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2500000000. 00 much cheaper to the American Patriot Missile Defense systems and this is the part of what turkey has received today are the 1st parts of the 1st. For the 1st batch of systems and until the end of summer and until the end of august turkey will continue receiving other parts into other batches the last batch is going to be delivered to turkey via sea vessels because it will include the missiles and the 2nd pack of systems of s 400 will be received by turkey in 2020 what we have learned from the turkish officials since the beginning is that they plan to as they plan to make the system operational until bought by october but of course for the us perspective at 1st the u. S. Threatened turkey for imposing set off imposing sanctions if turkey receives this 400. 00 Missile Systems and now turkey has received but we have seen the american politicians saying that turkey will be subjected to sanctions if the system becomes operational so we will see whether it turkey is going to be imposed the sanctions because turkeys presenters if they fired on said after the g. 20 summit last month that present trump didnt mention him any and the sanctions but we know that the pentagon and the u. S. Congress is a willing to impose those cuts of sanctions against turkey rights and of course we want to thank you. More head on the news hour including more on the single currency that west African Leaders hope will lead to financial stability. We look at why former rebel fighters are struggling to return to civilian life. 135000000. 00. Barcelona. But 1st its been described as the offensive but Syrian Government forces leading the campaign against rebels in the northwest are now on the defensive more than 120. 00 soldiers and fighters have died in heavy fighting over the last 48 hours and how province. Reports from neighboring lebanon president assads forces are finding it hard to make substantial gains. The Syrian Government forces and their allies are struggling to take ground from the opposition their offensive in northwest syria has been costly and difficult instead of advancing they have been defending their territory in the face of a coordinated and fierce counter offensive launched by rebel factions but both sides have suffered heavy casualties in the battle for one town village in northern hama more than 100 soldiers and rebels are believed to have been killed according to the syrian observatory for human rights it says that in more than 2 months of nearly 900 soldiers have died on the government side nearly 1000 were killed on the rebel side and yet the russian backed campaign has yielded little for president bashar assad. But it has brought a lot of destruction rebel controlled towns in and around the province are being targeted in russian and syrian air strikes more than 500 civilians have been killed more than 100 of them children. Civil defense headquarters all destroyed. Just in the last few days ago clearly except for schools that have received. Civilian targets that is really unacceptable we have a total of more than 300000 people that good displaced in the last 2 months and our talk and so on is really protection of civilians the basic rule of. Words of condemnation have been repeated in recent weeks but little accountability or pressure from the International Community to stop the offensive russia and turkey will decide what happens next that has become a proxy war between them even though they should be working together on syria through the socalled asked in a process they were sponsors of a cease fire an adlib last year instead they are using it live as a bargaining chip and another member of the athan a team iran is involved as well unlike previous offensives iranian backed troops are not on the front lines its believed to be one of the reasons why the government has made gains it needs those foot soldiers it seems there is no understanding between iran and russia and to have arms rule in post conflict syria and it seems russia and turkey do not agree on how to split northern syria. Civilians are paying the price of. Beirut. For the number of dead from last weeks sinking of a boat carrying refugees off the coast of tennessee has risen to 72 cording to testimony from the accidents only 3 survivors 86 people are believed to have been on board and as the death toll continues to climb the tennessee and red cross fears it could become one of the worst disasters involving boats carrying migrants across the mediterranean. A 13 year old suicide bomber himself up at a wedding in afghanistan killing 5 people and injuring dozens more the attack happened in the Eastern Province of our har no group has claimed responsibility the trade imbalance between china and the u. S. Is getting worse despite the trade war started by donald trump for the 1st half of this year chinas trade surplus with the u. S. Rose by 5 percent to about 140000000000. 00 in the month of june saw the biggest increase this year in the same month chinas imports from the u. S. Dropped by 31 percent but its exports to the u. S. Fell by less than 8 percent of the u. S. Tariffs on 200000000000. 00 worth of chinese goods both the u. S. And chinese president s have agreed to resume trade talks after they met at the g. 20 summit. Has more from beijing. Some fairly negative numbers released by the government in beijing but no sign of panic of course from the customs it ministration they are saying that yes the trade dispute with the United States is having an effect but that it is manageable so what we have is that for the month of june exports from china to war countries dropped by 1. 3 percent compared with the same period a year ago concerning in that if we go back to the month of may they grew by 1 point one percent on the Positive Side most experts were forecasting that those numbers for june would be worse than what they are this all happening of course amid a truce in the trade war between china and the United States tariffs are not being placed on each others goods as agreed between the 2 leaders after they met on the sidelines of the g 20 summit in japan last month but some numbers to unpick here for the u. S. President donald trump was long complained of unfair trade practices by the chinese and the fact that the United States has a large trade deficit with china even though exports from china to the United States are down the trade surplus that the chinese have with the United States grew in the month of june to almost 30000000000. 00 so no doubt that will be discussed if those negotiations face to face negotiations do restart as expected possibly in china within the next couple of weeks one of the most concerning numbers for the overall chinese economy to be released is that imports from all countries a down 7. 3 percent and that is being blamed on weak domestic demand lets us weak to stand voiture hes a resident scholar at the American Enterprise institute hes joining us from washington d. C. Thanks very much for speaking to us on the on the news hour so when you look at these numbers that have been released what does it tell you about how much pressure this socalled trade war between the u. S. And china is actually putting on. Well i think the numbers show what you would expect from an increased from an increase in protectionism both from the u. S. Side and then in response from the from the chinese side is what you see is that trade flows in both directions so in exports from china to the u. S. And from the u. S. To china have both been reduced the net trade flows that is the trade deficit that of course is not as directly affected by it by trade policy decisions instead that as a result of consumption and savings decisions in china and the u. S. So i think what youre seeing is that the growth flows are coming down im not sure thats what the administration had in mind but to that to the extent that that was the goal the protectionist policies are accomplishing what were going to you know when you say thats not what the administration had in mind. I think the administration the administrations original goal was to reduce the trade deficit not to reduce trade flows as such shortly that that was what they would probably say of course if you if you believe that the administration is purely a protectionist one which is a very reasonable position but you know not with what they say they are then for sure reducing growth slows. Was the objective and. Accomplish that goal the president tweeted earlier this week that beijing is quote letting us down by not buying american Agricultural Products they said they would but what does that this then mean for any efforts to reach some sort of trade agreement between the 2 sides. Well i mean i think its difficult i think the 2 sides have have very different objectives obviously the u. S. Has been very unclear as to what its specific objectives are it goes from a very narrow demand that china buy more soybeans to extremely broad demands that china completely change its system of political and economic governance i think as long as the u. S. Doesnt make it clear which one of those 2 goals it wants to accomplish. Hard to reach an agreement and if the u. S. Should choose is the 2nd option that is demanding that china completely change its systems a system of economic governance that i dont think will ever see an agreement whats more in america of businesses right whats at stake for american businesses if. This trade war continues. Well whats at stake is 1st of all obviously there are american businesses that export directly to china to the extent that china retaliates they will be affected lots of american businesses verges intermediate inputs from china and so those numbers have gone down that makes it harder for them to be than the market and reduces their Profit Margins forces them to increase prices and maybe lower wages so that their business is on both sides of the equation that are that are negatively affected by this we thank you very much for speaking to us from washington stand. Now west African Leaders are in ivory coast to apply on the rollout of a single shared currency the move would mean 8 former french colonies will have to give up their use of a currency known as the c. F. A. Franc it was created by france in 1905 and is used by 14 african nations in 2 zones one in west africa including senegal ivory coast in asia or mali burke enough so and 6 others in Central Africa including and chads so the currency is pegged to the euro and has the financial backing of the french treasury in return france holds 50 percent of the Foreign Exchange reserves of member countries as supporters of the system say it provides economic stability and keeps inflation under control critics see it as a relic of french colonialism that holds their countries in the past and restricts economic growth. Reports from ivory coasts economic capital. Roasted coffee beans theyre ready for processing at this plant they ask and its a happy show. The factory is just one west African Business looking to cash in on the region separate to liberalize trade. The blood donor says having a single currency will be good for business. Or not. There are different currencies in the region transactions among mean the countries is difficult right now but having a single currency makes trading a loss easier. Regional leaders have been pushing to integrate they kind of ease they believe theyre now closer to having a single currency than at any time but there are obstacles. On the level of Economic Development differs from one country to another for example the economies of nigeria ghana and caught they walk to smaller countries will simply drag the more advanced economies just like europe we all produce Raw Materials and import most of our needs there is little imports among member nations the c. F. A. Is one of west africas major caresses its a legal tender in 8 of the 15 countries in the region and if regional leaders have their way it will be replaced by a new currency for the whole of west africa negotiations for the single currency modelled after the euro has been underway for 30 years the implementation of the act called west africa was a single currency was delayed several times but a recent agreement of an african free trade area is seen by some as an incentive enough for regional leaders to finally launch it after 3 failed attempts. While businesses say a common currency will ease regional trade but everyone is hopeful that all 15 members nations of the economic bloc of course have the political will to see it through next year. Al jazeera. Still ahead on the aljazeera news our oysters die and the shrimp are moving out we have wildlife mammals you know dolphins of pat you know dying. Extreme weather in the u. S. Chris is the Mississippi River to record levels taking a heavy toll on wildlife and the german champions at a world cup later to their ranks for who will have the details in sports. How the weather stays hot and dry across the middle east and no surprises here we still get light showers around the caucasus between the black sea and the caspian sea these will sink a little further south which is because through the next couple of days and what weather there in the forecast the georgia mania for as about both eastern pasta turkey also seeing some of that cloud and 41 celsius for terror will see a high of around 31. 00 for beirut and also for jerusalem going to 44. 00 in baghdad 45. 00 for you a city stay strong across afghanistan and also into karate all the way across into pakistan those showers in the forecast in a similar picture as we go on through sunday right across the region back towards the levant often try to across even peninsula a little more cloud a possibility still around southern parts of vermont as we go on through the next temperatures falling back a touch and to around 42 degrees on sas they often they may well see some of the temperatures there across many parts come down into Southern Africa and here it is a lousy try got a few showers just clipping the fos out of south africa sea temperatures in capetown it around 17 celsius durban with a high of 23. 00 degrees. Im going to go everywhere connected with this. Or infrastructure in the pentagon some Foreign Corporation speech to let me. Now a politician activists are building a homegrown solution could make live huge and secure the nations technological sovereignty. Will be the Citizens Network on a. Hello again the top stories on the aljazeera news hour the u. S. Labor secretary is stepping down over his role in striking a plea deal with convects a convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein president confirmed alex acosta will be leaving his post after growing calls for and the courts. Brawl to police say 2 more officers from an Iranian Oil Tanker have now been arrested after their ship was seized last week bringing the total number to 4 the crew of the grey swan are under suspicion of breaking un sanctions by transporting oil to syria. Turkey has received the 1st shipment of the russian s 400 Missile Defense system the u. S. Has previously warned turkey it could face sanctions over the purchase and that it wont be allowed to purchase f. 35 fighter jets. Now in the u. S. President donald trump has approved treader all resources to louisiana after hurricane warnings were issued along the coast ports of new orleans are still underwater after days of thunder storms and floods residents are putting sandbags outside their properties or leaving town hurricane barry is expected to make landfall on sunday on saturday excuse me lets bring in correspondent. Joining us from new orleans itself a dreadful situation when the people find themselves in where you are. It certainly is darina the winds are picking up as barry still continues to crawl toward the louisiana coast but it is the rain and the water that is the true concern here you can see behind me the Mississippi River is swollen about 8 feet above its normal stages and if we have a category one hurricane it hit this area it will be the 1st time its ever happened at flood stage here on the mississippi again the water is the dangerous threat here this area facing a triple threat with that water with the rain the flooding and that dangerous storm surge that is predicted for many many many areas across this region and for Emergency Services trying to cope with all of those how are they coping. Well it has been declared a federal emergency aid and that activated 3000 guards acted National Guardsmen and all of their equipment theyve also got 300 buses prepared in this area to be able to take and a vigil to need to evacuate to safety to a huge shelter they of formed in central louisiana that obviously is one of the lessons they learned back in 2005 from katrina they needed to get people out of this area when the the the levees were breached and the pumping stations needed more time so they have they have reinforced the systems here and they are bracing for barry hoping that these post katrina lessons will be well learned here. And as receiving a wendys expected to make landfall on saturday. It is we have been feeling these 1st bands so all all morning long weve been out here about oh i want to say 7 hours now and there has been at an internet in bands of rain and wind and then you all of a sudden see the sun and unfortunately that means that were going to get to wait for a little while because this storm is only moving at somewhat 3 to 4 Miles Per Hour so they are talking about tomorrow morning at the earliest though we dont know what it will be right now its still a Tropical Storm it could increase to a hurricane the last advisory said that the winds a sustained winds were up to 65 Miles Per Hour if it gets a little bit higher then its a cat one but that doesnt make it any more dangerous because its the water that you really lose these lives again theyre thinking its going to be early in the morning but Mother Nature tends to have her own mind so we just wait on her at this point and yeah ok god its a wendy a wolf thank you for giving us that update from new orleans now the Mississippi River which runs through new orleans was already record levels before the latest rains hits and nears have put in place measures to protect communities but is the cork reports thats having an impact on the environments that the middle Mississippi River a crucial 3 of comus which drains 41 percent of the entire United States this year its exceeded all records the volume of water that schools swallowed by extreme spring rains and snow melt upstream the mississippi has never been this high for this long it is unprecedented and everyone who lives in new orleans this puts the trust in the living system which protects the city from flooding while upstream the engine is well they try the pressure. And theyve done that with the rare opening of the Bonnet Carre Spillway built in the 9030s to dock colossal quantities of water away from the main river in times of high flood you know open of just about 12 times in its history this is actually the 1st year that its been opened twice in the same calendar year so this is really one of the one of the longest floods on record the spillway will remain open until the end of july but theres a problem its upset the ecological balance of the Mississippi Sound diluting the mix of fresh and so water with devastating effect to coastal businesses now were starting to see the repercussions which are you know oysters die and the shrimp are moving we have wildlife mammals you know dolphins of you know dying the turtles addai and we have a lot of salt water species now that are being affected heavily due to the rise of the river west it is a multimillion dollar industry here in St Bernard Parish but its sitting duck landings it down up to 80 percent the fishermen source of income has been all but destroyed and this is a very big an impact this is the worst impact that this community has ever seen i mean weve weve been through katrina where weve been completely wiped off the map weve been through be painting weve been through a lot in this community watched over the years in my life this Community Come and go but this is the worst that ive ever seen. Now business is a demanding that the federal government step in with emergency funding. And so everything is dead and go back out there make no money or show out there. Yet and then they need a new thought they need help but the fear is with changing weather patterns this could become the new normal you might save a city from flooding but at a cost to a multimillion dollar industry the clock aljazeera you orleans louisiana. Here when secretary general says the world hasnt done enough to help mozambique after 2 successive cycles killed hundreds of people and one of the terrorists has appealed for more aid support for months after cyclons die and kenneth devastated much of the region he says its clear these disasters are caused by Climate Change the storms flattened cities and villages leaving more than a 1000000 people homeless. Demonstrations are taking place in northern algeria for the 21st successive friday opposition figures are calling for elections a civilian led government and an end to what they call the ruling elite prodemocracy protests began in february which led to the resignation of longtime president to flee 2 months later. Its a dispute that threatens to hurt the global Tech Industry and production of devices many of us depends on japan is restricting exports of materials to south korea which are used to make things like smartphone t. V. s Priyanka Gupta reports. A year ago japan and south korea came together tweeting goals stopping north korea from getting. Regional trade. A year later the 2 sides meet again this time today for a dispute over north korea japan says south korea cannot be trusted to implement u. N. Sanctions against pyongyang its imposed restrictions on some exports south korea says japans claims are untrue and wants an international investigation. If the investigation finds fault with our government then we will make an apology for that and make corrections immediately however if the investigation draws a conclusion that our government is not at fault and the japanese government should not only apologize to us but also retract the retaliatory export restrictions immediately. There is anger and so calls for a boycott of japanese goods. The japanese restrictions are seen as a retaliation after recent south korean courts rulings relating to japans former rule over the Korean Peninsula and its actions during world war 2 Japanese Companies were ordered to compensate for most south korean forced laborers japan insists its not mixing politics with trade agreement that you are going to get from japans perspective this measure is a necessary review of operations to appropriately execute japanese export control for National Security concerns and not a monetary measure south korea is the worlds biggest supplier of computer chips that small from displays but plants like apple and while weigh on their fears japans restrictions quoted Companies Like samsung south koreas drooling party says the government will set aside more than 250000000. 00 to protect its companies from japanese action. This move made by the japanese government could be interpreted as the 1st shot in a trade war if it is a prolonged embargo and if. If the japanese inforce it very. Glee in a tough manner and if south korea cannot get these materials elsewhere then it could it could have a serious impact on. South koreas Technology Production the treat dispute may be sudden but the timing is critical in just over a week japan we elect members to the opera house and election Prime Minister shinzo are being doesnt want to use a south koreas leader seen as an important force in denuclearization talks on the Korean Peninsula is looking to maintain support for his party in parliamentary elections next year with neither side batten down the rift could widen even further priyanka cook the 0 they want Security Council has sent a delegation to bogota to oversee the implementation of the 26th in peace deal between the governments on the rebel groups revolutionary armed forces of colombia the council wants to meet with government officials on the former are members asunder and patty is joining us now live with more from the colombian capital so what is the delegation hoping to achieve. Well there in this is the 2nd time that the Security Council has traveled to call me up to check on the implementation of this landmark peace accord between the colombian state and gravels the 1st time they were here in 2007 during the as the laying down of the arms phase of the implementation and there are back now at a crucial time for this implementation which there are many doubts many worries surrounding the pace of the implementation and the fact that peace remains elusive in many of the areas that were under foreign influence for many decades essentially there are 3 issues that the Security Council is looking at here the 1st one is the very slow pace of the implementation of a number of reforms and Infrastructure Transformation of these remote areas where there has traditionally been a very little presence of the colombian state the 2nd one is the fact that there is a new government in place different from the one that signed the peace deal and this new government has been very critical of the accord that the un has been supporting from the start in particular the current president Stephen Dupont and proposed a number of changes to the sensational Justice System a special tribunal that has been put in place to investigate what happened during the years of the conflicts to bring through thin reparations to the victims and finally the issue that not throw the the most warning is the fact that there has been an increase in violence in the number of regions that traditionally have been at the center of the conflict and more than 400 Civil Society leaders have been killed since the signing of the few still a number of the. Criminal groups that are fighting for this territory now and also more than 140 x. Come back in the park have been killed so theres a lot of table of the Security Council here and we recently traveled to one of these areas to also take a look at whats happening with the very difficult reintegration of the former combatant into civilian. Heartbroken and helpless relatives of former fire gravel cry over his coffin. The 41 years old which july 9th as he went to work at his fledgling fine apple field. Pieces customers are life he believes in this process the serenity is hard to give himself to peace now closed took away his life his laughter his dream to see his children progress. Is the 9th x. Combatants from this demobilisation camp in southwest colombia to be killed one of more than 140. 00 nationwide since surrendering their weapons 2 years ago former combatants were promised security guarantees access to land and support for productive process is but most have only received the monthly allowance which is set to expire in august. Of the more than 200 former combatants and their families that built this the mobilization camp only 27 remain the rest left in search of Work Opportunities or fleeing serious death threats. Some former fighters set up agricultural cooperatives with the help of international n. G. O. S and farmers associations catulus worked in this field planting pumpkins and beans among other crops theyve started the fish farm and raise pigs but its coworkers say they feel powerless and fearful. This is very difficult news for us our companion was coming with seeds the way the government is failing to fulfill the peace deal is desperate and we have no financial or political stability. Current colombian president a critic of the accord promised to help former fighters while insisting on changing parts of the deal he announced new security measures for them. After receiving threats former local for command there. Was given a bodyguard in an armored car but still had to leave the village. On that side of my life that there is a part of Colombian Society that still contacts it that the country is moving towards reconciliation and that we need to take advantage of this opportunity. Bringing thousands of fighters out of the jungle has no doubt been a success but securing peace remains a work in progress 1500 former fighters have joined criminal gangs but most say theyve laid down their weapons for a good plain thing seeds of hope that peace can hold while on friday the ambassadors will meet with a number of representatives of the victims sectors. Civil society but members of the parks Political Party and then on saturday they will travel to one. Areas one of the reintegration zones. Possibly one very close to the one where we were and i think that the main point here is the fact that the council wants to tell the economy and government that the International Community is still supporting this process is the one to see it become a total success if possible and they also said just now and ive got clear rationed through the press that they consider this to be an example for other process in the rest of the world so were going to have to wait and see what they find at the end of this 4 day long visit and finally they also announced that the u. N. Various occasions that its looking at the implementation here and was expected to expire in september will continue for another year ok alison thank you. Members of the u. S. House of representatives have been testifying before a Congressional Committee on the mistreatment of migrants at federal Detention Centers and their recent visit to concerns of deplorable conditions this comes as President Trump says arrests of immigrants eligible for deportation will start in 10 u. S. Cities this weekend more on this mike hanna joining us from washington d. C. What have you been hearing from the testimonies like. Well theres one very stark statistic thats been provided to the House Oversight committee and that is that as many as 18 toddlers and infants under the age of 2 were separated from their parents for any period from 20 days to 6 months now whats particularly shocking about this is this is information or taint from the Trump Administrations own data by a sub its part of a report that has been presented to the House Oversight committee thats being discussed in the course of the morning the report outlines the renters conditions in the border areas particularly in those confinement areas where would be migrants of being held for long periods of time the report details a system that is completely broken saying how some migrants were sent into federal custody and then removed because federal prosecutors did not want to carry out the case and they were then sent back to border Detention Centers which increased the workload on these particular Detention Centers and the committees also heard from a number of representatives who visited these areas recently once again recounting absolutely horrific conditions in sweltering heat in these areas saying as well that the merola among those working in these facilities the Border Patrol officials is exceedingly low so you do have a picture here of a system that has absolutely fallen apart that is bringing immense suffering to those attempting to come and create a better life within the United States one must remember too that the House Judiciary Committee has approved subpoenas to a number of officials involved in President Trumps socalled 0 tolerance policy with regard to see what federal laws were broken and right tom i can i thank you. Its mens semifinals they have. A court coming up in a moment its. Again time for the sports is with rahul thank you very much one place to start wimbledon one match to look at Roger Federer rafa nadal in the semifinals this is their 40th meeting on the mens told rafa leading the i will head to head stat 24 to 15 the match began just a few moments ago and sensical is going with federer at leading 21 in that opening set for the rivalry is one of the greats in sport let alone tennis and it all began in 2004 when the pair met in the mommy mosses farm a 17 year old the doll winning it in straight sense fos forward to the 2008 wimbledon final in what was arguably they greatest ever match and also winning that one knowing 7 in the 5th and the starting set. 2004 another 5 set i think this time in the Australian Open federer left in tears after that ill beat him to win hes 6 grand slam title box in 2017 refer to federer return to the rod laver arena in melbournes record his 1st win over rafa in a grand slam final other than wimbledon the swiss picking up major its hard to number a scene where the winner of the doll federal will play defending champion Novak Djokovic in the farmer it follows this will set victory against roberto. By dropping the 2nd set but he got the job done on his 5th match point see when his all to reach his 25th grand slam final is only defeats in the wimbledon final was to andy murray in 23rd saying just that it will be going for his 6th day in my guitar so its sunday on. Him to get up to during morgan is transformed that same from a last thing stock to one of the best sides in the world thats according to former captain markel board he was speaking a day off to englands dominant 8 when ive australia that saw the house reach their 1st World Cup Final in 27 years warne said morgan had revolutionaries the one day side following the last world cup in 2015 making him a far more aggressive and attacking outfit in the most a sleazy in at no in sundays. Lou its always an incredible atmosphere imagine it looks fun its going to be even more special. You know will turn up on sunday and try and go through the preparation of such situated in this rescue operation right. Now one of the biggest football transfers of the off season has been completed with griezmann joining the learned theyve signed the french forward from spanish viable athletic arm and trade after paying his 135000000 dollars release fake raisman turned down a move to pass out last summer youve been without thats a car for 5 years or griezmann as well Cup Winning Team mate Benjamin Todd is. Also on the move he just signed for a bar in munich in a 5 year deal having left the f. B. I. Stuttgart madagascars threat that debby run at the africa cup of nations was brought to an end by tunisia in the quarterfinals but the performance of that scene ranked 108 in the world will be long remembered are back home fans still celebrated happy that same had made it so far off and so reports. It was a tense 90 minutes as fans of my gaskets National Football team watched their quarterfinal tie in the africa cup of nations and despite their defeat by to knees in the capital antananarivo there was no shortage of pride and joy that theyd caught so far in the competition which was enormous i am not disappointed because as a fast time modern ask a participant spinoff on and we are happy because we have reached their own of 16 films that you know im still proud of them no matter what they do i came here to support them the motherboard game they played im still proud. I am very happy there is nothing to be sad about because they made a lot of efforts and you always have to move forward. The teams nickname which is also a species of cattle were not expected to get to the last state of the competition football is extremely popular in madagascar but theres not much in the world infrastructure for the sport and facilities are not the best this was a fast time theyd ever qualified for the cop but when they got there were fiennes and their performances exceeded expectations including a win against nigeria to proved too strong. For the trees and you can see that united game was predictable because these players are from madrid and have experience but we wont let ourselves get discouraged. Its taken madagascar many years to produce a Football Team capable of holding its own on the pitch. The placid they wanted to make their country proud and they did. A home to a humorous reception with malagasy is treating them like champions Catherine Sawyer aljazeera. Just quickly we can give you the latest from Roger Federer leading rafa nadal 3 games to 2 in the i think set of the semi final but that is all your fault for now more later all right thanks for that update thanks for watching the news hour on aljazeera back in just a moment with much more of the days news coming your way in a moment see you then. Every armed attack in europe creates fear and division amongst its citizens where stories of loss go on tone. A sweeping association of islam with the violence. In muslims facing the stock reality of being ostracized by the very communities in which they live love and moon the tragic loss of life. Twice a victim on aljazeera. An army of volunteers has come together to help with the influx of tens of thousands of evacuees. But their retreat to a Church Shelter has brought new challenges an outbreak of norovirus and other gastrointestinal problems. Smoke from the massive wildfires now blankets much of Northern California leading to some of the worst air quality in the world but with more than 12000 structures lost in the wildfires concerns remain about long term accommodations jobs and medical care. Local Officials Say there isnt enough Housing Stock available. Recruited to wiggle room. Exploited to on the battlefield the call the new regime faced a different value and effort from there if you can and repair then abandoned for a lifetime we should be ashamed but for those who fall for all concrete all division over 3 people in power investigates the plight of imperial britons african troops they gave the night the forgotten heroes of empire on aljazeera. These scandals surrounding a us to find out in syracuse the sexually abusing young girls prompts the resignation of Donald Trumps labor secretary. All the president. I called him but i thought that like they thought that the. Results were a lie from headquarters in doha im doubting it obligates also a heads to roll to Police Arrest another 2 crew members from the iranian super tanker that was seized last week. Turkey gets its 1st delivery of a russian made Missile System despite concerns from its allies plus. More than 120. 00 people are said to be killed in 48 hours is syrias army and its allies step up their fight for the last rebel stronghold. Helo u. S. President donald trump has lost another member of his cabinet with the resignation of labor secretary alex acosta hes faced fierce criticism over a secret plea deal he negotiated a decade ago with Jeffrey Epstein the billionaire accused of sexually abusing underage girls i do not think it is right there for just a minute break the Labor Department at f. E. M. A. As the focus rather than read a look on the today. Show like all the president warning i told him that i thought the right thing was that i dont have that they are temporary but. It would be selfish for me to stay in this day and its been talking about a case of 12 years old rather than about basing it on the right. He made a deal that people ask me with and then 12 years later theyre not happy with that youll have to figure all of that out but the fact is he is a fantastic secretary of labor and alex told me this morning and he wanted to see me and i actually said well we have the press right out here so perhaps you just want to say it to the press about i just want to let you know that this was him not me because im with them putting a line is joining us from washington d. C. So what is the reaction to accost as resignation party. Well i think youll see republicans stay quiet because it is so explosive democrats democrats will continue to hammer just how much turnover there has been within this administration i think whats remarkable about what those 2 men were just saying the president and the current labor secretary is really downplaying this case basically saying it was 12 years ago people were happy it with it and then they werent happy with it lets go back to the facts of this a cost to alex acosta was the u. S. Attorney in florida Jeffrey Epstein very connected very rich he was accused and indictment had dozens and dozens of charges of basically running a child sex ring children young girls some as young as 14 being molested in his Palm Beach Home now he custom made this deal basically let him serve 13 months in a jail we had this private wig and he was allowed if she was allowed to go to work 12 hours a day and so basically he just slept in jail for 13 months and then he had to register as a sex offender so a cost when all of this came out there was a lot of investigative reporting that forced the new york u. S. Attorney to charge epstein with similar offenses but happening in new york so then the question was how long could it cost to keep his job he had a press conference and basically said hey i wanted to make sure he went to prison and all the state was going to do anything in the state prosecutor came out and said hes lying so a customer really think there were a lot of places for him to go democrats are going to continue to call for him to step down especially given that the epstein case is going to be winding its way through the courts for months or even years yet patty and the Bigger Picture is how significant is it that were seeing yet another resignation in the trumpet ministration. It has been remarkable no other ministration modern history has gone through this many cabinet secretaries and it leaves in place acting secretaries theres currently an acting secretary of Homeland Security acting secretary of defense acting now labor secretary in a week theres an acting white house chief of staff and that is the cabinet level. Positions if you look at the undersecretaries a lot of those are acting or unfilled currently no u. N. Ambassador approved us about or to the un has been approved so that leaves a pretty big vacancy now what is the political impact of that will in the 2020 race democrats will be able to say look this is chaos this is not how you run a government but his base its going to appear likely that hes fighting the swap as he always said on the campaign trail so for his base this probably is going to have an impact whether it will in 2020 well well have 20 all right patty cohen thank you well Bill Schneider is a political analyst and Public Policy professor at George Mason University and he says the resignation of perceptions of chaos and Trumps White House where trump was saying is this isnt me this is him hes made the decision to resign its ok with me but trump isnt pushing him out donald trump wants his fingerprints off this entire case hes known to have meant jeff we have seen he claims he knew very little about him but he has ties to epstein as this president former president bill clinton with donald trump does not want his fingerprints on this at all and he wants this case disposed of as quickly as possible without involving the president what the his critics and opponents will say is there is this is an administration of chaos and disruption theres nothing orderly about it so many people have left so many people have been overthrown so many people have gotten into trouble legally to politically this is this is chaos thats one reason why a man like joe biden is the front runner on the democratic side joe biden represents normalcy he doesnt represent he thrills he doesnt represent excitement to democrats but he represents normal season normal politician in the traditional mold and Many Americans are sick to death of all the turmoil in disruption of the Trump Administration they just like to return to normalcy and thats what the democrats hope to offer. And just after he announced the news about Alex Acosta Donald trump went on to say that immigrant deportations will begin in 10 u. S. Cities this weekend this week will target people whove received final orders to leave the country including families trump says immigration and Custom Enforcement officers will focus on criminals previous warnings of the raids have sparked outrage and concern among immigrant active advocates meanwhile members of the u. S. House of representatives have been testifying before a Congressional Committee about the mistreatment of migrants at federal Detention Centers and they have described their poor about conditions after visiting the facilities i can as covering the story joining us from d. C. What more has been said well the Oversight Committee considered a report that was drawn on data provided by Trump Administration officials under subpoena and one startling fact and horrific fact in this particular report is that as many as 18 children infants and toddlers of them under the age of 2 were separated from their parents for periods ranging from 20 days to 6 months now the report goes on to detail the most horrific conditions in the border detention areas along with the federal Holding Areas in which would be migrants are placed the Committee Also heard from representatives who were part of a delegation that toured the region recently they spoke of conditions that were quite extreme sweltering heat children drinking out of toilet bowls because there was no water provided and they spoke of a customs Border Patrol officials whose morale was dreadfully low all in all what the committee has heard is about a system that is completely broken and has an immense impact on the on the lives of those who want to migrate to the United States ok mike hanna thank you. Police interpol to have arrested 2 more officers from an Iranian Oil Tanker seize last week bringing the total number to for the ship was detained by British Forces on suspicion of taking oil to syria in breach of e. U. Sanctions none of the arrested individuals have been charged one this lets remember a challenge joining us from london what do we know about these additional arrests. Well you know that travolta police are clearly trying to push this case forward to arrest made on thursday another 2 on friday all of the arrested men are not indians despite this being an iranian oil supertanker that isnt surprising much of the Merchant Shipping around the world is crude by an International Collection of employees lots of them come from south asia or in the philippines so all 4 men are indian nationals the Gibraltar Police of arrested the caps in the chief officer and the 2 you who were arrested on friday the 2nd mates now the Gibraltar Police to say that these men are assisting them with their inquiries theyre being questioned under caution they are being given coding to the generals of police carets legal and consular assistance no charges have been made yet against any of them but this is the result of several days of searching the ship going through documents that were found on board the police also confiscated Electronic Devices so that trying to build a case that this ship was contravening e. U. Sanctions against taking oil to syria thats why they stopped the the boats in the 1st place now the gibraltar and government is trying to head off any accusations that they were perhaps acting under orders from say the United States the chief minister of gibraltar has made a statement to the gibraltar impala moments saying that there was no political request at any time from any governments that the gibraltar government should act or not act on one basis or another the decisions of her majestys government of gibraltar were taken totally independent the based on breaches of in. Existing law or not its all based on extraneous Political Considerations of course the iranians say that detaining the ship was against International Law and they suspect that the United States was behind it that the process of saying no this was a ship that we understood was breaking e. U. Sanctions that and that only is why we decided ok thank you china has released figures showing its imports from the u. S. Have plunged in the past year on its exports to america are down to as the countrys trade war drags on china says its trade surplus with the u. S. Continues to rise that imbalance is the heart of Donald Trumps assertions that chinas engaged in unfair trade practices when he has more from beijing some fairly negative numbers released by the government in beijing but no sign of panic of course from the customs it ministration they are saying that yes the trade dispute with the United States is having an effect but that it is manageable so what we have is that for the month of june exports from china to war countries dropped by 1. 3 percent compared with the same period a year ago concerning in that if we go back to the month of may they grew by 1 point one percent on the Positive Side most experts were forecasting that those numbers for june would be worse than what they are this all happening of course amid a true

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