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Very exciting you neednt glasses to see it and im looking up right now it looks like the moon in the evening up the sun its about a 3rd of it has already been gobbled up almost like an apple and there are people from all over the world here Celebrity News former president bill clinton from the u. S. Bill gates and many others were just a lot of ordinary people from chile especially like those who see behind me that are watching those there with bated breath because in just about 20 minutes all this will go completely dark daily will turn into night will be able to see the stars who are here the sun will need surrounded by what is called the solar corona which seems to be like a fire that it made it comes out from all around it Scientists Say this is very very important they study that in her ordinary people for eclipse chasers and weve met a lot of them these are people who go all over the world trying to find eclipses this is apparently the best time to do it and these are the best conditions so back to you. And you see in human thank you very much indeed. And other news european leaders have finally agreed on who should get the top jobs after one failed summit and 3 days of talks germanys also our funder lion has been proposed as the next European Commission president about in Prime Minister Sharon Michelle is nominated to be the European Council president spains farmers sergers at boral has been chosen to be in use top diplomat a high representative for Foreign Affairs and i are fed chief Christine Lagarde has been proposed for president of the European Central bank and i have to be endorsed by the e. U. Parliament European Council president warned that theres a huge question mark over whether they will be cities hopeful this is right we have parliament to debate or discuss to argue. And then to decide certain. But they hold it off because the political leaders not only Prime Minister Prime Ministers will do everything to do to convince our colleagues in the parliament to. Support this. Project beijing has strongly condemned protestors who ransacked hong kongs parliament accusing them of trampling on the rule of law a group of activists stormed and occupied the Legislative Council building for several hours after breaking away from a peaceful protest the disorder follows weeks of huge demonstrations calling for a bill allowing exclusions to china to be scrapped. European states say they wont seek to reimpose un sanctions on iran over its Nuclear Program for now despite it reaching the 2015 nuclear deal but french president emmanuel back home was urged tehran to reduce its enriched uranium reserves immediately the uns Nuclear Watchdog confirmed on monday that iran is stockpiling more enrich uranium that its allowed under the deal. Russias Defense Ministry says 14 sailors have died in a fire on a Navy Submarine in the deep sea Research Vessels bases in severe remark but it was carrying out a survey of the sea floor near the arctic at the time russias president summoned the defense minister for a briefing on the fire and expressed his condolences to the relatives of the sailors Defense Ministry says the deaths were caused by poisonous gases from fuse. And Italian Court has lifted the house arrest order on the german captain of a sea watch rescue ship the whole of ok 2 was arrested on saturday after forcing her way into that producer port with dozens of rescued migrants on board and hitting a police boat sea watch says it skipper acted in accordance with international law. Those are the headlines to stay with us how does their world is up next more news for you after that bye for now. Following gateway if a costly but i. Want to cover a couple. Of months lets talk a. Little. I mean we dont everything. Have to be indicating something is happening with the aircraft was on an expected quest my 1st instinct was that somebody had nuked new york city there was a problem with their pallet that it caused the invest problem at the accident. Tickets and they have. Something else going on that scared this guy and in the end hes still hes got to go react. And again youve been missing again oh no wait a moment again no i know who they for shut up he has he said. In the early hours of the 31st of october of 99. 00 he gyptian to the news that a boeing 767 a longing to eat too had disappeared it had been carrying 217. 00 passengers 89 of them a dipshit. Need to do flight 9090 had taken off from john f. Kennedy airport bound for kyra. But it vanished from right soon after. Anybody. Right right. Now it all. Has families in cairo come from one another news gradually filtered through of what had happened a 111 kilometers off the east coast of the us. On the southern tip of rhode island nothing reminds of flight 9090 but the memorial to its 217 passengers. Aljazeera started examining the case of egypt air flight 990 in 2014 we were already concerned that the official investigation had not uncovered the true cause of the crash. Then in 2014 hour final airworthiness directive was issued by the u. S. Federal Aviation Administration which mandated the challenge in the design of boeing 767 this convinced us to ask the question we believe has not yet been officially announced. Old walk or down egypt air flight 99. 999. 00 the Egyptian Government ended over the top scope investigating the crash to the United States National Transportation safety board court and t. Is a washington based organization charged with investigating transportation accidents including it crashes. For good and then i think the head then. What the the then jim 1 may say its endemic not going to. Go in as you did in your game again at the faggy and adam and i missed out a senate. If we can bring in anthony dad then i mean he named pm to be a n. T. S. B. Refuse to speak. To us but its chairman at the time jim whole agree president mubarak had requested. That the n. T. S. B. Take over again and. We appreciated the confidence but we had to seriously consider because of manpower constraints at the time. The search for the wreckage began on october the 31st the morning of the crash on the 9th of november the flight data recorder was found the cockpit voice recorder was recovered 5 days later. Data recovered so far indicates that the indicates the airplane descending. To about 19000 feet. We are still in the process of recovering. Data from the remaining. 10 seconds. Gauge it did 90 received its o. C. N. A clearance at 1 41 in the morning. That it. Would be to have. It. At 144. 00 right i showed the plane was level at 33000 feet. And approximately 150. 00 the plane began a record to sit. On. Crashing into the atlantic 10911 kilometers south of nantucket. Fishing boat skipper christopher lot to this was working that night i was leaning out the window directing them on how don tangle this relatively simple snarl when. Out of nowhere this incredible. Evil. Rumbling. Not like thunder not like a sonic boom but a song unlike any i had ever heard in my life my 1st instinct was that somebody had nuked new york city so. It wasnt until daybreak and a buddy of mine fishing called me said hey did you hear what happened. And. The rest is history. The n. T. S. B. Began the task of interpret ing the data from the kinds recorder and write outranks of its flight path to known wanted made it so suddenly dive into the ocean. But meanwhile the egyptian public was seized by speculation that the plane had been hit by a missile in order to assassinate 33 returning Egyptian Army officers who had been training in the us. Earlier that night. I had noticed because it was so clear i had noticed Air National Guard jets running maneuvers and i thought it odd and yet i i had seen that before but i could see them firing their flares and their chief and running circles way high up in the sky and when that impact rumbled across the sea. I had a clear. Line of sight above the haze bang into a beautifully clear with sky there was no. Explosion in the sky there was no rocket streaking there was no plane coming down in flames and if there had been i would have seen it. Because i was looking right out i mean. Astutely aware of my. And thats what i read say. It didnt happen. Phil randell is a pilot with more than 52 Years Experience and then a rose by sea engineer we asked him where the flight 990 might have been hit by my side. I believe firmly that the missile did not hit the sack craft if we look at all the elements of the evidence that we weve received evidence from witnesses did not see any missiles in the air that night which was a very clear night before radar station that had the ackroyd on their screen saw no missiles being fired at that aircraft. As we discussed earlier the debris field was fairly isolated and i only found 400. 00 metres apart which would not have been the case of course if im a solid heavy aircraft at 33000 feet. Because of the 10 hour flight time 2 crews were required. Copilot jamail alba treaty was one of the members of the relief crew he would feature heavily in the n. T. S. B. Investigation 20 minutes after takeoff took over from audio on one copilot of the active crew. Only 2 days after finding the cockpit voice recorder leaks from the n. T. S. B. Theyd made out leads to accuse each i mean well but of crashing the plane. I deeply regret. That some advantage down of sources have led some in the news media to speculate on undocumented information protect way from one of the most sensitive investigative tools at our disposal oh my goodness. There were leaks on every investigation i had any responsibility for oversee tina usa or for 27 others i had people sign confidentiality agreements and if there was an only then the media would take someones information and make it appear there was all that. This is a. Back up plan an egyptian committed suicide and mass murder and in a discussion just open and shut case and that troubled me had to make a whole lot of sense to sell us far as we could tell. Becomes a very well established i have my back in egypt had military officer and an unblemished record one of their senior pilots about ready to retire all sorts of reasons to stay alive why would he commit suicide and kill over 200 people. I pulled 19th 2118 months after the crash the n. T. S. B. Issued its draft report finding that the probable cause of the accident was a result of the relief 1st offices Flight Control inputs i thought the n. T. S. B. Report was flawed in a number of areas. They kind of jumps only conclusion that the handling pilot was mishandling the aircraft. With the finger pointed at suicide however i think they neglected to look at the other relevant evidence that was found not only from the flight data recorder and the cockpit voice recorder but also. Parts of the elevator control system. There in sausalito nori was one of 2 translators hired by the n. T. S. B. To translate the cockpit voice recordings. In a photo of the you. Cant show what she thought futile and now im smiling. So back to the atlanta hog in motion that they can watch. Out i think you have to be fucking. Achievement a cockpit voice recorder that with those units all to hear the cheers of the out that im a open youre going back to get them fight that i had for the. Above all else really seems to have condemned the 1st officer was his use of a common arabic phrase. Which the n. T. S. B. Translated as i rely on god more properly it is i put my trust in god this phrase was interpreted as the final prayer of a man intent on suicide and mass murder his motivation. At 149361 the night of the crash the flight data recorder shows a Rapid Movement of the right elevator the autopilot disengaged is followed by the copilot 2nd use of the i rely on god fries the throttle lever is a move from the cruise power setting to idle the elevators move between 3 and 4 degrees nose down the plane begins to die in 12 seconds alba truth he repeats the same phrase 9 times the captain returning from the toilet whats happening. Now but to the repeats the i rely on god fries and a mosque to call in a horse and sound. The occult a look at their limited elf what. A list of what he needs so tell us the name of the mission of couldnt talk a little while and get them then of those of us of a look at him critical of the sun if you know the numbers it is a little too hot of it hed think i says it did then i mean well not of course. But jim whole remembers the initial response by addiction personnel was somewhat different it was a general from egypt that came in the 1st general take over and was the Investigative Team and this was the last time i was to see him. Reported to me that it appeared that there was a problem with their policy that had caused the invest problem the accident. That person was a vice marshal mom do as he has not spoken publicly on this issue since the crash. We were eventually able to contact him on a very bad phone line from egypt. Who are well what i was told by jim the whole he said that when you listen to the cockpit voice recorder you have to see it looks like weve got a problem with that. Is that correct. You dont remember her work or however you. Are for it we were told once he reported back to cairo which he said he had. And. His that individual and the team. The majority of them returned to cairo and were replaced by another Investigative Team. That. And at that point in time. We had the official line from egypt that it had to be the problem with the aircraft were you recalled because of those comments. Or if you have or. Very high. Very very here very hard work well for your your life right you were in the line of your military both. Here very. Careful in your minded do you think but to be deliberately crashed the plane. Through of course no. Let me put another scenario to you or got a very busy n. T. S. B. You know t. W. I. 800 lots of other investigations it kind of feels like they heard this phrase and they thought all thats easy pilot suicide thats totally wrong. And insult to bind us together as. We choose to wait we were asked to take this investigation to begin with we did it. And a good job was done by the investigators the n. T. S. B. Has a worldwide reputation. For factual investigations and where we have problems with steph. In terms of workload we just extend the time for the investigation. We tried to tying the cop but voice recordings from the n. T. S. B. But they are legally able to release to the f. B. I. Also refused to release recordings referring asked back to the n. T. S. B. But finally after 3 years of searching and long after all interviews for this film or completed we have time to copy of the cockpit voice recordings. Flight 99. 00 he took off from j. F. K. At 121. 00 and climbed normal. Up to the 3 you know. About 20 minutes after takeoff the relief 1st officer. Comes forward and says he doesnt want to slate and suggest that he release the active 1st officer i doubt. That ill. Be. Any. Event there. Was. This 1. 27 minutes after takeoff the captain goes to the toilet 12 seconds later we hear an unintelligible frights followed by what was translated as i rely on a. Pet dog and as an aviation safety expert with 42 Years Experience he teaches a crash investigation. We also asked him to look at the his b. Report. What about the use of that oft repeated frights. Yeah its important is it very important not really i mean if your in danger your lifes in danger and youre threatened youre going to say whatever you want to say and youre going to say rapidly in this case the rapidly less than a 2nd between each one of them my statements of making that statement i mean this guys scared or something going on that he doesnt know he doesnt understand hes not trained youve got capable of handling this got him scared i mean id be saying something to. None of the egyptians involved in the 990. 00 investigation would agreed to be interviewed without the permission of the government this wasnt given. At the time however the Egyptian Civil Aviation Authority or e. C. I who by now were doing their own investigation issued a furious for a bottle of the n. T. S. B. Report on. The n. T. S. B. You selected facts and speculative conclusions to support a predetermined theory and particularly the n. T. S. B. Conclusion that the proper book cose of the accident is that deliberate action of the 1st officer is not supported by any evidence of intent or motive it is inconceivable that the n. T. S. B. Can credibly proffer a probable cause based on pilot action when it admits the existence of unexplained damage to the critical of the feet or component offered to president mubarak through ambassador the ambassador here. Listen to the cockpit voice recorder yourself. As an aviator so you can set and listen to it in your own environment. And so. You know we want i wanted. To. Edge every investigation. To be sure that we were doing the very best job we could. To cup but voice recording last for a total of 31 minutes 45 seconds. Per head of whatever mio right now im having the 11. 11 what if you have a surprise a man wants to crash a plane so every was trying to clear the cockpit he was pretty lucky that the captain wanted to go to the toilet in exactly the right time if he wanted to play the cup why didnt they lock the door why didnt he push the elevators all the way forward why did he retired the for offals when you would push the thought it was all the way forward ignoring take nickels and none of that makes common sense you know again the report speaks for itself im glad to participate in the interview. Because i have Great Respect for aljazeera and your viewing audience. In regard to the report. It is there and available. On the n. T. S. B. Web site freddy wondering. And the work of other federal agencies casts doubt on the reports conclusions. Its my privilege to name aljazeera english the broadcaster of the year the cartels are fighting each other and weve been told that we can still hear this is the largest demonstration thats been held by winter refugees since over 700000 at the right here in the summer the emergence rules of the planet earth here for them to think of it could be plus that here. In syria english proud recipient of the new crystals gold coast of the year award for the city a run. Of. The 1st century. The venezuela Colombia Border has become a Stomping Ground for trespasses. As desperate people transgress an illegal passage. To feed an emerging field trafficking markets. We follow that perilous journey unguarded through the line of fire. Risking it all. Venezuelan colombia. On aljazeera. Bertha g. Problem is something which is a geopolitical issue thats for Governments International institutions to manage and the rank and refugees dont have the right to more freely on the other hand goods can move freely as far and as much as they want its a multinational colonialism this is a v im not and over the democratic process these companies they just want the money europes forbidden colony episode one on al jazeera. Hello entertainer none of the top stories on our jazeera e. U. Leaders have agreed on who will get the blocks top jobs after days of stalemate and negotiations European Council president Donald Truscott made the announcement in brussels germanys for the lion has been named as the next European Commission president belgian Prime Minister shell michel is the European Council president spains foreign minister says that bro has been chosen as the e. U. Used top diplomat a high representative for Foreign Affairs and i. M. F. Chief Christine Lagarde has been proposed for president of the European Central bank but dont trust because one of the names may not be endorsed by the e. U. Parliament. This is right we have a moment im due to debate to discuss to argue. And then to decide certain. But i hope that of course the political leaders not only Prime Minister Prime Ministers will do everything to do to convince our colleagues in the parliament to. Support this. Project beijing has strongly condemned protesters you ransacked hong kongs parliament accusing them of trampling on the rule of law a group of activists stormed and occupied the Legislative Council building for several hours after breaking away from a peaceful protest the disorder follows weeks of huge demonstrations calling for a bill allowing extraditions to china to be scrapped european states say they wont seek to reimpose un sanctions on iran over its Nuclear Program for now despite it reaching the 2015 nuclear deal but french president emanuel macor is urged her on to reduce its enrich uranium reserves immediately the uns Nuclear Watchdog confirmed on monday that iran is stockpiling more enrich uranium that its allowed under the deal. And hundreds of thousands of people in northern chile are now witnessing an event that happens there once in about every 360 years a total Solar Eclipse northern chile along with parts of argentina new zealand is one of the few places in the world directly facing the sun right now enthusiastic of watching the moon pass right in front of the sun and its blocking out the light will block out the light for a few minutes. As the headlines do stay with us out of their world continues next on news after you straight after that by now. Thank. You. On the 31st of october 1909 egypt air flight 990 disappeared from ride and crashed into the atlantic about 111 kilometers of the east coast of the u. S. With over 200 casualties. The investigation into the crash was conducted by the National Transportation safety board or n. T. S. B. In washington d. C. But we will consent that it hadnt and havent the true cause of the accident when the federal Aviation Administration required a change in the design of boeings him 6 albums in 2014 we decided to revisit the case. Because american citizens died in the crash and there was the possibility of a criminal act be iced out were among the fairest on the same. In fact once the n. T. S. B. Had heard the cockpit voice recordings it wanted the f. B. I. To take over the investigation the f. B. I. Refused a repeated request for an interview referring us to their website and the history of the Boston Office it can be found a very brief mention of the f. B. I. 990 investigation. The f. B. I. Concluded that the tragedy was neither a criminal know what terrorist incident. This funding was not published until 2010 about 10 years after the crash yet the n. T. S. B. Did not attract its report or reconsider its conclusions. It was clear. In whatever language there was a struggle going on in the cockpit of the 76. 00 but how was there a struggle what all we had was a cat and come back and say whats happening whats happening and if you read the. Rest of this struck script that has been the text recording. It well youll see it. In flight 990 s last moments the captain returned to the flight deck and guy frantic instructions to his copilot. Get. That night. That. He. Has no evidence according to that the data that was issued by the n. T. S. B. To indicate that it was a struggle in the cockpit so if im going to if im going to kill everybody and myself included i would have locked the cockpit kept anybody from forcibly prevent me from doing what i want to do. But hes not somethings going on that scared this guy and in the end hes still hes got to go react and he freezes he doesnt know what to do and then the captain comes back and try to help him and you see him function as a team to try to recover the fly the airplane. Disconnecting the old i pod was another reason that suspicion kind to rest on gemma but today. A year after the crash the Egyptian Government asked the n. T. S. B. To interview captain jamal ata he had flown on the side and boeing 767 from Newark Airport to los angeles the day before the crash. Captain aaron told investigators that the auto pilot was hunting for the glide slide during the approach to l. A. Hicks and that because he was uncomfortable with the auto pilots performance he had disconnected it and landed the plane and you know but i think happened what my team thought happened and what we put forth is that albert tutti. Who is monitoring this on autopilot felt something or heard something that wasnt quite right. Hip out of many many hours experience hes trained and the 1st thing you do and suddenly youre going on youre not quite sure what it is youre the shutters up if you disconnect at all you want to you know you want to get a feel whats going on whats whats probably here and we think the n. C. Disconnect that out of the leverage on the back was more than he had hold down straight at. Now we also know that this same problem has occurred on a number of other operators of that same Time American Airlines entered into Charles De Gaulle they had a similar problem with pitching of the and stabilizer problems and elevator problems. And 2 or twice with their own mexico on the same airplane. One of the main concerns the egyptians had with the n. T. S. B. Investigation was with what became known as the m then talent jubal phrase 27 minutes after takeoff the captain says hes going to the toilet theres a conversation between him and al but before the flight deck door closes. 12 seconds later another voice is heard saying words which the investigation describes as and im intelligible fries. That the amount of hammock and subject your family had for the emotional famine not the sweet messam at the hydraulic one s. And early welcome back to me that the malignant self itll sweep me into the maumee mess and i been hey a new home a needle belittle and scrape one half dozen some at the hydraulic will ask us to some. Have that consultant be 2nd and know back to the man and had that is a consult the captain will say i go oh i saw steve. But in a quite had shot in motion so would the n. T. S. B. Report says the 5 arabic speaking members of the Analysis Group concur that they do not recognize this as an arabic word words or phrase the entire group agrees that 3 syllables are heard and the accent is on the 2nd syllable for arabic speaking Group Members believe that they heard word similar to control that one English Speaking member believes that he heard a word similar to hydraulic before other members believe that the words were unintelligible. Like the n. T. S. B. We also found the socalled unintelligible fries difficult because were allowed quality of the chord. We went to a sound engineer who used techniques to clean the sound on ad copy that may not have been a viable during the original investigation. That would be indicating something is happening with the aircraft was unexpected and hes trying to assist the copilot and noticing what was happening at the time. That would be dynamite i think from my point you know i mean extraordinary important piece of. Why wouldnt why would anybody say either control or hydraulic if there wasnt something wrong with the system they realize now theyre going to big problem. But they never of the never been in town. The plains pet show up and down movement is controlled by its elevators in a 767 the elevators are operated by a system which terminates in a hydraulic jack now and as a pallet control act your way to o. P. C. Each elevator has 3 p. C. s so that if one of them jams the elevator can still be controlled by the other an important part of the mechanical linkage that transmits the pilots control signals to the p. C. I. Is known as the bellcrank assembly at the time of the crash these were constructed with rivets that were designed to bright boy shia in the event of a p. C. I. Jam this would disconnect the control inputs from the jammed p. C. I. And allow the other 2 p. C. I. Used to continue working of the 6 bellcrank assemblies 5 were recovered from the wreckage of 19 the rivets on no 5 was shown the n. T. S. B. Noted that this might have been caused by the impact of egypt the a 990 with the c. Im not going to attempt to. Get into detail engineering discussions with you. Because number one i dont have the time nor do i have the professional experience to get into those discussions. At 150 i am the captain returns and asks what is happening. The elevator is begin moving slowly downwards away from their original positions pushing the plane down. Engine start late as i move from engine run to cutoff the speed brake is deployed the captain says pull pull with me pull with me. And suddenly the recording and. I mean everything. We know from right after its initial dive the pine actually climbed again reaching at least 24000 feet before it finally dived into the sea at some point the plane will start back up we know this because the wreckage was found in 2 distinct debris fields 366 meters apart was that Something Else broke they they were over they couldnt keep that leverage to keep thing going they couldnt level it off some writer play in the back there time and they never got there and if you never got there and the aircraft descended and accelerated to a speed just below the speed of sound which was way beyond the design limits of the aircraft. And some point of that descent both pilots managed to recover the aircraft into a climb but both engines have indicated indicated by the flight data recorder to be shut down. The speed alone would have caused aerodynamic forces on the aircraft the way about the design limits of the aircraft and resulting in. Its being detached from the acro. 7 months into the investigation the if i received a detailed safety recommendation from the egyptians have a library ocean of 30 urging an examination of the procedure for checking elevator belt cracks and they were the newest directive was issued by the f. A. A. To check the shared rivets or possibility of shared rivets in the bellcrank system in the elevator control system of the back of the airplane. So a directive was put out to the operators around the world and out of 152. 00 that were found defective 52. 00 of those were replaced and consequently boeing actually bought out a completely new system to replace the the bellcrank system at that time these airworthiness directives were released in november 2000 and ordered that all 767 operators to perform a one time functional check of one shear rivet in all 6 elevator p. C. A. Bellcrank assemblies within 30 days reworking or replacing the bellcrank assembly if needed. Failure of 2 of the 3 bellcrank assemblies on one side can result in that single elevator surface but not both surfaces moving to a hard over position independent of the pilot command resulting in a significant pitch upset recoverable by the crew. Failure of all 3 bellcrank assemblies on one side can cause an elevator hard over that may result in loss of control ability of the airplane. Most people remember this case now to see one of happenstance agree with us and it was about. The n. T. S. B. Report shows that it relied heavily on dot who supplied by boeing well if you know youre going to look to the manufacturer who knows more about the vehicle. Than the manufacturer of the vehicle and. So we have in whether its air bus whether its embry or whether its a russian not a faction aircraft you know we under the Party Process include the individuals that have information that factual information that would help the investigators in terms of putting together the facts its worth noting that the n. T. S. B. Had previously stating that boeing had withheld an important report that could have explained the cause of the crash of t. W. A. Flight 800 in 9096 that statement was issued just 2 days before the crash should be debated now and not. That is the case then ive seen situations where manufacturers for their own economic interests are not forthcoming with the factual information when that happens its extremely disappointing but it does happen and it is happened. On numerous occasions but good investigative work usually if there is a situation will will determine. Where someone is acting out of their self interest rather than trying to act out of the incentives interest of worldwide aviation safety. We asked buying twice to participate in this documentary they refused saying their comments are included in the final accident report they said none of the mechanical Failure Modes examined during the investigation were consistent with the f. D. R. Data because the f. D. R. Elevated positions did not displace to the positions predicted by the failure mode and effects analysis during the initial pitch over and the elevator motions after the initial pitch over indicate that both surfaces were functioning normally. A memo issued to december 2000 by the chairman of egypt air mohamed fire mariah on explains how egypt him managed to reduce insurance premiums on the slate because of evidence absolving the company of responsibility for the accident it effectively how bowing responsible although the government and egypt there arrived at this conclusion it did not knowledge and lawsuit against boeing. Instead the Egyptian Government lodged a case in the name of the agent didnt surance company accusing boeing of being responsible for the crash because of a malfunction in the tail elevator assembly however the case was lost because the original contract for the purchase of the plane registered as soup gap stated that boeing could not be held responsible for any injury or death of any person or loss or damage to any property including the aircraft is that he missed. And that if. I began to be meek. Meek its an empty net and it immediately said it get that mean. Or should it get added it didnt mean. And now i have to look at it and now im a school that we repaired with thought before. And said that in hades following boy it kind of pioneered this on these complex cases where youve got a product issue or youve got a aviation issue. And boy really would take the lead they would go reach out to the other syndicates youre defending terror they might be in say here lets make a deal. Right now before we get started on this. We have some exposure you have some exposure we dont know hows are going to play out but we do know that its in our common interest to you these cases resolved sooner not later and with less money and they put together a working package in agreement with arbitrary percentages to be adjusted later by arbitration out of the light of day and someone has picked a stalking horse thats generally the airline because in a direct relationship with the families and theyre given a bag of money its already have enough of these various participants very secret so youre saying that even though it looks like boeing never. The would have been a contribution from boeing i would say that there was contact we know there was relation how much. This contention seems to be supported by the records of a case heard by a new york court on the 18th of october 2001. The records show that at the hearing egypt is lawyer conceded the airlines right to sue bowing he told the judge that egypt it would by full compensation and that boeing should not be asked for any financial commitments in the aftermath of that settlement even of power and well like a proven to have been responsible for the accident. Well im. Dressed me. Again and again but then as. It is to me if youre game and serious he hasnt. Passed mubarak unless he again if. I say i dont want to invest. In january 2040 more than 14 years after the crash the federal Aviation Administration issued a. You airworthiness directive that shows that the problem did exist with 767 elevators. All of the replacement of all bellcrank that still had sheer rivets with newly designed belt cranks that did not. The if i only said we are showing this 80 to prevent continued operation with the yielded or failed shear rivets in the elevator p. C. A bell cranks assemblies and to prevent certain failure or jams in the elevator system from causing a hard over of the elevator surface resulting in a significant pitch upset and possible loss of control of the airplane. Thats after the fact fix and youre going to youre going to discourage people from correcting mistakes if you hit them with that or the fact you had to prove what was wrong and. As we were finishing this film there were 2 crashes involving boeing 737 max aircraft the 1st was on the 29th of october 28th in 12 minutes after takeoff from jakarta indonesia the 2nd was an Ethiopian Airlines flight which came down on the 10th of march 2019 killing or 157. 00 passengers on board the similarities between the 2 crashes caused several countries to ground or ban them excite aircraft from their yes buys. Boeing is an Incredible Company they are. Working very very hard right down. And totally though very quickly come up with the answer but until they do the planes are grounded. These incidents prompted the u. S. Department of justice to investigate the licensing and marketing certification of buying 737 max aircraft issued by the federal Aviation Administration meanwhile boeing has said it does not respond to or comment on questions concerning legal matters with internal litigation or governmental inquiries is it right to say that i didnt see like the federal Aviation Administration and the n. T. S. B. Are frightened of Companies Like boeing. Most definitely they have to be the. The manufacturer or the larger it is the larger the arms and the reaches are to it i mean he just if you look at boy look at how far reaching their capabilities are to they have more government. Solicitors in washington d. C. Thats what im good their products are approved theyre jordi of their companys goals to the United States government. The inquiries into the 273 max i crashes will no doubt continue for months even years to come borrowing has already conceded that it might some mistakes with releasing this new model airplanes but there have been no concessions from anyone involved in the investigation of flight 90. 8 its a very sad situation that the or far it is have pointed the finger at a man who is trying to save himself and consequently all the passengers behind him. After almost 20 years this may come as cold comfort for the families that lost loved ones in the crash of egypt and 990 especially for the family of the 1st officer john mayall out but 2. July on aljazeera will the conservative new democracy be victorious in the snap elections we bring you the latest as greece votes and new documentary examines the use of modern technology and policing its impact on individual rights and Civil Society on the 50th anniversary of the apollo 11 Lunar Landing we look back at the 1st human steps. And an ancient statue of apollo disappears in gaza a stunning archaeological mystery unfolds on witness 2nd round of democratic president ial candidate debates in the u. S. Will be mine in detroit july on aljazeera. Dry across much of australia at the moment some pleasant went to sunshine should we call it well is it clear skies but little more cloud making its way in c. W. I. This system will fade as we go on through the next day or 221 celsius in perth on wednesday afternoon 40 back to around 17 on thursday here comes the cloud and right really will be very heavy at times as we go on towards the weekend elsewhere across the country fine and dry 141516 celsius just around that southeastern corner but quite a fight in trying to new zealand because the fab a cloud sliding its way across the south island at the moment and thats going to continue pushing further east and north over the next couple of days a very wet day almost in style lots of heavy downpours for southern parts up. Was central areas of the country that was sweet father north crosschecks guys from 18 celsius to just 11 degrees chris sunshine coming in as we go on through thursday were picking up a southerly breeze northern parts will see some heavy rain we got some very heavy rain making its way across japan at the moment been rather unsettled into q. C. Recently that will make its way across a good part of honshu was we go on through thursday by laws the dry to the north and west. They wanted for q 3000000000 pounds with the weaponry that was 6000000000 pounds in commission. There is no hope of any more because theres always a small cobbles people for really really good business. In essence we in the United States have privatized the ultimate Public Function more shadow on aljazeera. Aljazeera states with every. This is aljazeera. This is the aljazeera news hour live from london coming up after days of deadly european leaders picked germanys defense minister also there for the lion for the news top job she now needs to be endorsed by the European Parliament is opening was mocked by protests. Russias president orders an urgent inquiry after 14 sail is a killed in a fire on a deep Water Research submarine

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