Students and then colleges are working out we need to do something i want to show you something which is the brewing shelter and this is in california and you can see what some students and state to get together and help their students who dont know have you dont have any way to live have a look. At your pastor here at the mall the Beautiful Church in santa monica california we are the proud of the room the room show. Because we became very aware. U. C. L. A. There were a number of students sleeping in our places and there. Is a place where students like you who are just like me were just trying to get an education you really do that safely that kind of living in fear for their own seat on top of having to school. So im just beginning to wonder if more and more realizing how many of the students dont know where they cant sleep i think that there is a growing awareness of colleges and thats partly because theres been more data generated to help them understand it but i do want to point out that the bruins shelter was not created by u. C. L. A. The bruins shelter was created by a student and the student activists and they did it with their own money i mean the student who created that did it by not using money his parents were giving him and putting it aside for other people these are Charitable Solutions the student generated in the powerful but they are not Systemic Solutions to the problem that were facing right i mean we didnt see u. C. L. A. Decide to create more Affordable Housing for their students we didnt see them increase and create a new Scholarship Program to cover students housing right we didnt see changes at the state policy level to make it so there were incentives for developers to create Affordable Housing for low income students what we saw were students taking care of each other which is great but with the numbers that were looking at its a bandaid. So i wanted to share one story n. A few solutions that he tweeted us this is from Jose Rivera Perez who says i came from puerto rico to pursue education at Brooklyn College my 1st year i was homeless for a few months i had no place to live and i often had no money to eat one entire week i was outside living in the street until someone allowed me to stay in his apartment i was grateful because at least i was able to find a place to sleep for 2 years on the floor because this person had no space in his apartment and he goes on to say though as a recommendation for what should happen in future a way that colleges can start is by their staff being empathetic with individuals having hardship often i shared my experience with my professors and staff but received no empathy for my circumstance theres been a can you talk to us about the struggle in the hurdle of making sure the people on campus hear you hear your struggle and then do something about it. So basically i reached out. My pride to kind of get to me it got to me maybe like the 1st year but then after a while while. I found out that can go to school for free to wish a waiver so i had to reach out to the school had mentors there help me get a waiver for the house so the money for the 2. Got that back and i was hoping me get food and everything it wont change in that year what was it about the 1st year to the 2nd year that you said im actually going to go reach out for help. Then i want to show going anymore i just wanted to try to help other people to know that theres more people and i know some people too that went to the same stuff but we all came together kind of in everything we needed from food we needed laundry detergent is one of those. Money for laundry we hope that they can im going to show you a graduation picture right here the world is going to see it right now when you look at that picture. Right there you go what do you say i was. Through 4 years debt free he. Did not get me. So proud of the herd. It was of me are remarkable i was actually pregnant with my daughter in a picture so the. Really see. My capping are going to show everybody you can any day now happen to you determine your feet at the expert help if you need it ask for help you survive dhamma going to go back to Instagram Account i love this picture here of you with. Bernie sanders here u. S. Senator and coupling that some time ago. Currently in that picture with a tweet way hes talking about why if we can put 700000000000 a year into the military why cant we i have a lower student debt or make public colleges and universities jewish and free if that actually happened would we not hear stories like yours and like deja nays and many other thousands of students who are struggling just to stay in school because they dont have some way to stay and they dont have enough food to eat but that will that be a game changer. Oh asked absolutely and that was a huge reason why i supported Bernie Sanders and why now i support alexandra. Critelli and the shoes and plan to tax the wealthiest in our country to ensure that all people who want to have a Higher Education or to learn a trade have the right to do so and its not just a privilege for a wealthy few i think kids essential that we not only some spending so much in the military but also you know abolish student debt i mean we bailed out the banks in 2008 when they ready crashed our conning me with their greed and recklessness i think its time for for students and young people to get a bailout so that they dont face a death sentence their entire lives. Picking up on that i want to share this comment we just got on you tube someone writes in that its not surprising that College Students end up homeless because postsecondary programs price gouge them left and right its difficult to maintain Affordable Housing in a living while then keeping up with that so one more experience there but barbara i want to go to you with a solution potentially this is jose who i read a little bit earlier he says colleges can build partnerships with social Service Agencies Government Human Services businesses and Community Based organizations to connect students with various forms of Services Financial help and good paying jobs you see that happening in places we definitely do we see some network starting you know theres a pipeline into college homelessness and that is high school homelessness many Students Experience homelessness and high school and there is a system indicate 12 system youve got a point person a liaison whos charged with connecting all the dots between communities that has not been yet translated fully to a Higher Education so we do see states taking taking that idea of having a designated liaison or person at institutions of Higher Education and they they they then become the person to connect with Community Services to connect with housing connect connect with food and to connect with that pipeline to college homelessness which is everything that happened before. Of you talking to travel know from the daily show people can go online and see talks about Food Insecurity and students and student homelessness is this issue i know you. All talking about it right now is this issue being talked about enough do people know that students are struggling its growing i mean i can absolutely tell you that the number of people who are in the high powered positions of leadership is absolutely growing the number of programs is growing too you know i want to highlight that the Chicago Housing authority has a Remarkable Partnership with the city colleges of chicago where they understand that the best way to support people who are current. Living in Public Housing or using vouchers the best way to support them to really make them economically secure is to help them get through college and theyre doing things for example like when a student is living in Public Housing and theyre in the city colleges of chicago and theyve lost their Financial Aid maybe because of their grades or because its time doubt theyre stepping up to pay their tuition i think thats remarkable and thats a game changer and weve seen programs like that coming out of los angeles and coming out of tacoma and so we are seeing some promising practices and i think we have a long way to go but you know to even see the faculty wake up i get emails every day from faculty who say we want to do better by students like these but we dont know how and you have to tell us where the resources are you have to help us get trained and some of them by the way say you know im an adjunct and i live in my car too and so we have a big problem here right this is not going to be a one off if these wonderful students are struggling and the people who teach them are also not making a living wage the truth is that public Higher Education as an entire system is being starved of the resources it needs i would also say to you that you know we its not as though chicago tacoma albany. You know you see at long beach lots of institutions are doing something so what were trying to do is to collect those best practices whether its identifying students housing Students Community partnerships student parents and really collecting those best practices so thats one piece that weve tried to play is really so that institutions and communities dont have to reinvent the wheel they can see what others are doing thats great and we have an active conversation both barbarous organization and my organization and others lead an active conversation online that hash tag real college where those organizations and leaders at whatever talk about the stuff that theyre doing because theyre actually kind of invisible to the students come in and they say heres what i need in another program says i can do that and some entrepreneur jumps in and says im willing to find a solution what we do. I dont have yet to be honest though are the folks with the big money the really wealthy foundations the really powerful senators who control the committees theyre not yet paying attention but i promise you they will soon. Big money and ill go to you with this but you mention big money and so it really begs the question that a lot of that big money is going in other directions but still on College Campuses i want to give you an example of this art here you have our motivation sarah from my humble vantage from the causes of this are rising tuition amid the warfare and stagnant levels of Financial Aid to name a 3 a few and he goes on to explain what a minute he warfare is it refers to newer dorms that have gyms cetera that have raise the costs of Campus Housing beyond market rates only a good deal in a few major urban markets and bad when forced to be housed on campus and other so this idea of beautiful looks serious dorms that have the state of the art equipment they have gems those are the things that some people feel they deserve on College Campuses and here in the u. S. College is often seen as a privilege and not a right so there are obstacles here that youre up against how do you tackle those. I think it and everyones kind of been talking about this its its really human izing issue and i think young people or people struggling in general parking about their experiences because the fact is this is a hidden crisis and colleges at the end of the day are a business and dont really want to highlight this because the fact is homeless students cant always pay their their tuition so i think its understanding the root causes of homelessness its understanding that when health care is not a right in this country. And that Mental Illness you know attributes to homelessness so much what i think about here is chicago the Cook County Jail is that the Largest Mental Health facility one of the largest in the country that is just unconscionable when i think about you know the how the Prison Industrial Complex and mass incarceration attributes to the homelessness my father was incarcerated and you know that just led to me becoming homeless and alone and thats the case for so many people its its really understanding that the root causes and once we have a cultural shift and greater empathy in our society i think that we can finally. Policy die i want to give a shout out to to poor ive got them here all my laptop because thats one of the organizations to help you have somewhere safe to stay while you are studying many all into it this is for those of you who are watching and might need help to specific resources include local Transitional Living programs and food pantries you can call this hotline if youre here in the u. S. And of course you can tweet them as well thank you thank you for us so much a classy online next time take africa to. I. Im victoria my childhood was not always easy my mother was suffering from severe depression. Through making this film i hope to understand my mothers Mental Illness and to find out if the conditions for the mentally ill have improved literally millions of people can be treated receive no help or medications we all have a duty to change attitudes. Mental illness breaking the silence on aljazeera. July on aljazeera will the conservative new democracy be victorious in the snap elections we bring you the latest as greece votes a new documentary examines the use of modern technology and policing its impact on individual rights and Civil Society on the 50th anniversary of the apollo 11 Lunar Landing we look back at the 1st human steps on the moon and an ancient statue of apollo disappears in gaza a stunning archaeological mystery unfolding witnessed the 2nd round of democratic president ial candidate debates in the u. S. Will be long been detroit july on al jazeera. Mexicos most loved soap exposes the reality of more than live through fiction. Soap box reveals the drama behind the camera this week the producers focus on the difficulties facing Indigenous Women and the power superstition still holds over a large section of society. Was going to be covered by 2 worlds at his own 3 of soapbox mexico on aljazeera. Is no one way of telling a story keeping its title right and to be i suspect there is great to get to know the person for the toughest. Band. Sudans military council of the opposition groups reach a deal to share power but elections are still 3 years away. So the problem youre watching out is there lies my headquarters here in doha coming up in the next 30 minutes an International Round over the british seizure of a radio all tanker iran says its illegal and if the u. S. Applauds the move also student protesters in hong kong say theyll hold talks with the citys leaders but insists those talks must be held in public. And sell it on the front lines in syria the government loses hundreds of troops as the fighting drugs. Welcome to the program sudans ruling military joined the coalition of opposition and protest groups have reached an agreement to share power a mediator from the African Union says a council will be set up with rotating leadership between the military and civilians now the council will operate for 3 years leading up to elections obrien reports. In khartoum the crowds gather chanting for the revolution just hours after opposition groups announced a deal with the military council a reminder to join tell it will be held accountable for its actions. Revolutions against injustice they say the military is just a choice the scale of the challenges facing the partners in sudans new power sharing deal. This agreement paves the way for the creation of Transitional Authority to choose sions that will implement Political Economic and social reforms one of the most important priorities of this government will be to ensure pace and conduct a thorough. And a transparent investigation into the killing of protesters and bringing the killers to justice is the coalition of opposition groups and the military council have been at loggerheads for months they only came back to the negotiating table this week after intensive mediation by ethiopia and the African Union but the bulk of. The 2 sides agreed to establish a Sovereign Council to be shared between the military and civilians for 3 years or more but also agreed to create a civilian government that is nationalist competence and independent and the bleeder ship of a Prime Minister that has the same qualities. The talks broke down in may over who would lead a Transitional Government in the crisis deepened days later when Security Forces stormed a protest camp killing more than 100 People Forces led by this man mohammed harm done doug alone known as him 80 were accused of leading the violence. We would like to reassure all the Political Forces and military movements as well as all the youth the men and women involved in this transition that this is a comprehensive agreement that doesnt exclude anyone and reflects the aspirations of the entire sudanese people some say there will be no accountability while him if hes involved the problem is late hes we are not really sure. Its not in the right its not. Its not power sharing its not that. Hes and this is how this is you know. Its going to be really hard to. Any sort of. Antigovernment demonstrations began last year with protesters calling for longtime leader Omar Al Bashir to go the military took over in a code the process does argue the Ruling Council is a continuation of the shias regime demanding a transition to civilian government. Opposition groups say they hope this day it will be the beginning of a new era for saddam and al jazeera. Well as a political analyst saddam Solidarity Group south Africa Military and judiciary need to be restructured for any inquiries to be. Done. What. Government. There are no. More. Then. Iran has condemned what it describes as the illegal seizure of britain off the spanish coast now the u. K. Suspects the iranian ship was trying to deliver oil to syria in breach of e. U. Sanctions paul brennan has more. Tanker in the shadow of the rock police boats in attendance the Oil Tanker Grace want to see may become but the ship is at the center now of an International Diplomatic storm spain has revealed that the United States had been monitoring the ships journey past that intelligence to gibraltar government this actually rose from information giving the gibraltar government reasonable grounds to believe that the vessel the grace one was acting in breach of European Union sanctions against syria in fact we have reason to believe that the grace one was carrying its shipments of crude oil to the pan yes refinery in syria. That refinery is the property of an entity that is subject to European Union sanctions against syria the grace one is believed to have loaded with iranian oil off the coast of the gulf the ship made it this far as gibraltar a british overseas territory at the entrance of the mediterranean its final destination is claimed to be the bally ass refinery in syria but under cover of darkness a contingent of 30 Royal Marines under the direction of the role Gibraltar Police boarded the ship using a wildcat helicopter and rigid inflatables to i mean to tell almost south korean did not actually we were aware of the Operation Police patrol plays with guarding the area but we are studying the circumstances in which he happened he was the man by the United States to be not a kingdom that were looking into how it affects our sovereignty because it happened in what we understand a spanish waters the u. S. Is applying what it calls maximum pressure on iran to try to force a renegotiation of the 2050 nuclear to European Union those trying hard to support irans economy against that u. S. Pressure however this oil shipment was heading to syria which the e. U. Definitely does have sanctions against iran being under pressure and the United States believes its trying to use the arm of of iraq of course the army and try to find a way that means to bypass it and export their oil and the fact that they did not go through so as cut all and went around from africa around the good hope south of africa coming back it may be im just guessing it way to avoid being tracked iran has reacted angrily to the seizure summoning the British Ambassador to the Foreign Ministry in tehran and stuck in the middle of all of this is the grace want. Aljazeera. But also dr Arias Montreux went for a surf from tehran our correspondent there and also just before i come to the 1st question lets just give you a quick tweet thats been released the Iranian Revolutionary guards commander resign he calls on britain to immediately release the former commander in fact or to release the Iranian Oil Tanker seized in gibraltar thats a tweet but we also know that the Foreign Ministry is also reacting says slowly more and more voices reacting to whats happened in the mediterranean. Yes certainly so i held that tweet by. The former revolutionary guard commander is an example of what the sentiment is like here in the capital on friday the Foreign Ministry has said that they met with the British Ambassador where they presented iran documents about where the ship was exactly which they say was in International Waters and what it was carrying and where it was going all of that which according to the iranians is within their right they did not violate any International Sanctions they dont recognize the e. U. Sanctions on the Syrian Government as legitimate because they have not been endorsed by the United Nations that is the iranian position they say that this act by the British Government on behalf of the americans is tantamount to piracy they say that they immediately want their vessel released on its cargo and that they want to the British Government to not act on behalf of any other government mainly the United States they are saying that this is not something the arrangements will accept and that they will do everything within their powers in terms of political and legal avenues to try and get this vessel back and of course while there is annoyance with the United Kingdom over the seizure of this boat the irradiance also need the United Kingdom support because they are a signatory to the Nuclear Agreement that the u. S. Pulled out of the rain is obviously a very difficult diplomatic position on one hand they need the u. K. Support on another hand very critical of them as well. Yes well something to know so here is that iran and the the u. K. Government us have has they have had a very very tumultuous history over the past 50 or so years iran has been in constant. Back and forth with the British Government and now they find themselves in a position where they want this nuclear deal of 2015 to work and one of the european signatories is the United Kingdom and they are hoping that this incident will not. Basically crumble this deal weve got 2 days to go before a 60 day deadline that was set by iranian president Hassan Rouhani in early may before the europeans to respond to concerns from the iranians that theyre not upholding their end of the deal so were at a very very critical time and of course iran britain relations have always been fragile to say the least over the course of history between the 2 countries and now this incident incident will just really heighten the tension that exists at the moment indeed so they will leave it to continue to monitor events with you through the day thanks dorsey. Pacific nowhere student protesters in hong kong say they wont hold talks with the government unless theyre in public the leaders of the citys largest Student Unions were responding to chief executives to meet in private a small number of demonstrators runs to vandalize a Legislative Council building on monday hundreds of thousands of largely Peaceful Protesters have been calling for a lot of describe a controversial bill that would allow extradition to mainland china. She actually has plenty of opportunities to communicate with the general public in the whole june but she did not and then she suddenly found. To Student Union communication and it showed no sincerity and so that we think that she. Is just a public show so we dont see why we should immediately. A fabulous invitation book bryant has more. It says a lot about the see the level of anger here in hong kong that this offer of talks was rejected out of hand by the students they have revealed that this was a law firm made in private to the students of just 2 of the universities here for talks that again

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