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A lot of the inherent underlying racism that exists in the political establishment that he hasnt come up to support and more focused on the massive support. That i have on a Grassroots Level the amount of people that see my story as an inspiration. The kind of rallies that happen in my home state when people like pence or trump. Set food on on the soils of minnesota thats the people that i care about those are the opinions that matter to me and those are the people who i fight for you nancy. But i mean that right now that i think and i dont rush and its problematic because you know if its as if youre talking to a child and you say oh no no youre really dont worry about the support that you have from your parents or you worry that youre not getting support from your teacher where you put plays well over and i for mission is what matters to you and i dont really necessarily care about leaders with titles that might support me what i care about is the people that i fight for and do i have their support one of the things that you were attacked for war were comments you made or part of the comments that were made about 911 can you clearly state your what your views are about the 911 attacks so horrific attacks theres no question about that thats not a debatable thing. Innocent americans lost their lives that day we all. Mourn their deaths i mean it was one of the most devastating days of American Life of my life of my familys of the families that lost. Their or their family members and so thats not debatable and i think its quite disgusting that people even question that and want to debate that i think what is important is the larger point that i was speaking to which is about making sure that blame isnt placed on the whole faith that we as muslims are not collectively blamed for the actions of terrorists i do not blame every single white person when we have. A white man who massacres. Children at a school or in you know moviegoers in a Movie Theater and i think this really horrendous marriage if that says that as a muslim im supposed to explain apologize. For the actions of. Someone who is also terrorizing me is absurd ok lets move to more International Issues youre on the congresss Foreign Affairs committee and. Theres a revolution taking place and so damn right now people have been massacred by the military drones are there the reports. Soldiers of militia loyal to the military trying to have raped women before killing them why has the us been so silent about saddam. I wouldnt say that we have been silenced and talked about it in committee we. So often there is not paying attention to. The kind of condemnations that are happening i think there are 2 things we all understand that there is an atrocity happening but comparative i need something to put into context here this is a militia that are massacring people the danger with militia when they were committing crimes and therefore you had the u. S. Calling for sanctions you had much much more visible anger and condemnation and action being taken by the u. S. However now you have those similar shot under the military junta cracking down on prodemocracy protesters but maybe because the is now allied with us is allies in the region and the program to suppress calls for democracy or maybe because the u. S. Isnt interested or maybe because these are protesters that we dont necessarily know as americans what they stand for theyre definitely years a much more muted response to what is taking place and so before you cut me off what i was getting into was that. Our response has not been what has been muted is the reporting on our response. You know chairman angle on Foreign Affairs myself and others on the Foreign Affairs Committee Even the. Ambassador. To africa has spoken about this this horrendous. Silencing of the democratic movements. And the atrocities that are being committed. But i think you make a point to whose pain is more. Felt and whose pain is more. Deserving of an outcry and i think the blame really isnt about on its unnecessary only on us as members of congress and as leaders but i think of the blame is also placed on. On the Media Outlets that we feel us to have an outreach 24 hour reporting on atrocities that have been muslim countries in muslim soil when the atrocities being committed by an ally so let me ask you this. Venezuela and youve spoken about venezuela. U. S. Has imposed sanctions on it has called for emergency u. N. Security Council Discussions on it in fact was president mike pence addressed one of them even though that there its very clear that there is both support and opposition to the government there. Yet with saddam the. Important to most International Observers and human rights organizations a vast majority of people are actually opposed to the military. Its not as clear cut or its a lot more clear cut rather than venezuela when you look at these 2 examples where you have a very tough your concerted Political Program to isolate a government that still enjoys some support within its people on the one hand and was elected what many would consider to be free and Fair Elections in venezuela and on the other hand you have a military terms of wasnt elected has committed massacres yet you have a much softer response explain that for us so now i think i understand your question more clearly i mean when were thinking about the way that this administration is handling our Foreign Policy that i think is where you notice these extreme hypocrisy is that that have existed and made of existed but now are very clear that theyre not gray anymore its very black and white and so in the case of you could see that black and white between our reaction in sudan and then our reaction to venezuela. The interesting piece i think here is the regional actors within within this conflict in sudan i mean we have saudi arabia and the m. R. I. Its who have had a long history at least 24 year history. Of shutting down democratic movements in the region who have had a hand in the oppression of people who seek. To have liberation and Self Reliance and Self Determination and their interest really is what we seem to advance when it comes to that region and i talked about how can we make a decision to sell. Ive been to saudi arabia knowing that they have been part of causing one of the most atrocious humanitarian crises in yemen when we know that they have a hand in. In whats happening right now in sudan whats happening in libya and i mean the list can go on and on and on and continue to say that they are an ally when we. Know that there is more that needs to be done to make sure that we tell them as always that we want them to carry out an interest that represents our values why do you think that arms are still being sold to saudi arabia in the United Arab Emirates why is it that despite Congress Even trying to maybe limit some of those arms deals youve had the president circumvents congress and what should be done to put an end to that because a lot of people. Congresswoman have been talking about Russian Commission with the trumpet ministration for an intervention from other powers like russia but the influence of the United Arab Emirates and saudi arabia on the political. Start of serum the United States today has a largely gone even though maybe a bit reported in the media but has gone on checked by by lawmakers are allied with saudi arabia and. I believe that. It is one of the most absurd. Ships that doesnt fit with any of our values and you know when we think about what is in the interest of our National Security it is. In trusting them to help us with that so i think having. Trusting a thief to watch over your shop. We know that they cant be trusted in that process and so this is this profiteering process and and the kind of interest that we havent even talked about between the trumpet ministration and and and the m. R. I. Its really is one that we are hopeful will get to the bottom of it we are on the in the process of investigating really how. This particular ship in this relationship. Is is not in the best interest of the United States and the American People how do we bring that to light so that the American People are aware of. The kind of really corruption that might be involved in it and how do we. Make sure that our weapons are not getting in the hands of people who are going to use them to commit more us wassa these examples. Of. Weapons that are. Offensive and not just for use of defense which the state department. You know is saying that the has been interested in helping saudi arabia defend not only their interests but the interests of americans but were selling them off ends of weapons these are weapons that have been used to attack schools theyve been weapons have been used to attack hospitals yet many of those bridges sanctions should be imposed on them oh certainly. We you know should. Have an arms embargo and be able to sell weapons to countries that are committing human rights atrocities and i want to end with a personal question if you dont mind you your journey started off as a refugee and adopt as a lawmaker in the worlds most powerful country tell us a bit about maybe the secret behind it was this always your passion was this always your how did you reach to where you are who has influenced you most in the strong. My journey is one that really has been about just fighting to see a brighter day. And i dont think i really had a destination i was always very present in the journey at a very beautiful childhood in somalia up to the age of 8 lived through the horrors of of life in a refugee camp. When through the disaster is transition of not just teenage hood but learning a language in a new country. And found i think. A space where i could thrive as someone who. Really really believed that you have a role in in what used to moral looks like and so my work in trying to make sure that i wasnt just guaranteeing a better tomorrow for myself but for my neighbors for my children for everyone around me has let me on on a path of political organizing and activism that got me elected into the state house the feeding a 44 year incumbent and now has given me the opportunity and the privilege of serving my state and my country in the United States of congress congresswoman thank you very much for talking to others here. Every weekly news cycle brings a series of breaking stories joined the listening post as we turn the cameras on the media and focus on how they were caught on the stories that matter the most on aljazeera the diagnosis he has been sick oh around 6 months now the challenge ahead there we know one of these 96 could be a new cure or a basis of a nuke your 4 colors are in your illness or disability aljazeera examines priam you mean treatment so this is the explosive yes its basically a wearable robot like iraq revisited on aljazeera. The u. K. Accuses iran of illegal interference in a letter to the u. N. Security council after a british flag tanker is seized. Hello welcome to aljazeera live from doha jeanne that is also coming up. This is a scene in hong kong as tens of thousands of prodemocracy demonstrators are on the streets to keep up the pressure on the. Attacks on police and a hospital in pakistans northwest killed at least 8 people and injured several others. Is not a quick fix we told to the growing number of kenyans lured into. Loans if they cant treat a. Thanks. That britain is insisting its all oil tanker that was seized by iran was in a mani territorial waters and its called for the vessel to be released in a letter to the Un Security Council and britains junior defense minister says its sending quote assets to the middle east on friday a cargo ship was making its way through the strait of hormuz heading to saudi arabia when it was surrounded by 4 iranian boats and a helicopter tehran says the tanker was violating maritime regulations britain insists the ship was in a marni territorial waters a man has urged iran to let the tank ago when go live now to nadine barber our correspondent whos following all of these developments in london the team 1st of all the letter to the Security Council by britain is questioning the actual legality of the action taken by iran. Absolutely martine its very clearly saying that it was an intern it was an illegal act under International Law making it clear that britain believes this vessel was in omani waters that was a line that was 1st stated by britains defense secretary penny mordant on saturday repeated by foreign secretary jeremy hunt shortly afterwards and now this letter from the u. K. Mission to the United Nations really. Criticizing the iranian action saying. It stands 100 percent by that fights that the iranians had no right to seize the vessel of course that version of events is disputed by terror but it comes at a time when britain is trying to balance its response just in the last hour the junior defense minister Tobias Elwood has been speaking on Domestic Television and he has suggested that the u. K. Is already sending what he called assets to the region without any further details but he says our 1st and foremost our 1st and most important responsibility is to make sure we get a solution to the issue to do with the current ship and to make sure the other british flag ships a safe to operate in these waters of course britains british officials are feeling the heat theyre being criticized for allowing this in the view of some people here to happen in the 1st place so tobias all with the junior defense minister trying to suggest that britain is doing what it can to resolve the issue but at the same time lots of people worried that the tensions could be escalated if britain reacted strongly and how far is britains political quandary at the moment because of course its got a Prime Minister hes due to step down it within days in a new one is due to be crowned effectively wednesday but it right at this moment theres a bit of a political vacuum and policy presumably is being given by the foreign secretary himself of course one of the contenders but the one most people do not think will become Prime Minister. Well thats exactly right now jeremy hunt the foreign secretary was in the 2 emergency cabinet meetings cobra meetings in london over the weekend Boris Johnson the man who most likely to become Prime Minister was not he is not a member of the governments but jeremy hunt has been relaying information to Boris Johnson its widely speculated that if and when johnson wins jeremy hunt will stay as foreign secretary hes seen as somebody far more experienced and there are say a levelheaded in matters of diplomacy now jeremy hunt is due to give a statement to the parliament the house of commons the Lower Chamber on monday outlining what responses the British Government will make there are reports in the sunday newspapers here in britain that the government is considering reapplying some of those United Nations and e. U. Sanctions that were lifted of the iranian government in 2016 after the Famous Nuclear deal with j c p a thats not been confirmed of course we wait to see on monday but jeremy hunt has both said that his response will be considered but robust at the same time he said that the priority is d. Escalating those tensions so it really is a tough call right now dean barber with a view from london thank you now lets get the latest from the iranian capital tehran and our correspondent doth a job ari. A technical investigation is now under way in the port city of on that bus where this u. K. Tanker thats been seized by the revolutionary guard is the capt along with the 23 crewmembers on board the cell a pair o. Has been taken to this port city where the officials have said that they are looking into what actually transpired on friday the revolution guard has said that the vessel risk Maritime Safety in the strait of hormuz and the reason for the seizure was that it had turned off all tracking systems and it was not responding to warnings and choosing the wrong route to enter the strait of hormuz considering that it was seas around 8 pm local time in iran on friday the tanker was passing through their route for about 8 hours without any coordination meanwhile weve heard from the speaker of Parliament Larijani who spoke about the issue and he had one very strong sentence to say about this event he said the british committed piracy and the revolutionary guards responded to them that is the sentiment here about officially the revolutionary guard to saying that this vessel violated International Maritime law and that is why the iranians have seized it weve also heard comments from the british the iranian diplomat in the u. K. Who has tweeted about the issue and he said that the u. K. Government should contain those domestic Political Forces who want to escalate tensions between iran and the u. K. Beyond the issue of ships and this is quite dangerous and unwise at a sensitive time in the region iran however is firm and ready for different scenarios the general feeling here is that the iranians have carried out what they believe is their Due Diligence when it comes to securing the waters of the strait of hormuz and that is what the revolutionary guard has said theyve done with the act that they carried out on friday. Right to hong kong now where protesters are gathering for another mass rally as they keep the pressure up on the government there demanding the official withdrawal of a planned extradition law and an independent inquiry into the handling of weeks of demonstrations police band protesters are marching all the way to government headquarters citing security concerns all right lets go live now to that protests and our correspondent rob mcbride is there and rob so for the 7th consecutive week of the protests the protests as a showing that they were actually developed into a fairly sustained political movement. Absolutely martin you talked to people here and they still the same sense of commitment to me as this is an exhausting business week after week they come out onto the streets its the height of summer here it is a sweltering temperatures and people come out they walk along these processions still demanding the complete withdrawal of this controversial extradition bill also a number of other demands such as the release of any of the protesters without charge which is something its very difficult to see the police ever acquiescing to but this march is now underway it is going at a snails pace through the streets of hong kong here about half a kilometer from where the sparge began if i can ask joe just to maybe get a slightly top shot here to give you a sense of just how this demonstrations they simply fill out all of these streets all of these highways this is the main the way through to the march it is completely fall as you can see but also martin a lot of the streets are the side are also full with people they really do just take over the streets or to mention that the police was said that they want this by the way that they have a place called one shire just about a couple of 100 metres further on from here well i can tell you theres no sign that these are these protesters were ever going to stop at one child they wanted to march all the way to the Central District where we have the government offices and police we were going to be very concerned that they were going to see another building being storm destroyed during the 1st of july when the sheer weight of what i was just a few 100 protesters who decided to take down direct action as we dont storm did tall man holding a building so the protesters havent stopped at lunch either moving on to another i recalled appletini which is the location of the Main Police Headquarters id also of that Parliament Building it remains to be seen martine just exactly what these protesters. Will do once they get there all right and rob it seems as though the protest is a not in the least bit persuaded by gary lams governments words that this extradition bill is dead i mean this is what she said they dont trust that clearly if theyre still marching in such vast numbers. You know i mean you walk around the protest here i dont i cant see one of the banners at the moment but people are taking very large banners very large portraits of aforementioned carry land with the word liar put over the top thats what they think come back our lands promises and all of this yes there is a dissatisfaction with you do get a sense that has often happens with issues here in hong kong it goes far more than just the extradition bill it goes to the very core relationship between hong kong and Mainland China a very belief here of marks of the 2000000 people who came out onto the streets of few weeks ago that china is simply not living up to this promise of this high degree of autonomy that hong kong should be having according to china it does have a high degree of autonomy far more freedoms than any other city throughout china as far as these protesters are concerned this is not just another chinese city it was probably special treatment that is not received in moscow all right rob thank you very much indeed for now robin wright is our man in the. Demonstrations in hong kong will keep us right up to date with developments there. Taliban fighters in northwestern pakistan have claimed responsibility for 2 shooting and bomb attacks both of the attacks are in the city of daraa a gunman 1st shot dead Police Offices at a checkpoint then 6 people were killed in an explosion at the hospital where the injured from the 1st attack were being taken sundays killings followed the 1st ever elections in the nearby tribal region on saturday come out to has the latest from the pakistan capital islamabad a deadly attack on a police force in derry smile khan claimed the life of men and rule a number of other people the wounded were being rushed to the hospital by the. Suicide bomber struck outside the main hall where the rig damaged were being brought. Number of guys or do. People are wounded in this attack and therefore theyre dead. The attack taking place less than great before our. Election and the tribal areas that have been merged into the. Province that there. Arent taking responsibility for that attack still to come here is our. Doorstep dumonds crazy its crazy loud outside the home of puerto ricos government. 333 doing. Great. Work on. Mocking the result name in 50 years ago when man 1st set foot on the moon

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