these cells the concern being the civilian casualties in the saudi led conflict in yemen which we should point out has spiraled into what the United Nations calls a humanitarian disaster but the argument from the trumpet ministration is that the u. S. Said the relationship is very important they want to continue to affirm that in terms of trying to maintain American Global competitiveness they dont want to damage the relationship with the their allies but this is not sitting well with members of congress who have repeatedly felt that this administration has given saudi arabia a pass when it comes to the murder of journalists. As well as turning a blind eye to the high level of civilian casualties in yemen so once again this is potentially going to be voted on in the senate but there is not a lot of. Theres a lot of concern about this by some top members of congress including nancy pelosi in fact she issued a very strong statement take a listen to this or look at this she writes the president s shameful veto of legislation to block his sale of arms to saudi arabia and u. A. E. Tramples over the bipartisan will of congress and perpetuate his administrations a volved meant in the horrific unconscionable conflict in yemen some pretty strong statements coming out of congress with regard to this again there is an effort underway to try and block it overturn this veto by the president but again it is looking like a long shot the numbers are simply not there in the u. S. Senate to try to undo what the president did late last night in washington or i will leave it there for now thanks so much to believe how cuts. Former u. S. Special counsel Robert Lawlor has insisted once again that he did not exonerate donald trump of obstruction of justice or was testifying at 2 different hearings in congress about his investigation into russian interference in the 2016 president ial election its the 1st time hes answered questions publicly since his report mike hull explains. It was in President Trumps eyes a victory lap appearing on the white house lawn to repeat his assertion that hed been vindicated in dismissing the investigation one that he claimed had placed a phony cloud over his presidency i think everybody understands that i think everybody understands whats going on there was no defense for this ridiculous hold this which. Thats been going on for. A long time. Earlier the special counsel was careful to show no bias to one side of the other disappointing those who wanted him to enlarge on his findings that there were 10 different acts that could be seen as the president obstructing justice what they largely got was this i refer to the report on that next because that along with a response thats trending on twitter as a new way of saying politely go away i take your question but he did confirm the president has not been telling the truth about the investigation so the report did not include he did not commit obstruction of justice. That is correct and what about total exoneration did you actually totally exonerate the press well you know in fact. Your reports expressly states that it does not exonerate the person it does republicans previously defended the president he said donald trump is not above the law hes not but he did im sure shouldnt be below the law which is where volume 2 of this report puts him the former special counsel did seem to indicate the president could still face trouble from his report could you charge the president with a triumph after he left office yes you believe that he committed you could charge the president on stage with obstruction of justice after he left office yes in an evening News Conference House Democrats continue to reject the view of the president and his republican supporters and were insistent that millers questioning was a crucial part of a congregational investigative process that could end in impeachment why id like it to be a strong case is because i dont its based on the facts the facts in the law thats what matters not politics not partisanship just patriotism after a day that highlighted the Political Division in congress one thing is clear the investigation into President Trump will not end with Robert Miller my kind of aljazeera washington. Now the french inventor known as the flying soldier has failed in his attempt to cross the English Channel on his jet powered fly aboard frankies a part i was rescued after falling into the sea use trying to refuel on a boat he planned to land on the british coast near dover after a flight of 20 minutes from a jet skiing champion said he had hoped to soar above the channel like a bird. And lets take a look at some of the headlines here on Al Jazeera Al to his ears president. Has died at the age of 92 played a major role in the countrys transition to democracy after revolution in 2011 which saw the overthrow of longtime leaders in lab with the in banally head of parliament will be sworn in later as interim president on thursday the u. N. Says at least 150 people are feared to have died in a shipwreck off the coast of libya 140 others were rescued theyre being returned to libya the country is a hub for migrants many of whom trying to reach europe in small overcrowded boats. To ricos governor has announced his resignation after nearly 2 weeks of mass protests sparked by the release of offensive messages sent between the car the us a yacht and his top advisors. North korea has conducted its 1st Ballistic Missile test since the us president met the north Korean Leader nearly a month ago south korea and japan say 2 weapons were fired into the sea. In this 1st speeches britains new Prime Minister to parliament Boris Johnson has asked the European Union to rethink its refusal to renegotiate a deal johnson also said his government would prioritize preparations for exiting without an agreement if there is no deal with the e. U. Over 31st deadline. On the 31st of october for the purpose of uniting and reenergizing our great United Kingdom and making this country the greatest place. On earth. In sudan and members of the opposition of called for marches across the capital becomes a week after a power sharing deal was signed by members of the military council civilian coalition is the stream now. After 25 years of importing the worlds waste china through the Global Recycling industry into chaos. The growing pressure of agreement resulting in change we bring you the stories to the economic world we live in. Counting the cost 0. Ok youre in the stream today why a puerto rican scorning of governor of a car over say yo to resign im really could be hundreds of thousands of residents have taken to the streets in a historic wave of protests well speak with those who are demanding change some of your thoughts via twitter and you tube. Ringback i am sure of course in dress and you are in this story. The story has not only been big on the streets of puerto rico but it has also been trending online reka a lot of people say. Ricky over a month or resign a ricky its become a rallying cry on social media with many using that hash tag to share Photos Videos and an overall frustration with the u. S. Territories governor the conversation came after Puerto Rico Center for Investigative Journalism published a group chat featuring rose a 0 and other government officials they made massaged mystic and homophobic remarks about opposition leaders journalists and other public figures the scandal dubbed riki leaks ignited days of protest with many flooding the streets near the governors residence calling on him to step down but it was a house refused to resign despite mounting public pressure on sunday he announced via facebook lives that he will remain in office but not seek a 2nd term to reinforce that position during a fox news interview on monday. My effort and my commitment is to follow through on some of the efforts that ive established for the people of puerto rico that includes establishing again a plan that ive already circulated with members within the white house so that we can battle this corruption where his continued refusal to resign has fueled the biggest protests to hit the island in the years hundreds of thousands of people blocked one of san juans major highways among them pop star ricky martin a subject of the home of her remarks heres what he had to say. Since your. Country. Clearly a lot of emotions on the streets and talk about that today show let me thank you very much for make it so lets get this conversation started with. A political anthropologist she joins us from san juan luna c. M. Wake us is an artist in l g p t q activist she is in the noise of puerto rico and zola boy is a senator with the new Progressive Party and thats the same party as governor. She joins us from the capital san juan hello everybody its good to have you here with us that you asked the senator such a great question just before we got on the air i said hold to its you all political im for politics but today you are a journalist what was that question is the question that so many of us are curious about go ahead you start i have a season i do theres a red time is going the is the governor going to step down does she not have any inside information for us on the. Satta well i guess of course our 1st of all thank you thank you im so honored to be part of those and think of my league and family for the support you need to be all about the ban and so he here at for there is. A team we thank you for that what do you need to have to answer that no i do not have any inside information but i do have to say that so long weeks now ive been asking the governor going on to say you know little until 2 days ago he was the president of the Political Party that i belong to i have i have asked him to resign and as you were mentioning at the beginning there is whats whats happening but the recall i would say that not only because of legal chat where as it might be it was saying many people were offended that people that are overweight members of the commune eat the women people that die during your i can marry at their their families their all of that and i am offended but i would have to say that what were seen today its not only the result of that of the illegal bat chat but also people are tired of corruption unfortunately the recall is not the 1st time that we see members of the executive branch or even the legislative branch being accused or you know a criminal charges being brought against them for corruption so i think that what we seem to bury its and make sure of the shatt but also corruption and people at last and i am very happy for the people at last are raising their voice and say enough lets change the way we do saying simple or recall. If youre one of those people be raising their voice as you point out on the streets protesting tell us about the atmosphere. That is in puerto rico right now from the perspective from a protest a space but to have. At the current time there was a lot of unrest and a lot of. Im going to i saw a lot of words to the fire is that people are very fed up people are very upset people want or wish to resign but they also want the government to be held accountable for its object for its negligence right people have been suffering before the hurricane they suffered through the hurricane another suffering post hurricane this is common most people being on heard of not listened to and ricky in particular being a sort of figure that basically taking all of the brunt of being kind of called out finally you know people are very very tired people are out here celebrating of course people are coming together and community and people are really working towards actually mobilizing together thats really important thats a big deal but theyre required to do that you havent seen this happen in a very very long time and to see these people come together you have people that Community People you have people who are brought in. Monday and i dont know if you own and you have people who brought food for people you have kids i mean you had a very young people bringing 15000 water bodies for people things that the government was unable to do post hurricane think the community built together what politico has constructed itself because of the poor people here because the people spending for themselves them and finally they came together because of you saw this chap but it was that chat was real life you know it was not just dismissed arguments and the best thing to humanization of people that was what they were doing to people here thats what they were acting upon it wasnt just words it was just hearing the ridicule of no way that these people did not. There are not about. People in care or know. What is so in the things that of course here no mean loan there i see you trying to get in there so but i want to bring this in our community was watching and ill give this to you so a couple of people that are really elaborating on what you heard luna say so this is lies on twitter she says ricky leaks as theyre called crystallize a puerto ricos political corruption because it was him and his cronies mocking the dead it was a massage and a sabbatical heaped at political opponents feminists even beauty queens it was the squandering of maria donations and thats Hurricane Maria on gifts and travels and she goes on but one other person sent us a video comment and in it she speaks about why this is different and unlike anything else picking up on that point that you made luna this is alexander Marie Miranda shes a campaigner at Amnesty International puerto rico and heres what she told the stream what makes the british legal so unique is that. There are loads of really people who not any particular organization. People are literally teachers social media. Is not a. Reason more so the catalyst so people have. Really really kind of creating a different country a country that is weak and ready. This is so it can you pick up on what shes saying there have you seen anything like this. I have to tell you that no we have paddles there are. Demonstrations. But not as biggest this one but i wanted to if i may i wanted to tell lorna that this is my very 1st term as a as an elected official and i have to say that some of the very beginning that i started back in january 2018 i have felt that people in puerto rico not meet to get involved more involved in what we do im a senator and what we discuss every day there will impact political regal and for me too many times we least side and do things there and you dont hear people raising their voice in favor or against so i would ask lorna and everybody whos involved in this kind of manifestations are the most racially that we can this cannot stop we need. To keep on top of it and and watch what were doing and criticize all or raise your voice in full in favor of what you think its the right thing for puerto rico and the other thing that outcast would would be you know. Im a senator and has been involved in for politics for many years and one thing that i do. It makes me sad to hear and i dont a sceptic is that many times every some people say oh you know all politicians are corrupt all of them are are bad all of them are taking advantage of their position and i have to say that that generalization is us bad ass when you say a women are the same all members of they. Are the same theyre not many many of us are sitting in a political position because we do movies that dont have its a good take up pause because i know that you know hes dying to have a conversation with him i got back yet. Ok i would look for yes you have you are not political leader right and whatever term you want to call it that youre asking people who hold and more space to be so to talk and be more outspoken the problem is when they are spoken when has he actually like response that weve talked about i talked about heavily that collected so many star last year was talking about the mans about the instability of the government i talked about gender by law and women dying and it was why you so if youre asking for the people in general to have more voices and to have more say the government has to be your fishers have to be accountable for the things that may have done and if you do not like to hear that were saying oh the government is corrupt its because of all these pieces youre spending that you are not your star corrupt then you need to also know that if these people around you that are your colleagues that are in office theyre corrupt you are complicit if you are now holding them accountable and if we are blaming the government as of all its because you function as a whole and because you are the power. For the puerto rican people or so when we say this this this this person are doing these things its because you are and even if its not an individual couple if the systemic problem there is an issue with negligence by puerto rican government it is not just the battery as they know we are calling him out and were and were putting him on and were letting him out and people are making it seem like its just taking on other airlines but in never started with and its not going to end well so if you want the people to be more involved youll need to give space to people have been paying and you need to be. Interrupted. And at that they think everything youre saying and so but i love it if the senator would speak not just about herself as an individual politician but also her role in a Political Party because she has taken you know early and asking you know her self as an individual for a brickie to step down but she has not really make claims on the card and the party has maggie walk towards impeachment which is not what the what the people on the streets want it they dont want an impeachment process that that we dont know what it might end up and it might end up in him being not carried carry after the what if if i may impeachment is that for me seems so hypothetical that its not a useful conversation to have today at this moment because i i was suggesting that the governor of puerto rico would not still be in his job by the weekend i would suggest only hope but i ignoring youre also part what the party was not moving for him to step down until yesterday the political her Political Party was asking for the people to calm down to go home and let them do their work and move toward them each man i want to know i literally not and how little a little thing like jennifer not in how individual politicians are going to change the how the Political Parties are going to change because what people want here also is a change in that then the party system let me not surjective here let me let me tell you one thing and just i bet that you all members of groups like for example. You lou now belong to the group that fight every day for womens rights and i applaud you but you know that when you belong to a group you cannot be responsible for what all the members in the group within the group jewel so what i have to say to you i know many people raised their fortys and some people within government dont listen to them or actually dont want to listen to them but me as a senator and the history is right there every time. Im i am. I have evaluated. A bill before it becomes. A lot important recall i have invited i have open the door so i can hear everybody who has something to say about the subject i have opened the doors with that and that i can do what i can not force anybody else to do it and about really and you can hear that the marriage really larry because i do larry have a marriage should i go to haiti as i have im not going to make this a personal grilling of senator. Because that is the the issue in puerto rico is much more its much bigger than one in difference in a senators attention to our constituents moving on so because this is beyond just the governor i want to bring up this this is from willie on twitter who says demands go beyond even the resignation however who whoever is next needs to one audit the debt to protect services 3 for tax pensions and for declare a state of emergency on gender violence so thats just some of the demands that people have but i want to share with you even a few more this via a video comment we got from men while rodriguez bunch hes a labor and social justice advocate and here are his demands. The demand for the resignation of the god of the us as you know was just a sparkle that ignited what has been regarded by many as a revolution we are now demanding the repeal of from messa a lawyer not by congress by physical control bore was appointed to push for a stay the measures the purge of all people and to benefit wall street we need the consolation of the dead and we also need to process of some other musicians to put an end to these illegal colonial rejean. So ill give that to you because it is all those lists of things that people are now asking for how realistic are they and do they dilute the 1st the focus here 1st of all a miss a about repealing promise that comes. Against the board but the truth is that we are equality of the United States thats why im a law there are reasons i am in east a time statehood because i believe in equality and i want to be as a u. S. Citizen that i am where i want to have the very same responsibilities and obligations so i do our belief that week 2 and this is called the new status and i fight through that act and some other people might have another answer to ending the colonial status but even that i agree with with what theyre asking what the truth is that we would have to go to congress and law be as much as we could to get that result because we on fortunately dont have any senators or representatives or congressman or limit and if i there with voter rally its so close as a as i can up in here an appropriate time to bring a President Trump on what hes been saying about puerto rico so this was the president on monday i have a list. Hes a terrible governor i think you have an even worse mayor of san juan she is horrible i think shes horrible i watched her my people did nothing but complain about her when we helped them with their hurricane problem the mayor of san juan puerto rico is a horror show shes incompetent grossly incompetent at the same time the governor is not good the congress of the United States handed him 92000000000. 00 and that 90 2000000000. 00 is in the hands of incompetent people and very corrupt people and i think the government of the United States have to be careful im the best thing that ever happened to puerto rico because we did a great job in puerto rico. I wish you could see so is i rolling all the way for you that she didnt see that she made it for you in just a moment this is this is what you do you go political africa policy whew look at puerto rico so you hear President Trump saying that so when we look at next steps for could possibly happen from this situation would you well i want to have a couple things 1st i think in a weird way trump might be a good thing that happened to puerto rico in the sense that he cast a media spotlight on it after Hurricane Maria i have no doubt that if he had not been in power and if so many people were not caught up in trying to find his katrina we would not have had so much attention and so many people in the United States would not have discovered that you know Puerto Ricans were u. S. Citizens that were eek and were under colonial rule that there was this thing called the jones act so when in a weird way he did create a kind of a moment in which different political internet is can be discussed however one thing ive noticed from the protesters is that they say bitterly clearly that part of why they were able to achieve the numbers that they did was because this was not politics here usual in puerto rico this was not about the usual campaigns for the Political Parties as as the exist none of the Political Parties called for this movement or supported this movement and even the ones that i mean i should say that the mainstream Political Parties and support this movement and even the new emerging political groups they didnt make this about themselves and i and the young people that ive talked to involved in the movement they all tell me that they want Something Else that want independent candidates they want a rethinking how College Political is going to play out in puerto rico and i certainly dont want to put a congress and the senator on the spot because it was very generous of her to come and speak in a moment where politicians in puerto rico are very much you know all on the hot seat no matter which seat their city. But i just wonder what how she thinks her party and Political Parties in general are going to be able to reinvent themselves and move and move past this and become something what the people here want which is not the Political Parties that have existed to date and not just because of their corruption. Actually that is a very good question i have to tell you that every time that i have been able to talk to the press i. I say that it would be so sad and lonely sad but bad for puerto rico if all what were going through ends up being ok once leave. The governor to go to the hostage all resigned thats all and everybody goes home i think that one of the recounts we had to include myself we need to keep on working because one of the reply urgently needs every form of the Political Parties and also government and i have to be sincere with you and everybody who is watching this i dont have all the answers but i do i can tell you that for example you are asking about the impeachment process i dont think this is a this has to do with our Political Party it has to do with the duties that we represent the devs and senators have for our land and i have to tell you that when the president of the or the speaker of the house i should say joining manda said that he was going to have just 3 our legal specialists ah from different political parities evaluate the shatt to see if theres a new research on 2 percent or percent charges against a governor i was very happy because that was just the start of why what i think should happen but i have to say too as a senator i have to wait until the house of representatives decides what theyre going to do that is apparent you know least for me to insert a Community Comment because what happens as the next is exactly what people are talking about so on here to one person says there is a replacement is also prop the party is continue to put forward dirty politicians that all are corrupt but it Means Nothing that there is no accountability for people like or is a so ill give this one to you lou and i understand the closing of the show here what do you want to happen next. I just want to reiterate some of the conversation that just happened we only have and then it so actually short even better he said that time what do you want to happen next i think that 2 towns who are at the ranch that there needs to be state of emergency against jones or vial it means to be addressed because it was there has already ignored it there needs to be an audit of the public rethought there needs to be another demanded that anybody who was corrupt and abused need to be prosecuted by the courts they need to be held accountable publicly i dont need to start hounding i think that there needs to be a commitment to protecting women black people or the undocumented the manacles that are in puerto rico now to be you Community Yeah i think you have given the senator quite a to do list and i am the president blessed luna and zoe and jerry meyer thank you so much for helping us saying what is happening in puerto rico right now at the time we have lake and i will say here next time always our night thanks so much. The diagnosis he has been sick for around 6 months now the challenge ahead there when one of these 96. 00 could be a new cure or the basis of a new cure all for colors are there an illness or disability aljazeera examines priam meaning treatment so this is the explosive yes its basically a wearable robot that kiera revisited on aljazeera bogost and i just. Want to want to still best today of how in the legal law theres a plundering some of cambodias last remaining fawas marking 2 years since the start of myanmars military campaign that schools hundreds of thousands of the hinge of muslims into exile how you look in countries and billions of euros supplied alms used in the gamble resulting in the worlds worst humanitarian crisis another bid to preserve multilateralism within a group of the 7 most advanced economies will cohesion prevail over with challenges for the g. 7 faces drawing on a decade of aljazeera documentaries be behind the visit to our cause to find out how the story moved on oldest. And new year new lessons and new rules this is the time when you get to choose your english teacher is for the next 2 years meet the teachers empowering the students my facts and my cool all about freedom were going to look at perspectives i want you to develop skill with which to speak by letting them choose the lessons they learned revelator cation Democratic School and United Kingdom on aljazeera. Aljazeera its its its. And virtually. 0. Im the star of the attained this is the news hour live from our headquarters in doha coming up in the next 60 minutes chinas is fast a freely elected president dies at the age of 92 we look at the negativity of but you can see. Just to start protesters welcome the resignation of person ricos governor but more work needs to be done. And the new british Prime Minister barak johnson makes his 1st speech in parliament pledging to deliver on that and reinvigorate the nation. On his 4 month you know it should record a full straight preseason with Champions League one as a true will ensure. His 92 year old president. Has died he played a major role in the countrys transition to democracy after revolution and 2011 which saw the overthrow of longtime leaders in elaborate in ben Ali Imran Khan reports. Came to power in december 2014 after winning the 1st free president ial election his career began 40 years earlier and took him through various posts in Defense Security and Foreign Affairs he briefly served as interim Prime Minister in 2011. 0 was the 1st to experience a wave of protests that became known as the arab spring in 2010 the following year they led to the ousting of longtime president Zain Aberdeen Ben Ali thanks and in the 1st free elections 3 years later at the head of a newly created party won a runoff the polarized voters he was often accused of giving in to many of the demands of the islamist opposition led by the in order party his opponents also accused him of trying to instill a return to ben ali style strongman politics. And a poll said she announced that he did not want to run in elections scheduled for later this year despite strong support for another president ial term from within his own native tunis party. The north african state has been held as an arab springs only democratic success because the protests that toppled didnt trigger the violent of people seen in egypt and libya but since 2011 successive governments have failed to resolve to newsies economic problems which include high inflation and unemployment is said she was taken to a Military Hospital in the capital tinas his 2nd hospital visit in less than a week. Now the interim president has been announced and hell be sworn in later on thursday hes the speaker of parliament mohamed and. Better him. In the name of god almighty we know the demise of president sipsey the president of the republic or for the heartfelt condolences to his family and to the gymnasium people i see this opportunity to commend the efforts of the late president as he has contributed to the state polling independents in throughout his tenure over the last 5 years i also stress that the state of affairs will run as normal and the speaker of the house will stand as acting president i seize the opportunity to address the tunisian people to stand united in harmony and to continue to march forward towards further development and wellbeing so whats next 15 years here but under the countrys constitution mohamad and austria will assume the presidency for 45. 00 to 90. 00 days while elections are organized unity is parliamentary elections are stated for october 6th now 3 parties rule the north african country together but their coalition has been hit by infighting and this has hampered Decision Making and slowed Economic Reforms demanded by foreign donors well for more on this we can speak to William Lawrence who is a professor of International Affairs at George Washington university and he joins us now from washington d. C. When you met start by talking about these legacy was such a fixture intern is in politics how is he likely to be remembered. He will be remembered as one of the giants of modern tunisian history the founder of the state was his idol he was one of his right hand men he served as the director of National Security minister of interior minister of defense and also embassador to germany to france under. And then under his successor ben adly and he was very much part of the socialists distorted in tradition the story meaning constitutional tradition in tunisia in politics and in many ways tunisia success following the arab spring was that it had a great constitution and a great constitutional tradition particularly with regards to womens rights and. The president was very much a champion of women rights womens rights and constitutionalism and do remember as one of the architects of the modern tunisian state and did and he has been ill for some time that he was 92 so i guess the country near this was coming does that mean well see a smooth transition especially given i believe theres no Constitutional Court to rule on whats actually supposed to happen next. Yeah i think tunisians are very institutionally strong and they will find a constitutional way to weather this crisis on like what we see for example in algeria or sudan but theres a real problem here because since 2014 the country was effectively ruled by what they call the 2 sheikhs the head of the now the party of a new she has recently declared hes running for parliament and the who is the head of the now the party of the islamist moderate party and. Who is head of the need a party which has been increasingly fragmenting in recent years and the carthage Pact Coalition fell apart earlier this year and we were entering a problematic period in tunisian politics and at stake is the democratic transition itself if a certain number of parties dont coalesce around a democratic agenda and there are populists in the wings who would love to grab power if they could theres been fighting over who can run for president recently and the leading candidate was disqualified because of corruption and so there are the threats you mentioned and other threats to tunisian democracy and tunisia will need a steady hand and that steady hand has not yet emerged that something will be keeping a close eye on women arent there from George Washington university thank you for your analysis on outta there. Here ill push her because governor has announced his resignation after nearly 2 weeks of mass protests the crowds came out after the release of offensive messages sent between recut and his top advisers and there was already anger out of a corruption and a u. S. Territory thats bankrupt as i reports from the capital san juan. To a victory for the people and this was the moment they found out after 2 weeks of street protests against your bid for east coast governor carter rocio said he would try to step down. The side of the call that is going on the full of despite having a mandate from the people who elected me democratically today i feel that continuing in this position presents uncertain mountable difficulties adding heard the complaints spoken to my family thought of my children and in prayers ive taken the following decision i announce to you today that ill be resigning as governor effective friday 2nd of august. Those of the street she laid it. Was my job was to. Sit next what are you feeling right now im happy that this is such a great job but here we are just the world we want to protest the man. Theyre calling a revolution others might be saying its puerto ricos arab spring i was i was euphoric i didnt know you were like the 1st generation do you know how. Proud we feel you know the 1st generation to get out of the island just because we said so we went to the streets and we took power over. Change of power that began with 2 cabinet members being her arrested by the f. B. I. For alleged corruption one was minister of education. And was posed by the leaking of private Text Messages sent by the governor in them he insulted his own people made vulgar comments about women and appeared to joke about the Puerto Ricans killed in Hurricane Maria 2 years ago. But this was a transition also about a people who rose up and demanded more from their leaders on an island thats a us territory this was a Resistance Movement i would say finally you know all the power energy frustration came out we had everybody with us this is what it was it and its here to stay we are demanding big changes from our government not just this resignation this is going for long its an overhaul of government and our institutions. 2 weeks ago taking to the streets these people say they reclaim their government and now they can celebrate gabriels and do ill just see the san juan puerto rico. While its now just past 11 am in san juan and your now watching live pictures of more crowds gathering and pressure because capitol but our correspondent and you got a guy is that he joins us now live and he i believe you are standing where we saw those amazing pictures of a celebration from last night how significant have these last few days being. Well its hard to one just 8 more just in there over the past 2 weeks in puerto rico ive been reporting from this all in 15 years and never seen anything the likes of this newspaper headlines really say it all his stall a historic resignation and really that is what the people here wanted remember this is still not recovering from hurricane the rain which up to years ago and lots of people here were just simply fed up with the alike. Nations of corruption with the slow movement of the government and ultimately this 900 page document in which ricardo risotto the governor and his other cabinet mates were talking about the people of this island with utter disrespect as well as those sexist and homophobic comments that were made so people here had simply hard enough and after 2 weeks of unprecedented. Unprecedented demonstrations on the street governors building in now behind me ricardo resale will leave his office on the old with the 2nd but this island has many challenges which now lay ahead and date and weve been hearing from some of the protesters that all of this on the victory of his his resignation every time now for the men and they clearly out again how long do you think this is likely to continue. While there are celebrations today but these are more of a Party Celebration weve seen plenty of people turning up here to take selfies in white puerto rican flags but there is a harsh reality that this island now has to wake up to remember puerto rico has about 74000000000. 00 of debt the Power Company here alone is 9000000000. 00 in debt the infrastructure has been slowly corroding over the years and of course its still an out and recovering from Hurricane Maria almost 2 years ago so we are now essentially without a government and the problem with that is that so many people have resigned it was supposed to be the secretary of state that would take the governors place now is the secretary of justice someone whos had her own problems so whilst people here are celebrating what was a monumental victory the reality is this island needs good leadership it needs to tackle shuji economic and other problems on the island as

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