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Sanctions democrats have been more critical of Chuck Schumer the Senate Minority leader called it a typical trump show and across the airwaves this morning were Democratic Candidates for president giving interviews saying that this was just show and no substance and in fact theres reports that trumps own advisers had cautioned against making this 3rd face to face meeting with kim jong un saying that the u. S. Should be strong in its demands that north korea 1st give up something tangible in its about efforts to denuclearize which up until this point has been mostly talk and very little to show for it. Lots more to come here it out there a including tunnelling into controversy palestinians condemning the israeli inauguration of an important Archeological Sites plus. Im going to see a new one in front of the children consulate impact their parole just give a border with chile in the upper comma desert and this is becoming the latest flashpoint in the venezuelan migrant crisis. Hello tajikistans on a particularly wet place any time of the year but theyve been thunderstorms in the east side of afghanistan wandering around this area now for 2 or 3 days is thought to 3 weeks at this 104 millimeters represents more than what is normally caught in a whole year so flash flooding has been the result there might even be more showers in the next day or so not as dry picture although you know it is coming up here in some parts of northern iran and further northwest as you can get a decent shot of that right on the coast of the caspian generally speak shes speaking theres a very dry picture normally brings you might think is cooling things down but not really down on the plains of iraq rough in the middle fortys it has been hotter admittedly weve been near 50 and its certainly in the middle fortys or higher if you come further says the breeze isnt particularly strong but still not particularly humid weather rather this time in the near 50 in the middle of amman and somalia still although its 30 were not particularly damp wood really that will come is just not there yet. In Southern Africa now is the time for cold nights and sunny days but every now and again you get an active frontal system coming in to the west here and if youre lucky it reaches in the maybe it might be some right in there next 24 hours but mostly its further south. I am i am. Going. Now our top stories here it out is there are sedan Security Forces we understand have fired live ammunition a protest says in the city of bari thats north of the capital khartoum demonstrations are taking place around the country theyre demanding the military hand over power to civilians at least one person has been killed and we believe that dozens more could be injured. President trump has become the 1st serving u. S. President to set foot inside north korea he met leader kim jong un in the Demilitarized Zone which separates the north from the south. Coming it is breaking news the Turkish Foreign ministry is reporting that 6 of its citizens 6 turkish citizens are being held in libya by the wall and old general. Easton forces that the Turkish Foreign ministry is adding to that and saying that it expects the Immediate Release of these 6 citizens or and im quoting half dollars for says will become legitimate targets so again 6 turks are believed to be according to the Turkish Foreign ministry have been taken held hostage by general. Forces in libya the Foreign Ministry is responding by saying that if they are not released immediately it will consider general half those forces as quote legitimate targets as is a story of course were going to follow up on here at aljazeera but thats the very latest to come out of ankara 6 turkish nationals having been kidnapped or abducted by general how half the us forces in libya. Now Israeli Forces have released the palestinian minister of Jerusalem Affairs after arresting him earlier on sunday funday l. Had dummy was detained at his home in occupied East Jerusalem police havent explained why he was being questioned but his lawyer says its in relation to a visit by the chilean president at least 10 others were arrested in different parts of palestine where the Palestinian Authority has condemned plans by u. S. And israeli officials to inaugurate a contested Archeological Site pilgrimage road is a tunnel located in East Jerusalem which has been under Israeli Occupation since 1967 that lies beneath the sill one neighborhood going from the pool of siloam to close to the western wall of the tunnel was excavated within the last 6 years by the israeli entities authority it was discovered in 2004 during repairs after a sewage pipe burst in the middle of the palestinian neighborhood of civil war on the voting is just ended in albania despite a president ial plea to get the local elections postponed and an Opposition Boycott the opposition accuses the ruling station this government of corruption and instead wants a general election the leader of the Opposition Democratic Party has described the votes for municipal leaders as a farce and says the one sided result could even trigger civil unrest jones or awful as is our correspondent in albanias capital tehran a. Elections are smoothly underway here in tehran there have been a few early protests this morning but nothing violent and Voting Centers have seen a proportion of their registered voters come through at this point but not as many perhaps as the socialist party which is the main party participating in this election who would have wished in order to make these elections appear legitimate the socialist party would like the turnout to be strong even if it is only a turnout of its own voters the election is of course being disputed by the main opposition parties which arent fielding candidates here theyre saying that this is a sham the president has canceled them and rescheduled them for october so come monday the question will be whether much of the country will accept the results of these elections and whether the socialist party will move to unseat mayors which in 24. 00 municipalities across the country have had opposition mayors who will likely refuse to yield to their seats because they dont recognize the election and therefore theres a question of what steps the government will take what steps the Prosecutors Office will take to manage a smooth transition of power or whether they will allow this question ultimately to be decided by the Constitutional Court which is still being formed because its judges are being vetted and that could take weeks or even a few months and therefore the result of this election may remain a matter of dispute for a long time to come. Chile has closed its doors to venezuelans who are trying to escape the economic and political chaos at home many of them have already been given shelter but the chilean government is now changed its rules to stop more of them coming in as a latin america editor lucy and human reports from the border between chile and peru some venezuelans are resorting to walking through minefields to find sanctuary. Theyre cold hungry and desperate to get to. Chile where many have friends or family but after traveling south for more than a week these venezuelans are stranded on the peruvian side of the border because chile wont let them in without a passport and residency visa. Might be an assault all and her 2 small boys are now sleeping on the street unable to wash and like almost everyone here relying on charity for warm clothes and food or theyre saying. Its impossible to get a passport to venice well ive been trying for 2 years until last week we could enter chile with our national id card to store. But no longer see chilean authorities. They cant continue to pretend that tourists the worst thing for migrants is to move to another country without being able to get a work permit or access to social services. This is the at the comma desert where the sun is merciless by day and the nights brutally cold. I live in israel and are being sent to the chilean consulate in the nearby peruvian town of back not to apply for a visa families with small children are being given priority but most dont have the required documents and the process is painfully slow even chaotic. Catalina and a saudi arrived more than a week ago from the once prosperous venezuelan city of monaco where now power fuel and Food Shortages are acute. The physical man with physically and psychologically worn out with memore money and the living out tear but at least we have hope back home have no hope anymore that theyll be any change. But others have grown impatient. Its easy to miss this tiny sign warning that beyond this point is a minefield mines on the chilean side of the border that have been left over from the days when there were hostilities with neighboring peru now smugglers and undocumented migrants use this route to try to bypass the illegal entry points and on the venezuelans who cant or wont wait for visas to get into chile are using it to. Most of the venezuelans arent even aware of the dangers of walking through here chiles just Migrant Services urging the government to relax rather than tighten restrictions but. Theres no hundreds of morgan as well im stuck on several of our borders with bolivia to looking for other ways and we need to be more flexible or there will be serious consequences. Back intact now join a lease and her husband have just arrived with their 2 small children who seem unaware of their protests surroundings. The situation in venezuela is getting worse by the day during back is not an option. As they prepared to spend the night in front of the consulate thousands of more than his whalens are reportedly at the ecuador peru border on their way to chile a wave of economic refugees that authorities may be trying to control but cannot stop. To see a human aljazeera at the chile peru border in less than 24 hours fishermen in japan will resume commercial whaling after a gap of more than 30 years says some species have recovered enough and it no longer needs to comply with an international and batters mariana hold reports the decision to hunt whales for food may neither be palatable nor profitable. For more than 30 years the International Whaling commission has been locked in a fight its job is to protect whales pushed close to extinction its 3 countries Norway Iceland and japan have pursued the right to hunt them late last year japan argued there was scientific proof some species had recovered enough to allow sustainable hunting and it pushed again for the 9906. 00 ban on commercial whaling to be lifted when the whaling commission rejected japans proposal japan withdrew and its whaling fleet is preparing to presume hunting minky as well as beat whales but when the fleet returns to the water some things will be different japan says it will only hunt in its territorial waters not the open seas of the antarctic and North Pacific where it has until now been hunting for Scientific Research and its not clear whether theyll even be a market in japan for the whale meat the ships bring to shore consumption in japan has plummeted from around 200000. 00 tonnes each year in the sixtys to just 5000. 00 tonnes each year over the last 5 that could be due to the changing tastes of a new generation but changing attitudes to hunting whales a likely affected tune and things at the International Whaling commission will also be different japans departure has arguably left it weakened but after more than 3 decades fight of a commercial whaling its now free to concentrate on what it was originally formed to do commercial whaling is now back on the list of threats to the worlds whales but there too is a Climate Crisis thats already adversely impacting the oceans and marine life within them a looming threat that could well eclipse them all. The presses size and intensive farming often home sea environment but theres a farm in southern england this taking a different approach whats called wilding leaves livestock to roam free or as the ripples from sussex. Just an hour south of london you find yourself in the wilderness not long ago this was a traditional farm but the owners decided to shut their eyes and see what would happen if they allowed nature to take it all back through astounded even them the race at which it all grew back now it not only absorbs huge amounts of Carbon Dioxide but is teeming with wildlife species have come back here like the stork in that tree off in the distance that havent been seen in the u. K. The hundreds of years before that it had been really you know we could see it was it was the typical monoculture of british army and we used to travel the world to look at wildlife and we never once thought that we could get it back on our doorstep and this was where i mean really as much as anywhere were not can expect large swaths of being groomed to turn into landscapes but i think this could be used within a mix of other other. Other solutions for giving space to nature what is it farming no crops but animals roaming free income for meat sales topped up by camping and large enthusiastic european subsidies it is absolutely impossible to imagine that this used to be a wheat field only 15 years ago but it just shows you what happens when you let nature take its course and it does speak very much to the entire philosophy of this place which is that farming obviously has very much been part of the problem as far Climate Change is concerned but it can be part of the solution as well as roads have been here you know ive said tree near by though theres some skepticism about this new model but like his neighbors david doesnt own all his land and has to make a profit to pay the rents so he says he still has an eye on the environment letting land go fallow letting the trees grow for the kingfishers to nest in but next to all this other crops see grows for sale the modern side of farming blamed for so many involved. Mental problems we have all the bar diversity with species total dogs on the naughty gals here that you might find on rewarding saw as well but we produce lots of food as well rather than all the money being poured into a very small area the thought of the farmland or the land of the country would be far better to use it to create that mixer so bought a verse and food and farming alongside it the problem is that some environmentalists say the earth may only have 60 harvests left thats 60 years before the soil is damaged beyond repair consequently the net this states maintains a lot of visitors from europe and beyond looking at what theyve done as the sense of Climate Crisis grows and people look for radical solutions but british politics are changing even faster and what happens to this place is a model the grand experiment is not at all clear Lawrence Lee Al Jazeera in sussex. Look at the top stories here it is here now reports are coming in that city Security Forces have fired live ammunition to protest in the city of bari thats north of the capital khartoum demonstrations nationwide are taking place they want the military to hand power to civilians at least one person is being killed dozens more have been injured more than has the latest from juba in south sudan. Its very much the same yesterday that his forces reputable forces will protect it with justice but thats his concern that there will be a saboteurs and that there will be people a multiple justice that will try to target Security Forces now the protesters are that there is peaceful and armed thats what theyre saying thats whats been happening since december when the protests started the military council is also calling on the Opposition Coalition to come down to the negotiating table so that they can work out a we await to form a Transitional Government President Trump has become the 1st serving u. S. Head of state to set foot inside north korea he met the leader kim jong un in the Demilitarized Zone which separates north and south President Trump said great progress or be made on the issue of the new cries ation. That voting has just ended in albania despite a president ial plea to get the local elections postponed and an Opposition Boycott the opposition accuses the ruling socialist government of corruption and wants a general election instead the leader of the Opposition Democratic Party has described the voting for me this a poorly does as a farce and says the one sided result could even spark civil unrest Israeli Forces have now released the palestinian minister of Tourism Affairs after arresting him earlier on sunday funday on her dummy was detained at his home in occupied East Jerusalem police havent explained why he was being questioned but his lawyer says is in relation to a visit by the chilean president at least 10 others were arrested in different parts of palestine. Right today there is the very latest headlines ill be back in half an hour with lots more of the days. Fueling the fighting in libya the United Arab Emirates is accused of supplying flights is trying to seize tripoli with antitank missiles made in the United States so how did u. S. Weapons end up in the hands of the lord. Whos trying to overthrow the u. N. Recognized government this is inside story. Hello and welcome to the program im peter dobby its a question being asked by libyas internationally recognized government in tripoli and in washington how did u. S. Made antitank missiles sold to the United Arab Emirates and up on the battlefield in libya the libyan Army Supporting the u. N. Recognize government says boxes of the weapons stamped with you a logos were found in got a young troops recapture the city on weapons day 3 months after the warlord after took control theyre trying to use it as a springboard for his campaign to seize the capital after it has the support of regional powers including saudi arabia and the and iraq the weapons find raises questions about whether the u. A. E. Is violating internationally recognized u. S. Arms sales agreements and the u. N. Arms and bargo on libya. Weapons and ammunitions have been sent to the specialized experts and have been documented the military commanders and the political leaders are now fully aware of these weapons and ammunitions to make the right decisions that it will be announced well libya correspondent. In tripoli sets up our discussion. As a the capture of the strategic town over the un from have to has forces forces loyal to libyas you and backed government of National Accord and i was said that they captured a number of anti tanks rockets. A. T. G. Sophisticated advances u. S. Made anti tanks rockets now the military sources with a government of National Accord say that they have assigned a team of experts to check and document these weapons and also to arrange any poor to be submitted to the concern of International Institutions possibly in the United Nations meanwhile officials at the pentagon as department of defense say that they are aware of these reports but meanwhile theyre investigating and demanding Additional Information we know that libya is under arms embargo since 2011 but the u. N. Backed government of National Accord says its the only libyan institution entitled to import weapons in coordination with the Security Council but the United Arab Emirates which is. Accused of supplying have to deal with those anti tanks javelin. T m and he tanks rockets has been providing hefted with weapons drawn and also fighter jets since 2014 this could be. This could possibly be a violation of the saves agreement between the United Arab Emirates and the United States but the question now is whether or not the latest state is going to take an action against the United Arab Emirates given the fact that there are mutual interests between the 2 countries who would argue i had full inside this today. Shipley. We have a panel lets bring them in joining us from tripoli the couche a former Senior Advisor to the negotiating team of the high council of states from london andrew smith spokesman for the campaign against the arms trade and from washington Lawrence Korb former u. S. Assistant secretary of defense welcome to you all. In tripoli there are inbuilt guarantees here why are they not working there are they guarantees in the end user certificate have no in forstmann mechanism and thats probably one of the biggest reasons for their failure i mean their failure is not new their failure was apparent in the many conflicts where u. S. Arms and french arms ended up in the hands of are groups affiliated with al qaida and isis is themselves so this is not new i think historically. These guarantees did not work did not work in the 1936 to 1939 civil war were german arms ended up busy in on both sides to greece anderson is in london specifically about these weapons that have ended up in libya they are they are branded with the u. A. E. Logo on them how did these weapons get from a production line in the United States to libya. I mean point as it was no such thing as arms control once arms enter a war zone in fact was very little control over arms once they leave our shores particularly small arms theres no way of knowing who your weapon will ultimately end up with and to it will ultimately be used against so i think the key point here is that for all the end User Certificates and for the socalled guarantees which can be issued they are actually largely very meaningless and that by putting weapons into war zones by selling weapons to despotic regimes by selling weapons to regimes with very poor stability or very crude human rights records we dont know where her ultimately going to end up we could be feeling human rights abuses and wars for years and years to come Lawrence Korb in washington they were originally sold we understand to the United Arab Emirates where they sold in the knowledge that they would then go on to any other country no not at the time under the Obama Administration in fact its against the u. S. Law for weapons we sell to one country to go to another without the u. S. Permission whats different here unlike whats happening in yemen a lot of times the weapons we supplied to the usa and the saudis which we know were being used were actually captured on the battlefield by hoodies or groups allied to them this time it looks like the usa just gave them right to general have to are in violation not only of u. S. Policy but u. N. Policy. Tripoli there are no we understand we are at the beginnings of multiple investigations thats fine and dandy what are the chances that police have to gives those investigating officials chapter and verse on where he got the weapons who supplied them to him and how much money he gave them to get them. Nothing hes not going to give any corporation would not give any corporation to the International Criminal court he thinks he has enough Political Support from the french and the russians the immoralities saudis and egyptians to get away with this stuff he hasnt handed over or somebody thats wanted by the International Criminal court and i think these weapons are representative of. The u. A. E. Doubling down in its support of after thinking that they can get away with it based on the fact that the us or the Trump Administration needs its cooperation and the saudis and egyptians in implementing the. Deal of the century andrew is it possible to tighten and use legislation. The main thing that has to happen is a far stricter policy regarding who arms are sold to look ultimately we want to live in a world where nobody is selling weapons to anybody and people arent going to war they obviously thats not going to happen in the short term but certainly in the short term what we should be looking at is much tighter regulations and controls over where these weapons are sold what is the character of their being sold to what is the political situation they are being sold to. At the moment so many different arms from so many different providers are going into a region which is already very tense and middle east i dont believe that pouring more weapons into it is going to me any less so and looking at the character of the mit tech killer early despotic regime but so are then so are many of the regimes in region who are being armed and supported there is an incentive for cooperation because. At the moment theres almost certainly going to be said steady stream of black Market Weapons going in as well as weapons which are being seized lawrence in washington would it be fair to say that so many countries a kind of half adopt in the moral high ground on this as an issue because as an issue globally it is getting traction and yet theyre saying one thing and doing something completely different. Well i think what happened here well find out one all is said and done is the fact that President Trump has leaned toward general have to or in fact he had a conversation with them i think thats what the u. A. E. Thought well hes not going to get upset the remedy in the United States is for the congress has just done for the saudis which is to prevent the arms sales now President Trump could declare an emergency and do it anyway but i think over time opposition to these sales particularly to the saudis in the usa is really building in the in the United States and the other thing that is important to keep in mind is what youre selling you really dont have control anymore what you can do is not sell into that country again if they do what the u. A. E. Appears to have done here and should the world really be very very surprised i mean the u. S. Played a significant role in the events surrounding what happened in the skies above and the land surrounding benghazi back in 2017. I dont think that people should be surprised i think i agree then entirely for them lawrence just said of the growing opposition to these arms sales within the us i think we the fact that senate and congress have taken a line against arm sales to say g. B. And support for the sages human for war in yemen is historic and its very important but its also the case that these weapons should never have been sold in the 1st place their safety regime their immorality regime they had appalling characters before the war in yemen they have appalling characters know that theyve always been death parts and dictatorships and they should not be have been receiving weapons in the 1st place specifically with reference. To. Would this have happened with this weaponry thats got to him via the u. A. E. If donald trump hadnt made a phone call last april weve already touched on this but last april there was a phone call where the perception for i have to was donald trump is edging towards indorsing me. Well theyve had they made a big brouhaha about it and in libya the phone call there that ties it all off for all there are Communication Channels as an indication of the u. S. Support for the 5. The m. R. I. It is probably thought thought that if we had hume that they delivered these weapons after the phone call but the images support. Is not new to leave after they have. Built a an airbase and near benghazi they have been delivering arms to after since 2040 so this will continue and i think they might have basically think they can get away with it and they have got to a gotten away with it for a long time not only libya but then yemen and other parts of the world lawrence in washington so many countries so many people who buy these weapons now seemed to just more recently than than the timescale that sila is referring to they seem perfectly comfortable with breaching the guidelines with breaching the restrictions so has any has anything shifted or changed within that calculation that those people are making well known fact its got worse because President Trump has bragged about the arms sales that he sells to countries in the region hes made this a centerpiece of his Foreign Policy and every time the congress oh wait a 2nd those weapons are ending up in the wrong hands hell say no no no im just creating a lot of jobs here in the United States its what we president eisenhower called the military industrial congressional complex the fact of the matter is they still create jobs american arms trade is about half of the whole worlds arms trade and so when you have a president who embraces it these countries feel even if we violate this. Were still going to be able to buy them because the president is so concerned about american jobs and unfortunately most people in this country are not paying attention to whats happening in libya or yemen right now the focus of the whole question of iran will come onto iran in just a 2nd perhaps but andrew picking up on that point from lawrence is it a help or a hindrance when the relatively new as he was when he said this donald trump u. S. President talks about the beautiful weapons that the United States makes and also to pick up on that percentage that lawrence was using 50 percent i think im right in saying lawrence 50 percent of the u. S. Arms sales go to specifically the middle east. I think its not helpful when donald trump takes that tone but donald trump is a particularly appalling front man in the sense but Foreign Policy hes following regarding arms sales doesnt feel distinctly different from bottom as peter says it was under the Obama Administration under clinton the u. S. Government was by far the largest arms dealer anywhere in while and there was no shortage of dictatorships and human rights abusing regimes but it was continuously arming and supporting donald trump might be more obvious and his rhetoric might be more distasteful and his commitment to freedom and human rights might be slightly lesser but they all these president s have forward actually very similar sorts of policies and the end results have seen u. S. Political and military support for human rights abusing lesions and dictatorships across the world for decades and just so happens that donald trump is even more a verdict and open about it but just to be clear. In tripoli these weapons that were talking about the branded you a weapons they are also being described online as being game changes does that make this more important more significant and therefore more of a worry because if these people carry on getting their hands on these weapons it means the conflicts never end that means more people die of course i mean the introduction of such weapons will invite introduction of more weapons by the other side these weapons and the have to our forces who are using poor neath. In armor armor. Rockets and now they have the javelin so this would the would increase the pressure or no or other forces to increase their or their weapons and you know weapons are plenty around the world and there are measures that would be very happy to supply as long as you have money and. Libya is both sides of the money so that this is a very dangerous situation and we dont see any political moves on the part of the u. S. Or the europeans to do anything about it since the immoderate is and the saudis and the egyptians are needed in the larger scheme of things in the middle east anderson is in london is this a double edged sword if you will when it comes to culpability i mean the surtees used cluster munitions theyre banned in syria weve seen chemical weapons being used as well of course they are banned im going to read from an amnesty report from february of this year amnesty saying the following states the recently supplies the emirates is with arms australia belgium brazil boulder area france finland germany south korea turkey the u. K. And of course the United States i could go on the list is longer we dont have time to list all the countries involved so those awkward questions will just be ignored or will somebody deal with it sooner or later. What youre under lane to the list is the need for strong multilateral action because this is the arms industry is a Global Industry its impacts are felt globally and sellers exist all across the world in fact many of the weapons which leave the country late for u. K. Will have components which are made in other countries as well so it is definitely a multilateral global need for multilateral Global Solutions and regulations but that doesnt on the other hand up to cait individual nation states of their responsibility and when we look to the u. S. Has played a particularly strong role in arming the world for decades and decades when we look to russia its been doing the same with a particular increase over recent years when we look at other countries range units are doing much the same but in reality we are of an equally long list published by amnesty was a list which republished in 2015 of countries who had produced weapons which had been seized by isis and it wasnt that isis had bought these weapons directly from france and the u. K. And other european cunt. That was because they had sees them in the battlefield for the large part of the point when we sell these weapons the lifespan of the weapons very often longer than the lifespan of the government and will almost always be longer from the lifespan of the political situation it sold into but tickle context change but weapons can change hands and they can do a great deal of damage Lawrence Korb in washington is there another imperative here were talking clearly about libya but no matter where the proxy conflict is taking place weapons as currency because if youre the guy that sells arms the quid pro quo is you are buying the loyalty busy from the person you are selling those arms to so whether its the us a to the u. A. E. And then from the u. A. E. To libya theres a Chain Reaction of loyalty there well theres no no doubt about it and what happens is that these countries will say to us well if you wont sell it to us will buy in from the russians or the chinese just recently we found out the saudis are getting you know Ballistic Missile technology from the chinese and the other point that we need to make is with those very sophisticated american weapons end up in the wrong hands countries like the russians will be able to negate our strength in europe or in china in the pacific so not only is it a human catastrophe but it basically is a National Security catastrophe we know that a lot of the weapons that ended up in the hands of the hodes that technology went back to iran and so that that basically is a point that has to be made because right now unfortunately people are focusing only on the economic dimension and as my colleague said its got to be a multilateral because if the country says well if you wont buy in will buy him from phil in country x. Then in fact you know you cant go ahead with this and you can stop this problem weve been just. Talking about salary is there another issue of culpability here or accountability the purchasing countries the middleman countries in this case allegedly the u. A. E. They never go to the original manufacturer slash supplier with literally a blank sheet of paper and they dont list off the countries they are going to bomb in they are going to kill in let alone getting to the stage of having a blank sheet of paper from after who is going to give you a mission brief a statement of intent how hes going to use these Game Changing weapons. Well you know the problems with the end User Certificates are well known for decades but just to give you. A view of what the situation is look i live i have to attack tripoli 10 days before a. National conference sponsored by the United Nations its a gender was approved in abu dhabi 20 days before that the secretary general was in tout and highly for have at dak the europeans on their own the europeans and the americans and the russians and the chinese could not even tell half the world thats that wasnt nice so let alone taken a stand or making a decision about as fair of weapons so i think the problem is very big and i afraid that there is nothing that can be done about it right now. Its not clearly a one size fits all andrew when it comes to the kind of embargoes that are deployed against specific countries would it be better or would it be faster to stop this happening if the embargoes turned into an embargo and it was standardized i mean the embargo of which egypt at the moment is the subject it is the subject of an embargo is weaker than other embargoed that are being applied around the middle east but then of the back about ones also got to say well the people are just ignoring or breaking the embargo who cares whether its weak or strong to start with. The strength of him fired was often depends on of our geopolitical considerations and because a lot of the large arms suppliers consider egypt to be an ally despite the utterly appalling human rights record of the regime there then its not a surprise that its a significantly weaker embargo but actually this comes to point of influence which was raised a couple of questions ago because actually been flints works both ways its not so much that if were sitting around the table selling weapons to just particular we can try to influence and very often these regimes know that theyre not just buying weapons but also buying Political Support and crucially but also buying silence and i expect thats a big consideration for a savior for example at the moment who are understandably under a lot of International Criticism because of the merger of Jamal Khashoggi and because of the terrible war v of which from yemen and so by buying weapons but also buying allies but also buying support and i think that played a crucial role in shaping the ever changing message from the trumpet ministration about for merger of the ever changing message of countries like the u. K. Have the need for a peaceful solution in yemen lawrence if there is to be a change in this legislation if the embargoes are to be tightened if the final use declarations are to be enforced properly will that dynamic come not from the president and the prime ministers in the manufacturing countries not in the selling countries but from the voters because people will people will voice an opinion on this perhaps at the ballot box. Well you hope so basically maybe with a change of administrations i know that the Obama Administration while they did sell things to them they were very careful about making sure they didnt up in the wrong busy hands but thats got to be in other words it has to be i think the leading arms banier factors who have to recognize that the short term gains that you might get from selling these things are far outweighed by the long term problems that its causing as i mentioned both strategically as well as morally and i think thats what the United States has to get back its moral position in the world where it stands up for a lot of these things unfortunately right now were letting off control agreements expire were getting out of the j. C. P. O. Way with with iran we getting out on august 2nd the intermediate Nuclear Forces agreement so were just not doing what some previous administrations have done and its got to the i my view of the United States has got to take the lead because were the worlds leading arms exporter of arms around the world gentlemen we have to leave it there thanks to all our guests they were andrew smith and Lawrence Korb and thank you too for watching you can see the program again anytime on the web site dot com and for more discussion goes my Facebook Page facebook dot com forward slash a. J. Inside story you can also tweet us with a. J. Inside story im at peace a dopey one for me peter dont be on the entire team here in doha thanks for watching well see you very soon. Its my privilege to name aljazeera english the broadcaster of the year in the country as a fighting each other that weve been told that week on the field yes he says the largest demonstration thats been held by with direct view g. s since over 700000 pages on why were seeing the some of the nicest rules of the fund to be appalling to think of a complete bust that is. 0 into the show proud recipient of the new crystals gold coast of the year award for the city of london. This is a dialogue im reading about it for lessons on International Media and on t. V. Why should we stop it with skepticism because theres a lot of it on my and everyone has a voice we are being taken advantage of just because you know small community. Health join the global conversation on out to 0 all they want to do is try to depict the same kind of history. Hello and welcome to this aljazeera news hour live from doha. Coming up in the next 60 minutes. At least one demonstrators killed in more than a dozen are injured as. The call to protest against the military rule. Of the force a. Lot of. Trouble walks into history is the 1st serving u. S. President to cross into north korea also. Im going to see a new one in front of the chilean consulate in packing up a rule just near the border with chile in the at the comma desert and this is becoming the latest flashpoint in the venezuelan migrant crisis. On our intel or nandan with the top stories from europe including political turmoil in albania as polls close in a vote which has split the country. And sport we have the latest from the cricket world cup plus red bulls knocks are shopping wins the austrian grand prix to end mercedes unbeaten streak this season. That thousands of demonstrators are back on the streets in sudan demanding the military hand over power to civilians reports are coming in that Security Forces are firing live ammunition in the city of bari thats north of the capital khartoum well the organizers of the socalled 1000000 strong march have urged demonstrators to walk to the president ial palace in the capital and we understand at least one person is being killed and dozens more have been injured the latest rallies to coincide with the deadline given by the African Union to the military council for them to hand over power to the civilians well the military Council Claims there are unknown snipers and him for traces shooting at protesters i love working with him or even listed. The military is here to protect protesters but we cant do anything when it comes to food 3 times 5 or 6 people have been hit and we need to go there to sort out the problem you have to know that there are infiltrators people who want to change the Current Situation but god willing if we reach an agreement and if you understand the situation we will get rid of the snipers who are killing the people right now. Are we can go live now to have a movement our correspondent whos joining us via skype from juba in south sudan and the organizer calling this the 1000000 person march it looks as though theyve got huge numbers out not just singleton but across the country. In the morning tina were going to have calls for a nationwide strike that not just in the capital and that is indeed was because of reports. That have happened in the southern part of the completely since november and. So people are saying that theyve gone from 4 as they say men in the military council to handle our own 5 with as you said if you get one for the sudanese military turns out to have little participating will it fall back to the thirtys and the opera formerly party people are saying that because members of the Transitional Council that ritchie were part of back a ruling party that has not gone away and they want to make sure that it is gone so theyre demanding a civilian government they want to uproot the former regime and they want to come to a bit of each for the lives lost in the process tell us about the violence because we understand at least one person has been killed were hearing perhaps as many as 20 if not more have been injured then were hearing that hematology the deputy head of the minute the Transitional Council is blaming this on snipers and then infiltrators. Yes so i have been to the bank that people are saying that. The your Security Forces are using tear gas globalization there are pages circulating of social media despite an internet clampdown on the military jet down has shut down Internet Services after the june 3rd attack on the under 6 new front of the un headquarters there saying that the internet was just trying to National Security so people have been still going out and theyve been reporting the use of live ammunition tear gas at least a dozen injured according to activists whove been speaking to so its not as unless its the violence is something that they say it looks expecting its not clear how many people are injured so far and how many people if they dont want to upset the one that has been confirmed already in the luck eastern state of florida now specifically other regions so people are saying that despite all of this despite the interior guys despite the lack of munitions they still will continue in the footsteps of the sudanese questions association has called for people to congregate in defense squares to continue the protest and they say they will be addressing theres also has to tell them the way forward going along all right thank you very much to morgan that giving us the very latest from neighboring south of than well meanwhile the has been really important have met in this revolution in sudan and in britain hundreds if not thousands of supporters of the opposition into that have turned out so is there. Now theyve come from all over not just those whove been living here for years but also some more recent newcomers it had to flee the situation due to the escalating violence and dangers in speaking to students whove come over here because of not of course been able to attend their places of learning and really theyre underlining how important it is that this wish for a civilian government to take place here this is been also underlined by the troika consisting of the u. K. The United States and no way who on saturday put out a statement giving support to the meeting saying that the sudanese people do have a right to essential freedoms. Are now we can speak to rubin briganti who is in mclean virginia on skype and hes a former u. S. Ambassador to the African Union now is a dean at George Washington university thank you very much indeed for talking to us and how would you assess the situation at the moment on the one hand weve got to the Transitional Military Authority agreeing to a plan put forth by the need to start negotiations but theres violence again on the streets and at least one protester dead. So i think there are 3 things to take away from the latest turn of events the 1st is that the transitional or military council has clearly decided that it will take whatever means are necessary in order to both hold onto power and also to prove that its simply a transition to power that that would exclude it but the 2nd thing to take away is that there are regions there and that indeed that constitutes major governmental body the African Union has also fundamentally condemned the way in which the t. N. C. Has conducted itself in particular with regard to the assault on or testers and therefore is demanding a civilian transition there and it is part of these negotiations that is proposed that that is that that suggests that in the 3rd thing as he said is that this is only population its at the end has proven itself to be incredibly brave and courageous it was one thing for these protests to come out in the weeks leading up to june 3rd and then the brutal crackdown that left a couple of dozen people dead on june 3rd and then despite that having seen what this really is capable of its own people decide to can decide to go out today and expands it sounds announced at last the country has to come time and streets not going out in an incredible grave like many of these actresses citizens but also quite frankly that theyve had enough with the status quo in sudan right and they dont rightly for themselves so i want to and so youre often quite. Pleased with the response from the African Union theyve done the right thing according to you what about your own government the u. S. Government the u. S. Government didnt send a senior figure to call to him until after the the massacre as many are calling it happened on june the 3rd and called to. Well thats not exactly accurate they did send quite seasoned diplomat and brass mckeel a james to khartoum in late may i believe prior to the june 3rd attacks to demonstrate and to send a message that the United States desperately or it was strongly believed in a discussion and dialogue at a civilian transition the problem is that the government in khartoum make more of those pleas on jews in their response as demonstrated on june 3rd so the appropriate question there is a fair one is what the United States and quite frankly other governments of the continent will do to help back the African Union and to insist on a peaceful transition in the context of the un Security Council we know that both russia and china have essentially blocked any discussion of sudan any serious discussion of sudan in the context of the Security Council and the us the real question that we dont know is whether or not the United States is working behind the scenes with other countries not only in the region and beyond to ensure that there will be a civilian transition in peaceful way in sudan at the same time very much as they you have no confidence whatsoever in the words that are emanating from the minute you counsel that they will at some point hold elections and that they indeed will yield as a civilian led government and tell me what do you think then about the fact that the minute you council seems to be supported rather handsomely by the big guns in the region youve got deep pockets and pools im talking about egypt and u. A. E. And saudi arabia. You know thats exactly the point and i suspect its in their own interests in sudan the countries you mention are also ready very much concerned that the popular success of a Popular Uprising in sudan could also lend support to other that this is franchise elements in their own societies and that is precisely why it is so important for un troops like the United States to work their diplomatic weight not only behind the African Union you know this article and also the cartoon but also in further afield to let these countries like saudi arabia like the emirates like egypt know that they need to not stand in the way or the part their process is their own holding on to sudan right now ambassador ruben brigantine thank you very much indeed for talking to us here at out is there my father. Donald trump has method to restarting Nuclear Talks with north korea after an historic meeting with kim jong un President Trump met kim at the Demilitarized Zone on the border between north and south korea where he became the 1st u. S. President to set foot in the north whilst in office is that diplomatic editor james bass reporting from pod gene thats close to the Demilitarized Zone in south korea. This went just the way President Donald Trump wanted pictures that will make history and potentially reinvigorate peace efforts waiting for him the other side of the line separating north korea and south korea kim jong on a handshake on the 3rd meeting and then. Became the 1st ever sitting u. S. President to step on to north korean soil. The 2 then walked back into the south underdressed repentance stepping across that line was a great honor a lot of progress has been a lot of friendships have been made and then in particular a great friendship so i just want to thank you very quick to notice it

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