I if i mean ok im going to spain today who will be the Democratic Party champion in the 2020 us president ial election imo we could be allowed to explore some of the issues and feuds that emerged within the party ahead of the democratic debates in Miami Florida what issues do you want the candidates to address tweet us at e. J. Stream or leave a comment in the you tube chat will do our best to get them into the conversation but 1st havent i said to this comment from political historian i dont know many who has successfully put it to the outcome of every us president ial election since 1800 phone right now joe biden is leading in the polls by a reasonably substantial margin among democrats but thats simply reflects name recognition the best chance the democrats have to beat donald trump is to nominate an exciting inspirational charismatic nominee like the republicans did with Ronald Reagan in 1980 with his great one line is what the democrats did in 2008 with Barack Obamas inspirational rhetoric that is the task for the 20 or so democrats at the upcoming debate whos going to have the great lines whos going to have the kinds of kind of rhetoric to inspire the democratic faithful it remains to be seen never prejudge. I love that comment from allen it remains to be seen i have no idea yet 25. 00 democrats are currently vying though to challenge and ultimately upset President Donald Trump next november on wednesday 10 of those candidates will present their case for becoming the Democratic Partys president ial nominee with another tank getting the opportunity to do so on thursday with so many hopefuls competing for the top spot the skirmishes have already begun especially among the more well known contenders in the last week alone senator cory booker has called out former Vice President john joe bidens record on civil rights while Senators Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders are competing for the attention of more progressive minded democrats so how will the sinai mix play out on the debate stage returning to the stream to help us answer that question and survey the landscape Republican Party strategist and the founder of the womens Public Leadership Network brad jenkins is a Democratic Party strategist and host of the fired up at a miami and correspondent for aljazeera english however you really get to see lets just see if you can pass this test we have a radio app panels 24 candidates so follow whos missing whos missing from back here. And the news that are going into the race. I had no idea there was so many the question is we have 25 people. As wanting to run for president what is the point. And why so many why would you even bother i think look in their defense when donald trump announced his candidacy for president everyone laughed at them and i think in many ways donald trump didnt think he was going to be president so i think that just this just shows in many ways i think it shows the lack unfortunately the lack of leadership in the Democratic Party when you had a transformational candidate like barack obama preside over a presidency for 8 years and kind of fold back. Into a post presidency life theres a lot to fill that void and we havent quite filled that void so i think its look theres way too many i think samantha bee did a great job of laying out all of the people that should be running for senate not for president that stuff would be well known American Well known american comedians are for the National Book so many canadians but but i think that at the end of the day not all of these candidates are going to continue on to these next to be this is the 1st large skirmish these 1st 2 and then that field will continue to whittle down thing you said there is so revealing and i think all these candidates reveal one thing and its that the Democratic Party is fractured sadly we were talking offline and we talk about how republicans unify they coalesce they get in line and thats what they did around donald trump and so there were many people who live to Establishment Republicans who now have such loyalty to this president they laugh when it came down that go nothing later so its no surprise of course the other side would think that this is anyones game and that anyone has a shot i mean the most recent entry is joe sestak a former congressman and he was missing on. Boat has actually been one of most really. Things for me ive been talking to a lot of people who want to vote democrat over the in the 2020 a lecture and a couple of them said to me there were just too many some of these people need to get out the way start by saying stop trying to raise their profile lets get this down to a sensible number and lets get on with it i think everyone on the panel nailed it so far you know the Democratic Partys going through an ideological crisis between the people in the Progressive Left and the more moderate people but i think ultimately they just want to get this down from 20 something to just a few but allen at the start really didnt you know if you look at someone like Julian Castro he has only ingredients to be an obama type candidate young panic hes just dropped off the radar the last couple of years so i think for those less and then candidates its all going to be about getting the men and if somebody works out over the 1st 2 debates each candidate will get about 7 minutes cycle in that 7 minutes they really need to come up with those one liners to make themselves stand out from the more well known candidates its a big challenge not just for them but i think also the democrats waiting to build the process its commissions i know thats what were seeing in the Community Many come serina here on twitter says i think if we can avoid the mistakes of 2016 namely the extreme mudslinging and viciousness we should come out of the primaries with a solid candidate that stands a real chance of winning the white house theyve hashtags come alive here as they are 2020 so you know where serena stands but brad this is just viciousness and mudslinging are we already seeing that i dont think so i mean what i think the big difference between the real drag out fight between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders that Bernie Sanders is not a democrat right he really ran against the Democratic Party he ran against the Democratic National committee and so its very hard to unify the party when you have a candidate who is in many ways was trying to burn it down i mean he would say you try to reform it. But he was really railing against the system itself i think this feels very different there are still Bernie Sanders who still very much a viable candidate but every single one of these other candidates including Elizabeth Warren these are democrats right so i do think that even in the skirmishes that weve seen with center booker and senator biden theres a feeling of were trying to your point. Were trying to come together we we realize that the number one priority for democratic primary voters is to not have donald trump be reelected that is the number one but i do disagree speckly disagree with that i think bernie took the party more to the left and what you see today is a party thats sort of been remade in bernies image they talk about these policies that are really more left of what we ever heard before bernie and thats what republicans seem entry point everything im hearing now from republicans that i work with i have a couple clients who are in the southern part of the United States and they love to rail against socialism and theyre railing against all of these candidates you see here because they think all these folks want to take us towards socialism and so that is going to be the game plan for republicans as these folks try to show that they want the oval next year if its going to be socialism kills we dont want that vote for trump again i honestly think at this point when people are looking to this election it may come down more to personalities than policy because the voters ive been talking to a lot we just want somebody that can take this guy on and that takes character that takes a good one line is at stake having the skin in no one democratic voters said to me the other day i just want these people to say what they think right from there because that did nothing other than good for dont they dont want to hear prepackaged one line is all things about policy they want to hear what these characters have to say about immigration about Climate Change about Justice Reform all sorts of things but they dont want to be spoken out they want to be spoken to because they saw what trump did not. But a lot of trouble whether you like this president or you dont he connects with his audience thats what hes going to meet i agree with and i disagree on the bernese taking over the party because i think you are seeing one the leading candidate is joe biden whos a very moderate democrat youre also seeing candidates like mayor who by all estimation is not a huge lefty this is someone who is a mayor hes from the middle of the country he runs as a moderate and youre seeing him brezhnev in a compelling life so i actually i do agree i do agree here that its going to be a little bit different when it comes to whos the most woke and whos the candidate who can really take donald trump on because those 2 things are very different in a lot of people thats how it all pete had this mayor pete had this past week i think revealed everything and he clearly had some tension with the crowd so lets stay that way lets set this up really nicely because if you watching internationally youre not going to be following this so we have matt pate is that show hes playing cards and im really you tell us about mike 8 ok ok well mayor pete is young hes gay and he yeah a mayor of this city in indiana and the town hall he put on last week was tense because there were you know hes clearly caucasian and there were africanamericans there talking about homelessness and sort of bringing up a failure of his in how hes led as a mayor and he didnt seem to connect with the crowd he didnt have that like the evident in the good that might and is that even more serious in the way that youre setting out because were also talking about racism within the Police Department and hes the most so people were bringing up that issue to him have a listen to somebody in a town hall talking to pete. After story is disrespectful then i wake up every day scared disrespectful. To. The streets. Any raise this is that the camp death put them at the death make them do paperwork but the people that care about the fact that you different than me honey i love to hear make them the ones out there on the streets thank you maam thank you i will say that if anyone who is on patrol is shown to be a racist or to do something racist. In a way that is substantially aided. That is their last day on the street. So what im wondering is this that helped elevate a candidate the fact that theres a moment then everybody is paying attention to how he deals with yeah i mean i do want to credit the mayor one he suspended his campaign after the tragedy in the shooting theres a Police Shooting in south bend and he suspend his campaign went back his number one job is to be mayor to his constituents and i think that has been very easy for him to hide very easy for him to go to iowa and to be prepping for the miami debates but he went back home and so i think that that shows his resolve and his seriousness look that is not a situation that any Public Servant wants to be in where there arent easy answers thats the thing about Public Service thats the thing about being a legislator things get messy and things get hard i see this as an opportunity i mean i agree it was not the greatest. I think it was the not the greatest performative opportunity but i do think that there is an opportunity for mayor p. As he said that now that theres a spotlight on this for him to have Real Solutions not just for south bend or for the country this is a situation that affects every community and so well see i mean the spotlight will be home pete in these debates and he will and i imagine the 1st question he will get be about this so be very interesting to see if he has this resolve and they got slammed by the Indiana Police unions out in response to that town hall meeting but these are the kind of complex challenges all these candidates are going to have to face are going to have to juggle with Police Forces who want support from officials but the public and this situation is being going on for decades errol no you know thats going to be a difficult thing for him to face but i think the more difficult thing for him to face is is america ready for an openly gay candidate thats a serious question its not flip in any way. These are very important debates coming up but i think thats a question for the American Public certainly lots of democratic voters ive ive talked to say i really like him i really like this guy from indiana but im not sure the country is ready for someone. Who is homosexuals so i think thats something that will that it certainly will face but then when you think about the ages of Bernie Sanders and joe biden of course is in the lead in the polls right now those both those candidates are in their late seventys so you know its difficult but then in the last few days youve got both warren and bernie touting this idea to clear off all student debt really kind of you know to healing to those millennial who weighed down by all the students but again thats an easy target for the republicans to say ok so you want the bus drivers of today to pay for the lawyers of tomorrow that could really backfire on both those candidates so its very complex its very early as we all know there the democratic candidate told nick summers we have a long long way to go and im far from making any predictions at this point because we all know what happened in 26. 00 days so andy making it even more complex is perhaps a generational divide now brad you alluded to this earlier so i want to bring our International Audience in on what were talking about this from fortune this headline Joe Biden Cory Booker should apologize not me this is the former Vice President was speaking about a senator cory booker from new jersey sum up what happened for us reno and what you want to add some of why joe biden is saying that this young senator should apologize to him what was it that you dont joe biden ended up saying i dont have a racist bone in my body right and i think that thats all you really need to know here is that there were accusations lobbed at one another about the past and i think joe biden feels that cory booker should sort of get in line in the respect somebody whos been Vice President United States essentially without getting too deep i think this little you know skirmish reveals that maybe some of these candidates are not. Happy letting joe biden be the front runner and i think that really gets to the very root of the problem here is that democrats are going to continue fighting this infighting will not let somebody come out and be ready to be that clear front runner who has the ability to. Really create a campaign that is aspirational and one that can really use the media to withstand edge the way that trump did thats why i see how we need to take this back to i would say that americas achilles heel which is race so joe biden was saying i can bring the country together he actually talked about segregationist senators and talk about an era of civility and said that i was never called boy and if you know what that means the way to that then said you need to apologize and im not going to apologize and so if i miss it i just want to jump in here because i brought that up because our community has so much to say about it so before i pivot this around i want to share what some of those thoughts sound like this is jim who im going to read 3 tweets remember because i dont want to misquote him he says i worry i will dig a hole for myself here but here goes bidens comments on being able to get things done with eastland who has to start segregationist he never called me boy he always called me son thats what biden said i found that shocking clearly that was because eastland was a racist and biden is white bidens ability to reach across the aisle had nothing to do with not being called boy why was this not clear and bidens mine its a mystery to me i dont believe that biden is anything close to a racist himself he has a strong track record in favor of civil rights but his remark was ill considered and betrayed a thoughtless ignorance of those terms so i can hear you trying to get in there can you see where this is something thats ripe for people to kind of jump on and say youre out of touch are muchly not sure because one of the things the Democratic Party has to do with this Political Correctness i think a march majority approach is of simply not enough of being told this or. So that it cant use this kind of language and while joe bidens language may have been in correct and perhaps he was right that he was called out i think theres a sense among the voting public that enough were told is Political Correctness lets just get on with talking about policies lets talk about how we dont trump a not start accusing each other of various Different Things of course joe biden has a long record and the big thing for these these debates is whether the other candidates perhaps the ones with less to lose attack by because you know way ahead in the polls but thats a double edged sword if they decide to attack the former Vice President that could be seen as negative the voters may not react very well but at the same time some of them have nothing to lose they want to bring this guy down but hes very popular yet look i say this with all deference and respect for Vice President biden slicer work in the Obama White House used to work the Vice President i think that in my opinion Something Like this makes biden a better candidate in the long run because i think that while i do agree the Political Correctness run amuck this was just off on a number of different ways i think one this is these remarks were at a big hot wall street fundraiser to say mr how much of rich people and hes really trying to. Pine for the days of missteps. Where republicans and democrats can come together and Work Together and when reality we were dealing with obstructionists and republicans when joe biden was in office 2 years ago we couldnt get married darling confirmed to be the Supreme Court justice 2 years ago so its a little bit of an alternate reality here where were pining for the days of working with segregationists when at the same time we have to confront the reality that we need to we need to not look to the past but look to the future and i do agree that you know with the what was the gentleman name who said we need someone whos inspirational i dont know that i havent. When he yes he said every single president ial hes right president since 94 i think hes 100 percent correct one because. Pining for the days of working with segregationist is not going to fire anyone under the age of 45 years old and so i believe that you know senator booker with respects corrected senator biden and i think hopefully we wont make these types of our mistakes in the future and i think hopefully biden will do a little bit of what mayor pete and Center Warren is doing which is they are evoking emotion and they are clearly delineating the vision that theyre trying to create not hearkening back to the past where all of this may not matter if the economy keeps doing as well as it is a little bit sharper thats an undeniable obstacle of democrats may have to overcome you know if in 18 months time unemployment numbers are down the market is sky high if president bush is thought to have any kind of deal with china you could see the market going up 2000 points in one day that may be the biggest obstacle because you know it was bill clinton famously said its about the economy stupid and it essentially always says its about what people have been purses and wallets about how they feel about the economy about this spending power and right now if that could be the biggest democrat challenge in my mind ok so i hear you on economy and im going to raise you on Foreign Policy because thats what the a few members of our International Audience of course thats whats on their minds i want to play a video comment from mike brand a conflict prevention specialist and heres what he told the stream. In the 2020 vision is what issues Foreign Policy we seem to row to the current president and we need a president whos going to do or say her vision for his Foreign Policy and those who addressed the root causes and drivers of confluence of environments its never going to change and many other factors we need intervention those Foreign Policy the interest views issues so we can be sure that were not consistently trying to put out the fires. Prevention focused Foreign Policy thats what he wants rena ill give this one to you because right now as we speak are in the midst of very heated rhetoric around iran so were clearly not in a prevention focus Foreign Policy or would you make of his comment. A pipe dream yeah thats not going to happen i dont think in our lifetime right now you have neo cons in the white house people like john bolton and mike pompei oh sure that doesnt happen i mean these people want war lets not make any mistake about it and these are the people who are advising the current president and state say he gets another 4 years i still dont think it changes anything. We will in addition to the economy i think voters especially female voters when we go to the polls we think about security how safe do we feel and i think right now. When i talk to republicans in all parts of country in the west in the mid atlantic in the south they feel that trump is keeping them safe these are republicans who are both male and female and people who didnt support trump and who now do and those who are lukewarm about him now despite having voted for him and i think it all boils down to this is that we havent had a large scale terror of it and that is kind of the thing thats helping trump if you ask me the most along with the economy so those 2 things in tandem present a really unique challenge to these people behind us because how do you make the case for the oval office when things are seemingly fine to the vast majority of americans we are generally a very uninformed citizenry were a lazy citizenry and its true i mean its like we dont know what we have until its taken from us and thats where my movement were when i was part of the Never Trump Movement sees the biggest challenge with why were so small i guess we have about a minute left in this show i am really curious is the beginning of these democratic president ial debates start how are they going to do once you start seeing them talking to each other to basically each other brad youve got 30 seconds. Look im a nerd so i cant wait this is like the super bowl for me. I mean i have all kinds of beer guacamole and its going to be great people know im to look for a breakout stars and that 1st night theres a lot of people that will be introduced to the American Public i dont get a lot of it was that here mr jenkins your time in the galley can you have 30 seconds pressing well i dont even need 30 seconds im just trying to work out how to say that. Because gosh im going to get it ive seen old salts of different pronunciations but i think these these debates are very important as as a previous panelist said it gets the American Public the 1st chance to meet these people because somebody said to me just the other day in the street yes well this point its the media that has decided who they like and i. Get to have you oh john from arizona says i think if the dems put up a strong candidate like bernie they have a good chance of winning otherwise they deserve to lose and they will and the people will suffer as a result thanks for that oh down and arizona can i say its going to be a year before we know whos going to be the president ial candidate for the democrats in july if they hear you saying thanks for watching everybody. After years of overgrazing the damage caused to the precious grasslands of chile is being revised with one of the worlds biggest have a constitution project. Theyre pretty emblematic of the patagonians that if theyre plentiful and theyre calm like this one is then you know that the system is coming back and that they feel no threats towards and thats why youre on for 3 wilding patagonia on aljazeera its my privilege to name aljazeera english the broadcaster of the year the country has a fighting each other and weve been told that we constantly hear this is the largest demonstration thats been held by into refugees since over 700000 live here being the some of the nurses who sits on the front who fear or they think of it could be pushed it to. 08. From recipients of the new crystals courthouse to. The city of. Across china millions of cameras are watching citizens every move in school or their behavior one i want to use to investigates chinas violent crackdown on how does the. Jews erode. Where every. Hello im Barbara Starr in london these are the top stories on aljazeera its been 2 and a half years in the making and its being billed as the opportunity of the sentry for palestinians the u. S. President s son in law jared kush there is in bahrain where hes presented the economic portion of americas plan for peace between the palestinians and the israelis the long awaited proposal has already been sharply criticized by palestinians and arabs across the region for not including a political solution push there says this will be unveiled later so so that the plan that it expects donor nations and investors to contribute 50 bill

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