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A resolution but it will be published as an official document of the Uns Human Rights Council activists say its a good sign but chinas government has long stood defiant against foreign criticism katia locus of the young aljazeera is going to talk on and weigh in hey whos joining us live from beijing so has there been any response from the Chinese Government yet way. Yes well we just a short time ago heard from the ministry of Foreign Affairs in a regular daily Media Briefing the spokesman predictably i guess was dismissive of this letter signed by 22 countries saying it was an attempt to politicize the issue of human rights the spokesman also said that this was a domestic affair and it was not up to anyone outside of china to comment on the situation in genk he also pointed out that there have been no terrorist attacks in the area for the past 2 years evidence he says that this is working remembering that the government in china says these are not the Tension Centers theyre vocational schools with one of the main aims being to stamp out extremism and terrorism and he points to the fact that there have been no terrorist attacks in the past 2 years in that area as evidence that the system is indeed working so china defiant as ever on this issue wayne is it likely then that they will give inspectors the main in full access to the camps that the netter is asking for. Yes with a spokesman from the ministry of Foreign Affairs also responded to that request saying that they have in the past arranged trips to the area to see the facilities firsthand for media and socalled experts diplomats and they are saying that what those troops reported the people who were on those troops reported was very different to what is alleged in war as portrayed in what the ministry of Foreign Affairs says is the out west in media so it is saying that of course these sorts of things can happen again in the future but i think that the important thing there is meaningful access those troops that we mentioned and presumably any troops that would be arranged in the future are very much controlled by the government very much controlled by the Security Forces so anything that the people see on those trips very much is what the government here in beijing wants the outside world to see so the government could well grant that request that inspectors experts be allowed back in there to see those trips whether or not to see those facilities rather whether or not it is meaningful is another question they also point out that they have twice invited the United Nations Human Rights Agency to visit the area to see the facilities and it hopes it says that the u. N. Human Rights Agency will take up that invitation when thank you very much for that that is wayne has the latest live in beijing. At least 10 people have died in a train crash in northeast pakistan a passenger train rammed into a station a Freight Train in khan in the southern punjab region dozens of injured people are being treated in nearby hospitals emergency crews say the number of casualties could rise as a rescue operation continues. Still ahead on the bulletin a pension reform bill passes a major hurdle in brazil the critics say the fall will end up paying the money. While i was still something of a mixed bag in our weather across europe with them i was still some rather lively storms down into the southeast and colder into greece pushing across and in say pushing over towards turkey the black sea also clouds showing up here now to see its by no means clear skies up towards the northwestern corner we see some blustery showers also eroding the way through the way some wet weather just around all and pushing into scotland for thursday 24 celsius in london not too bad should be funded by for the cricket at base and then in the middle in the across into central passes a fair bit of cloud here and then down towards the southeast and colder on thursday there is a fair bit of wet weather still around you can see temperatures around 2728 celsius there for athens clearing up as we go on into friday a little more cloud just easing a swishing say for germany into austria we are going to see some unsaid where the brightest guys coming back into those western parts hot in madrid temperatures at around 39 degrees celsius and that hey thats right weather that stretches across parts of north africa laws to clear skies little bit of fair weather clout there in tucson more than possible still getting up to 28 celsius in algiers a high of 33 and she is now the hot one the car right at 40 degrees. Sponsored cats are in. Conflict. To any successful site for mexicos most loved it is no different behind the cameras this week tensions run high as the produces are forced to balance creative and social issues with the dimanche of commercialization. Episode 4 of soap box mexico on aljazeera. Good to have with us on aljazeera these are our top stories the u. K. Government says iranian boats tried to obstruct a british or tanker and the strait of hormuz one of the worlds most Important Oil shipping channels it says the 3 of on investments turned away after of oil navy warship and been denying that there was any confrontation ambassadors and thats it is from 22. 00 countries have condemned the chinas treatment of ethnic and religious minorities in an unprecedented move they sent a message to the un Human Rights Council calling for the detention of weekend muslims to stop and at least 10 people are dead and dozens more injured after a train collision in northeast august on a passenger train ran into a stationary Freight Train in the southern punjab region. A u. S. Congressional committee is looking into worsening conditions in Detention Centers at the southern border with mexico and then emotionally charged hearing a guatemalan mother told politicians and daughter died while. The custody of americas Border Patrol john hendren reports from washington they say let the tearful mothers visible pain captured members of Congress Make it better but its like they were out a piece of my heart like they pour out my soul yasmin juarez says her 19 month old Daughter Court of viral lung infection at a u. S. Immigration detention site after neglect to mistreatment during their 20 day maximum stay at the Holding Center she says she and little mary a were released days later died look at the. I wanted to have a better life for her and a Better Future and work hard but like so that she could keep growing the way that she was warrens has filed a wrongful death suit against the u. S. Government im so very sorry that we have failed you her case is not unique several immigrant children have died in u. S. Custody is 2 year old 105 fever listless like a rag doll i looked at her and immediately called our ambulance from our Childrens Hospital to pick her up and she ended up having bilateral pneumonia the democrats who run the House Oversight and titled the hearing kids in cages Inhumane Treatment at the border thats an indictment of the trumpet ministrations family separation policy everyone seems to agree theres a crisis at the border with republicans saying its the rush of immigrants coming to the u. S. And democrats saying its the detention policy itself. The name also expresses the outrage over what democrats described as jails for children we are reading the generation 2 of children now will never get what we did see that this type of trauma can wait some republicans push back i am frustrated with the title of the hearing it is a hearing in titled kids in cages. What we say and the hyperbole we use matters ive been to the border many times and to this day i have never seen a kid in a cage a former immigration and Customs Enforcement chief says it is unfair to blame immigration agencies coping with this surge of Central American immigrants fleeing violence and poverty if you dont reduce the flow youre going to continue to get the same thing that weve seen for the last 78 months its bad its getting worse arrests at the border fell 28 percent in june but with the trumpet ministrations saying it plans raids on undocumented families living in the u. S. Fairly soon the crisis at the border and in Detention Centers continues john hendren al jazeera washington now the republican chairman of the u. S. Senate Foreign Relations committee has introduced a bill seeking to hold the arabia accountable for human rights abuses at also criticizes crown Prince Mohammed bin fell among the stops short of halting weapons sales to the kingdom republican senator ted cruz joined democrats the announce and the state department. The process that the state department followed for these weapons sales not to put too fine a point on it was crap under the law under the arms export control act the Administration Needs congressional approval and has a 30 day notification period the department had 30 days to take it to congress and follow the law and it was foolish not to. To lebanon now with the Labor Ministry has begun a crackdown on documented foreign labor the government says the measures that designed to protect lebanese workers there are targeting the syrian refugee population there has. The deadline has passed lebanons ministry of labor is going after Foreign Workers who dont have permits Officials Say this is about enforcing the law and protecting lebanese jobs but for his livelihood is at stake. He tells us he is a father of 6 and he has nowhere else to go there is from the syrian city of but he arrived in lebanon a decade before the war began he says returning is not an option ive. Been working here for the past 13 years and now i need a work permit and i need to legalize my status or also i cant work we lost everything in syria. There are no jobs there. Oh you know what there is not considered a refugee but he is among what the Ministry Says is the hundreds of thousands of syrians competing with lebanese citizens for jobs. The ministry of labor says this crackdown is related to one. Refugee campaign waged by foreign ministers. Movement party but the timing is questionable because it is the latest in the series of measures seen targeting syrias refugee population in lebanon. Those measures have included evictions from somebody. Curfews deportations and the demolition of tents that are made of concrete but the Ministry Denies singling out syrian nationals. We are not targeting only one nationality but it happens that the syrians are the largest number that is why they consider this a crackdown against. Lebanese Officials Say fewer than 2000 syrians have legal work permits and they believe 1500000 syrians are in the country half a 1000000 more than are registered with the un but even for those registered and working getting proper documentation isnt easy and the person in the refugee situation may find it more difficult because they may be lacking certain documents and at the same time because we know that. In lebanon today live in poverty the United Nations is also discussing with the ministry of labor to get a better understanding of how this will affect syria and Syrian Refugees in lebanon. Its already affected who they are who says he needs to find new sponsorship and the few 100. 00 needed to renew his papers he thinks the lebanese government is trying to force them out leaving them with 2 options starve or die in syria so to. Beirut. Meanwhile in syria at least 5 people have been killed after a car bomb exploded in the northwest and another 10 people including women and children were injured in the blast the explosion happened near the city of fleeing and airstrikes and live province have killed at least 13 people this video shows the aftermath of an attack on a hospital which killed 6 thats according to the Syrian Civil Defense as the last major rebel stronghold in the country the Government Troops backed by russia have been bombarding the area for months. Now israels Prime Minister says he wont allow illegal settlers to be a victim from the occupied west Bank Benjamin Netanyahu says israel will keep developing the area and that Israeli Forces will maintain their presence across the territory up to the Jordan Valley the settlers are a major support for netanyahu is a right wing government and has been for reelection. A Violent Storm in northern greece has killed at least 6 tourists and injured dozens more the storm struck the popular tourist region of hulky decay near the city of thessaloniki the strong winds and torrential rain overturned cars and toppled trees the head of Civil Protection says a state of emergency has been declared main wall beachgoers were forced to flee in east and italy after they were battered by hail stones the size of all ages 18 people were injured the city of pescado was flooded in the storm. Now Brazils Congress has taken a major step towards pension reform a key goal of president and also narrow the bill passed in the lower house with a clear majority its supporters say pension reform is needed to avoid bankruptcy propose changes include raising the retirement age and increase in contributions but pension reform continues to face opposition thousands of people demonstrated in sao paolo and other settings against the proposed changes critics said the reforms will hurt the poor the most. Now the very last walks wagon being car has rolled out of an Assembly Plant in mexico and it might mean the end for the popular blog but is aljazeera traveled to one mexican town where the dream of the vidar beautiful alive and well manuel ruffler has more. There it is you simply want the last beatle to be produced by the german Automaker Volkswagen its the end of an era and to mark this notable moment in the automotive history workers at the bike and plant in pueblo mexico are throwing a Goodbye Party is the oscar this is a goodbye the last forever but its also a party a big party for everyone. Maybe it was the combination of a funky design a reliable engine and an affordable price tag that ultimately made the beatles an International Hit by the 1960 s. And seventys the bug had become. Culture icon and a symbol of the counterculture movement. While the beetle has gone through several iterations over the last 80 years its cult following has carried well into the 21st century with so much history under the hood could this really be the end of the love bug. In quote the big a small town just outside mexico city youd be forgiven for thinking v. W. Beetles outnumber people. Here. Has been fixing up beetles for almost 30 years he tells us they can try to phase out the bugs as they are lovingly called in mexico but the cars themselves arent going anywhere. Will never go away its the best car ever made it was the color of the century whoever designed this call hit the nail on the head it can handle any think you through my its all terrain it was the best of the me. Its on a steep hillside no match for the vultures heavy duty engine this is probably why theyre so ubiquitous the yellow ones purple ones other ones waiting to be repaired all of them will get into the cultural fabric of the country and all production of the iconic Volkswagen Beetle may have ended for now here in mexico there are still thousands of very proud drivers who are committed to keeping that alive. Mexico city. Hello again on the problem and the headlines on. The u. K. Government says a british warship has intervened off the iranian boats tried to obstruct a British Oil Tanker and the strait of hormuz wednesday denies there was any confrontation saying. The iranian government has denied flatly denied that this incident took place at least not in the shape perhaps that the british have suggested the Public Affairs office of the Islamic Revolutionary guard corps mabel forces have said that there were no encounters with foreign vessels in the past 24 hours so a clear flat denial its not even though there is a different narrative here it is that no encounter took place with foreign vessels but they did say if they were instructed to see us or confront any vessel they will carry out those orders and messages from 22 countries have condemned chinas treatment of ethnic and religious minorities in an unprecedented move they sent a letter to the un Human Rights Council calling for the detention of weak and muslims to stop. At least 10 people have died in a train collision in northeast pakistan a passenger train rammed into a stationary Freight Train and ahead. In the southern punjab region dozens of injured people are being treated in nearby hospitals. At least 5 people have died after a car bomb exploded in northwest every year another 10 people including women and children were injured in the blast the explosion happened near the city of a fleeing. Brazils congress has taken a major step towards pension reform a key goal of president a lot of the bill passed in the lower house with a clear majority supports a pension reform is needed to avoid bankruptcy but critics say it will hurt poor brazilians the most. Well those are the headlines on aljazeera do stay with us the stream is coming up next thank you for watching. To aljazeera. Problems and besides the instability is corruption we listen. To are pushing the United States and President Trump into conflict we meet with global newsmakers and talk about the stories that matter does iraq. Fire for me ok im really could be here in the stream today 3 segments from libya we will look at the battle for tripoli show ideas for ending the countrys war and hear about migrants caught in the countrys conflict as always you can take part in our conversation send us your thoughts via twitter or in our live you tube chat. Why all detained migrants being killed in libya questions still surrounding july the 3rd air attack in a tripoli that destroyed a Migrant Detention Center and killed at least 50 detainees and wounded 130 others a u. N. Special envoy to libya said that the attack could constitute a war crime the incident is believed to be one of the most fatal cases a civilian deaths since april when rebel forces led by general Khalifa Haftar launched a military offensive to seize the capital city have a listen to what u. S. Spokesperson Charlie Yaxley had to say about the attack on migrants this was a despicable tragedy that never should have happened we warned about the situation of the detainees into jewelry just 2 months ago and we called for them to be evacuated after a similar strike badly damaged the roof of the center and injured 2 of the detainees sadly they were not evacuated and 50 of the detainees who have paid the price with their lives we need now is a significant shift in approach the clashes continue. And there remain some 3800 people in Detention Centers at risk of being caught up in the violence we need in hard search and rescue capacity and renewed efforts to make sure that nobody no refugee is returned to libya and come and be considered to have a safety at this time the tragic events of the last week of. It with us to talk about this from tunis sam turner he had the Libyan Mission for Doctors Without Borders or m. S. F. And istanbul that of them called that i said to a Senior Writer with the libya observer and in rome italy claudia a Senior Analyst with the International Crisis Group Welcome to the stream all of you i want to start with our community and someone in particular who says theyre in so this is and open native and the people behind this account say the fischel page of refugees in libya and suffering and opened their breaks the migrants into to shelter where they were bombed by an airstrike sharing this picture with us today they got out of the euro because the u. N. H. C. R. Is unable to save or evacuate them and still many are waiting for evacuation and assistance and of course we heard what the u. N. H. C. R. Spokesperson had to say at the beginning of this show but sam what do we know about this attack. What we know is is quite simply the that it represents an atrocious attack on civilians no no matter who they are but in this case it was civilians who were trapped who were locked into a detention facility leading to such an extraordinary and immediate loss of life all of we believe up to 60 people who were killed in this attack on the Detention Center where migrants refugees and Asylum Seekers were being held im coming to months after a similar strike on the same Detention Center compound that was referenced by charlie from from u. N. H. C. R. I was actually going to dura Detention Center the day busy after the Previous Strike and i went into that cell where the shrapnel torn through the roof and issued piece of metal had bounced up the ground just a meter away from where baby was sleeping on a mattress and the women were terrified and i can only imagine the level of fear and desperation now felt by all those refugees migrants who continue to be trapped in Detention Centers in libya and until whom there are really no options at the cottage you want to explain why where the stench and sense of whats become a target. Actually theres now sublimation why argue that the deal only explanation that i can say is the. Let me say the madness of the attack on the attackers because like you know shortly before one day before the attack after hours forces that his folks men they said were going to be carrying out Precision Air strikes on that target and in tripoli and the day after the airstrike at the Migrant Center and the day after the Migrant Center was helped by airstrike the disposed men i met and married said that we did that that the air. We carried out the airstrike on on our dime on which is another name for Detention Center and he said you know this was like an absolute confession and admission of the tag there was no action or no contamination and you know that the u. N. Security council failed to condemn the the attack because of the u. S. You know the reaction and then they condemned the attack but they didnt condemn the people who carried out the attack so this is actually a failure on many levels and thats why its happening as have been interested billions liggins or the migrants both of them are civilians but the did the tragedy here is that because the civilians who are trapped and have nowhere to go they are forced to be in that place they cant run away they can go freely around the area thats the only thing. That i feel like i i think they feel if you live far a little bit more of context. Go ahead go in the ceiling give us again i have i think we need a little bit more context because we have to place this attack within an ongoing war that is happening since you know the beginning of april between courses of the Libyan National army headed by a hostile are against the forces of the trip and you went back to government and its since april that weve been seeing day the airstrikes on tripoli and on various parts of tripoli mainly targeting the literally relations or allegedly buildings and infrastructure believed to be under the control of the military factions from the Opposing Side now this attack on the tissue or the Tension Center according to the l a nay was. A mistake they claim they were attacking a weapons depot over an armed group in the nearby area it is this time that there is an armed group based in that part of latin neighboring this has told you a Detention Center and the previous air attacks that my colleagues were referring to the one that happened 2 months ago did appear to have targets one was the use to. Go to impose those weapons because well i want to know you say im just saying to me if al and i and Libyan National army we also have community wanting to being part of this conversation as well said how tight would just come back to just a moment really kind of a quality on your point about this being part of an ongoing war and so of course this started much of this started with the advance towards tripoli by honey funhouse but i want to share the viewpoint from a journalist sally hayden who makes that same point and says this is not unique in itself and this is part of a chain of other things that weve seen so have a listen to what sally told the stream. The number of deaths in 2 sure the latest in a line of deaths in Detention Centers to scare and. Witnesses told me that 2 refugees who tried to escape at the end of june were shot and killed by guards. For more ive seen there is no responsibility for any of these to at least a e. U. The us and theyve been a target nobodys adding up the number of people dying in detention and also there doesnt really seem to be much of an attempt to tell the families of the people who die. So sam do you want to take that on because she says there seems to be a lack of responsibility claims on the either side. Absolutely and sally is completely right to to bring up the the situation in other dissensions senses not only busy in conflict related deaths where we have seen a horrific attack on custer being the sure in in late april where an armed group stormed a Detention Center where over 800 people were being were being held we know that in that incident several people were killed and up to 20 others injured but these deaths in Detention Centers are not just confined to Armed Conflict and we have seen numerous deaths in Detention Centers from preventable causes due to the lack of provision of medical services and other extremely poor conditions of detention themselves i mean as as we currently stand the the war in tripoli has had a horrendous effect on all of the civilians who are living in tripoli and the surrounding areas but the w. H. O. The World Health Organization figures suggest that they can confirm around a 160000000000 deaths since the start of this conflict now we know for certain that around 60 of those deaths are amongst refugees and migrants in Detention Centers this conflict is happening that disproportionate impact on on this population and yet its all just part of a much Bigger Picture study im hinted at earlier so i want to push on just a little bit to the battle for tripoli more than a 1000 people have been killed since april as 2 rival coalitions fight for control over the capital city a libya has been in conflict since the ousting of Moammar Gadhafi and 2011 and currently the country has 2 rival governments in tripoli a un recognized government of National Accord which received support from turkey and qatar and in libyas east road commander heidi for have tattered and his self declared Libyan National army theyve been advancing on tripoli with a ground an air offensive backed by the u. A. E. Side. Arabia and egypt abuses have allegedly been committed by both sides well the World Health Organization said on tuesday that 106 civilians have been killed in the fighting so have a listen to general hes the operations spokesman for the self declared Libyan National army. And the instructions issued by the commander in chief of our forces are not to target any governmental private or Public Institutions these institutions belong to citizens or belong to the state they cannot be targeted because we care about it we are responsible army and disciplined force which cares about the interest of the country. So you heard what he had to say there but i want to share what this means for many members of our audience in libya this is no one who says this war penetrates into everyones life no matter how much we resist succumbing to its format ability she goes on to say where i live its not considered close to the heavy fighting but they make sure to remind me of the war every now and then by those loud rumbles and boom the sound of sirens never fails to make your heart cringe as you realize that your fellow libyans are losing their lives for no good reason the smell of death is sorted to the tolls keep getting higher as the stakes do to what has this conflict in this push towards libya towards tripoli rather of them that are meant for your average resident actually the residents are directly impacted by this you know fighting because. Of everything but lets talk about the placement and the 1st place this writing since. I was placed so far over 100000 people more of course and these people are spread them around

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