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And this is a reminder of the. Already stressed that peace will come on the back of promises but he didnt stop. Now becoming promises kept in yemen still ahead on aljazeera and libyan politician critical of war on Khalifa Haftar is kidnapped. And donald Trump Supporters chanting his racist comments during his past campaign and from felting for congresswoman. Hello again welcome back were here across china we are looking at some more flooding here happening across parts of south western portions of china were talking specifically over here towards gornji i want to show you the video that has come out here because more rescues and more evacuations are in place as 21000 people are being affected by the waters that are rising across much of the area you can see affect the businesses waters as high as some locations as high as car windows but we are going to see more rain unfortunate cross much of that area as we go from friday as well as into saturday widespread rain here over here towards hong kong though rainy day for you as well with a temperature of 31. 00 degrees as you make our way over here towards india it is going to be very heavy rain across much of the south were talking mostly across parts of carolina as well as over here towards the east in the next few days that rain will lead to some localized flooding as well but towards the north it is going to be quite dry in new delhi the rain is going to be mostly to the north of you across parts of the himalayas more rain across parts of nepal as well with attempted there of about 27. 00 degrees in katmandu and kolkata it is going to be a little bit dry fuel at 34. 00 degrees and then very quickly here across much of doha we are going to see our winds come down but for doha we do expect to see attempt or 40. Discover new developments in surgery. In hiroshima japan to meet the surgeon nearing new techniques in regenerating on the. A breakthrough medical trials so much needed to Cystic Fibrosis so for us based on all the evidence we have the virus is least 100 fold more effective. Every night to cure revisited. And again im just. A reminder of our top stories this hour irans revolutionary guards have seized a foreign tanker they say was trying to smuggle oil tanker was reportedly seized on sunday just south of lawak island in the strait of hormuz. Turkey has called the u. S. Decision to suspend it from the f. 35. 00 Fighter Jet Program unfair saying it will harm their relations washington acted after attack he accepted the delivery of russias s. 400. 00 ad Defense System. And the un special rapporteur on human rights and mandela says the persecution of the rich is still ongoing she says villages have been burned down in recent days. Now the body of the turkish diplomat shot dead in the northern iraqi city of abele on wednesday is being taken back home he and 2 Iraqi Kurdish civilians were killed in an attack at a restaurant. And in libya a politician from the east has been kidnapped and her husband killed see her as a member of the alternative parliament set off in benghazi its backed by world Khalifa Haftar who she criticized in a t. V. Interview mahmoud of the wahid has more from tripoli. So how is among the dozens of lawmakers in the east of libya who are against the war launch should buy the warlord to flee for has stood on the capital tripoli in fact so you get one herself she heads a new trend it is called the libyan moderate movement which is calling on the all the factions to stop the bloodshed to stop the fighting and return to their negotiating to table recently. Has been could on one of the local televisions in the east of libya calling on have to his troops to stop the fighting to stop the bloodshed and return home to move back to the east we understand that have to the supporters have been almost criticizing for opposing the war led by have to see is the capital Tripoli Parliament members with are holding the warlord Khalifa Haftar for their disappearance which the is now under according to eyewitnesses and family members an Armored Group belonging to the warlords or have to attacked his house on wednesday night and ransacked the house and shot her husband in the leg before they detained heard put her under the force of disappearance we know that according to eyewitnesses in. The husband is now receiving medical treatment in one of one of the local hospitals lawmakers. Are now calling on the United Nations supported mission to go in t. And to do its best to put pressure on have to his forces to it really is where they are now also holding the warlord have to responsible for detaining the lawmaker. Hundreds have marched in sudans capital to condemn a military crackdown on protesters more than 100. 00 protesters were killed in june when Security Forces brutally cleared a sit in and caught 2 days demonstration comes just a day off to protest leaders and on the road is signed a document which outlines a potential power sharing deal. Now a suspected arson attack at an Animation Studio in japan has left at least 33 people dead more than 70 people were believed to have been in the building when the fire broke out midmorning in the city of Kyoto National broadcaster and h. K. Says a man was arrested after reportedly pouring fuel inside and setting it alight Prime Minister shinzo abbay has described the fire as too appalling for. The un special rapporteur on human rights and myanmar says her team did not get access to ring her Fact Finding Mission in the country young heelys says villages have been bent down and recent days and shes been prevented from gathering information reports. The u. S. State department has announced saying sions on me and more is military commander in chief men on lying and 3 other military leaders punishment for their role in the ethnic cleansing of the ring of minority but the United Nations special repertoire and human rights mean more says the same sions dont go far enough its better late than never. I just want to know why it took us so long after other countries. And others have raised this issue if it is listed as 6. Generals that should be that should be sanctioned immediately for special repertory young the league said reports for me and more in recent weeks suggested Human Rights Violations and abuses by the army and armed fighters against civilian populations may be getting worse a particular concern an ongoing internet and mobile phone blackout in myanmar as record and chen stakes the question is. Did the government of myanmar impose the internet. To inflict more time on the People Living in rakhine. The internet blackout has also prevented individuals wanting to engage with me from being able to make contact it is challenging to get information on what is happening on the ground under these circumstances but i have been told that 3 villages in rakhine have been burned down by the model in the last 2 weeks in 2017 a military crackdown in iraq and state cause more than 730000 Rohingya Muslims to flee to neighboring bangladesh according to un investigators mass killings gang rapes and arson were perpetrated by me in march military and executed with genocidal intent such as a team from the International Criminal court is now in bangladesh to investigate what happened to the i. C. C. Prosecutor 52. 00 have been sued as asked to launch a formal investigation into the violence many are waiting and hoping that will become a reality mohammed jim droom 0 now british m. P. s have made it more difficult for the next Prime Minister to push through a no jail break set by suspending parliament our correspondent anna how has the details from london. What a crucial moment this for the house of commons and particularly for opponents of a no deal breakers it 2 amendments going through by a pretty comfortable majority 41 and 42 votes defeating the governments among people voting in support or rather abstaining senior government ministers including the chancellor for the time and not voting with the government all of this taking place as the conservative Leadership Campaign nears its end Boris Johnson the former foreign secretary all but assured of taking over from theresa may next week and with every public utterances johnson makes these days he seems to be pushing this country further and further down the road towards a no deal braggs it which many warn could be economically disastrous this was the last chance before the summer recess and hes had to do anything at all about that to be clear they have not managed to prevent no deal altogether that would require an act of legislation what they have done these 2 fold they have tied the governments hands prevented the government from prorogue ing parliament suspending it unilaterally as Boris Johnson was thought willing to do rendering in peace helpless to prevent no deal by default or deliberately on october 31st and they have bought themselves time to take more Decisive Action later these amendments attached to a rather obscure piece of legislation the Northern Ireland executive formation bill the brick was a minister to report back to parliament every 2 weeks on progress to restore power sharing government in Northern Ireland and for that report back to be debated that requires m. P. s to be sitting in the house of commons in october and they will hope opponents of no deal to be able to find the means to take back control of the business of the house as they did earlier this year be able to lay their own legislation making a no deal break to illegal but that has not been achieved here with the chief here is by themselves some time. The u. S. President has stepped up his attacks on 4 democratic congresswoman of color while addressing supporters at a rally the u. K. s foreign secretary jeremy hunt has described the comments as totally offensive our White House Correspondent kimberly health get reports from greenville in North Carolina. Historic greenville North Carolina is a southern town with a diverse economy centered around health care and education so its not surprising there are many here unhappy with their president s tweets targeting 4 female Congress Women of color saying if they dont like the United States they can leave i think. No one can. Think. With him reacting. Thats not how you bring people together. No matter how distasteful many believe donald trump might be across town at his 1st Campaign Rally since announcing his reelection bid defended his attacks on the floor congresswoman and launch new attacks on congresswoman. She looks down with contempt on the hard working american saying that ignorance is pervasive in many parts of this country. Has a history of launching a vision antisemitic screen. Omar responded on twitter to the crowd chanting center back with a poem from American Civil Rights activist maya angelo still as trump addressed supporters he insisted hes helped communities of color by lowering unemployment also hailed a failed vote in the house of representatives to impeach him as a victory and they want to try and impeach its a disgrace. Polls show a majority of us voters see trumps twitter attacks on the congresswoman as unamerican but polls also show. Most conservatives support the president s controversial statements so expect trump to employ more not less race baiting in his Reelection Campaign as he vilifies the female democratic lawmakers now call the squad terms tactic of labeling a group of female Congress Women is vicious socialist the left wing cranks appears to be part of a broader strategy designed to use American Pride to not only hold on to a base of support but also win new voters can really help get al jazeera greenville North Carolina a judge in new york has decided for months Jeffrey Epstein must stay in jail while awaiting trial on the 66 year old is charged with a sex trafficking of dozens of underage girls the judge that epstein who was once close with donald trump is a flight risk indonesia says that sending more than 200. 00 tons of rubbish back to australia the shipment was only meant to contain recycled paper but it was found to be contaminated with other waste thrown 3 reports from its highlighting problems with the global reflecting system this used to be mostly paddy fields but rubbish which has been dumped here for almost. Dominates the landscape villages here and in fact. They welcome it. This used to be a poor area i couldnt even afford to go to school but with this trash i could put my 3 children through school my oldest is getting a ph d. Like many others makes a living from sorting through the waste this is rubbish thats already been sorted most of it comes from a Paper Recycling factory in the village and whats dumped here is mostly scraps and you find broken bits of plastic bags of food wrappers sometimes even clothes. Villages also by waste from Paper Recycling factories in the area. Theres relatively valuable stuff to be salvaged such as plastic bottles and drinks cans even plastic bags have resale value. Burned by some factories which make tofu. As a cheap alternative to firewood to environmentalists these are worrying developments. Our investigation conducted since 2017 shows they continue nation from place stick and Household Waste and waste paper imports in 35 to 40 percent vet shouldnt be allowed the Industry Standard is between 2 to 5 percent. He says imports of waste paper increased by 35 percent last year which is when china stopped importing Plastic Waste water waste paper we didnt conduct checks on waste paper imports in the past because they were considered low risk but we inspected several containers recently from australia after we got a tip off. Customs inspectors found a Plastic Packaging batteries even used baby nappies stuffed between palls of waste paper. And they want to check the containers from the u. S. And germany containers which have already been found contaminated have been sent back to where they came from. For the villages have been collecting what others to throw away has become a way of life until they find alternative jobs they keen to keep their way of making money florence aljazeera. East. Asia. Hello again im just with the headlines irans revolutionary guards have seized a foreign tanker they say was trying to smuggle oil the tanker was reportedly seized on sunday just south of loric island in the straits of hormuz irans announcement about the tanker came as u. S. Central command general Kenneth Mackenzie was in saudi arabia he held talks with saudi military leaders on how to ensure safe passage for ships off the coasts of yemen and iran. That we dont believe war with a room is inevitable and we dont seek war with a room. What we see. From destabilizing activities across the region and we believe the recent adjustments that weve made to our 4th for sure have had some effect. I still acknowledge the attacks by proxy are occurring against the king or saudi arabia from yemen and thats a problem that needs to be addressed turkey has called the u. S. Decision to suspend it from the f. 35 Fighter Jet Program unfair saying it will harm their relations washington acted after taki accepted the delivery of russias s. 400. 00 air Defense System the un special rapporteur on human rights in myanmar says her team is not getting access to whats happening on the ground as more violence is being reported in Rakhine State young heelys says villages have been burned down in recent days. A suspected arson attack as an Animation Studio in japan has killed at least 33 people more than 70 people were believed to have been in the building when the fire broke out in the city of Kyoto National broadcaster n h k says a man was arrested after reportedly pouring fuel inside and setting it alight at least 11 people have been killed in a car bomb attack in southern afghanistan 3 separate explosions went off near Kandahar Police had courses to attack is pretty themselves out and 6 were shot dead by Security Forces at least 89 people have been injured and the taliban has claimed responsibility a judge in new york has decided finance to Jeffrey Epstein must stay in jail while awaiting trial the 66 year old is charged with sex trafficking dozens of underage girls the judge said it steen who is once close with donald trump is a flight risk well those are the headlines next up its the cure revisited stay with us. For some trick of nature these stem cells and white swan are on. Which this whole procedure. Look like a thing but its more sophisticated its a mirror the reality is that by importing american Michael Phelps relational. It just made it that worldwide 350000000 people are affected by genetic disorders caused by faulty d. N. A. These genetic defects can lead to a variety of conditions like Cystic Fibrosis which leads to conic and also sight along the functions at the moment the system and here i am dr Elizabeth Healy in the u. K. To see how groundbreaking developments in gene therapy could one day transform the lives of People Living with genetic disorders. That may help out on the left that night mary bond on i was 16 years old and was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis at the age of one. Mary kay tell me from your perspective what is your day like living with Cystic Fibrosis. Arum when i asked her i guess i ought to take mine of your eyes in this office. And then youre sitting in my inbox tears. And i asked you i know you guys are failing. And theyre nasty my physio and. I do spiral a. J. And im going to go out which i mean theyre helping me. And then often ask to do another not be lies well. There are still more positives. And then yeah i will need space also you have all now so learn. And an hour a night. But mary was 1st diagnosed doctors thought she would only live until the age before. I decided i was dazed and not ready until marriage or. Unknown house 10 i thought id take them on occasion then of ok. Theres never a day goes by either and talk to everybody forget the whole thing you know live it up so i know its always there. Married to use me to the children to see fibrosis. Mark on this our voices if i meet one of them they want to pass judgment to me or on one passage im going to em. So now its a question isolating condition to near yet theres always enough so i now was never so youre haitian now right. So i only used to send your letters to h. R. Because they couldnt me face to face on the fly now its not at the moment mary is not really understanding everything about c. F. She she does now now that it is live show me that she does know that it cannot be cured. But things could be about to change scientists have proven for the 1st time ever that an experimental technique called gene therapy can improve the health of those with Cystic Fibrosis come into Central London to meet the doctors and the clinicians involved in the gene therapy trial and to Cystic Fibrosis. Western when they come. Out it would take you. To stick fibrosis is as you know a genetically inherited disease parents who pass those copies on to their child and they have Cystic Fibrosis during the 1st year of life most babies will experience and lung problems and those relate to the buildup of sticky mucus within the airways and that sticky mucus attracts bacterial infections and the bacterial infections become chronic and they eventually cause quite significant lung scarring in the u. K. There are around 10000 people with Cystic Fibrosis at the moment on our registry about one in 22 of us is a carrier of the mutated gene most of us wont realise and about one in 2000 babies are born with Cystic Fibrosis the genetic nature of this and other conditions mean that treatment has focused on managing the symptoms as best as possible but a new and experimental technique called gene therapy has sort replace the faulty gene with a functioning one this is the largest and the longest duration gene therapy trial using a liquid formulation for Cystic Fibrosis that has ever happened in. 216. 00 patients completed the protocol and took at least 9 dose is over the course of a year and it was in that group which was defined as being the group we were going to look at that we saw a Significant Impact on lung function at the end of the year we can thank the patients and their families in earth because without patients like mary and her mother we just couldnt have completed this trial so were really grateful. These results would not have been possible without the perseverance of scientists who spent years developing the genes and. We started this program and its thought it would be very easy for patients to just hand the Gene Research and if it gets to the right area into the right cells in that lung it turned out that was much more difficult so how are you getting these healthy muji into the areas and to do the job of the song teaching. But the try that has just finished it actually using a very simple minded cure its a had it lifted but we did this we used the chin and we mixed it with this. This form small complex that complex then into the lungs of Cystic Fibrosis patients the dose of gene therapy that the trial participants received does not determine the correct the faulty Cystic Fibrosis d. N. A. But scientists are working on finding a longer lasting solution Clinical Trial results have been very encouraging but theyre not quite good enough to turn them into a treatment yet so we have plans for and not a trial where we give more to some gene complexes and more frequently basically in addition to that we have to developed by or is said just very very efficient in getting genes into the lungs do you think you see the fires might be more efficient than using the static possibly using them and we certainly think so based on oil. Evidence we have the virus is at least 140 more effective writing very nice to get. These Success Stories represent a huge step forward for people might match did you notice any changes cheering the course of the treatment i thought i had no more injury i didnt need well though cherry mark a. Were christian tradition was the best of my praise still coming up lets get a little more was done. And how did that make you feel when you suddenly cheating so me and that made me feel really good to know i could die i die i could do that and i know i can damn the hype is that one day gene therapy will be approved for use and widely available to those with Cystic Fibrosis holders people that are studying and working to get this drug to work even better than it did its just pray they can get it done and they can get the funding and if it doesnt come soon enough mary shes helped other faithful if its not. The next generation of children born with Cystic Fibrosis. In a city some are. Going to begin to say i sat on. How corny next week. Is that really nice. Alum are back again. Things can stay yes. By the age of 85 nearly half of us will suffer from oxygen damage to the name which can lead to chronic pain and disability bouts because carthage unlike other tissues doesnt have its own blood supply. So heals very slowly. When im in hiroshima japan to meet the surgeon pioneering new techniques in regenerating on the hes. Professor mitchell or she is one of the worlds leading nice surgeons and a revered figure in the world of we generated medicine. Professor. Selfies way ok thank you. Jay tech is an enterprise focusing on Tissue Engineering and has spent over 10 years commercializing professor archies research. Results in. A law thats nice to see how youre very welcome things are paramount. In 1900 for my dads on paper was published by Swedish Group the swedish team had developed a way of regenerating cottage in a lab and then re injecting it in liquid form directly into the knee however there was a weak point all with that need. In order to solve this problem started to use very safe. Yes so you can imagine that. The foot would be here coming up with yes exactly. Meniscus has no blood supply of if injury is the. Song we are the lighter resect so what you can do with this Regenerative Medicine is to take the patients own cotton sheets from the same joint yes all the change of confidence is essential company i see it does she engineer the cuts. And thats why were here yeah just half a gram of healthy cartilage is harvested it is then broken down with enzymes and then planted on a college in scaffold designed by professor ought to after just 4 weeks the cells will have multiplied to form a 4 square send to me to this. Surgeon then makes a template of the lesion and uses that to harvest some perry all still tissue from the shin bone 2. This will be the cover used to hold the new cartilage in place so this is a model of someones potentially regenerated cottage but the beauty of it being the patients own cells here is that its not rejected you know any medicine from the viewpoint i mean in neurological reaction all told in a state issue is a topic today this method has an almost 90 percent success rate and is considered a leading treatment fanie cartilage d. Facts paul what are the limitations of this committee to

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